View Full Version : Aliens vs. Predator.

February 5th, 2010, 08:22 PM
So this probably hasn't been on many people's radars, but there's a multiplayer demo available on Steam (maybe Xbox Live/PSN but :pcgaming: so who cares).

Shit actually looks a bit promising. Control is clunky and laggy lag is laggy, but the premise is a least fresh for those who weren't born prior to 1999. The demo is limited to an 8 player deathmatch (you can still choose whatever race you want though) and you can only use the predetermined console-style matchmaking, although Rebellion says that the full version of the game has dedicated servers.

Marines play like an okay-but-not-really-good shooter, although the clunkiness is probably just lag. This will be the most comfortable race to play as in order to get used to the game's general feel. The one real difference is that you can hold the melee button to block Alien and Predator melee attacks, following up with a counterswing of your rifle and a ton of bullets. Combined with the classic Alien motion tracker, Marines are near unassailable from the front providing their aim and reflexes aren't shit, but they have absolutely no way to see or defend themselves from behind. Health uses a Condemned/Far Cry 2/Ass Creed 2 style segmented regeneration method; you have three blocks which will regenerate if partially depleted, but you have to use a stimpack to get back a completely empty block. You spawn with a pulse rifle and a pistol; the weapons available to pick up in the demo map are a shotgun (with HL-style doubleshot for secondary fire), a scoped sniper rifle (6 shot semi-auto), a flamethrower (shit), and an auto lock-on minigun.

Predators have many more unique features, but still play at least something like a FPS. You can switch between normal vision, thermal vision (highlights humans) and alien vision (higlights Xenomorphs), cloak, and jump to high ledges, and you can use a short, fast sprint to get away from a Marine shooting at you. You only spawn with claws as weapons; Mouse1 is a light attack (this is fast but weak and can be blocked) and Mouse2 is a heavy attack (more powerful and has Halo style lunge but takes a while.) You can pick up four weapons (Plasmacaster, Spear, Disc, and something else I haven't used), which are armed and fired with Mouse3. But more importantly, if you get in a few hits with your melee or sneak up behind somebody else, you can perform a wonderfully gory instakill. For example, you can jam your claws into a Marine and rip his head out with the spinal cord still dangling, or grab an Alien's extendo-tounge, rip it out, and beat it over the head. Health uses a static, non-regenerating bar, but you can use an instaheal at any time at the cost of your energy pool, which also powers weapons.

Aliens are fucking weird. Your only three attacks are (like the Predator) a light attack, heavy attack, and a pounce, and you die with just a few hits or bullets, but Aliens can get from one place to another more quickly than either race. Holding Mouse3 (or setting Auto-crawl on in the options) allows you to climb and run along any suface. This is very disorienting; the crosshair will point in the direction of the ground, but climbing takes considerable practice before you can hop between surfaces smoothly. Your sprint also allows you to dash at ludicrous speeds, allowing you to get away from or close the distance on enemies almost instantneously. If you're a good Alien, all the kills you'll be getting should be from-the-back stealth kills, which are also satisfyingly gory (slice the front of a rival Alien's face off, or get a first-person extendo-tounge camera as you jam it into somebody's skull.) Aliens can move quickly and quietly, but are absolutely defenseless at range at still weak in straight up melee combat; a hit from a Marine's rifle butt will knock you on the ground and leave your ass exposed to bullets, and a Predator simply has more health. The Alien's own health regenerates slowly over time.

The default control mappings are fucking stupid imho (Q is sprint, for example), the UI is an obviously awkward console port, graphics are pretty good but not that great (particle effects are shit,) and again, the demo doesn't have dedicated servers. But providing you get into a good match, it's still pretty got dang fun.

Anyone tried this out?

E: Oh, and the full version will also have DX11 support for anybody who cares, although I doubt it'll make much of a difference.

February 5th, 2010, 11:42 PM
Yeah I played the demo yesterdaty and today, well I agree the aliens are so fucking underpower and predators so fucking overpower.

February 6th, 2010, 12:00 AM
Aliens are awesome. Laggy lag is laggy. I've considered for the longest time and I think the demo just doesn't cut my satisfaction. I'm going to pirate and try a little more before I consider it. =/ Demo disappointment = Demo-lished.

pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate.

February 6th, 2010, 11:26 PM
wow nobody plays the demo?!

February 6th, 2010, 11:41 PM
This demo is pretty easy to summarize.
Location: Brownest, grittiest piece of shit ever. The only identifying characteristics of any room were the occasional not brown/black objects.
Humans: Professional space occupiers!
Aliens: Shit controls, 1 hit kills
Predators: 1 hit kills. Has FPS-style controls, making humans officially 100% unnecessary.

Alien vs. Predator was really shorthand for "Who can 1 hit kill the fastest?! Bonus points using humans!"

On a more picky note: MOTION BLUR AUGH.

February 7th, 2010, 12:01 AM
Actually I always dominate as a human, usually by >15 points, whereas I suck as Predator; and 1-hit-kills are easy avoid providing you know how to check behind you every now and then

Alien is okay but the wallrunning still gives me headaches

February 7th, 2010, 12:23 AM
Demo was enjoyable on my 360, Alien controls did get me lost at first though. :ugh:
I it played well but I wonder if it will be better or worse in the full game with 18 players.

February 7th, 2010, 12:34 AM
Played the demo on xbox. It's pretty fun.

February 10th, 2010, 08:05 PM
Gave the demo a try today. It's pretty fun but it's taking me a LONG time to get used to the fucking Alien. The controls are so counter-intuitive to what I've been using for years that it's a complete mindfuck when I'm trying to figure out advanced tactics.

February 10th, 2010, 09:02 PM
welp i didn't think the alien brand could be soiled any more

it's game over man

February 11th, 2010, 02:02 PM
Was WAAAY on my radar. I have been watching for this game.

February 11th, 2010, 03:02 PM
Xbox ver is great , idk about the pc ver , but the 360 ver is fun to play, even though its the demo, I just pre ordered the special version online today.

Idk about anyone else , but I think the demos pretty balanced, theres no hiding places really in the level, and even though there are alot of complaints about the predator being over powered, how many times has a predator sneaked you while your an alien?, seriously they get raped so much from behind by aliens its crazy. The marines a decent class if you just use the rifle nades and shotguns secondary fire, the only let down is that you dont have a sneak attack , even a knife assasination thing would have been nice.

And the predator ... well , best weapons seem to be the wrist blades , razor disk and mines , the plasma caster is less like AVP2s plasma spammer and more like a Needler, so it tends to only do good when you suprise your enemy , but it uses energy so its kinda ... pointless. On the other hand, now you have unlimited invisibility as the predator , not like that will do you any good with the silly effects it has on it though, those electric spark effects give you away instantly around humans, even when your not moving.

Over all I would go with the alien being the best class because everyone auto blocks now , and you just use heavy attack and kill em instantly with the tail.