View Full Version : Iphone

February 16th, 2010, 08:09 PM
Before I start, how yall been? Been way too long since I've last posted... For those who have me on facebook, stop stalking me. :v:

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting the iphone. Don't really see anything great about the G3S (unless someone can say otherwise) so I'm looking at just getting the 3G one. At the moment I'm on my family's verizon plan so I'm aware that I'll be having to move to AT&T for the time being if I get one. Rates wise, I guessing 450 minutes is about $39.99 (which is fine considering I RARELY talk on the phone anyway). Although for some reason I'm not able to get rates on text messaging and data plans. So what I'm basically asking apart from the pricing, is it worth it?

For those of you who unlocked it for another carrier, are you basically under the contract you signed or are there other "bells and whistles" to it?

Thanks in advance for the information, I have the blackberry pearl at the moment for those wondering. It's a good phone but after almost two years, I'm ready for a change.

February 16th, 2010, 08:32 PM
My brother recently bought an iPhone through AT&T. He bought it for $50 with new contract but he also had to buy the data package which meant another $30 (or so) per month. AT&T wouldn't allow him to purchase the phone without the data package. $30 for apps alone? not worth it to me no matter how nice the phone.

February 16th, 2010, 09:00 PM
Too many better phones about to be released in the next couple of months. Look up the HTC HD Mini, HTC Legend, HTC HD2, HTC Desire, Motorola Devour, Motorola Motoroi, Samsung Wave, etc. Alternatively, you could hold out long enough for Windows Phone 7 Series (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/15/windows-phone-7-series-hands-on-and-impressions/) devices to start shipping; these look to be some superb devices that operate similar to the Zune HD with rigid specs enforced by Microsoft (ensuring hardware compatibility and optimisation).

The 3GS has more powerful hardware than the 3G, and there are a number of apps that will only work on the 3GS because of that, while others will only run slowly on the 3G. Unless you intend to use it for its apps and web browsing, there really isn't much point to getting an iPhone at all. And even then, you could get a better experience from the various Android phones I mentioned above.

February 16th, 2010, 09:01 PM
best thing invented.

February 17th, 2010, 03:32 AM
don't waste your money on the iphone, so many superior phones out now.

not to mention all the new phones coming out soon.

February 17th, 2010, 04:46 AM
Yeah, at least wait until Sept. That's when the next gen *should* be coming out

Hopefully they'll have a 120 itouch by then :pervert:

February 17th, 2010, 05:29 AM
I don't care what anyone says. I love my iPhone to death and it's the best phone I've ever bought. Get it.

Everything else that's "better" is either: Ugly as sin, not intuitive, has a lot of features nobody gives two shits about, or does a few pixels better here and there.

February 17th, 2010, 06:24 AM
The iPhone is a nice device, but there are other equal if not better. (I myself have an iPhone 3G on 3.1.2 jail-broken)

A quick pro/con comparison:


Nice and fast device.
Good browser.
Good UI, and multi-touch.
A lot of apps.
Screen is very hard to scratch.


Most of the appstore apps are pure shit (there are good ones, but 90% is rubbish).
No good bluetooth (can be fixed by jail-braking).
No lockscreen information about missed calls, texts, ect... (can be fixed by jail-braking).
Apps are limited to what apple wants on the iPhone (and only people with mac OSX can develop apps). (maybe flash CS5 will bring relief to windows users)
Email apps lacks some (to me) important features.

I myself also love my iPhone for the device it is, but apple is ruining the experience for me. If you get an iPhone make sure you get it jailbroken, and you'll be a lot happier.

I'm looking forward for the first windows mobile 7 phones, I might get one of those when it is released. :iamafag:

February 17th, 2010, 06:31 AM
Everything else that's "better" is either: Ugly as sin, not intuitive, has a lot of features nobody gives two shits about, or does a few pixels better here and there.

spoken like a true fanboy with no knowledge of other devices.

February 17th, 2010, 11:55 AM
spoken like a true fanboy with no knowledge of other devices.Jealous? :realsmug:

February 17th, 2010, 12:05 PM
I'm looking forward for the first windows mobile 7 phones, I might get one of those when it is released. :iamafag:
Indeed. I've been waiting for a smartphone that isn't anchored to at&t, runs a laggy android/win6.5.

I think we're about there, or at least soon...

February 17th, 2010, 12:21 PM
don't waste your money on the iphone, so many superior phones out now.

not to mention all the new phones coming out soon.

like what?

Windows Mobile 7 is the only thing that could top it and thats only because its unreleased and I haven't been able to play with it yet.

You could call me a fanboy but the truth is, I want something better than the iPhone to come out. I really do. Because then I'll get that and have a better phone, but nothing has yet. People who blindly defend the iPhone are scared to regret their purchase, but not me. There are many things that make the iPhone a shitty phone (although the jailbreak community usually does away with most of that) but there is so much more wrong with any phone that has come out since.

February 17th, 2010, 01:54 PM
Pretty much any service provider you get, you'll have to chuck in around $30 for data plans if you buy a 3G smart phone... also, jail break it if/when you get one. :3

February 17th, 2010, 02:22 PM
only thing i dont like about iphones is its kinda tedious to text

February 17th, 2010, 03:05 PM
I have an iPhone.

I actually have a discount on my plan apparently becuase I had AT&T before I bought it. I think its like around 30 dollars a month. (However, that dosen't include texting, since I don't have a texting plan)

The quality of the phone is pretty nice, its better then some other phones that's popular among my friends. There's probably better working phones out there though (like the driod, or some other smart phones).

As far as texting plans go with AT&T, you would really just want to go to the unlimited plan (unless your not texting alot) which is 20 dollars tacked onto your plan. Anything else only include's a certain amount, 5$ dollar is 500 texts, and then you can get 1500 texts for $15, then unlimited..

February 17th, 2010, 03:52 PM
I don't care what anyone says. I love my iPhone to death and it's the best phone I've ever bought. Get it.

Everything else that's "better" is either: Ugly as sin, not intuitive, has a lot of features nobody gives two shits about, or does a few pixels better here and there.

HTC's new Sense UI is actually pretty intuitive (the one on Android, not WinMo 6.3.5) , the phones that it goes with are high quality, and it does just about everything better. The iPhone only really wins for its virtual keyboard, which isn't that great to begin with.

Oh, and let's not forget the Pre [Plus].

February 17th, 2010, 06:46 PM
only thing i dont like about iphones is its kinda tedious to text

you get used to it. You stop correcting yourself and let the smart type take it. It has turned some pretty big fuck ups into the word I was thinking of. Like, if you mess up, keep going and if its not fixed by the time you're done jsut go back.

February 17th, 2010, 06:47 PM
you get used to it. You stop correcting yourself and let the smart type take it. It has turned some pretty big fuck ups into the word I was thinking of.

February 17th, 2010, 06:48 PM
wut^ foram errar

February 18th, 2010, 09:51 AM
I just have an ipod touch but I always use msn on it and fuck up what I was trying to say hahahaha. the keys are just too close together, but then again that can be fixed by turning it sideways

February 18th, 2010, 07:06 PM
oh haha, if your typing like that then of course.

March 4th, 2010, 10:15 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys, I actually decided to go ahead with the iphone. Contract expires in June but at least I got myself thinking.

Oh and guess who got a basically brand new 16 gig iphone 3GS for $50 off ebay. Came with the box and everything. :haw: