View Full Version : Helmet cam, anyone have some experience?

March 1st, 2010, 01:36 AM
So I just ordered a GoPro "HD Motorsports HERO (http://www.goprocamera.com/index.php?area=2&productid=30)" package (click to see image of contents) (http://www.goprocamera.com/index.php?area=2&productid=30) , went with this one over the ContourHD because it's got a waterproof/abuse proof rated to 60 meters... Good thing since we're going on a cruise in March and plan to do some SCUBA diving! Also ordered a Head Strap Mount (http://www.goprocamera.com/index.php?area=2&productid=28) and Vented Helmet Strap Mount (http://www.goprocamera.com/index.php?area=2&productid=25) so I can record some airsoft as well!

Questions, comments, queries, conundrums, suggestions, or pregnancies anyone?

Edit: LMAO, apparently I picked a pretty good camera... I assume the GoPro HD looks so much better than the Canon here because the person operating the Canon didn't know how.


March 2nd, 2010, 01:04 AM
A lot of people I know use it for karting. I was going to get one myself, but too far out of my price range atm. They make mounts and stuff to mount it to the kart, and the quality that it produces is pretty good. I haven't seen how the HD is, but the regular ones look good.

(Actually went to this race, have film on my camera but haven't been arsed to do anything with it)


I would post more but this isn't my thread :p

March 2nd, 2010, 06:12 AM
That video made me sad :saddowns: I have had my Rotax parked in my garage for about 2 years now, fucking recesion hit just when we got it, so I was never able to race with it. :ohdear:

That is a really good quality cam btw!

March 3rd, 2010, 07:18 PM

Let the filming begin!

March 3rd, 2010, 09:21 PM
Awesome man!

March 3rd, 2010, 10:41 PM
Went to Lake Louise (mountain ski resort) on the 2nd with some Aunts and Uncles for on of their birthdays... They invited me to go and paid for all my shit so I figured why not, there's almost NO really exciting stuff but I'm going to cut some together anyways. I'll post it in here once it's uploaded to YouTube.

Q: The 2nd you say? Your camera didn't arrive until the 3rd!
A: True, but a friend of my fathers loaned us one of these with a chest strap mount and I used that for the skiing! I even had a couple conversations with random people on the hill about them, I wasn't the only one there with one!

March 4th, 2010, 11:28 AM
I've wanted to get the chest mounted cameras for a while now. But I'm afraid that I'll smash it when I'm snowboarding, and I'm so cheap that that thought scares me out of the idea D:

March 4th, 2010, 03:10 PM
The case is very durable, I really doubt you'd do much damage to the camera unless you had a massive crash against some rocks or other hard material on the hill...

Here's the first video I cut together from Louise, I've literally got a video for every run we did, 10GB's of stuff to sift through.

Who the hell is trolling my YouTube page and rating everything 1 star? Are you really that pathetic?