View Full Version : Airsoft Thread
April 20th, 2010, 05:30 PM
April 21st, 2010, 12:14 PM
Also, I'm quite probably the most professional operator you've ever seen:
Goes to show the durability of the GoPro camera housing though, my gun (and the top metal rail no less) slam into the housing on the way down... No scratches, cracks, or other issues to be seen!
April 21st, 2010, 09:48 PM
USMC Logo M4A1
Zombie Killer Logo M4A1
Navy/Frog logo M4A1
Also I know a coupon that I can get it in 3 days and it's only $5 more after I apply it.
Then again my eye in on the stg44 airsoft I held before which was a beauty but I want a metal m4a1 on the side next to my ak47.
Also freelancer I should be up to a decent almost $300 in a few weeks if I work around the house since my dad pays me to chores and such.
April 21st, 2010, 09:51 PM
Zombie Killer markings are always cool, that USMC one with Carbine length fore-grip/barrel and full stock looks retarded though.
April 21st, 2010, 09:59 PM
Zombie Killer markings are always cool, that USMC one with Carbine length fore-grip/barrel and full stock looks retarded though.
True but it probably has the battery in the back of the stock which could be a large instead of a "nun-chuck" type in the ones without one. But I have shot a real gun with a full stock like that, I somewhat prefer it over the adjustable since it seems just to fit me.
Also freelancer be trippin.
April 21st, 2010, 10:14 PM
Yea, you can prob get a large battery in that stock... And those are always great, I just think it looks butt ugly. If the full stock fits better for you though, by all means get that.
Edit: Jesus Christ prices are inflated here, the following would cost around $1,500 CAD easily:
I want it.
April 22nd, 2010, 04:41 PM
Yeah I like it since it gives a m16 look/feel when holding it which is nice to me, since I would prefer the m16 over the m4 depending on what I do except for CQB (irl I am talking about real life in that sentence and could refer to airsoft aswell)
Also freelancer, I wonder what you could do with that kind of money instead of buying that airsoft gun :allears:
Also depending sometimes it's cheaper if you buy a airsoft gun without all those attachments and buy off the attachments from other places with coupons saving you some money. I think but never tried it.
Also I wanna see a Magpul Masada (ACR) airsoft gun that isn't discontinued or so.
April 22nd, 2010, 07:09 PM
Few people around here have ACR's now, seen at least three.
They're decent guns but I'm not sure what brand they were, they looked pretty plastic from the outside.
April 22nd, 2010, 08:02 PM
Few people around here have ACR's now, seen at least three.
They're decent guns but I'm not sure what brand they were, they looked pretty plastic from the outside.
G&P made not alot of them during Christmas time of 2009. Most of the outside is plastic, everything else internally is metal parts.
I find it funny it's just me and freelancer posting the most, and pyong somewhat and warsaw abit. Some others posted but only a few.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 22nd, 2010, 08:51 PM
So today I sold my old 4870, I got 55$ and A JG Bar10 + scope + Extra mag + about 3k .28g bb's
April 22nd, 2010, 09:43 PM
Cool stuff, but I've found that unless you put hundreds of dollars worth of upgrades into a sniper rifle it's just not worth it. Our FPS limit is 420 FPS with .2's outdoor, and unless you can prove that you'll be responsible and engage at a minimum engagement distance with an over-powered sniper rifle they won't let you upgrade past the 420 FPS mark. If I was allowed to rock a 550-600 FPS rifle with .3's on the field I might try it out, but using a 420 FPS (with .2's) rifle and .3's just lowers your effective range and makes sniping near impossible.
April 24th, 2010, 03:29 PM
Lol. I took apart my DBOY CQB M4A1, I found how more shitty it is internally.
fyi that isn't a piece of wood. It's metal that puts weight on the gun....
I am looking into either upgrading or just buying a whole damn new gun (look at my links a page before). Since when I opened the cqb m4 I got pissed off on how cheap they made it. Stuiped china.
Oh the white parts are plastic.
April 24th, 2010, 07:50 PM
That's weird, I thought most M4/M16 systems placed the motor into the grip like on my G36... Maybe I'm just crazy though.
E: Yea what you've got there is very non-standard... The two "halves" of your receiver shouldn't even come apart like they do there, they should be upper/lower not left/right lol.
Crazy dboys.
April 24th, 2010, 08:01 PM
That's weird, I thought most M4/M16 systems placed the motor into the grip like on my G36... Maybe I'm just crazy though.
E: Yea what you've got there is very non-standard... The two "halves" of your receiver shouldn't even come apart like they do there, they should be upper/lower not left/right lol.
Crazy dboys.
I blame the Chinese. Damn I want a new m4a1 but I am broke :ugh: I should start selling some stuff on ebay.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 26th, 2010, 02:51 PM
my friend is selling some 110rd AK47 midcap (5 of them) mags
Just wondering if anyone is interested before I put them up on ebay.
April 26th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Uhhh if they can fit in my cyma ak47 without being all loose or to tight to fit in I might buy them (note im broke as for my wallet, but not for credit card which I control to small buys).
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 26th, 2010, 03:50 PM
My friend wants to sell them for 35$, roughly 10.49$ shipping to anywhere in the us.
April 26th, 2010, 05:00 PM
I can use my coupon code and get this for alot more less then the asking price and I have 5 more.
Thou I would be crazy to have 13 ak47 mags me thinks. I do need atleast one mid-cap since all my ak47 mags are high-cap, fffff. Oh do you need to wind them? That's my big issue, I hate winding it.
April 26th, 2010, 10:15 PM
You can never have enough magazines FYI, not when it comes to airsoft. I carry a minimum of 5 95rnd+ midcaps onto the field plus my fully loaded 2500rnd auto-winding drum mag, because you never know when you need to hose a bitch down.
April 27th, 2010, 03:57 PM
Oh after disassembling my dboy cqb m4a1 it wont work again cause the trigger fubared. Gives me another reason to go for another m4a1 thats full metal.
You can never have enough magazines FYI, not when it comes to airsoft. I carry a minimum of 5 95rnd+ midcaps onto the field plus my fully loaded 2500rnd auto-winding drum mag, because you never know when you need to hose a bitch down.
I need sometime this summer get myself a auto winding ak47 auto-winding drum mag cause it's my strongest gun with the highest fps and I do need to hose somebody down when I need too heh.
Or I could just buy this m4a1 and stop buying airsoft guns and start gearing up.
April 28th, 2010, 06:46 PM
Or you could conserve ammo and shoot wisely like a pro...:realsmug:.
April 28th, 2010, 07:05 PM
That and use heavy bb's like .2 or .24's. Still after this M4A1 I am done buying airsoft guns for awhile. Ima sell a few stuff to get it an be done with and save for other things.
April 28th, 2010, 08:33 PM
.20g BBs are not considered heavy. Heavy would be .25g or higher, though .25s are debatable.
April 28th, 2010, 09:04 PM
Anything under .20g BB's are generally considered crap BB's, they aren't made to the same quality and shatter like mad. That said Warsaw is right, .20g is classified as light, .25g is medium, .28g and .30g are heavy, and then you've got anything over .30g classed as excessive for anything except sniping with a highly upgraded marksman system.
April 30th, 2010, 03:56 AM
I took my mechbox apart for the first time, never been opened or upgraded internally for 4 years and I was surprised there wasn't actually more damage... Interesting to note that there's only 1 stripped gear tooth (images 3/4) and that the stock piston came with a metal tooth! I think I'm going to upgrade to a piston with 3+ metal teeth because as you can see there's some minor damage to the teeth already, possibly some titanium gears as well so I won't ever have to worry about sustained full-auto fire.
April 30th, 2010, 03:51 PM
You should know that titanium doesn't respond to shock very well. It's hard as hell, but it's also comparatively brittle with iron and aluminum. I have an all-aluminum piston, teflon coated. Works awesome. It has survived two sets of gears, and that is amazing considering the piston is usually the first piece to go.
April 30th, 2010, 03:59 PM
That's why you get a matching titanium piston :)
Pyong Kawaguchi
May 30th, 2010, 12:45 PM
Hey my friend has a broken version 7 gearbox, basically one of the parts that allows the trigger to fire is broken.
The part is in this video: at 5:56 the little pole-esque part on the side that connects to the trigger broke, and I can't find the replacement part anywhere, is my only solution to buy a new gearbox for it?
July 6th, 2010, 02:20 PM
Bought an L85A2 Airsoft Rifle today. Will post pics and possible video later.
July 7th, 2010, 12:17 AM
Even with airsoft I'm such a camwhore.
July 7th, 2010, 02:03 AM
also that's an a1, does it jam like the real thing
the a2 has the teardrop cocking handle
July 7th, 2010, 07:31 AM
I know, trigger discipline is something I'm actually bad at. Even with my M56C shotgun.
Jamming wise, I don't think it's done it yet. I tested it quite a few times yesterday and she seemed fine. She's a single shot spring action so in an airsoft meet I would treat it as a DMR instead of a full on assault weapon. Still, I like the feel of it.
July 10th, 2010, 03:05 AM
Paint (or remove is possible) the orange tip. Ross beat me to the trigger safety rant, but you really should work on that. Also get rid of your "chicken wing"! try and point your elbows at the ground as much as possible while still maintaining a comfortable grip on the rifle.
Cool stuff either way, run a poor mans chrono ( and tell us what your approximate FPS is!
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 14th, 2010, 06:37 PM
A friend and I decided to order the Kapowwe 100$ mystery box.
I'll let everyone know what I get when it comes in, in two days.
July 15th, 2010, 02:58 AM
Paint (or remove is possible) the orange tip. Ross beat me to the trigger safety rant, but you really should work on that. Also get rid of your "chicken wing"! try and point your elbows at the ground as much as possible while still maintaining a comfortable grip on the rifle.
Cool stuff either way, run a poor mans chrono ( and tell us what your approximate FPS is!
Roger dodger! I'll get back to you guys in like a week or so.
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2010, 02:39 PM
We got the box.
Thats what we got in it
Cost: 125$
8-9 working guns (all ak's work)
July 16th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Are they any decent, though? What about the pistols, any green gas/CO2?
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2010, 04:00 PM
one pistol is green gas, two pistols are co2 (one isnt in the picture) the rest are bbguns that use CO2
Also, the ak's get roughly 360-377 fps
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2010, 10:18 PM
Sorry to bump, but heres some more pictures.
July 16th, 2010, 11:15 PM
one pistol is green gas, two pistols are co2 (one isnt in the picture) the rest are bbguns that use CO2
Also, the ak's get roughly 360-377 fps
I suppose I'll be getting one of those then :0
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 17th, 2010, 03:36 PM
Kapowwe really seems to reward their customers.
July 17th, 2010, 08:29 PM
Do want some of them :realsmug:
But I am forced to sell my prized ak47 full metal real wood to pay off some stupid bill that appeared out of know-where along with the mp40 I have, I needs some money left over after I pay off this damn bill :mech3:
I'll post pics when I get back from my short vacation because I did some "minor" damage to them (not really that bad I guess)
July 20th, 2010, 07:06 PM
I decided to take apart my mp40 airsoft and look into it, what gearbox is that? And I wondered why my mp40 rattled abit, some of the screws weren't tight.
But what gearbox is it? Unless I have to open it which I realllly don't want to.
E: Thou I just tested the FPS with the poor mans one and found that it varies on the mp40 after adjusting the screws and .etc, it varies around 350 to 380 depending what type of bb I was using, I used .12, .2, .25.
July 21st, 2010, 02:42 AM
Kapowwe really seems to reward their customers.
Dear god I hope so. My friends and I pooled money and ordered two mystery boxes. I hope it's not all duds.:ohdear:
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 21st, 2010, 10:19 AM
me and two friends will be ordering another soon :3
July 22nd, 2010, 12:18 AM
Wow, that mystery box would probably fetch at least $500 here... Fuck Canada and its stupid gun laws.
Looking at getting rid of my TM MK23 NBB in favor of a KWA/KSC USP (NS2/System7 of course). I need some blowback in my life! That and I want a SERPA holster, and they don't make one for the MK23 since it's so massive.
July 23rd, 2010, 05:02 PM
Looking at getting rid of my TM MK23 NBB in favor of a KWA/KSC USP (NS2/System7 of course).
I tried already to tell them I'm selling my ak47 and my mp40, I have to buy something else and pay off a bill but pyong is having fun with teh mysterybox.
But if any of you bother and want my ak47 or mp40 just tell me before I put it up on ebay. Cause I need some money :saddowns:
July 23rd, 2010, 08:49 PM
Pretty sweet box. I went to Gatlinburg recently which probally has 8-10 airsoft/martial arts supplies stores. Anyway I went into the nicest looking one and asked for the best gun they had. The Chinese guy pulled a Ukarms AK-47 which had a price tag of $199. It had the familiar satisfaction that comes with holding a full metal gun, so I asked the guy the FPS. He said "650 fps", I said, "Bull crap". He proceeded to put a .2 gram bb down the barrel and shot through both sides of a cardboard box and made a 6mm indention into the drywall. He didn't have a chrono or anything, and he told me since I looked cool he'd sell it to me for $175. I didn't bite. Anyone here think it was legitimately 650 FPS?
July 23rd, 2010, 09:11 PM
He didn't have a chrono or anything, and he told me since I looked cool he'd sell it to me for $175. I didn't bite. Anyone here think it was legitimately 650 FPS?
My ak currently can do that easy. It probably shot somewhere in the 400 FPS range. Cause my CYMA ak47 can do that easy with a .2 gram. Besides I'm selling mine cheaper cause its used but it's in good condition :v:
I'm at least hoping to pull in somewhere in the $100 with the 2 high caps I have to go with it.
July 24th, 2010, 10:53 AM
My ak currently can do that easy. It probably shot somewhere in the 400 FPS range. Cause my CYMA ak47 can do that easy with a .2 gram. Besides I'm selling mine cheaper cause its used but it's in good condition :v:
I'm at least hoping to pull in somewhere in the $100 with the 2 high caps I have to go with it.
Yeah I got an ECHO1 AK-74 shoots ~420 fps with .2 gram.
July 25th, 2010, 01:28 AM
Anything over 500 will destroy your an AEG after a few games-worth use, I don't care what your internals are made of.
Only $200 for their "best" gun? Doesn't sound very good to me, a decent high quality starting gun here costs around $380 - $400 and a fully upgraded internals AEG will take you to the $800 - $1000 range depending on the gun and if you use "brand-name" components.
July 25th, 2010, 01:53 AM
Anything over 500 will destroy your an AEG after a few games-worth use, I don't care what your internals are made of.
Only $200 for their "best" gun? Doesn't sound very good to me, a decent high quality starting gun here costs around $380 - $400 and a fully upgraded internals AEG will take you to the $800 - $1000 range depending on the gun and if you use "brand-name" components.
That's Canada, prices are inflated over there....
July 25th, 2010, 07:12 PM
My gun is now down and out pending some serious upgrades:
Since I NEED to replace the gears and anti-reversal latch now I think I'm just going to save up and upgrade the entire internals or buy a new AEG. I think I'll get some torque-up gears and a more powerful motor, plus a better piston/piston head assembly. Possibly a metal hop-up for summer games, but I'll hang onto the older plastic one for winter since the metal ones are finicky in winter.
If I get a replacement AEG it will either be a VFC SCAR, Ares Tavor, or Systema PTW.
July 25th, 2010, 10:34 PM
scars are overrated
July 25th, 2010, 11:26 PM
scars are overrated
Yea but I need one to complete my Ghost Recon kit since the XM8 conversion kits for the G36 series guns look like complete shit... Oh and the other guns in Advanced Warfighter don't exist in real life :)
Looks like I have a trade lined up, my MK23 for a KWA USP ( The lower half is "Cansoft" clear but it's smoked and fairly hard to tell, I'll spray it up internally and externally if it's a problem.
July 27th, 2010, 04:41 PM
Just got my mystery box(es) in the mail
It's huge, can't open it until my friends get over here though
Dear lord the anticipation is killing me :ohdear:
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 1st, 2010, 08:33 PM
got the second box :)
Grizzly air rifle (half working)
Jericho BB pistol(unknown working)
Colt 1911 (Made by colt) (unknown working)
Python .357 6'' revolver (made by colt) (unknown working)
Limited Edition 160$ 1911 hi capa (working)
3 AK47 Beta Spetsnaz guns (working)
S&W SW40F (Shelf pull-working)
Stripper Pistol (lol)
Desert Eagle .50AE Softair Full Auto (Probably working)
Oh, and some weird type 98 gun with a plastic gearbox.
good deal for 128$
August 1st, 2010, 09:01 PM
got the second box :)
Limited Edition 160$ 1911 hi capa (working)
You son of a bitch :saddowns:
Between the two boxes I got
Non working:
1 Beta AK
1 Sig 552
1 GSR 1911 CO2 BB pistol
2 Beta AK(One missing fuse extension thing, both missing butt plates)
1 Cybergun famas(included magazine)
1 Sig 552
1 S&W SW40F Spring
And about 10 CO2 METAL BB pistols that I have no use for whatsoever. ALL Tangfolio 1911s and Sig Sauer 2022s (I said I'd take pistols before rifles as I already have one:maddowns:)
Anyone wanna buy some off me? $10 each or $12 with the magazine(only got 2 for the 1911s and 1 for the 2022s):smith:
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 1st, 2010, 10:33 PM
:3 the pistol i got is so awesome too!
August 1st, 2010, 10:41 PM
I'll buy one off of you, you take cash? lol
August 1st, 2010, 10:48 PM
I spy a colt pair I like. Post some better resolution pictures thou, the colts mostly, but me likes to buy one of the 1911's with the mags.
August 2nd, 2010, 01:08 AM
I'll buy a 1911 and a sig from you. Will you be paying for shipping?
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 2nd, 2010, 09:07 AM
Jealous? :realsmug:
August 2nd, 2010, 04:08 PM
I spy a colt pair I like. Post some better resolution pictures thou, the colts mostly, but me likes to buy one of the 1911's with the mags.
I'll buy a 1911 and a sig from you. Will you be paying for shipping?
Depends on how much it costs, because I could very well make no money from selling these at all
Jealous? :realsmug:
Until I get one of these. (
Delicious 500+ FPS first couple shots, maybe up to 1000 or so (
Additionally, since I finally found my camera's cable, here's my main rifle.
At least 350 FPS or so with .2 grams, probably more. Haven't done a chrono or anything on it.
August 2nd, 2010, 06:59 PM
Depends on how much it costs, because I could very well make no money from selling these at all
Come up with a price, and i'll buy just one from you. Most likely a Sig.
August 2nd, 2010, 07:04 PM
If you have a 2 of the same in that picture, give me a total price over all and I might buy it if the price is good cause I need non-plastic pistols :maddowns: and I'm attempting to buy the Reach xbox when it comes out so yeah.
August 2nd, 2010, 07:31 PM
If you have a 2 of the same in that picture, give me a total price over all and I might buy it if the price is good cause I need non-plastic pistols :maddowns: and I'm attempting to buy the Reach xbox when it comes out so yeah.
I literally have four of them, only two magazines however. One is also missing the silver part(a sticker). $20 for two without magazines, $24 for two with magazines. Don't know how much shipping would cost for them, but if it's too much I could go half and half. Just to say again, though, these only shoot those metal bbs.
August 2nd, 2010, 07:48 PM
The price for 2 w/ 2 mags is good so far, if the shipping is good I'll get them. I'm gonna guess the shipping is close to $10 maybe?
August 2nd, 2010, 08:04 PM
I'll get two with one mag then, Spartan can have the other. Would you like cash or check?
August 2nd, 2010, 08:12 PM
I was about to edit my post to what Plague said. Yeah wouldn't it be $22 for 2 colts and 1 mag?
Then again 2 colts and 1 mag doesn't make sense to me. But don't they already come with mags in the gun? But I would like a spare thou.
Ironic, I will have a AK-47, MP40, and a soon Colt mb in my collection. Mixing German, American, and Russian styles ha.
August 4th, 2010, 12:25 AM
I'll get two with one mag then, Spartan can have the other. Would you like cash or check?
I was about to edit my post to what Plague said. Yeah wouldn't it be $22 for 2 colts and 1 mag?
Then again 2 colts and 1 mag doesn't make sense to me. But don't they already come with mags in the gun? But I would like a spare thou.
Yeah, it'd be $22 for one with mag and one sans. And when bought retail they do, but I got these from the mystery box so sadly they only tossed 2 magazines in my boxes.
If either of you will get a sig, one of you can have two guns with magazines. And either method is fine, it'll take a day or two more to cash the check however. If shipping is around $5 or under I'll cover it since both of you are getting two, PM me and we can work out the rest of the details and whatnot.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 20th, 2010, 11:29 AM
Today we got another mystery box.
We got 4 working Taurus 24/7 guns (one clear, missing mag)
Unknown condition Tangfolio
S&W M&P40 working
Two JG Sig 552's that work (missing parts though)
And a Working WWII Thompson
October 1st, 2010, 11:08 PM
Figured it would be better to post here than make a new thread...
So I am a beginner looking for his first gun. I am in the market for an FN SCAR, tan color only. I would prefer to keep my budget below $200 for just the rifle. I am currently looking at the Boyi D-boys model and the CA model, though of course the CA model is ~$350. I would prefer not to spend that much but if it's completely necessary and if I am convinced of their superior quality, I will think about it. The problem is that both of these guns are sold out on most online vendors. So do you guys have any insight as to where I could find the SCAR? Right now I'm watching several auctions on ebay, though I am unsure about buying used guns.
October 6th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Well I decided on a gun. It just came back in stock so I jumped on it. If anyone is interested I'll post some pics once I get my hands on it. Otherwise I'll let this thread die again.
October 6th, 2010, 08:36 PM
Hmpf, delta is getting a SCAR. Always wanted one back when I was buying. But then I figured out I can spend my money on other stuff. Still use the good coupons while you can delta!
October 7th, 2010, 12:51 AM
Used that 10% off coupon code, which I found to be pretty nice. Paid off the reflex site I ordered with the gun. And what better things are there to spend money on?! I already spent $500+ this semester on texts and services for college, I might as well horde a few hundred or so for myself. :D
October 9th, 2010, 04:08 PM
Let me know what the build quality is like on that SCAR, I need to get one to complete my Ghost Recon loadout. I was thinking of getting a VFC SCAR as they're arguably the best "stock" SCAR's on the market right now. I kinda want to give the WE SCAR GBB a shot though, but I'm worried that the cooldown effect will be extremely prominent since I'm in Canada and we generally have lower average temperatures.
On another note, I got this KWA (KSC) USP 45 Fullsize right after I was banned from Modacity:
October 9th, 2010, 11:27 PM
That's a very nice USP there. I am hoping to get a Y&P Mk23 non-blowback eventually as my side arm, but I'm just starting out so I'll see how far I get into this (hopefully I stay with this after spending $270). From what I understand, the VFC scar is the most expensive one out because it has the most realistic externals. The charging handle can actually be released by the bolt release button. Other than that, the CA model's internals are pretty much inline with the VFC's. Whether or not the price difference is worth it, that is up to personal taste. However, the only models that I could find available are the JLS (the really really shitty full plastic one), the VFC, and just recently the Echo 1 that I bought.
As for the Echo 1 model, apparently it is just the re-branded version of the Boyi-D model, though the Boyi-D is no longer available. It only has upgraded metal bushings, the 30 day warranty, and superior quality control over the Boyi-D for an ~$80 difference. I didn't know that when I went through with the transaction, but o well. I've read cases of the gun failing after only 1-2 uses, but also other cases of the gun lasting 1+ years since its release. I plan on shooting the shit out of mine to make use of that 30 day warranty in case of any failures. Apparently, the external build is amazing for a middle range AEG. The upper receiver is full metal with trades and also numerical labels along the top rails. The rest of the gun is plastic like the real life counterpart, but well built. The only thing is that the locking mechanism for the folding stock tends to break if used excessively, but I'm not planning on ever folding it in the field. There is also a color difference between the pistol grip and lower receiver for the tan version, though I won't be bothered by this. I'll confirm all of this when I actually receive mine next weekend. Can't wait. O, and its fps is 400+ with .20g BB's. The accuracy is best when using .25g's.
October 10th, 2010, 12:11 AM
To prevent breaking that stock-lock on the side of the body, just make sure you apply upwards pressure when swinging the stock back.
Let me know if the one you ordered actually has a green upper like in the photo (, looks odd to me and I'm not sure if it's the photo or the actual gun. It looks like the photo lighting to me, but you never know. Oh and the best optional extra you can ever get for a SCAR, right here ( It goes beyond bad-ass.
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 16th, 2010, 06:54 PM
Is that worth getting?
It looks like it would have nice range since the gearbox is in the back of the gun.
October 16th, 2010, 10:57 PM
Will test and zero my sites tomorrow morning :D
Edit: Oh and concerning the color of the upper receiver, it really does not have any hint of green. If I had to assign it a color other than tan, I would say that it is like a dark gold or bronze. The color difference from the rest of the gun is not as extreme as the pictures make it out to be. It is just because of the flash from the camera that reacts negatively with the luster of the metal.
October 17th, 2010, 12:16 AM
Nice, that third and fourth photo do the colors a bit more justice. See if you can get a shot in daylight without the flash sometime. :)
Is that worth getting?
It looks like it would have nice range since the gearbox is in the back of the gun.
JG makes good clones, but they're clones so don't expect TM reliability. The AUG is a nice gun to handle, but upgrades for it hard hard(er) to find since it uses a proprietary version 7 (?) gearbox.
In airsoft the barrel length isn't really what determines accuracy, instead, it's the barrel diameter. If you want accuracy get a 6.3mm or 6.1mm tight-bore barrel in the appropriate length for your gun(s). Both the 6.3mm and 6.01mm tight-bore barrels require cleaning after every use and the highest quality BB's if you want good results. A tight-bore will also increase your FPS by a small amount because there's less air escaping around the BB, and therefore more pressure pushing it.
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 17th, 2010, 08:05 AM
Okay, I read some reviews, and its rated with 350 fps, and I saw it hitting targets accurately at 125 feet.
Don't really have the money for a different brand, and I'd like an AUG.
So should I get it?
October 17th, 2010, 10:57 AM
I'd say go for it, do you have a good optic you can throw on 'er? Red dots are king in airsoft, anything that magnifies more than 1.5x is wasted since you can't shoot accurately farther than you can throw a rock haha.
If you have an extra $34.99 I'd get this 6.02mm tightbore barrel (, it really is amazing how much a tightbore will improve your accuracy and the extra few FPS boost is nice. When I say FPS boost, it's only like 5-10 FPS max, but it's measurable. It's also extremely easy to install a tightbore barrel:
There are videos that really clarify the actually hopup/bucking removal portion, that video is specifically for the AUG though so I thought I'd link it.
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 17th, 2010, 11:13 AM
Thanks, I'll be ordering it soon.
You happen to have aim or msn, or steam?
I'd like to add you as a contact for future airsoft consulting :]
And I have an adjustable scope.
Red dots are fairly expensive but I do want one, if this gun proves to do what I think it will, I'll be ordering.
Got any good, relatively less expensive ones i should look at?
October 17th, 2010, 01:20 PM
I check forums/email way more often than I log into an IM client. Just PM me here or at my site ( and I'll probably get back to you later that day or the next. I check email daily for sure, PM me for that info as well.
I've been able to find some decent clone optics, I use a King Arms Panorama red dot that I got for around $50 from ehobbyasia. It's a little dim for outdoor play but it's manageable. If you're going to be doing outdoor play I suggest getting something like an ACOG replica that's just a red dot instead of a magnification scope, having the dot enclosed in a scope housing makes it easier to see during the day, slightly slower target acquisition though.
When you win the lottery get a real Eotech holographic optic (for me too please!), these guys are king in the airsoft world.
October 17th, 2010, 04:17 PM
So I test fired my rifle today. After siting it in, I was pretty impressed with the range. The pattern on full auto was good to up around 125 feet with just the .20g BB. I'm sure to get a smaller pattern with the .25-.30 rounds. My friend who owns a $1,000 M4 was pretty impressed with this gun too. This is my first gun, so i don't know much about it, but when I fire in the semi mode, sometimes my trigger locks up as if it was on safe. Firing a burst of auto will fix this. I think it has something to do with me not compressing the trigger all the way when on semi. Also the one real problem I had was that the included tan midcap had problems feeding after it was around half way empty. The highcap works wonders though, but it is grey and does not match the rifle. I will probably spray paint it later.
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 17th, 2010, 09:25 PM
Bought the AUG, I'll let you know how it is when it comes in :)
October 18th, 2010, 12:02 AM
O and my friend and I decided that this would be boss:
October 18th, 2010, 07:49 PM
Thanks, I'll be ordering it soon.
You happen to have aim or msn, or steam?
I'd like to add you as a contact for future airsoft consulting :]
Not my fault you always message me when I'm not here. :(
October 18th, 2010, 08:03 PM
So I test fired my rifle today. After siting it in, I was pretty impressed with the range. The pattern on full auto was good to up around 125 feet with just the .20g BB. I'm sure to get a smaller pattern with the .25-.30 rounds. My friend who owns a $1,000 M4 was pretty impressed with this gun too. This is my first gun, so i don't know much about it, but when I fire in the semi mode, sometimes my trigger locks up as if it was on safe. Firing a burst of auto will fix this. I think it has something to do with me not compressing the trigger all the way when on semi. Also the one real problem I had was that the included tan midcap had problems feeding after it was around half way empty. The highcap works wonders though, but it is grey and does not match the rifle. I will probably spray paint it later.
Sounds like it's performing very well :), grats! The lock-up on semi-auto is common with most AEG rifles, try moving the selector just past the semi-auto mode towards full-auto and see if it unlocks. If it does it's just a small common issue with the mechanical safety. There isn't really a fix, but you get used to switching to semi-auto by moving the selector just past the semi-auto position and then back. My Classic Army G36K does this almost all the time and I haven't been able to fix it while playing with the mechanism, so I just got into the habit of pushing the selector a little past semi with my thumb.
Bought the AUG, I'll let you know how it is when it comes in :)
Provide photos when you get 'er! Did you end up getting that tightbore at the same time?
O and my friend and I decided that this would be boss:
We use tracers a lot when playing indoor, mostly because our indoor arena is also a laser-tag style arena so it's very low light all the time. However airsoft here is about the gear and stuff just as much as the guns and gameplay so people also use real NVG's and IR lasers to designate targets and such.
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 18th, 2010, 08:41 PM
I didn't get the tightbore, I can't really afford it at the moment, running off of allowance here xD.
Looking for a job soon.
October 18th, 2010, 10:09 PM
It's not the just safety causing the lock up, its the spring being so compressed that the motor can't finish pulling it without a continuous supply of juice, which the selector inhibits on the semi-automatic setting.
October 19th, 2010, 07:07 PM
It's not the just safety causing the lock up, its the spring being so compressed that the motor can't finish pulling it without a continuous supply of juice, which the selector inhibits on the semi-automatic setting.
That's a completely different reason for the AEG not firing on semi, he stated that the trigger locked up like it was in safe though, so I doubt it's this.
If this IS the issue you're having DELTA, you can fix it with a MOSFET unit. Or buy a Systema PTW lol.
October 19th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I still want a full metal m16 when I get the money :(
October 20th, 2010, 01:09 AM
Since the barrel length on an M16 won't really increase the accuracy of your AEG, it's generally better to get something like an M4 for the easier maneuverability and handling. If you really, REALLY like the looks of the M16 then that's about the only reason to get one imo. Or if you're trying to duplicate an existing military kit.
October 20th, 2010, 05:30 PM
Oh, I can count on you guys for walking me through any internal tinkering I might do in the future, ja?
October 20th, 2010, 05:58 PM
Since the barrel length on an M16 won't really increase the accuracy of your AEG, it's generally better to get something like an M4 for the easier maneuverability and handling. If you really, REALLY like the looks of the M16 then that's about the only reason to get one imo. Or if you're trying to duplicate an existing military kit.
Looks is why I want it and the weight because of a full metal. Hehe
And Delta I don't know much about internal rather then changing small things so leave it to freelancer really.
October 20th, 2010, 08:10 PM
That's a completely different reason for the AEG not firing on semi, he stated that the trigger locked up like it was in safe though, so I doubt it's this.
If this IS the issue you're having DELTA, you can fix it with a MOSFET unit. Or buy a Systema PTW lol.
It's not, actually. They are related. The position of the safety is related to the position of the tapet plate, which is also related to the position of the piston. When your spring is partially compressed like that, you get a trigger lockup. Why else do you think just flipping your safety to automatic fire works at all? It's not a mechanical issue with the safety, it's an electrical issue with your motor not getting enough juice to keep going. I daresay I do know what I'm talking about here.
October 20th, 2010, 10:05 PM
So it makes sense how when I first go semi, I can fire a few shots before it does lock up? And I honestly feel like I get a better response from depressing the trigger all the way for each shot(though my tap firing is a lot slower!).
October 20th, 2010, 10:47 PM
Oh, I can count on you guys for walking me through any internal tinkering I might do in the future, ja?
I'll do what I can to help you out, but I'm no AEG "gunsmith", LOL.
It's not, actually. They are related. The position of the safety is related to the position of the tapet plate, which is also related to the position of the piston. When your spring is partially compressed like that, you get a trigger lockup. Why else do you think just flipping your safety to automatic fire works at all? It's not a mechanical issue with the safety, it's an electrical issue with your motor not getting enough juice to keep going. I daresay I do know what I'm talking about here.
No... There's still a separate issues with a few models of AEG where the mechanical safety doesn't disengage all the way unless you push the selector a little past semi-auto. It's a completely different issue than having a compressed spring and a motor or battery that isn't powerful enough to compete the cycle on semi. This usually happens on ambi-safety AEG's that have a gear-axel moving across to the other selector as well, specifically when this axel isn't perfectly aligned with the selector gear on either side. This off-sets the selectors a small amount and "semi-auto" is still actually "safe" until you push it past a little ways. It's fixable if you tinker with the positioning and such, my G36K no longer does it.
So it makes sense how when I first go semi, I can fire a few shots before it does lock up? And I honestly feel like I get a better response from depressing the trigger all the way for each shot(though my tap firing is a lot slower!).
Yea, keep the trigger depressed until the AEG completely "cycles" each shot and you'll get better results. Sounds like you're getting the electrical issue Warsaw was referring to. Are you using an 8.4v battery by chance? A 9.6v will greatly improve the "snappiness" of your semi-auto fire.
October 20th, 2010, 10:53 PM
I am using the stock 8.4v mini. A lot of people complain about stock batteries, but I think as long as I don't overcharge it, it'll work fine. I will still get a spare battery, but I've heard that 9.6v will wear my internals faster?
October 21st, 2010, 01:04 AM
No... There's still a separate issues with a few models of AEG where the mechanical safety doesn't disengage all the way unless you push the selector a little past semi-auto. It's a completely different issue than having a compressed spring and a motor or battery that isn't powerful enough to compete the cycle on semi. This usually happens on ambi-safety AEG's that have a gear-axel moving across to the other selector as well, specifically when this axel isn't perfectly aligned with the selector gear on either side. This off-sets the selectors a small amount and "semi-auto" is still actually "safe" until you push it past a little ways. It's fixable if you tinker with the positioning and such, my G36K no longer does it.
That's a different issue. That sounds like the teeth weren't lined up properly on the safetyy. That will lock up period, not letting you fire it at all unless you do as you said. However, I took what he said to mean he could fire a few shots while on semi, and then it would eventually lock up. The only fix for that is to flip it to auto, fire a burst, then switch back to semi (and voila, it works again), and that is an electrical issue.
@DELTA_011692: The higher your battery voltage, the faster the motor will turn. That means you get a higher rate of fire. It doesn't decrease the amount of wear you can put on the gears, but it does make each gear achieve its lifespan faster because they are all moving faster. You'll need a higher voltage if you plan on shooting in the 400+ fps range or if you want a zipper gun (I hate these). I've had no problems running a 9.6v in my gun, both when it was stock and after upgrades.
October 21st, 2010, 01:13 PM
Stock CA G36K, tightbore, 8.4v 1600 mAH small battery:
Same gun, tightbore, 9.6v 4500 mAH large battery (skip to 02:50):
That should give you an idea of how large a change a battery can give your gun :p
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 25th, 2010, 02:37 PM
I got my AU-1G today (AUG)
Here's a picture:
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 26th, 2010, 02:03 PM
So, an update on my AUG:
Can test: from about 2 feet it made a large entrance hole, and a small exit hole.
Its fairly accurate, the stock sights are fairly cheap.
The plastic is of good quality, and appears to be very sturdy.
The mag is not loose, as you can hold it by the mag (probably not reccomended)
The charging handle may need a little bit of silicon spray to lube it up, or else it may get stuck.
It uses a two-step trigger and it works well for me.
It has a very high ROF with stock battery (8.4v mini)
The upper reciever is metal.
The main body is ABS plastic, same with the magazine.
It appears to have long range.
It is easy and simple to take the gun apart. (I've just seperated the barrel from the upper reciever, and the upper reciever from the main body)
It has a 330rd high cap magazine.
It comes with battery, charger, cheap bbs, gun, and cleaning rod.
Iirc it uses a Version 3 gearbox with two step trigger assy.
Any questions?
October 26th, 2010, 07:00 PM
Range means nothing if they can't feel it. Upgrade the SoB.
October 27th, 2010, 03:29 AM
Range means nothing if they can't feel it. Upgrade the SoB.
That's what .40g aluminum coated BB's are for silly!
Sounds like it's a good rifle there Pyong, you should run a full poor-mans chrono and check the FPS. Make sure to use legitimate Coke-a-cola cans that are unblemished, other cans and damaged Coke cans give inaccurate results. So buy yourself a 6 pack and drink while you test!
I'm currently in negotiations to trade my dead Classic Army G36K for a WE SCAR GBBR. I'll let you guys know how this goes, for now we're haggling over the worth of my "parts gun".
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 27th, 2010, 06:35 AM
Buying a new jtag today probably :woop:
but I'm also selling some of my old airsoft stuff.
Quote from my craigslist ad:
For sale I have various airsoft guns.
Working Steel Dboy AK74u (comes with battery, charger and magazine) 110$
Cyma Ak 47 Beta Spetsnaz Gun (Works, good condition, comes with cheap battery and charger, no mag) 30$
Broken Version 3 AK Gearbox (needs new motor) 10$
Working JG Sig 552 (Gun only, no magazine, battery cover, or battery, or charger.) 45$
And I have various working gas pistols with magazines. 30$ each.
Thanks for looking.
October 27th, 2010, 12:52 PM
If this were a Canadian airsoft community site, the appropriate comment for that post would have been:
"18+ buy/sell only, reported your account to be banned for selling to minors. Move this to the buy/sell forums ASAP!"
I actually had that exact thing typed out, then I realized this was Modacity and quoted it down... :ugh:
I just bought a pair of these, legit from Crye Precision: (
Got the knee pads as well of course... Though the fact that they're sold separately for THIRTY EIGHT US DOLLARS is friggan ridiculous. I guess that's what happens when you buy things in the US, where people actually want to get paid for making things instead of oversea sweatshops...
Will be great for airsoft, and will be doubly as awesome for hunting. Picked my dad up some of their Field Pants AC ( while I was at it, since he's an oldfag and wanted some knee pads but not the extreme hardcore ones like mine.
Edit: Oh I got them in Sand/Khaki instead of Multicam because Multicam has white in it. White shows up like mad at our indoor arena due to the black-lights everywhere. If I come across some extra cash in the future I'll get a set in Multicam as well for hunting and outdoor airsoft.
October 27th, 2010, 11:05 PM
Did you seriously just drop $180 for a pair of pants?
October 28th, 2010, 01:10 AM
Men can blow away just as much money on clothes as women. The difference is that our clothes are actually functional. :realsmug:
October 28th, 2010, 01:21 AM
Men can blow away just as much money on clothes as women. The difference is that our clothes are actually functional. :realsmug:
Quoted for so much truth.
October 28th, 2010, 07:31 AM
Men can blow away just as much money on clothes as women. The difference is that our clothes are actually functional. :realsmug:
This is true, I'm about to buy a 50$ sport vest myself.
October 28th, 2010, 08:42 AM
I'm looking for ACU or desert BDU's. Any ideas?
October 28th, 2010, 01:38 PM
ACU is useless, it's not actually a camouflage as it won't even blend you in with environments using the same base color. The best "Arid Region" camo's are Multicam, AOR1/2, or CADPAT AR.
Multicam works amazingly well, and it works well in more environments than the other two. AOR1/2 is basically a digital version of Multicam, CADPAT AR is pretty good as well (after-all, we Canadians came up with the whole digital-camo idea and research). The type of camo you have is useless if you aren't consciously checking your surroundings and moving to cover that's the same makeup as your gear. If you're in shadow, your light color cammies are going to be brighter than the surrounding area most likely... Etc.
Always be mindful of what the color of your surroundings are. Huge mistake made by most new/average airsoft players is "oh I'm wearing camo so he can't see me" (while wearing CADPAT AR in a field of GREEN grass).
So I'm going ahead with this trade for my broken G36K, also sending the guy some money to make up the difference in value between the two guns. This is what I'll be getting though:
Gas Blowback Rifles - Realism Inside™
October 28th, 2010, 02:34 PM
Do CADPAT AR. Multicam looks stupid, in my opinion. Tan guns also go better together with CADPAT. Multicam is effective, but not as good as dedicated environment camo, and it doesn't match any gun colour scheme, not even a multicam gun.
October 28th, 2010, 03:30 PM
Stop god dammit before I buy a SCAR myself or a MAGPUL.
October 28th, 2010, 03:49 PM
@Warsaw: Multicam works best in a brown wooded area, the brush around here is great for Multicam because all the ground level stuff up to about 2 feet is always dead/brown color. However it's gotta work, special forces have been using it since 2004 it just wasn't publicly announced because the pattern works so well. Also, the white bits in Multicam make it a viable solution during the winter, at least in wooded or urban environments where there's also brown/tan stuff.
Like I said, every camo works well in every environment so long as you're moving to cover that work well with your camo.
@Spartan094: The Masada is pretty sexy, I like the SCAR a LITTLE bit more though hehe. I'm trying to decide if I should get an EGLM for my SCAR later down the line... BB showers are fun.
October 28th, 2010, 04:02 PM
I didn't say it didn't work, I just said for a given environment, it's not as good as that environment's dedicated pattern, just like the M4 sucks for range compared to an M14 and that it sucks for CQB compared to a KRISS. ;)
October 29th, 2010, 08:45 PM
I'd like to share some cautionary words of wisdom for all those would-be Airsoft Gun Doctors out there.
"If it ain't broke, fix it until it is"
If you don't experiment with these things there's really no way to learn how AEG's work internally. I find that almost all the experienced gun docs are VERY experienced players that have simply decided to do upgrades and such themselves instead of paying for them. Here's the catch though, while you're learning you really need to have some extra money around, because you WILL break things. This can range from motors, to gears, to bodies and accessories, but you're going to break lots of stuff while "fixing" or "adjusting" other things. Until you learn how everything works that is.
Just figured I'd share, because I recently came across a thread on my local airsoft forum where someone was complaining about not being able to find a gun doc mentor. If you aren't the kind of person that likes to take things apart and see how they work, you're not the kind of person that would be a good gun doc.
October 29th, 2010, 09:49 PM
Don't forget it gets a little dirty when messing with the gearbox internally so have a paper towel with you and some place to assign your screws.
And I'm only $160 from getting the MAGPUL Madusa when I can get the chance or I could beg my parents to get it for my b-day since its less then a month away :realsmug:
October 29th, 2010, 10:33 PM
I'd have to disagree on that quote. If it isn't broken, wait until it breaks. Once it breaks, tinker with it as often as possible.
October 29th, 2010, 10:44 PM
I'd have to disagree on that quote. If it isn't broken, wait until it breaks. Once it breaks, tinker with it as often as possible.
I agree, initially. But once it does break you should open it up every few games and see if you can't tinker with something to make it better.
October 30th, 2010, 02:57 AM
The obvious exception is if you want your gun to perform a certain way from the outset, and the only way to do that is to open it up when you get it and perform a preliminary upgrade.
November 1st, 2010, 05:58 PM
Alright, for my BDU's I've decided to go with the digital desert uniform. I like the multicam, but I can't find any replicas that are relatively affordable. I'm going to make my next order around Christmas time probably. Get myself a spare battery, smart charger, ammo, and the BDU's after I get to work a few shifts over the holiday.
November 2nd, 2010, 03:36 PM
It arrived.
Video of features and field strip soon.
EDIT - Complete field strip guide:
Press the following pin so it protrudes on the opposite side of the rifle.
Pull the pin out until it locks, this pin retains itself in the lower receiver and doesn't come all the way out so don't try to rip it out!
Pull the lower receiver away from the upper, front first.
Grab the upper receiver securely with one hand, push down on the stock with the other.
The stock will release and come off the upper receiver in the following direction:
Find the following piece that's protruding out the rear of the upper receiver:
Pull it all the way out, this is your recoil spring.
Grab your handle.
Pull it all the way to the rear.
Remove the cocking/charging handle.
Grab the following piece, should be protruding from the rear of your upper receiver:
This is your bolt carrier, pull it all the way out.
Great success! You've completely field stipped your WE Tech SCAR Gas Blowback Rifle!
Now it's time to learn about maintaining your Gas Blowback SCAR Rifle...
Look at these bolt carrier close ups, the shiny/silver bits are your valve assembly. The valves direct the gas flow through your weapon system and are very sensitive, if you want to apply any silicon oil to these parts, use the same stuff that you add to your gas magazines when filling with propane (see: extremely 1.5 weight or less, no petroleum distillates). Also note the wear on the bottom of the bolt carrier behind the valve assembly. Apply something like Permatex Ultra Slick (Multi-Purpose Synthetic Grease type specifically) to this area and the edge behind it.
Here's a photo that displays where to put what type of grease/oil:
Red - Heavy weight Ultra-Slick grease.
Yellow - Medium weight MotoMaster Silicon Lube spray, also apply some of this to the long thin stabilizing rod connected to the valve assembly. NOT ON THE ACTUAL VALVE ASSEMBLY!
Green - Light weight GBB magazine oil for use with propane. Optional, the lubricant from your green gas or added lubricant in propane will lube these parts.
EDIT EDIT - Features, field strip, basic information, and some brief firing in video form:
November 4th, 2010, 06:48 PM
You canadians and your non-orange tip guns :smith:
November 4th, 2010, 08:42 PM
I don't have an orange tip.
November 4th, 2010, 10:01 PM
You canadians and your non-orange tip guns :smith:
You americans and your orange tip guns :smith:
Remember, if a part on an airsoft gun is a replica of a prohibited firearm classification here in Canada it must be smoked transparent plastic at the very least. All new airsoft guns in Canada that have full color receivers and such are smuggled across the border. That said, there has been some legal progress made towards importing full colored airsoft guns lately. Basically if you import them under the "Uncontrolled Firearm" classification then you can import anything legally and resell it, but there are some requirements that the guns must meet before they can be classed as Uncontrolled Firearms.
For example, by Canadian law an airsoft gun is not a "replica" (which would make most of them Prohibited (see: not obtainable by civilians) because a replica of a prohibited firearm is still Prohibited) because it functions and fires a projectile. Canadian law states that a replica can't fire any kind of projectile, so obviously airsoft guns aren't replicas. That said, there's some law that requires them to fire OVER 420 FPS to be considered an Uncontrolled Firearm because anything under 420 FPS is just an airgun or something and not a firearm.
Basically, Canadian law about airsoft guns is so confusing that even the Military and Police don't bother trying to get them as training weapons here because the Government can't make up its mind on what the fuck they are. So we leave the importation to people who have time to dredge legal documents for loopholes and make the right "contacts" with the Canadian Border Service Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
November 5th, 2010, 08:27 PM
I liked the style in which you presented the gun's features, however it'd be cool if you added a performance test or something. I guess that'll be on its way soon. It's so badass how the gun has the moving charging handle and recoil effects. The sound it makes is just musical. I would have liked to hear a longer Full-Auto spray :p
November 7th, 2010, 09:14 PM
Yea I'll get it lubed up nice and proper and get some more mags for it (soon) and then do a shooting video/poor mans chrono.
November 8th, 2010, 05:34 PM
Alright, so when I first bought my gun, I also fell into the trap of purchasing one of the really cheap optics ( I'm having trouble adjusting the windage on this thing and it's really pissing me off. Even when I adjust it as far as it can go, the dot is still stuck to the left. If I can't figure this out I will be mad for being out of $25 that I could have put into this ( I'm going to try opening up the housing and see if there is a misaligned spring/screw or something of that nature. Do you guys think there's anything else I should keep a lookout for? I would post some pictures, but I'm currently at my university.
November 8th, 2010, 06:14 PM
Generally the cheap optics adjust with a spring pushing against something, when you adjust it it puts more/less pressure on the spring. Not the most accurate adjustment system for obvious reasons. Once you get it adjusted you should be fine for normal AEG use however, replica optics won't keep a zero like a real optic on a gas blow back or real firearm very well either, obviously.
Also, check this shit out:
They are comfortable as fuck, if the knee pads weren't so obvious (like in my dads Field Pants from Crye) I'd probably wear them all the damn time. Crye is like my new favorite clothing maker, and seeing as how I never gave a shit about any kind of clothing I've ever worn in the past that's a big deal! The knee pads are gen 3 apparently and not even advertised on the Crye website ( I just ordered the Combat Knee Pads in Khaki ( and got these ones, which look like they're easier to insert and also have a bit more grip to them. Not sure if they fucked up my order and sent me more awesome knee pads or if they just haven't updated their website yet...
November 8th, 2010, 08:29 PM
I'll stick to a pair of shitty old jeans and my $25 "Prestige Tactical Wear" BDU coat from Dicks Sporting Goods.
November 8th, 2010, 10:09 PM
Real men play airsoft wearing a suit and tie. :realsmug:
November 8th, 2010, 10:42 PM
We have "spy nights" every so often where the gear theme is concealed weapons and suits. Obviously we only do this at the indoor arena...
Just got myself 6 more mags, Crye armor chassis is filling out nicely.
$190 for 6 mags :downs:
November 9th, 2010, 12:19 PM
I jumped the gun and ordered the 552 eotech replica. Everything on is 20% off! Also ordered some digital desert BDU's, a tan vest, and a brown/tan shemagh:). For my gun, I ordered .25g BB's, a 9.6v battery, and a universal smart charger. I'm trying to look like these dudes:
November 9th, 2010, 12:36 PM
Good deal, I'm looking at getting a 552 or ACOG replica with doctor red dot style setup sometime... I think I might just get a real Eotech 552 so I can also mount it on our hunting shotgun.
November 15th, 2010, 11:55 AM
More pictures of my SCAR, with much much better lighting. I had my friend help me spray paint the vertical grip and magazines. The orange barrel tip was also spray painted black because I'm just asking to get arrested. Also concerning my screwed up dot sight, turns out that the spring pressing on the LED module horizontally was off centered. So when adjusting how far the spring was pushing it sideways, the module would be pressed at an angle instead of shooting directly forward and causing it to be way out to the left. My friend fixed it by inserting a small brass rod to keep the module from turning that angle. The sight is now his, as a gift for fixing it and since my eotech replica is coming in on Tuesday, though I won't be able to play with it till a week from then when I go home for American Thanksgiving.
E: how do I remove those thumbnails at the bottom?
November 15th, 2010, 01:45 PM
Looks good man! I've got an olive drab vert grip on mine right now plus my panorama red dot. I plan to Magpul my gun as much as possible, I have the following planned:
Magpul AFG (Dark Earth) (
Magpul PTS MBUS (Black) (
Magpul PTS MOE Grip (Dark Earth) (
Magpul Ladder Rail Protectors (Dark Earth) (
I'll use the Ladder Rail Protectors to cover up the remainder of the bottom rail and the side rails where I don't have accessories attached. Everything else is self explanatory, the MBUS will replace the stock folding iron sights.
November 15th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Wow that stuff would be awesome on a SCAR. I especially like that angled grip, I too have found it is much more comfortable when holding the receiver at an angle (in my case, I was holding the front of the mag well). I'll stick with the vert grip though just to have more accessories. Taking the gun apart is still way outside my comfort zone, else I would have swapped out or spray painted my pistol grip too. That is the last piece with a color that is out of place, though it won't matter on the field since my hand will be over it the whole time. And if you're planning on using iron sights, definitely get that rear post. The stock one is so small, its difficult to see through it without having a constant black silhouette around your target. The only plus to that is that it is deadly accurate.
I might look into that angled grip in the future...
November 15th, 2010, 07:26 PM
I'm still going to buy that Magpul ACR I want. Thanks for reminding me for Freelancer.
November 15th, 2010, 07:35 PM
Try griping your vert grip with your thumb up and over the side rail and the rest of your fingers in front like so:
That should give you an idea if you'd like the AFG or not. Gives you a faster target acquisition when holding like above or with an AFG.
November 15th, 2010, 07:54 PM
Hey Freelancer or anybody else, what's a good standard Red dot sight, ACOG, EOTech type under $100, doing it so I can either fit it for the ACR I will buy in the near future and/or for my ak47.
November 15th, 2010, 09:43 PM
Eotech or low profile red dots like doctors work well with ACR's from what I've heard.
November 15th, 2010, 11:03 PM
Why put out so much money for backup sights when you will have optics mounted most of the time, not to mention you already have fold down sights?
November 16th, 2010, 12:08 AM
We have "spy nights" every so often where the gear theme is concealed weapons and suits. Obviously we only do this at the indoor arena...
What the fuck? Where do you live? I wanna play airsoft with you, like, now.
November 16th, 2010, 12:20 AM
Why put out so much money for backup sights when you will have optics mounted most of the time, not to mention you already have fold down sights?
Fucking EMP's man. They fuck shit up.
Magpul is "the gear" to have right now, and those sights are fucking awesome anyhow. I may get the real ones instead of the PTS sub-brand and swap them over to one of my real rifles or shotguns when hunting season rolls around (PTS = Personal Training System, meaning not for real firearms).
What the fuck? Where do you live? I wanna play airsoft with you, like, now.
Canada, spy nights are usually only like once a year. Generally around October when Halloween activities encourage people to dress up.
November 16th, 2010, 12:24 AM
Gay. Spy night is a cool idea. Pistols and machine pistols only.
November 16th, 2010, 03:59 PM
Canada, spy nights are usually only like once a year. Generally around October when Halloween activities encourage people to dress up.
Easier to bring a real firearm, then hahaha.
November 16th, 2010, 04:01 PM
What? idgi.
November 16th, 2010, 04:53 PM
What? idgi.
Oh nothing.
November 17th, 2010, 08:53 AM
Thinking of getting these ( My BDU jacket (and ammo) is still on back order from Makes me kind of angry since the listing did not indicate this during my checkout, nor does it still as of this moment.
November 17th, 2010, 11:31 AM
I'd skip on elbow pads unless you're getting some that integrate into your BDU top like the Crye Combat Shirt (or a replica of it). I can't stand elbow pads, the chafing from the straps on the inside of my elbow gets unbearable. They're also only really useful when you go prone really fast.
So my advice would be to save some money and just get the knee pads if you can.
November 17th, 2010, 04:43 PM
I'd skip on elbow pads unless you're getting some that integrate into your BDU top like the Crye Combat Shirt (or a replica of it). I can't stand elbow pads, the chafing from the straps on the inside of my elbow gets unbearable. They're also only really useful when you go prone really fast.
So my advice would be to save some money and just get the knee pads if you can.
Well if I were to just get the knee pads, I would go for either these ( or these ( The price difference with my original choice isn't much, and it might be worth it to just get the bundle with both knee and elbow pads, even if I decide later not to wear the elbow ones. I have worn both types of pads before borrowed from a friend, and i do agree that the straps cut into your arm and reduces mobility. However, my friend and I would like to get all geared out, the more intimidating we will look against the other half ass players we play who go around wearing jeans and sunglasses.
Oh I need to know, if a full size Mk23 will fit in a normal holster?
November 17th, 2010, 07:38 PM
No, I had a TM MK23 before my KWA KP45 (USP 45 fullsize) and it required a proprietary holster ( because the gun is so large.
November 17th, 2010, 08:04 PM
I hate being left handed
November 17th, 2010, 08:15 PM
One of the main reasons I got rid of my MK23, it was Non-Blow-back (no fun), and there were no accessories or upgrades for it except what it came with (suppressor and LAM). However if you're after performance the TM MK23 is godly, Non-Blow-back means more gas/power for the actual shot and it was also a very straight shooter.
November 17th, 2010, 08:26 PM
Shit, if you want a performance gas pistol just grab a KJW Ruger Mk. II for cheap.
November 17th, 2010, 10:14 PM
One of the main reasons I got rid of my MK23, it was Non-Blow-back (no fun), and there were no accessories or upgrades for it except what it came with (suppressor and LAM). However if you're after performance the TM MK23 is godly, Non-Blow-back means more gas/power for the actual shot and it was also a very straight shooter.
I'm guessing non-gas blowbacks don't have that awesome recoil system to them?
November 17th, 2010, 10:57 PM
You got it. Honestly, they aren't necessarily more powerful, they are just more fuel efficient. You will get more shots out of an NGBB than a GBB, but if you crank the power up on the NGBB, it will come out the same.
November 17th, 2010, 11:51 PM
Yea, a TM MK23 will fire about 56 shots on one gas fill (28 round mags = 2 BB fills per one gas fill). Throw a high-flow valve in there and you'll get more power and lower the gas efficiency a little bit.
November 25th, 2010, 08:35 PM
My grandparents might acutely buy this for Christmas for me{3}253 (
Think I should say go ahead or what? And yes I switched back to M4 systems and not magpul, magpul expensive. Really what airsoft guns I always wanted were MP40, AK47, M4, MP44 in which I got half my list done so far :smith:
November 25th, 2010, 11:50 PM
Got to site in my eotech replica and it added a decent amount of weight to it. I don't think I'll be buying stuff for a very very long time, my bank account is screaming at me lol.
And spartan, that looks like a really good deal, if you guys could order it before the end of this month, you can get 20% off by using the coupon code: evikerocks. It sucks that you have to pay them $55 to install the lower receiver though, if you have the know how I suggest you do it yourself.
November 26th, 2010, 08:57 PM
My grandparents might acutely buy this for Christmas for me{3}253 (
Think I should say go ahead or what? And yes I switched back to M4 systems and not magpul, magpul expensive. Really what airsoft guns I always wanted were MP40, AK47, M4, MP44 in which I got half my list done so far :smith:
I'd stick with the ACR or SCAR, better handling characteristics and easier to operate due to the ambidextrous controls. Save yourself the extra money and install the metal receiver yourself if you get the M4 though, it's pretty easy to do since you don't need to deal with opening up the mechbox.
Got to site in my eotech replica and it added a decent amount of weight to it. I don't think I'll be buying stuff for a very very long time, my bank account is screaming at me lol.
And spartan, that looks like a really good deal, if you guys could order it before the end of this month, you can get 20% off by using the coupon code: evikerocks. It sucks that you have to pay them $55 to install the lower receiver though, if you have the know how I suggest you do it yourself.
Eotechs look like sex on SCARs.
Speaking of gun porn, I'm gonna leave this here:
November 26th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Save yourself the extra money and install the metal receiver yourself if you get the M4 though, it's pretty easy to do since you don't need to deal with opening up the mechbox.
Dun worry I don't need my grandparents paying extra +55 for something that easy to do.
November 26th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Speaking of gun porn, I'm gonna leave this here:
November 27th, 2010, 12:21 PM
I'm ordering myself that calender for Christmas.
If you watch the credits you'll see that Crye Precision (same guys that I recently bought those awesome pants from) created all the clothing for the shoot. At least all the Multicam stuff. I showed this video to a friend of mine that's done some fairly revealing modeling, she was down with a similar photo shoot next time she's in Calgary, gonna have to collect all my airsoft and real-steel together for that... Heh.
December 5th, 2010, 10:00 PM
Airsoft GI has a 15% off coupon code "crazywow". It's gonna expire soon most likely so get on it!
Here's what my order is gonna be:
Total including shipping less than Sub-Total? Fuck Yes.
To bad I don't qualify for free shipping since I live in Canada (bastards!), but that's okay because I still get the free T-Shirt since my order is over $80 I think.
December 7th, 2010, 10:28 PM
Nice, digging how you're ordering a completely new load out to match your new gun. Imma order this before the end of December, I'll get 15% off or free shipping if I can make the total over $100. I would rather get the shipping ($27) but the bastards ran out of green gas. Least they finally shipped out my stuff that was on back order from before.
O, and that $12 pistol, I figured it was a great deal considering the cheapest gas pistols around are $30ish. Dun really care what I get, I can fill in that holster that came on my vest.
December 7th, 2010, 10:55 PM
Well, I usually wear Multicam for outdoor and my Multicam gear + SCAR = Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter load out. The tan MOLLE drop leg and dump pouch will also be for the GRAW kit as well as indoor. The OE Tech pullover and jacket are more for civilian wear and indoor games hehe.
Should all be here Monday (except the Magpul Ladder Rail Covers, those are backordered) pending Canadian customs. I'm really excited for the pistol mags and AFG fore grip. Hopefully I don't get dinged with giant importation/customs fees. I just read a story about a guy who bough $150 worth of stuff from AGI and got a $1,066.50 customs bill, obviously he's fighting it, but that's just silly.
December 8th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Pyong can't believe 6mm .2 gram bb's did this to a wine bottle
I luv my ak, I'll get a video soon or tomorrow. Thou the M4 I'm getting is higher in FPS so I'm interested in testing it out against wine bottles
Oh FYI it made a hole on the side of that glass bottle.
December 8th, 2010, 06:02 PM
Hehe, you think that's bad, use silica BB's. They're even harder then the plastic ones.
Because why not:
December 8th, 2010, 07:44 PM
Hehe, you think that's bad, use silica BB's. They're even harder then the plastic ones.
Only in Canada eh?
December 8th, 2010, 08:34 PM
December 8th, 2010, 09:23 PM
S'okay Spartan094, we have aluminum BBs for our armourdermal-piercing needs.
December 8th, 2010, 09:24 PM
Thanks freelancer, probably gonna order it sometime
Also look at how nice Evike is putting up a video in for the Matrix challenge m4 I'm probably getting for Christmas
December 8th, 2010, 09:59 PM
They should rename that video Airsoft Shit you should already know about airsoft if you're buying this kit! Just kidding, no really though, everyone playing airsoft should know basic AR-15 operation and disassembly by now. It's only the most popular airsoft gun style, and I don't know why. If I ever buy an AR-15 style airsoft gun it would be a Systema, because they're clearly the greatest AEG's out there.
@Warsaw, we have aluminum BB's as well. They're DMR/Sniper ammunition.
December 10th, 2010, 04:26 AM
Oh, I know you have aluminum BBs. I'm just telling him not to fret over us not having silica BBs. :)
However, I don't condone the use of aluminum BBs. Metal doesn't have elasticity like plastic does, so it behaves quite differently on impact.
December 10th, 2010, 06:47 PM
That's why it's only for DMR's and snipers that are looking for a more consistent projectile path.
December 10th, 2010, 11:25 PM
That's why it's only for DMR's and snipers that are looking for a more consistent projectile path.
What's the minimum distance you're allowed to fire aluminum BBs at?
December 11th, 2010, 02:29 AM
Ours is 50 feet / if you can sprint to them in under 5 seconds you're to close.
December 11th, 2010, 02:18 PM
I should buy metal and silica bb's just in-case if I ever need to invade Canada with my high FPS airsoft guns :realsmug:
December 11th, 2010, 05:07 PM
Just got back from a failed game (-20 C = dead batteries and gas gun fail) and a guy was gunning a Systema/red cylinder at 550 FPS using silica BB's.
December 12th, 2010, 01:12 AM
Just got back from a failed game (-20 C = dead batteries and gas gun fail) and a guy was gunning a Systema/red cylinder at 550 FPS using silica BB's.
Tha fuck? Take somebody's eye out, will ya.
December 12th, 2010, 03:18 AM
That's why it's only for DMR's and snipers that are looking for a more consistent projectile path.
No. As far as I am concerned, if you are using metal BBs: fuck you, get the hell off the field. Use a heavy .43g plastic BB or learn to compensate for windage, but do NOT use metal BBs. Not at five, not at fifty, not at one hundred feet. The reason airsoft is even a different classification from legitimate BB guns is because they are using plastic ammunition, which is where the "soft" in "airsoft" comes from.
December 13th, 2010, 03:53 AM
They hardly hurt more than silica BB's... I don't see what the problem is if you're experienced enough to judge safe MED. I don't think there are any fields up here in Canada that prohibit the use of metal BB's for DMR or Sniper roles, though you AREN'T allowed to use them if you're a nobody/unknown skill level player. If one is wearing proper eye protection it really shouldn't matter, we require at least ANSI Z rating eye wear (will stop a 12 ga shotgun blast from 10 ft).
On Saturday we turned away a young guy who just bought a new SRC AR-15 Gen III Pro that was shooting 440 FPS. That's in our DMR/Sniper FPS zone and no one knew who he was so we didn't let him field that gun. Someone lent him a TM Super 90 which was good.
December 13th, 2010, 04:00 AM
Don't care. If you're allowing metal BBs, then you might as well allow players to use legit BB guns.
December 13th, 2010, 09:32 AM
Don't care. If you're allowing metal BBs, then you might as well allow players to use legit BB guns.
Bad experience with metal BB's?
December 13th, 2010, 02:40 PM
BB guns will shoot way hotter than airsoft guns, they're more akin to pellet rifles.
Also, check this out:
AFG-1 love and Magpuls on some of my mags now, my Airsoft GI order got here. And it got through customs for cheap as hell, because AGI may have fudged some prices on their invoice a little (lets just say all the documents that came with the package valued it at $60 instead of $260+)... Also got two more KP8 (KWA USP) magazines which were labeled as "plastic bearing holders" on the invoice lol.
December 13th, 2010, 06:45 PM
So, can anyone give me a bad reason of getting one of these?
December 13th, 2010, 07:14 PM
The lenses aren't necessarily up to the task of protecting your eyes. Someone here bought something similar and when he tested it with .20's at about 380 FPS they cracked. If you buy a gas mask for airsoft it's always good practice to point-blank it with the highest FPS gun you can get your hands on, multiple times, to make sure it's safe enough.
December 14th, 2010, 12:17 AM
BB guns will shoot way hotter than airsoft guns, they're more akin to pellet rifles.
No. Only the best ones are akin to pellet rifles (and usually ARE pellet rifles with BB capability). Most of them shoot in the 350-500 fps range.
Also, about gas mask, replace the lenses with some actual ballistics approved polycarbonate.
December 14th, 2010, 03:02 AM
My Airsoft GI order got here yesterday (13th) as you can probably tell by the AFG on my SCAR pics, here's some pics of the new gear I got:
OE Tech Base Pullover top.
OE Tech Fast Draw Holster on my right leg.
OE Tech Tactical Thigh Rig and attached OE Tech Dump Pouch on my left leg.
OE Tech Fleece Jacket.
Indoor T-shirt look:
Indoor base layer pullover look:
Outdoor high-speed rig:
Full assault kit:
And of course the free T-shirt you get for orders over $80:
December 14th, 2010, 08:01 AM
lol who takes the pics?
December 14th, 2010, 06:52 PM
The camera, self-timer set on auto-portrait mode. I should have manually set more settings, a lot of the photos are pretty blurry.
December 14th, 2010, 07:16 PM
hhmmm, how well does that one-point bungee sling work? I'm curious about the whole method of slinging your gun using only one pivot. It seems like it could be rather comfortable, but could it really support my 8lb+ gun all day? Also I was thinking of getting this one (, which could be converted between one-point or two-point easily. No way in hell it really is military grade, but I guess what I'm trying to ask is if you think that thing would snap or if the adjustment folds will completely give in. There are no reviews for that two-point sling, but there were relatively good reviews for the one-point only sling ( made by the same company (which is really irrelevant since "matrix" is the brand that uses to stamp onto brandless Chinese imports, but in practice, has a decent quality control for the products they put up on their website).
I'll get some pics of my full setup too once I get everything in. Remember when I ordered those elbow/knee pads off of some shady Hong Kong Ebay store? (probably not) Well after seeing this video (, I'm pretty confident that the ones I ordered are one and the same. Which means I got them hella cheap at $30(it was $18 + $12 shipping) for both elbows and knees, and they also seem decent. The only down side is that it's going to take 10 years for it to ship over here.
Also, multicam's looking good,... slut.
December 14th, 2010, 11:23 PM
The main thing you need to consider about single-point slings is the length of your gun, they're best for fairly short guns for one pretty obvious reason. If you've got a long gun it's possible that when you kneel with your weapon on the sling the barrel will hit ground, never a good thing. I've seen some people with fairly long guns (full length M16/G36) and the barrel almost touches the ground even when they're standing, those people were a little under 6ft tall though. Another thing to remember with single-point slings is that if your gun is long enough, it will be hitting your legs/knees when you're moving around. Some people complain about this... My opinion is that you should find another sport if you're complaining about a gun hitting your knees because you had to switch to your secondary while moving.
I used this sling with my G36K for a long time, as well as my SCAR now. The SCAR is significantly shorter than the G36K and works even better in a single-point configuration than the G36K did. As for weight requirements a single-point does a good job of spreading the load across your back and shoulders, not as good as a double-point sling would obviously but it isn't something I ever find myself thinking about. My SCAR weights around 7-8lb's and my G36K was about 10lb's with the C-Mag in and fully loaded, never worried about the sling breaking, but that comes down to the quality of the sling itself.
I was recently able to try using a Magpul MS2 sling at a recent indoor game, thing is awesome as you can transfer from singe to double-point extremely fast. And having a double-point configuration lets you sling your rifle on your back pretty fast like Tim does in this Airsoft GI TV video (skip to 4:30) ( The Magpul MS2 does this even better, and when I can afford it I'll be getting a legit one from Magpul.
December 23rd, 2010, 12:40 PM
Annd it's finally in, do note I have NOT installed the metal body yet, I'm gonna do it soon after I get done wrapping presents and such
Awesome, I cant wait to install the metal body so it looks better, btw the metal body HAS the USMC logo on it.
December 23rd, 2010, 09:41 PM
So, looks like it's time for me to break open my gun after all. After just my first game today, my gun broke down. And out of the stupidity between my friends and me, we tried to keep firing to see if it'll resolve itself. Well I stripped down all the basic components down to the gearbox, and I can already see some gear erosion on the motor. That was probably caused from us continuing to fire. So there is probably a complete jam in the gear box.:neckbeard:
December 23rd, 2010, 09:54 PM
Bound gears aren't fun. What were the original symptoms?
December 23rd, 2010, 11:03 PM
It was the end of the battle, and I hand my friend the gun to fire the remaining rounds from my mag. He gave a full autoburst that went for about 3 seconds, then the gun started to cough out a horrible wheezing noise. The piston wasn't being cycled, and just the overall feel of movement inside the body was absent. You could still feeling the motor going in the pistol grip though. The gun continued to make this horrible noise every time the trigger was pulled, which I suspect was the motor gear eating in against itself trying to turn the clogged gearbox.
December 23rd, 2010, 11:24 PM
I'd check the motor height while you're at it. Sounds like it might need to be tightened up a little.
December 24th, 2010, 12:02 AM
I'll probably checked it all out this weekend, after Christmas Eve. For tonight, I got some GRAW2 to play, picked it up for PC for $10 at a bargain bin in Best Buy.
December 24th, 2010, 05:50 AM
I'll probably checked it all out this weekend, after Christmas Eve. For tonight, I got some GRAW2 to play, picked it up for PC for $10 at a bargain bin in Best Buy.
To be honest, that game should be more around the $5 mark.
December 24th, 2010, 07:16 AM
:haw: Also if your eye is sharp you will notice I had a tough time with the bolt on the left side.
December 24th, 2010, 07:37 AM
Noticed that almost immediately, what did you do?! And it looks like the pin by "SAFE" isn't quite in all the way.
December 24th, 2010, 04:28 PM
Noticed that almost immediately, what did you do?! And it looks like the pin by "SAFE" isn't quite in all the way.
I had to wrench the last pin in by force, yet I had duck tape to make sure it WOULDNT scratch but it did for some odd reason, that took 30 minutes to figure out a solution after 2 hours of set backs for various other parts. and the pin by the SAFE I wouldn't bother using the rubber hammer after it wouldn't go in the 2 times after it got stuck to. I'll fix it AFTER I fix my bb's that wont shot out, they stay in place because I did something wrong with the hop-up unit which I will fix.
I had a fun day yesterday. At-least the scratch is in the front pin and not the back.
December 25th, 2010, 12:17 AM
Just bought a Smith & Wesson Sigma 40F Blowback C02, Semi-auto. Pretty fun gun. Had a skirmish yesterday and my pistol got my kill.
I would like this to be my next gun:
December 25th, 2010, 05:44 AM
I'd make sure you like the DMR/Sniper role before investing in a sniper rifle. They cost big bucks to upgrade to the point where they're accurate enough to warrant using over an AEG.
December 27th, 2010, 01:26 PM
Opened up my gear box but found nothing broken. There was a broken screw on the trigger assembly, but that was locked in its socket. I checked the pinion gear on the motor too, and found it to be loose. Even tightening that, the gun still shows the same symptoms when fired. I'm going to order a new set of bushings, a new o-ring for the piston, and a new pinion gear for the motor since I said that it already had wear on it. I'm hoping that a cleaning of the gearbox, and a new shim job will fix the problem. The motor seems to be spinning fine when we isolated it from the gear box. The gears themselves seem to be stuck, but have no damage to them. Also, I really don't like how the tappet plate reaches over the sector gear(the gear to the top right). But I think that's how all gear boxes are.
December 27th, 2010, 03:06 PM
I can't see the spring for the anti-reversal latch... If that's gone you'll need a new one and it's the cause of your problems.
And yes, the tappet plate is supposed to sit on top of the sector gear like that.
December 27th, 2010, 03:59 PM
The spring for the anti reversal latch is there, I made sure it stopped the gears from turning the reversed direction every time before reassembly.
January 14th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Magpul Ladder Rail Covers finally came in today:
Cut one in half for the two side rails (fit perfectly) and the long one is along the top rail so I don't cut/scratch/grind up my fingers on the sharp top rail when I work the charging handle. The ones on the side rails make it infintely more comfortable. I'm not sure what it is about the material that Magpul uses in their products but it's just awesome to hold onto and feel.
January 16th, 2011, 11:09 PM
Fixed my SCAR finally! And of all days to do it, it's my birthday. Sorry for the lack of pictures, anytime I opened the gearbox up my hands got all greasy. It turned out being a huge goose chase since the problem was the motor height and not the gearbox (as freelancer suggested from the beginning). I originally thought that I adjusted the grip enough, but turns out I just didn't have the experience to know what tightness felt right. Well now I do, and it was a great learning experience to open up the gearbox so many times. I ended up re-shimming and re-lubing the gears, so it was all worth it in the end. I leave for school again tomorrow, but I'll have pics of my full load out the next game I go to. I got my MK23 with holster, and my bungie sling in the mail with my parts.
Oh, and I'll never make this mistake again:
So I first tested the gearbox working with just the battery hooked up. When I fully reassembled the entire rifle, my dad suggested that I test dry fire again. Little did either of us know, there was still a round in the inner chamber all the way back from the day when it first broke. So when I fired, to both of our amazement, there was a LOUD bang against the wall on the far side of the room. Luckily I was aiming below the waste and downwards. Unluckily, it completely went through the paint and almost through the dry wall itself, from across the room! At least now I know the spring lost none of its power :D
January 17th, 2011, 02:28 AM
Haha, motor height can be a bitch to get right if you're unfamiliar with adjusting it. As for your negligent discharge, always use a barrel plug or barrel bag when test firing without shooting glasses. If you had shooting glasses on, doesn't really matter haha. Hell I wear my sealed shooting goggles when taking gearboxes apart due to the danger of parts flying out into your eye. An anti-reversal spring to the eye would hurt like a bitch.
January 23rd, 2011, 12:14 AM
Soon I'll get this for my M4
and one of these{1}1 (
And when these come back from pre-order
Lot o' mags for m4. I'm gonna duck tape a pair of 2 together for a poor mans way of speed reloading. Btw thanks Freelancer :d
January 23rd, 2011, 02:07 AM
Don't get the flash mags if you're gonna get some pmags, I'd just get four of those 30 round pmags for $40 (They're $9.99 each not for four). I personally like the 90-100 round mid-caps myself, and like I said, I think those flash mags still rattle. If you get one do a review on it.
January 23rd, 2011, 02:44 PM
Speaking of midcaps, I want to use them instead of highcaps, but the only one I have has problems feeding. Apparently I gotta lube it up and load, unload them a few times? How would I lube it with silicone oil that is not in a spray?
January 23rd, 2011, 04:14 PM
Make sure you have super lightweight silicon oil, and then just pour a few drops onto the chaser and work it up and down.
January 23rd, 2011, 11:12 PM
few drops onto the chaser and work it up and down.
I'm sorry but
That's what she said.
January 24th, 2011, 07:10 PM
The two kits I rock now, the Multicam is for outdoor and it's more of a full assault kit. The other is a lightweight indoor/PMC style kit:
January 24th, 2011, 11:59 PM
If my parents saw my dressed up like that they would kick my out of the house...for a few hours. My dad would call me a terrorist and my mom would think I was the guy who shot those two police officers in Florida. :smithfrog:
January 25th, 2011, 12:22 AM
Sigh... if only I wasn't in such a spending spree a few months back. Instead of jumping at one of those generic preconfigured vests, I should have invested in a molle system with and a bunch of pouches.
January 25th, 2011, 12:27 AM
That SCAR is gorgeous.
January 25th, 2011, 01:59 AM
The only brick that was ever gorgeous was the F4 Phantom II. :ross:
January 25th, 2011, 03:15 AM
I'll agree with that. lol.
January 25th, 2011, 10:15 AM
I think the F4 Phantom looks hideous, but since we don't fly them around shooting 6mm BB's or Nerf rockets in airsoft, shush.
January 25th, 2011, 02:29 PM
It was another way of saying that the SCAR is a terrible-looking firearm regardless of how many or what type of attachments are on it. It was on-topic.
January 25th, 2011, 05:15 PM
Well in that case you're just completely wrong, the SCAR is gorgeous like Teek pointed out. The KRISS Super-V is even hotter.
January 25th, 2011, 06:26 PM
The Kriss is indeed good-looking, so long as you leave the stock folded. The SCAR is a slab, no two ways around it. Want a good looking gun? Try on a CETME/G3/G33. Too bad no airsoft manufacturer really makes them anymore.
January 25th, 2011, 07:37 PM
How can you like the KRISS if you don't like the SCAR? You are literally the ONLY person I know that knows a bit about guns in any way that thinks like that. Most people will like the SCAR, and LOVE the KRISS. Or they'll dislike the SCAR and HATE the KRISS. The KRISS is even more of a slab than the SCAR after-all.
Once KWA/KSC come out with their KRISS GBB I'm going to be getting one as my secondary. At that point I'll be switching my SCAR from GBB to AEG as well, probably get a used VFC SCAR-L standard length.
January 25th, 2011, 08:25 PM
If my memory serves me right didn't madbull make a prototype KRISS airsoft gun but they discontinued it before it even got mass produced?
E: scratch that, I watched the Las Vegas Shot Show 2011 and kwa usa is working on a KRISS airsoft gun bringing it back, theres only a clay mold atm.
Also my lazy ass finally fixed my airsoft m4, I'm buying a new battery and I need to fix something in the interior so the magazine doesn't slip down abit
January 25th, 2011, 08:58 PM
The KWA KRISS Super-V/Vector has been in the works for months. I saw a shot show 2011 video where a KWA rep stated that they have the internals down pat and they're just fine-tuning the Super-V. It probably would have been out by now except the designers got sidetracked by making a KRISS K10.
January 28th, 2011, 07:39 PM
SCAR is literally a rectangle slab with a cylinder poking out the front and a prosthetic foot posing as a stock. It looks like balls. The Kriss has a unique shape and the front end is rather well embellished. The idea of the downard-directed recoil makes it awesome. What does the SCAR have that makes it cool? Absolutely nothing that an M4 or an HK416 doesn't have, both of which also look better.
January 28th, 2011, 08:53 PM
SCAR looks better than any stock AR platform, but I do like a good 416. Looks wise, ACR/Masada wins hands down though.
January 29th, 2011, 04:19 AM
I'll drink to that.
January 29th, 2011, 09:43 AM
SCAR looks better than any stock AR platform, but I do like a good 416. Looks wise, ACR/Masada wins hands down though.
I want the actual airsoft ACR but it would take a chunk off the money I have right now. Oh well.
And it seems they gone up in price, oh well.
January 30th, 2011, 06:36 PM
i want a good quality gas (preferably propane / green gas) single shot M14 or FAL. something with good range and accuracy, decent mag capacity (~50 would be enough). idc if its blow back or not. id prefer it in black (as opposed to fake wood or something), and with mostly metal parts. iv been looking around for one of these, but the only m14s i can find are AEGs. i greatly prefer single shot over automatic so im forced to actually aim (otherwise i know ill just hold the trigger until i hit something), and out of every gun iv used, my gas pistol has performed the best.
if anyone has seen one of these and would be so kind as to post a link, id greatly appreciate it :)
fake e: also, im considering this if i get some money:
is it worth it?
January 30th, 2011, 10:21 PM
From what I can see from the second video, that one is pretty awesome. It kicks like a .22 apparently. Actually, I think that one is the only gas M14 available, but it has a synthetic wood body. On a side note, my friend who got me into airsoft loves the real life counterpart of the M14, so naturally he went and got an AEG version. After a few outdoor games with it, he had decided that the M14 is just too large to carry around without much advantage over your average M4 AEG. I don't know if the gas M14 shoots significantly better than the more common models, but it's cumbersome size is something that you should consider. And obviously, you wouldn't be bringing it to your local indoors arena.
January 31st, 2011, 02:49 PM
Typewriter is class, man. I actually want to get one so me and my buddy can wear suits and fedoras, me with the Typewriter and him with the BAR.
January 31st, 2011, 04:05 PM
WE makes the best GBB rifles on the market right now at an affordable price, obviously you can spend a lot more for a custom setup or something less common but it's a HUGE price jump. That WE M14 is your best bet if you're set on a gas M14.
Just note that gas guns don't work (at all) in the cold. I should have looked into this more before getting my GBB SCAR, I'm going to be trading it for an AEG SCAR.
January 31st, 2011, 07:28 PM
Just note that gas guns don't work (at all) in the cold. I should have looked into this more before getting my GBB SCAR, I'm going to be trading it for an AEG SCAR.
yes i found this out the hard way with the green gas beretta 93 raffica i got last year for christmas. i thought it was broken at first, but then i realized it was because it was cold as balls outside.
and yes, im aware of the size of the m14. im also seeing on that page that it has automatic too, so now im definitely very interested in this gun. my only gripe is that its 11 pounds, but thats hardly an issue. also i only play outside, if i ever play, so the size is fine. i like to target shoot with my airsoft guns, and i was looking for realism, so this is basically exactly what i had in mind, aside from the wood instead of black. thanks for the link delta :D
E: and yes warsaw thats exactly what i had in mind when i was looking at the thompson 1928
January 31st, 2011, 07:51 PM
Except are you short with a tall friend? :p That's what made it awesome; I'd be the short boss man and my buddy (who is 6' 7") would be the strongman. We would just sit in the main hallway spraying it down with BBs for an entire game, wearing the exact same outfits with the exact same mask, with ties in a colour-of-the-day.
I already play in a suit and red tie (yay Hitman!), but I don't have a pistol any more. I would also like to get dual silver 1911s (absolutely NO rails under ANY condition) so I can fulfill that fantasy as well. Also need a Wehrmacht uniform and an MP-40 (modded into an MP-41). So many ideas, so little money...:gonk:
January 31st, 2011, 08:00 PM
no, but im 5'9 with a big italian nose and actual tailored suits from the early-mid 1900's from my grandfather, with the new york style italian accent if need be :)
January 31st, 2011, 09:19 PM
Win. Do it.
January 31st, 2011, 09:32 PM
One time I had to dress up from the 1920's, felt badass it's just I was just missing the thompson :(
Reminds me I'm only going after 2 more airsoft guns and I'm done buying for good. Just need to spend money on other things then airsoft right now.
February 1st, 2011, 03:35 PM
Same. Things like two ATI Radeon HD6990s or a good recurve bow...
February 2nd, 2011, 10:56 PM
So I'm officially looking to trade my WE Tech SCAR GBB Rifle away for a VFC SCAR-L (standard length, not CQC) or sell it for funds to buy said VFC SCAR. I'm doing this because I realized after buying the SCAR GBBR that I'm not excluded from outdoor games in the winter. I can't afford to field a winter AND summer gun at this point, so the GBBR needs to go in favor of an AEG. I love the realism that the GBBR offers, but I just can't deal with not being able to play in the winter.
However, I'm also very tempted by the G&G FN2000 series. The adjustable spring tension and quick spring removal is very cool, would let me upgrade to an outdoor capable spring (420 FPS~) yet lower it down to acceptable indoor standards. I'm also tempted to get an Ares TAVOR but I'm skeptical on the expandability of the geabox.
Kind of an irrelevant post for you guys since none of you outside Canada would be able to take it off my hands without border issues, but I wanted some feedback on what to get next.
Eventually I'll pickup the KWA/KSC KRISS Super-V when it's released in GBB format, I'll rock that with my KWA USP for indoor and I'll run all three guns for outdoor (rifle primary, KRISS secondary, pistol tertiary). Yes it's possible and very doable, KRISS would just hang from its own sling system on my side or I might rig up a custom thigh holster for it on my left leg making use of the MOLLE panel I wear on that side now.
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