View Full Version : Fucking lame

December 28th, 2009, 05:57 PM
So, I have had the electricity connected at my place since july, and haven't received a bill. A month ago, I thought, thats odd, lets ring up.

I rang up, they said they had no idea what was up, but they would rectify the situation.

A month later, still no bill. I ring up again, just 15 minutes ago.

The phone service said I owed $0.

I was like, ok, that's rad, but lets find out more.

I got put onto a customer service bitch, and she said, "oh, weird billing error, we'll get this sorted out for you, your next bill payment will be a single 6 month electricity bill, but we understand it was our fault so we won't expect you to pay that by the due date, since it was our fault, we had a billing error in the system and you weren't being charged, we've alerted our tech people, so were backlogging to the first meter readings and you'll have your bill soon, sorry"

So yes. If I shut my fucking mouth, I would have had the holiest of holy lucky awesome things ever.

Free electricity, sapping it off the main grid with no one caring.

But cause I opened my fucking mouth, I now get all my usage billing in one, fat chunk, right on new years/holiday, when I want to spend my money.


In short, anything like this happen to anyone?

December 28th, 2009, 06:13 PM
Nope, had sort of the opposite.

The morons at the electric company read our meter wrong one time, by like 300 units, we didnt notice the error because we just assumed it was a high bill. Turns out when they next read the meter, we were under their reading including the 300 units. Basically looked like we hadnt used any plus we gave THEM energy. The estimate was horribly wrong so they read meter, and we didnt have to pay them anything.

It looks like this time, we wont have to pay anything either, if we do it will be so little ($5 each).


Bad luck in your situation though, stinks you will get one fat bill. Can you at least say to them split it up? How often should you usually pay them, quarterly? (every 3 months, so 4 times a year).

December 28th, 2009, 06:56 PM
So yes. If I shut my fucking mouth, I would have had the holiest of holy lucky awesome things ever.

Free electricity, sapping it off the main grid with no one caring.

But cause I opened my fucking mouth, I now get all my usage billing in one, fat chunk, right on new years/holiday, when I want to spend my money.


In short, anything like this happen to anyone?
Lesson to learn here folk's, if tech supports offers something too good to be true don't say a thing and just agree with it.

We had something simular ages back, they undercharged us for ages and when we both realised they demanded us paid up for their mistake.

December 28th, 2009, 07:23 PM
I actually have something similar with my cable bill, but they are, I'm not joking here, refusing to give us the correct (and higher) price. Comcast is supposed to charge $33 a month for it, but they are adamant in making us pay $15 a month for it. We've called them multiple times to make sure we wouldn't get a bigass bill, but every person we've spoken to is sure that's what we should be paying.

I should have recorded those calls.

December 28th, 2009, 08:18 PM
seems like the perfect time to post this.


December 28th, 2009, 08:19 PM
Why would you call

December 28th, 2009, 09:04 PM
So, I have had the electricity connected at my place since july, and haven't received a bill. A month ago, I thought, thats odd, lets ring up.

I rang up, they said they had no idea what was up, but they would rectify the situation.

A month later, still no bill. I ring up again, just 15 minutes ago.

The phone service said I owed $0.

I was like, ok, that's rad, but lets find out more.

I got put onto a customer service bitch, and she said, "oh, weird billing error, we'll get this sorted out for you, your next bill payment will be a single 6 month electricity bill, but we understand it was our fault so we won't expect you to pay that by the due date, since it was our fault, we had a billing error in the system and you weren't being charged, we've alerted our tech people, so were backlogging to the first meter readings and you'll have your bill soon, sorry"

So yes. If I shut my fucking mouth, I would have had the holiest of holy lucky awesome things ever.

Free electricity, sapping it off the main grid with no one caring.

But cause I opened my fucking mouth, I now get all my usage billing in one, fat chunk, right on new years/holiday, when I want to spend my money.


In short, anything like this happen to anyone?
But, you'da got fucked and accused of rigging your shit if you didn't tell them and they came and found out. Happened to my Aunt. You're better off this way.

December 29th, 2009, 12:23 AM
That's why I would have left well enough alone after the phone service said $0 owed, heh.

December 29th, 2009, 05:02 PM
I actually have something similar with my cable bill, but they are, I'm not joking here, refusing to give us the correct (and higher) price. Comcast is supposed to charge $33 a month for it, but they are adamant in making us pay $15 a month for it. We've called them multiple times to make sure we wouldn't get a bigass bill, but every person we've spoken to is sure that's what we should be paying.

I should have recorded those calls.

Bastard. :saddowns:

@ limited, nah won't let me split it, and funny thing is, by the time I acutally get thsi 6 monthly bill, the next quarterly bill will probably have come through.


Gone from omigosh happy to fuckufuckuangry.

Well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Looks like I'm eating packet noodles in february.

December 29th, 2009, 07:17 PM
seems like the perfect time to post this.


Oh wow. I actually listened to the whole recording. The guy explained the issue many times. It was a simple conversion error by Verizon that was hard to see because, to be honest, the numbers are pretty daunting, yet simple if you go through them on paper. The units were the key part. Cents are not dollars haha.

Real sorry bout your problem, Sirius.

December 29th, 2009, 08:47 PM
at around 22 minutes in that recording "its obviously a difference in opinion" :lmao:

seriously this is worse than that guy who didnt understand dividing by 0.
E: sirius what you did was probably the best way to go. while it kicks ass that you wernt paying anything, if they found out its likely there would be an issue like heathen said, and then it would probably get even worse when you had to deal with idiots at customer service

December 29th, 2009, 08:53 PM
seriously this is worse than that guy who didnt understand dividing by 0.
