View Full Version : [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

December 3rd, 2009, 04:19 PM
No model renders because, well, let's just say that would be rather... depressing but I have a number of stories and poems. Not to mention a fairly comprehensive sketchbook. (roughly about 2 hours every day has been spent in it weekly) So I'll get a couple of those up eventually.



-Yes, I did do that (over 80%of it). Yes I did collaborate with people on it, but you can't see what it was REALLY like unless you viewed the animation... which was amazing.


Boy howdy, I used to have fun with the (burn?) tool.


Now, those are just my random images. What you guys have to read are some of my stories. My favorites in there being Helt and 'Is it Life?' even though I haven't touched those in ages.... my story writing now, I believe would be a lot stronger but hey you decide. ;)

helt (http://dwood15.deviantart.com/art/Helt-77571038)
is it life (http://dwood15.deviantart.com/art/Is-it-life-79400973)

Look through my gallery some time and tell me what things you like.

December 3rd, 2009, 04:30 PM
Sketches to come later when I feel like it. ;)

December 6th, 2009, 09:11 PM
A bunch of concept images for a map that was based off of a primarily aerial gameplay. There's even a design somewhere for chutes that launch the player across the valley.

Also, this map would be designed primarily for roleplay, halo cinema, and/or possibly people who just like flying cool planes in Halo.






December 6th, 2009, 09:18 PM
pixel thing was cool

December 6th, 2009, 09:24 PM
pixel thing was cool

thanks. Took like 3 days straight to make that lol.

December 7th, 2009, 05:30 PM
Might as well add my christmas emote.


December 7th, 2009, 08:04 PM
im not entirely sure what im seeing here

December 7th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Massive pixels.

Though you should read the works on his dA. They may have some lulzy grammatical errors and be a bit hard to follow, but they still had me gripped. Not many stories can do that for me, so good job Dwood.

December 7th, 2009, 11:38 PM
Dwood, go to http://z10.invisionfree.com/TriBlox/index.php?showtopic=2326
Talk to killpill, and see if you can be a spriter on Halo OWAW

they are in desperate need ya dig?

December 8th, 2009, 05:56 AM
Massive pixels.

Though you should read the works on his dA. They may have some lulzy grammatical errors and be a bit hard to follow, but they still had me gripped. Not many stories can do that for me, so good job Dwood.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

@ Heathen... uhhhh yeahh... lol. I'll take a look at that after school today... I'm not near that good but I guess if they're THAT desperate...

December 8th, 2009, 07:17 AM

they are THAT desperate.

December 8th, 2009, 12:34 PM
Holy crap I didn't know they needed stuff that badly... (after reading their little forams announcement)

December 11th, 2009, 06:25 PM










I was bored.

December 11th, 2009, 06:54 PM
you need to give the hats a outline

December 13th, 2009, 02:52 PM
you need to give the hats a outline

Yeah I'll do that when i'm bored this week some time.

Today I spent some time with e3po tutorial on getting stuff into TF2.

Oh, and I stumbled across some things which I guarantee you'll find pretty... interesting imho. Pending date some time next week.

December 15th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Hey, doc, I have a portal


to hell.

I would like to have a critique on this piece + ways and methods to increase my skill tbh. (orange b/c I was drawing it in F.Lux and It looked better that way than the way without the orange tint)

December 15th, 2009, 07:35 PM
It's a stylised cartoon, it's hard to crit. It looks like a rough sketch to me. What I can't figure out is why your shadow for the portal is where the light should be cast...unless that is your representation of light.

Basically, the lighting is all off, assuming that the portal is as intense as it looks like it should be.

December 19th, 2009, 06:48 PM

I think i'm going to do something with this. I don't like the framerate, it's pretty fast but for now it'll do.

e: thx warsaw.

I'm going to work on my coloring and sketching in cs4 more after christmas (will be out of town)

January 5th, 2010, 05:54 PM
Looking for a top-down view of a black-hawk. PLEASE post one if you can, I would really appreciate it.

January 12th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Check out my updated avatar.

January 12th, 2010, 08:43 PM
Closest I could find so far.

might help too

Not many directly overhead pics.

I cant find any :|

January 13th, 2010, 09:55 AM

they are THAT desperate.
ironic game name :ironicat:

Looking for a top-down view of a black-hawk. PLEASE post one if you can, I would really appreciate it.

January 13th, 2010, 03:22 PM
you really don't get an appreciation for the compound surfaces until you've crawled all over/inside of one

and put on the sweet helmet too

January 13th, 2010, 04:28 PM
you really don't get an appreciation for the compound surfaces until you've crawled all over/inside of one

and put on the sweet helmet too

I know. I want to go visit one without being in the military some time. :haw:

Thanks for the pics heathen and Con. The stupid mac isn't letting me save my files to my external hdd so i'll have to fix that.

January 14th, 2010, 09:52 AM
fuck the black hawk, one of the more aggravating things to model :maddowns:

January 14th, 2010, 02:57 PM
fuck the black hawk, one of the more aggravating things to model :maddowns:

I'm not going to model it. :P I had something else in mind. I can't find any proper top-down views to do what I was planning, though...

E: Con's link may work out

January 14th, 2010, 10:27 PM
Did anyone else notice that there's only 2.8 inches of clearance between the two rotors?

January 14th, 2010, 11:04 PM
yeah from side dimensions. but it'd be more than that because of rotor flex and the fact that the tail rotor is offset.

March 8th, 2010, 11:07 PM
Thanks for those refs guys. Sorry I don't have anything to show for that however I am working on stuff, and will show it off one day when/if it's ever ready. In the meantime, take a read through my 2000x3000 Open Sauce intro guide.

http://lookpic.com/t/184/9DKzT1Bv.jpeg (http://lookpic.com/i/184/9DKzT1Bv.jpeg)

Choking Victim
March 9th, 2010, 08:38 AM
"Open Sauce is very daunting when you go into it, and this guide will only provide an extremely MINOR guide in getting you started using it. A previous knowledge in C++ or another language is almost required."

Almost required?

If you can't program, you can't develop in OS. I'd say programming experience is definitely required. Other than that it's nice to see someone trying to get more people into it, I don't think anyone realizes the potential of the sdk and how much it brings to the table. They'll learn in due time ;p.

EDIT: get rid of the kindergarten "let's color crayon all over the text we want people to read" nonsense, it's an eyesore.

red text + red crayon = not readable

March 9th, 2010, 10:04 AM
Ill edit the words a bit and look for some better color scheme but i forgot to save the psd right as i was finishing so itll be later that i repost the updated version. I like the colors because it keeps the bkgd from being too white and dull, a better scheme for color would be nice i do agree, though.

March 9th, 2010, 10:15 AM
black background; greenish text

old school console fonts, hooray!

Choking Victim
March 9th, 2010, 10:15 AM

+rep for effort, glad someone finally made a tut for new users.

March 9th, 2010, 11:32 AM
Thanks CV, rep is always appreciated, and yeah im trying to make os more appealing to mappers, we could get some sick mods with it.
black background; greenish text

old school console fonts, hooray!
heh, ill do two new schemes and let people pick.
Another thing, please let me know of anything i missed or did not cover enough! I may or may not go further with this and make a whole map explaining the steps etc.

March 9th, 2010, 01:06 PM
http://lookpic.com/t/263/aN3FGt2W.jpeg (http://lookpic.com/i/263/aN3FGt2W.jpeg)

March 9th, 2010, 04:26 PM
Its definitely a start, although I personally hate having to scroll sideways in things. This should totally be a PDF and also the wording is pretty poor in places which may confuse a few people.

March 9th, 2010, 04:40 PM
Point out areas that have bad wording etc so i can fix it.

March 9th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Sorry to rain on your parade, but this isn't very good, at all. You should aim for something more professional if you are wanting people to take this seriously. Having colored text backgrounds is not, by any means, professional. It makes it look like a very inexperienced person did it, and is just trying to cover up lack of knowledge by using 'pretty colors'. The first thing that needs to be done is, get rid of this image and colored background nonsense. Create a Word document or PDF file.

Please note that the second a non-os client opens an os-scripted map, the millisecond that that that that those scripts access that global, why will crash"
Another thing, you need to improve your grammar. If I was someone new to OS, I would not take this seriously with how 'childish' it sounds. The quote above is a perfect example, why do you have four 'that's when it is not only completely unnecessary, but it also makes no sense whatsoever.

A couple more examples of stuff you need to get rid of, please note this isn't everything: "rite", 'tbh' (is it really that hard to type it out), 'fwends', 'Last but certainly, most definitely not least, is the End-User', etc.

ALL TAG LIMITS ARE INCREASED BY 1.5 times the normal limits in OS!
No. I don't know where you got that from, but you are incorrect. He did not increase every Block's maximum element count, only a select few. I don't know why you are using the terminology 'tag limits'.

Wlthout adding some kind of interface for your tags into Open Sauce Halo won't know how to load it and when you try to play your map with it, it will more than likely crash.
You obviously have no clue what you are talking about, please stop. Here is a post about the subject (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15726&p=395156&viewfull=1#post395156), directly from Kornman himself.

March 9th, 2010, 05:36 PM
1st: I asked for corrections so you are most definitely not 'raining down on my parade'. In fact, you're helping me by providing places to increase the accuracy as well as quality of the document. 2nd: The " that that that that " was on purpose, as I was up until unearthly hours in the morning yesterday trying to finish this and upload it. 3rd. I do not have no clue what I'm talking about. I was able to make this thing without being wrong on every single aspect, therefore, I have some clue as to what I'm doing. :) 4th: I use the terminology "tag limits" because I found, and still find it fitting, as well as easily understandable.

And last but most definitely, certainly not least, you can lighten up. :)

March 9th, 2010, 05:51 PM
4th: I use the terminology "tag limits" because I found, and still find it fitting, as well as easily understandable.
Using 'tag limits' is vague, and can lead to giving people the wrong idea. It is not fitting.

And last but most definitely, certainly not least, you can lighten up. :)
Why do you continue to use that horrible sentence structure, to annoy me? I don't need to lighten up, I'm just trying to tell you what you did wrong because you are giving out incorrect information, and not doing it in a great way.

March 9th, 2010, 07:33 PM
I will fix known problems and try to get it into a pdf format that doesnt destroy the quality of the pictures, many of which should make everyone happy.

March 9th, 2010, 07:41 PM
There is only one format of pdf and I've never had any trouble putting a high quality image into it.

March 10th, 2010, 05:35 AM
Since this is just an overview, 'tag limits' is an alright description. 'Cache tag limits' would be more definitive without going into too much detail which the programmers should be handling and taking care of on teams. The tag index and tag pool memory were both increased. While the tag index increase applies to both development and runtime environments, the tag pool memory only really applies to the runtime (read: cache) environment.

At least Dwood is giving effort; taking a step where others aren't. If anyone wants to give harsh criticism you should think first about what you've done for the community to try and better the problem at hand. Also, I'm pretty sure Constructive Criticism is a requirement in this subforum.

March 10th, 2010, 06:22 AM
Whelp, I chopped off half the width, shuffled some stuff around, fixed grammar, made it suck less, gave it another new color scheme, etc. I'll edit it one more time and then call it good if no one else has any complaints about it. lookpic, my preferred image host is taking ages but when the current image gets uploaded I'll post it here. E: here being in this post

http://lookpic.com/t/84/B3z0fa7t.jpeg (http://lookpic.com/i/84/B3z0fa7t.jpeg)

Crap something's wrong with the upload... my internet sux.

March 10th, 2010, 06:46 AM
Turns out the other file was corrupted so here: http://dwood15.deviantart.com/art/Welcome-to-OS-156795693

March 13th, 2010, 08:00 AM

March 13th, 2010, 09:07 AM
Whelp, something was screwed up with the last one and I had to recover it all from an lolhueg pdf with 8.5" and 11" at 300 pixels per inch. I managed to size it down but if everyone clears all the facts we'll have one final one that has a good format.

http://lookpic.com/t/363/KUhpJCVx.jpeg (http://lookpic.com/i/363/KUhpJCVx.jpeg)

Edit: I just realized I left out adding campaigns. Will do that next time around.

March 14th, 2010, 01:56 PM
Thats pretty cool!

March 15th, 2010, 04:16 PM
State the name Open Sauce once, then say you will be using the term "OS" from now instead of "Open Sauce".

"I have personally identified 3 parts to Open Sauce"
Change to
"Open Sauce can be split into 3 parts".

"Buildup" is not 1 word.

In the buildup of and for the release of the SDK there was an amazing amount of hype over this mystical extension we call "Open Sauce".
Change to

"There was a lot of hype surrounding the release of the SDK, known as OS"

"Maknig" needs to be "Making"

You clearly state, the programming section is the area that will require the most work, but you fill the information up with just quotes, actually put some information there. Currently "the mapper" section has the most information.

"Currently, this is probably the part in the extension which has the most"..Has the most what? "that needs to be done by the programmer"...Going by the wording, that section should be in the programmer part of your text.

"There's only one way to go about this, and that's by every tool available".

Why is "There's" abbreviated? There is, is the correct grammar. The same goes with "that's", it should be that is.

Heres what I see dwood, I do admire you doing this, and I;m not saying stop, however to me it reads as though your explaining it to some one on MSN, or Xfire. Not an actual written up guide.

March 15th, 2010, 05:31 PM
My drive died but im trying to recover it... I for sure wont be able to get back the .psd however ill do another if korn asks after os2 is released. Thanks for the crit tho.

May 15th, 2010, 08:45 PM
Sorry about that lol

January 23rd, 2011, 06:23 PM

January 25th, 2011, 10:43 PM

Okay a quick glance over with red pen, fix some grammar/highlight some syntax things

Ashen, a particularly mellow and pleasant child, of the kind that doesn't really desire anything from anyone else, is about the age of six years old. She is sitting in her room, playing with a few of her dolls in a doll house hand-built by her father, the very carpet from the left over scraps [what] after her parents replaced her room's carpet with newer, thicker carpet that was softer and kinder to the feet. At this point, little does she know, but she is about to have the opportunity of a lifetime, [yuck;1] one that will change her and her parent's parents' lives by that playful yet cunning alien device. Ashen's parents are not home right now, each of them work, though her mother is trying to reduce the number of hours she works each week. Despite Ashen never complaining about her mother's absence, she still feels guilty about leaving Ashen alone for so long each day. For Ashen's mother, this was one of those lucky days, where she was able to come home early, and would be home soon.

As Ashen plays on her dolls, she hears a loud "BOOM" outside of her house. Running to lock the doors as her parents told her to do if she got scared, she runs to the front door, bolts it shut, grabs a cordless phone. Just a moment later, another "BOOM", this time coming from the back door. Running to lock that door too, she drops the phone and trips, the phone skidding along the floor with the battery and the back fallen apart. She was beginning to well up with tears when there was a soft yet firm number of taps at the front door she just locked. In horror and fright, she ran to grab another cordless phone in her parent's room. Her parent's room was one of those rooms where were you looking on the outside of the house, half would be in the side-front yard, and the other half in the side back-yard. Just as she got in the room she heard tapping on the small windows. Dashing for the phone as fast as her young feet could carry her, she made it to the phone, right as she picked it up, a wave of curiosity and questioning went over her. "Why am I scared?" she thought. "What caused those sounds?" "Why?" "Why do I need this phone?" "What makes a frog and toad different?" "Whos Who's out there?" "Are they nice?" "Will they play dolls with me?" she thought, and thought. [Awkward, not in a good way] But the curiosity that seemed to power her most was "Will they come inside?" Not in the threatening, scared way, that would be expected of such a young girl at home. [eww;2]

Just as she dwelled on the overwhelming number of questions, [nope.avi;3] she heard a knock on the back door. Then, instantly she remembered, she remembered something that had no thought nor words to go through it, but she understood and knew there was nothing to fear, so much so she forgot it. Thus, going to the back door to where there was knocking, she opened the door. In front of her stood a metalic square with two wires for legs, and two wires for arms. "Hello, little girl" came a voice seemingly out of a box with no mouth. [Bland;4] "He-Hello" she replied, a slight amount of fear starting to creep back into her. "Can I come in?" it asked. She shook her head. Then, after a second of a few jerky movements, the box began to vibrate slightly. Then it began: "I am curi, my sibling (his name is mem) and I are looking for somewhere to stay and for a person to be with." [Sexual subtext? Consider rewording if not] Curiosity popping back into Ashen, asked Curi, [eh;5] "Why do you come to me? There are bigger people than me that you can stay with." Curi stood there for a second, froze, then started humming back to life again. The machine responded: "My brother and I, we are wish-granters. We grant wishes. And we think only kids will have good wishes to wish." Ashen, standing in the doorway then seemed to understand, Adults have boring wishes. All they want is money and other boring stuffs. she thought- I would have much better wishes than my mommy.

As if by magic, there appeared next to Curi, Mem, the exact same shape and heigth as Curi, but with a purple dot on his "body"- who added "I can only grant wishes if you want to make someone remember or forget something, and my brother, he can only grant wishes that make others want to do things. But don't worry. My other family is on the way, and they can grant more wishes than we can!"

1. You're trying too hard to get the BUT LITTLE DID SHE KNOW feeling across. Consider something simpler, ex. "Little did she know that the opportunity of a lifetime would shortly arise."

2. More awkward phrasing. The qualification should be presented in a more parenthetical sense, ex. "Above all, she wondered, "Will they come inside?" She was not afraid, although she had an inkling that she ought to be; she was instead curious, almost actively wanting the door to open and reveal whatever secrets lay on the other side." (may have gotten a bit carried away there, but you get the idea)

3. Some word misuse here; "dwelling" implies time and careful consideration; "just as" indicates the opposite. Pick one; I'd prefer the latter, ex. "The stream of questions filling her head was broken by another knock, this time coming from the back door."

4. Needs more description. How big is the "square?" Is it a perfect square? Metallic is pretty general; what color? How shiny? Menacing? Comforting? Any adornments (lights, beeps, eyes, etc.)? What about the "wires?" Are they thin? Thick? Spindly? Straight? Long? What kind of voice? Is it like Stephen Fry, or is it like Sovereign from Mass Effect? I'll venture to guess that these guys are important; as such, you should have at least a paragraph devoted to describing them.

5. Just a nasty sentence. Find a better way to arrange it, ex. "Ashen, suddenly regaining her curiosity, asked the creature," and so on.

Those are far from the only things but they're the 5 things that stood out to me most.

Overall, this is something I'd expect from a freshman (mabye sophomore) in high school with a better than average sense of spelling and grammar. If that's your goal, great, but under the assumption that you want to improve...

The biggest problem syntactically is the writing style; it's quite bland and (pardon me) immature, for a number of reasons:

-There's little to no detail or description of the environments and characters. Remember that while you may be able to see something in your head, the readers are dependent entirely on what you put down in the text. I have no idea what Ashen looks like, I have only the slightest idea of what her house (I'm assuming it's a house) looks like, and, as mentioned above, the aliens are woefully nondescript. This detailing is an essential piece of creative prose, and its absence is one of the most notable and widespread flaws.

-The entire thing is written as if you're trying desperately to cling onto an arbitrary set of elementary school rules of proper writing; it's difficult to go into the precise details of what defines a mature and eloquent writing style (since every author has their own unique style), but what you have here is awkward and, again, bland. I can see parts where you're trying to throw in an adjective or two to spice things up, but each instance feels incredibly forced, and it often completely screws up the syntax and readability; most of the examples I dealt with above are excellent cases.

-There's no sense of pacing. It's a simple thing but it's a hard one to get right; the usual method is to shorten words and sentences as the tension increases, and vice versa. Try playing around with that.

-I'm detecting a clear vocabulary barrier, which amplifies all the problems listed above. There's no real cure for this other than to read a fuckton; word-of-the-day calendars don't do a thing. Learn by example; the more you read, the better grasp of language and syntax you'll have, and the better you'll be able to apply those conventions into your own work.

There's more I could say but I think this is plenty for now. Keep at it, though.

January 26th, 2011, 09:01 PM
Yeah. I noted in the end of the artist's comments, it felt weird and blotchy as I was writing it. I've actually recently picked up Stephen King's "The Stand" to get a better hand on vocabulary- he uses a very large set.

I think, as I was reading it, that blotchyness I was feeling as I was writing it is from the vocabulary lock. Especially with how difficult it is to transition from 3rd person omniscient, where we know everyone's thoughts, to regular 3rd-person where we know only the main character's thoughts.

Perhaps it being sucky could be because my last <real> fiction was in my Sophomore year of HS?

I'm not going to try to re-write this even though that's what I probably should do- I'll go through and edit it so grammar and stuff is better.

Also- you mentioned that I should up on my descriptions, I actually left those out based on a thing that I had noticed in a lot of books I've read in the past- the lack of them, haha. Guess I'll try to put them back in with my next attempt.

Go through and read my other older (edit: fiction) stuff, I'd like a review on them as well!

January 26th, 2011, 09:34 PM
I could go into detail but really I'm seeing the same problems across everything you're writing. Immature is the best way to describe it; not immature as in crass and juvenile, but immature as in not fully developed; hinting at potential but not displaying the more complex and refined traits seen in better works. This is perfectly fine and you shouldn't take it as an insult at all.

As I said before, the best way to fix this (and, really, the best way to learn just about anything) is example. One or two books aren't going to do the trick; if you really really want to start writing well, you'll have to not only read things like King for pleasure, but you'll have to explore older and/or more complex works (I'd recommend starting with Jane Austen once you feel comfortable; not too hard to understand and it's some funny shit), followed by something along the lines of Dickens, and, of course, Shakespeare when you're up for it.

One thing I would recommend is very, very carefully reading over anything you write, many, many times. This'll help you catch more conventional errors (i.e. speelin' and grammah), and it should help you notice when sentences and phrases start getting really awkward. If you have to go back and reread sentences, something's gone wrong.

But that's if you're really going hardcore, if you just write 'cause it feels good that's perfectly fine so long as you don't try to publish your stuff as a revolutionary short story collection or something

E: Oh, and just a quick thing about dialogue. Narration is easy because you can just write and write naturally. Speech is much harder to nail; you have to place limits on your vocabulary and syntax to better approximate what a person would naturally say. Stupid/young characters are some of the hardest characters to write. As you practice, try actually speaking dialogue aloud. If it sounds like it might be forced, it probably is.

January 26th, 2011, 09:55 PM
Yeah, I figured you were trying to say that my writing and style was undeveloped. You provided the reaction to let me vent a little, I wasn't offended.

Also: I was considering increasing the age of my characters so an easier word-set could be used... perhaps just remove the age from the story so the reader can make it up in their head.

With that, I think a re-write is in order.

Edit: Thanks for the response!

January 27th, 2011, 07:50 PM
Details man. Details kill me. I often reread my own leisurely writing and I always can find room to fill in gaps in my plot or details that are important. Makes sure you do this though because you'll never be satisfied until you've made sure you've gone back and filled in the blanks. Details are everything in writing once you get past the fundamentals; the more you can detail, the more the reader can understand what's going on.

June 27th, 2014, 12:40 PM
For kicks and giggles.


June 28th, 2014, 03:27 AM
love the details on his shell

June 28th, 2014, 04:42 AM
Great shading.

July 8th, 2014, 01:20 AM
Oh, hey, thanks for coming over here xD. Yeah, I got a little lazy.

Poking fun at myself playing Rocksmith:

http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/188/3/0/rocksmith_what_feel_like_vs_what_i_actually_do_by_ dwood15-d7ppw2j.jpg

The picture directly following up from that last one with blastoise/big daddy:


I've been seeing about what it takes to make good lineart, but right now i don't like the way it turns out so I've been messing with pressure sensitivity after the picture.

I've got a couple more actual pictures i've done to post up in a bit. All these can be found on my deviantart page linked earlier in the thread.

July 8th, 2014, 03:36 AM
A lot of line art is done by using the Pen tool to overlay your hand-drawn sketches. A lot of people will even move over to Illustrator to ink their lines and then come back to Photoshop for the rest, though you can do it all in Photoshop if you want.

July 9th, 2014, 02:57 PM
A lot of line art is done by using the Pen tool to overlay your hand-drawn sketches. A lot of people will even move over to Illustrator to ink their lines and then come back to Photoshop for the rest, though you can do it all in Photoshop if you want.

I've used it before, but I want to freehand most of the lineart if I can. The 'simulated' pen pressure (pressure is part of what makes the lines look good imo) usually turns out pretty crappy. I'm sure I can get it to look right by hand, but if it becomes too annoying to do that, I'll do a different tactic as things progress.