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WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 06:04 AM
I'm not in a good mood at the moment, and I am trying to do radiosity.
10.15.06 04:01:24 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
10.15.06 04:02:30 radiosity error: out of memory
10.15.06 04:02:30 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
10.15.06 04:02:30 EBX: 0x12A21701
10.15.06 04:02:30 ECX: 0x0013E118
10.15.06 04:02:30 EDX: 0x000002CC
10.15.06 04:02:30 EDI: 0x0013E118
10.15.06 04:02:30 ESI: 0x00000000
10.15.06 04:02:30 EBP: 0x0013DFF0
10.15.06 04:02:30 ESP: 0x0013DFE0
10.15.06 04:02:30 EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
10.15.06 04:02:30 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\structures\radiosity\radiosi ty.c,#418: !radiosity_error
Is what I get when I try to run radiosity in either tool or sapien. It's pissing me off and I need to do radisoity.
I'm about ready to kill something.
October 15th, 2006, 06:52 AM
rebuild the sbsp
October 15th, 2006, 08:44 AM
radiosi ty.cLOL.Funny how Gearbox/Bungie names all the source files XD
Try to rebuild like Zeph said.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 11:20 AM
Didn't work... Could the bsp be to high poly? Or to much with the shaders? It has 127 portals at 15 clusters.
October 15th, 2006, 12:39 PM
radiosity error: out of memory
Could be anything though.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 12:42 PM
I know it's out of memory, but I need to know what causes this kind of error, so I can fix it. :/
I bet if I tried to run radiosity on any map I would get this error, but that's just me. I would rather not test that out. :(
Let me get what tool spits out after it builds the structure bsp.
BSP has 63525 nodes, 32344 leaves
25046 surfaces and 16428 vertices in 39 material groups
127 portals, 15 clusters
3262Kb collision data (194Kb vertices, 859Kb edges, 282Kb surfaces)
2359Kb render data (654Kb vertices, 678Kb surfaces,
877Kb nodes/leaves, 139Kb clusters)
0Kb pathfinding data
5836Kb (without debug information)
Does 5836kb sound like a large map file to you? I swore I have had larger.
October 15th, 2006, 02:38 PM
too many portals, methinks
Even though you might have plenty, it's still have console dev kit. There are memory allocations set because the engine is still based to run on a console.
Try toolpro.
Boo Diddly
October 15th, 2006, 04:26 PM
structure bsp "levels\test\sandstorm\sandstorm"
BSP has 49635 nodes, 27423 leaves
46125 surfaces and 80810 vertices in 69 material groups
302 portals, 75 clusters
4204Kb collision data (356Kb vertices, 1498Kb edges, 433Kb surfaces)
5232Kb render data (3219Kb vertices, 999Kb surfaces,
719Kb nodes/leaves, 276Kb clusters)
0Kb pathfinding data
10484Kb (without debug information)
youre fine on the portals and clusters. My map size is double yours...
check all your objects that emmit light. an error in one of them can possibly spell doom
if you want to try radiosity on a level, do it to the tutorial level.
ps, dow much ram do you have?
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 04:28 PM
It may be one of my light shaders, yes, because when I reverted it back to the stock files of the map I was able to do radiosity fine. I will see what I can do, thanks.
Boo Diddly
October 15th, 2006, 04:31 PM
no problem. I believe i have had that error once before.
for those of you who just died looking at my level's stats; the portals help imensly to break up the map into a playable ammount.
October 15th, 2006, 04:50 PM
Out of memory results usually in an overflow which could have thousands of reasons.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 04:55 PM
And it was/is most likely the lens flares I have on my lgihts. :x
Don't ask. >_>
October 15th, 2006, 05:33 PM
And it was/is most likely the lens flares I have on my lgihts. :x
Don't ask. >_>
Hah, nothing can beat WOL's lense flares on municipality. There's soo many of them, Sapien says screw it, I'm only rendering these.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 08:31 PM
EAX: 0x85BE7492
EBX: 0x00613701
ECX: 0x5268E236
EDX: 0x001A2809
EDI: 0x0013F9D8
ESI: 0x00000000
EBP: 0x0013F8B0
ESP: 0x0013F8A0
EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\debug_memory.c,#183: Invalid pointer: header: 0x1aebc0 signature: 0x3c424144 line: 103 file: 0x613748 size: 0xbe14
reason: Pointer has been disposed. (\halopc\haloce\source\memory\array.c:80)
For christ sake. This time all shaders don't even have bitmaps in them, so the map would be just white. But it still won't work. What the fuck.
Chewy Gumball
October 15th, 2006, 08:37 PM
thats not a radiosity error, looks like theres some werid memory problem. Did you try reinstalling the HEK again? I would say reinstall windows, that always fixes things. Plus its always a good idea to reinstall windows every year or so. I can understand if you don't want to though.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 08:42 PM
I don't want to, and I can't. :/
I would rather not re-install HEK because this is already a fresh tagset, I mean I re-installed like a a month ago, and didn't even touch it until now...
It also seems it's just on this map.
Boo Diddly
October 15th, 2006, 08:45 PM
hm, in your shaders with or without lighting, disable any abilities in them. basically just make them all empty as if they were just created.
edit: I wish we could talk with some bungie folk any time we had these problems. they probably would laugh and immediatly point out the problem... or just give us a special version that they have that actually says the right things.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 08:57 PM
The shaders are completley blank. Not one thing is in them, nothing is changed. They are completly new.
October 15th, 2006, 09:02 PM
This may be so simple that it will work, but have you tried restarting your computer lately? I had a similar issue on a box map I made (painfully simple), and all I did was restart and it worked fine.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 09:03 PM
I'll try that. :)
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
October 15th, 2006, 09:41 PM
Nope. :(
October 16th, 2006, 01:16 AM
You could always back up your tags, reinstall HEK and then bring them back over...
Boo Diddly
October 16th, 2006, 03:22 AM
restructure the map? *tool sturicture levels/blah blah*
October 16th, 2006, 04:59 AM
EAX: 0x85BE7492
EBX: 0x00613701
ECX: 0x5268E236
EDX: 0x001A2809
EDI: 0x0013F9D8
ESI: 0x00000000
EBP: 0x0013F8B0
ESP: 0x0013F8A0
EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\debug_memory.c,#183: Invalid pointer: header: 0x1aebc0 signature: 0x3c424144 line: 103 file: 0x613748 size: 0xbe14
reason: Pointer has been disposed. (\halopc\haloce\source\memory\array.c:80)
For christ sake. This time all shaders don't even have bitmaps in them, so the map would be just white. But it still won't work. What the fuck.
Sounds like one of your collision materials or lightmaps>materials doesn't have an assigned shader.
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