View Full Version : Twilight is subliminally converting people to Mormonism.

December 29th, 2009, 10:25 PM
Some guy who has never watched Twilight gets in an argument with some girl about Twilight, and points out something I find particularly funny.

I talked with a teenaged friend yesterday. She can't believe that I've never read a Twilight book and that I haven't seen the first movie. She is beside herself about the opening of New Moon tomorrow.

Her: You are missing out! The books are awesome. You should read them first, then see the movies in order.

Me: I'm not missing out. I know all about Twilight from the Internet. Plenty of smart grown women are all about James Pattinson. It's pretty revolting, but I've got the gist of the books through their droolings.

Her: It's not the same. The saga is amazing! Romance, adventure, drama, heartbreak....

Me: Seriously, I know. People are all about glittering vampire love on the Internet. Every link I turn on, the Twilight people are. Team Edward. Team Jacob. Plus I saw the werewolf manboy on television. He's proud of his muscles. He grew them for the fans.

Her: So you know everything? But you aren't going to see New Moon?

Me: I totally should get Advanced Placement credit for testing out in Twilight AND New Moon.

Her: Um, sure. Okay, tell me about Twilight. About New Moon.

Me: Okay. So there is this chick Bella. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, because, duh. And she's a player. Everyone want to be her because freaky monsters want her bad and therefore girls want to kill her. She has her pick of vampires and werewolves. Probably also zombies, though I said vampires already and it's been occurring to me lately that vampires ARE zombies.

Her: Edward and Jacob aren't monsters.

Me: Of course they are monstrous sex fiends. Except they aren't, because the books are PG. So the sex is implied. But it is obviously all about who she is going to have the best sex with.

Her: Sort of. No. Not really.

Me: And it's hard to figure out, because obviously the sex would be hotter with the wolfman, but she could live forever with the ice cold vamp which is a pretty good tradeoff. So she's always tortured about her decisions, or her love, or about missing her lover(s). Should she give up hunky Jacob for the emo white fangboy who wants to suck her blood and leave her in the night? Plus side: he offers her ETERNAL LIFE. Only Jesus and vampires can do that. So. That is serious forever-love. Down side: he's pouty and complicated and ultimately narcissistic in that vampire way.

Her: He leaves her because he's putting her in DANGER. It's tragic.

Me: Meh. Vampires are whiners. They always have some "poor me, I have to live forever as a lonely old misunderstood poisonous soul" pity party going on. And they are always single despite this amazing gift they can give people. That's a big red flag of emotional baggage if you ask me. Vampires can't commit because they don't want to hurt you with their forever-love? Who needs it? So maybe Bella should go with what's behind door number 2.

Her: Team Jacob.

Me: Jacob, the loyal dog with biceps of steel. A big hunk of wild animal devoted to her. Who will ravage her like the bad boy she craves, never leaving her side. Hungry like the wolf. Downside: the hair and piles of hidden bones. Plus, after so many dog years, he's dead. She buries him, then goes herself not long after. Bones and bones and bones.

Her: Ew.

Me: So New Moon is the werewolf's chance to nail her while the vampire is sulking in his coffin.

Her: Well, Edward's in Italy. You are forgetting about all kinds of stuff, being attacked, her needing to be saved from Victoria's evil plans, about almost dying for each other...

Me: He's in Italy?! I told you. It's all about him. And then who actually saves her, the European vampire or the American Indian werewolf? Forever Love or Wild Animal Lust?

Her: I guess, both.

Me: A-ha. But she ends up going with Edward, right, and becoming a vampire? Even though it's wrong that the Europeans stole the Native's land? Even though he has an annoying name and no shoulders? Even though he is a self-absorbed, non-committal emo boy who sleeps all day long?

Her: Oh yeah, Team Edward forever.

Me: Well, worse comes to worse, if she ever gets tired of him (because Vampire Forever is a very long time and most couples can't even make it Human Forever) she could always turn Jacob into a vampire and then she'd have the best of both worlds: a vampire werewolf! Rawr!

Her: But that wouldn't work out well for Bella and Edward's daughter, because SHE ends up with Jacob.

Me: What? Bella's daughter gets with the wolf? You're making that part up.

Her: No. In Breaking Dawn. I'm serious. It's so sweet, it's how he gets over the heartbreak of Bella. But it's not, like, sexual. Jacob imprinted on Bella's girl. He will be whatever she needs him to be, best friend, protector, and when she is old enough, they COULD be lovers if she wants. It's pure devotion.

Me: Okay, that's just sick. That's like young girls getting married to old men like in some fundamental Mormon polygamous cult family. Hey, wait a minute...

Her: Huh. Well, Stephenie Meyer is Mormon. She said the idea for the saga came to her in a dream.

Me: So basically she wrote all of this to explain that it's okay that the white men stole America, and now want to steal girl-sister-wives, and it's somehow okay that people of color are meant to be slaves to our babies, and guess what, you should abstain from sex but should give your soul to the entity that promises you eternal life, and a New Dawn is coming? This is subversive and creepy!

Her: Um, I think she wrote it to get rich. Which seems to be working.

Me: I don't think you should go to New Moon tomorrow night. How about 2012 where John Cusack is the dad and it's the end of the world as we know it. We might be better off if we just let this world end. With popcorn. And Diet Coke, of course.

Her: Yeah, no thanks! I'm sticking with New Moon. Although what if you've ruined it for me?

Me: Ruined it? SAVED you, you mean. I've saved you from a Mormon cult. You'll thank me when you aren't fighting with your sister wives over whose turn it is to mash some yams for dinner for y'all's husband.

Her: Um. Thank you?

December 29th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Btw Mormons aren't polygamists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormons)

e: nvm. I was going to say something but... uh... this reminds me of something 1 sec

this (http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=261135)

December 29th, 2009, 10:39 PM
Mormonism. Of all the religions this is the lolsiest (Edit, no sorry, Scientology still holds that title). A religion created in 1830 by a treasure hunter and renowned liar.

Almost as bad as Kwanzaa.

Oh and Twilight sucks.


December 29th, 2009, 10:42 PM
not anymore, if your part of that whole "official church" trade off for religious status and a state.

but hey theres always the fundermentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_fundamentalism#Fundamentalist_Church_of_Jes us_Christ_of_Latter_Day_Saints=) where they to date still practice polygamy, child marriages, including to each others cousins if the church so deems it.

theres a book called "Stolen innocence" which is the story of a girl who was raised in this church and her subsequent marriage at 13 to her cousin where he raped her repeatedly, had 3 miss carriages and a still birth before escaping with another fella from the church and creating a new life.
she ended up talking to the cops and had Warren Jeffs A.K.A. "gods mouth piece on earth" sentenced for his involvement in orchestrating it.

there also compelling arguments to suggest they are the closest to the original Mormonism teachings, culture and way of life.

so yeah, Mormons where and still are polygamists.

Good book i suggest you check it out sometime.

Also cool story heathen.

December 29th, 2009, 11:00 PM
the internet should censor the word twilight until steph meyer stops writing bad self-insert novels about emos and furries

December 29th, 2009, 11:03 PM
(this is serious)
a new church was put up about 1/4 mile from where I live. I was walking down to the nearest shell station to get a few energy drinks, and whilew alking down the road, these mormons pull up next to me and are like "hey, you wanna come check out the new church?" with a huge pedosmile

i will always be afraid of mormons afterwards

December 29th, 2009, 11:46 PM
the internet should censor the word twilight until steph meyer stops writing bad self-insert novels about emos and furries

let me first of start by saying twilight does not have any appearance of furries in it. while Jacob may be a werewolf he is just like Edward in not abiding by the normal laws of the paranormal where the werewolf is a therianthropic. 1/2man 1/2wolf. Jacobs form is more of a pure wolf which is not a anthropomorphic (furry) character at all. I am not saying therianthropic creatures are not furries their alt form is technically considered furry. please don't associate furries with twilight, we have enough bad rep than to be thought of as twilightards.

December 29th, 2009, 11:48 PM
let me first of start by saying twilight does not have any appearance of furries in it. while Jacob may be a werewolf he is just like Edward in not abiding by the normal laws of the paranormal where the werewolf is a therianthropic. 1/2man 1/2wolf. Jacobs form is more of a pure wolf which is not a anthropomorphic (furry) character at all. I am not saying therianthropic creatures are not furries their alt form is technically considered furry. please don't associate furries with twilight, we have enough bad rep than to be thought of as twilightards.

Who the fuck are you?

And what? I smell a robert graham.

December 29th, 2009, 11:51 PM
Who the fuck are you?

And what? I smell a robert graham.

I can confirm that he is not robert graham.

December 29th, 2009, 11:52 PM
Who the fuck are you?

And what? I smell a robert graham.

i am JPEG friend of ICEE
i know not a robert graham

December 29th, 2009, 11:54 PM
Bullshit. There's no such thing as real people.

Also. Please explain your post. That's what I was really asking but I failed to do so due to my shitty posting or something.

December 30th, 2009, 12:01 AM
Bullshit. There's no such thing as real people.

Also. Please explain your post. That's what I was really asking but I failed to do so due to my shitty posting or something.


wikipedia yourself some info than come back

December 30th, 2009, 12:04 AM

wikipedia yourself some info than come back


Twilight is for furrys?

December 30th, 2009, 12:05 AM

Twilight is for furrys?

obvious troll is obvious

December 30th, 2009, 12:10 AM

Twilight enthusiast detected

lynch mob on alert

But in all seriousness, Twilight isn't a vehicle for Mormonism so much as one for pre-marital abstinence. My concern about the book isn't so much that it puts dumb religious ideas into the heads of kids (everyone else does that pretty well already) but that it's giving little girls this image of their perfect man who is almost guaranteed to never show up. They've got this little idea of the hot yet intelligent yet ubermuscular yet sensitive dude who will one day show up and instantly sweep them off their feet, marry them, and then insert his penis inside their vaginas. This kind of perfect relationship is exceedingly rare, if not entirely nonexistant.

Actually, my biggest complaint about the book is that, as a piece of literature, it's just not very good. It's like a fourteen year old kid's Lord of the Rings fanfiction; well executed, it might hold water, but as it is, it's merely a poorly written, poorly executed author insert fantasy.

And fuck, vampires are supposed to be scary, this could happen to zombies next

December 30th, 2009, 12:21 AM
Twilight enthusiast detected

lynch mob on alert

But in all seriousness, Twilight isn't a vehicle for Mormonism so much as one for pre-marital abstinence. My concern about the book isn't so much that it puts dumb religious ideas into the heads of kids (everyone else does that pretty well already) but that it's giving little girls this image of their perfect man who is almost guaranteed to never show up. They've got this little idea of the hot yet intelligent yet ubermuscular yet sensitive dude who will one day show up and instantly sweep them off their feet, marry them, and then insert his penis inside their vaginas. This kind of perfect relationship is exceedingly rare, if not entirely nonexistant.

Actually, my biggest complaint about the book is that, as a piece of literature, it's just not very good. It's like a fourteen year old kid's Lord of the Rings fanfiction; well executed, it might hold water, but as it is, it's merely a poorly written, poorly executed author insert fantasy.

And fuck, vampires are supposed to be scary, this could happen to zombies next

actually no lol, i just did my research to not look like an idiot. and yea another point is the stupid teams Edward and Jacob. its to the point iv seen fist fights over this. reminds me of starwars and trek. hell i wouldn't even compare this to a LOTR fanfic its like just one of the billions of vampire fanfics that are out there, this one just got girls (some guys .A.) all hot. and yea about zombies its only a matter of time.


December 30th, 2009, 12:27 AM
You know why these vampires don't exist?

Because they're hunted for their golden slongs which the porno industry uses for their award ceremonies

It just so happens this Edward dude survived his hunter but now must hide the fact that he no longer has his shiny package. Any other vampire would go bat crazy on this moonbeam girl then fail to call her the next night.

December 30th, 2009, 12:30 AM
You know why these vampires don't exist?

Because they're hunted for their golden slongs which the porno industry uses for their award ceremonies

It just so happens this Edward dude survived his hunter but now must hide the fact that he no longer has his shiny package. Any other vampire would go bat crazy on this moonbeam girl then fail to call her the next night.

to bad he has a spare

December 30th, 2009, 12:38 AM
[shot] tags pl0x

nice gold member

December 30th, 2009, 12:43 AM
got damn boy this ain't 4chan

You don't have to attach an image to every post. And for god's sake, if you have to, don't make it take up the whole blasted page.

December 30th, 2009, 12:45 AM
got damn boy this ain't 4chan

You don't have to attach an image to every post. And for god's sake, if you have to, don't make it take up the whole blasted page.

my apology sir, il keep my images as small as i can while still allowing clarity to what they are.

December 30th, 2009, 12:57 AM
pre-marital abstinence


Don't have sex, but be fucking weird and be a slut to pretty much anyone that says "I'm different in a way besides what your used to."

I can confirm that he is not robert graham.

one thing is certain though, he is a furry.

December 30th, 2009, 01:00 AM
one thing is certain though, he is a furry.
*salutes* sir yes sir

December 30th, 2009, 01:15 AM
all fucking furries must fucking hang

December 30th, 2009, 01:17 AM
all fucking furries must fucking hang

:C, why the hate, u would of never probably known if i didn't say anything.

December 30th, 2009, 01:30 AM
*salutes* sir yes sir

I commend the for your bravery and admittance.

Lets leave it at that, no more furry discussion in ma thread.

December 30th, 2009, 01:33 AM
I commend the for your bravery and admittance.

Lets leave it at that, no more furry discussion in ma thread.

agree'd or we will just attract more infected. *looks at Kyon*

December 30th, 2009, 02:27 AM
what is this thread.

it's the most bizarre thing i've read in days lol.

Twilight, Furries, Mormonism, WHAT WILL WE DO NEXT?

December 30th, 2009, 02:30 AM
About that abortion and gay marriage...

December 30th, 2009, 02:30 AM
Heathen is a mormon furry vampire irl

December 30th, 2009, 02:39 AM
Twilight enthusiast detected

lynch mob on alert

But in all seriousness, Twilight isn't a vehicle for Mormonism so much as one for pre-marital abstinence. My concern about the book isn't so much that it puts dumb religious ideas into the heads of kids (everyone else does that pretty well already) but that it's giving little girls this image of their perfect man who is almost guaranteed to never show up. They've got this little idea of the hot yet intelligent yet ubermuscular yet sensitive dude who will one day show up and instantly sweep them off their feet, marry them, and then insert his penis inside their vaginas. This kind of perfect relationship is exceedingly rare, if not entirely nonexistant.

but there is no sex so that last part wouldn't happen
they'll just have babies

December 30th, 2009, 03:40 AM
I know a gay mormon emo kid who has a thing for me.

not fun at parties

December 30th, 2009, 03:48 AM
Heathen is a mormon furry vampire irl

I'm also a pedo.

December 30th, 2009, 01:08 PM
I'm also a pedo.

i know

December 30th, 2009, 01:10 PM
I'm also a pedo.

into pyropedonecrobeastility? :3

December 30th, 2009, 02:25 PM
into pyropedonecrobeastility? :3

1 hit and he'd no longer be able to do it.

December 30th, 2009, 03:00 PM
Oh cool m00kz and you can be friends now.

t3h m00kz
December 30th, 2009, 03:50 PM
let me go grab my noose and a hoaers

December 31st, 2009, 01:45 AM
let me go grab my noose and a hoaers

il get the shovels and plastic bags :D

December 31st, 2009, 02:24 AM
arrite :|