View Full Version : Tablets
December 14th, 2009, 11:25 AM
Because I need to learn how to draw in Photoshop and because using a mouse with precision to draw is damn near impossible, I need to get a tablet. I had one in mind, but I want some opinions and suggestions from people who actually use a tablet on what would be good for a digital art scrub. Needless to say, no Cintiqs. :haw:
This is What I had in mind. (
Low number of reviews makes me apprehensive.
December 14th, 2009, 01:40 PM
I have this one, link (
Its wonderful
Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 01:44 PM
I has this one, link (
It's more wonderful than Paladin's.
Honestly, stick with Wacom. There's a few kids at school that got off brand ones... and they just never held up to the quality that Wacom tablets offer. I went out and bought my Intuos 4 because I was tired of borrowing my roommate's Vistablet, and I use my Wacom nearly every day. It is glorious and I'm in loves with it.
Also, just because it's the "Medium" doesn't mean it's small by any standards. The medium is the perfect size IMO.
December 14th, 2009, 01:44 PM
@ Paladin: That's the 5.8"x3.6" one, right? I was looking at that one, but the dimensions sounded small. I have no idea how big is reasonable or what the minimum acceptable size is.
@Llama: I need one to learn on. The Intuos4 is pretty much the standard to judge all others by so I've heard, but it's a little on the pricey side. I was hoping to keep it <$300. If it's really that much better than everything else when the dust settles in this thread, I may pony up the extra cash for it, but as of now I am a complete newbie to drawing in Photoshop/Paintshop/<insert digital art programme here).
Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 02:01 PM
It is THAT much better than everything else. If you really don't feel like spending that much on the Intuos4 then wait until you can afford it (christmas money soon :P) and consider it part of a christmas gift.
However, if you still don't wanna pony up that much dough a lot of kids at school use the bamboo fun tablets, and that new one that Paladin linked to looks interesting. I saw a demo on that a while ago and it seemed like a worthy toy. The small surface area of that tablet would be my only real concern. The intuos4 Medium has an active area of 8.8w x5.5h inches... so that's nearly perfect IMO.
If you wanna learn, you don't want to be held back by hardware restraints. The vistablet I used for a year was enough of a headache that I'd use a mouse over it for everything except drawing. If my current tablet is plugged in it feels extremely natural to do almost anything using it (aside from some Maya stuff, still not used to it haha)
December 14th, 2009, 02:40 PM
I don't get Christmas money :smith:. I have enough to buy it right now, though that would put me at $0 reserves. Though I do see where you are coming from about avoiding frustrations while learning.
Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 02:41 PM
When I got mine it was a lot of "Well I just paid $350 for this thing, I'm gunna fucking use it, and I'm gunna learn Photoshop." I don't think I'd have that same drive if I got one that frustrated me in any way.
December 14th, 2009, 02:45 PM
Hm, you do make a compelling argument.
You take/took classes, yes?
December 14th, 2009, 03:03 PM
I love my Tablet. I use it for everything, quite literally. In fact, the tablet's mouse that comes with it is much, much better than the mouse I was using previous. (Intuous3 btw) You don't even have to get a medium, I have a step down from Llama's (4x6 or so) and it's just... that good.
Until I see another brand that can compete with wacom's quality, stick with the intuous. Saving up will be much better than going for a cheapie... These things are a commitment you make when you purchase them though so buy quality.
December 14th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Alright, so that's two for the Intuos series. I'd still get a medium anyways because when I draw, I draw on an 14x17" pad and make a lot of long sweeping motions. That's one requirement I'm setting in stone; at least one dimmension needs to be >7".
December 14th, 2009, 03:45 PM
My intuos stopped working for no apparent reason, I don't know whats wrong with it. But I hate having to use a mouse now, the tablet is great. It's a 6x11.
I would recommend getting an intuos 3 rather than an intuos 4. The difference in sensitivity isnt that noticeable, but the drawing surface of the intuos 3 is much better.
December 14th, 2009, 04:13 PM
I would recommend getting an intuos 3 rather than an intuos 4. The difference in sensitivity isnt that noticeable, but the drawing surface of the intuos 3 is much better.
What makes you say that?
December 14th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Mines 8 x 5.3 i think. Im not sure if that was the exact model
@llama and is 1/2 the price
December 14th, 2009, 04:20 PM
What makes you say that?
Personal preference. I'm sure its just fine to other people.
The intuos 4 has a texture to it and the intuos 3 is smooth.
I haven't used anything besides the plastic tips in the intuos 4, but the intuos 3 with felt tips feels very natural.
December 14th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I'd rather have the texture, since I'm used to drawing on 50lb. sketch paper which has a very noticeable texture. That boils down to personal preference though, not realy performance-related.
December 14th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Alright, so that's two for the Intuos series. I'd still get a medium anyways because when I draw, I draw on an 14x17" pad and make a lot of long sweeping motions. That's one requirement I'm setting in stone; at least one dimmension needs to be >7".
I personally love my Genius ( tablet. It's 8x6 and has served me well over the few years I've had it. Sadly, I lost the pen to it so can't comment on Win7 compatibility. Only bad thing I can say about it was (probably my fault) I couldn't get Vista to use the drivers for it, rather than it's own built in junk.
December 14th, 2009, 06:05 PM
That and this ( were two of the tablets I was eying in addition to the Kanvus and the Wacom Bamboo.
I've also heard that Graphire tablets are pretty good
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