View Full Version : World War II

March 3rd, 2010, 12:08 PM
While writing my thesis on ducks I have happened upon an interesting paradox: every war, including World War II, has been indirectly caused by a shortage or surplus of ducks.

I will begin, of course, by discounting all of the pre-war imperialist actions of Germany. The true cause of the war lies elsewhere. In 1941, a certain revolutionary text entitled Make Way for Ducklings was published.

Critics of Make Way for Ducklings point to its weak plot and poor characterization; in fact, Mr. Mallard's reason for leaving the island is never actually mentioned. In the same way, the United States of America merely misunderstood Germany's reasons for invading Poland. Perhaps if Robert McCloskey, the author of Make Way for Ducklings, had the foresight to mention the disturbing events in Europe, disaster could have been avoided. Thus, a shortage of ducks is responsible for World War II. Make Way for Ducklings was simply not long enough to support a setting change to Eastern Europe.

Make Way for Ducklings could undoubtedly have lessened the disastrous impact of World War II on Earth. But irrespective of McCloskey's failure to change the setting, Make Way for Ducklings nevertheless caused the United States' entrance into the war. Here is an image of a duck congregation in Germany:


One must also recall Germany's use of the "goose step" as a marching technique; the goose is a close relative of the duck. Evidently Make Way for Ducklings was a chilling reminder to the United States that Germany exists. The United States' entrance was prompted by the increasing popularity of the book.

Do not think for a moment I am under the absurd impression that Make Way for Ducklings was the only cause of World War II. I recognize that Donald Duck is also a factor. Nazi Germany was founded in 1933. It is no coincidence that Donald was born in 1934, less than one year after the founding of Nazi Germany. Amazingly enough, ten years after his conception, Donald managed to perform in a film called Der Fuehrer's Face, which glorified the American war effort. Donald was an American ploy to defame Germany shortly after Make Way for Ducklings reminded America of Germany's existence. Also recall that the term "duck tape" was coined during World War II. Considering the significant influence of ducks on America's entrance into the war, I contend that the aforementioned tape was named after ducks as a form of homage to ducks, being as without the use of ducks, the United States would have found gaining Congressional support for the war an impossibility.

I now bring your attention to the internationally renowned crossword puzzle compiler Don Manley, who went by the pseudonym "Duck". Manley was born in 1945; without the presence of ducks in World War II. Manley would never have found the inspiration for his pseudonym and consequently never would have begun his esteemed work with crosswords.

On the subject of celebrities, Manley is not the only one whose name came as a result of the widespread duck influences in World War II. Richard 'Duck' Johnson, poet and playwright, author of "Thy Duck and Mine Trailer", was born in 1921. He served in the Army Corps during the war where he worked as a cook serving mostly duck due to their surplus in Germany; geese were preferred for their steps. What we have here is a blatant propaganda campaign initiated by the United States in an attempt to cover up Make Way for Ducklings. The true title was Make War for Ducklings, as is found in Johnson's memoirs and his personal communications with McCloskey following the war.

I must now bring your attention to Robert Montgomery, a lawyer from Birmington, Alabama. Montgomery was born in 1930 and served in the United States army for two years following his graduation from University. His continued higher education, however, was funded by the G.I. bill, a piece of legislation passed by the United States congress which permitted veterans to attend college at the expense of the federal government. Of particular note here is the fact that Montgomery attended the University of Florida Law School, and it is no coincidence that a particular species of mottled duck is called the Florida duck. Montgomery must have happened upon one of these fantastic creatures during his time in Florida; why else would he have been prompted to pursue a fruitful law career other than the fact that he saw one of the very ducks which might have been responsible for World War II?

After all of the careful research required to compile this article, after the countless hours spent interviewing the great pop culture icons of the post-World War II time period, I am unable to complete to my thesis. I simply cannot continue writing about ducks after considering how terrible Earth was during the 1940s as a result of them. McCloskey's Make Way for Ducklings horrified a nation. But even more horrifying was what came after. I will again draw your attention to an image. The following is a propaganda poster generated by the United States in response to Communism:


Based upon the style of art in this poster, it is apparent that this poster is from the same chain of propaganda as Make Way for Ducklings. I contend that it is ducks who sparked Karl Marx in 1848 to write the Communist Manifesto on the basis that 1940s era propaganda posters relate vaguely to a book about ducklings written in 1941. After considering that ducks were responsible for both World War II and communism, the two scourges of Earth, you will abandon any sympathy you held for ducks.

I hope that after reading this, you can look at a duck and see past its shiny exterior, its gleaming accessories, and think, "this beast is responsible for every wrong that has ever been done since 1941." I hope most of all that my death will not be in vain.

March 3rd, 2010, 02:56 PM
What. The. Fuck.


Pickles cause cancer btw.

March 3rd, 2010, 02:57 PM
This is how enlightenment feels.

March 3rd, 2010, 03:03 PM
What the hell did I just read?

March 3rd, 2010, 03:15 PM
Awesome. Modacity needed more trolls.

March 3rd, 2010, 03:15 PM
made my day

March 3rd, 2010, 04:10 PM
Cool thread Boba.

March 3rd, 2010, 04:24 PM
Cool thread Boba.
you don't understand...

you'll never understand...

March 3rd, 2010, 04:29 PM
Best new member award goes to this guy.

March 3rd, 2010, 05:08 PM
only a duck would write a thesis on ducks.

they're evil like that.

English Mobster
March 3rd, 2010, 05:19 PM
The fuck?
That was awesome. This dude is right.
Here's Donald's various contributions to the war effort:
Führer's Face:
Commando Duck:
Spirit of '43:

March 3rd, 2010, 05:37 PM
Really makes me think...

March 3rd, 2010, 07:20 PM
Disney was a Nazi, big fucking deal.

Alwin Roth
March 3rd, 2010, 08:24 PM
What the fuck did I just read...

March 3rd, 2010, 08:53 PM
yeah, thats a very well known fact.

Disney was very antisemitic.

March 3rd, 2010, 08:55 PM
The war started in 1939 though...

Also, are you a beaver fan? GO OSU!!!

March 3rd, 2010, 09:17 PM
I am a fan of beaver.

March 3rd, 2010, 10:02 PM
Well, I learned something new..

March 4th, 2010, 04:14 PM
While I appreciate the support for my discovery, frankly I am quite alarmed by the assumptions many of you are making.

The fuck?
That was awesome. This dude is right.
Here's Donald's various contributions to the war effort:
Führer's Face:
Commando Duck:
Spirit of '43:

I am afraid Mr. Mobster is merely scratching the surface of the iceberg, or should I say Hindenburg, as my findings will soon reveal.

In 1936, the Hindenburg blimp was created by the Nazis. You may now be considering in which ways the Hindenburg relates to ducks, and consequently to World War II. The reality is that blimps are just another attempt by man to harness the eternally unachievable power of flight. The Hindenburg was another feeble attempt to harness duck technology. Daffy Duck first appeared on April 17, 1937. Evidently Warner Bros. noticed the commercial success of ducks in the media following Disney's birthing of Donald Duck. But what is most peculiar about the birth of Daffy is that the Hindenburg crashed less than one month afterward. The Hindenburg was the epitome of mankind's ingenuity; its crash was man's final attempt to control the skies. But a little known fact, evident to me only after extensive analysis of Warner Bros. cartoons, is that Warner Bros. accidentally sabotaged the Hindenburg. The cartoon short Daffy - The Commando was something of an apology to the Germans. If closely watched, one may notice subtle glorifications of the German war effort. The use of ducks in war propaganda extends far beyond Disney's early attempts.

But the Hindenburg was not man's ONLY attempt to harness duck technology. The Ente was a German rocket-powered aircraft which borrowed heavily from the duck model for its propulsion systems. Built in 1928, the Ente showed early German tendencies toward espionage of duck as was made clearer by their later use of the duck model in the Hindenburg. If the obvious similarities between the shape and propulsion systems of the Ente and the duck are not enough, Ente, in fact, means duck in German. The Germans were not the only ones to see the obvious superiorities of the duck model to the bird model in vehicular engineering. The duck has three main capacities: land, swimming, and the sky. The United States sought to use two of these, land and swimming, to their advantage. During World War II, the United States commissioned General Motors to design an amphibious craft. The result was the DUKW (pronounced "duck"). The DUKW, like the duck, could traverse land AND swimming via its rear propeller and boat-like design. Aside from its wheels, the DUKW is very nearly a mechanical mirror-image of the duck. Unsurprisingly, the United States made another attempt at duck-replication activities after the DUKW. In 1936, the same year Nazi Germany came to power (coincidentally? I think not), the J2F Duck took its first flight; clearly a worldwide duck shortage resulted in desperate attempts to produce synthetic ducks. The J2F was an attempt to harness another of the duck's capacities in addition to swimming: the sky. Mankind always has been and forever will be obsessed with duck synthesis. Who knows whether they will ever succeed in harnessing all three of the duck's capacities?

As I was continuing my duck research I happened upon a startling graph:

The world’s duck population has dwindled. And it has dwindled significantly. There are currently less than 150 ducks left residing on Earth. But most startling is the fact that only one duck is left in the United States. You are probably thinking exactly what I was when I first saw this graph: who is that last duck? My research has led me to a surprising conclusion. I am going to present you with two more photographs:

It probably looks ex-Vice President Dick Cheney is innocently speaking at a legitimate wildlife conference. But glance at the panel behind him and to his right. You probably see a picture of ducks in flight. A recent, high quality picture of ducks in flight. Cheney could not have possibly obtained such a picture; there is only one duck left in the United States. I am now going to draw your attention to the second photograph:

There are ducks on the Wildlife Policy poster. It is clear what is happening. The fake ducks on the logo are intended to draw your attention away from the fake picture of ducks in flight behind Cheney. The United States government is trying to cover up the duck shortage in America. I hope it is clear by now who that last duck is. Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney would have you believe that there is more than one duck left. But he is just part of the cover-up, for he is not ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, but rather ex-Vice President Duck Cheney:

Now we must consider that graph again. China currently is home to the largest duck population left on the planet, with an unheard of 100 duck congregation. China is also the world’s only remaining functional socialist state. The Chinese Communist Party is utilizing ducks to maintain its stranglehold over the Chinese government. Having found out that ducks convinced Marx to draft the Manifesto in the first place, the CCP must have discovered the true potential of the ducks, and their ability to promote Communism. But the Chinese are also hoarding ducks for another reason. The Chinese are attempting duck synthesis just as the American and German governments did. Here is an example:

The Chinese are flooding the duck market with synthesized duck replicas. It is no coincidence that the duck population has dwindled so considerably. Also, take special note of the following replica:

Remember how the United States used Donald Duck to promote their war effort. Now, it appears the Chinese government is doing the very same thing to promote some sort of war. The possibilities are endless and each is equally horrifying. Only time will tell what unspeakable horror the Chinese are planning to unleash with their Donald Duck costumes.

March 4th, 2010, 04:53 PM
Why is this thread still here? I'm surprised that legitimate threads get locked daily due to them getting out of control but this thread and Dane's are still here.

Wait, I'm not surprised at all! :bunchies:

English Mobster
March 4th, 2010, 05:03 PM
First person to get this sage of wisdom up to two rep bars wins at life.
He deserves them.

March 4th, 2010, 08:29 PM
Okay, seriously, what the fuck is this thread.

No really, what is this. Why is this. What possible reason is there for this to exist? I've been around the internet for many years, and I have seen many, many, many things beyond description. This, however, makes me rethink reality. How can something so illogical come into being? What possesses somebody to write this? What happened to the person to degrade their mind to this point of insanity?





March 4th, 2010, 08:34 PM
Either LSD or tartrazine.

English Mobster
March 4th, 2010, 09:21 PM
Or he's been eating chips covered with winsauce.

March 5th, 2010, 04:04 AM
duck cheney you duck of a bitch

i should of known!

English Mobster
March 5th, 2010, 05:13 PM
I never knew Duck Cheney was so evil... :ohdear:

March 5th, 2010, 08:41 PM
jay stop posting you don't make good posts, tia

March 5th, 2010, 09:21 PM
best post eva :iamafag::iamafag::iamafag::iamafag::iamafag::iama fag::iamafag::iamafag:

English Mobster
March 5th, 2010, 09:29 PM
jay stop posting you don't make good posts, tia

March 5th, 2010, 11:41 PM
Wait, you want to do that after an arabian/black/white/ whateverthefuckhumpedwhatandmadehim dude whose renowned for his bad temper told you he doesnt like you? Hell, I would've offed myself about the time I posted pics of me cross dressing online.

March 6th, 2010, 01:33 AM
Wait, you want to do that after an arabian/black/white/ whateverthefuckhumpedwhatandmadehim dude whose renowned for his bad temper told you he doesnt like you? Hell, I would've offed myself about the time I posted pics of me cross dressing online.


March 6th, 2010, 09:57 PM
Man this is making me think...

And chainsy WTF are you talking about?, you cross dressed and posted pics online?

English Mobster
March 7th, 2010, 07:52 PM
Chains and ICEE just hold a grudge for too long.
They were referring to me and something I did a long-ass time ago which (along with a couple other events which happened about the same time) most of the community still hates me for, even though it's approaching 2 1/2 years since it happened.

March 7th, 2010, 08:26 PM
To be honest no one gives a shit anymore.

March 7th, 2010, 08:29 PM
i dont dislike you because of your behavior back then. its because of your behavior now.