View Full Version : Term marks..
December 14th, 2009, 10:09 PM
Well most people are finishing up or have finished this years first term (semester or quarter). Im just curious to how everyone did.
post % or 4 point mark....
This is me:
Art History: 87% (Final not included)
Animation 101: 93%
Film 115: 88%
Art 101: 86%
English116: 97%
Bio100: 94%
December 14th, 2009, 10:19 PM
If I had access to percentages after my finals, I'd post those. All I have are these letter grades... (Okay, these aren't official, either, but you'll see why I'm posting anyway) Official grades are here! Took them long enough.
3: College Algebra: A, good lord this was a waste of a class. I could have been in calculus/discrete math.
3: Freshman Comp/Rhetrc: A, even after the poetry unit. I rule.
3: Music Theory 1: A, this was a waste too. Could have been theory 2.
1: Sightsinging/Ear Training 1: A-, guess I really suck at piano/duets. Perfect pitch doesn't mean shit sometimes...
1: Concert Band: A, it's as big of a joke as you think it is.
2: Applied Trombone: A, and I still suck. :downs:
0: Recital Attendance: S, the performers always made me feel terrible about myself.
0: Music Colloquium: S, "God you guys suck compared to us."
flibit's Starting GPA: 3.98. This isn't going to mean shit for my jury, though. :saddowns:
So uh, yeah. That's why I was still able to do Podacity this semester.
December 14th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Course Course Title Points Grade
CHEM113-09S1 (C) Engineering Chemistry 18.00 B+
EMTH171-09S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 15.00 B+
ENGR101-09S1 (C) Foundations of Engineering (stupidest fucking class every) 15.00 A-
ENGR102-09S2 (C) Engineering Mechanics (static/dynamic objects) 18.00 A
MATH108-09S1 (C) Mathematics 1C (calculus)18.00 A
MATH109-09S2 (C) Mathematics 1D (more advanced calculus)18.00 B+
PHYS113-09S1 (C) Waves, Thermodynamics and Materials 18.00 B+
So not bad, I need a B average to get into my first professional year. :]
December 14th, 2009, 11:13 PM
Course Course Title Points Grade
CHEM113-09S1 (C) Engineering Chemistry 18.00 B+
EMTH171-09S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 15.00 B+
ENGR101-09S1 (C) Foundations of Engineering (stupidest fucking class every) 15.00 A-
ENGR102-09S2 (C) Engineering Mechanics (static/dynamic objects) 18.00 A
MATH108-09S1 (C) Mathematics 1C (calculus)18.00 A
MATH109-09S2 (C) Mathematics 1D (more advanced calculus)18.00 B+
PHYS113-09S1 (C) Waves, Thermodynamics and Materials 18.00 B+
So not bad, I need a B average to get into my first professional year. :]
god dammit timo step your game up are you dumb
Reaper Man
December 14th, 2009, 11:20 PM
Drawing 100: A
2D Design 101 (Color Theory): A
Survey of Western art 100: B
Welp, I made the Dean's list, just barely with my 3.66GPA
Got 15 credits for my first quarter, plus the 25 I got from doing the IB, so I'm well on my way with 40 credits in first quarter :-3
December 15th, 2009, 03:58 AM
paying off the debts of past semesters:
100% a+
almost paid off enough to head back to class this summer. gotta love working towards classes...
December 15th, 2009, 05:15 AM
Problem Based Intro to Computer Science: B
Microeconomics: C (bitch of a class)
Calculus A: A
US History: A
FYE (1 credit class): A
17 Credit Hours, first quarter of college.
December 15th, 2009, 05:45 AM
Anatomy: F
Pre-Calc: F
AP Micro: F
AP Literature: F
Art 2-D 2: A
Art 2-D 3: A
Any questions?
These do not represent my actual grades
December 15th, 2009, 08:52 PM
your pretty fucking stupid braw tbh
December 15th, 2009, 10:05 PM
College Composition - C ( fuck writin' :< )
Internet/Intranet Design/Dev - A
VB Programming - B
Business Law/Ethics - B
Business Math - B
idgaf about dean's list, as long as i'm doing great in my major classes and doing mediocre in general studies i'm happy. it's too much effort~
December 16th, 2009, 11:20 AM
Accent on Success (Freshmen Seminar) - A+
Discrete Math I - B-
2D Design - A-
Human Communications - A
English Composition I - B+
Drawing I - A-
Not too happy with my math grade, but my god my professor is absolutely terrible :smith: and I got him again next semester for Discrete Math II
December 16th, 2009, 12:08 PM
At least they let you take discrete math. :smith:
December 16th, 2009, 01:10 PM
College Composition - C ( fuck writin' :< )
Internet/Intranet Design/Dev - A
VB Programming - B
Business Law/Ethics - B
Business Math - B
idgaf about dean's list, as long as i'm doing great in my major classes and doing mediocre in general studies i'm happy. it's too much effort~
Let me write you're compositions
get kicked out for racism
found a company called valve
change name to gaben
Scooby Doo
December 16th, 2009, 01:17 PM
Architecture 101 - A
Architecture Drawing and Representation - A
Architecture Design Studio - A
Architecture focused Physics - A
The study of Light and Color - A
Spanish 211 - B+
December 16th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Lol I'm only in 8th grade but..
Language arts, U.S advanced history, Geometry honors, Biotechnology I, and JROTC are all A's
Then Spanish I honors and Biology Honors are B's.
December 16th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Lol I'm only in 8th grade but..
... Biotechnology I, and JROTC
What middle school do you go to, man? :raise:
December 16th, 2009, 05:15 PM
Architecture 101 - A
Architecture Drawing and Representation - A
Architecture Design Studio - A
Architecture focused Physics - A
The study of Light and Color - A
Spanish 211 - B+
Sup Homo?
December 16th, 2009, 05:23 PM
What middle school do you go to, man? :raise:
Seriously. Mb they're required to cure cancer as part of the highschool curriculum?
December 16th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Let me write you're compositions
get kicked out for racism
found a company called valve
change name to gaben
I'd have to drop out of Harvard to be Gaben. Besides, when Gaben dropped out he dropped 3 of their buildings, they're still recovering from damages.
I still should've slid the word "nigger" in my racism research report somewhere, I might've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling negroes which make up 70% of my school.
December 16th, 2009, 05:57 PM
I am just guessing, grades for us won't be posted until later in the month.
Basic Physical Science - probably an A- or B+.
Topics in Contemporary Art - A
Graphic Design 1 - A
Illustration V - A
Logic I (Critical Thinking) - B, probably
African Traditions in Art - B+, or A-
December 16th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Guessing here:
Algebra 3: B- (This class was scheduled way too early, sun isn't even up when the class is done)
Concert Band: A+ (I rock at playing the Tuba)
AutoCAD: B (OCD really slowed me down for the stuff that didn't give exact formulas, I would spend minutes at a time straitening a single line)
British Literature: A- (If I never see a Sonet again, I will die happy)
Psychology: A (Really strange class, we once got an assignment, and everyone of the 30 people in the class did not do the assignment, including me)
Physics: A (Take that Vectors and Force Diagrams)
December 16th, 2009, 06:39 PM
Concert Band: A+ (I rock at playing the Tuba)
Tubas are for husky kids, real men play the trumpet. :realsmug:
December 16th, 2009, 06:41 PM
real men play the trumpet. :realsmug:
December 16th, 2009, 06:55 PM
AP World: F
Physics: D
German: F
AP Lit: F
Art IV: F
Health: D
Adv Algebra 2: F
December 16th, 2009, 07:07 PM
Junior in high school right now, but if things goes as plan, next semester will be my final year in high school.
Course name A(meaning semester 1) - Grade (with/without final)
PE Individual Sports A - 95 (with final)
AP US History A - 95 (with final)
AP Physics B A- 100 (with final) (I love physics but I hate thermodynamics >.<)
Office Aide-P/F 1 A - 90 (without final, don't give out grade higher than 90)
Anatomy & Physiology A - 91 (with final)
AP Language and Composition A - 90 (without final)
Research Design & Development A (my 3d animation class) - 99 (with final)
Pre-AP Pre-Calculus A - 97 (without final)
So that's my course average for this semester.
December 16th, 2009, 11:54 PM
god dammit timo step your game up are you dumb
These courses aren't going towards a BA, so they're harder than you think !
December 17th, 2009, 12:50 AM
AP World: F
Physics: D
German: F
AP Lit: F
Art IV: F
Health: D
Adv Algebra 2: F
Who can you fail German. Its the easiest language.... :raise:
Scooby Doo
December 17th, 2009, 12:00 PM
German is also a cool language :)
BTW: has anyone seen my crane around lately? i know i finished it...
lol @ paladin
December 17th, 2009, 12:19 PM
BTW: has anyone seen my crane around lately? i know i finished it...
Is this the crane you are referring to?¤t=candlesmall.jpg
Haha sorry, I had to make paper cranes for my Illustration class this semester, your post reminded me of this photo. :P
December 17th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Who can you fail German. Its the easiest language.... :raise:
i usually go to the bathroom all that period
December 17th, 2009, 03:38 PM
German is also a cool language :)
BTW: has anyone seen my crane around lately? i know i finished it...
lol @ paladin
To bad I havent worked on the level in a month. Now that Im on break I might get around to it. That is if you give me the god damn crane. :allears:
December 17th, 2009, 03:42 PM
Seriously. Mb they're required to cure cancer as part of the highschool curriculum?
Well my school ask has pre-Med 1-3 and biotechnology 1-3..
It's a "math science and technology" pre-IB school, and yes we're learning about mutations, genes and about to go into cancer and other things about it :v:
December 17th, 2009, 07:43 PM
NOVA told me that grades were in on Monday. Here it is, Thursday evening, and nothing on my online grade sheet is filled in. :bunchies:
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