View Full Version : Get Heavy Rain Demo Early

February 6th, 2010, 12:54 PM
Some of you may be asking, "Heavy Rain, wtf is this shit?"

Well let me show you:


I should also mention this is PS3 only.

It is definately a different type of game. It involves a lot of quick-timed button presses that ulitmately decide the way the story goes. You miss a button press, the story changes. One of the four main characters die, the story changes. There is no "Game Over" per say, because once all characters are dead, that's one of the storyline endings.

For anyone who has a PS3 and wants a code to download the demo, read on further.



After signing up there, go to the website Precinct 52 (http://www.precinct52.com/case1117_briefing/) and follow these directions:

Log in using the email and password that you used to sign up at heavyrainps3.com
Once it is loaded, you'll need to submit four pieces of evidence. Click on "Cigarette Butts" and choose 117b and submit it.
Next, click on "Origami Bird" and submit it.
Click on the picture that says "Diner" (at the very bottom) and submit it.
Select the "Tyre Prints" and choose 117H and submit it
After that, go to your "Evidence Dossier" and hit Yes on the pop-up and it will give you a code. Redeem this in the PSN Store to download the demo.

Please, make sure you signed up at the site that is dedicated to your region otherwise you won't be able to redeem the code properly.

Hope any of you with a PS3 get some fun out of this. I've downloaded it, but have yet to play it.

February 6th, 2010, 02:09 PM
Even though I dont have a PS3, this looks cool. Im liking this game, its different then the usual stuff.

February 6th, 2010, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the info; I'll make sure to give this a try. Previously the only thing about this game that I've heard about is OMG ITZ PRETTY so I'd like to see (1) if that's true and (2) if it actually has some decent gameplay to go with it.

February 6th, 2010, 07:43 PM
I can't tell if the gameplay looks fun and innovative or just annoying and contrived. Looks immersive a la Mass Effect though...

February 6th, 2010, 08:53 PM
Just finished playing the demo and it really was quite fun. You get to play two sections of the story, one from the perspective of Scott Shelby, a Private Detective and another from the perspective of Norman Jayden, and FBI agent.

While playing as Scott Shelby, there's an intense fight scene where you have to press the corresponding buttons at the right time. If you miss one, it leads you into another chain of events. Miss too many, and it might be over for that character. I thought the style of play here actually fit kind of well instead of mashing the same button over-and-over to punch the guy repeatedly. It's also good that if you miss a button, it doesn't punish you so harshly the first time. Too many misses though, and well, you know.

Playing as Norman Jayden was definitely a different play style compared to Scott's "mission". I was tasked with reviewing a crime scene. I was equipped with some sort of futuristic detective glasses and gloves (think Batman: Arkham Asylum in terms of the way things looked). I was able to see things others couldn't and could instantly determine what a substance was, or who an unknown body was.

The one thing that I kind of had a struggle with at first was the movement. In order to move forward you have to hold the R2 button. To move in a different direction you had to hold the Left Analog Stick in whichever direction you wanted to go. This probably doesn't sound to hard, if you think of it like a racing game, but the problem I had with it was the fact that if you push the stick left, you GO left. You don't turn to your left, you just instantly go in the direction you pushed. That still probably doesn't sound like it should be an issue, but it is something you have to experience to understand.

For those that don't have a PS3 and are interested in this game, here are 3 videos showing what I just described above.




February 7th, 2010, 08:09 AM
Heavy Rain is :D

Its definitely a new style of gaming, I enjoyed playing it in October, personally I wouldnt buy it probably rent or borrow, then again I have no PS3 :D

If you like games with intricate stories I'd say check this one out.

February 7th, 2010, 10:06 AM
How is this new gameplay? I'll admit the story looks interesting, but Indigo Prophecy had the same gameplay.

February 7th, 2010, 12:44 PM
I don't have a PS3 either but looks amazing. The characters words seemed off from the actual mouth movement. Laggy audio/video or bad motion capture?