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View Full Version : So how do I setup a gbx model for different permutations?

January 4th, 2010, 11:59 PM
Well I normally never post but here it goes.

I've rigged some brutes and now Im trying to make it's 3 basic permutations into a gbxmodel. My trouble is not compiling anything but rather how I should go about this. For example brute minor has no helmet or shoulder pieces. I dont know what or how I should export my biped to achieve what I want.

do I hide the parts the brute minor should not have and name it __minor and then add the next permutation and name it __standard etc.

I've tried this and ingame it shows all the parts of geometry on the brute.

Im not sure if halo looks for certain key names or not like base00 and __base?

Hope everyone understands it's kinda hard to explain. Basically I want to setup the model like armored marines all in one gbx tag to avoid abunch of different biped tags for a ai.

let me know if you need more information

January 5th, 2010, 09:33 PM
I wish I could remember.

I think you have you model and you make a region, be it shoulders, and in that selection set (region) you have those two models. When you compile it into a .gbxmodel I believe it will just randomly choose which model is displayed.

Don't quote me though

t3h m00kz
January 5th, 2010, 11:03 PM
It's something to do with putting multiple files in the same folder I believe..

January 6th, 2010, 05:43 AM
Yeah I know tell me if im doing this wrong.

I take the brute and unhide his body head and hair,these parts are used on all brute permutations so I export it as __base or should I name it base00?

Then I unhide the brute major parts and export it and name it __major-10

then I repeat the step for __captain-21

I compile the 3 .jms and compiles fine but no matter how I set up the biped tag under dialouge variant it shows all the parts on the brutes?

My biped tag is 0 for __base or base00 right?
then 10 for the brute major
and 21 for the brute captain.

The colors change on the brutes but the parts are all the same at once on any brute I cant figure it out :( It's stopping progress

January 6th, 2010, 10:02 AM
if i remember correctly, which i propably don't,

you just name one exported file <name>00
and the permutation of it <name>01 and 02 and such.

then when you compile your gbxmodel, it should automatically pick them all up and add them in as permutations which can be randomly chosen, or set in sapien (again, if i recall correctly, since i've only done this once a long time ago)

January 6th, 2010, 10:18 AM
Well, I looked over all my old tags from a few years ago and what I came up with by looking at my warthog I had two models, one was fully complete with the regions of hull and tires. I exported it as hull_base.jms, I then deleted everything except the tires. I changed the textures on them to the blurred ones and re-exported as _blurred.jms.

From there I'm lost, but I think all you do is compile it. I'll dig through my other tags tonight and get back to you. Hope some of this helped.