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October 21st, 2011, 04:12 PM
oh this is perfect then. iv been wanting to learn how to mess around with airsoft internals for a while now. i know you had some g36 variant for a while freelancer, so what would you recommend for an electric g36?

October 21st, 2011, 04:48 PM
I had a CA and it was amazing. The body was probably the best part though, and since you'd be ditching that in favor of the XM8 kit there's no real point in getting a CA.

I would likely go with one of the newer KWA versions of the G36C. Alternatively you've got the following that I would suggest:
Umarex/ARES H&K Blow Back G36C

The KWA will give you the best performance, Umarex/ARES is officially licensed by H&K so you know it can't be crap, and SRC has been making some awesome G36 versions for the Canadian market recently and I've heard good things.

Stay away from:
Echo 1

This is assuming that you're dead-set on an XM8 kit... I usually wouldn't recommend an XM8 kit because all the ones I've seen were pretty glossy ABS plastic kits. Much less durable than the original G36 exterior that you'd be scrapping.

October 21st, 2011, 05:24 PM
im looking around online and this is looking like its going to be a lot more expensive than just buying the gun itself. are all the xm8s just terrible or something?

October 21st, 2011, 08:20 PM
I'm actually in a similar boat.

After playing BC2 so much, I really really want to make an M16A4 + Grenade launcher (old style) setup. Not sure which M16 to go with. G&P is alright, but I hate the Zombie Killer bullshit. I do want burst, but PTWs are way too expensive.

October 28th, 2011, 07:31 PM
so how do we feel about this guy: http://www.airsoftstation.com/srcxm8grelai.html

October 29th, 2011, 12:40 AM
Creaky and gross. Gross because 1.) it's SRC and 2.) it's a fish XM8.

October 29th, 2011, 12:53 AM
im looking specifically for an xm8, but whats the issue with SRC?

i know next to nothing on airsoft manufacturers, aside from the gas raffica i got from KWA. id buy other stuff (or gas stuff at least) from KWA.

October 29th, 2011, 12:59 AM
SRC has the externals of TM, but the internals of a JG. TM externals are terrible. And unless they've really knuckled up and improved both, I would rather buy a G36 conversion kit.

October 30th, 2011, 01:27 AM
Just to clarify, MOST SRC guns have bad internals and decent externals. The guns that SRC has created for the Canadian market (as seen here) (http://www.007airsoft.com/products/htm/aeg-src.htm) are of much higher quality.

The reason? SRC doesn't have to compete with many other brands in Canada because of our importation laws. Most airsoft guns can't legally be imported into Canada unless they meet certain requirements. SRC has worked with one of the biggest airsoft retailers here in Canada to design these guns to meet the importation guidelines. These guidelines originally required that certain "Prohibited" parts of the guns needed to be clear or tinted-clear instead of opaque. However they know use a different guideline requiring the velocity to be within a certain standard (402 - 500 FPS) which requires more robust internals for obvious reasons. SRC engineers worked in this and their Canadian legal guns are awesome. I've personally held and used their M4/M16 and G36 line for the Canadian market and vouch for their awesomeness.

The facts for XM8's are this:
• The pre-made ones are terrible and don't upgrade well.
• The kits will upgrade better (since the base-gun will be better), but generally still have a terrible exterior.

I'm not a fan of the XM8 in any case anymore. I used to like it for the looks, now I see that it's JUST about looks. Really impractical gun IMO.

On another note, I got my CIRAS setup in. Will likely take some pictures of it with the rest of my gear after Christmas (as I'll have some nice Crye G3 pants then hopefully).


October 30th, 2011, 05:16 AM
To be fair, the SCAR is a totally impractical gun as well. Zero practical advantage over existing platforms, more bulk, and higher cost of retooling for manufacture and support versus its competition. But I digress, the XM8 is terrible, and all the airsoft kits do kinda suck. Honestly, most kit guns are awful, even the AK ones.

October 30th, 2011, 03:44 PM
What do you mean by "more bulk"? From a physical standpoint the SCAR is much smaller than most M4 and M16 configurations of similar barrel length. The upper and lower receiver portions of the gun, as well as the stock are all much more compact.

The SCAR is easier to disassemble and maintain, it's easier to reconfigure for different purposes, it's lighter, it has less recoil, and it's much more compact than the existing M4/M16 configurations.

When I say the XM8 is impractical, I mean that the gun comes "as-is". Sure there are some variants of it, and yes its fairly easy to reconfigure, but it has no rail space. All accessories for the XM8 are proprietary, and when there's an option like Picatinny out there you're foolish not to use it.

October 30th, 2011, 08:41 PM
It actually had a different rail system in mind, one that used a series of holes with pins. They never got that far, though.

As for bulky, I've wielded one, and it was tall and thin compared to the M416. That's awkward. The hand-guard and buttstock are my biggest beefs. As for ease of stripping for cleaning, lolwat. Pull a pin, flip down, and you're good to go. How does it really get any simpler than that? The receiver is almost identical in dimensions (by design), with the exception that it appears to be integrated with the hand-guard. Recoil is not less, it's felt less. Physics demands that the recoil be the same. Oh, and it's compact compared to the AR because that stock folds, which adds bulk in its width.

I'm no AR apologetic, I love my AKs. But the SCAR is not a considerable step up from the M16 to be practical. It's like trying to say Sandy Bridge is a worthwhile upgrade over Gulftown. Honestly, nothing still shooting 5.56 is a good upgrade, and anything not incorporating BARS or equivalent is a wasted gesture. We are currently at the epitome of cartridge-based firearms.


And that's not even a stock M4, where as that is a pretty close to stock SCAR-L.

October 30th, 2011, 11:37 PM
Those scales look off.

And yes the SCAR is easier to break down since it's one pin for the receiver and then four screws to take the ENTIRE thing apart. The stock provides better cheek-weld than a regular AR stock, only thing you can really compare it to are some of the Magpul stocks which are just as bulky.

October 31st, 2011, 05:03 AM
Looking at the magazines, they are pretty close. And looking at it again, the SCAR receiver is clearly bigger.

Cheek-weld? Ha ha, you need to pick one. Are we going to boast its compactness or its comfort when used as a long-range weapon? In this case, it's trying to be too much and losing where it counts. It's a terrible long range weapon because it's firing 5.56 (if we're talking SCAR-H, then we should be comparing it to the superior SR25 and M39 platforms). It's terrible because it is compact. It's terrible as a close range weapon because now it's being huge and cheek-weld takes a back seat to point-ability in CQC. It loses in point-ability because it's huge, again.

Now, the AR is not great any of those things, either. When the SCAR is placed next to an XM8 and compared to the existing platform, they are both just as bad at trying to be a replacement. The only reason the SCAR is being considered is because it has a similar layout to the AR. There, the HK416 has the upper hand. Hell, the Marine Corps has bought many of the HK and its 7.62mm counterpart. The SCAR is relegated to special ops in the Navy, where adoption is moot because they appear to get their pick of whatever they need or want anyways.

Oh, and if you need to take your ENTIRE gun apart in the field, you're better off grabbing another rifle. Maybe I'm uneducated here, but all you might need to do in the field is clear away some muck or get out of a jam. The AR lets you do that. Actually, I can pretty thoroughly clean an AR without having to take it all the way apart. So no advantage for the SCAR there, yet again.

tl; dr: SCAR is terrible when considered as an upgrade to anything NOT an immediate post-war weapon. That means the only guns it is a good upgrade to are things like the FAL, FNC, M14 (not M21/M39), AK-74, and G3/CETME. It's not good against the G36, AR-15, AUG, or AK-107/AEK-917.

October 31st, 2011, 11:04 AM
SCAR stock does perfect in CQC just as well as long range due to the easily used cheek weld.

If you're not welding in CQC you're doing it seriously wrong. With an AR you should ALWAYS be welding your face to the stock unless you're blind firing. Blind firing =/= CQC. Seriously go watch some practical tactical videos like the Magpul Dynamics stuff (there are waaaay more out there but Magpul is super-well known now). Also, if you're blind firing or just trying to get off a fast shot then it doesn't matter what stock you have... It being smaller or larger shouldn't matter at all.

Bottom line is that the SCAR is superior to the AR platform in every way. Enough to be a worthy upgrade for an entire military? No. No 5.56 rifle will be a cost-effective upgrade to the current generation of AR platforms, and I agree with you on that point. But from a purely technical standpoint there are many better options than the AR platform for 5.56 (especially the Tavor, heh).

October 31st, 2011, 04:50 PM
You are acting as if I don't have a clue. I know exactly what I'm talking about here. Yes, welding is important, but it means fuck all if I have to exert myself swinging the front-end of my gun around. I have to exert myself to swing that massive front-end of the SCAR around compared to a same-length M4.

Sorry to break it to you, but your favourite gun is not superior in any tangible way. If it were, it would see more wide-spread adoption. Hell, the only way to honestly get better than an AR is to make a gun that needs less TLC, and there are DOZENS of guns that do that better than the SCAR.

Fake E: And since we both know you have to weld, that makes that folding stock you think makes adore so much on the SCAR, and think makes it more compact, irrelevant.

October 31st, 2011, 06:46 PM
Folding stocks are for portability inside of vehicles and the like. Not for shooting "gangsta style" from the hip or outstretched in front of you.

Also, the front end of a real SCAR is much lighter than a full length M16 (since the rails/hand guard don't run all the way along the barrel). If you compare it to an M4 they're about the same.

Also, I'm basing most of this on the SCAR-H that I've actually used. Because I prefer the H over the L, so as you say I should be comparing to to something like an SR25 (which is basically an M16 length rifle in any practical configuration). Pretty sure even the H model SCAR is lighter than an M4 though.

Only reason I got an L for airsoft is magazine compatibility.

November 11th, 2011, 02:09 AM
Not so sure if the ipad app is just a gimmick, but it's pretty cool if it actually works, same with the auto hopup. There should definitely have been a built in cap for the app though.


November 11th, 2011, 02:52 AM
people on youtube are saying its a hoax, and i cant find the thing anywhere on evike's site. idk though, i didnt look too hard.

November 12th, 2011, 06:03 PM
Maybe, haven't bothered confirming any of it. Nonetheless, the actual airsoft gun part of it seems real enough. Played a few games today on my friend's family's compound with a good amount of cluttered warehouses and toppled cinder-block walls. I must say out of all my gear(excluding my gun), the best investment were the gloves. I had to traverse thorn ridden rubble and hop fences bf3 style and they really helped with traction and protection. Plus, I had to crawl through compost heaps, and I would have literally been crawling through shit bare-handed.

November 17th, 2011, 02:11 AM
The iPad part of that is all fake. Even says "Parody" in the video title guys, come-on.

Also, Boots > Knee Pads > Gloves are the things I spend a good hunk of money on quality items for. In my case the knee pads are real Crye Combat Pants AC or the new G3 Combat Pants (there's nothing better). Got some real Matterhorn waterproof combat boots and real Oakley SI Assault Gloves as well. Soon to have some Oakley SI Assault Shoes and a pair of G3 pants from Crye in real Multicam hopefully.

January 8th, 2012, 12:15 AM

Just bought these on a whim. I took their word for it that it was $180 normally, and apparently ebay had this one day sale going for $60. Didn't do much research besides that, though I'm not one to be bothered by small details like if they actually see battlefields or not. For $60, it's a reasonable price for boots imo. Looking to use these for games obviously, but also for some civilian use. Even though these are "desert deployment" boots, hopefully they can hold up to moderately rainy days.

January 8th, 2012, 11:52 PM
Yeah I've heard the Magnum boots are good.

My helmet is finally ordered, as well as my Crye G3 Combat Pants (Multicam). Soon I'll finally have my FAST kit impression mostly finished with the exception of little gadgets and such.

January 26th, 2012, 11:20 PM

Still waiting on a second V-Lite, and VIP Strobe/Manta/MS-2000 for the backside. Not sure what I want to stick on the back yet. I've got a Surefire helmet light ordered as well, should of been here today but the site I ordered it from had it back-ordered.

March 5th, 2012, 04:43 PM
Hey lancer, what's your take on the AFG1 after using it thus far? And what are your thoughts concerning the AFG2 in comparison? I'm thinking of getting one or the other, but can't really decide which would function better on my SCAR. From what I've read, the only real difference with the AFG2 is it's smaller size. Personally, I don't see that being much of an improvement for me, since my hands are slightly bigger than average (I have particularly long fingers). The SCAR has more than enough rail space for either, and the original AFG1 seems to have a sturdier mount towards the front end. Dilemmas.

March 5th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Thats cool that you have the camera on there, do you plan to shoot any videos while playing sometime soon?

March 5th, 2012, 11:19 PM
Hey lancer, what's your take on the AFG1 after using it thus far? And what are your thoughts concerning the AFG2 in comparison? I'm thinking of getting one or the other, but can't really decide which would function better on my SCAR. From what I've read, the only real difference with the AFG2 is it's smaller size. Personally, I don't see that being much of an improvement for me, since my hands are slightly bigger than average (I have particularly long fingers). The SCAR has more than enough rail space for either, and the original AFG1 seems to have a sturdier mount towards the front end. Dilemmas.
I've found that I wish the angle of the AFG was more than it currently is, maybe 10 more degrees and it would be more comfortable on the SCAR. The problem with the AFG on the SCAR is that the AFG was designed to be used further towards the end of the barrel instead of really close to the magazine. I've been thinking of picking up a stubby magpul vertical grip and trying to use it in a hybrid stance (holding the rifle like you do with the AFG, but with a vertical grip instead). Basically the SCAR is to short for comfortable AFG usage, but I still like it more than a long vertical grip or going without an addon.

It functions really well with my new Surefire Scout style weapon-light though, pictures coming soon.

Thats cool that you have the camera on there, do you plan to shoot any videos while playing sometime soon?
I shot this with it:

March 6th, 2012, 12:35 AM
Wow, crazy shot at 9:50. And mad suppression going on at 11:50 lol. I was in a similar situation once, where we were playing in a forested area. Damned SAW was set up on the other side of a clearing, and I was forced to go prone behind a tree that forked up into two trunks. Just the shear weight of fire from those things was enough for the guy to land one lucky shot that ricocheted off the tree before hitting me. Since ricochets could be fatal in actual combat, I decided I had to call hit (though as you can imagine I really didn't feel good about it). LMG's in airsoft aren't accurate for shit, but they sure make me sweat, especially in woodland games where there isn't clearly definable cover, like a side of a building where there's a nice corner that separates you from the gunner's line of sight. Goddamn I want to pay airsoft :(

Anyway, to be more specific with my question on the AFG1, have you ever wished it to be smaller in your grip? I still want to decide which would be better for me. Then I'll decide if I want to buy it after using my vertical grip a few more times in the manner that you described.

March 6th, 2012, 01:30 AM
Anyway, to be more specific with my question on the AFG1, have you ever wished it to be smaller in your grip? I still want to decide which would be better for me. Then I'll decide if I want to buy it after using my vertical grip a few more times in the manner that you described.
If anything I wish it was slightly beefier, I have big hands with long fingers and it's a tad bit small for me.

Updated gear/gun pic dump:























March 6th, 2012, 03:56 AM
I shot this with it:
bring your helmet cam next time i'm home so we can own it up and show these scrubs how real men fight :realsmug:

e/ how common are ak-74ms? i love the ak-74m and i want one for airsoft when i move. more than i want a steyr. also a 1p29, i wonder if you can buy those anywhere...

March 6th, 2012, 04:11 AM
bring your helmet cam next time i'm home so we can own it up and show these scrubs how real men fight :realsmug:
Ross, do you live in Canada or Australia? Seriously, I can never figure this out.

March 6th, 2012, 04:12 AM
australia, but canada is always 'home' to me

March 6th, 2012, 04:23 AM
australia, but canada is always 'home' to me
How often do you travel between?

March 6th, 2012, 04:43 AM
used to do it every few years, then there was a long break, last time was 2 years ago. planning on moving back permanently asap, hopefully no later than another 2-3 years.

March 6th, 2012, 04:47 AM
used to do it every few years, then there was a long break, last time was 2 years ago. planning on moving back permanently asap, hopefully no later than another 2-3 years.
Where in Canada do you want to move? I have been thinking of meeting some of the site members, and that would make it much easier to get together with people if they were mostly on the same continent lol.

March 6th, 2012, 05:59 AM
Back to Edmonton most likely. Shitlancer is in Calgary, I think CAD was in Calgary too. Con is in BC because he's a shitbrick, praries kids are cool kids.

March 6th, 2012, 12:39 PM
Come live in Ontario, where it's the heart of corruption in this country.

March 6th, 2012, 02:00 PM
Back to Edmonton most likely. Shitlancer is in Calgary, I think CAD was in Calgary too. Con is in BC because he's a shitbrick, praries kids are cool kids.
Yeah, I'll probably just go visit m00kz in Washington lol. That shit sounds expensive...

March 6th, 2012, 06:28 PM
CAD is around here somewhere, he planted a sign on my lawn afterall.

Would be nice to say "hi".

March 7th, 2012, 09:36 PM
CAD is around here somewhere, he planted a sign on my lawn afterall.

Would be nice to say "hi".
Shit would be tight if we could go hunting together or something. Unfortunately, licenses and tags in Canadia are super expensive for foreigners.

March 7th, 2012, 09:59 PM
quoting for new page

how common are ak-74ms? i love the ak-74m and i want one for airsoft when i move. more than i want a steyr. also a 1p29, i wonder if you can buy those anywhere...

March 7th, 2012, 10:03 PM
I hate how most Russian scopes have that rubber eye piece. Looks disgusting, and if they made it easier to adjust the eye relief would be unnecessary.

March 7th, 2012, 11:06 PM
It serves three purposes. First of all, it's a sunshade. Second, it's a rain cover. Third, it gives you the correct eye relief, since most or all of the scopes with them fitted are fixed-focus marksman optics rather than genuine sniper scopes. Cheap, easy-to-build optics with mid-range magnification and a reticle calibrated for easy ranging and use of hold-over rather than pissing about with adjustments. The PSO is a direct descendant of the PU, and the 1P29 is basically a Russian copy of the Trilux which led to the SUSAT. You are comparing them to the wrong thing, they are counterparts to the ACOG rather than a S&B PM II.

Speaking of ACOGs, fuck ACOGs. I cannot fucking believe the UK is moving to them when they already had the SUSAT, which is a far, far superior sight in my opinion.

March 7th, 2012, 11:39 PM
It serves three purposes. First of all, it's a sunshade. Second, it's a rain cover. Third, it gives you the correct eye relief, since most or all of the scopes with them fitted are fixed-focus marksman optics rather than genuine sniper scopes. Cheap, easy-to-build optics with mid-range magnification and a reticle calibrated for easy ranging and use of hold-over rather than pissing about with adjustments. The PSO is a direct descendant of the PU, and the 1P29 is basically a Russian copy of the Trilux which led to the SUSAT. You are comparing them to the wrong thing, they are counterparts to the ACOG rather than a S&B PM II.

Speaking of ACOGs, fuck ACOGs. I cannot fucking believe the UK is moving to them when they already had the SUSAT, which is a far, far superior sight in my opinion.
Yeah, I guess I am more of a red dot/reflex, scout scope, or true sniper scope guy. The scout design is just about perfect IMO.

March 8th, 2012, 01:38 AM
I'm not a fan of it at all. I'm all about SUSAT-style optics - good for mid range, passable for long range, and good for snap shooting at close range, too.

March 8th, 2012, 01:46 AM
I'm not a fan of it at all. I'm all about SUSAT-style optics - good for mid range, passable for long range, and good for snap shooting at close range, too.
Most of my experience with it has been on a friends SKS, using a Trijicon or something that was essentially a 2.5x red dot. Shit was super fast.

March 8th, 2012, 06:32 AM
how common are ak-74ms? i love the ak-74m and i want one for airsoft when i move. more than i want a steyr. also a 1p29, i wonder if you can buy those anywhere...
Well, airsoft classification laws just got a whole lot easier here actually. Basically anything shooting in the 367 - 500+ FPS (the actual number escapes me but it's something silly like 784) can TECHNICALLY and LEGALLY be imported as an "Uncontrolled Firearm" by anyone in Canada without the need for ANY licenses or anything like that.

However if there is any doubt about the velocities, customs still has the right to seize and send to the RCMP for testing. If this happens, expect a 6 - 12 month delay before you get your new gun that you paid expedited shipping for. You won't get any kind of refund either, naturally. Basically we need to wait for retard customs officers to learn the new regs, and for international dealers to start including some "legal pointers" in the box when shipping guns to Canada.

That said, you can already get whatever you want here, regardless of what the importation restrictions say. It all comes down to $$$. There are a lot of AK variants around though. Quality 74's aren't nearly as common as the 47 versions though.

March 8th, 2012, 07:53 AM
Any idea how much I would expect to shell out for a good one? The idea of paying more for an airsoft gun than I would for the real thing really does not appeal to me, and I am poor enough now; I don't exactly expect to be flush with money when I move back.

March 8th, 2012, 12:45 PM
Freelancer: the only quality AK-74s on the market are the VFC ones, and last I checked they were all but discontinued. I won't touch TM with a 10-foot stick, and G&G's is technically not a 74 (AK-103...ish...more like an AK-74 polymer (not M) with a 7.62 magazine).

March 8th, 2012, 06:28 PM
I found a VFC for $850 on Airsoft Canada, which is significantly cheaper than a real one here since real ones are illegal! The owner is willing to "trade for real steel firearms" though!


There are various other CLOSE-LOOKING and SIMILAR AK's to the 74 that you might be able to get and then buy some extras/conversions for as well. Between the $400 - $600 range.

March 8th, 2012, 06:56 PM
Gurne: Guess what FAGGOT
Gurne: I found an airsoft version of the VSS Vintorez and AS Val
aquila chrysaetos: what
aquila chrysaetos: WHAT
Gurne: Full metal full wood where applicable
aquila chrysaetos: GET THEM
aquila chrysaetos: FUCK
aquila chrysaetos: LINK ME
aquila chrysaetos: AND GET THEM
Gurne: I'm not spending $1000 to buy both guns lol
Gurne: And as far as I can tell
Gurne: Given the prices
Gurne: The VSS is like 600 or 650 USD
Gurne: And it comes with a legit PSO-1 scope
Gurne: like a real PSO-1
Gurne: It's AEG so it's kinda gay
Gurne: Since that means you don't get as much feedback as you would with a gas blowback

Also holy shit that is retarded. There are like six billion M4geries and SCARs and ACRs but AK-74s are hard to find? Fuck airsoft companies, ugh.

March 8th, 2012, 07:19 PM
There's also this


$400. More than a real Mosin (even here). Still, aside from the absolutely terrible '70s Kitchen Counter Orange finish on the stock (should be dark red shellac), brass nosecap (should be blued), incorrect markings and dodgy hop-up location, it's not as bad as I expected. I only wish they hadn't stamped the markings themselves so I could get one and do it up like the real deal, with the proper stampings, proper fonts, and proper "OH FUCK NAZIS" sloppiness with said stampings. Then that would kinda rule.

March 8th, 2012, 08:08 PM
I'm glad you acknowledg the finish is bad. Because it is bad. Very, very bad.

If I ever picked up Airsoft (no money to spare makes doing so impossible) and it came down to gear, I'd at least have an enclosed helmet; I'd feel really off-kilter with the types of helmets I've seen people using in the thread, not to mention I to find it aestheticaly pleasing.

March 8th, 2012, 08:26 PM
The metal finish is great, actually it's too good. No machining marks. Even the nicest of Mosins still have some pretty evident ones on them. The actual bluing though is good, the scope has the right finish, the mount looks about right too. The only thing that really lets it down is the stock, which seems to be a common theme with airsoft wood stocks; they look like shit because they have no interesting grain and are bright fucking orange.

I watched a video of the rifle; the bolt design is kinda poor and to load it (10 BBs) you have to open the mag floorplate, pull a string to open a trapdoor, and pour the BBs in. Bummer. I was hoping it would feed from those BB catridge things that a few airsoft K98s use, or at least have some other reasonable means of feeding. Shit, a properly functional cocking piece would be neat too.

e/ Fuck enclosed helmets, they shit up your cheekweld. Just wear a mouthguard and/or balaclava and/or shemagh for padding, plus goggles (and a helmet if you really want to.)

March 8th, 2012, 08:32 PM
The metal finish is great, actually it's too good. No machining marks. Even the nicest of Mosins still have some pretty evident ones on them. The actual bluing though is good, the scope has the right finish, the mount looks about right too. The only thing that really lets it down is the stock, which seems to be a common theme with airsoft wood stocks; they look like shit because they have no interesting grain and are bright fucking orange.

I watched a video of the rifle; the bolt design is kinda poor and to load it (10 BBs) you have to open the mag floorplate, pull a string to open a trapdoor, and pour the BBs in. Bummer. I was hoping it would feed from those BB catridge things that a few airsoft K98s use, or at least have some other reasonable means of feeding. Shit, a properly functional cocking piece would be neat too.

e/ Fuck enclosed helmets, they shit up your cheekweld. Just wear a mouthguard and/or balaclava and/or shemagh for padding, plus goggles (and a helmet if you really want to.)
Err, sorry, this was exactly what I was meaning.

I just prefer helmets over no-helmets for mostly aesthetic purposes, but also because I hate the natural elements hitting my face while I'm in the woods (mainly dusts and insects).

March 8th, 2012, 08:37 PM
~*~*precious snowflake*~*~

Dust and insects are nothing, and they really aren't likely to hit your face that often. If they are I'm not entirely sure what you are doing but it is probably not the correct thing.

e/ The real thing is cheaper because they were made in the tens of millions during a time of war. The new ones had to have new machinery tooled up, had to have materials purchased, had to be assembled by workers who are more concerned about their dinner being on the table than the Nazis kicking down the door and shooting their children, and then there is the fact that they also have to be imported. The only surprise here is that they don't cost even more.

You would be lucky to find a halfway decent reproduction PU scope for less than $250, by the way, and originals run between $350-400, more for Krasnogorsk silium alloy types. An original 91/30 PU sniper will cost upwards of $7-800 in the US, double or triple that anywhere else.

e2/ Additionally, I can't shoot people with my real 91/30 PU and not cause them permanent and usually fatal damage. :downs:

March 8th, 2012, 08:37 PM
Good god, for the amount of money and faggotry involved, why not just buy the real thing xP

March 8th, 2012, 08:56 PM
Dust and insects are nothing, and they really aren't likely to hit your face that often. If they are I'm not entirely sure what you are doing but it is probably not the correct thing.

Well like I said, it'd be mostly for aesthetic purposes. Either way you look at it, it's tell headgear to protect the head.

March 8th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Good god, for the amount of money and faggotry involved, why not just buy the real thing xP
This deserves an infraction

850 for that 74 mockup is ridiculous. I can buy a Tantal with a shitload of ammo, 4 magazines, and a gun bag for 600 bucks.

AKA the US rules.

March 8th, 2012, 09:31 PM
This deserves an infraction

850 for that 74 mockup is ridiculous. I can buy a Tantal with a shitload of ammo, 4 magazines, and a gun bag for 600 bucks.

AKA the US rules.
That 74 was likely smuggled into the country, so on top of retail price there is the smugglers price. Generally the guys brining in guns illegally only do 5 or so at a time in case they get caught, but they charge extra for gas+time+risk. Basically there's a huge markup on smuggled stuff, which is to be expected.

Like I said, it would likely be cheaper to go with a different model AK and convert it. I'm not an expert on AK's so I don't really know the difference between them, IMO the only difference between a 47 and a 74 is that the 74 usually comes with modernized furniture (not wood).

As for helmets, I use the open style because I have a real Sordin Supreme Pro-X headset that I can link my radio into. Also provides hearing protection for when someone tosses a Thunder-B grenade into an enclosed room with you in it. I take the up-armor side-covers off the helmet when wearing the Sordin's since the Sordins provide enough impact protection for airsoft.

March 9th, 2012, 08:32 PM
Any of you guys know where I can find a vertical grip that's compatible with the derpy L85A2 foregrip? (For airsofting, unless there are real steel ones floating around the web for cheap).

March 10th, 2012, 02:15 AM
I'm assuming you mean the new grip, in which case anything that fits a standard 1913 rail should go on it. If you mean the old (correct) one, then you're a Bad Person for trying to ruin its awesome aesthetics.

March 10th, 2012, 09:37 AM
I'm assuming you mean the new grip, in which case anything that fits a standard 1913 rail should go on it. If you mean the old (correct) one, then you're a Bad Person for trying to ruin its awesome aesthetics.

Haha sorry for asking, I meant the old one. And did I say derpy? I meant the awesomely aesthetic one.:iamafag:

March 12th, 2012, 01:01 AM
So I finally got to play today after so long, since everyone involved in my group are more or less back for spring break. After an hour or so of the 10 of us setting up our gear and guns, we moved out to our respective teams' spawns. Literally right as we were about to start, this happened to my SCAR. CATASTROPHIC FAILURE


To be clear, my entire outer barrel was completely free to extend itself forward from the upper reciever and fall completely out. Luckily my friend lives really close to the compound we were playing on, and he agreed to let me sneak in through his back door on my own and use his workbench. I expected to take hours fixing my gun, but because I've had to strip down my gun so many times in the past to fix a thousand other failures (don't know if you guys remember when I took apart my gearbox), I was able to open up my gun and find the blatant flaw in engineering in less than 3 minutes. The way the barrel was kept in place was UTTERLY RETARDED. There was only a single 5mm allen screw that was in contact with the entire barrel, and it didn't even screw into it. It kept the barrel in place WITH ONLY FRICTION. Soo... the only thing I could do was just tighten the shit out of it, and now my outer barrel is sturdier than when I first got the gun new out of the box. I've always had this wobbling for the front assembly consisting of the front iron sites, muzzle, and fake gas tube. Now I've eliminated that and know it to be a sign of impending doom. I would have taken my own pics, but well, it's fixed now.

If I ever get another gun, I'm never buying second rate airsoft guns again... I know to dish out the extra cash for the better brands to save myself the money and effort in having to fix up shittier guns. I still love my SCAR though, and despite its most random failures, it still shoots pretty decent.

March 12th, 2012, 01:54 AM
VFC SCAR FTW, I could grab this thing by the barrel with no worries.

Systema should make a SCAR, I'd be all over that.

March 12th, 2012, 04:33 AM
That 74 was likely smuggled into the country, so on top of retail price there is the smugglers price. Generally the guys brining in guns illegally only do 5 or so at a time in case they get caught, but they charge extra for gas+time+risk. Basically there's a huge markup on smuggled stuff, which is to be expected.

Like I said, it would likely be cheaper to go with a different model AK and convert it. I'm not an expert on AK's so I don't really know the difference between them, IMO the only difference between a 47 and a 74 is that the 74 usually comes with modernized furniture (not wood).

As for helmets, I use the open style because I have a real Sordin Supreme Pro-X headset that I can link my radio into. Also provides hearing protection for when someone tosses a Thunder-B grenade into an enclosed room with you in it. I take the up-armor side-covers off the helmet when wearing the Sordin's since the Sordins provide enough impact protection for airsoft.

If you want an AK-74 and quality construction:

Buy a G&G RK-103 and buy some real-steel AK-74 furniture (or make your own). You'll need to do some destructive modification to your stock tangs and you'll have to deal with an airsoft pistol grip (real ones are too narrow), but the fit and finish on the G&G is second to none, not to mention the mock-up short-stroke gas-piston it has. You can't use an AKM because AKMs have a diagonal gas block while AK-74s are vertical, not to mention that there is no groove on AKM stocks and the vents/bulges on the forward grips are wrong. You can't use a '47 because '47s have milled receivers (well, Type II and III do, but Type Is are a different type of stamped from '74s). Even then, the G&G is bigger than a real '74 in just about every dimension.

Otherwise, you're stuck with D-Boys.

If you want an AK-74M:

Buy a D-Boys/Echo 1. Sorry, that's really the only way to do it these days unless the VFC unfucks its crappy mainstream selection of guns and the AK-74M magically comes back.

I know all the little nuances along the AK line. It's the only gun that I'm versed on in such detail. :D

March 16th, 2012, 07:06 PM
Jesus fucking Christ:


March 16th, 2012, 08:08 PM
I really don't understand that field or the gametype they play at. I constantly hear firing and hits yet no one seems to advance to any objectives or do anything useful. And there's so many people you might as well line up and play civil war.

March 16th, 2012, 08:23 PM

Also, are there any recommended FN2000 Airsoft rifles? Thinking about picking this up if I ever get the cash....

March 16th, 2012, 08:38 PM
The G&G "Advanced" or whatever they're called are the best I think. When I had a FN2000 phase I was looking at them, the adjustable spring power and quick removal of the spring using the same adjustment area is really nice. They also have the front RIS replacement grip I believe.

March 17th, 2012, 08:18 AM
And there's so many people you might as well line up and play civil war.
This would legitimately fucking own and needs to happen

March 17th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Haha, we do that sometimes to choose teams or for sudden elimination around here. Everyone first pairs-off and then lines up against that person, someone counts it out and everyone fires ones. Survivors go on one team and fatalities on the other.

We usually do this on noob days so those of us with experience on our guns who can aim all get on the same team. :realsmug:

March 17th, 2012, 10:57 PM
This would legitimately fucking own and needs to happen
Airsoft civil war? I have had the thought lol. How would you do muzzle loaders though?

March 17th, 2012, 11:38 PM
Best bet would be a hinge-action air rifle. Sure, it's breech loading, but I'll be damned if I can't load a muzzle loader almost as fast as I can load such an air rifle...which I can.

Pracitse, practise, practise. Enfield 1858 three-banders are the shit.

March 18th, 2012, 01:34 AM
Lincoln's repeater, motherfuckers!

March 18th, 2012, 01:47 AM
Lincoln's repeater, motherfuckers!
The Spencer Rifle?

March 18th, 2012, 11:05 AM

March 18th, 2012, 11:16 AM
Tubular buttstock magazines?

March 18th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Tubular buttstock magazines?

March 18th, 2012, 05:10 PM

March 18th, 2012, 05:39 PM
The bullets would also have to basically be inaccurate as fuck. And deadly!

March 18th, 2012, 05:52 PM
The bullets would also have to basically be inaccurate as fuck. And deadly!
Disable hop-up.

March 18th, 2012, 06:06 PM
You guys do realize that muzzle-loading rifles were accurate out to 500 yards, right? That's one reason why the Civil War was such a bloodbath: line battles with accurate weapons.

March 18th, 2012, 06:25 PM
You guys do realize that muzzle-loading rifles were accurate out to 500 yards, right? That's one reason why the Civil War was such a bloodbath: line battles with accurate weapons.

Not to mention that the guns were .58 caliber.

March 18th, 2012, 07:05 PM
.69 smooth-bore muskets were popular with certain Confederate regiments, though. Don't get hit by that shit...

March 18th, 2012, 08:36 PM
.69 smooth-bore muskets were popular with certain Confederate regiments, though. Don't get hit by that shit...
Buck N' Ball ftw

April 3rd, 2012, 06:09 PM
Hhhmmm thinking of ordering one of these to replace my embarrassing cross-draw. It's obviously a chinese clone, but it has an overall good rating on amazon. There is a smell problem though lol, but I'm thinking leaving it out in the yard a few days would fix that. I got a friend willing to buy my current cross-draw for $40, so this is the best deal I can find without breaking the bank... Any other suggestions would be handy, but I see that most other imitation plate carriers run for $150+



April 3rd, 2012, 10:39 PM
You guys do realize that muzzle-loading rifles were accurate out to 500 yards, right? That's one reason why the Civil War was such a bloodbath: line battles with accurate weapons.
Wat. Show me the sources on this one, I'm pretty damn sure that they were accurate up to 100 yards on a good day. On top of that, the reason why the Civil War was such a blood bath was because everyone was still using the same tactical formations used by the British, making anyone easier to hit since they're standing in a lines and rows. The muzzle-load rifles didn't have the rifling grooves on the inside of the barrel, which is what contributes to the higher accuracy of rifles thereafter, and thus the bullets would swirl even upon hitting a target thus tearing the shit out of any part of the body it hit.

April 4th, 2012, 12:06 AM
Hhhmmm thinking of ordering one of these to replace my embarrassing cross-draw. It's obviously a chinese clone, but it has an overall good rating on amazon. There is a smell problem though lol, but I'm thinking leaving it out in the yard a few days would fix that. I got a friend willing to buy my current cross-draw for $40, so this is the best deal I can find without breaking the bank... Any other suggestions would be handy, but I see that most other imitation plate carriers run for $150+


Looks like a very good vest solution. Light-weight and with lots of storage options for mags and what ever else you need to carry with you.

April 4th, 2012, 02:49 AM
this is mainly at freelancer since i know he plays a lot of airsoft, but has anybody ever played like... a game that lasts all day long, where you meet early in the morning, split into teams, then go the whole day on some objective, like holding points or something? and by all day long i mean you have to eat lunch while playing. i always thought that would be kind of neat. i figure youd have to find some huge-ass area to play in, like a neighborhood with a lot of woods.

April 4th, 2012, 04:22 AM
Yes, we call those MilSims! :allears:

Actually we have a few different terms for what we do on a "day of airsoft":

Skirmishes - Meet up at the venue, decide on a gametype, organize teams (if required), play the gametype until it's over. Usually these are just 30 minutes to and hour long and you play a bunch of different stuff like CTF/team deathmatch/protect the VIP/amoeba (everyone starts on their own, when you get hit you join the team of the person who hit you, last guy alive by himself is the "winner" [I put that in quotes because your prize is to get flanked and then shot by a lot of people]).
MiniSim - Similar to full-on MilSim games but on a smaller scale. They can range from an hour to half-a-day but no food or supplies (other than water) is recommended to carry-on the field since you will have access to your vehicle/concessions. There are set objectives, team commanders, squads, radio-comms, just like a MilSim but without the time-dedication.
MilSim - The most realistic to actual warfare that you can get without actually going to war. This is probably the most popular style around here next to MiniSim games. Anywhere from a day to 4 days depending on the event, venue, attendance, etc. You are required to take everything you need with you for the duration of the event. If you can't live on the bare minimum you'll be hauling an Assault Pack around with you. Some of us can manage a large-size backpack with our food, heating, sleeping gear, etc. The area is usually remote as well so it's a good idea to take a rescue whistle and GPS with you, as well as a compass and map-grid of the area. Usually maps are provided with marked objectives and known fortifications and the like.

I'm a fan of taking dumps and coming under fire. It really gets the blood (and various other things) flowing.

When I play multi-day MilSim's I can usually get away with adding a backpack to my kit that replaces my hydration-carrier. Water bladder from the carrier goes into the bag and acts like it normally does but isn't woven into my gear in case I need to ditch the pack for fighting. I go as light as I can when it comes to head-gear. I take the ESS ballistic glasses instead of the goggles, less fog and heat, and easier to eat with.

All my food is usually from here (http://www.mealkitsupply.com/ca/catalog/) since it's got everything the body needs and more. I usually grab a case of 12 w/heaters when I'm down to my last 4. I take two per day as I find 3 per day makes me have that "too much food" feeling. Open a breakfast/lunch one in the morning and it lasts me until mid-afternoon. I usually pop the entree into the heating kit and eat that once i get hungry, the rest of the stuff is eatable throughout the day while on patrols/riding in vehicles. Yes I often ditch food during a fight, but usually it's something like bread that I can throw into a dump-pouch and eat later. This is sometimes problematic if I'm trying to fish a half-used mag out of the pouch in a fight but other than that it works well. The Soldier Fuel energy bars are absolutely awesome, and I usually pack 2 of them into each MRE kit so I always have something to snack on (4 per day). MRE's are great since they take up so little room and are self-contained and self-heating.

April 4th, 2012, 07:42 PM
Wat. Show me the sources on this one, I'm pretty damn sure that they were accurate up to 100 yards on a good day. On top of that, the reason why the Civil War was such a blood bath was because everyone was still using the same tactical formations used by the British, making anyone easier to hit since they're standing in a lines and rows. The muzzle-load rifles didn't have the rifling grooves on the inside of the barrel, which is what contributes to the higher accuracy of rifles thereafter, and thus the bullets would swirl even upon hitting a target thus tearing the shit out of any part of the body it hit.


(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1853_Enfield)That is one of the two primary three-banders of the war, the other being the Springfield 1861 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Model_1861). It's a rifled musket, not a smoothbore musket. It's less accurate with ball for obvious reasons, but MinniƩ rounds were often issued.

Sources for both of those articles are at the bottom.

April 5th, 2012, 10:56 AM

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_1853_Enfield)That is one of the two primary three-banders of the war, the other being the Springfield 1861 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Model_1861). It's a rifled musket, not a smoothbore musket. It's less accurate with ball for obvious reasons, but MinniƩ rounds were often issued.

Sources for both of those articles are at the bottom.
Good old rifled muskets. The most lethal and insane guns ever invented

April 5th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Uh Darkhalo, by definition anything called a 'rifle' has a rifled barrel, regardless of how you load it.

Muzzle-loading rifles were in common use by the American Civil War, and had been for some time; the British Army had been using them on limited issue at the turn of the 18th/19th century as a skirmisher's weapon (see: the Sharpe series, which is both awesome as all hell and set in the early 19th century when military rifles became a thing). The Civil War was an absolute massacre because both sides were trying to conduct close-order line battles with weapons that easily had the accuracy and power to kill at that range; remember also that repeating rifles were beginning to appear around the same time, and were occasionally used.

If the Civil War had been fought entirely with smoothbore muskets, there would have been a hell of a lot less deaths. Keep in mind as well that developments in military equipment always predate the tactics which use (or counter) them; nobody knew how to effectively use tanks until quite late in WWI, and it wasn't until WWII that combined arms doctrine was fully established, first by the Germans in their early conquests and then mastered by the Red Army in 1944-45.

April 5th, 2012, 05:49 PM
Don't forget the US's effective use of a multi platform offense. Bombing by night, attacking by day, and our use of constant air support which is the modern platform of maneuver tactics.

April 5th, 2012, 08:43 PM
The US bombed by day, from high altitude. It was the RAF that came over at night and razed everything to the ground, the US was more concerned with (what passed for) precision strikes on factories and military installations. Bomber Harris didn't give a shit, he just wanted to kill hell out of Germans and break their spirit, which is fucking bizzare since he of all people should've known that doesn't work.

The RAF did fly sick as fuck surgical strikes though. Mosquitoes at treetop height sort of thing.

April 5th, 2012, 09:59 PM
The US bombed by day, from high altitude. It was the RAF that came over at night and razed everything to the ground, the US was more concerned with (what passed for) precision strikes on factories and military installations. Bomber Harris didn't give a shit, he just wanted to kill hell out of Germans and break their spirit, which is fucking bizzare since he of all people should've known that doesn't work.

The RAF did fly sick as fuck surgical strikes though. Mosquitoes at treetop height sort of thing.
Okay, the allies Britain and America. Whatevs. They both used the same system, and its what modern tactics are based around.

April 5th, 2012, 10:58 PM
Uh Darkhalo, by definition anything called a 'rifle' has a rifled barrel, regardless of how you load it.

Muzzle-loading rifles were in common use by the American Civil War, and had been for some time; the British Army had been using them on limited issue at the turn of the 18th/19th century as a skirmisher's weapon (see: the Sharpe series, which is both awesome as all hell and set in the early 19th century when military rifles became a thing). The Civil War was an absolute massacre because both sides were trying to conduct close-order line battles with weapons that easily had the accuracy and power to kill at that range; remember also that repeating rifles were beginning to appear around the same time, and were occasionally used.

If the Civil War had been fought entirely with smoothbore muskets, there would have been a hell of a lot less deaths. Keep in mind as well that developments in military equipment always predate the tactics which use (or counter) them; nobody knew how to effectively use tanks until quite late in WWI, and it wasn't until WWII that combined arms doctrine was fully established, first by the Germans in their early conquests and then mastered by the Red Army in 1944-45.
Ah, okay, I think I was confusing the Civil War generally with the Revolutionary War. Not sure how though considering the difference. And by Muzzle-loading my brain was reading it all as Musket guns. My bad.

April 7th, 2012, 09:23 PM
I haven't posted any pics in forever so here are some. This is my lol loadout, I pretty much never use the silencer in games because its a heavy metal tube. It came with my awesome SCAR style flash hider and I got the set for pretty cheap. As for the laser, I only rarely use it during the few moments of twilight before the sun sets. My actual loadout is pretty much only the Eotech replica and foregrip, with rail covers on the left and right.


And here are some pics of the AFG2. I actually picked up the AFG1 first, only to find that its thicker front prevented my rail covers to be on at the same time. I was able to sell it back out though, and actually profited a few bucks from it lol. The grooves of the rail covers combined with the AFG2 actually conforms to my grip perfectly.


April 7th, 2012, 09:29 PM
Very nice. :) Love the scar, thinking about getting one maybe but not sure if I want to spend the money on it yet (close to like 400 dollars, right?)

April 7th, 2012, 09:41 PM
I got an ECHO1 for $235 back when they still made the mk16 version. I've had countless problems with it though. I had a faulty motor gear on arrival, outer barrel completely falling off the gun, crappy design of selector switch for dis-assembly to get into the gear box, and a broken screw in the gear box on arrival. If I had a choice to buy one now, I would get the G&G officially licensed by FNH for $340.

April 7th, 2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind if I get one. I currently have an Echo 1 E90, nicely built gun and no problems except that semi has stopped working correctly (sometimes it will fire auto instead?). Im thinking it has something to do with the receptor things on the gearbox where the trigger bar touches. Might be bent, I guess.

April 8th, 2012, 02:35 AM
Get a VFC if you're gonna get a SCAR. Best build quality IMO.

Get the SSV version too :)

December 28th, 2012, 04:06 PM
I'm weak, I spent a bunch of my holiday money on this:

SRC M4 RIS (https://www.007airsoft.com/product.php?cat=1&sub=1&view=8) with an SRC M4 metal lower (https://www.007airsoft.com/product.php?cat=7&sub=25&view=227), ambidextrous magazine release (https://www.007airsoft.com/product.php?cat=7&sub=32&link=&view=305), and ambidextrous M4 rear sling mount (https://www.007airsoft.com/product.php?cat=9&sub=38&link=&view=333). The pictures doesn't show the ambidetrous parts as I hadn't installed them yet...

I grabbed 8 FDE 70rd PMAGs to go wth by SCAR as well, they look awesome. I'll try and post an image of them later, with the M4 beside it with the ambiextrous stuff installed. Also got an 11.1v LiPO battery which is freaking awesome. I still need to do some rewiring on both the guns, the SCAR needs a new DEANS connector since the one it has is broken, and the M4 needs to be converted to DEANS.

December 28th, 2012, 07:07 PM
Nice, I too picked up a set of 5 DE PMAGs a while back. I also sold off my old generic tac vest and replaced it with a CIRAS. And before that I picked up a full metal WE 4.3 scale M1911. Haven't played at all with my new gear though. My group has been real lazy recently, and all the recent talks about gun control has deterred me a bit from playing.

December 28th, 2012, 09:44 PM
OK here we go, not the greatest picture since I didn't bother with lighting. Just ran the auto setting on the DSLR as well, didn't bother with white balance, most of the color correction was just the auto filters in Photoshop CS6.


I love the FDE mags in relation to the SCAR, almost a perfect match for it. They look great in the M4 as well actually. You can see the difference between FDE and tan as well, the ones on the floor are tan, the one in the SCAR and in the vest are FDE.

December 30th, 2012, 03:26 AM
Meet Mr. Cup, who I just realized was the perfect mount for my airsoft headgear a few minutes ago:

I got to say, he looks pretty bad ass.


Been meaning to make one of these for awhile. Probably going to redo it in front if my green screen if I can find it. Much later though, much much later... Like sometime in 2013.

January 8th, 2013, 04:35 AM
i have one of those mesh face masks just like yours, but my fucking nose is too large to fit in it. it presses right against my nose. if i bumped the mask at all, i feel like my nose would break. very frustrating...

i have a pretty decent arsenal i never actually posted for whatever reason. its all at home though, so i cant post it until im back from school.

January 8th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Yeah my mesh mask mashes my nose as well, but when I have my ear pro on it's much better. Since the video I found a way to get the mask under the ear pro without it being uncomfortable on my ears, and the ear pro keeps the mask far enough down and away from my nose that it doesn't crush it anymore.

January 9th, 2013, 09:22 PM
What kind of gloves do you use?

Scrolled up. I thought they'd be Oakleys. Well, I guess most people like their design anyways.

I love the idea of airsoft, but it's just way too expensive to get into it in Canada.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:24 AM

Call some friends in LE or military and have them order for you.

Also, out of these two rails which would you choose?
(front of rail is bottom-left)

Or this:
(front of rail is top-right)

That's just a slightly longer version of the 11" Noveske rail I linked before, and I really like the look of the Noveske rail since it's so sleek and stylish (to me at least). However the more I look at the Daniel Defense Lite rail, the more I love how it mounts to the upper receiver. It's beefy as heck and I have a feeling that it would actually be more secure than the Noveske rail, though I'm not a huge fan of the overall style (in comparison to the sleekness of the Noveske).

February 9th, 2013, 01:22 AM
Some stuff came...



February 9th, 2013, 04:16 PM
Shit looks expensive.

February 9th, 2013, 10:52 PM
Not really. Grip was $9.99, trigger guard was $9.99, and the stock was $24.99. The rail is gonna be the expensive part.

February 9th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Wow, nice.

February 10th, 2013, 04:19 PM
Cause they're not 'real' Magpul parts. The trigger guard is, hence why a tiny little chunk of 'polymer' costs the same as the grip, which is significantly larger. :P

Had they been real it would probably of been something like $25/$10/$80.

February 26th, 2013, 11:34 AM
Got the proper rail covers in:

Now I just need the 12" front rail.

February 26th, 2013, 08:41 PM
guns kill people

even if they are toy guns

February 27th, 2013, 02:19 AM
Got the proper rail covers in:

Now I just need the 12" front rail.

Do you ever worry that you might drop the gun and damage the reflex sight?

February 27th, 2013, 05:13 PM
Nah it's pretty beefy. I've dropped most of my airsoft guns on occasion, quality guns should hold up fine and I always buy quality optics (even if they're clones, I buy well made clones).

March 9th, 2013, 10:15 PM
Got my rail in, and have some Magpul MBUS, MSA, and MS3 sling en route:

March 9th, 2013, 11:53 PM
Looks more and more like a 416 with every addition.

March 10th, 2013, 03:45 AM
Yeah I'm a big fan of the 416, but 416's are pretty expensive and then they're kind of proprietary in certain areas. Going with an M4 as a base works out better.

After the stuff I have ordered comes in the only other external upgrades I may consider would be a different optic (either a Micro T1 or 4x ACOG), and this awesome receiver set:


Right now I'm saving up for a Magpul PTS PDR for indoor play though.

March 10th, 2013, 06:21 AM
Smokin Gun
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March 10th, 2013, 08:00 AM
Right now I'm saving up for a Magpul PTS PDR for indoor play though.

The PDR is badass. Kind of similar to the p90. I want one so bad to replace the p90 I have with it.

March 11th, 2013, 07:10 PM
Took some updated photos of my SCAR:

March 12th, 2013, 12:55 AM
I find it insulting that if I wanted to buy the SRC M4 RIS Gen III, that I'd have to spend $460 on the gun itself and then have to pay another $90 to replace the translucent lower receiver with the metal one.

March 12th, 2013, 01:21 AM
007 Airsoft has two GREAT sales a year. When I say great I mean 25-50% off sales. That's when I picked up my SRC M4 RIS Gen III and the replacement body. Total came out to $390 ($409.50 w/tax).

However, instead of paying $550 for a Gen III + lower metal receiver it would normally be a lot better to buy the Gen III Pro. The Pro series has a metal lower receiver as well as a slightly more durable piston.

Also I made this:


March 19th, 2013, 05:25 PM
This gun has definitely seen better days


It's my friend's Classic Army M4 from like 8 years ago. It's probably first or second generation clone from the original Tokyo Marui's. It is broken obviously, has been for years. My friend has since painted it up to use as a prop for videos and gave away the barrel guard to some kid who was missing one for his own gun. Don't ask me what happened to the charging handle...

Anyhow, I convinced him to lend it to me so that I can strip it down completely and model all the parts for my CAD final project. During this process hopefully I can easily figure out what went wrong with it internally and perhaps I'll be able to fix it, assuming none of the major parts have deteriorated to the point where the whole gun is unusable (I found rust on the fake bolt plate, hopefully there isn't any on the gearbox). I am pretty confident with working on the gearbox after spending so much time fiddling with my SCAR. If I get it firing again, I'll try and rebuild the outside with Magpul parts... Hopefully my friend will either agree to chip cash in or just give me the gun to do this. I will post progress for the CAD project here if anyone is interested.

Also, how do I post images on Modacity without it breaking the margins...

March 20th, 2013, 12:22 AM
Use [SHOT] instead of [IMG].

I fixed it for you.

March 20th, 2013, 03:00 AM
Lancer, do you know the price for that King Arms receiver? I went to check on their website and it said to ask them.

March 22nd, 2013, 09:54 PM
It's a pretty pricey set:

There's also this one:

March 23rd, 2013, 01:23 PM
There's also this one from G&P for slightly less. All the black varients are out of stock though, but the G&P tan is still instock. Not sure on the quality compared to the King Arms though.


Also here's my gear box so far


March 23rd, 2013, 02:22 PM
are you going to 3d print that? thats awesome as shit if you are.
i was looking into 3d printing some sort of rail to put on my thompson, because as much as i love it, the iron sights suck ass holes, especially in low light situations. even if i just print out some like... BC2 AEK style iron sights. at this point, no iron sights would be better than the ones it came with.

side note: the king arms m1a1 thompson is pretty badass aside from the iron sight issue
E: just read, its for a cad project. still neat though!

March 23rd, 2013, 03:35 PM
I'm not quite sure what you mean by 3D printing? Do you mean actually taking materials and milling it into the design? If that's the case, no we are not doing that, though I would love to make some new pieces for my shitty Echo1 SCAR if I had access to the materials and equipment. I would love an aluminum locking reservoir for my hinged stock to replace the plastic one...

We're just going to model most of the individual components and then animate all of the internals with section/exploded views. Though I'm trying to do the internal components with a relatively high degree of accuracy in terms of dimensions, I'm going to be doing the externals pretty lax. There really isn't anyway for our teacher to check our measurements lol, as long as all of the internal pieces fit together and work properly.

March 23rd, 2013, 05:28 PM
yeah, i meant having one of those 5 axis machine mill the parts out, or something of that sort. i wish i had access to something like that. id love to model all the parts out then build a small, custom electric airsoft gun. something unique, like an as-val or something. i could hook an arduino up to it and have a halo style ammo counter or control rate of fire or custom bursting

man that would be awesome. brb, searching class list for something that will get me near the engineering building with the 3d milling machine.

March 24th, 2013, 05:46 AM
Yeah I knew a few people who CNC steel parts to replace lower quality aluminum ones in gas guns, can really improve performance and durability.

March 28th, 2013, 11:20 AM
O Cortexian, I got another question. How much room do you have in that Magpul CTR for a battery? Can it fit a 8.4v mini? Or can it only fit super small Lipo's?

March 28th, 2013, 11:50 PM
You have to use the LiPO's that will fit in the buffer tube, there's no room in the actual stock itself. Not a problem since the 11.1v LiPO's will last longer (more shots) than a normal 8.4v or 9.6v, and they'll also give you snappier trigger response.

March 29th, 2013, 01:24 AM
What additional electrical components are needed to make using a LiPO "safe"? Do I need a fuse or any special connectors? I'm not even running a fuse in my SCAR. I was trying to avoid using LiPO's because they supposedly have a higher strain on the internals, but I already ordered the Magpul CTR lol. I got a Chinese clone on ebay for cheap along with a clone of an MOE grip. Anyway, I'm not so sure about a proper setup for LiPO's, especially after my friend's catastrophe with his melting LiPO inside his $1,000 Systemma M4.

March 29th, 2013, 05:18 AM
Get LiPO alarm and you should be fine, they monitor the cells and if they drop below a certain level it'll beep. I don't have one, just don't keep firing after you start hearing/feeling the battery starting to strain to fire the gun.

Other than that you don't really need anything, don't shoot your gun in continuous sustained bursts, etc... If it seems like it would be more strenuous on the gun then don't do it.

March 29th, 2013, 01:04 PM
Freelancer, I still can't see why you don't jut fucking buy a real gun if you're going to spend like $400. If you want to shoot at people, quit being a fucking weekend warrior and go active and fight in a war.

March 29th, 2013, 02:01 PM
because thats totally the same thing. troll harder.

March 29th, 2013, 02:53 PM
Feeding the troll:

Shooting someone for fun and shooting someone with the intent to kill are completely different. Speaking for myself here, but I play airsoft solely to have fun. I do not have any illusions in my head that playing airsoft makes me any closer to being a real soldier, or a real shooter for that matter. I think every airsofter above the age of 12 knows this. Once in a while I get together with my friends, put on a set of BDU, strap on a bunch of gear, and crawl around in the woods. Does this make me a weekend warrior? Yes, I suppose it does, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Unlike some truly brave people out there, I personally don't have the commitment to join real armed services, but that is entirely besides the point because airsoft has NOTHING to do with that. Airsofting is just a hobby. Is it a waste of money? Yes it is, but what hobby isn't? There is no difference between airsofting and participating in a historical reenactment. We dress up in all this gear for immersion, to enhance the fun we get out of crawling around in the woods.

March 29th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Freelancer, I still can't see why you don't jut fucking buy a real gun if you're going to spend like $400. If you want to shoot at people, quit being a fucking weekend warrior and go active and fight in a war.
You're an idiot, I have five real guns. I take them to the range and I take them hunting.

Airsoft is a completely different hobby, and they have almost no real overlap at all. Can airsoft help you refine some skills that you might use in real-steel shooting? Sure. Can real-steel shooting refine some skills I may use while playing airsoft? Definitely. That doesn't mean I have to do one or the other when I can afford do do both.

Airsoft is cheaper than shooting real-steel, so I do it more often and invest more in it. If I lived in the USA, in a State that had decent gun laws I would probably shoot real-steel a lot more. But I don't, so shooting real-steel isn't as fun here.

Also, you're really fucked up if you think people play airsoft because they want to "shoot people". That's like saying people play laser-tag because they want to shoot people.

Jesus, and people say some of my posts are retarded.

March 29th, 2013, 05:13 PM
and people say some of my posts are retarded.
Because they are :mech2:

March 29th, 2013, 05:42 PM
Feeding the troll:

Shooting someone for fun and shooting someone with the intent to kill are completely different. Speaking for myself here, but I play airsoft solely to have fun. I do not have any illusions in my head that playing airsoft makes me any closer to being a real soldier, or a real shooter for that matter. I think every airsofter above the age of 12 knows this. Once in a while I get together with my friends, put on a set of BDU, strap on a bunch of gear, and crawl around in the woods. Does this make me a weekend warrior? Yes, I suppose it does, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Unlike some truly brave people out there, I personally don't have the commitment to join real armed services, but that is entirely besides the point because airsoft has NOTHING to do with that. Airsofting is just a hobby. Is it a waste of money? Yes it is, but what hobby isn't? There is no difference between airsofting and participating in a historical reenactment. We dress up in all this gear for immersion, to enhance the fun we get out of crawling around in the woods.A weekend warrior is a reservist or a guardsman, basically someone who isn't active duty military. I wasn't attacking airsoft, I was attacking the idea of spending so much money on something that you could pay less for if you got the real thing. That, and I was attacking freelancer.

March 29th, 2013, 06:11 PM
your posts are as bad as freelancer and you should feel bad as freelancer.

March 29th, 2013, 06:15 PM
Big talk coming from a jew.

March 29th, 2013, 10:34 PM
A weekend warrior is a reservist or a guardsman, basically someone who isn't active duty military.
Ah okay, did not know this before. I thought you meant along the lines of someone who isn't actually in any kind of service but still posing like they are on their free time. In my head, weekend warrior seemed like a derogatory term for some reason, probably because you were using it to describe Cortexian lol.

Also, you're really fucked up if you think people play airsoft because they want to "shoot people".
When I said "Shooting someone for fun", I meant there to be as much potency in that statement as there is in shooting someone in BF3 or COD. They are just games, like how airsoft should be viewed as when not being utilized for actual military training. There are people that spend $$$ on airsoft, but how many members of this forum spent $1.5k+ on a gaming rig to play games?

March 31st, 2013, 06:20 AM
Weekend warrior is actually a really broad term encompassing reservists, guardsman, cadets, and any kind of military re-enactments done by civilians who are fairly dedicated. MilSim paintballers, civil war re-enactors, etc... Anyone that puts some kind of uniform on an goes playing in the field, be it with real guns or not.

Get your shit straight Roost. Also I already stated that it costs way more to shoot real steel than it does to shoot airsoft, so please stop being dumb.

March 31st, 2013, 06:36 PM
Airsofting is just a hobby. Is it a waste of money? Yes it is, but what hobby isn't?

If you find something fulfilling to do in your life and you enjoy it, then it is not a waste of money.

April 2nd, 2013, 02:31 PM
Cortexian, do you think that this LiPO (http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?products_id=38229) and the MOSFET end of this circuit (http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?products_id=41705)can fit together in this buffer tube (http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?products_id=27311)? And if so, I imagine that the the MOSFET will be resting right up against the LiPO. Will there be any heat concerns?

April 4th, 2013, 08:18 PM
I think that LiPO is to long to fit in a buffer tube. That's not really a good MOSFET either I don't think. Most of the ones I see are $40+ and include features like active braking and trigger control options, plus all the built in LiPO safety stuff.

April 4th, 2013, 11:34 PM
Alright then I guess I won't go with a MOSFET at all then if it means dropping another $40. For that battery, it is just 17 cm long, but I am not sure how long the buffer tube is. I was more worried about it fitting inside the inner diameter... Any suggestions on which battery then?

E: Alright I have revised my battery choice: http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?cPath=31_171&products_id=38232

I got some rough estimates of the dimensions of an airsoft buffer tube, and they are about 6.75" in lengh and 1" inner diameter. Allowed length for the battery is actually a bit shorter than 6.75" because of the nut and screw that locks into the back of the gearbox. This one should fit nicely since it falls well below 6.75", but the diameter might be a bit tight. Now my only question is, how long will this battery last on the field before dropping towards the 3 V danger mark? It is 7.4 V, 1200 mah, and 20 C discharge.

Not sure if I'm doing this correctly, but 20 C is in units per hour. So under continuous loading, a battery with 20 C would take (1/20) hrs to completely discharge. (1/20) hrs = 180 s. Using an average fire rate value of 13 bb's per second, (13 bb/s) x (180 s) = 2340 bb's shot per charge. I'll round down to 2000 bb's for safety's sake. This number seems to be in the right ballpark compared to other forum posts that I've googled.

April 5th, 2013, 10:39 PM
These are the size that fit nicely into buffer tubes:

You don't have the whole length of the buffer tube to work with due to the part that screws the buffer tube onto the receiver. LiPO ready buffer tubes give you a bit more room to work but not a lot, you still won't be able to completely collapse an adjustable stock most of the time.

If you know how to solder, or have the option to buy them with, get deans style connectors as shown in the link I provided above. They're a lot better than the tamiya connectors most RC batteries use.

April 6th, 2013, 04:29 PM
Found this awesome site after browsing some more on google for custom size Lipo's. These guys will make a custom size pack for you if you don't find anything in their catalog that will work for you. They even ask what type of connector plug you want on the battery before checkout. Right now I am looking at this one:


I want at least a 20 C pack and 1200 mah capacity. I read up some more on LiPO's and apparently you want to have a pack that is capable of around 30 A continuous discharge. For my choice above, it is 26 A continuous (1.3 Ah x 20 C). I also want to stay at 7.4 V since I am looking to prolong the life of my guns and I don't care much for OMG firerates. I'll finalize my choice once I receive my buffer tube and measure the available length myself.

I also read up more on Deans, and I'll probably have to convert my SCAR's plug too once I get a liPO. I might as well use the LiPO exclusively...

April 15th, 2013, 02:35 AM
Holy fuck. I was just randomly browsing the "Savings Trifecta" page on AirsoftGI, scrolled down and saw this beautiful sign:


I might finally be able to get into airsoft without spending $400 on a gun alone.

April 18th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Without spending $400 on a gun alone? The best guns start at $400, man...

Also, AGI has always been a higher quality store than Evike. That right there is another example of why I shop with them instead of those other incompetents.

April 18th, 2013, 08:43 PM
I'm not looking for the best gun :P

I don't remember if there was a debate about this, but I thought Airsoft GI was supposedly expensive, moreso than Evike. I don't know if that is true, but it doesn't look like it anymore if it ever was.

April 18th, 2013, 09:21 PM
Evike is pretty incompetent, but I shop with them primarily because no one beats their low prices. TBH, I buy most of my stuff from amazon and ebay now when they are available. Most of the stuff ships direct from China lol, but they are basically sold at factory direct prices. Considering most of the major airsoft manufacturers are Hong Kong based, I don't really see any potential quality issues. I just recently ordered Magpul PTS CTR, MOE pistol grip, GEN2 MBUS, and vertical grip off of ebay. It is obvious that all of these items were "knock offs", hence why I was able to get them at rock bottom prices, but the fact of the matter is that the Magpul PTS subsidiary is a Hong Kong company! So even if the parts I ordered were not from them directly, they still probably came from the same factories... There is still a trick in picking the "knock offs" that are most accurate to the real deal though, such as comparing the pictures and seller ratings. When I was picking out the MBUS, there were some that looked pretty ridiculously lol.

But yea, if I had to buy a whole new gun, I would still order from Evike. Their listing prices are usually lower than everyone else to begin with PLUS you get the 20% coupon after the fact. If your order total isn't high enough to make the 20% attractive, then you can use the free shipping coupon instead.

April 18th, 2013, 09:32 PM
Holy fuck. I was just randomly browsing the "Savings Trifecta" page on AirsoftGI, scrolled down and saw this beautiful sign:


I might finally be able to get into airsoft without spending $400 on a gun alone.
As Warsaw said, you won't want to spend less than $300 on a gun if you want something that will be half-decent.

Also, they only ship to Canada using UPS and stuff, so your $300 gun becomes a $400 gun aby the time it's delivered.

April 19th, 2013, 12:11 AM
I'm not looking for the best gun :P

I don't remember if there was a debate about this, but I thought Airsoft GI was supposedly expensive, moreso than Evike. I don't know if that is true, but it doesn't look like it anymore if it ever was.

AGI was never appreciably more expensive than Evike. Maybe $10 at most for any given item, but $10 is worth it to actually get your order in on time and not have them dick you around with unlisted out of stock status, month-long orders, and delivery of the wrong product. Then there's their horrid excuse of a website. Revamped three times, and still effectively the same as it was, only now with more advertisements.

Seriously. Want peace of mind? Buy from AGI.

Also, I can recommend Dboys as a good starter brand if you want an AK. G&G also makes solid pieces of kit.

April 21st, 2013, 03:51 PM
Hey Freelancer, I just found out that this piece actually exists for airsoft:


It's not compatible with my shitty Echo1 SCAR, but it is for all VFC types. This could allow for some ergonomic use of that AFG. I first saw that setup from this guy while I was searching videos of the SCAR:


April 30th, 2013, 09:32 PM
I'm not a fan of it. I removed the front sight on my SCAR, and I wish someone would create a rail system that takes that in mind and lets you slide a rail system on that extends all four rails, including the top one.

May 3rd, 2013, 03:04 PM
Here's the videos we rendered for my group's final CAD project. There's a whole bunch of inaccuracies and clipping. the inaccuracies are mostly due to other group members not knowing much of anything about guns in general and shortcuts that were made. Clipping was pretty much us not caring anymore as the due date approached. We left out the battery and wiring too.



May 4th, 2013, 06:10 PM
That second video is pretty sweet. You should post it on some airsoft forums and be like "this is how gearboxes work".

May 4th, 2013, 08:48 PM
Thanks, though I'm not 100% satisfied with it. Since we left out the main electrical components, we basically completely ignored the functions of the cutoff lever and select-fire plate. Those pieces were basically modeled in for show. But still, there was maybe only one other person in the whole class of 70 who knew what airsoft was, so no one else really knew to look for them. Our group bagged an A for sure lol, that's all that matters.

October 29th, 2013, 08:58 PM





November 8th, 2013, 04:13 PM
It's an AR and not a full-size M16A2.

Cue Senior Chan.

June 18th, 2014, 12:03 AM
Damn it's hot over here.


June 18th, 2014, 12:07 AM
Oh man, I just remembered this thread existed. I should post my ghetto as fuck airsoft stuff.

June 18th, 2014, 12:32 AM
Yeah you should! I haven't posted on modacity for like a year and the last thing was the M4 AEG that I did for my CAD final. I actually fully rebuilt that and it works great now.

E: And it was heavily inspired by Cortexian's M4...

June 18th, 2014, 12:43 AM
I got some bolle X800 goggles recently. Nicer than the ESS ones I have since they're less tall. Helmet doesn't force the goggles down on my nose and much more comfortable. Only issue is my glasses are kind of to wide and hit the lenses. Might have to get an RX insert.

June 18th, 2014, 12:57 AM
I pretty much have contacts exclusively for airsofting lol.

June 18th, 2014, 02:50 AM
I tried contacts once in Jr High and they bugged the shit out of me so I didn't stick with them. I've been told that I should try them for a solid week and then you get used to them.

June 18th, 2014, 04:10 PM
I never really had problems starting out with contacts, but I've heard that people might have problems with certain solutions. They might be allergic to certain ingredients depending on which brand they buy, so you could just try out several different brands of solution to see if they're better for you. The only other physical problem I've heard of is that some people's eyes are too small for lenses to seat properly. Maybe your eyeballs weren't fully developed yet as a child?

Contact lenses are like a godsend for me and airsofting. I can run any type of eyepro without dishing out $$$ for prescription swap-ins. That's always an option I suppose, but you would have to do it for all of your eyepro.

June 19th, 2014, 08:45 AM
guns kill people

whoops i thought this was the guns thread sorry

June 19th, 2014, 11:30 AM
I finally got off my ass and took some pictures of my stuff!
First off we've got the primary automatic gun of destruction:
This is the King Arms M1A1 Thompson. Full metal with simulation wood (I know). Currently using this with the stock 8.4v battery it came with.

Wait what is that on top? Is that...
You bet your ass I attached a shitty Chinese red dot site to that mofo!

"But Donut," I hear you ask, "what will you do when your WWII spam cannon inevitably runs out of ammo with that tiny ass 60 round magazine?" Fear not, for I have another, smaller spam cannon to back it up!
The KWA M93 Raffica. With an extended ~50 round magazine and semi, full auto, and 3 round burst firing modes, this marshmallow cannon of doom will spray down anything I missed with the primary.

Wait, it's not a primary itself? It sure looks like it:
(disclaimer: that stock actually sucks ass. The sights end up way too close to your face, and I'm pretty sure my particular stock is broken, because it won't lock into place when extended. Oh well.)

Ok, ok. That's all well and good, but I'm an out of shape computer nerd. I can't run all over the place just to shoot some people with plastic pellets. I'd much rather ride passenger on a 4-wheeler, Halo 3 style. Surely the Thompson is too big for that! That's why I have this:
It worked for Soviet tank crews, and it works for me. This is the JG VZ-61, commonly known by its (much more badass) nickname, the Skorpion. It's got a pretty shit 7.2v battery out of the box, but those magazines are all hi-cap 80 rounders, so they'll last a while.

"But Donut," I hear you say with increasing impudence, "How are you going to effectively spray down targets while you're on the move with only an 80 round magazine? I know you're not that good a shot!" Silently, I hold up my hand and present this:
You bet your ass that's a shitty plastic foregrip off a $10 Walmart gun! Oh, and the thing behind it? That's a 380 round drum magazine. Yeah.

But everyone runs out of ammo eventually, right?

Wait, what the fuck is that? Could it possibly be...?
That's right! A home made duct-tape mag pouch for spare Thompson magazines (and yes I know, velcro is bad. Boo hoo). They're actually pretty solidly constructed. I use cardboard from a cereal box as the base material to reinforce the pouch. This particular pouch brought to you by Honey Bunches of Oats!

And here it all is, all together. What a happy family of plastic shooting machine guns!

I've got some other equipment and clothing that might be worth sharing later. I figured I should stick to just the guns for now, but I do have some fun outfits to go along with it all. I'm also considering getting a gas powered revolver and modifying the shells to hold multiple pellets, so I effectively have an revolver that shoots shotgun blasts.

If it wasn't absurdly obvious, I'm not super serious when I play airsoft.

June 20th, 2014, 01:49 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to InnerGoat again.

June 28th, 2014, 08:03 PM
Fuck me


I might have shimmed the bevel gear just a tad too tight. Going to get a set of replacement ball bearings that comes packaged with a new piston head and spring guide. Since I'm dishing out for shipping I'm also getting a new cylinder head with rubber cushioning too. I'm just deciding if I should also go with a new tappet plate since I'm opening this up anyway.

June 29th, 2014, 05:50 PM
What's wrong with the tappet plate? It looks fine to me? Is it plastic and you want a metal one or something?

June 30th, 2014, 01:00 PM
I think you're confusing the selector plate with the tappet plate. The tappet plate is the one inside the gearbox that has an arm reaching over the sector gear. It controls the feeding in the hopup by pulling the air nozzle back. Last I opened this gearbox, I noticed some wear on that arm in contact with the sector gear. I figured I might as well replace it now cuz it seems pretty inevitable.

June 30th, 2014, 09:53 PM
Oh, right, yeah.

Haven't taken a gearbox apart for like 3 years heh.

July 4th, 2014, 04:37 PM
Frankengun I cobbled together after doing my CAD project. Good thing too, cuz it's more reliable than my SCAR.

E: Also, happy America day