View Full Version : Airsoft Thread
February 15th, 2010, 06:10 PM
I originally thought there was an airsoft thread, I searched and found a few that were related but for more specific things (like p0lar wanting to shoot his cat with an airsoft gun, wtf p0lar).
Anyways if you're a player or just vaguely interested in the sport discuss it here, post pics of your guns, gear, playing fields, etc... All I ask is that you try and refrain from flaming people based on their personal guns/gear, different Countries and locations around the world have different rules regarding airsoft. Before we start this I'd like to clear up one thing though, terminology, it's different across borders and such as I already stated so I'm going to lay down some "ground rules" so everyone knows what's up.
Firstly there are different types of airsoft guns, usually separated into three main groups.
AEG - Automatic Electric Gun
This is the most popular type of airsoft gun for skirmishing use. It is powered by battery and operates through a series of gears and a spring-powered piston.
GBB - Gas Blow-Back
The gas blow back mechanism powers many airsoft pistols. The BB is launched from the gun using an expanding gas stored in a reservoir, while the same gas reloads the gun ready for the next shot. In most semi-automatic pistols, this mechanism provides a very realistic look and feel to the gun, without being too fragile or problematic.
An airsoft gun that requires the user to manually pull back and lock the spring mechanism before every shot, also known as "cocking" the weapon.
Secondly there are different quality levels to airsoft guns, just like everything else in the world.
PTW - Personal Training Weapons and Full metal airsoft guns
These are generally the top-of-the-line airsoft guns, PTW's offer realistic features such as cycling bolts that lock back after the last shot has been fired and requiring the used to cycle the bolt after loading a new magazine. Full metal airsoft guns aren't necessarily PTW's and some full metal airsoft guns have very sub-par internal mechanics.
High quality plastic/glass fiber/etc airsoft guns
These are generally the most common airsoft guns out there, names like Tokyo Mauri and Classic Army come to mind. Decent quality externals and decent-good quality internals.
Low quality plastic airsoft guns
Generally the China clones of airsoft guns, crappy internals with plastic gears that break left-right-and-center and sometimes include clear components. Not to be confused with some high quality airsoft guns incorporating clear parts for legal reasons (for example CanSoft of "Canadian legal" airsoft guns).
Wal•Mart "SoftAir" guns
Not to be confused with real airsoft guns, these are generally not to scale, completely clear, and very bad quality in comparison.
If you want to clear up anymore terminology I'd checkout this web page (
Mainly starting this to discuss the awesome new Airsoft Innovations Impact Grenade:
So yea, discuss all things airsoft! Go!
February 15th, 2010, 07:55 PM
That tornado impact grenade reminds me of the Hornets Nest Sting Grenade in a way lol.
The only 2 working AEG's I have left is an full metal MP40 made by Schmeisser and a plastic cqb m4 carbine made by BOYI.
I got a semi working plastic spring m4, the spring that pushes the bb's up isnt working, still shoots. And then a spring black plastic pistol.
My boneyard consists of 4 broken guns (all plastic). Then again I collected them all up over a 4 year span so yeah.
I have no gear heh.
Pyong Kawaguchi
February 15th, 2010, 08:16 PM
Right now I have a JG MP5, I really like it, gets roughly 360 fps according to the testing done before hand.
I was gonna go airsofting earlier today but I was really tired.
February 15th, 2010, 11:11 PM
You all probably know what I have but I'll post this brief summery + picture for new-comers to the thread. I'm running a Classic Army G36K with G36C top rail and King Arms red dot sight as my primary, secondary is a Tokyo Mauri NBB (Non-Blow Back, functions exactly like a GBB except the slide doesn't move and the next round is loaded mechanically while you pull the trigger) MK23 SOCOM. I just recently (new vest came today) changed up my gear from CADPAT TW with black vest/helmet/pads to almost all Multicam, based on the CRYE armor chassis seen in the new Transformers. Combats have built int knee and elbow pads (this is heaven) and the armor chassis is pretty damn comfortable! (
Basically it's a Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter setup, except I'm missing the shoulder pads and multicam holster at the moment... Waiting for some cash before I can buy them.
Once you get into the sport around here it's all about getting all the gear as well as the guns, lots of people buy the gear first and then get their guns. Mainly because up here you pretty much have to be 18+ to play airsoft or you get shunned and cussed to hell for not following the communities "imposed" rules. Some fields around here locally allow 16+ to play with parental consent, but you can't get a gun until you're 18+ Age Verified or unless your mommy and daddy buy it for you (in which case you get your ears told off until you're like 20)... It's pretty rare to see people around here with less gear than gun accessories, lol... Take a look at my photo album ( (10 pages) from the last game I attended to see what I mean.
That tornado impact grenade reminds me of the Hornets Nest Sting Grenade in a way lol.
The only 2 working AEG's I have left is an full metal MP40 made by Schmeisser and a plastic cqb m4 carbine made by BOYI.
I got a semi working plastic spring m4, the spring that pushes the bb's up isnt working, still shoots. And then a spring black plastic pistol.
My boneyard consists of 4 broken guns (all plastic). Then again I collected them all up over a 4 year span so yeah.
I have no gear heh.
The MP40 sounds pretty cool, though I haven't heard of that manufacturer before, do they have a (English?) website?
Right now I have a JG MP5, I really like it, gets roughly 360 fps according to the testing done before hand.
I was gonna go airsofting earlier today but I was really tired.
JG is one of the best clone brands I've worked with/used, only thing I don't like about them are the externals. Internals are great and when you really think about it that's all that matters of the gun LOOKS like it's supposed to. Unless of course you have a FUBAR externals failure that actually effects performance (like a bent barrel or non-functioning selector plate). What kind of MP5 is it? A4/A5?
February 16th, 2010, 12:54 AM
Nice socks.
February 16th, 2010, 02:12 AM
I would of put those boots that I had when we went 'softing on, but they're caked in mud atm from my last game... It does kind ruin the image...
February 16th, 2010, 05:10 AM
You need some proper socks, bro. Like mine. :realsmug:
February 16th, 2010, 05:32 AM
Can you feel when you get hit with the ammo from the air soft gun? Little plastic pellets dont seem like they'd be something you can feel if you're wearing a suit like the one Freelancer just posted. Same thing goes with that grenade, it doesnt look like it fires the pellets that fast or hard out of it. I guess in that case though you'd use similar rules to a paintball grenade where you just barely need to be tagged and you're considered out.
February 16th, 2010, 05:58 AM
Yes. You can.
They hit you at about 300-400 feet per second. You'll feel it, trust me.
February 16th, 2010, 12:04 PM
I'll have to play with this new suit, the front and back ar supposed to be "hard" armor and in place of the expensive real armor plates I have about 1" thick hard padding. I really doubt I'll be able to feel torso shots anymore but I should still be fine everywhere else, plus you definitely hear the BB impact your gear as well.
The game is largely based on an honor system though, if you get hit you have to be man (or woman!) enough to call yourself out without hesitation or second guessing what happened... That said there are always some bad apples in the bunch, we generally call them "the invincibles" , people that are either oblivious, unsure, or purposefully ignoring hits. We usually just call out the player on the field if more than one person notices someone not calling hits, "HEY! GUY IN THE BLACK, CHECK YOUR HITS!", is usually what you hear since our fields aren't infested with immature kids constantly name calling...
February 16th, 2010, 07:42 PM
If it hurts, it's a direct hit. If it just sort of taps you, it's usually a ricochet. I got hosed down with the latter, so I didn't call... they bounced off of two walls and then hit me in the leg and the foot, I could tell pretty plainly they weren't direct. Otherwise, though, I just called if I felt anything hit me.
February 16th, 2010, 09:26 PM
Yes. You can.
They hit you at about 300-400 feet per second. You'll feel it, trust me.
Not if you've been playing for awhile. I've been hit direct, many times at point blank from respectable weapons, and didn't call it because I didn't feel it. You get used to it, and the shit you wear certainly lessens the impact.
Also, lookit dat shitty modern gettup...real men dress in M35s. Will post pics later.
February 16th, 2010, 10:01 PM
I've got an entire WWII Canadian kit (combats, chest rig, authentic helmet, all in OD) that I got for like $100 from Cadets, the armory where two of the local Reserve units are stationed was getting rid of all their OD kit since they got all new CADPAT gear. They gave all the old stuff to the two Cadet units stationed there to sell for cheap to Cadets that wanted combat gear for survival and field exercises.
I don't think I've ever worn it for airsoft though, since I have a G36 and MK23 SOCOM as weapons... If I had some era-correct weapons I'd field it all the damn time though!
February 16th, 2010, 10:51 PM
Should jump on it then! They sell an airsoft Sten Mk. II ( and it takes MP40 magazines. They also have a cheaper BAR (, and a PPSch-41. ( I am about to splurge on an S.S. setup converting an MP.40 into an MP.41. I've got the Soviet uniform, but ironically enough, playing as a Soviet no longer suits my fancy.
+rep for having the outfit though.
February 16th, 2010, 11:20 PM
I'd definitely get a BAR if I couldn't find an Enfield NO.IV... Unfortunately I like my modern kit, and the older guns are made by some questionable manufacturers.
February 17th, 2010, 03:45 PM
AGM is a Chinese company, but they make solid weapons at the price point. You can always change the internals yourself if you are that worried. As for Enfields, I've yet to see an airsoft one (No. 1 or No. 4); I'd do a British WWI setup if I could.
February 17th, 2010, 04:23 PM
There are a couple of No. 4's around here but they're custom made out of real No. 4's with TM M14 internals.
I can't believe I forgot Operation Mason Relic from last year...
That's just a short teaser of it, full video will come later.
February 17th, 2010, 06:47 PM
See, I couldn't bring myself to destroy a real No. 4 to make it into an airsoft weapon, same as I can't bring myself to destroy my legit AK-47 furniture (last batch before Poland factory closed in 2007) just to put it on the airsoft AK-47 I planned on buying for it.
Also, M14 internals? On a bolt action? wat.
Also, the field in that video looks fantastic. I like wide open areas, since I play so much CQB. I'm more of a scout in my play style, so CQB isn't my favourite game.
February 17th, 2010, 09:15 PM
There are a couple of No. 4's around here but they're custom made out of real No. 4's with TM M14 internals.
WHY :gonk:
I would never, ever do this to a real rifle. Especially not a No.4. Especially especially not mine.
February 17th, 2010, 09:27 PM
They're pretty common up here, a few were made here in Longbranch iirc and a lot of Canadian soldiers brought them back with them.
M14 internals because it's apparently easier to modify the gun to accept AEG internals than bolt action springer internals. I really like a few of the conversions I've seen though, the 6.0Xmm inner barrels for the airsoft BB's are just fed through the actual barrel with some significant modifications around the action. I'm with you guys though, I wouldn't destroy an actual Enfield to turn it into an airsoft gun, technically it's illegal here anyways.
Here are some better images of the armor chassis and blast belt with the pouch configuration I've finalized:
February 17th, 2010, 09:56 PM
There are a couple of No. 4's around here but they're custom made out of real No. 4's with TM M14 internals.
what the fuck is this shit
February 17th, 2010, 10:57 PM
I thought I explained already... Airsoft is serious business around here, lots of people have guns made from mostly real steal parts, I've even seen some converted real steal Colt Canada C7's gutted and modified to take airsoft bits.
Yes it's expensive, hard, and time consuming to gut real steals into airsofts but the results are visually stunning to say the least...
February 18th, 2010, 12:39 AM
Enfields (mainly SMLEs, not so much No.4s) are common here too due to the Lithgow SAF, but I still wouldn't do it. One day they may not be as common...
February 18th, 2010, 12:45 AM
Didn't add this in my previous post but the gloves I ordered to go with this kit arrived today, they're pretty good knock-offs of the "Oakley Factory Pilot Glove (" in Khaki:
Fucking Canada Post, apparently these were delivered on the same day my chassis was except we "weren't home" and they sent them to the local post office instead. They didn't even leave a note on the door to notify me they were delivered, I had to wait for eHobby Asia to send me the tracking number, low-and-behold "attempted to deliver, now located at post office". Ironic that I got the tracking number AFTER they actually "attempted" to deliver them to my house...
February 19th, 2010, 12:29 AM
Fucking Canada Post, apparently these were delivered on the same day my chassis was except we "weren't home" and they sent them to the local post office instead. They didn't even leave a note on the door to notify me they were delivered, I had to wait for eHobby Asia to send me the tracking number, low-and-behold "attempted to deliver, now located at post office". Ironic that I got the tracking number AFTER they actually "attempted" to deliver them to my house...
Never used Canada Post, probably never will. UPS is the way to go.
February 19th, 2010, 01:12 AM
Sure... If you want to get nailed with duties and services charges that are usually half or more of the packages price.
February 19th, 2010, 02:10 AM
Sure... If you want to get nailed with duties and services charges that are usually half or more of the packages price.
Never happened with anything I've ordered.
February 19th, 2010, 07:31 PM
Through the hundreds of things I've had shipped to me it's all been either:
UPS - Fast service, accurate tracking, insanely expensive shipping related charges.
Canada Post - Usually takes a few days longer than UPS, tracking isn't updated nearly as fast, completely free shipping.
Canada Post every time imo, unless I NEED NEED NEED it NOW NOW NOW!
Anyways, I was at DusterBusters house yesterday to get some green-screen backed photos of my airsoft kit (and to play some Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta). Here's a couple rough masks that I've done, and remember that they're rough!
Helmet or Boonie hat? What do you like better?
February 20th, 2010, 02:16 AM
Helmet. Boonie hats scream relaxed and laid back to me, so when you get all geared up like that and top it off with a boonie, it feels like you're skimping on something.
Boonies are also for scouts/snipers...and a G36 + assault rig a scout does not make.
February 20th, 2010, 08:12 AM
I plan on getting a TM (Tokyo Marui for yall who don't know) VSR-10. Probably upgrading with Polar Star. Other upgrades here and there. Gonna be the scout of the team..
February 20th, 2010, 08:54 AM
God damn I need to get back into airsoft again. Also freelancer, the mp40 i think is made by softair USA and/or licensed by Cybergun, it really doesn't say. It doesn't shoot at 350 FPS btw...
I am really debating over what I should buy next since I have enough money for something under $150.
I am going with ABS Plastic and Metal on the gun. I am debating over this
Or one of the m93 raffica airsoft guns.
Then again I need to get some type of job to make more money. Or I could consult my dad, backyard is pretty big to cut the grass hmmm.
February 20th, 2010, 03:43 PM
I plan on getting a TM (Tokyo Marui for yall who don't know) VSR-10. Probably upgrading with Polar Star. Other upgrades here and there. Gonna be the scout of the team..
TM VSR-10's are interesting to upgrade... Once you put in the hundreds of dollars to actually upgrade it to the point where it's worth using over an AEG, add tons of teflon tape around all the gas/air related seals and you should increase your FPS by at least 50, or so I've been told. There's a guy around here who just got his VSR-10 upgraded to shoot around 560 FPS with .28 BB's, which is interesting because here in Canada once an airgun hits 500 FPS it becomes classified as a firearm and requires a Possession and Acquisition License...
God damn I need to get back into airsoft again. Also freelancer, the mp40 i think is made by softair USA and/or licensed by Cybergun, it really doesn't say. It doesn't shoot at 350 FPS btw...
I am really debating over what I should buy next since I have enough money for something under $150.
I am going with ABS Plastic and Metal on the gun. I am debating over this
Or one of the m93 raffica airsoft guns.
Then again I need to get some type of job to make more money. Or I could consult my dad, backyard is pretty big to cut the grass hmmm.
GBB M93R's are great, but they're still just sidearms... Not something you'd want for an outdoor game.
The Tactical Force Mp7 is decent apparently, externals are questionable but they shoot decently. The local indoor arena we play at stocks clear versions of them for like $170 CAD so you see lots of new players with them... I've wanted to get a TM version and use it as a sidearm for awhile now, lol...
February 20th, 2010, 10:22 PM
GBB M93R's are great, but they're still just sidearms... Not something you'd want for an outdoor game.
The Tactical Force Mp7 is decent apparently, externals are questionable but they shoot decently. The local indoor arena we play at stocks clear versions of them for like $170 CAD so you see lots of new players with them... I've wanted to get a TM version and use it as a sidearm for awhile now, lol...
Heh I still like the m93's, no I didn't get interested in it from cod imo. I was researching about guns 'n such. I always liked the mp7 when i first saw it. Meh I might go for the mp7 and add the 160 extra mag or feel badass and get 2 mp7's lol.
Mp7 + extra 160 mag w/ tax = $105.28
Dual mp7's (just for the lolz) = $166.93
Dual mp7's with 2 extra 160 mags (for spray and pay in CQB) = $202.75 (now im just fucking around with this one)
Also I hate the orange tips, ruins the gun especially when its full metal and has all the details like the real ones. I hate it so much.
February 21st, 2010, 12:30 AM
So remove it. Legally, you are allowed to have it off when on privately owned property. Out in public is the only place it has to be on.
February 22nd, 2010, 10:45 PM
Yea here in Canada the orange tips don't cut it, customs and the RCMP (who dictate to customs) require all airsoft guns coming into Canada to have the serialized part of the gun to be clear. So generally the lower or upper receiver depending on the gun needs to be slightly transparent. No orange tips though, I'd actually prefer this if it were an option.
February 23rd, 2010, 09:08 AM
On my old g36c (that cheapy one that broke) had an orange tip for the muzzle brake that snapped off while using it. Most other gun's orange tips usually chip off after a while, anyways.
February 23rd, 2010, 06:48 PM
I am talking metal airsoft guns. It's hard to paint it over making it the right color without it being so noticeable that its been painted. Also I think I will buy the mp7 with an extra mag or by 2 (which is pointless in some ways). Then again I can drain my 10,000 rounds of 6mm airsoft bb's in my jar. I shouldn't have bought so much.
If anybody has any better suggestion's before I buy the mp7 post links. Anything under $250 and is still good (dont post full plastic guns). I am fine with ABS Plastic and Metal together. Just more metal over plastic. Or if you can find any cool tact gear thats good too.
Argh, forgot to mention, NO CO2 or spring. They make me mad. CO2 is fine in a way just dont wanna refill it up and such.
February 23rd, 2010, 07:30 PM
Well, I'm partial to the AKs, so just about anything under D-Boys is good for me. CYMA also has some pretty sick economical AKs. The MP7 is fun but honestly, I'd only ever get it if I was going to buy the upgrade kit with it, since I don't want any gun that shoots under 300fps. I've upgraded an MP7 before, and it's a massive bitch.
I would suggest some WWII gear, but that doesn't seem to be a popular trend with most people.
February 23rd, 2010, 07:48 PM
Well, I'm partial to the AKs, so just about anything under D-Boys is good for me. CYMA also has some pretty sick economical AKs. The MP7 is fun but honestly, I'd only ever get it if I was going to buy the upgrade kit with it, since I don't want any gun that shoots under 300fps. I've upgraded an MP7 before, and it's a massive bitch.
I would suggest some WWII gear, but that doesn't seem to be a popular trend with most people.
OH crap I didn't notice it said 300fps. That's bad. You also made me remember I wanted an ak47 airsoft lol. Now i remember I saw a barret .50 cal airsoft sniper rifle, where is it...
February 23rd, 2010, 09:55 PM
You won't get a Barret at the price-point you are aiming for. 300fps isn't bad, but the MP7 shoots somewhere around 250, give or take 20. Acceptable for CQB so long as you fire it at "in your face" range and don't try and hit someone across the room. I like my guns to have some punch to them.
February 23rd, 2010, 10:44 PM
FPS doesn't effect accuracy that much, a tight-bore barrel and tuned hop-up will get you ranged accuracy better than increased FPS. I just installed an M4 length 6.01mm tight-bore in my G36K and the accuracy is a lot better, FPS went up by about 8-10 as well since there's less air bleed around the BB.
February 24th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Still, anything that has the punch like the mp40 is just fine with me. AS long as it can go thru cardboard boxes like 3 then im fine (in and out). And yeah warsaw just saw the price of it, really not on my list anymore.
But now I'm going for an mp7, ak47, mp5, g36 or some sniper rifle with a good punch.
Why don't you guys post links too so I can have abit more of a wider look to see whats better and such?
February 24th, 2010, 04:36 PM
FPS doesn't effect accuracy that much, a tight-bore barrel and tuned hop-up will get you ranged accuracy better than increased FPS. I just installed an M4 length 6.01mm tight-bore in my G36K and the accuracy is a lot better, FPS went up by about 8-10 as well since there's less air bleed around the BB.
While you are correct, I would like to point out that a higher fps lets you use a heavier BB over longer ranges, thus indirectly improving accuracy.
Also, you want links? Here are the two websites I buy all my airsoft gear from:
Airsoft GI (
Evike (
Check under Airsoft Guns > Automatic Electric > D-boys/CYMA/G&G for the fun stuff. The more expensive brands are VFC, Ares (STAR), Systema, and G&P. The brands to avoid are TSD, Classic Army, and Well (though Well's MP7 is good).
Fake E: Also, RealSword has some REALLY nice guns, but they run high. Personally, I want the SVD.
February 24th, 2010, 08:44 PM
While you are correct, I would like to point out that a higher fps lets you use a heavier BB over longer ranges, thus indirectly improving accuracy.
Also, you want links? Here are the two websites I buy all my airsoft gear from:
Airsoft GI (
Evike (
Check under Airsoft Guns > Automatic Electric > D-boys/CYMA/G&G for the fun stuff. The more expensive brands are VFC, Ares (STAR), Systema, and G&P. The brands to avoid are TSD, Classic Army, and Well (though Well's MP7 is good).
Fake E: Also, RealSword has some REALLY nice guns, but they run high. Personally, I want the SVD.
Ah, I never checked Airsoft GI around alot but I will now. Never heard of Evike thou...
Also here is my shitty arsenal.
The working ones
The semi working one (spring wont move a damn bit)
And the bone yard (broken everything almost, except for the uzi, something is wrong with the lock in thing)
Mind the dog, its stuffed.
Also I take care of my mp40 :realsmug:
February 24th, 2010, 09:37 PM
I want to get into this, but I want to know some things first..
What can you do in terms of camouflage? I would very much like to go human bush mode :realsmug:
Can you take advantage of natural high grounds? For example, can I climb a tree and stage ambushes or to get a good view for a shot or to scout?
Are you able to make your own equipment and not buy stuff? I am low on money.
February 24th, 2010, 09:42 PM
The best airsoft is played in a random field with no organization and few rules, playing with good friends who are honest and sportsmanlike enough to concede when they get hit. All other forms of airsoft are no fun. PS: if your gun isn't held together via duct tape, your doing it wrong.
February 24th, 2010, 09:47 PM
I want to get into this, but I want to know some things first..
What can you do in terms of camouflage? I would very much like to go human bush mode :realsmug:
Can you take advantage of natural high grounds? For example, can I climb a tree and stage ambushes or to get a good view for a shot or to scout?
Are you able to make your own equipment and not buy stuff? I am low on money.
Hard to make your own gun; even if you make a receiver and all, you still need to get the internals. That is going to cost money.
As for the rest, you can do whatever the fuck you want. The only universal rules in airsoft are:
1. Wear eye protection
2. Call your hits
February 24th, 2010, 11:31 PM
The bakelite on that MP40 is nuts. I mean, shit, the stuff does 'fade' to red with age and wear, but I don't think I've ever seen an MP40 that looked orange like that.
February 25th, 2010, 12:18 AM
The best airsoft is played in a random field with no organization and few rules, playing with good friends who are honest and sportsmanlike enough to concede when they get hit. All other forms of airsoft are no fun. PS: if your gun isn't held together via duct tape, your doing it wrong.
That sounds exactly like what we here in Canada frown upon, people playing on un-designated fields with few rules. It's even worse when it's being done by people under 18 since that's basically the community enforced rule. If someone were to call in a bunch of airsofters for "shooting each other in a field" RCMP ERT would show up and lock us up in a heart beat, we only play on designated fields by law and we almost al prefer the MilSim element of the game.
I want to get into this, but I want to know some things first..
What can you do in terms of camouflage? I would very much like to go human bush mode :realsmug:
Can you take advantage of natural high grounds? For example, can I climb a tree and stage ambushes or to get a good view for a shot or to scout?
Are you able to make your own equipment and not buy stuff? I am low on money.
You could make your own ghillie suit fairly easily, but usually you still wear some kind of chest rig under it along with woodland camo or something. Here anything that's safe goes, if you determine that you can safely climb a tree and wait in ambush in a ghillie then it's good to go.
February 25th, 2010, 06:24 AM
That sounds exactly like what we here in Canada frown upon, people playing on un-designated fields with few rules. It's even worse when it's being done by people under 18 since that's basically the community enforced rule. If someone were to call in a bunch of airsofters for "shooting each other in a field" RCMP ERT would show up and lock us up in a heart beat, we only play on designated fields by law and we almost al prefer the MilSim element of the game.
Private property included? That's a little harsh (unless they're all obviously kids).
You could make your own ghillie suit fairly easily, but usually you still wear some kind of chest rig under it along with woodland camo or something. Here anything that's safe goes, if you determine that you can safely climb a tree and wait in ambush in a ghillie then it's good to go.
Bro I am so doing that shit next time :allears:
February 25th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Do it, with a rubber knife.
We had some SEALs come and play at our indoor field, and one of the games consisted of them avoiding detection and using a permanent marker as a "knife" to draw a black line on your throat, effectively slitting it. Everyone else was armed. It was epic, because they won.
February 25th, 2010, 02:58 PM
Why do american airsoft guns have that orange thing? I mean you don't show them in public and therefore no one should think they're real guns and go shooting back at you with real guns.
February 25th, 2010, 03:30 PM
i was looking at this a while back. i decided to get a KWA M93R instead though. its not likely that anyone here has played with one of these before, but does anybody know if this is good quality? the other m249s iv seen all go for around $500-600 USD, while this one is just $300USD
February 25th, 2010, 05:06 PM
The quality of the M93R is fine. KWA is pretty good. The gun itself is miserable though. Terrible rate of fire, eats gas, etc. If you want an auto-pistol, look no further than the KWA Glock 23F or 26C, though since KWA has discontinued their Glock line you'll have to get it second-hand. The A&K M249 Mk. II is a competent airsoft machine gun. Not much else to say there.
Lateksi, we have the orange tip because we also have fairly liberal gun laws compared to most other developed countries. In most states you are permitted to open carry any weapon wherever you want ( bear in mind that stores and the like are private property) in public and nobody can say anything to stop you. Therefore, the orange tip is required to differentiate somebody who is carrying an airsoft weapon from someone who is carrying a real weapon. Both are still dangerous to horse around with, as I can personally attest...
February 25th, 2010, 05:17 PM
That sounds exactly like what we here in Canada frown upon, people playing on un-designated fields with few rules. It's even worse when it's being done by people under 18 since that's basically the community enforced rule. If someone were to call in a bunch of airsofters for "shooting each other in a field" RCMP ERT would show up and lock us up in a heart beat, we only play on designated fields by law and we almost al prefer the MilSim element of the game.
Thats because its canada, and canada frowns upon fun.
My friends and I used to airsoft in a ravine, where passersby couldn't see us and mistake our toys for real weapons. Had a lot of fun. None of us had any airsoft guns except one guy (jpeg), and his were all held together via ducttape because they were modified in one way or another. I believe he removed the pump functionality of a cheap airsoft shotgun, making it semiautomatic after it proved useless in a game.
February 25th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Why do american airsoft guns have that orange thing? I mean you don't show them in public and therefore no one should think they're real guns and go shooting back at you with real guns.
I frown upon it too. I blame the democrats, terrorists, robbers, rednecks, nazis, and some asian leaders.
Man know I realize how short on money I am. Looks like I need to start selling some stuff
February 25th, 2010, 06:20 PM
Private property included? That's a little harsh (unless they're all obviously kids).
We play on a few private fields/ranches/etc but they're way out of the public eye and we have to call and let the RCMP know before we start.
February 25th, 2010, 07:14 PM
JG M16A3 Airsoft Gun ( Enhanced Version )
TSD Tactical Gen II. Full Metal M16A4 Airsoft Gun ( Battery / BBs / Charger Package )
Then this
So hard to think what I want. I want a good fps gun like the JG one but I would like a full all out metal one like the TSD one. Still looking thru for now.
I mean I might have to upgrade one of them if so. Now I decided ONLY m16 versions. Halp. I still need to learn whats good/bad .etc.
February 25th, 2010, 08:07 PM
TSD is hit or miss, but those reviews support it. Jg is plastic. Don't go JG.
AR15s are the ONLY line I'd even consider Classic Army for.
Also try this G&G. ( It's out of stock, but G&G is good.
This one ( is good too.
First one has a plastic receiver (it's actually decently convincing, unlike JG). Second one is one of their normal models, not an "Affordable Series."
Also try THIS (
Tried to keep it to M16s with flat tops, since I don't know if you care about rails or not.
February 26th, 2010, 01:00 AM
Classic Army makes the best G36 series guns in my opinion, they have the most realistic externals, texture and color are probably around 98% like the real thing. I've seen people put real G36 hand guards, mag wells, stocks, and carry handle/top rails on their Classic Army G36's and you can't tell the difference between the receiver and other parts. Mechanically they work amazing with 9.6V batteries as well if mine is any indication (and mine is four years old), I'm sure they've been slightly improved since then as well. I've put sustained full-auto fire downrange using a drum mag and probably over 12,000 rounds total through the gun with no issues except that I had to upgrade to 9.6V from 8.4V because the 8.4V just didn't have the power to cycle the mechbox after about 8,000-9,000 rounds.
I'm waiting for these lovely little guns ( to appear in Canada at a decent price (they sit around $1,200 now since you can only get them via smuggling runs), love the Tavor looks and they use Armalite magazines so it'll be cheap to replace those. And since it's a bullpup design you get an M4 length barrel in a much smaller package, great for outdoor AND indoor.
February 26th, 2010, 06:06 AM
Warsaw, it's fine as LONG as the gun is under $300=350, it's a bitch to convince my parents for me to buy it, its a long story why. It was bad enough to convince them for me to get the mp40 which was at $169 (on sale) but yeah it's gonna be a pain. Also I do like rails to add attachments on it's just I need to compare a ton of shit first then the hard part comes to convince them to buy it for me online. I'm gonna search around my town since I just moved here so yeah.
I decided to test how much the bb's can shoot thru. It shoot thru 2 cardboard boxes to hit the mountain dew can, btw thats only like 10 shots. And some even got to the can behind it and out of the cardboard boxes, amazing. Off to school.
Also freelancer, I liked that tar, thou it's way out of my price range by a 200 dollars.
February 26th, 2010, 12:12 PM
Hehe, I saw a guys upgraded TM VSR-10 shoot clean through the top and bottom of a coke can... Pretty ridicules.
February 26th, 2010, 01:11 PM
Thin metal is relatively easy to shoot through because it's not at all springy. Try shooting through a plastic cup.
Also, since your budget is $300 Spartan094, I'd suggest just going with one of the G&G M16 models and scratch the TSD. I can vouch for G&G, since I have an RK104 and my brother has one of their M4s.
February 26th, 2010, 02:58 PM
I can't get over how "wobbly" AR variants (real steel AND airsoft) are compared to (for example) our hunting rifles and even my CA G36. That said the only real steel AR variants I've handled myself are Colt Canada C7A1's and C8A3's but all the non-metal bits on armalites seem to wobble a lot. Mainly the synthetic hand guard and stocks, every one I've handled always seems like it's not secured properly to the gun, are all AR style guns like this? My G36 is rock solid in comparison, and now that I remember, my airsoft G36 was actually more solid than the real one I held at one point.
It's one of the reasons I want a Tavor, those things are completely solid since they're almost all one piece... To bad there's no such thing as a Tavor H (heavy, 7.62 vs 5.56), they're non-restricted here in Canada with the appropriate barrel length and a 7.62 Tavor would be an amazing bush gun.
February 26th, 2010, 06:36 PM
Yup. ARs are wobbly, even here. The Magpul MNP-15 grips and stock are rock solid though, so if you want a non-creaky M4, invest in those.
All the airsoft AKs are solid, except for the upper handguard. A little bit of tape on the inside of your handguard will fix that right quick though. Real AKs might as well be one piece, they are so solid. However, they all paled compared to how solid the StG.44 felt...:realsmug:.
February 26th, 2010, 06:50 PM
I can't get over how "wobbly" AR variants (real steel AND airsoft) are compared to (for example) our hunting rifles and even my CA G36. That said the only real steel AR variants I've handled myself are Colt Canada C7A1's and C8A3's but all the non-metal bits on armalites seem to wobble a lot. Mainly the synthetic hand guard and stocks, every one I've handled always seems like it's not secured properly to the gun, are all AR style guns like this? My G36 is rock solid in comparison, and now that I remember, my airsoft G36 was actually more solid than the real one I held at one point.
It's one of the reasons I want a Tavor, those things are completely solid since they're almost all one piece... To bad there's no such thing as a Tavor H (heavy, 7.62 vs 5.56), they're non-restricted here in Canada with the appropriate barrel length and a 7.62 Tavor would be an amazing bush gun.
That's common to most Western military weapons. The Steyr is a little wobbly around the foregrip and the entire receiver tends to slide a few millimetres back and forth within the stock, the cocking handle wobbles a lot and sometimes releases itself from the hold-open recess, and the trigger has a bit of completely loose movement in it. Every Minimi I've handled - including brand new ones - has a definite wobbly feel to the grip/trigger assembly, as well as the stock. It came as a bit of a surprise at first because I always figured military kit would be built solid as all fuck, but between manufacturing concessions and ease of stripping, that's just not the case. A few rattles here and there is the price you pay for everything being held in place by single pins or locking catches, I guess.
February 26th, 2010, 08:53 PM
However, they all paled compared to how solid the StG.44 felt...:realsmug:.
God damnit, now you reminded me on how I got my mp40, I couldnt decide between the thompson, stg44, and mp40. I should have gone with the stg44 :smithicide:
But yeah I will get one of the G&G m16 models or so. My dad is ok so far on me to buy it, just gotta make a little more money. Unless I find something else good :/
Acutaly G&G looks like they got some pretty good stuff, thou I have been a fan of the m4 just hated getting the shit plastic ones and breaking all the time. I might change my mind for a 3rd time.
February 26th, 2010, 09:11 PM
Noes, don't do the M4 route! Then you'll just look like every other guy and his dog on the field.
February 26th, 2010, 09:19 PM
Lol, I am still searching thou. Besides I got an working m4 so dont need to go buy another one.
February 27th, 2010, 02:15 AM
February 27th, 2010, 02:37 PM
We've had that for almost two years now...we also now have a $270 Matrix clone of it complete with full metal body and real wood.
There is literally no incentive to buy the VFC.
I'm also wondering what the fuck happened to all the stocks of VFC can't find the full stocked version here anymore.
February 27th, 2010, 03:27 PM
I went to a gun show in Atlanta Georgia, omfg, I seen empty mp40 parts where I could have dissemble the airsoft one I have and could have fit it on the real one.....I think. Since the one I saw had no interior parts just the bits and peices thats detached. Then again I love Georgia's gun laws, also cheap too. I might as well say fuck it to airsoft and go real to have fun. Then again I can't bring the gun out in public or shoot it. Unless I could take the gun apart and make it into an airsoft which eh ruins it or so so.
Can't you convert real firearms to make it so it works with airsoft? Or will it ruin the gun entirely and cant convert it back to a real firearm?
February 27th, 2010, 06:38 PM
There is literally no incentive to buy the VFC.
Durability and trusted internal components, would definitely buy VFC over the clone. The VFC is full metal and wood as well you know!
Would one of you guys in the U.S. be willing to possibly help me attain an Ares Tavor? If you live near a store that actually sells them let me know and I'll send you a message with what I'm thinking...
February 27th, 2010, 07:11 PM
This thread inspired me to get back into airsoft this summer. only dilemma i need to overcome is realizing if i just drop a couple hundred more, i can buy a real gun.... good buy? y/n
February 27th, 2010, 07:14 PM
Good gun.
I'm not a fan of full length AR's myself but if it works for you! I'd personally go for this (
February 27th, 2010, 08:36 PM
Durability and trusted internal components, would definitely buy VFC over the clone. The VFC is full metal and wood as well you know!
Would one of you guys in the U.S. be willing to possibly help me attain an Ares Tavor? If you live near a store that actually sells them let me know and I'll send you a message with what I'm thinking...
I'd rather buy the clone and upgrade the internals myself. It's still cheaper than the VFC.
February 27th, 2010, 11:49 PM
Durability and trusted internal components, would definitely buy VFC over the clone. The VFC is full metal and wood as well you know!
Would one of you guys in the U.S. be willing to possibly help me attain an Ares Tavor? If you live near a store that actually sells them let me know and I'll send you a message with what I'm thinking...
Uhhh, I might help. I might know one store that might sell it.
Good gun.
I'm not a fan of full length AR's myself but if it works for you! I'd personally go for this (
Pfft, I seen an real ak47 and some ar15's at those prices, just a wee bit higher
Also thanks guys for ignoring if you can convert real firearms to airsoft. Internals and shit. Also if you could you can't make it back into a real airsoft gun or what?
Also, saw a review video on Evike, it has the orange tip AND the black tip as well. I am sure if the store sells it IT should have it in there. Heres a review of it. First good one I seen
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
February 28th, 2010, 02:29 AM
It is impossible to modify an airsoft gun into a real firearm. Even if you could, the receiver wouldn't take the strain, it's too thin and/or usually the wrong material.
February 28th, 2010, 07:56 AM
It is impossible to modify an airsoft gun into a real firearm. Even if you could, the receiver wouldn't take the strain, it's too thin and/or usually the wrong material.
Nononono, I didn't mean that. I ment like can you re-convert back an airsoft gun that was converted from a real firearm. Since I seen people take real firearms and make it into a airsoft gun but can you make it so you can make it back into a firearm.
February 28th, 2010, 08:20 AM
no one should ever buy an ak or an ar-15 for $300. if its that cheap something is wrong with it. ak's can sell for $300 but only overseas... And it wouldn't be wise to mess around with the internals of a firearm like that. You could easily jeprodise its functionality, and safety, if you converted it back from an airsoft gun.
February 28th, 2010, 09:11 AM
no one should ever buy an ak or an ar-15 for $300. if its that cheap something is wrong with it. ak's can sell for $300 but only overseas... And it wouldn't be wise to mess around with the internals of a firearm like that. You could easily jeprodise its functionality, and safety, if you converted it back from an airsoft gun.
Ah, I wondered something might mess up the gun if it was converted back. Also isn't the average price of an ar15 like around $800-900?
Meh. Still looking around in evike, they got some good prices.
AK47, looks good. All metal and Laminated Wood
Then theres a ak47 that looks like in mw2. Metal .etc .etc
T3, metal, plastic .etc but looks good.
Still browsing.
February 28th, 2010, 06:00 PM
$800 != $300 and that's also usually used. good, new models go for about $1200+
CYMA and JG are alright, i'd never buy one, but the guys i see in the field seem to like theirs.
February 28th, 2010, 07:18 PM
I will find you IRL and fuck you if you buy an AK with rails, or otherwise possess an AK with rails and other shit like that. Seriously. It is the ugliest, stupidest-looking thing and is the antithesis to what the AK is supposed to be: a simple, rugged weapon that can be used by any imbecile with minimal training.
And the rails in that position are pretty useless to begin with. If you want a foregrip, hold it by the magazine like a man.
February 28th, 2010, 07:27 PM
I will find you IRL and fuck you if you buy an AK with rails, or otherwise possess an AK with rails and other shit like that. Seriously. It is the ugliest, stupidest-looking thing and is the antithesis to what the AK is supposed to be: a simple, rugged weapon that can be used by any imbecile with minimal training.
And the rails in that position are pretty useless to begin with. If you want a foregrip, hold it by the magazine like a man.
LOL. I wont buy it. I thought the one wood is better anyways.
February 28th, 2010, 10:16 PM
AK-74's are supposed to be tacticool Warsaw... :sadowns:
February 28th, 2010, 10:19 PM
AK-74's are supposed to be tacticool Warsaw... :sadowns:
get. the fuck. out.
February 28th, 2010, 10:21 PM
AK-74's are supposed to be tacticool Warsaw... :sadowns:
No more MW2 for you. :maddowns:
March 1st, 2010, 12:03 AM
Absolutely no one around here buys an AK-74 unless they WANT the rails and tacticool accessories, get an AK-47 if you want want that junk.
I dislike all AK's though so w/e...
Edit: Wow you Americans and your awesome airsoft fields...
March 1st, 2010, 12:24 AM
dude we dont fuck around. there's like 4 within 3 hours of where i live. 1 is just a plain built up woodland area, but damn its set up nicely.
March 1st, 2010, 03:56 PM
Bah. Once summer comes around I might start to do matches. Once I buy all this cool gear and shit.
I really like this. And if I do buy it...
Extra magzzzz.
Then after my last airsoft gun purchase when I get to it I will start to get gear like gloves and such. If I want to I can go to Army Surplus stores and get some clothing there, .etc .etc.
March 1st, 2010, 06:08 PM
Best order to get gear:
Eye protection, obvious reasons.
Combat pants, they've got large pockets that you can store your mags in until you get a load bearing vest or chest rig.
Combat shirt, adds to the authenticity of your load out if they're the same pattern as your combat pants.
Combat boots or really good hiking boots with high ankle coverage, I can't tell you how many times I've seen airsofters and paintballers fuck up their ankles because they weren't wearing proper footwear.
Holster if you have a sidearm that you want to game every game. If no sidearm, skip this.
Vest or chest rig, something to hold your magazines, MOLLE is by far the best to go with since you can customize it for fairly cheap to suit what you need.
Gloves, very handy (pun intended) when playing outdoors or in very close CQB. Prevents lots of painful hand/finger shots.
Helmet/Headwear, something that compliments your eye protection and combats.
Extra bits like shemagh's and radios, etc, etc...
March 1st, 2010, 06:30 PM
Mind selling me your gloves :3
But where did you get them?
Also I can get the helmet, pants, shirt, and boots and such from a army surplus store depending on price. After I buy the ak47 with the extra mags then I will see.
March 1st, 2010, 07:28 PM
Got my gloves here ( eHobby is a great online airsoft retailer, unfortunately I can only buy gear/mags/BB's/accessories from them since individuals can't import guns into Canada. Speaking of importing guns into Canada...
Successful Legalization of Non-Transparent Airsoft Guns in Canada
(Note: SHIT TON of information, maybe this will give you an idea of how stupid/complicated Canadian firearms law is)
This for all the good people of Canada.SafeAirsoft
The Successful Canadian Airsoft Legalization/Normalization Effort
I'm proud to unveil the existence of SafeAirsoft, my three-year-long personal effort dedicate to and succeeding in steadily reversing the illegal status of Canadian airsoft.
This is done. This is real. This is here.
(The red pills offered by Mach1 were given to Mach1 by me in the interest of preventing any business monopoly.)
Executive Summary:
Legal opaque models of airsoft now exists in Canada.
Fully compliant with all statutes and regulations.
Model-by-model, brand-by-brand basis only, all subject to government preapproval.
Private importation very unsafe.
Two Canadian distributors, 4+ Brands, NO CHEAP CLONES.
Price based on real cost, not "personal risk" or "rarity".
For the first time, Canadian airsoft have an accountable option and a real future.
This is just the beginning of my work to ensure the freedom of honest, responsible airsoft.
How has SafeAirsoft succeeded in helping airsoft?
Through my work with the Canadian government, specifically agencies like the RCMP and CBSA, I have established and tested a fully legal method to import certain brands and models of 100% opaque (non-transparent, non-tinted) airsoft guns. Airsoft guns imported, sold and bought in such a manner are done so in full compliance of Canadian law, at no risk to either the retailers or the customers.
There are no deceptions or loopholes involved, it is honesty and open mindedness that made this cooperation possible. I am treated as a de facto (if unofficial) expert in the field of airsoft by the two agencies.
What does that mean for Canadians?
Legality Before SafeAirsoft
Importing - Illegal
Buying (Includes any form of receiving) - Illegal
Selling - Illegal
Owning - Legal, Yet Illegal, because you cannot have something you are not allowed to buy.
Using - Legal
Transporting - Legal
Grandfathering - Fake, since true Grandfathering permits passing down of the item and you cannot pass down or transfer Prohibited Devices.
Insurance Coverage - Poor, unless your insurance company isn't paying close attention
Legality After SafeAirsoft (Specific Brands/Models)
Importing - Legal
Buying (Includes any form of receiving) - Legal
Selling - Legal
Owning - Legal
Using - Legal
Transporting - Legal
Grandfathering - Not Needed, since Grandfathering only applies to restricted or prohibited goods.
Insurance Coverage - Available
Consumer Security Before SafeAirsoft
Price - Inflated, based on 'Serious Personal Risk' and 'Rarity of Item'.
Returns for Your Spending - Basically nothing, illegal airsoft supply industry does not grow without risking legal prosecution.
Mark Up & Tax Chain - (4) Manufacturer, HK or US Wholesaler, Canadian Illegal Importer, Canadian Illegal Dealer (Also taxed twice on the wholesale end if imported from the US: HK -> US; US -> Canada).
Fail to Deliver - No Legal Recourse, your merchandise is illegal and implicates you.
Fraud - No Legal Recourse, your merchandise is illegal and implicates you.
Warranty - None, disconnected from the manufacturers.
Parts Support - Minimal, disconnected from the manufacturers.
Consumer Security After SafeAirsoft
Price - Fair, based on actual upgrade cost and quality of product (Many Canadian-legal products are even specially made to be superior compared to international versions, and I don't mean the FPS).
Returns for Your Spending - Substantial growth and expansion of ever greater legal products and services.
Mark Up & Tax Chain - (3) Manufacturer, Canadian Legal Distributor, Canadian Legal Dealer.
Fail to Deliver - Full Legal Recourse, no different than buying anything else, cars, computers, tables, etc.
Fraud - Full Legal Recourse, no different than buying anything else, cars, computers, tables, etc.
Warranty - Yes, based on manufacturers.
Parts Support - Full, based on manufacturers. Except Receivers.
It is now possible for Canadian retailers (real stores, not basements) to carry opaque airsoft guns (of the models approved by the government) without violating any law. Canadian public can buy and use these airsoft guns without any hesitation about consequences. If you can expense paintball, you can expense the legal airsoft guns. In fact, these legal airsoft guns are legally equal to paintball markers, including their use.
This means we can finally break the cycle of relying on illegal importers and businesses for illegal opaque airsoft guns. It is now possible for someone to get into airsoft in a completely legal fashion without sacrificing that all-important realism that makes airsoft what it is, making it possible to transition Canadian airsoft into a fully legal activity without watering it down.
What are available?
Each models of each brand are subject to government approval, meaning that only select models from select brands have been approved. Models are currently available from brands such as ARES, ICS, Real Sword and VFC, with more on the way. A partial list of models include M4s, AKs, SIGs, L85s, SCARs and Tavors. More are on the way.
No opaque pistols, receivers or grenade launchers are legal, and it is not clear if some of them will ever be. AEPs and poor quality springers are not options.
Why no clone brands?
The RCMP is expecting a certain amount of legitimacy in the brands and models we submit. Since the Chinese clone manufacturers have their own considerable legal problems to contend with, and are more often an elusive collection of shifting factories and warehouses than a fixed (thus clearly discernable legitimate business) corporate entity, they are not a reliable source for legalized airsoft guns.
For example, had I not steer the Canadian companies completely clear of clones, the companies supporting this effort would have almost certainly experience large financial setbacks in any of their investment in the clone brands from the massive crackdowns in China last year.
Fortunately, Hong Kong follows a different set of law for airsoft, and Taiwan is Taiwan.
How are the pricing?
The prices are based on our cost, not any sort of "gun runner's risk", "rareness" or "this-just-in". You're finally paying for what you get, not how you're getting it. And while we'll still be somewhat more expensive than prices in the US (the price you pay for living in Canada), expect to see prices previously unimaginable in Canada for most models we have.
And because people will always ask: it is impossible to ever match Hong Kong prices, due to their lack of international shipping charges, duties and taxes. Getting guns for them is literally driving a truck across town.
Won't you affect Cansoft and used black gun resale prices?
We expect Cansoft prices to drop quite a bit. As for devaluing personal collections, unfortunately, that is the reality of where we are. It is unintentional, but also unavoidable.
What are the legal businesses that I would get the legal guns from?
The SafeAirsoft effort is sponsored by my company (which I cannot name or even show the logo off myself, due to my lack of ASC retailer status) and Mach1 Airsoft.
Can I buy your guns through your website?
Both companies are first and foremost, distributors, so we primarily sell to dealers. Please consult the respective company's website for purchasing details.
Please note that I've set a very rigorous standard of selection for my dealers, and Mach1 has agreed to abide by my company's standards. We both believe a good way to ensure that airsoft become a strong and legitimate Canadian industry is by finding serious businesses with brick-and-mortar locations to carry our products. Our list of retailers will grow as we successfully engage good businesses, we are not simply looking for just anyone.
Dealers for legal opaque airsoft guns seems few and far in between?
Make no mistake, the rivers and streams of Canada will not suddenly be swimming with opaque airsoft guns, nor will they be growing on tree.
I am painfully aware of the challenges to the legal airsoft industry in Canada. This is my personal mission, my career and possibly the crowning achievement of my live's work. Thus, I am going to ensure that my business, as well as Mach1 and anyone who will listen, maintain a very carefully selected network of dealers.
I want future generations to have the option of legally playing or collecting airsoft when they are ready and willing. If keeping airsoft legal requires a bit of inconvenience to the consumer in terms of the number of available stores, to keep the supply from growing too quickly and beyond responsible control, I think it's worth the slight inconvenience.
Can I buy your guns through Airsoft Canada?
No, based on my proposal to and agreement with Mach1, we will not be selling or advertising our guns on Airsoft Canada.* This is because ASC is currently supported by retailer fees from illegal importers and retailers, as well as the presence of said illegal business activities on ASC.
As the first ever legal opaque airsoft businesses in Canada, we cannot risk being confused with the illegal businesses by having our sales in close proximity to theirs. To do so risk having the legal opaque airsoft becoming mixed up with the illegal opaque airsoft, resulting in CBSA's indiscriminate prosecution of both.
We hope to be able to do business on ASC someday, but there's a long transition on the part of ASC before that is possible.
Please do not PM about buying airsoft guns. I cannot and will not provide backdoor retail sales service.
*Mach1 has elected to continue its businesses activities on and financial support of ASC for purposes of airsoft BBs. Please do not make his position uncomfortable by attempting to solicit gun sale from him on ASC.
Do I have to be Age Verified by ASC to buy from you?
You have to prove yourself to be 18+* based on the SafeAirsoft system, but you do not have to be Aged Verified by ASC.
In fact, it is necessary for us to distance ourselves from the ASC AV System. Again, this is based on my proposal to Mach1, so it is my position for better or worst.
The simple fact is that ASC AV System supports the largest illegal black airsoft gun market in Canada, something that we as legal distributors cannot be a part of. This is the big break the Canadian airsoft community has been looking for over the last decade. When people dreamed about a legal Canadian airsoft industry, they were dreaming about this. And as the leading businesses in this start up sector, it is not enough to just run a business, it's necessary to keep the cleanest image possible. The future legitimacy of the Canadian airsoft scene is dependent on our first step.
Second, ASC AV System provides no liability protection for businesses. All it does is prove the individual is 18+, without requiring the individuals to consent to strict terms of sale. This is not necessary a problem for ASC itself, but it is something critical to us. Since we are emphasizing sales at physical stores, it makes more sense for us to ID our own customers, and make sure they formally acknowledge the seriousness of what they are buying at the same time.
An alternate system sponsored by my business (and maybe Mach1) is being put into place under the banner of SafeAirsoft. It is not intended to compete with ASC's AV, but rather to fill the void left by ASC and to ensure that both my company and Mach1 can cooperatively ensure strict standards on age and terms of sales. There are many Age Verification systems separate from ASC: almost every province has one.
*Our dealers are permitted to make exceptions for minors with a valid Minor's Firearms Licence. Again, my proposal, don't blame Mach1.
Since the requirement for a MFL is immense (parental consent, plus PAL course fee, plus class room time, plus PAL written test, plus PAL hands on test, plus PAL application fee, plus licence processing waiting period, plus it is the government's own verification process) compared to simply being 18+ (driver's licence, done). Thus we see no reason to act on own accord (since there is no actual law against minors and airsoft) to bar minors that have been trained and certified by the Canadian government to operate real firearms from our products. All MFL purchases must be done in person, and our dealers maintain the full right to reject any buyers that make them uncomfortable, licensed or otherwise.
Of course, parental involvement remains paramount, and stores are free to reject sales to minors even with a MFL. And ultimately, individual hosts decide whether minors can play.
Do you make special orders?
Not at this time, though it is something the companies and SafeAirsoft are working towards. The legality of importing a wide mix of unapproved model makes any current attempts impractical and dangerous, and a topic not fully addressed in our work with the Canadian government.
Can I import airsoft via your method?
No. My successful method involves manufacturer, CBSA and RCMP cooperation. It is not a practical way to do personal importations. Currently, all personal importations still carry a very high likelihood of confiscation by the CBSA.
Please also keep in mind that nothing has change in the fact that foreign dealers are not responsible to ensure that you receive your order. You are solely responsible for the failure of any importation. My effort here does not constitute any sort of means to pressure foreign dealers to ensure that they guarantee delivery. Buyers beware.
Is this the end of illegal airsoft?
Not quite, this is the beginning of legal airsoft. Illegal airsoft will only end when people stop supporting it.
There is still much work ahead for my effort, years of work requiring the backing of the Canadian community, before the legitimate position of airsoft is fully cemented in Canada. We are off to a good start, though.
The SafeAirsoft effort comprises of the following stages (some stages overlap):
Original legal and government research Completed
Establishment of SafeAirsoft Completed
Creation of defence for use Completed
Creation of defence for transfer Completed
Creation of defence for modification Completed
Creation and test of general importation procedure Completed
Public announcement Completed
Legitimate and responsible industry development
Creation and test of additional importation procedures
Establishing and promoting Canadian airsoft sports organizations
Why can we not have both legal guns and illegal guns?
The community is definitely grateful for the illegal businesses keeping the quality of airsoft from plunging into the transparent abyss. These illegal guns formed the root of the majority of our involvement in airsoft and kept the community from dying off.
By the same token, it was also the illegality of the guns that drove my effort. As Canadians, we shouldn't have to break the law for a constructive and respectable sport. I've now made sure we won't have to. The days of the community relying on persons risking a criminal record to supply good airsoft is finally over.
If Canadian airsoft was a drowning person, that person is now in the shallows. We have legal businesses with quality opaque airsoft guns to strengthen the position of airsoft in Canada previously unthinkable. With the success of my effort, we can be at the forefront of the international airsoft scene, instead of being jealous and envious of the success of others.
What separates your "legal" guns from their "illegal" guns?
There are two ways illegal airsoft guns enter Canada:
Illegal guns are smuggled undetected into the country.
Using a Business Firearms Licence, illegal guns are declared as replica firearms/prohibited devices under tariff code and imported for specific Prescribed Purposes listed in the Firearm Licences Regulations. However, instead of importing to satisfy the specific Prescribed Purposes in the Firearm Licences Regulations, the guns are resold to the public. This is a straight abuse of the Business Firearms Licence, something like having a demolitions permit to buy explosives and reselling the explosives to the public. This is what Will Wong of Specarms was successfully prosecuted and sentenced for in British Columbia, a sentence he should still be serving. And because these airsoft guns entered the country classified as prohibited devices, they cannot be legally transferred to individuals or unlicensed businesses, which implicates both resellers and customers in this illegal scheme.
Our legal airsoft guns are imported in the same classification as paintball markets and pellet guns. They are Deemed Non-Firearms ( (or Uncontrolled Firearms, as CBSA calls them), because they are classified as firearms (capable of inflicting serious bodily injury) that do not meet the licensing and registration requirements (meaning they are still below 500fps and 5.7 Joules). Our airsoft guns are imported at over 430FPS with 0.20g, which fully satisfies the legal requirement of the RCMP and CBSA.
All our guns have been tested and documented by the RCMP, and our models are classified separately from international models that do not meet Canadian legal requirements. We import our airsoft guns with the expressly stated intent of public sales, the RCMP preapproved our guns knowing that we will be selling these airsoft guns to the public, the CBSA clears our guns knowing the same.
Do we have to play at that energy level?
No, the requirement is that the guns are proven to be capable of firing at the necessary level during importation, since that is the point at which any inspection or reclassification may happen. This has to do with the very definition of firearm, found in s. 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Originally Posted by Criminal Code, emphasis in Bold
“firearm” means a barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barrelled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm;
Since any downgrade we make are not permanent, the classification of the gun remains unchanged. Similarly, dialling down the FPS on a paintball marker does not change its classification, nor does modifying a pellet gun, nor does putting a Simunition barrel in a real firearm. The classification of a firearm is determined by its proven maximum performance, not any temporary reduction in performance. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled this interpretation to be the correct in cases like R. v. Covin [1983] (
Once the guns are inside Canada, both my company and Mach1 have committed ourselves to downgrading the guns before they hit the airsoft market. We know that a large percentage of our sales will be to new customers, who are less likely to be able to successfully downgrade airsoft guns. We do not want to risk releasing a large number of hot guns into the market. We ask that the community keep us (and any other companies) honest and remind us to stay the course on this decision.
What about all the black guns already inside Canada?
Unfortunately, once a gun enters Canada illegally, there is little that can be done to improve its legality that cannot be construed by the courts as an attempt to circumvent the law (because you are). My advice is that if you have an illegal black gun, just keep it. Don't sell it or get rid of it, just keep it. The vast majority of potential legal problem surrounding your illegal opaque airsoft gun has to do with transferring it. If you simply keep it, there is much less to worry about.
The hope is that, with enough time, the amount of legal airsoft guns will overtake the old illegal guns. Eventually, though still definitely present, the old illegal guns will be such a small minority as to be irrelevant.
I would personally just buy an opaque airsoft gun from the start. After all, isn't that the point of all of this?
Older posts and threads on the 407FPS suggests it's not reliable.
The general position of the old thread is that the 407FPS was not reliable because there was little to no official CBSA policy documentation containing that number, that the number only existed in appeals. However, that is no longer the case, and the number can be found with the revised CBSA D19-13-2 Memorandum, available from CBSA's website (
In addition, the data is available by filing an official Access to Information request ( The request should be directed to the RCMP.
So if I buy a legal airsoft gun from you, I would be a firearm owner?
Yes, and if you buy a paintball marker or a pellet gun (under 500FPS and 5.7 Joules), you are also a firearm owner. It does not matter what the devices look like. The Canadian definition of firearm is first and foremost a matter of performance and the notion of serious bodily harm. Serious bodily harm in Canada jurisprudence is based on catastrophic eye trauma, either penetration or rupture. Lesser damages have not been regarded as serious bodily injury in Canadian legal tradition.
It can be indistinguishable from a banana, but if it shoots a dangerous projectile, it's a firearm. This is done to ensure maximum prosecution against any criminal who attempts to use any gun in a crime.
So if I use my legal airsoft gun at a game, I'd be pointing a firearm at someone?
Only in the same way you would be when playing paintball. Canadian law makes exceptions for such situations, largely thanks to the existence of paintball. So, a little less paintball bashing would be a good idea. Paintball, whether we like it or not, is our brother-in-arms. We either hang together now, or we'll be hung separately later.
Doesn't that mean the police can pay me surprise visits, because I have a firearm?
No, the provisions that grants the police the authority to inspect your firearms is from the Firearms Act. Since your airsoft gun, paintball marker or pellet gun are Deemed Non-Firearms, they are excluded from all provisions of the Firearms Act under s. 84(3) of the Criminal Code (
Why can't I import guns myself at that energy level?
We are successful at what we do because all our guns are manufactured and labelled specifically for Canada, then documented by the RCMP as Deemed Non-Firearms. We have our company's and our manufacturer's liability behind our declaration to the RCMP and CBSA that each gun in all of our orders fulfill Canadian legal requirements.
Most airsoft guns on the market cannot meet the performance requirement in the stock configuration. You would have to get them upgraded, and then prove that upgrade to the satisfaction of the CBSA. Without manufacturer and Canadian distributor's assurance, plus RCMP pre-approval, the CBSA unlikely to believe that your Marui in fact fires at the necessary energy level (even if it has been upgraded overseas). While failure is not guaranteed, it is still risky. As a rule, it is completely up to the CBSA whether they send your guns to be tested. If there are hundreds of people trying to import their own guns, CBSA may simply start refusing to test any of them.
This general refusal to cooperate by the CBSA is more likely than you think, as airsoft remains a sensitive issue for the CBSA. Businesses conducting organized importation with carefully filed documentation is one thing, hundreds and hundreds of private individuals attempting to import anything and everything airsoft will almost certainly lead to some form of negative reaction by CBSA.
As I've said, we are hoping to work out a method to make special orders possible in the future. Until then, I would strongly advise against self importation.
Of course, people will try to do so anyways, so my advice is:
Don't waste time importing anything that's already available in Canada. It is not only not worth the risk, but you're sending your money outside of your country.
Remember to factor in currency conversion, taxes, duties, shipping and brokerage fee when planning your purchase.
Don't waste CBSA's time by importing crappy guns. If you're going to clog the system, at least buy something nice.
At least have the good sense of importing guns that actually meet the legal criteria.
Never lie to CBSA, that includes declared value.
Always assume and prepare for the worst.
In the event your gun is detained, always negotiate with CBSA with the utmost patience and politeness. Remember that they don't have to take crap from you.
How is what you are doing different from what Peter Kang did?
Peter did not fully comprehend the system that permitted legal importation of airsoft guns. He essentially had a number and little else to go with. He knew the combination to the lock, but not how a combination lock worked. He treated his relationship with the government antagonistically, and was finally caught falsely declaring un-upgraded as upgraded guns. If there is one thing the CBSA does not tolerate, it is being lied to.
On the other hand, the SafeAirsoft effort begun as a Graduate research project at the University of Waterloo, inspired by an ASC debate on the legality of airsoft a few years ago. At the time, my goal was only to demystify the legality of airsoft guns. It took over two years of research, including a significant amount of interviews with the RCMP, to produce a serious examination of Canadian firearm law. I'm proud to say that the RCMP has forwarded my research to Ottawa for the consideration of firearm policy researchers.
Incidentally, sorry, but I currently have no plans to make it publicly available. It is not a Cole's Notes to getting yourselves airsoft guns, it is over 2 years of my life's work.
Will there ever be an airsoft registry?
I think what most people mean is that, will there ever be a licensing requirement for airsoft. A registry would be counter-intuitive, especially give the attempt to retire the unrestricted firearm registry. In addition, the primary reason people thought a registry is a good idea is because they hope it can turn the legality of airsoft around; I've since proven that to be unnecessary.
A replica licence or registry is basically legally backwards. The whole problem airsoft was in before my success was that airsoft guns were all treated as Replica Firearms, which people cannot acquire, import or sell. When people ask for a replica registry, they might as well ask for a cocaine user registry.
As for licensing, all I can say is that Canadian law is not currently setup to support an airsoft-specific licence. To do so would require large amount of time and money on the part of the government, and would inevitably drag all airgun (paintball, pellet) communities and owners into the fray. My work to legalize airsoft now means that if licensing becomes an issue, we can now be legitimate stakeholders (a proper seat at the table without people asking "aren't your guns illegal to begin with?"), because legal airsoft guns fall into the same category as pellet guns and paintball markers.
Why call your effort "SafeAirsoft"? Isn't it technically "SaveAirsoft"?
SafeAirsoft better captures the fact that I am trying to make airsoft better overall, it's more appropriate for the comprehensive way I see the future of Canadian airsoft. SaveAirsoft implies that I'm only trying to make airsoft possible, which is not the case.
The origin of SafeAirsoft:
The eureka moment of SafeAirsoft can be traced back to this post ( this post (
, made nearly 3 years ago.
Thanks for the idea and support, Mcguyver. Cynics are just on the other side of the same coin as optimists; it takes both sides of the coin joined together to be worth anything.
What can I do to help?
Support your Canadian legal businesses.
Less time QQ about airsoft online, more actually getting outside and responsibly enjoying airsoft.
Start introducing more (good) people to airsoft, people that traditionally would have been turned off by the illicit nature of the guns.
Get your firearms licence ( Not because you need it for airsoft, not even because you should own a firearm. It is about showing support.
Join the Shooting Federation of Canada ( Put "Airsoft" down as your discipline.
International Dealers, please respect Canadian law and continue to carefully handle orders from Canada.
TL;DR Version: Someone is putting in a lot of effort, talking to official government types and literally working his ass off to get us "pre-approved" brand-by-brand and model-by-model airsoft guns. The selection is fairly limited right now (about 20 guns) but they're working ever day with government agencies like the RCMP and CBSA to get these guns onto a "safe list" of pre-approved import legal guns! Now this doesn't mean the average joe can import guns willy-nilly, but retail stores like Bass Pro Shops and officially licensed airsoft retailers can import and sell them at will!
The future is now so much brighter for the Canadian airsoft community!!!
March 1st, 2010, 07:52 PM
Got my gloves here ( eHobby is a great online airsoft retailer, unfortunately I can only buy gear/mags/BB's/accessories from them since individuals can't import guns into Canada. Speaking of importing guns into Canada...
Successful Legalization of Non-Transparent Airsoft Guns in Canada
(Note: SHIT TON of information, maybe this will give you an idea of how stupid/complicated Canadian firearms law is)
TL;DR Version: Someone is putting in a lot of effort, talking to official government types and literally working his ass off to get us "pre-approved" brand-by-brand and model-by-model airsoft guns. The selection is fairly limited right now (about 20 guns) but they're working ever day with government agencies like the RCMP and CBSA to get these guns onto a "safe list" of pre-approved import legal guns! Now this doesn't mean the average joe can import guns willy-nilly, but retail stores like Bass Pro Shops and officially licensed airsoft retailers can import and sell them at will!
The future is now so much brighter for the Canadian airsoft community!!!
Lots of words bro. Also thanks for the link to the gloves.
So saying if I mailed you the tar-21 airsoft thats really illegal?
Cool laws bro.
March 1st, 2010, 07:59 PM
dude we dont fuck around. there's like 4 within 3 hours of where i live. 1 is just a plain built up woodland area, but damn its set up nicely.
Correction: the Russians don't fuck around with airsoft. Think our fields are good? We don't have shit on the Ruskies or Ukranians.
I have two fields near where I live. One of them is an indoor CQB arena that was supposed to have a new extension that imitated Cargo from MW1, but since they are douches we only get the shitty old one which they have stopped maintaining. The second field is an hour away, and it's a private 45-acre wooded area with some open grassy areas and some forts. Oh, and a small village in one of the open areas. It's p cool.
I want some mountain warfare though. That would be my kind of terrain since it is very conducive to sniping.
March 1st, 2010, 10:05 PM
The problem with that is that Airsoft guns are inherently short-ranged and not immensely accurate, so the best kinds of places to play would be urban or close-country environments. Large open fields and mountainous areas are all well and good, but it kind of defeats the purpose when you have to get within a few hundred feet of your enemy anyway.
March 1st, 2010, 10:55 PM
You might be surprised at how far one can accurately shoot with an airsoft gun. I can easily reach out past 100 yards with mine, and it doesn't even have a tight bore. That is nothing to scoff at. While you do have to get close, that's relative to real warfare. Since the BB drop is significantly more pronounced than bullet drop, you have to adjust your definitions of "close quarters" and "sniping." In this case, close quarters means within a few tens of feet, and sniping means shooting from a few hundred feet. Also, if you limit yourself to only shooting from a certain range, you can up the power level of your weapon to the point where you can rival actual pellet guns and .22LR for range and accuracy.
March 1st, 2010, 11:03 PM
The guy with the M82 Barrett around my community posted some FPS results on our forum the other day, he teflon taped up the internals and installed a 6.01mm tight-bore. He used Red gas with the maximum FPS setting on the gun and got around 675 FPS with .20g BB's. Obviously he uses .43g BB's when playing otherwise he could cause some SERIOUS damage to gear and people if he wasn't very careful, FPS with .43g is around 460 and since it's a heavier BB it's less effected by the elements.
March 2nd, 2010, 05:16 AM
What kind of grouping can he get at his longest range, and how far is that?
March 2nd, 2010, 07:51 AM
He hasn't been able to test that yet, he just got the results from that posted yesterday. I'll let you know when he does.
March 2nd, 2010, 03:13 PM
Not sure if its relavent, but the ATF siezed 30 airsoft guns at Port of Oregon.
The store owner was on the radio and he said the local news had a member of some anti gun group on and they were saying that an airsoft gun can easily be modified to fire real bullets. REALLY!?
March 2nd, 2010, 03:42 PM
The guy with the M82 Barrett around my community posted some FPS results on our forum the other day, he teflon taped up the internals and installed a 6.01mm tight-bore. He used Red gas with the maximum FPS setting on the gun and got around 675 FPS with .20g BB's. Obviously he uses .43g BB's when playing otherwise he could cause some SERIOUS damage to gear and people if he wasn't very careful, FPS with .43g is around 460 and since it's a heavier BB it's less effected by the elements.
He can still cause serious damage to someone with a .43g at the same range as a .20g. The muzzle energy is still the same, it's just that some of it is located in the mass of the BB now instead of its velocity. He better not be shooting at anyone with that under 200 ft, or that's just poor form.
March 2nd, 2010, 03:44 PM
Not sure if its relavent, but the ATF siezed 30 airsoft guns at Port of Oregon.
The store owner was on the radio and he said the local news had a member of some anti gun group on and they were saying that an airsoft gun can easily be modified to fire real bullets. REALLY!?
Uhhh, plastic and somewhat of a good metal shooting out real bullets? Shouldn't something go wrong after the first few shoots if it IS possible.
March 2nd, 2010, 04:03 PM
I know right? Idiots
March 2nd, 2010, 04:51 PM
Also why are they doing this? It's airsoft guns, damn and to think its real firearms? Really now... and the 2nd amendment supports us to bear arms, it doesn't have a limit to it. Then again the Feds are scared of us overpowering the government >_> it almost near the same in 1977 or 1976 when they destroyed ALL thompson's in gov possession, dumbshits.
March 2nd, 2010, 05:27 PM
Well, it does say in the Constitution that the government (specifically, Congress) has a right to defend itself.
March 2nd, 2010, 05:31 PM
Well, it does say in the Constitution that the government (specifically, Congress) has a right to defend itself.
True but taking airsoft guns (that can't kill you) and destroying 12K of it? Is it that necessary to destroy airsoft guns...
March 2nd, 2010, 05:33 PM
Of course not. I'm just implying that you need to take that into consideration before you start saying that the government is violating rights. I do not condone the anti-airsoft action though (or anti-real gun actions either).
March 2nd, 2010, 06:04 PM
Of course not. I'm just implying that you need to take that into consideration before you start saying that the government is violating rights. I do not condone the anti-airsoft action though (or anti-real gun actions either).
I am not really saying the gov is violating rights, it's just a waste of time. It sucks the guy will lose 12K but yeah. Also I don't care for anti-soft or w/e just as long as I can still buy metal/wood/(or w/e) airsoft guns I am fine.
March 2nd, 2010, 08:53 PM
If you watch the video about this one YouTube the ATF agent demonstrating the gun and telling us how it can be "modified into a machine gun" puts the magazine in backwards at first.
March 2nd, 2010, 09:26 PM
What a moron. Seriously. We've got morons running the country, and because most people are morons, they will blindly follow what the head morons say and do.
March 2nd, 2010, 09:26 PM
anyone that dumb and ignorant should be kept the fuck away from those kinds of positions
only people who are experienced shooters and/or gunsmiths should be allowed to pass legislation on or report about any kind of firearms
March 2nd, 2010, 11:22 PM
Experienced shooters = / = Responsible shooters.
You could be an expert marksmen and be cocky as hell and dangerous as fuck around firearms, you may have experience but you're not necessarily responsible. I'd rather have some responsible brains behind firearm legislation.
March 3rd, 2010, 12:39 AM
true, though by experienced i meant the kinds of people who have used them so much they know what they're talking about. good point, though.
March 5th, 2010, 04:41 PM
Annnd I finally bought an airsoft gun finally
New Version CYMA CM042 Full Metal Real Wood AK47 Airsoft AEG Rifle.
Yes warsaw, didn't get the ak47 with the rails
March 5th, 2010, 05:28 PM
Nice, is it wired to take a large battery in the stock or no?
March 5th, 2010, 05:44 PM
Excellent choice for a first gun. Can you post a review of it here with pictures, please? I was seriously considering buying this so I can have a gun to fit my legit AK-47 furniture and AK-47N side-rail on.
March 5th, 2010, 05:47 PM
Nice, is it wired to take a large battery in the stock or no?
Not sure but it might, since I see no other place for a large battery except for the stock.
Also it made meh broke, I put the rest of my money I had in my pocket to the bank to keep me from going abit wild for purchasing more stuff.
Excellent choice for a first gun. Can you post a review of it here with pictures, please? I was seriously considering buying this so I can have a gun to fit my legit AK-47 furniture and AK-47N side-rail on.
Yeah I will don't worry, I will probly get a hi-def video with my new video camera too. Also this will be my 6th airsoft gun I purchased and I expect it to be in the mail by Monday.
5 edit: Remeber my mp40 I bought thats metal (except for that fake wood, they lied and its ABS plastic muther fuckers and they said it's all metal) when ever I stop firing a extra bb just pops out with is annoying since I don't want to waste my bb's.
Also I got pissed too, I have .12 gram bb's, fffffffff, forgot to look at the weight :smith:
March 5th, 2010, 06:31 PM
lol .12g BB's... I just started using .25g for outdoor, works a bit better than .20g.
March 5th, 2010, 06:54 PM
I only ever use .25g BBs. Anything lighter just has too much spread for my taste, even indoors since I only do precision shooting regardless of distance.
Also, thanks in advance Spartan094!
March 5th, 2010, 07:01 PM
We use .20g exclusively indoor since guns are chronoed every game to make sure they're within field limits. That and we're to lazy to do the math to figure out what a gun is shooting if someone is using a different weight BB... Our indoor arena has no areas where using a heavier BB will improve your accuracy either, shooting distances are between 5ft and 12ft almost everywhere with the exception of some of the longer halls.
We also don't allow full auto during indoor, so shots are almost always placed accurately.
March 5th, 2010, 07:06 PM
I like semi auto only games, but only if I have a pistol. Right now, I own no sidearm, just my rifle, so semi would be a major pain in the ass.
March 5th, 2010, 07:09 PM
I think the only .20 or .25 g bb's I have is in a some 1000 pack or so and they are orange, been carrying them since 06 lol since all I had was a spring then. I only have like 500 rounds left so I refraining from using them until I go to a store and buy .25 gram bb's. Also this is some crazy shit.
Rare 800 Rounds of 0.80g Super Heavy 6mm Airsoft Target Shooting Practice BB
I have never seen a 6mm airsoft bb's like these. It's almost like real metal bb guns you pump and .etc. I wonder if these will make you bleed if you ever accidentally shoot yourself after you just charged a gun or so. Or even the power to kill squirrels and such...
Also fuck semi-auto, I just lightly pull the mp40 and it spray's like 3-5 bb's.
E: If my mp40 is on semi-auto it just locks up after 10 shots.
March 5th, 2010, 07:42 PM
Technically, the MP.40 is only supposed to be full auto since it had no fire selector in real life. The MP.41, however, was select-fire. Also, most guns will lock up like that in semi auto. Mine does. It's because the motor gets set up into a fix where it doesn't have the momentum to pull that heavy spring from where the last shot left it. Solution: don't pull the trigger so quickly.
March 5th, 2010, 08:15 PM
Meh. I don't use semi-auto at all, seems pointless to me unless im out in the open and need to save ammo and not reload so much :smithparrot:
March 6th, 2010, 12:37 AM
What kind of grouping can he get at his longest range, and how far is that?
He posted the results for accuracy today, tests conducted indoor.
5 shots at 100ft with .43g BB's within 5"
5 shots at 150ft with .43g BB's within 6"
5 shots at 300ft with .43g BB's within 8"
So he can shoot a football field in length with 8" accuracy indoors, time will tell what it's like outdoors.
March 6th, 2010, 01:55 AM
You do know he's banned, yes? Still, good info to know.
March 6th, 2010, 03:15 AM
He obviously has a minimum of 5 alt accounts, isn't it a rule? How else would this website still be populated?
March 6th, 2010, 07:14 AM
He posted the results for accuracy today, tests conducted indoor.
5 shots at 100ft with .43g BB's within 5"
5 shots at 150ft with .43g BB's within 6"
5 shots at 300ft with .43g BB's within 8"
So he can shoot a football field in length with 8" accuracy indoors, time will tell what it's like outdoors.
Being outdoors is so much different then indoors. You have the wind to count on curving the bb making it not dead on.
Also what does a hop-up do? Cause on my mp40 I pull it back and the bb's curve up, its fun to if you shoot sideways get'm behind cover lawl.
EE: what the hell, I bought .24g 6mm bb's, Also warsaw, since they didn't ship it off yesterday I will be expecting it around Monday-Wednesday
Also if you guys bought any bb's under .20g, they will break in half if it slams against anything really except for soda cans and cardboard boxes, then again if it hits anything and is still intact it is cracked from the inside.
March 6th, 2010, 12:10 PM
Depends on the quality of the BB, there are some nice double polished .12g BB's out there for some reason and they'll never break apart like that. Only bad quality BB's break apart in your guns, like the BB's you get from Wal•Mart.
Hopup puts a backspin on the BB, it's the airsoft equivalent of barrel rifling. Keeps the BB going straight over a longer distance without being effected by wind as much.
March 6th, 2010, 06:50 PM
I don't get my bb's from walmart. ever. Also
03/05/2010 (A)Pending
03/06/2010 (B)Processing / Shipping Center Batch status update
Soez I dout they will ship it out tommorow (Sunday) so I will expect it Wednesday to Friday. If they DO ship it out for some odd reason tommorow then I expect it Tues-Wednesday. I am waiting to test this mofo out and see how realistic it is next to my mp40 :cwazy:
March 7th, 2010, 11:27 AM
well my inner arguing self won over myself and decided to buy a G3 instead of an airsoft gun >_>. Instead I might just upgrade the internals on my AK-74u
March 7th, 2010, 12:20 PM
well my inner arguing self won over myself and decided to buy a G3 instead of an airsoft gun >_>. Instead I might just upgrade the internals on my AK-74u
Why would you buy a G3 over an airsoft? Missing out on the fun man.
Airsoft RPG7? Orly? :cwazy:
March 7th, 2010, 12:28 PM
$750 for a non-functioning model, yay!
March 8th, 2010, 09:35 AM
you could spend so much less and get an actual nerf firing rocket. seen em on the field before, they work quite well and end up being quite effective. Also, something about firing a real gun just appeals to me more
March 8th, 2010, 06:21 PM
Also, something about firing a real gun just appeals to me more
You're comparing Apples to Bananas man, real guns are a completely different realm than airsoft... It's not "one or the other", lots of us like to do both. Airsoft is just more fun than firing real rifles, there's no inherent danger involved and it's all about fun and teamwork. Plus, you're extremely limited by law in what you can do with real rifles... Going to the range and shooting a single target is fun and all, for a day or so...
March 8th, 2010, 06:46 PM
when you need to choose between buying one or the other, its very easy to compare the two. I wasn't comparing them in the first place, just said I'd rather spend money on a G3 rather than a new airsoft gun, for the reason being I'm going to use that one more.
March 8th, 2010, 07:05 PM
Real guns are more expensive in the long run (ammunition is like 10x what airsoft BB's are) and you can't use it as much, at least not up here.
March 8th, 2010, 11:34 PM
What? I use maybe 30-50 rounds for a day at the range, and when playing airsoft I use 2000-4000 BBs. Now, I don't do either very often, but I would say that I play airsoft more. All the gear and upkeep required on the airsoft stuff has cost me several orders of magnitude more than maintaining my rifle over the same period of time.
March 9th, 2010, 03:36 AM
2500 quality BB's - $5
20 rounds of quality ammunition - $25
March 9th, 2010, 04:49 AM
Plastic vs Metal/Copper/Lead/Gun powder
Your comparing plastic bb's (unless you buy aluminum bb's, mofo) to bullets that cost 10x as much. Thou you have more fun with bb's over real guns if you don't buy plastic airsoft guns.
March 9th, 2010, 02:03 PM
2500 quality BB's - $5
20 rounds of quality ammunition - $25
I guess I should say that my point is that if you play airsoft more, you are going to end up spending a hell of a lot more there than on a real gun. If you do both, then you are throwing money out of two windows. If he has more fun shooting real guns than fake ones (I know I do), let him be. It's more efficient from an amusement standpoint to have a lot of fun doing one thing than having just some fun doing both.
Also, aluminum BBs are supposed to only be for target practise. They are generally banned for use against people since they don't bounce too well and will result in serious injury. Kind of like armour-piercing airsoft ammunition.
March 9th, 2010, 03:29 PM
That's what I thought, aluminum armor-piercing bb's lol, I need a small amount for practice shooting and see what it does.
Also I am ticked, evike hasn't gotten around yet to mail my order yet and its only a ak47 with 2 extra mags. I know they gotta do others but I mean they had early Saturday (which is when the credit card got accepted and such), yesterday and today. I will check later before I go to bed but I become impatient when I order online most times then again I was limited to how much I was to spend on shipping since my dad had to order it and such. I'll just find some fun shooting cardboard boxes, birds or doing some things for some video games. Or the fact is I live on the other side of the United States and they are in California.
Also warsaw true on shooting guns, I remember when I shot my first gun at the range, so fun...:smith:
March 9th, 2010, 03:44 PM
we're comparing two things that don't need to be compared. you either play with real guns more or you play airsoft more, simple as that. I go shooting more, I also live in new hampshire so shooting things in your friends sand pit in his backyard is acceptable.... getting back to airsoft, when you want more magazines, you should go for the lo-cap mags. With self experience, and talking with others, while they may only hold like 30-50 bb's they're basically garunteed to feed, where as wind up mags can have feeding issues. And anyone will tell you when you're in a "firefight" it blows when your magazine decides it wants to start randomly feeding.
March 9th, 2010, 08:57 PM
Yeah, personally I have fun shooting both but dont spend a whole lot on either except airsoft.
Also they sent out my package, I saw the weight of it and went yeah...
12 pounds = The box, stuff to protect most likely, 2 mags (assuming its metal), 1 airsoft ak47 (real wood and metal) and they say to expect it by Monday except UPS is fast by previous purchases by them so I say Saturday.
March 9th, 2010, 09:07 PM
I stick to mid-caps. 150 round G&P AK-74 "bakelite" style (which are discontinued). They never misfeed, have a decent capacity to them, and they look damn good for not being a real bakelite magazine.
March 10th, 2010, 02:13 AM
Yea, mid caps are the best of both worlds... They don't rattle since there's no "BB reservoir", and you can still get anywhere from 90-200 rounds in a magazine. I use some King Arms 95 round G36 magazines (5 of them), but they don't fit the mag well very well so I think I'm going to try out a box of STAR 140 round magazines next time I make an eHobby order.
March 11th, 2010, 08:34 PM
03/05/2010 (A)Pending
03/06/2010 (B)Processing / Shipping Center Batch
03/09/2010 (E)Shipped by UPS
They say by Monday again. And I can't track the order right now since it wont let me.
Also I think the mag that comes with the cmya ak is a hi-cap (it says 600 max), I do hate the bb's ratling or shaking around alot and I got the 1 cent deal where I get 2 mags, so idk what they will be. I hope they are mid-caps.
They mostly likely sent me these
And hell to them if they sent me this
It would NOT be nice if they sent me it.
March 11th, 2010, 10:41 PM
I'd complain if they sent you that super-hicrapy magazine... They stated hicap or midcap in the offer, not super hicap.
March 12th, 2010, 02:34 PM
If they somehow did send me those really hi-cap I would want the round drum ones for kicks. If they did I would sell them so yeah but I dout they would send me something $50 for 1 cent...
Also this disturbs me why they have not updated the dates and checked in and .etc.
It's also the 12 so yeah.
March 13th, 2010, 10:45 AM
Be patient.
March 15th, 2010, 03:20 PM
I just got my AK47 in the mail today. Holy crap it is beast. I tested it out with a battery I just charged up and it sounds cool and that heavy pow to it.
They sent me 2 hi-cap mags with the deal I got. It was brand new so yeah. Also I can remove the orange tip from it for at home stuff.
I have not found one piece that is plastic. The battery is abit of a bitch to put in since the cords are stiff and new.
It's made out of metal and real wood. Only problem for me is I think the stock is to short. It came with a high powered battery and a good battery charger and has a light for when its fully charged so you dont over do it.
Pics and a video comes later today.
March 15th, 2010, 08:10 PM
Careful with the stock; the wood on CYMA guns is pretty thin, so you can easily crack it. The stock itself is not too short, it's right for the gun; you are just too big for it. The G&G RK series guns have longer stocks though, which makes it more comfortable at the expense of authenticity.
March 15th, 2010, 08:43 PM
The stock on this one looks ok. But I do see one part of the area where it could break easy if dropped. Also after playing around with it I got use to it, it's really nice. Also it has to do with me being 6ft 2in and my arm length and such.
Thats the pictures. Some metal is colored differently. Also I think I can remove the orange tip, it says in the instructions I can to put on a silencer and how to remove it.
March 15th, 2010, 10:02 PM
damn. that thing makes me wish my mp5 wasnt broken. i think the gearbox is jammed up on it or something. im waiting for that performance video, sir.
March 16th, 2010, 04:08 PM
^ Consider that an excuse to obtain a man's weapon.
Heh, looks pretty good. It needs some genuine AK furniture on it...:realsmug:. The threading where the muzzle nut is is 14mm counter-clockwise. They also probably glued it on.
March 16th, 2010, 07:16 PM
^ Consider that an excuse to obtain a man's weapon.
Heh, looks pretty good. It needs some genuine AK furniture on it...:realsmug:. The threading where the muzzle nut is is 14mm counter-clockwise. They also probably glued it on.
Bah. I am supposed to be allowed to take it off to put on a silencer. I will twist the fucker with a wrench if I have to. I know where to push this little thing to pop it and twist it if I can find something thats small enough.
March 16th, 2010, 09:22 PM
Better to soak it in nail polish remover or something like that before wrenching it off; you don't want to fuck up your outer barrel assembly.
March 17th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Mehhh I wont do that yet. Kinda iffy on doing it. Also I just unscrewed the grip and the stock and saw how thin the wood is. Damn battery and gears.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 20th, 2010, 07:28 PM
I'm looking into possibly upgrading my JG MP5 (completely stock items and parts, etc) to try and upgrade range on it, and also getting a sidearm.
Also, are snipers worth it?
March 20th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Are snipers worth it? I don't think so. Are marksman rifles worth it? Yes. I like having a semi auto function to fall back on, because there is no way to guarantee a long-range hit in airsoft since it only takes a very slight breeze to seriously throw your BB off-target.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 20th, 2010, 08:34 PM
Okay, would it be acceptable to get ?
March 20th, 2010, 08:39 PM
Are snipers worth it? I don't think so. Are marksman rifles worth it? Yes. I like having a semi auto function to fall back on, because there is no way to guarantee a long-range hit in airsoft since it only takes a very slight breeze to seriously throw your BB off-target.
If you spend lot's of money. :realsmug:
March 20th, 2010, 08:57 PM
Not even then, no. Believe me, I tried. :v:
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 20th, 2010, 08:59 PM
How is that pistol though?
Is it worth buying, or should I aim towards a fullmetal version of it if availiable?
I don't have much money though, and I'd like to get one soon, maybe get a 350fps pistol for 29.60$ and buy a fullmetal one later?
March 21st, 2010, 02:30 PM
How is that pistol though?
Is it worth buying, or should I aim towards a fullmetal version of it if availiable?
I don't have much money though, and I'd like to get one soon, maybe get a 350fps pistol for 29.60$ and buy a fullmetal one later?
CO2 meh. Get a metal one. They can shoot better. Depends on how much money you have. What is your budget?
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2010, 03:17 PM
My budget is fairly low atm, thats why I chose that gun.
March 21st, 2010, 03:49 PM
I already told him the best option is to just wait until he has enough money to pick something good. But, he wants it now.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2010, 09:08 PM
I've decided against getting that.
I might be picking up an unused m14 from my friend, gets roughly 360+ fps with .2gs for 50$
Sound good?
March 21st, 2010, 09:15 PM
What brand is it?
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2010, 09:33 PM
I believe it is matrix, I'll find out in a moment, I got to fire it and it fired then curved to the right, my I told him that if he fixes that (possibly the hopup) I'll probably buy it, but I want you're guys opinions first.
March 21st, 2010, 09:37 PM
Well, Matrix guns are often rebranded CYMA, Dboys, or JG guns. I dunno, I still say save.
March 22nd, 2010, 05:24 PM
Save up and look around on different sites. If you seen in this thread early on it took me awhile to finally find a gun (which I switched my choices around) which was a really good price and it had no plastic parts which made me :realsmug:
Just take your time and search around, eventually you will find something good and be happy with it.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 22nd, 2010, 05:40 PM
I'm looking into getting the JG bar 10 from a friend, it worth it?
March 22nd, 2010, 08:39 PM
Did we not go over this last night?
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 22nd, 2010, 08:44 PM
If its modded it gets 450 fps with .3g bbs and hits at about 200 ft
March 22nd, 2010, 10:17 PM
What are you planning to use this for? Fun in the backyard, airsoft fights? Loading heavy metal 6mm bullets and sniping birds...
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 22nd, 2010, 10:25 PM
Nothing animal mean ness, just airsoft games on weekends and nearly daily over the summer.
March 23rd, 2010, 02:47 PM
None the less it says dont point or shoot at animals in the manual. I would get a airsoft sniper if the bb's dont curve like a bitch at a certain distance.
But for now I will save up for some gear thou. Gloves, hats, .etc.
March 23rd, 2010, 05:26 PM
If its modded it gets 450 fps with .3g bbs and hits at about 200 ft
Is this one modded? If not, then waste of money. I don't think you should start on a sniper anyways; buy an economic AEG and learn your playstyle. No, you don't already know how you play, because you haven't had a real weapon to use. I thought I'd be a long-range sniper, but I ended up playing more like a scout, using ambush tactics.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 23rd, 2010, 06:30 PM
I already have an AEG.
March 23rd, 2010, 08:30 PM
I hardly call a JG MP5 a real weapon though; that's as bare minimum as you can get and is utter shit for outdoor play...low stock power and short barrel a good outside gun does not make. That kind of forces you to get up close, so again you don't know how you actually play. If you get a sniper, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll be sorely disappointed. It's hard to hit people with even a little bit of wind, cycling the bolt wastes a hell of a lot of time (target can move, see you, bolt is slower than a real gun, etc.) for the engagement range, and you have to dump an assload of money into to make it perform respectably. I've tried it with a friend's was not fun at all.
Like I said, I still think the best "sniper" is a long-barreled AEG capable of semi-auto fire.
March 24th, 2010, 03:50 PM
And this is why I use my ak47 airsoft gun. One of these days I will test it in my backyard with my friends. We have alot of space to play in.
It extends much farther back btw.
Just have to be weary of the house, and neighbors.
March 25th, 2010, 01:16 PM
I recently purchased this:
M56C triple shot airsoft shotgun. Today is my first airsoft meet with my brother (sanctus) and his friends. I'll tell you how it goes a little bit later today.
March 26th, 2010, 01:02 AM
What brand is that and how sturdy is it? Been looking at getting a shotgun for CQB, probably an M1014 style such as this (
March 26th, 2010, 02:58 PM
It's a very sturdy shotgun, very fun to shoot. The brand is Double eagle:
Overall it cost me 67.98, a bit more expensive than ordering it online or at a Dicks Sporting Good store, probably because I bought it at a small Military Surplus store in Eden, NC.
Next weapon I'm looking to get is a single shot rifle, the surplus store had one for 119, very good quality and I fell in love with it when I test fired it. So far in my area I don't know of any airsoft groups/events and I might end up starting a local thing.
This is the rifle I test fired:
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 26th, 2010, 03:01 PM
fuck my mp5 now has a dead gear
March 26th, 2010, 05:31 PM
I assume your gearbox had plastic gears since it was JG? If you gun comes with plastic gears that's the first thing you should replace since they are the parts that take the most repetitive force, and if you upgrade to metal gears you should upgrade your piston to something with metal teeth as well so your gears don't strip the piston teeth. You can usually get away with a piston that has a single metal tooth (usually titanium on the quality pistons) near the front, this way you can loose a couple other teeth and still have a working gun.
My G36 came with metal teeth, but they're not great quality... The metal isn't very strong and the piston teeth are all plastic and starting to wear out/chip. I'll be upgrading my gears, piston, piston head, nozzle, spring, motor, and possibly hop-up unit (with one of the single piece metal hop-ups) once I can afford to get it all at once. I'm also going to grab a fairly long suppressor and a 500mm 6.01mm inner barrel for outdoor, barrel swaps on the CA G36 series take something like a minute so it's easy to switch out for the shorter 6.01mm when playing indoor.
March 26th, 2010, 07:35 PM
fuck my mp5 now has a dead gear
Bad plastic gears :smithfrog:
Also teekup damn you. I need to do a review of the ak47 still.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 26th, 2010, 08:06 PM
I'm getting a new gun, budget is 150$, I'm looking into a CYMA AK74u that is wooden/full metal, but its out of stock on airsoftgi, and wont be availiable on evike til the 30th of next month.
Anyone have any suggestions?
March 26th, 2010, 08:11 PM
If you want to spend $5 more than budget, ( I was planning on getting this some day. Looks decent, metal gearbox, 350fps, etc
March 26th, 2010, 08:19 PM
350 fps seems low for a metal gearbox (to me since I love high fps like my ak). Looks decent and has a good price. Iron sights annoying me thou, looks odd.
I'm getting a new gun, budget is 150$, I'm looking into a CYMA AK74u that is wooden/full metal, but its out of stock on airsoftgi, and wont be availiable on evike til the 30th of next month.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Guessing its that one.
Sure you don't wanna go up alittle in the price? Seeing there is some other good cyma ak74u's but depends on how bad you want one right now. But the wait seems bad.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 26th, 2010, 08:23 PM
Any other suggestions? I'm looking preferably into a gun that will last.
March 26th, 2010, 08:28 PM
Be warned. How CMYA does the real wood in how thick the wood isn't really thick so one good drop to a hard floor, the wood stock is finished probly.
I still want this when it becomes available.
$400 for a ppsh-41 airsoft replica made by Ares? Pricey.
March 26th, 2010, 10:33 PM
The PPSh has blowback, shoots a steady 300fps (it is a CQB weapon), has an accurate rate of fire (900rpm), disassembles like the real one, comes with a 2000 round drum, and is made of stamped steel. Oh, it's also the only one on the market.
By the way, $140 is not going to get you a gun that will last. All the guns at that price point are over-greased, have cheap internals, and the finish is often questionable. I'm going to say it again: have some patience and save up to get one of the top-tier brands. Hell, $300 will net you a higher quality weapon...
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 27th, 2010, 12:05 AM
I'm looking at
What do people think?
E: my friend lent me his ak today, had fun :) pg
only about 10 people today with those guns :)
March 27th, 2010, 09:35 PM
My general opinion of Dboys can be summed up with one word, "meh".
All these are owned by one guy in our club, lol...
Quick question for you guys, I'm taking my GoPro cam out airsofting on April 2nd and I'm wondering what angle/mounting method you would prefer. I've got the head strap mount that I can place over my helmet or Boonie hat, this will center the camera on my head above eye level. However since the camera is centered on my head the viewing angle is to the right of where I aim when aiming down my rifle, the lens is wide angle though so you can still see where I'm aiming. The second mounting method is a mount on the right hand side of my helmet, the camera ends up looking slightly to the left of where I'm looking when I'm not aiming. This is good for when I'm aiming down the rifle though because you see more of the area at which I'm aiming, unfortunately this angle also picks up a bit of my helmet in the bottom left corner of the video.
Both angles should work fine and I'll probably end up trying both during different games on the day of. Just wondering what you guys think would be better though?
March 27th, 2010, 09:41 PM pg
I spy an ak47 that looks very close to mine or it is.
Idk but I decided I will get another airsoft gun thanks to my brother-in-law who is in the army got me hooked up with some badass gear today. I am going for thats full metal for every single aspect of it.
(if you can see the image)
March 27th, 2010, 09:51 PM
I know right.
March 27th, 2010, 10:01 PM
Do want an AUG.
March 27th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Since I said scrap the gear and decide to get ANOTHER good airsoft gun
Limited Edtion, and it has blowback. It's also $150 which I am surprised.
Also I think this is the NAVY version of the mp5.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 27th, 2010, 11:32 PM
I'm looking for a relatively unique gun, with good quality parts (metal/wood) for roughly at the max $160, and possibly up to 225 if I'm lucky.
March 27th, 2010, 11:44 PM
You should all save up and get Tavors (TAR 21's). Seriously they're awesome.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 27th, 2010, 11:44 PM
how much are they, and what are they built from, and what is the lowest priced one?
March 28th, 2010, 12:00 AM
how much are they, and what are they built from, and what is the lowest priced one?
500 for the black one with the mars sight (which is crappy)
For the tan one (without the mars sight that has a rail for any attachment) I think $450
ARES ain't cheap really. There are built from some material I forgot what it was, it isnt plastic nor metal (except for the gearbox, mag, and a few others).
I think how its made depending on which part is made from what my glock 19 is made from
WARNING this isn't an airsoft gun. Just saying the body is probly made from this. It's more durable then plastic.
Also if I want to I will go on a selling spree and SELL my mp40 acutely believe it or not. Make some good bucks from it.
OH good luck to me to convince my parents to buy the tar21 for me, they think I would be wasting my money on something I wont use later on, meh meh.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 09:35 AM
Right now, I'm looking into getting a new gun, with the best of the following thats availiable for up to 160$ : range, life (as in how long it will last) style, and functionality, I would also like it to be an aeg.
e: how is this, my friend has it, and has been using it for about 5 months now, longer than I had my mp5.
March 28th, 2010, 02:25 PM
e: how is this, my friend has it, and has been using it for about 5 months now, longer than I had my mp5.
This is why you should really avoid plastic gearboxes, getting metal should be better overall and shoot better.
And damn I want that gun now, I always liked them but I always, ALWAYS seen them above $300 or so which made me mad.
Also I am not getting the tar21, I like a good gun with good FPS/and how good they made the gun from (which is metal really). I MAY sell my mp40 on ebay sometime but if you guys want it I guess I will let you have it for a decent price.
Also I am making the ak47 review, it will take a few tries before I upload it to youtube completely.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 02:46 PM
I think I've decided to get, cyma makes the best ak's and then I can be on the AK team when we do airsofting
March 28th, 2010, 02:53 PM
You do know that is the ak47 I bought right? lawl it is REALLY nice. There is NO plastic parts what so ever except for the orange tip.
I would suggest you get the "Holy Cow" 1 cent deal where they give you 2 extra mags, even thou it doesnt say CYMA I just put it in and they gave me 2 high-cap mags which arn't that bad at all.
Also I made a review video but it's bad, second time go.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 02:59 PM
Really? cool.
Can you stack coupons? I wanna use freeship and ROCKET, lol.
March 28th, 2010, 03:01 PM
Nope. They will only allow 1 coupon which made me alittle mad heh. If you use the 10% it will be alittle higher in price. Use the freeship, but then again they might make the order go by slow so I dunno, your choice.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 03:08 PM
to my knowledge, freeship is via ground, and rocket is 15% off.
March 28th, 2010, 03:13 PM
One coupon at a time, sorry.
Also, you decided to go $20 over-budget? Hell, if you wanted to do that you could get a whole ton of AKs in that range, made by CYMA and Dboys, for $180. I personally don't like blowback because it takes a simple system and makes it complicated, thus making repairs a pain in the arse.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 03:14 PM
Its not blowback, also, can anyone confirm the holy cow deal will work with that?
Also, which should I use, 15% off, or free shipping?
March 28th, 2010, 03:25 PM
Its not blowback, also, can anyone confirm the holy cow deal will work with that?
Also, which should I use, 15% off, or free shipping?
Free shipping, with the 15% you still have to pay alot for shipping which isn't worth it since you pay alittle more then with the freeshipping. Get Free shipping.
Also the 2 free mags
The one in the middle is the default one. The one on the left and right are the ones that came with it. ALL of them are hi-cap which is irritating.
Let's drink to Pyong buying a good gun!
Also I took that since when i saw pyong buy that ak47, it made me :realsmug: and since I had my camera and bought those mofo's and decided what the heck.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 28th, 2010, 03:26 PM
March 28th, 2010, 03:52 PM
AGAIN I mess up my review, what is wrong with me. The review of the CYMA ak47 should be up in a hour or so or less.
E: I decided to scratch the review for now. I need to get a better camera right now since my good HD camera isn't with me right now and is at my workplace. Probly tommorow.
March 29th, 2010, 02:42 AM
Did I really just read a comment stating that the real TAR 21 is made of metal or did I misunderstand? It's actually reinforced nylon fiber material, basically really, really, really strong plastic... Most modern weapon bodies are made out of similar materials, the G36 is made out of a nylon reinforced fiberglass material (my CA is just "glass fiber", looks and feels like the real thing but isn't quite as heavy or sturdy). The only metal parts on weapons like these are the mechanical parts and the parts that come in contact with the bullet and shell (chamber, barrel, firing pin, gas systems, bolts, etc). The ARES TAR 21 is similar to my G36, it's not as "reinforced" as the real gun but it's still made out of nylon fiber or some such.
Also, Real Sword makes some of the most realistic AK-47's ( I've seen... Their Type 56 and SVD rifles are also godlike. Basically buy this if you don't even want to buy another AK-47.
March 29th, 2010, 02:25 PM
How does the combat gear (MOLLE vests, carriers,etc..) for airsoft stack up against military grade?
I just checked prices at one of the links that was posted here and it's much cheaper, except for maybe ebay, than aftermarket military and surplus stock.
March 29th, 2010, 03:12 PM
Also, Real Sword makes some of the most realistic AK-47's ( I've seen... Their Type 56 and SVD rifles are also godlike. Basically buy this if you don't even want to buy another AK-47.
I am content with my ak. I don't myself ever buying another one except for maybe that above what you said except I deal with the prices and how good it is made for that amount of money....I don't buy those kinda high expensive airsoft guns unless I really want to buy a decent gun (alalalla TAR21 airsoft gun) .etc .etc.
Here is what I like to see from a gun for a decent price range of from $160-$260
-Good FPS
-No plastic parts used
-Uses metal (wood, nylon fiber, fiber glass, .etc) depending on how the real firearm for that gun is made
-Good gearbox
-Decent price for it
-Over all how it looks
-I can upgradez?
But that is mainly it.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 29th, 2010, 04:29 PM
I've lent my battery for my mp5 to my friend, just as I've pretty much fixed it too, it just needs a new gearbox, I also am very familliar with how it works now too :)
I've also chosen a different gun that my friend suggested, and warsaw agreed that it was decent, so dual suggestion is good.
I bought bb's silicon oil and the gun for a total of 181$ after shipping
the gun was 160$, bb's where 30$ silicon oil was 7$
10% off + free shipping ftw.
March 29th, 2010, 05:18 PM
How does the combat gear (MOLLE vests, carriers,etc..) for airsoft stack up against military grade?
I just checked prices at one of the links that was posted here and it's much cheaper, except for maybe ebay, than aftermarket military and surplus stock.
It all comes down to the piece of gear that you're using, the Blast Belt that came with my armor chassis requires some reinforcement in the stitching where I hook on my drop leg holster... All the other MOLLE stuff on the armor chassis is very durable when compared to actual stuff. That said, the majority of my pouches are all made out of high quality Cordura (look for this material when buying gear, it's great) which is the same stuff my real Eagle plate-carrier (old black one) is made out of.
By the way, have any of you guys seen BrassGuard ( masks for sale down in the States anywhere?
BrassGuard Stalker:
BrassGuard Praetorian
They're from Russia and it doesn't look like there are any North American dealers (looking into getting our local airsoft dealer to become one).
March 30th, 2010, 07:49 AM
It all comes down to the piece of gear that you're using....etc
ah thanks. i picked up a vest last night on ebay for $50, MOLLE +9 ACU (SDS-BAE).
I also found out things like threadcounts, 300typ for civ vs 1000+ for mil
triple stiching, tight short stitching
oversize YKK zippers
March 30th, 2010, 06:06 PM
To be honest, I don't look at tactical gear at all, so I couldn't tell you if we have that piece of kit man.
Also, Real Sword only makes the Chinese not want for Soviet kits, since it's not even close to the Soviet makes. If you are doing a Soviet loadout, you want VFC for any AK-74 series and for the AK-105. If you are doing a Soviet AKM or AK-47, you want G&G. Ideally, you would buy the legit wooden pieces separately and mod them to fit (doesn't take much); the plastic on the stock airsoft AKs is passable though.
The SVD, however, is unsurpassed. They did a bang-up job on that, and I really, REALLY want to buy it but my desire for a WWII loadout stays my hand. Classic Army can't hope to measure up to the RS version.
March 30th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Yea, that's why I'm getting my blast belt reinforced since the stitching is probably below that 300 mark and it's definitely not triple-stitched lol...
What do yall think of my concept armor chassis shoulder badges?
I like the top one with tan threading more, but the OD threading stands out a bit more. Suggestions?
EDIT - Going to an outdoor game on April 2nd, and it's going to be the first time I get to try out my GoPro HD HERO camera for airsoft... I already mentioned the helmet/head mounts I have configured, but I just figured out how to use the vented helmet mount as a gun mount:
Should be fun!
March 30th, 2010, 10:21 PM
Top one is cooler. Make it with IR reflective material.
March 31st, 2010, 02:45 AM
Oh god I want it, it's even got Portal turret sounds!
April 4th, 2010, 04:33 AM
The video from Operation Mason Relic is now up from last year, Op Mason Relic was the largest even Canadian airsoft event with a total of 214 players for two days of semi-urban environment airsofting!
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 6th, 2010, 12:57 PM
The gun I eventually chose comes in today, I'll be giving a review over the weekend of it after I go airsofting this weekend.
e: heres a crappy phone pic
April 8th, 2010, 12:23 AM
Do something about that orange tip and you're in business! I'm a fan of full stocks for a few reasons though, you can usually wire them up to hold large batteries and they're also heavier which generally gives you better handling control. Looks good though, the metal is metal I assume?
Here's some of the video from that April 2nd game I went to:
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 8th, 2010, 12:39 AM
Yes, its real steel.
April 8th, 2010, 04:26 PM
Good stuff, looking forward to your review... I should try my hand at a complete video review on my CA G36, including how to disassemble it down to the mechbox and such.
Edit: I think I'm going to save up for a real Eotech guys... I know I've said that people who put them on airsoft aren't necessarily the smartest bunch of coconuts in a row, but the lack of parallax and extreme brightness settings would be great for outdoor. That said, my current dot sight has fairly little parallax for a replica sight using LED's as opposed to lasers but its not quite bright enough for outdoor play... Your opinions?
April 8th, 2010, 06:38 PM
Get a Bushmaster or a Panorama sight instead. Cheaper, little parallax, and adjustable brightness (on the Panorama). The Bushmaster is essentially an economical EOTech with little brightness adjustment, where as the Panorama has more parallax error (not that bad) but can do red or green, has different reticles in the same sight (whichever one you want to use), and is plenty bright for outdoors and can be dimmed when necessary.
I'd go with a Panorama.
April 8th, 2010, 07:23 PM
Yea, the Panorama is what my current dot sight is based on: (
It's a good little dot sight but the parallax is only slightly worse than the real Panorama so I couldn't justify paying for a real Panorama just for the brightness increase. I was also looking at the Eotech 552 because it takes AA batteries and they're very easy to find for cheap.
April 8th, 2010, 08:47 PM
I have a beef dropping such a huge load of cash on an EOTech though. You could get two or three new guns for that much, or get a really good one and still have some left for accessories. Honestly, an EOTech is not going to improve your playing skill at all, it's merely there to look cool. For outdoors, you should be using a tube sight anyways, since rapid target acquisition is not as necessary over medium-long ranges, and because sunlight fucks with holosights like EOTechs and Panoramas.
April 8th, 2010, 10:19 PM
I can probably get a 552 for around $180-$200 if I look around for used ones. No way in hell I'd pay retail for one unless I was using it on real steel for something! Plus, "decent" guns up here cost around $300 and the good ones at least $500... The next gun I'm looking into is a WE GBBR SCAR to complete my GRAW kit, and if I get that I'll need an Eotech just to get "that look" anyways. Mags are going to be fuck-off expensive though so I'm not even considering it until I get a new job.
April 8th, 2010, 11:02 PM
Your definition of decent must be a fair bit tougher than mine. I consider the new CYMA and D-Boys guns to be decent. I consider ICS, CA (ArmaLites only), and TM to be good. Finally, I consider VFC, G&G, King Arms, and Ares to be top game (excluding Systema and Celsius knock-offs). Brands I have minuscule amounts of respect for are TSD, Western Arms, Jing Gong, Echo 1, and Tokyo Marui.
Also, as I recall, one of the SCARs in GRAW had no scope at all, and the one that did had an ACOG (I have both the XBOX and XBOX360 versions, which differ significantly). So, you'd still be getting the wrong scope.
April 9th, 2010, 12:12 AM
My definition is higher because of our gun selection here in Canada. The people that bring in guns here (illegally smuggling across the border) only bring in what you'd class as good and better. The guys bringing in the Canadian legal guns with clear-tinted serialized parts like the lower receivers get specialty product lines with internals that are superior to their U.S. brethren. There are very few CYMA/Dboys/Other Clones circulating around Canada due to this, most of our stuff is around the TM/CA/ICS quality level and above. When people were bringing in full-color guns a few years ago semi-legally it was all TM, CA, ICS, TOP, and Systema so our used market is basically flooded with those brands and that's about it.
I would REALLY appreciate it if one of you that lives near an airsoft retailer in the States could take a look at the WE GBBR (Gas Blow Back Rifle) SCAR and let me know what the external quality is like. The guy selling them here in Canada is at least 5 hours away from me by car...
As for sights, you're right, there were no Eotechs in GRAW and they were all ACOGs... I might get a tan ACOG with Doctor dot sight to go with the tan SCAR but they're almost the same price as a used real steel Eotech up here (ACOG's and Doctor dots are classed as "warfare implements" by Canadian Customs).
April 9th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Difference being that mock-up airsoft replica ACOGs are actually decent, especially since you don't have to worry about excessive sunlight making it hard to use.
If I get a chance to go down to the local airsoft shop, I'll see if they have a WE SCAR. I wouldn't recommend it for you though. Cold + gas != working gun in winter.
April 9th, 2010, 04:48 PM
Yea I know, they don't work at all in winter months but that's what the G36 will be used for! Most gas guns work up here just fine as long as it's above 0.
April 19th, 2010, 05:39 PM
Crazy mofo here, thinking of buying another airsoft gun so quickly, I am debating over
M4A1 (a one with rails for red dots .etc)
M16 (can be a vietnam era or a modern one)
Thompson 1928
MP5 (extra rails or a silencer)
G36 (I went to take my learners permit for driving and my number on my ticket was that :v:)
MK16-L (H if they have one)
Just my budget is gonna be tight again to around $170 to $270. Oh if its close to $300 then it's all good depending on how pissed my parents get.
So pointers, links, and help would be nice.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 19th, 2010, 05:58 PM
So heres a mini review of my gun.
FPS: 366 with .2g
ROF: High
Accuracy: High
Materials: Steel/im-wood/plastic/monkey metal
Its very sturdy, the sling that came with it is of "meh" quality, I wouldn't really use it, considering it came unlatched after a while. I got three hits (my first three hits, lol) in one game with it using .2g's, two uphill, one on a relatively level surface. Its Rate of Fire is quite high, with good fps and accuracy, with a small hit radius. The iron sights (well steel sights :P) are adjustable on both sides. The gun comes with no rails but it looks like its entirely possible that rail attachments with be available in the future with little to no hassle to install. It uses a stick type battery.
April 19th, 2010, 06:04 PM
Crazy mofo here, thinking of buying another airsoft gun so quickly, I am debating over
M4A1 (a one with rails for red dots .etc)
M16 (can be a vietnam era or a modern one)
Thompson 1928
MP5 (extra rails or a silencer)
G36 (I went to take my learners permit for driving and my number on my ticket was that :v:)
MK16-L (H if they have one)
Just my budget is gonna be tight again to around $170 to $270. Oh if its close to $300 then it's all good depending on how pissed my parents get.
So pointers, links, and help would be nice.
Hard to go wrong with VFC:
It's $10 over your stated limit but I expect it would be fuck-off amazing. I like G36's over M4/M16 platforms though andI'd recommend an SRC version 3 G36 if you can find them in-stock anywhere. The V3 G36's from SRC are great guns, the previous versions are iffy.
So heres a mini review of my gun.
FPS: 366 with .2g
ROF: High
Accuracy: High
Materials: Steel/im-wood/plastic/monkey metal
Its very sturdy, the sling that came with it is of "meh" quality, I wouldn't really use it, considering it came unlatched after a while. I got three hits (my first three hits, lol) in one game with it using .2g's, two uphill, one on a relatively level surface. Its Rate of Fire is quite high, with good fps and accuracy, with a small hit radius. The iron sights (well steel sights :P) are adjustable on both sides. The gun comes with no rails but it looks like its entirely possible that rail attachments with be available in the future with little to no hassle to install. It uses a stick type battery.
What did you judge your ROF on? Skip to 2:54 in the following video:
That's a pretty damn fast ROF, only thing I've seen that's faster is someone running a Lipo battery.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 19th, 2010, 06:17 PM
its about 2/3 of that.
April 19th, 2010, 08:13 PM
Hard to go wrong with VFC:
It's $10 over your stated limit but I expect it would be fuck-off amazing. I like G36's over M4/M16 platforms though and I'd recommend an SRC version 3 G36 if you can find them in-stock anywhere. The V3 G36's from SRC are great guns, the previous versions are iffy.
You know what I like heh.
Aluminum Alloy, Zinc, Steel, Polymer = Excellent
Muzzle Velocity: 390~400 FPS = Decent
Mid-cap = Decent (Hate High-cap)When I saw this I went :realsmug:
Heh I'll save up for dis shit. Looks worth my time and work.
April 19th, 2010, 08:58 PM
My buddy jpeg had that g36 airsoft toy. We lost the magazine one day when we were playing airsoft in a field with a bunch of the other childerkins. Shame, nice one.
April 19th, 2010, 09:06 PM
Yea loosing mags sucks, it'll be even more of a bitch when/if I get that WE SCAR GBBR since a single mag is like $38 USD....
April 19th, 2010, 09:20 PM
Spartan094: don't go to the dark side.
Pyong: if you put rails on it I will track you down and seriously injure reprimand you.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 19th, 2010, 09:51 PM
April 20th, 2010, 05:04 PM
Spartan094: don't go to the dark side.
Got $300 to do so?
Also I always wanted a metal m4a1 with non-plasitc parts on the gun seeing I hate all my plastic m4's I gotten which broke later on. Thou I COULD switch my mind like I did before on this topic where I wanted a m4a1 but then got a ak47. It could change, you never know.
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