View Full Version : Not quite goldeneye... still awesome though.
Llama Juice
February 12th, 2010, 09:32 AM
It might not be GoldenEye (, but Rare is almost set to release Perfect Dark ( on the Xbox Live Arcade. Earlier today, at Microsoft's X10 event, it was announced ( that Perfect Dark would be among the four Arcade games released in March as a part of the Xbox Live Arcade Block Party. Now, we have both a video of Microsoft Game Studios' Ken Lobb playing the game and a confirmation that the game will cost 800 Microsoft Points ($10). In the video, Lobb mentions that the project started about a year ago. He also discusses a number of key features that Perfect Dark fans will be ecstatic to hear about -- not only does the game now support up to 8 players, but everything you'd expect to be online (co-op, counter-op, and competitive multiplayer) is on Live. The game runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second, and controls much like the original game; the yellow c-buttons have essentially just been mapped to the right analog stick.
Judging by how well the game seems to be playing in the video, combined with a very reasonable price point and online support, it looks like Perfect Dark is going to be a must buy for classic FPS fans when it's released next month.
Taken from
Pyong Kawaguchi
February 12th, 2010, 09:39 AM
February 12th, 2010, 10:22 AM
Perfect Dark was possibly my favourite out of all my N64 games. Plus online support? If I had an Xbox, I would definitely be getting this. The N64 rom along with Project64 runs very badly (can't find a plugin that runs it decently and still renders all effects) on my computer.
February 12th, 2010, 10:15 PM
Hopefully someone WILL pickup Goldeneye and get it onto XBLA with online and LAN support, it's one of the only games I still play on my original Xbox (modded+emulator+Goldeneye) since I don't have an N64 anymore :(. This is a great start though, Perfect Dark was one of the N64 games I never had a chance to fully enjoy.
February 12th, 2010, 10:40 PM
Rare was in the process of porting Goldeneye to XBLA. They had the same 1080p, 60fps with online and updated models and materials. Also you could switch in real time between the updated and original graphics with a button press. However it was a legal nightmare with Activision holding the 007 game licensing and Nintendo wanted a version on WiiWare which Microsoft didn't like so in the end it was trashed. There's some screenshots and videos out there if you google it.
However from the looks of the trailer and interviews, you'll be able to use a selection of goldeneye weapons in multiplayer as well as having built in "classic" gametypes. Besides, you can still stick remote mines to people in Perfect Dark...
February 13th, 2010, 02:30 PM
This project... amazingness. :) Going to get my Xbox is repaired so I can play it by the time of release~
Hopefully someone WILL pickup Goldeneye and get it onto XBLA with online and LAN support, it's one of the only games I still play on my original Xbox (modded+emulator+Goldeneye) since I don't have an N64 anymore :(. This is a great start though, Perfect Dark was one of the N64 games I never had a chance to fully enjoy.
You mean... like this?
and this?
Goldeneye XBLA already exists and is finished... the only reason it hasn't been released is due to unresolved legal conflicts. These legal conflicts won't resolve, so don't expect to see it released. There's an entire story behind it, but I'm not willing to dig it all up right now.
Pyong Kawaguchi
February 13th, 2010, 02:39 PM
I wonder if goldeneye is on partner net?
February 13th, 2010, 03:22 PM
I like the sound of Spartan and Duty Calls.
Might pick this up then.
March 23rd, 2010, 03:24 PM
so did anybody download this off of the market place yet? i played the demo last night and it does indeed kick ass. i got some ms points today so ill be downloading it later on. who else is getting it?
E: and the controls are A LOT more user friendly than they were on the n64. duty calls and spartan make the game very easy to pick up and play
March 23rd, 2010, 03:30 PM
The only complaint I have about this port was that online co-op was seriously fucking laggy when I tried it, everything else was perfect.
March 23rd, 2010, 04:39 PM
But..but...low FPS with the N64 is what made it so fucking fun D:
Seriously, I loved it every time me and my cousins just launched explosives at each other, where the game then slowed down so much, adding even more suspense to whose horribly-shot rocket was going to kill someone else.
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