View Full Version : TV Shopping (BIG HELP NEEDED!)

December 24th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Best quality LCD TVs for under $1000. Optimal price range is $600-850 +/- $50.

I would prefer that I could pick it up in-store at either BestBuy (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olstemplatemapper.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&initialize=false&sp=-bestsellingsort+skuid&nrp=15&iht=n&list=y&sc=TVVideoSP&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1%7E%7Ecabcat0100000%23%234%23%23wu%7E%7Ecabcat010 1000%23%237%23%236d%7E%7Ecabcat0101001%23%230%23%2 33j%7E%7Enf312%7C%7C4c434420466c61742d50616e656c&usc=abcat0100000&ks=960&st=processingtime%3A%3E1900-01-01&prids=&cp=1&_requestid=84516), PC Richard & Son (http://www.pcrichard.com/catalog/thumbnail.jsp?parentCategoryId=2&categoryId=40000&subCategoryId=40010&productRangeIds=40010002009,40010001006&index=0), or Walmart (http://www.walmart.com/browse/TVs/_/N-2pa9Zaq90ZaqceZ1yzp7an/Ne-lfms?ic=48_0&ref=125875.126081+1000036.4292594735&tab_value=210003_All&tab_value=210003_All&fromPageCatId=3996&catNavId=3996). Heck, even Sears or some place could be OK.

It needs to be between 40" and 46". 42" is probably the best size, and it's what I've been looking at most. I'd prefer 42" over 40", but I'd rather have a better quality 42" TV than a 46" TV.

I just need the best bang for the buck. The first one I looked at was a Dynex (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dynex%26%23174%3B+-+42%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9144295.p?id=1218035133352&skuId=9144295) which I only heard of because my friend got one, but I don't know really just how much better the other more expensive TVs are from this. I don't care about the refresh rate much - 60 Hz is fine (or is it really that big of a deal?)

And honestly, how much better is this $1000 Samsung TV (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+46%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9230735.p?id=1218063831823&skuId=9230735) than the Dynex linked above?

It would be best to know within 30 hours from the time of this post. Rep will be rewarded.

December 24th, 2009, 10:18 PM
Get a 40" Sony Bravia. Or...


So many choices. Do you have preferences other than the size and price?

December 24th, 2009, 10:26 PM
I don't really have any other preferences... I mean, maybe sound quality...but I'd rather pay for a $350 2 speaker sound system than spend maybe $350 more on a TV that would give me a marginal picture increase or more features I don't give a crap about.

Are those TVs you linked to available in-store? I'd need to pick it up on December 26. Plus, I'd prefer the confidence that I can walk in the store and demand a replacement if it has a defect or breaks.

I'd love a Bravia, but is it really so much better for sub-$1000 price than another identically priced TV that might be bigger? Can a sub-$1000 non-Sony TV be found that is comparable to a Bravia?

December 24th, 2009, 11:00 PM
I would generally shy away from Dynex. I hear they fail within 1-2 years.

Samsung would be your best choice. Samsung and Sony make the best HDTVs. Samsung's are a bit better IMO.
699.99 40 inch 1080p Samsung.

My dad got a 42 inch Samsung plasma, and it's been going great for 4 months now. The color is amazing.

December 24th, 2009, 11:02 PM
I have a 52" samsung, it owns

December 25th, 2009, 01:25 AM
Yes. Samsung does own. Get a Samsung. Best TV's ever. Can't wait till their OLED tvs become mainstream.

December 25th, 2009, 07:59 AM
Manufacturers don't really help unless you can recommend a model that is actually good. Even though Samsung does make good TVs, I doubt every single one is leaps and bounds better than any other out there. I even bet there's some models that are worse than a cheap $500 TV, tbh. That's where I get lost. There's only so much info you can get from tech specs since nearly every TV has identical specs. The more important stuff is the actual hardware inside the TV that puts the picture on the screen. But, they don't sell TVs by advertising that. That's why I am mainly asking if anyone knows for sure if one model TV would be better than another, or if there is one GOOD review site (like camcorderinfo.com) since most TV reviews suck as much as video game reviews.

December 25th, 2009, 08:39 AM
You might want to try asking for a floor model when you choose the one you want, they knocked a couple hundred off for me.

December 25th, 2009, 08:48 AM
Aurea maybe?

Only if you like that Ambilight technology :P

EDIT: Thought Philips was cheaper oh well looks nice

December 25th, 2009, 09:27 AM
I couldn't care less about ambient light technology. I just want a good picture on the screen and nothing to distract from that.

I think a 40 inch TV is actually the perfect size now. I really can't find many 42" TVs in stock, which is part of what's swinging my decision, and 46" is WAY too big for the space.

I would really like to know the true difference between the Sony Bravia KDL40S5100 and the KDL40V5100 (priced a few hundred more).

...or is there another 40" TV that you would recommend because it is a better value than this?

December 25th, 2009, 11:59 AM
--------------------------S series ------------------------------V series
Dynamic Contrast Ratio:----30k:1---------------------------------50k:1
On-Screen Contrast:-------3k:1----------------------------------5k:1
Motionflow Technology-----No-----------------------------------yes: 120Hz
Picture modes:-----Vivid, Standard, Cinema, Custom-------------Vivid, Standard, Cinema, custom, photo-vivid, photo-standard, Photo-original, Photo custom
HDMI Connections:---------3--------------------------------------4
USB:----------------------1: service only (v 1.1)----------------2: v1.1 (service) 2.0 (standard connection, photo, flash, etc.)
Price:-----------------799.99 USD (719.99 USD sale)-------------1199.99 USD (879.99 USD sale)


December 27th, 2009, 01:21 PM
Ended up getting this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+40%22+Class+/+1080p+/+120Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9300437.p?id=1218079755374&skuId=9300437

December 28th, 2009, 11:01 AM
Very good choice! Congrats!