View Full Version : [TAG] CMT Tagset Release 1

teh lag
February 7th, 2010, 08:59 PM
What's up?

Seeing as how CMT has fallen apart and all, this seemed like a logical thing to do. So, here it is.

A lot of stuff is in here, but some is not. I'm putting together the source files and tags for a lot of what I did for the mod separately with Dano; hence this release is devoid of the Elites, Brutes, Wraiths, and such. I believe that there are also plans to release some of the BSPs made for the mod. Don't worry, that stuff is coming in its own release in due time.

As CMT has been shut down, I, Masterz1337, am releasing the majority of our finished and unfinished tags in this map. Not everything is included in here, as some members will be releasing stuff on their own. Keep in mind, some of these tags are merely ideas or concepts, but I included them because some of them may be things you want to build off of.

I CAN NOT WARN YOU ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT IT IS NOT TO RIP THE ENTIRE TAGSET RECURSIVELY. This may permantly damage your tagset. I also request that you do not make your own maps with the CMT_ prefix at the front. Why? We want to be remembered by the works we've done. While we're interested in what you will do with the tags (and more importantly, what you learn from them), we don't want to be mistaken for your work, nor should you want all your work be thought of as ours.

Enjoy these tags; more are on the way. Expect some of the source files to be coming as well.

Over the course of SPV2's development, CMT included...


-Team leader-
-Tag Work-
-Level Texturing-
-Shader Work-

*Teh Lag*

-Tag Work-
-Character, Weapon, Vehicle, & Scenery Animation-
-Character, Weapon, Vehicle, Scenery, & Level Modeling-
-Supplemental Weapon & Scenery Texturing-
-Character Rigging-
-Shader Work-


-Character, Weapon, Vehicle, Scenery, Level, & Effects Texturing-


-Level Modeling-


-Tag Work-


-Weapon Animation-
-Weapon Modeling-

*Choking Victim*

-Character Rigging-


-Map Protection-


-Character, Level, & Effects Texturing-

*Scooby Doo*

-Weapon & Vehicle Modeling-
-Weapon, Vehicle, & Character Texturing-

*P0lar Bear*

-Supplemantal Tag Work-
-Supplemental HUD Work-


-Supplemental Weapon Animation-
-Supplemental Weapon Modeling-
-Shader Work-




-Level Modeling-

*Il Duce Primo*

-Level Modeling-


-Level Modeling-


-Weapon & Character Modeling-


-Weapon & Character Modeling-

*Wave of Lag*

-Weapon, Character, & Vehicle Modeling-


-Vehicle, Scenery & Level Texturing-
-Shader Work-


-Character Modeling-


-Supplemental Weapon Animation-
-Supplemental Weapon Texturing-


-Supplemental Shader Work-


-Character & Weapon Animation-


-Supplemental Character Rigging and UV Mapping-

-----Credit goes out to anyone else who helped us out but somehow didn't get mentioned above.-----

-----Thanks to Bungie Studios and Gearbox Software for Halo 1, 2, 3, PC & CE, and for allowing us to work on this project.-----

-----Thanks to Dennis for being so supportive of our project, even with all of its accompanied unpleasantness.-----

-----And another thanks to our fans who stayed with us until the end. We're sorry we didn't make it - maybe some of you can finish what we started.----

I cannot emphasize enough how important it was for Masterz to emphasize the bit about not recursively ripping. The CMT tagset is a mire of half-implemented ideas and poor organization, and has a handful of tags that simply make maps break. Use these at your own risk. Hopefully someone will get these and be intelligent enough to make something of more substance than CMT BLOODGULCH FIREFIGHT.

Have fun and play nice with our work. (http://tehlag.modacity.net/one/notpix/CMT Tagset Release 1.rar)

February 7th, 2010, 09:58 PM
Heck. Yes. Thank you :)

February 7th, 2010, 11:17 PM
Here we come... cmt_bloodgulch_firefight.map by Corvette19, Featured map for the next year.

February 7th, 2010, 11:36 PM
actually was thinkin of usin ripped valhalla for cmt_valhalla

February 7th, 2010, 11:46 PM
That better be a joke http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-smithicide.gif

February 8th, 2010, 12:03 AM
That better be a joke http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-smithicide.gif
Only time will tell.

Anyway, this stuff is pretty cool, thanks.

February 8th, 2010, 02:49 AM
CMT fell apart? Guess I don't have a reason to reinstall Halo or CE...that blows. :golfclap:

February 8th, 2010, 05:18 PM
sry guys i was makin my CMT CLASSIC MAP and CMT HALO 3 MAP cuz i ripped all halo 3 BSP's.. lets see.. i need a modeler, animator, tagger, texturer, and a tool compiler and a lightmapper to make tihs work and we can be the CMTV2 team.. who wants to join?

February 8th, 2010, 05:33 PM
RIP CMT. Now all your tags r belong to us.

February 8th, 2010, 05:39 PM
Give us the tags.

February 8th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Give us the tags.
They already did :realsmug:

February 8th, 2010, 06:33 PM
Sad :C

February 8th, 2010, 06:53 PM
CMT shutdown? This is news to me.

February 8th, 2010, 07:36 PM
nah it's been a good while. thread's at halomaps.

February 8th, 2010, 07:53 PM
not surprised that CMT shut down...not one bit

anywasy now i'll have a reason to go on CE :realsmug:

February 8th, 2010, 08:37 PM
And now I have a reason to uninstall it. No SPv2, no CE.

February 9th, 2010, 01:26 AM
I heard they were on haitus but it's lame that they ended.
I remember chatting to Dano while he made the enforcer skins like 3 years ago :v:

February 9th, 2010, 03:10 AM
And now I have a reason to uninstall it. No SPv2, no CE.Seriously...

I hate to put bad pressure on these guys but damn, they just kinda let CE die for a lot of people. Had high hopes for this mod...so much promise. :smith:

February 9th, 2010, 07:31 AM
I don't feel they let anyone down, they are releasing their work rather then letting it gather dust.

Thankx again CMT members for all the creativity and inspiration.

February 9th, 2010, 08:18 AM
It's a pity SPv2 never finished, but it's admirable you guys are releasing the tags- that's something that never would have happened even a year or two back. Thanks for your hard work.

February 9th, 2010, 08:41 AM
Well, it never would have happened a year or two back because they had every intention of releasing it as a finished product.

February 11th, 2010, 02:14 PM
what kind of file is this so I know how to deal with it before I download.

February 11th, 2010, 02:18 PM

February 11th, 2010, 02:26 PM
hmm does it have teh sparrow hawk in it?

February 11th, 2010, 02:34 PM
idk download it and check

February 11th, 2010, 02:48 PM
it says .rar what do I do with that, I'm a modder noob help me out.

February 11th, 2010, 02:59 PM
.rar is a compression file, like a .zip file. Download winrar to open it.

February 11th, 2010, 03:08 PM
danke schoen

February 11th, 2010, 03:28 PM
uh what?

February 11th, 2010, 03:30 PM
uh what?

In German (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language), "Danke schön" is equivalent to the English (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language) "thank you very much". It literally means "Thanks pretty", similar to the English "thank you kindly." The polite response is "bitte schön," which translates roughly and literally to "you're very welcome" and "pretty please" respectively. In English, the German letter "ö (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96)" can also be written as "oe" when the umlaut (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut_%28diacritic%29) is unavailable.

February 11th, 2010, 03:42 PM
thank you for the translation, most people already understand danke schoen though I had a hard time spelling becuase of the umlaut.

but I have a new delema a few of the tags like the sparrow hawk tag I asked about earlier have issues the debug txt is below. some zteam tags somehow got on my computer and are beyond a pain in the rear. I can't find where they are and what should they be replaced with

02.11.10 04:25:48 failed to load vehicle tag 'cmt\vehicles\turrets\covie_shade\c gun turret'
02.11.10 04:25:55 overlay item 0 for cmt\hud\interfaces\weapons\single\portable turret handheld references an invalid sequence
02.11.10 04:28:35 file_open('tags\<zteam>.shader_model') error 0x0000007b 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. '
02.11.10 04:28:35 couldn't open shader_model tag '<zteam>.shader_model'.
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load gbxmodel tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load garbage tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 file_open('tags\<zteam>.shader_model') error 0x0000007b 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. '
02.11.10 04:28:35 couldn't open shader_model tag '<zteam>.shader_model'.
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load gbxmodel tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load garbage tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 file_open('tags\<zteam>.shader_model') error 0x0000007b 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. '
02.11.10 04:28:35 couldn't open shader_model tag '<zteam>.shader_model'.
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load gbxmodel tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load garbage tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 file_open('tags\<zteam>.shader_model') error 0x0000007b 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. '
02.11.10 04:28:35 couldn't open shader_model tag '<zteam>.shader_model'.
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load gbxmodel tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load garbage tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 file_open('tags\<zteam>.shader_model') error 0x0000007b 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. '
02.11.10 04:28:35 couldn't open shader_model tag '<zteam>.shader_model'.
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load gbxmodel tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load garbage tag 'effects\debris objects\forerunner light structure\forerunner light structure'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load effect tag 'cmt\vehicles\human\sparrowhawk\effects\destroyed'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load model_collision_geometry tag 'cmt\vehicles\human\sparrowhawk\sparrowhawk'
02.11.10 04:28:35 failed to load vehicle tag 'cmt\vehicles\human\sparrowhawk\sparrowhawk'

February 11th, 2010, 04:27 PM

Yeah, I just realized that Danke was thanks when I saw a heavy/medic valentines day card.

I thought it was gibberish.

So he is why my google translate keeps popping up on this page.

February 12th, 2010, 12:18 AM
I got the hawk working but it flys wierd.

Alwin Roth
February 13th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Halo Ce nearly dead...

February 13th, 2010, 03:59 PM
not to these folks. They refuse to let it die.

If SPv2 would have come out itw ould have survived for me but now there are few projects around here interesting me.

Like CAD's Zombies Project. IF CADZP comes out I'll be good.

February 13th, 2010, 05:22 PM
hope fully it won't be long to where I'm pumping out stuff of pure awsomeness.

February 13th, 2010, 06:21 PM
rabt, regarding your errors, CMT's covie turret seems to generate those problems in sapien, as for the other stuff, what tags did you include in map? I can probably tell you what you'll need and what you're missing

February 13th, 2010, 06:38 PM
don't worry I fixed it. I have no Idea how those zteam effects ended up on my computer much less on how they made their way in to all of my tags but I've been hunting the little basterds down and gettin' rid of them.

February 15th, 2010, 04:38 PM

:airquote:Maybe your next door neighbour put them on...

February 15th, 2010, 05:32 PM
hope fully it won't be long to where I'm pumping out stuff of pure awsomeness.

Trust me, that's going to be a LONG time. you can barely get tool working and still don't know how to read the debug, or just beginning to anyways.

Well, HCE is gone. SPV2 was really what's kept it installed.

February 19th, 2010, 08:36 PM
well keep in mind I started a few weeks ago, and have no experience reading any thing like that, and I'm rather preoccupied by school with all of these excesive homework assignments (comes with being in ap classes). and don't have a garenteed chance at using the computer when I want it, one computer is shared with 5 diffrent people and my mom works over the net. I'm getting some where though with what I got. but while where talking about my lack of experience, can I get a tutorial or something on making good textures, and uv mapping in gmax? better than repeating the same image of grass over and over for the ground and stuff. And if CMT ever decides to come back, they should change their name, CMT is to close to country music television for me, and has no imagination, dispite all they can do with modds, they can't come up with a good name for themselve. but thats tho only critisism I can justifiably make.

February 23rd, 2010, 06:01 PM
What the hell, I only just found out about this :O.

CMT produced some fantastic work, okay the team has issues and we had to wait along time for things but at the end of the day, they made Halo a delight to play.

Its a shame, that snow map was so cool :(

February 25th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Such a shame...Maybe the tag release will keep halo ce around a bit longer...

February 26th, 2010, 02:26 PM
I just started messing with this shit, it can't colapse now.

E: Is the brute biped supose to be in the tag relese? becuease theres a file, but its empty. you'd think they'd have the biped since it allready appeared in the relese of the level a10 spv2.

June 14th, 2010, 01:13 PM
sry guys i was makin my CMT CLASSIC MAP and CMT HALO 3 MAP cuz i ripped all halo 3 BSP's.. lets see.. i need a modeler, animator, tagger, texturer, and a tool compiler and a lightmapper to make tihs work and we can be the CMTV2 team.. who wants to join?

I'll do that :) I've always wanted to be in a mapping team! I can be the Tool Compiler!