View Full Version : A thought on politics

January 1st, 2010, 07:40 AM
I've noticed that there's a lot of criticism for Obama, and George W. I find the criticism on Obama completely unfounded, and it confuses me as to why someone would dislike obama. I know everyone has their own opinion, that's a fact and a given, but surely someone MUST have a reason for this.

I see no real reason to hate, perhaps I'm ignorant of facts about Obama. I think that one reason people hate Obama is because the media criticizes him. Why would they do that? And that's the real thought this whole topic is about: I think that since the media criticized GW Bush, this was very popular in the news/media, and seeing how popular that became when he was in office, the news/media continue to criticize the president.

I think the business model that media outlets employ are not perfect. I think they publish news stories based on whats popular, which is why we get random, strange and interesting news stories on the most random things. These are just that: strange, and usually quite interesting so they get read a lot, and the news companies see this and continue to publish said stories. Games are a lot like this, most revolve around killing, and just about every game made is about killing enemies, of ever increasing varieties.

Speaking of popularity, I see the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan being opposed as another piece of opinion. I personally do not know why we are in Afghanistan and Iraq, I've heard theories but to me I think they're all someone's opinion because they seem outlandish and difficult if not impossibe to prove. Theories range from we're in Iraq for Oil, to we invaded Iraq to capture and kill Sadam, because GWB didn't like Sadams plot to kill George Bush Senior, to the possible WMDs

. I don't really see why some people are against the war, this is another example. I know some people oppose war because killing is bad, at least in RL, and they're right, but the majority of people I think are against it for other reasons. I'm just really sick of opinion in the news, they should be posting truth, its their job, or at least supposed to be (their new job seems to be posting stories that are popular), which is why I like CNN. I'm not sure if it was CNN, started with a C, had some very good non-opinionated stories, a show about nothing but the truth, and segments where they showed clips from other news stations which showed just how ridiculously biased those stations were (like Fox news).

And of opinion, I read a Yahoo! news story about which foods the experts won't touch, and at the begginning it said that the debate on which foods are healthy and which are not, rages on. Then it went on to say which foods the "experts" would not eat. It even said one food was so bad you couldn't eat it ONCE in FIVE months! Here we have a journalist claiming that there is still a debate on what foods are good and which aren't and that there is no reliable source or facts on the food, and yet this journalist is claiming that these foods are not safe. Total hypocrisy! I don't think Yahoo! is very biased, as far as I can tell.

I tell you this all from my honest heart, I am posting what I remember and not my opinion.

I may be wrong, please say something if you think differently, lets get a discussion going! I like to research stuff, but sometimes I don't, like in this case.

t3h m00kz
January 1st, 2010, 07:55 AM
tldr. politics suck. too complicated.

Just be good to one another, that's my outlook on life. Doesn't always seem to translate into politics half the time, and it's unfortunate.

January 1st, 2010, 08:04 AM
Obama is fighting a war on two fronts and gets the Nobel Peace Prize. :P

I like him though.

January 1st, 2010, 08:19 AM
As much as I would like to fully comment on all of your post, time doesn't permit.

In general, it should be the media's job to bring criticism on the president (or any gov't official for that matter). However very rarely does it seem to be unbaised or ever criticise anything good. Big media anyway. You're better off looking into independent media whom aren't backed by big names or interested parties. Assuming the big bad media giant does come and squash them like a bug before then.

The mainstream media is sadly driven by the market. Look at MTV. Should I go on? They'll report or play only the stuff which will get them more ratings. Even if they have to twist it up while doing so. More ratings equals more ads investors. Luckily we have the internet which isn't lobbied with commercials. There are still ads though depending where you look but the internet is so large and filled with variety that you can easily find an alt without all the shit.

Yes, some food isn't suppose to be ate all that often. Take for example tuna (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuna#Mercury_levels) (and pretty much sea food in general).

The "wars" on terrorism. These are what you would call loopholes in the gov't system that W used to fund his gov't contractor friends and friends-of-friends with oh-so much money. I feel sorry for the american tax payers. I so dearly wish you could see where and how your money is just thrown away and used improperly. Not even overseas. Within our borders our gov't just throws money at the contractors they hire. These contractors aren't focused on making a high-quality product. They're focused on the minimum it takes to meet the contract so they can keep getting renewed and thus keep the money flowing in.

Terrorism isn't a country. Terrorism isn't a military. Terrorism isn't a place. Terrorism isn't a specific person or peoples. An unconventinal enemy requires like-wise tactics. However, our country is too political for such games. The only tatic we know how to use is shock, awe, build some bases, send waves of troops to hold the forts. We get so caught up in the initial attack we have no fucking clue in how to win the overall war. This isn't WW2 where we just finished what others started against an already strained enemey (an enemy we could actually ID). We're just shooting from the hip, just like the old west. Expect the west isn't old anymore.

January 1st, 2010, 09:47 AM
These threads don't last very wrong. Politics threads don't work on this forum unfortunately.

The media has had criticized every President in the past and will do so in the future as long as freedom of speech exist. Criticism of groups in power is as old as civilization, so don't take it too hard.

Ask Kornman00 said, media reports things that get them views and ratings, there's your capitalism at work.

There's no one reason we're in the Mid-East wars, it's a chain of events that triggered it.

I really don't have much to say about politics as I can sum it up in 2 words: Politics Sucks!

January 1st, 2010, 05:39 PM
FF7 your starting to touch on why i'm such a jaded bastard, you've scratched the surface and now that your noticing these things you'll see more and more bullshit and think how on earth could people possibly be THIS stupid.

Enjoy being jaded and resentful for the rest of your life!

Also pretty much what KoRn said, about everything.

January 1st, 2010, 06:32 PM
I've noticed that there's a lot of criticism for Obama, and George W. I find the criticism on Obama completely unfounded, and it confuses me as to why someone would dislike obama. I know everyone has their own opinion, that's a fact and a given, but surely someone MUST have a reason for this.

I see no real reason to hate, perhaps I'm ignorant of facts about Obama. I think that one reason people hate Obama is because the media criticizes him. Why would they do that? And that's the real thought this whole topic is about: I think that since the media criticized GW Bush, this was very popular in the news/media, and seeing how popular that became when he was in office, the news/media continue to criticize the president.

It's a given the American right would hate him, and he's pissed off the left by letting the health care bill getting watered down to near uselessness and little to no action on his other promises.

I think the business model that media outlets employ are not perfect. I think they publish news stories based on whats popular, which is why we get random, strange and interesting news stories on the most random things. These are just that: strange, and usually quite interesting so they get read a lot, and the news companies see this and continue to publish said stories.

Welcome to capitalism. Media outlets will air/publish what makes the public watch, i.e., what makes them the most money.

Speaking of popularity, I see the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan being opposed as another piece of opinion. I personally do not know why we are in Afghanistan and Iraq,

We're in Afghanistan because of the September 11th attacks. You're in Iraq because the Bush administration was full of incompetent evil fucks. hth.

I don't really see why some people are against the war, this is another example. I know some people oppose war because killing is bad, at least in RL, and they're right, but the majority of people I think are against it for other reasons.

There are plenty other valid reasons to be against the wars in the middle east. Why exactly do you support the war?

January 1st, 2010, 06:46 PM
"when you look at the 21st century, of the opportunity's that we have, of the challenges that we face. From things like stem cells to climate change, to nano-science to space travel to Nuclear proliferation... To all manner of things that will have a dramatic impact on life, they're all scientific.
and if you dont have a public thats willing to engage with the scientific ideas...... it's nearly impossible to have informed decision making. so in order so that we can participate in the ongoing development of life and culture in order that we can play a part in the global dialogue about where we're going to go in the 21s century... we all have to speak at some level.... the language of science."

World problem number 1 tbqh.

January 1st, 2010, 07:52 PM
I'm not an Obama fan. I probably should have given him a bit less of a biased opinion at the beginning, but now he is driving me nuts. NO MORE MONEY SHOULD BE FLUSHED INTO THE ECONOMY. We're going past the necessary adjustments and the companies we are giving the bail out to are not really cooperating like the Gov't thought they would. Next, I want to say I'm not a Gov't Health Care fan, but my reasons are family reasons so I won't dive into that. Basically, from the past few presidents, I think they should take Economics 101 before they start their presidency because they need to know when to dive in and out of the economy during stressful times. I'm conservative. And politics is risky business here.

However, if we get a few crazies out of office in 2010 (the REAL crazies, not our president or just people in Congress), then I think things could shape up a bit better as far as mixed opinions and idea flow. Having one party in control is NEVER a good thing, even if you like them. There is still a few years left before the next term, so I hope things shape up for everyone by then.

I'm scared for the 2012 election on both sides of the voting pool as of know.

January 2nd, 2010, 02:15 AM
However, if we get a few crazies out of office in 2010 (the REAL crazies, not our president or just people in Congress), then I think things could shape up a bit better as far as mixed opinions and idea flow. Having one party in control is NEVER a good thing, even if you like them. There is still a few years left before the next term, so I hope things shape up for everyone by then.
I never thought i'd see the day where i'd agree with you on a political matter, but alas, here we are.

January 2nd, 2010, 02:22 AM
more like having political parties at all isn't a good thing

January 3rd, 2010, 06:21 PM
I'm conservative.

That's the kind of shit that ticks me off. Not the fact that you're conservative, but phrase "I'm conservative.". Like anyone who is not a fucking journalist or politician knows what that is!!! Its just another stupid word that people use to confuse others, that might mean something, but nobody really knows.

I went to the book store, and being quite smart fellow, figured I could read a philosophy book. I read the back cover and was instantly lost, because it was talking about liberals, conservatives, the "far left", the right, and all this other political crap I haven't a clue about. I don't know ANYONE who knows what that shit means!

January 3rd, 2010, 06:29 PM
you dont know the difference between a liberal and conservative? the meaning lies in the names, its not something difficult to understand

January 3rd, 2010, 06:31 PM
That's the kind of shit that ticks me off. Not the fact that you're conservative, but phrase "I'm conservative.". Like anyone who is not a fucking journalist or politician knows what that is!!! Its just another stupid word that people use to confuse others, that might mean something, but nobody really knows.

I went to the book store, and being quite smart fellow, figured I could read a philosophy book. I read the back cover and was instantly lost, because it was talking about liberals, conservatives, the "far left", the right, and all this other political crap I haven't a clue about. I don't know ANYONE who knows what that shit means!
Conservative should be self explanitory, conservation of ones current standard of life, conservatives are happy as things are and liberals want to change things, for better or worse.

January 3rd, 2010, 06:32 PM
lol, conservatist

January 3rd, 2010, 11:02 PM
That's the kind of shit that ticks me off. Not the fact that you're conservative, but phrase "I'm conservative.". Like anyone who is not a fucking journalist or politician knows what that is!!! Its just another stupid word that people use to confuse others, that might mean something, but nobody really knows.

Lol... Learn the english language, it's a great tool. The fact that someone who knows the word uses it and you don't doesn't mean they're at fault for using it. People won't argue with you if they can't even comprehend what you're saying.