View Full Version : 3 days of hell.

January 9th, 2010, 05:39 AM
worst couple of days ever.

Went out on wednesday for a fun day in the sun, canoeing, swimming, beach cricket, wind surfing all that, was an awesome day.
After about 4 hours though we where all absolutely buggered and decided to go home. I hadn't been wearing a shirt while swimming so I was a bit burnt but it was fine.

But for the last half an hour when we where packing up, throwing the canoes on the cars ect the sun came out in full force and i had no refuge under the water.

Remember lamajuice when he got burnt? yeah i beat that, by a fucking mile
(i did however manage to get a boob tan and by that i mean a shadow under my man pecks of steel where i wasn't burnt at all, was a defining moment of my life. but i digress)

That's all well and good, I'd been burnt before many many times, but this time... it was different. the first night wasn't so bad, just a really bad sunburn ya know, the usual kind of shit.
come the second day though i started getting itchy, and irritated.
so i came home to play the computer, watch some youtube, take my mind off things, chill, forgot that i was itching and felt like digging bugs under my skin.
that was until my computer decides to shit itself. leaving me high and dry. Brilliant.
The scratching?
it didn't get any better. by Thursday night i was clawing at myself, but i managed to keep still long enough to go into a fitful sleep for the night.
no more then 10 minutes in-between waking up in exasperation trying to force myself from scratching. but i made it through the night.

Friday, i'm enraged at the drop of a hat, my skin is blistering, and i'm realizing i did more then one layer of skin damage. The layer underneath my exposed burnt back has been burnt so bad thats it's pealing UNDER my current layer, causing bubbles as it's lifting off, feels like i have ants and fleas and fucking ticks under my skin.
to cool off and relax i take a swim.
I'm in heaven. for about 10 minutes. once i got out the water as it's drying off my hair is seeping in and pulling off the layers underneath my skin. I'm raw underneath and still cant
i get out and go for a shower, but i cant stop scratching now, it's far too irritating, i'm clawing at my chest and ripping out hairs as i try to stop the pain and torment.
that is until i decide the only thing i can do to stop myself clawing out handfuls of hair is... shave my chest bare.
my chest stops worrying me so much but my back goes into over drive. nothing i do in the shower can get me the bliss i had in the pool, so i decide to switch and have a bath.
i've been in the shower for about 25 minutes now.
but theres no plug in the bathroom.
where is that mutha fucking plug omfg, i cant take the time to dry myself, dress, and walk out to get the plug cause i'm that itchy, so i make a nudey run through the house, plug that hole as fast as i can and sink in for a relaxing way out of scratching.
But it was not to be.
Try as i might it didnt help me.
there was nothing i could do, and knowing that if i kept scratching i'd have big ass weeping sores (which is really fucking lame on a holliday) i held my hands at my sides and counted seconds.
something anything to help me to stop scratching.
i set goals and time limits and pushed myself. but counting alone couldnt stop it, i had to rock back and forth like a crazy person with invisible hand cuffs in a bath that the waters gone dead cold counting, and whispering the hours away.

I eventually got dressed and like a kid on christmas eve, the only thing i could think of to make it go faster, was to sleep the day away.
so i did.
Friday nights sleep was worse then thursdays but i was fast approaching the end of the itchiest most annoying sensation i've ever had in my fucking life.

Saturday sucked, still too itchy, sore and iratable to do anything so i basically sat around doing nothing but reading all day.

Now the computer.
have you any idea what it's like to spend 3 days trying to do something that you love only to fail every time.
it sucks alot of dick.

Thursday it broke,
called my brother he suggested this, it didnt work,
so i tried something else.
it didnt work
so i installed a new version of windows
i couldnt get any drivers to work so i couldnt get steam to work OR ANY OF MY FUCKING VIDJEO GAMES
Friday i tried some new suggestions from my brother and none of them worked.
and then on saturday i came to you guys, and everything that i did, didnt work.

This is my main source of entertainment.
if i'm bored i surf the forums, watch videos on youtube, troll the internet, research shit, find new music, GAME all of it denied to me when i cant venture outside for fear of making my situation worse, or complete lack of motivation.
I've got the worst case of cabin fever ever, and i cant leave the cabin >_<

My 3 days have sucked. i've read through 600 pages of a fucking tome and i'm going insane, and i wont be able to get my computer fixed till monday night at the earliest.


January 9th, 2010, 07:23 AM
That's a pretty long wall of text..

I would go to a doctor if my skin was peeling and bubbly :gonk:

January 9th, 2010, 07:30 AM
Ouch man, you should come here, its minus degrees every single day, right now its -3 and this is a good day.

January 9th, 2010, 08:14 AM
it sucks alot of dick.
I read this in your most bogan voice.
We need to go on vent more bro, wtc happend to us :ohdear:

ps. l2sunprotection, WELCOME TO MY WORLD (sept I'm not stupid enough to let it get that bad :smug:)

January 9th, 2010, 08:22 AM
read the bible it's hilarious
e: also it will pass the time

January 9th, 2010, 08:53 AM
sweet christ bod, that sounds AWFUL.

hope you're feeling better...

January 9th, 2010, 10:12 AM
If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend using Aloe-Vera. I've gotten some horrific sunburns in my life, and that dulls the pain considerably. Also, what's the problem with your PC?

January 9th, 2010, 12:09 PM
If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend using Aloe-Vera.
This stuff works miracles.

January 9th, 2010, 12:52 PM
If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend using Aloe-Vera

Seconded. Though, my Aloe-Vera that I used last time I got a horrific sunburn was in this green gel; woke up with bits of green skin peeling off me. The relief is very quick, though; within a couple hours.

January 9th, 2010, 12:54 PM
I've had the bubbly skin before. I found it somewhat fun to "pop" the water out of it.

January 9th, 2010, 12:59 PM
I'm not familair with Sunburns, and what happens when you get them, because I don't get them (and the last one I had was years ago when I was a kid), but it looks like you've got Swimmers itch. Its a ting you get from swimming in natural water (like in a lake or pong or whatever). That really sucks.

January 9th, 2010, 05:03 PM
If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend using Aloe-Vera. I've gotten some horrific sunburns in my life, and that dulls the pain considerably. Also, what's the problem with your PC?

yeah the bathtub i was in was up to my eyes in aloe vera :/