December 24th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Best quality LCD TVs for under $1000. Optimal price range is $600-850 +/- $50.
I would prefer that I could pick it up in-store at either BestBuy (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olstemplatemapper.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&initialize=false&sp=-bestsellingsort+skuid&nrp=15&iht=n&list=y&sc=TVVideoSP&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1%7E%7Ecabcat0100000%23%234%23%23wu%7E%7Ecabcat010 1000%23%237%23%236d%7E%7Ecabcat0101001%23%230%23%2 33j%7E%7Enf312%7C%7C4c434420466c61742d50616e656c&usc=abcat0100000&ks=960&st=processingtime%3A%3E1900-01-01&prids=&cp=1&_requestid=84516), PC Richard & Son (http://www.pcrichard.com/catalog/thumbnail.jsp?parentCategoryId=2&categoryId=40000&subCategoryId=40010&productRangeIds=40010002009,40010001006&index=0), or Walmart (http://www.walmart.com/browse/TVs/_/N-2pa9Zaq90ZaqceZ1yzp7an/Ne-lfms?ic=48_0&ref=125875.126081+1000036.4292594735&tab_value=210003_All&tab_value=210003_All&fromPageCatId=3996&catNavId=3996). Heck, even Sears or some place could be OK.
It needs to be between 40" and 46". 42" is probably the best size, and it's what I've been looking at most. I'd prefer 42" over 40", but I'd rather have a better quality 42" TV than a 46" TV.
I just need the best bang for the buck. The first one I looked at was a Dynex (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dynex%26%23174%3B+-+42%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9144295.p?id=1218035133352&skuId=9144295) which I only heard of because my friend got one, but I don't know really just how much better the other more expensive TVs are from this. I don't care about the refresh rate much - 60 Hz is fine (or is it really that big of a deal?)
And honestly, how much better is this $1000 Samsung TV (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+46%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9230735.p?id=1218063831823&skuId=9230735) than the Dynex linked above?
It would be best to know within 30 hours from the time of this post. Rep will be rewarded.
I would prefer that I could pick it up in-store at either BestBuy (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olstemplatemapper.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&initialize=false&sp=-bestsellingsort+skuid&nrp=15&iht=n&list=y&sc=TVVideoSP&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1%7E%7Ecabcat0100000%23%234%23%23wu%7E%7Ecabcat010 1000%23%237%23%236d%7E%7Ecabcat0101001%23%230%23%2 33j%7E%7Enf312%7C%7C4c434420466c61742d50616e656c&usc=abcat0100000&ks=960&st=processingtime%3A%3E1900-01-01&prids=&cp=1&_requestid=84516), PC Richard & Son (http://www.pcrichard.com/catalog/thumbnail.jsp?parentCategoryId=2&categoryId=40000&subCategoryId=40010&productRangeIds=40010002009,40010001006&index=0), or Walmart (http://www.walmart.com/browse/TVs/_/N-2pa9Zaq90ZaqceZ1yzp7an/Ne-lfms?ic=48_0&ref=125875.126081+1000036.4292594735&tab_value=210003_All&tab_value=210003_All&fromPageCatId=3996&catNavId=3996). Heck, even Sears or some place could be OK.
It needs to be between 40" and 46". 42" is probably the best size, and it's what I've been looking at most. I'd prefer 42" over 40", but I'd rather have a better quality 42" TV than a 46" TV.
I just need the best bang for the buck. The first one I looked at was a Dynex (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dynex%26%23174%3B+-+42%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9144295.p?id=1218035133352&skuId=9144295) which I only heard of because my friend got one, but I don't know really just how much better the other more expensive TVs are from this. I don't care about the refresh rate much - 60 Hz is fine (or is it really that big of a deal?)
And honestly, how much better is this $1000 Samsung TV (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+46%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9230735.p?id=1218063831823&skuId=9230735) than the Dynex linked above?
It would be best to know within 30 hours from the time of this post. Rep will be rewarded.