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December 25th, 2009, 12:59 PM
Eggplant Map Pack Release

If you are currently wondering why you just downloaded a map pack named after a vegetable named after a egg then please don't worry. It's just the first thing that came too mind. None of the maps are in anyway related to eggplants.

This map pack contains the maps:
--- DM-Transcendence
--- CTF-Transcendence
--- DM-Cyclotron
--- DM-Harbinger

Some quick descriptions of the maps.

Transcendence is a good DM map with tight close quarters combat in the center and nice ranged combat around the outer loops. This is the first map I have ever built with brushes and I think it turned out well though the map has a few issues ( the outer areas are not used very much in DM ) Overall the game play is good and players are given a high degree of mobility around the map. Allowing them to ambush there enemies at every corner.

In my opinion the CTF version of this map is better in most ways. I highly enjoyed the map and I found it wasn't IMPOSSIBLE to capture a flag but it was a challenge. Defensive sniping is the key to keeping your flag while a brute force rush through the underside of the map is your only way to get a capture. I prefer disabled translocaters on this map.


This is a port of the map Ivory Tower from halo 2. The map plays well in unreal and has lots of multi level combat which keeps it interesting. There is no flak canon on this map obviously. In beta we discovered that the person holding the flak always won. So we removed it for the sake of game play haha. Please note that there is a specular problem on this map. I wish I could fix it but the model is corrupted so I can't modify it at all.


This is a sort of "re-imagining" of delta halo from halo 2. The model was done by snafubar then later revised by me for game play. I then unwrapped the map using textures from disaster, conscars, jean-luc and bungie. This map was originally planned for halo CE but I decided to make a unreal version as well. Game play wise this map is a sniper haven. Shock rifles and snipers will dominate the bridges while bio rifles and link guns will control the corner bases.


Merry Christmas Guys!

DOWNLOAD (http://codebrainshideout.net/inferno/public%20files/Eggplant%20Map%20Pack%20Final.rar)


Alwin Roth
December 26th, 2009, 08:22 AM
Damn you.

December 26th, 2009, 10:34 AM
these own

December 27th, 2009, 12:16 AM
Seeing as how I can actually run UT3 now, I'll be happy to kill some bots on these maps.

December 27th, 2009, 06:59 PM
UT3 isn't hard to run?

Also, the lighting looks pretty good in the delta halo one, but if your gunna put it in ut3, at least do some cool shader effects, or even material blending on the ground and such.

Looks cool though, checkin it out now.

Also, you should run it through UDK/lightmass for extra yummy. You'll have to open the uncooked version though, otherwise it'll crash.

December 27th, 2009, 08:22 PM
Eh... keep in mind that you can only use the assets in the UDK that come with the UDK... which means Flak cannon and stuff are not available.

December 28th, 2009, 02:24 AM
UT3 isn't hard to run?

You have no idea how old my previous PC was.

December 29th, 2009, 11:16 PM
UT3 isn't hard to run?

Also, the lighting looks pretty good in the delta halo one, but if your gunna put it in ut3, at least do some cool shader effects, or even material blending on the ground and such.

Looks cool though, checkin it out now.

Also, you should run it through UDK/lightmass for extra yummy. You'll have to open the uncooked version though, otherwise it'll crash.

My shaders on this map are ridiculously over complicated. :v:

December 30th, 2009, 01:06 PM
Although the menus are kinda slow, I can run UT3 at 1024x768 at high settings, even with this ancient comp (specs are up there ^)

but you still should run it with UDK's lightmass for extra epic lightingness

December 30th, 2009, 01:49 PM

It would be a pain in the ass to move the maps to UDK just for lighting I'm sure.

December 30th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Not really. I opened uncooked revelations in UDK just fine.

December 30th, 2009, 02:56 PM
Really? Once you save it will it still work in UE3? I'm not sure there backwards compatible.

December 30th, 2009, 03:05 PM
No, if you save in UDK you can't take it back to UT3.

December 30th, 2009, 03:06 PM
No, if you save in UDK you can't take it back to UT3.

Thought so. They didn't bother to make it backwards compatible.

December 31st, 2009, 01:15 PM
why would they make it backwards compatible? The license is for the UDK not the UT3 assets.

January 1st, 2010, 08:23 PM
So... Any crit on the gameplay and stuff. I need some things to work on improving in the next map pack...

January 1st, 2010, 09:52 PM
The gameplay/looks for Harbinger and Cyclotron are fine. 2 small things for Transcendence:
1. Water in middle = death? It's a little bit too easy to die when you're on the top section, and it gets frustrating during some fights.
2. Other than that, gameplay is fine. To nitpick a bit, and I know this is your first brush map, but feel free to make it prettier now. Some variety in the rocks/building textures and possibly some structures (mostly decorative, but you have enough empty space to add some things for gameplay value as well) could give the map added appeal.

January 2nd, 2010, 01:55 PM
Originally the bridge area was planned to be over a bottomless pit but I got lazy and just built a lake. I guess it ended up being a bit annoying. I've killed myself multiple times in it. I never meant it to be as heavily traveled as it ended up being. I'll try and be more careful with height hazards in future layouts. :downs: