View Full Version : ATTN: Dream Theater Fans

March 1st, 2010, 05:43 AM

Single Cover

Lyrics for Song:

This is the new world order
Plague upon our peers
Spreading accusations
Of radical fears

The brotherhood of wisdom
Strength and dignity
Its rituals and secrets
Remain a mystery

Beneath the ever watchful eye
The angels of the temple fly

Turn the key walk through the gate
The great ascent to reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The final stage a sacred home
Unlock the door and lay the cornerstone
A rite of passage

Men of wealth and power
Influence and fame
Philosophers and leaders
Are members of the trade

Bound by open honor
Like the rose and cross
An enigmatic union
An esoteric flux

Beneath the ever watchful eye
The angels of the temple fly

Turn the key walk through the gate
The great ascent to reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The final stage a sacred home
Unlock the door and lay the cornerstone
A rite of passage

Turn the key walk through the gate
The great ascent to reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The seven stars the rising sun
A perfect world a new life has begun
A rite of passage


Music Video

Please explain this for me.

Much appreciated.

March 1st, 2010, 07:02 AM
Do you really need it explained?

Well, if so, it seems pretty straightforward: judging by their album art and select choice of words throughout, such as cornerstones, temples, rites of passage, and trying to reach a higher state, it would seem they're talking about Freemasons. They make the connection between historic and current people of wealth and influence having been of the order, but I think they're exploiting the the idea, or don't know much about it. They make reference to the new world order, which really has nothing to do with Freemasonry.

Overall, just a nice, upbeat rock song. They can't be knocked too hard for misunderstanding Freemasonry, but it would be unfortunate if the song started confusing people about the order.

March 1st, 2010, 03:58 PM
Sorry If you thought differently, but I was playing coy.

They know freemasonry very well judging by their previous albums and attitudes. Same as Tool, but tool are a little different. They're apart of the oTo which puts a different approach to the same kind of attitude.

The song clearly defends freemasonry, thereby stating that they themselves are freemasons, which does not surprise me. When they mentioned new world order in the first phrase, what they are actually saying is that people shouldn't be scared of it, and that it's a good thing. This has nothing to do with simply sticking words into a song and going whoop.

Your also confusing Freemasonry with local arms of freemasonry. Local chapters are only community benefit programs and organizations. How you seem to defend the higher order is beyond me. You do know the history right? Crusades, Knights Templar? History with the Israelis and the muslims? Local chapters are just community bankers and realty agents who get a kick out secret handshakes and rings.

At the end of the day, it's still all about architecture of society at the high levels. Your being too politically correct about this. Freemasonry does, in idea and ritual have nothing to do with the New World Order, but the thing is being pushed by the masons and was created by the masons, therefore, it's a mason thing.

Now, I'm not sure whether Freemasonry and "Illuminati" Freemasonry are the same thing, this from time to time boggles me. It appears around 1700 freemasonry either get's severely highjacked or it simply starts doing what it intended to as allways.

I think a few rockstars who've been around for a while and met alot of producers and executive forces probably know alot about what's going on, and to me this video is nothing more than a blatant "hah, you can't do anything". I mean, this is only dream theater, now that would be fine as an outlier, but I can't help but get confused when I see album art and music videos from Pearl Jam and a billion other people with the shit all over it. The music industry is literally teeming with masons, if all the ridiculous symbolism holds true to what the artists believe. Chances are, people like Pink and Taylor Swift are too dumbstruck and just do and act as their producers ask.

Your approach to this is pretty irresponsible. These guys are obviously masons, and defending what their order has influenced and manipulated to happen in the past and current times, this is not a good thing to celebrate.

Now I leave you with pictures

^Pearl Jam

Just the ones I've found in 10 minutes, off to work!

March 1st, 2010, 05:11 PM
People using geometric shapes and popular icons in their album artwork. Goddamn heathens.

You remind me of my girlfriend. Her theory is that Jews run everything, you all sound the same.

March 1st, 2010, 05:36 PM
Saw DT in 2007, good band.

March 1st, 2010, 06:13 PM
For a second I thought Sam got unbanned and posted, then I saw it was Dane.

Just appreciate the music and album covers for what they are. Also for Wolfmother that's their style of font, choosing a triangle for the logo is just them being consistent imo. Hell, they even used an actual pyramid for Back Round.

Rob Oplawar
March 1st, 2010, 07:08 PM
What the fuck is this thread?

March 1st, 2010, 07:41 PM
It's a :conspiracy:

March 1st, 2010, 10:11 PM
all in favour of :dane:

it is rather interesting though how many bands incorporate the all-seeing eye into their cover art. maiden does it fairly regularly too, from what i remember, although that could be something to do with bruce's love of history and ancient egypt

March 2nd, 2010, 07:36 AM
Uh, why I am I being called a nutcase? This is fucking plain obvious.

Not just with album covers, but even corporate logos. Triangles with circles in and round them left right and center. I'm sure some of you have seen them.

My fucking WALLET has the all seeing eye/pyramids ALL OVER IT, and my girlfriend didn't even know that when she bought it for me. That's a bad sign. Quicksilver is especially really bad for it.

Linkin Park are good friends of Jay Z, Jay Z is a MASSIVE freemason, and he established people like Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye and so on and so forth to the height they are now. Seems fitting LP got themselves a new logo that appears to be both a pseudo lightning bolt and a triangle. Now I'm not saying they all know what's going on, but at least SOME of them have to, because this shit doesn't make itself.

Ministry have it in their albums, but I'm fairly positive they're anti, not pro.

It also makes sense that Steve Vai would be a mason, if Dream Theater are, even further gonnecting the G3 tour with him and Petrucci, and I think Joe Satriani has it on his covers too. Steves birthday is also 6/6/60 . Cooky as that is, circumstantial. I think the cover speaks for itself.

Music videos go:

Empire of the Sun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVarVeryQFo)

The Singer of this Australian band, met with Jay Z and Beyonce in LA, where they said they wanted to work with him more. Hmmmm, ok.

Rihanna (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iQRXuAo6Eg)

Featuring Jay Z. Ironic that the song that catapaulted her fame had him in it. This is also exactly like how Jay Z was in beyonces first single (Crazy in Love) and this made her solo career massive. Jay Z and Beyonce are now married.

Ok, fine.

U2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la-XootGE04&feature=related)

Self explanatory.

And now, this one

Beyonce/Gaga (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtIdxk2zqXs)

If you don't see what's going on in that one, congrats.

I just find it overwhelming why it's on so many covers, and themed in so much music (even indy Chronicles of Israfel is themed around it, albeit anti) yet no mention of it in plain view. Why don't they just come out and say it?

Some more, also note the titles, some are small but still:
^ Not sure if anti

I'm not sure about Maidens stance, don't know enough about them. I'm leaning towards the anti for them. Then again they are brits so it's probably a higher chance they are masons.

These are the obvious ones from what I could find off the bat. There is far, far more that I could have put in, but it's not so straight forward, more focus on the shape of a pose accompanying with certain colours and themes, but most people would call bullshit to that, but hey connecting dots is hard work.

Btw, I work in advertising and design and animate shit for major australian companies (not me soley, my coworkers too), from McDonalds, banks, legal things, insurance, beer, phone plans and even some video games and movies, everything from angles of invisible lines to the kerning and leading of the text is tuned after revisions and back and forth client meetings, sometimes over the span of WEEKS if they're really anal about it. There are no fucking accidents with these designs. Every pixel is on purpose. These are just web adverts and webpages that I work with, but something like album art that goes through many different suits and creatives and producer people and is going to be seen by alot more people is definitely on purpose.

March 2nd, 2010, 11:21 AM
I love dream theater, I love their latest CD, I love how their drummer just recorded with Avenged Sevenfold to pay tribute to The Rev, and I love the fact theyre making the music for God of War 3. Not reading anything else :(

March 2nd, 2010, 04:21 PM
No, you're exhibiting classic conspiracist flawed logic. You gather all the clues that meet with your biased view and you ignore everything that points to normality.

March 2nd, 2010, 06:51 PM
Dane, what would you say if I was to tell you that ADI's logo is a triangle with a crosshair inside, and this is stamped onto the butt of nearly every Austeyr F88 (the rest have the 'Made in Australia' logo)?


Rob Oplawar
March 2nd, 2010, 06:53 PM
OMFG You're right!
Let's look at it from the perspective of the artists and everybody else who supports the freemasons.
"I want to do something public, and at the same time I want to support my secret society that thrives only because it is secret. I know! I'll embed little hints about the secret society, like little visual clues, in my public works! That way, people will suspect that I am part of a secret society that is secret!"
sorry, i'm a little drunk right now
e: wow, failure of ninja tags much?

March 2nd, 2010, 07:48 PM
Robz pretty bitchin guy, he expose's secret societies and doesn't afraid of anything.

March 3rd, 2010, 12:18 AM
Righto dane i see your Dream theatre song on the freemasons
and i raise you one dream theatre song thats about standing up to oppression and the whole deception shit that allowed some companys to make obscene prophets off the war in Iraq and anywhere else for examples.

btw my songs much catchier.
It burns deep down inside of me,
we have ourselves to blame.
Not questioning, accepted as the truth.

Debate this fight it's just cause,
the facts do not support theirs.
To liberate a people,
and rid them of tyrant rule

Is it time to make the change,
are we closer than before,
can we help them break away,
are we profiting from war?
It´s time to make the change.

Got your attention
Since the inception
Our brave
Fight for what reason

Can we clean up this mess,
The loss of loved ones
A perverse request
They continue the same rhetoric
These derelicts that profit
Win or lose.

Is it time to make a change,
Are we closer than before,
Can we help them break away,
Are we profiting from war?
It´s time to make a change.

Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the truth
Time for change

The only thing that I believe
Will help us see this through is faith.
Pray they will forgive,
Forgive our arrogance,
So we can make it right,
Right for they have wronged.

See you sweat
Unexpected, Controversial
Get used to it
Things are gonna get personal
Your sympathy
A pitiful display you shutter
Your empathy
Means nothing if there is no honor
Of this you are incapable
We implicate
Too much at stake

Our Father, Mothers
Sisters, Brothers
Sons and Daughters
Perpetuating their ideals
A mindless act
To stay the course

Is it time to make a change,
Are we closer than before,
Can we help them break away,
Are we profiting from war?

Is it time to make a change,
Are we closer than before,
Can we help them break away,
Are we profiting from war,
Is it time to make a change?
A change from what it's been
Can we help them break away,
Is our patience wearing thin?
It´s time to make a change.

Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the truth
Time for change

Now you see this is the fucking reason why people are saying your crazy, because you see one thing and you take that single idea or thought and fucking run with it as far as you can to the most extreme and delusional conclusions, thanks to your destroyed sense of logic thats been at the hands of Alex Jones, ron paul and co.

I support and encourage scepticism and the overwhelming desire for truth, but when what your taking as gospel that the world rulers (you know the most powerful manipulative people in the world) are at the mercy of an owl god that demands child sacrifices..... well i think you've gone a bit too far, because it's not logical.
Why would these people be in the thrall of something so completely and utterly ubsurd knowing full well the effects of such delusions Because it helped them get into those positions in the first place.

Why would the north korean dictator that was born into a position of power by birthright have anyone above him giving him rules, he wouldnt because they've got nothing on him.
Oh and have you fucking scene iran?
Thats the image we should strive for amiright?!

islamic totalitarian fundamentalism.
Fuck yeah

Just hope you snap out of it someday man and stop jumping at shadows. Fucking terrible way to live the best years of your life.

March 3rd, 2010, 01:44 AM
awful band tbh. also, autoplay is weak dude.

March 3rd, 2010, 02:02 AM
i'll turn her off in a bit

March 3rd, 2010, 07:00 AM
ITT: Dane reads far too much into pop culture symbols, gets annoyed when others point this out.

nothing to see here

March 3rd, 2010, 02:00 PM
It's a popular fucking symbol already, people like it because it's associated with clandestine groups, and that makes it cool. It's not like all the stars of the world belong to the Freemasons.

March 3rd, 2010, 07:41 PM
i think we're just about done here.