December 16th, 2009, 04:29 AM
Basically the thread title.

I've got a RG prestige 1527RB 7 string guitar with double humbucker pick-ups, 1 volume control, 1 tone control

some wires in my switch broke off and i need to replace them. only it wasnt just 1 wire, theres 3 that are completely off.
I cant find a circuit diagram for it anywhere on the net and i dont know enough about electronics to pretend i know what i'm doing.

if someones got any ideas dear god help me! i'm getting my bass amp and bass guitar in a couple of days and was ready to start getting my music out.
and this close to christmas i dont think i'll get it to the shops and have it done anytime before the new year.

*eye twitch*

December 16th, 2009, 10:55 AM
I have seen diagrams for all types of Ibanez guitars...can't remember where though but it was on the internet :P

Was it bridge or neck?

December 16th, 2009, 11:54 AM
Found it:


It's the 6string version but that doesn't matter.

December 17th, 2009, 12:45 AM
yeah i found it like an hour later :/

only thing is the diagrams are fucking confusing cause it's all in gray scale.
how the fuck am i supposed to tel a red from a green in gray scale >:|

the wiring in this guitar is pretty piss poor actually.
i'm fucking pissed off about it tbh. a $1800 dollar guitar thats top of the line should NOT have these issues.

December 17th, 2009, 01:00 AM
yeah i found it like an hour later :/

only thing is the diagrams are fucking confusing cause it's all in gray scale.
how the fuck am i supposed to tel a red from a green in gray scale >:|

the wiring in this guitar is pretty piss poor actually.
i'm fucking pissed off about it tbh. a $1800 dollar guitar thats top of the line should NOT have these issues.

I don't have /quite/ as expensive guitars but all 4 I've ever had (100-300 range of course..) have had SHIT wiring. Most notably is my Epiphone LP Special 2; the pickup selector AND volume control wires were EXTREMELY short and BARELY attached on. Just today I had to re-solder my Agile's input switch because one of the wires broke off due to it being too short also.

Shortcuts shouldn't be taken with such pricey(cheap in my case, but the point still stands) investments.

December 17th, 2009, 07:52 AM
I have an Ibanez GRG170 DX...wiring is cheap as well along with everything else on the guitar but it's still working :P

Schecter ftw.