View Full Version : (Military) Another $Billion Bites The Dust

February 24th, 2010, 03:59 AM
Military Update: DIMHRS program dumped as ‘a disaster’. (http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=125&article=68142)

Let me try and brief on this since most (read: all) of you probably have no idea WTF the DIMHRS (read as "Dime-ers"), or Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System, is all about...or aboot.

In a nutshell, it's the Duke Nukem Forever equivlent in the military: held up on a fucking pedestal and with nothing in terms of real material to show.

Each military branch uses it's own goddamn HR and Payroll system (with a total of 90 individual subsystems according to the article). On top of that, each branch's goddamn active duty, reserves and national guards are treated differently in said systems which caused huge headaches for non-active service members who were activated when Bush went 'shock-n-awe' all up on that Iraqi ass. Bam. Said the 1st Lady.

Well, flash back to 12 years and 1$ Billions (raw value, never mind the actual resource value wasted in man hours and such) ago when a system was thought up to address these fucking horrible issues.

You see, the military is about reacting to fire. It rarely ever has any preception of anticapting or preparing against fire. So when systems running in the military (read: just about all of them) just plain 'ol fuck up the typical response is to just slap some 100 mile an hour tape (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=100+mile+an+hour+tape) on the target problem and continue to drive on.

This is what happens when you have old fuck faced officiers getting paid big bucks and incentives to..."lead" the military force and operations of this nation. Said officiers won't do or can't do (in the few cases where someone with a brain makes some rank) a damn thing to get some change following in the military. A General/Admiral is pretty much a Senator in the military. Except whenever they fuck up, they're just "asked" to retire. Meaning they get ALL their military benefits still. Even after they fuck up. Because they're fuck ups, go figure.

I've been hearing about DIMHRS since I enlisted; way back in Dec 05. Hell, the Army was suppose to start using it in April 06. It would have pretty much rendered the majority of the Finance Branch of the Army useless after a few years. I continued to hear about it when I go to my first unit (a finance unit) in 2007. Pretty much every 6 months there would be some kind of "COMING SOON!" update on DIMHRS. It wasn't until last spring (2009) that they finally said "DIMHRS release date delayed Indef.!". Now this past week they finally grow some fucking balls and stop wasting American fucking tax payer's money in one of the largest gaggle-fucks I've ever seen.

Let me try to break down how much this $1 Billion REALLY cost the American people:
At its "peak" the system had 600 military, civilians and private contractors working on it. I know for a fact that contracts don't get paid out in cheap when it comes to the gov't. Just research military contracts (not just on merchs) being paid out in our current warzones. 600 military and DOD civilians removed from other workforces. Potentially some of them needed to be relocated to where ever the DIMHRS development HQ was stationed at (the military pays for your moves).

Since relocation funds and the like would come out of a specific accounting pool (http://www.nist.gov/admin/cams_external/cams_ed_matls/accs.html), those payouts wouldn't be totalled in the above bullshit estimate. The same applies to the actual paychecks those 600 military and civilians would have been recieving. Can't say the same for the private contractors as their contract payments should have actually came out of the DIMHRS alloted pay pool. Keywords: should have.

That 600 number also is explicitly said "at its [DIMHRS] peek". Meaning that number doesn't reflect every single person whom was ever on these wise cracking team to develop this now non-existant system. It could easily be double that (1200 people) over the course of these past 12 years.

They also sent high ranking officiers (with "assistants") out around the world to visit military community's HR and finance teams and explain how this system would be replacing the old HR and Payroll systems (I had to sit in on this crap due to my unit being finance support). Whenever the military forces you to temp. leave your normal duty station they pay you something called TDY (http://www.cinchouse.com/Benefits/Pay/tabid/8079/ID/712/Temporary_Duty_Assignment_TDA_or_TDY_Pay.aspx). I've banked in over 4,000$ from this kind of pay alone (never mind my base pay and entitlements) in one instance (would have been doubled that but I was sent back half way thru the mission I was supporting). I can only imagine how much total this would have came out to be for all these people they sent out to "brief" the dozens of military communities around the fucking world.

Anyway, that's my rant on this billion+ $$$ wasted from yours and my tax money. Hopefully some of you that cared where your money goes got something informing out of this. If you have any questions or need something cleared up, post away.

I enjoyed the last part of the article:

Burris had pressed Mullen to explain why the Office of Personnel Management can operate one pay and personnel system for all federal civilians yet DOD can’t do that for its military population.

February 24th, 2010, 05:00 AM
so basically they spent a billion bucks on something that never existed?

how the hell can you fuck up so badly i mean jesus.

February 24th, 2010, 05:50 AM

if they want to waste money, build gundams etc...

February 24th, 2010, 06:17 AM
How? By not hiring people based on actual qualifications but by them scratching your back and thus, you scratching theirs

if they want to waste money, build gundams etc...
at least then we'll have something mildly entertaining and somewhat useful

but they'd fuck that up too

February 24th, 2010, 07:02 AM

they should let the ncos run the army, shit would get done

February 24th, 2010, 07:25 AM
i thought our soldiers were short on supplies?

February 24th, 2010, 10:31 AM
LOL @ Ross. The world would begin to lose 150k people an hour if that happened. Those guys don't fuck around.

As for the pay system... big bureaucracy breeds big spending & fuckups.

February 24th, 2010, 05:13 PM
At least they finally canceled it. I mean, of course the work put it is now completely wasted, but at least someone finally shut the fucking program down instead of letting it drain further funding.

February 24th, 2010, 05:15 PM
LOL @ Ross. The world would begin to lose 150k people an hour if that happened. Those guys don't fuck around.

As for the pay system... big bureaucracy breeds big spending & fuckups.
i know wouldn't it be awesome

we could start to make up for the last few hundred years' worth of halted natural selection

February 25th, 2010, 05:34 PM
so basically they spent a billion bucks on something that never existed?

how the hell can you fuck up so badly i mean jesus.

You still don't get it, do you.

There are no accidents in government. Ever.

February 25th, 2010, 07:23 PM

February 25th, 2010, 11:21 PM
You still don't get it, do you.

There are no accidents in government. Ever.


February 26th, 2010, 01:07 PM
A billion wasted cannot happen 'by accident'

Lol. People wanted free money without doing anything, and that's what they got. :)