View Full Version : Stargate: Resistance

January 16th, 2010, 07:06 PM
As a Stargate and scifi fan, I'm disappointed with what the franchise is doing with the games.
They started off with Stargate Worlds, which has terrible graphics and is basically dead, to announcing a second title. This is the 3'rd game announcement of a Stargate game and all but this one has a chance of coming out. The first one got killed off because they went to court with MGM (Producer of stargate) and the second one *stargate worlds* is basically dead.
Stargate Resistance is supposedly coming out in the first quarter of 2010. It's a 3'rd person shooter, but it looks like they took there models from Stargate Worlds and shoved them into this game:

I might give this a go, but its disappointing to say the least.

January 16th, 2010, 07:08 PM
That does look horrible :x

January 17th, 2010, 03:26 PM
goddamn that looks bad >_<

January 17th, 2010, 03:36 PM
Just remember, this is a game from 1990s. So it looks great by that standards :-3.

In all seriousness, is this suppose to be a next gen game? It looks terrible. The scale is off and I've seen more realistic mods from fans, which actually stayed pretty true to the series.

E:Not great be alot better than what I see from that site.


January 17th, 2010, 04:21 PM
Stargate has potential, I mean there are several hostile factions throughout the show, with big firefights, large wars, etc.

But everyone who has tried to make a game for the universe has failed so far (excluding mods, even though I have never heard of any really good ones).

January 17th, 2010, 11:33 PM
Creating a good Stargate game would be easy.

Take an engine, preferably the MW:2 engine, and use that. The SP would be incredibly simple.
1) Come out of a stargate. (Also by ship, etc, all forms of travel)
2) Varying degrees of difficulty to reach the objective
3) Do the objective.
4) Get out alive.

Simple formula. To make it actually interesting and playable incorporate a good story line first off as well as puzzle orientated tasks to finish the objective, proper battles using varying forms of combat (Stealth, brute force, traps, etc), and properly done cut scenes that are seamless like the ones in Modern Warfare, all from F-POV, simply to give the game the cinematic perspective that we are expecting from a TV show based game.

To make the entire story line bearable and make sense all they'd have to do is base the entire story much like a season or movie, season 8 (I believe?) comes to mind where every episode lead up and dealt with a way to combat Anubis and end the G'ould reign. It could be easily transformed into a game story line, one that would attract a lot of attention.

The beauty of that is you can either relive the entire series via the game or an entire new series could be written through new eyes with a similar formula allowing for new ideas to be put out at a significantly lower development cost with a decent pay off associated with it.

The MP would also be incredibly simple, much like MW:2, just swap out the terrorists for Jaffa and the Seals/TF141/Rangers/Etc for SG-Units and each gametype changed to suit the universe. Even the killstreak feature could be carried over considering the sheer amount of vehicles featured in Stargate from each side.

I honestly can't understand why it's taken so many failed attempts to still not even realize this with the few that will see the light of day. Someone out there has to have the common sense and rationality to put 2+2 together and see the profit, I can't be the only one.

TL;DR - I should make the next Stargate game.

January 18th, 2010, 12:01 AM
Creating a good Stargate game would be easy.

Take an engine, preferably the MW:2 engine, and use that. The SP would be incredibly simple.
1) Come out of a stargate. (Also by ship, etc, all forms of travel)
2) Varying degrees of difficulty to reach the objective
3) Do the objective.
4) Get out alive.

Simple formula. To make it actually interesting and playable incorporate a good story line first off as well as puzzle orientated tasks to finish the objective, proper battles using varying forms of combat (Stealth, brute force, traps, etc), and properly done cut scenes that are seamless like the ones in Modern Warfare, all from F-POV, simply to give the game the cinematic perspective that we are expecting from a TV show based game.

To make the entire story line bearable and make sense all they'd have to do is base the entire story much like a season or movie, season 8 (I believe?) comes to mind where every episode lead up and dealt with a way to combat Anubis and end the G'ould reign. It could be easily transformed into a game story line, one that would attract a lot of attention.

The beauty of that is you can either relive the entire series via the game or an entire new series could be written through new eyes with a similar formula allowing for new ideas to be put out at a significantly lower development cost with a decent pay off associated with it.

The MP would also be incredibly simple, much like MW:2, just swap out the terrorists for Jaffa and the Seals/TF141/Rangers/Etc for SG-Units and each gametype changed to suit the universe. Even the killstreak feature could be carried over considering the sheer amount of vehicles featured in Stargate from each side.

I honestly can't understand why it's taken so many failed attempts to still not even realize this with the few that will see the light of day. Someone out there has to have the common sense and rationality to put 2+2 together and see the profit, I can't be the only one.

TL;DR - I should make the next Stargate game.

I was thinking more of rts or rpg(not mmo)

for RTS:
1. start out as ancient (not the race) civilization. Explore worlds find technology. you can developed along the path of the asgard (Nordics), goa'ulds (egyptian/asian), ori (origin), or earth (revolt). Each having sets of unique technology. Earth might need more imaginative future tech to balance the game.

you could even have fractions like noc, tollan, wraith or even ancient to an extent as playable fractions. Instead of a flat map like scene, you could develop on diff planets and only battle when starships are available (ie. invasion delay) or have it like all on earth and you control diff parts of the world and defend and extend.

Asgard could have the path of clone(can't make new villagers after a specific time like the show), or the path of no clone (less technological advancement or slowed advancement since death occurs and everything have to relearned each generation).

Goa'uld begin with unas and progress to human hosts. You could have many subfractions, system lords, with unique tech (Anubis with some ancient and asgard tech, Ba'al with his clones, etc.), and you could develop on the path of tokra or even rebel jaffa and the free jaffa nation.

Campaign would be great. Asgard with the fight against the replicator. Goa'uld with internal battles and asgard clashes, and even replicator later on. Ancient could be with ori and wraith. Etc.

The stargate universe could lend to many game types.

January 18th, 2010, 05:14 AM
I was looking forward to Worlds, and I still hold out hope that it will be released... I was able to play the early beta about a month before they shut it down and it had some potential... There were definitely some things that needed to be implemented better though.

January 18th, 2010, 03:37 PM
I just dont get it, they used UT3 as the engine. So why not use its graphical powers and make the game atleast more decent.

Also, SG:U sucks too :\

January 18th, 2010, 04:30 PM
I've been waiting for years to see a decent Stargate game come out. I've resigned myself to the fact that a decent Stargate game is about as likely as 3DRealms coming back.

January 18th, 2010, 07:20 PM
I just dont get it, they used UT3 as the engine. So why not use its graphical powers and make the game atleast more decent.

Also, SG:U sucks too :\

NOT THE SHOW. I mean the stargate universe like, the halo universe, etc. But it's watchable, not good as SG-1 or SGA, but watchable. I still w8ting for a stable enemy, not some bitchy problems about their personal needs

January 18th, 2010, 07:31 PM
NOT THE SHOW. I mean the stargate universe like, the halo universe, etc. But it's watchable, not good as SG-1 or SGA, but watchable. I still w8ting for a stable enemy, not some bitchy problems about their personal needs
Rush will take the ship on the planet back to the Destiny, which will cause some hostile alien race to discover its existence/location, giving the show a stable enemy. The whole thing is predictable.

January 18th, 2010, 09:26 PM
-No enemy
-Drama bullshit every episode
-more drama crapx5
I mean the episodes go something like: "we need water" ep 5, "we need food" ep6, "we need air" ep7, "we need medicine" ep 8.


January 19th, 2010, 05:39 AM
They're growing into it... Give the show at least a season before you completely disregard it.

I see your point though.

January 19th, 2010, 03:33 PM
SG:U needs more of that one girl the O'Neil/Sheaperd clone was banging in the first episode. Especially that scene where she was just in her panties, holy shit, would beat.

January 21st, 2010, 01:55 PM
In the UK they removed that scene, I only saw it because a week before it aired in the UK I downloaded it lol.

January 29th, 2010, 04:47 PM

11 days and 10 hours before release. Who's going to download buy this game? =)

Some pics:

Oh and somewhere in the forums, one of the mods said that all the content they show is old. Old in the terms that what they show is 24 hours to 2 days old and so based off of the mod, thats really old. So I dunno how in 11 days they will make the game way better but yea.

January 29th, 2010, 10:52 PM
they use the content of this game:


January 31st, 2010, 01:12 AM
Lmao, the entire game is only 3 maps. :\

I wished some companies cared more about fans and the people buying the game, rather then the quick buck.

January 31st, 2010, 12:36 PM
well, atleast they aren't selling it at 50USD for it. 20USD is about the price of a 3-5 year old game.

January 31st, 2010, 02:11 PM
I guess, but it should have had more content. They had like 5 years to work on content. Eh.

E/OShi! didn't see the videos you posted. Awesome.