View Full Version : Freespace 2

February 18th, 2010, 03:44 AM
I lost my game when I reformatted. Does anyone know where to download this? All I'm getting are sites that say to buy it...which makes no sense because it was released open source as freeware like 3 years ago or whatever...

February 18th, 2010, 05:12 AM
It's not freeware any more, somebody picked up the rights to sell it (or something like that I dunno)

It's only like 6 bucks (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/freespace_2) though

February 18th, 2010, 05:50 AM
Ahh that's bullshit. Dunno if I feel like throwing out even 6 bucks for it as I've played it to death.

Who the fuck would pick up the rights to such an old game after it had already been well established freeware ughh.... :suicide:

February 18th, 2010, 06:17 AM
Isn't there still that open source version though? (I wouldn't know, I live under a rock)