View Full Version : NASA Releases Most detailed photo of earth yet

March 4th, 2010, 02:18 AM


Looks cool, except, I noticed something, being something of a lamener of Photoshop.

Look at the bottom left, just off america, at the clone tooled clouds.

Someones hiding something :awesome:

Or they put lots of fake clouds everywhere.


March 4th, 2010, 02:26 AM
Alright, I'll bite. What do you think they're hiding that could possibly show up from space?

Did they secretly build a great wall of California?

March 4th, 2010, 02:30 AM
Well, I'm not SURE they're hiding something, but my guess is half the clouds on all the shots are bullshit.

I would not be surprised if the clouds are stock photos that turn up somehow in the next 24 hours.

I would have thought, ok it happened when they "stitched together the shit in photoshop" (being the only edit they did? hmm) but it's only in that one spot, and doesn't appear at all on the "east" side photo


Although that middle area SCREAMS liquify filter to me, but I photoshop too much.

Maybe Al Gore works at nasa as a UFO remover, his photoshop skills are known to be pretty shit, on the cover of his new book:





Wait a fucking minute. Look at the clouds off the left of america in that first shot just in this post^, and in the photo in the first post. Oh wow, its the same photo, but clouds have been added above south america and everywhere else in the new one.


I do believe, that I just won. What are they hiding, you asked CN?

"The decline".

March 4th, 2010, 02:42 AM
This kid...

March 4th, 2010, 02:45 AM
what the fuck are you babbling about.

i thought we had a cool space thread going on, but instead i get conspiracy and photoshoped clouds.

son, i am disappoint.

March 4th, 2010, 02:50 AM
it's photoshopped i can tell by the pixels and seeing a good amount of photoshopping work in my day

the clouds are probably hiding the nukes or whatever

March 4th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Fucking idiots, read my fucking post.

All the photos showing America on this page, are the same fucking photos with clouds added. Please, piss and moan more.

March 4th, 2010, 02:54 AM

March 4th, 2010, 02:58 AM
Yeah, whatever, but I know an image. I might come off brash, but I'm not having this shit again. Attack me, whatever, but eyes don't lie.

There are 3 seperate images, thats 1, 2, 3, with the same cloud formations present in all of them, one being the original, one being al gores modded version, and the other being the new one with extra clouds ALL OVER IT.

I guess I have to do a side by side of these, give me a minute. All that scrolling is really hard on the brain.

March 4th, 2010, 02:59 AM
So NASA thinks the Earth looks prettier with cloud cover. Who cares?

March 4th, 2010, 03:15 AM
Yeah, it's that simple. Spin that shit, DJ.

So if this picture gets used for say, I dunno, GLOBAL WARMING IS APON USSSSSSSS AAARRRRGGGHHHH

That's not a big deal huh? Using faked fucking images, to sell people something that is "science" for something like a tax on everything?

Heres the 3 in 1 for dummies (it's not that small, click it)


It's wrong, it's on purpose, case closed.

March 4th, 2010, 03:23 AM
I'll tell you what they are hiding for $5

March 4th, 2010, 03:25 AM
It's penis right.

March 4th, 2010, 03:27 AM
Odd that they've added clouds but I doubt it's for more than just for looks. Are the clouds in the same place as they are on Google Maps, or does google maps delete certain areas off the map too? :o

March 4th, 2010, 03:38 AM
Why does it matter at all.

March 4th, 2010, 03:45 AM
Are you kidding me?

Odd? Just for looks? Am I in Silent Hill or something? What the fuck is going on here.

The top space agency releases photos that show bullshit amounts of moisture in the atmosphere, I proved them to be fake, they even have visible photoshop cloning for an extra sprinkle of HEH, and this image get's released on the eve of worldwide global warming bullshit tax panic and this is fucking fine? This same source imagery is used again, to be manipulated on the FRONT FUCKING COVER of the new book by the man who is spearheading this entire thing.

I'm sorry, I come off as a fucking hotheaded douchebag and I am just that, but


March 4th, 2010, 04:10 AM

March 4th, 2010, 04:13 AM
False advertisement

I want my money back

My tax money

which is what fuels NASA


March 4th, 2010, 04:17 AM

March 4th, 2010, 04:31 AM
Yeah, nukes, I'm totally am talking about nukes, and not all the fake tropospheric clouds everywhere.

You know, if your trying to undermine someone, don't actually put effort into it when you fall on your face like gawkward duck, your look more stupid. Please, learn how to read.

March 4th, 2010, 04:35 AM
Global Warming



March 4th, 2010, 04:37 AM
Sorry Dane, I understand your point, and I agree completely, but given your past conspiracies on Obama I don't think that anyone else here is going to take you seriously.

March 4th, 2010, 04:39 AM
Hey Paladin, I see you didn't fucking read, at all.

I forget sometimes that facts aren't facts until they're said by someone whose loveable.


March 4th, 2010, 04:49 AM
Whatever man, they released it for the artistic beauty and such, not so people like you could run around the internet yelling "THIS IS PHOTOSHOPED, THE EARTH IS PHOTOSHOPPED THAT MEANS SOMETHING IS WRONG!!1!!1!!"...

Seriously, calm the fuck down.

You know all those colored images from the Hubble? They don't come that way, the colors are added in Photoshop.

March 4th, 2010, 04:49 AM
Are you kidding me?

Odd? Just for looks? Am I in Silent Hill or something? What the fuck is going on here.

The top space agency releases photos that show bullshit amounts of moisture in the atmosphere, I proved them to be fake, they even have visible photoshop cloning for an extra sprinkle of HEH, and this image get's released on the eve of worldwide global warming bullshit tax panic and this is fucking fine? This same source imagery is used again, to be manipulated on the FRONT FUCKING COVER of the new book by the man who is spearheading this entire thing.

I'm sorry, I come off as a fucking hotheaded douchebag and I am just that, but


Timmy would've been more appropriate.

March 4th, 2010, 04:52 AM
Whatever man, they released it for the artistic beauty and such, not so people like you could run around the internet yelling "THIS IS PHOTOSHOPED, THE EARTH IS PHOTOSHOPPED THAT MEANS SOMETHING IS WRONG!!1!!1!!"...

Seriously, calm the fuck down.

You know all those colored images from the Hubble? They don't come that way, the colors are added in Photoshop.THER DA HIDING DEM DER NUKES IN THAT DER TARANTULA NEBULER!


March 4th, 2010, 04:52 AM
No, Jimmy is what I feel like when I come here.

Also Freelancer, your full of shit. If you still think this is ok, your a fucking tool factory. You lived on planet earth in a while? Theres plenty of pictures in this thread. Theres been this global warming thing for a while now, and apparently, the guys behind it, and promoting it, faked images showing it in photos so people could see said photos, and go "oh yarp, thats global smarmy right there". It's a really cool story, you should read it.

Also, again with the nukes? Oh i get it. Your trying to start a meme. Wow, you've got lower rep than I have. You have 0 chance. I get it though. Attack a guy when you think hes down and when everyone else is doing it too, to get your head in the door to say something funny and increase your profile in the community. Seen it all before. Half the current members became respectable that way.

March 4th, 2010, 05:00 AM
Wow, what are you babbling on about lol.

Like Freelancer said, images from space are sent as binary images. The colour is added down on earth, and only a representation of what the binary values are. Its the same reason the video from the moon landing is black and white, that used binary images too.

March 4th, 2010, 05:01 AM
Hey Paladin, I see you didn't fucking read, at all.

I forget sometimes that facts aren't facts until they're said by someone whose loveable.


I read the entire thread, you make as much sense as....


March 4th, 2010, 05:03 AM
Also, again with the nukes? Oh i get it. Your trying to start a meme. Wow, you've got lower rep than I have. You have 0 chance. I get it though. Attack a guy when you think hes down and when everyone else is doing it too, to get your head in the door to say something funny and increase your profile in the community. Seen it all before. Half the current members became respectable that way.I've been a member here since 2006. :conspiracy:

March 4th, 2010, 05:07 AM
Wow, what are you babbling on about lol.

Like Freelancer said, images from space are sent as binary images. The colour is added down on earth, and only a representation of what the binary values are. Its the same reason the video from the moon landing is black and white, that used binary images too.


You think the clouds get added in by themselves on the way down huh? Are you that dense? Fail attempt to sound smart.

Oh, and Apollo, your posts say otherwise.

March 4th, 2010, 05:07 AM
I've been a member here since 2006. :conspiracy:

But Jun 2009... but... but.. :ohdear:

wait, whats Jun? :raise:

March 4th, 2010, 05:11 AM
Hey Paladin, please explain to me what doesn't make sense. There are 3 images, I compared them. These images were and are being used for global warming propaganda.

Do you not get the technical aspect of it or something? Clone tooling refers to a tool in photoshop that samples a layers pixel area and duplicates it elsewhere on paintover. Photoshop is a program that is more torrented than Metallica, and is used to digitally alter or create images.

If your still confused I can show you how this works if you like.

You also posted the same post twice. Better fix that. I guess it was an important relevant post?

March 4th, 2010, 05:12 AM
But Jun 2009... but... but.. :ohdear:

wait, whats Jun? :raise:
It used to be June but the government is hiding the e to experiment on it and discover a weakness to exploit in the global economy. That's right, Modacity is a front.

March 4th, 2010, 05:14 AM
As I said, your posts say otherwise. I'm not sure if your aware of this but were talking about images and cloud cover, not nuclear weapons and bullshit.

March 4th, 2010, 05:15 AM
Hey Paladin, please explain to me what doesn't make sense. There are 3 images, I compared them. These images were and are being used for global warming propaganda.

Do you not get the technical aspect of it or something? Clone tooling refers to a tool in photoshop that samples a layers pixel area and duplicates it elsewhere on paintover. Photoshop is a program that is more torrented than Metallica, and is used to digitally alter or create images.

If your still confused I can show you how this works if you like.

You also posted the same post twice. Better fix that. I guess it was an important relevant post?

In case you forgot, this was my first post:

Global Warming



so if your talking about global warming propaganda, and I say global warming, how is that even remotely irrelevant? Let alone, how did I not read the thread, when I used your main argument in 50% of my post?

March 4th, 2010, 05:18 AM
I still am unsure what you mean by global warming. When I read that, I saw the typical "duh, its global warming dats why da clouds are dere lol" post.

If you meant it as in, "yeah, global warming allright (sarcasm)", than I'm very sorry. As you can see this thread is kind of a minefield, can't really tell where people are being serious or just trying to destroy the point in a clusterfuck of jibber jabber.

However if the first one still stands, your a douche fuck off suck off jerk off your sisters bf etc etc.

March 4th, 2010, 05:19 AM
Im a hardcore conservative, I dont believe in global warming. Like you, I believe its a bunch a bullshit that a select group of people can profit from.

March 4th, 2010, 05:24 AM
Than I owe you an apology, sir.

Sorry for being a douche, Paladin. Next time I should have asked you what you meant by the post instead of shooting my mouth off.

I'm not asking anyone to fucking go YEP BELIEVE IT I LOVE YOU MAN OMG.

I just don't want people to napalm what is a healthy argument about something very real and very wrong, with nothing but preemptive bullshit and biased animosity towards me. On any other forum you'd all look like fucking tools, but here, it's just sort of lost in the fray or something. I don't really understand how it works. Is it something to do with the number of posts per page or something?

Don't blindly accept it, but don't curl your toes in every direction to get away from it, just cause.

March 4th, 2010, 05:25 AM
Whatever man, they released it for the artistic beauty and such, not so people like you could run around the internet yelling "THIS IS PHOTOSHOPED, THE EARTH IS PHOTOSHOPPED THAT MEANS SOMETHING IS WRONG!!1!!1!!"...

Seriously, calm the fuck down.

You know all those colored images from the Hubble? They don't come that way, the colors are added in Photoshop.
they just dont want the knowledge that the earth has really been flat all along to get out.

you do realize dane that an increase in cloud cover has nothing to do with global warming yeah?

The reason they choose pictures of the earth is to put it into perspective that it isnt as bit and strong as our limited perception makes us believe, that it's just a humble little dot in a very very large space where we've so far found no other planets we can definitively live on.
simple as that.

oh and of course it's something that can be profited from, that doesnt mean it's not a serious issue or something that doesnt exist.
Tax's have never fixed a problem ever, look at say the RTA in australia, the petrol excise tax which btw is woked out on top of other tax's.
where you are literally taxed for your tax.
It's a stupid idea thats a bandaid solution to a real problem, but one that is held up as the way to go simply because there is profiteering to be made and gullible idiotic deceiveable people make up the overwhelming common denominator.

In any of these instance it's never the company thats effected and if you think that your fucking stupid.

But all of this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that theres more clouds in that picture.
There is no connection.

I dont think anyone looked at that and went "wow i can really see that warming"
it would of been "thats cool, and it puts things into perspective"

March 4th, 2010, 05:27 AM
I'm not curling my toes up, i'm just not surprised that two people used the same fake cloud texture to cover two different high resolution maps of the earth. Sorry :\

I just find it hard to believe that if this was really a big conspiracy, then they wouldn't have used the same texture to "tip" people off that they're working towards the same cause.

March 4th, 2010, 05:28 AM
Than I owe you an apology, sir.

Sorry for being a douche, Paladin. Next time I should have asked you what you meant by the post instead of shooting my mouth off.

I'm not asking anyone to fucking go YEP BELIEVE IT I LOVE YOU MAN OMG.

I just don't want people to napalm what is a healthy argument about something very real and very wrong, with nothing but preemptive bullshit and biased animosity towards me. On any other forum you'd all look like fucking tools, but here, it's just sort of lost in the fray or something. I don't really understand how it works. Is it something to do with the number of posts per page or something?

Don't blindly accept it, but don't curl your toes in every direction to get away from it, just cause.

Its no biggie. I know how easy it is to get pushed over the edge here, especially with some people.

March 4th, 2010, 05:37 AM
I'm not curling my toes up, i'm just not surprised that two people used the same fake cloud texture to cover two different high resolution maps of the earth. Sorry :\

I just find it hard to believe that if this was really a big conspiracy, then they wouldn't have used the same texture to "tip" people off that they're working towards the same cause.

They just know, that no one will give a shit. And I agree. It's not gunna do anything, knowing, as this tiny thread proves. I just thought I should share it. :/

They also didn't use the same texture, I believe the middle photo is the original they just added more to each. You only notice it when you see the images together side by side.

Hell, I only noticed it after posting the original image, when I went to find the Al gore bullshit versions, I saw they were the same images with different edits, so the topic evolved from there.

Ok bodie, what the hell are you on about. I know cloud cover has nothing to do with global warming?

The point was, GLOBAL WARMING MAN AL GORE and NASA, 2 things both promoting the idea of AGW, have doctored the same images, to show more, from less, to aid they're agenda.

You completely missed the point or something. They didn't choose the images as they were. They edited them. And what does this have to do with us being finite in space?

This topic, is about people who have $omething to gain from a theory that is the scientific equivalent of Aryan Blood, are faking bullshit, to put on major online newspapers, to sell "VISUAL PROOF" that this theory really is happening to lots of people who don't care or desire to look at images like they're could be something fake about them.

I thought you were a man of science, logic.

Seperate bullshit you may think about me, to what's being said here, thanks.

March 4th, 2010, 05:44 AM
Ok bodie, what the hell are you on about. I know cloud cover has nothing to do with global warming?

The point was, GLOBAL WARMING MAN AL GORE and NASA, 2 things both promoting the idea of AGW, have doctored the same images, to show more, from less, to aid they're agenda.

no they really havnt


your right you know all these crazy scientists and shit with their evolution and gravity


March 4th, 2010, 05:51 AM
What the hell? What are you talking about?

Are you trying to make it appear that I think that gravity is full of shit? Lumping in real science to fake science, as if to conclude this argument? All rapped up?

Just like that?

You even had the gall to put an obnoxious "hahahahhaa" at the bottom.

Your 21 now, not 15.

I don't wanna say anything because I'm not sure if your being serious or not. 3 fucking images, all the same source material, with differnet edits, being published for global warming visual representations. I know it seems really hard to you that people can "edit" images or something, but it happens. I edit wrinkles and fat from chicks nearly twice a week, so little girls in the mall can see the shit and think THATS real.

You know what, fuck it. Have it your way, I've been here too long defending fact from fiction, and I'm over it. Wasting time, must leave. However.

Despite what the news has led you to believe, us "deniers" think green energy is great, solar is great, wind is great. However, Tax is full of shit. The current income tax, is full of shit. Taxing income higher priority over taxing capital gain?

And the idea that the oil companies pay the deniers, when ALL the oil companies are switching to green energy? Shell, the largest in the world, is leading that front.

You think oil tycoons are loyal to oil? No, they're loyal to money, and whatever makes it for them. What happened was, the oil companies realized, rather than pay money to dig money out of the ground, they can just let the money make itself, as people breathe out into the .04 percent c02 atmosphere and watch for carbon labels on their cheese.

This is only further going to stop progress in Africa and other countries. Stupid green idiots run in and tell them they can't cut trees or harvest or build, yet they run back home and refrigerate their soy milk and microwave their fucking beanbags.

As soon as the tax gets passed, they'll simply start reporting the real weather gathers again. The monarchy would have creamed their fucking pants in the 1700's to the thought of a society that saw itself as a disease and was willing to be taxed to breathe and give birth. But, they would have had their heads lopped off for fucking treason at the mere mention of it.

Also, heres a tip:

Gravity didn't need Thom Yorke or DiCaprios stupid smarmy grins to prove itself right. It was and is science. The minute famous people are used to push something it's an immediate sign it's garbage.

Oh and by the way, heres what makes up the atmosphere:

Nitrogen 78.1%
Oxygen 20.9%
Argon 0.9%
Carbon Dioxide 0.03852% (publ. 23 Nov. 2009, globally averaged during 2008 (http://www.newsguide.us/education/science/Network-observation-at-the-GAW-stations-and-atmospheric-CO2-mixing-ratios-over-China/?date=2009-12-08))
Neon 0.002%
Helium 0.0005%
Methane 0.0001786% (NCAR: end of 2008)
Krypton 0.0001%
Hydrogen 0.00005%
Water vapor 0 to 4%
Ozone 0.000004%

Also note, that water vapour is a larger contributor to the greenhouse effect than c02 is.

Oh, and a Climate Change Panel is paid and exists, therefore It can not be allowed to prove it's own existence false, like the catholic church. Quit linking me links from the official climate change panel used by the un, when they're all made up from uni papers and other "peer reviewed" texts. No independent study what so ever.

Or in gamer terms, just like how steam, isn't objective. I Like steam though, however, Valves games will get more ad space and priority.

This is called, Owning the Game, and Playing it too.

I'm out, have fun with the post, whatever.

March 4th, 2010, 07:34 AM
Proof of 'shopped (http://www.shadedrelief.com/natural3/pages/clouds.html)

About the cloud maps

The cloud maps above derive from the 8,192 x 4,096 cloud map that accompanied the original NASA Blue Marble (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/BlueMarble/BlueMarble_2002.html) dataset released in 2002. The origin of the NASA cloud map is unknown. A close inspection of it reveals many small duplicate clouds over ocean areas, a sign of prior digital editing. Clouds on the NASA map nevertheless correspond with global weather patterns and look correct when viewed from far away, such as Earth seen from outer space.

March 4th, 2010, 08:00 AM
Reading the article, it mentions that all the images used in this high-detail version were captured in 2001, and that they've just recently released it. Al Gore always liked NASA, and he -was- the Vice President. I don't think it's unlikely that when he said "guys, I need a picture of Earth for my book on global warming", in 2006, that they would turn him away. They'd say "cool, here's some great shots we've been working on."

Whether or not they're colluding, however, is definitely not answered by this discovery alone. Good find, Dane. It definitely points out that NASA's giving, or gave, Al Gore a helping hand. But that doesn't mean anyone should jump the gun on some conspiracy.

March 4th, 2010, 08:12 AM
ahahahaha yesssss the secret NASA/Al Gore cabal, conspiring to enact the carbon tax so that something something world dominance

I love it, as long it means we get a mars mission sometime this century http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/07-19-06-munch.gif

March 4th, 2010, 08:39 AM
Shit, as long as that money only goes to the Mission to Mars pool of funds...fuck it vOv

March 4th, 2010, 09:26 AM
Proof of 'shopped (http://www.shadedrelief.com/natural3/pages/clouds.html)

About the cloud maps

The cloud maps above derive from the 8,192 x 4,096 cloud map that accompanied the original NASA Blue Marble (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/BlueMarble/BlueMarble_2002.html) dataset released in 2002. The origin of the NASA cloud map is unknown. A close inspection of it reveals many small duplicate clouds over ocean areas, a sign of prior digital editing. Clouds on the NASA map nevertheless correspond with global weather patterns and look correct when viewed from far away, such as Earth seen from outer space.


These textures have been available to the public for a long time. The picture is a render and nothing more. So what if they've edited their clouds?

March 4th, 2010, 10:17 AM
Someone should update the thread title so it's not misleading anyone to think a gov't agency is actually telling the truth

Rob Oplawar
March 4th, 2010, 01:46 PM
Dane a couple of years ago: http://www.911truth.org/
Dane today: http://www.book-of-thoth.com/ftopict-22129.html
Dane in 5 years: http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/
Dane in 10 years: http://www.timecube.com/

Sorry dude, my respect for you just goes down and down and down. :/

teh lag
March 4th, 2010, 02:15 PM
I'm not sure why anyone who posted in this thread thought their post would accomplish anything. Threads like this ALWAYS turn into threads like this. Dane posts some theory, people make fun of it/him for 2-3 pages with a few refutations by him and some counter refutations that rarely break above a vague husk of legitimate discussion. If you get your entertainment from predictable grind on the Internet I suggest you seek an MMO that appeals to you.

March 4th, 2010, 02:48 PM
my... my cereal box...

it's a conspiracy for everyone that eats shredded wheat


March 4th, 2010, 03:14 PM
OH LOOK, arguing about clouds eh? Big deal.

It's clouds for sakes. Big deal, let me guys know if you learned something that fighting about whats under a cloud...land and water, keep it simple.

Choking Victim
March 4th, 2010, 03:29 PM
I have absolutely no idea what you just said.

March 4th, 2010, 03:30 PM
Big deal

March 4th, 2010, 03:38 PM
They're hiding Gwen Stefani, Alecia Keyes, and Jay Z's Masonic Temple that they use to rule the world.

March 4th, 2010, 04:22 PM
If you get your entertainment from predictable grind on the Internet I suggest you seek an MMO that appeals to you.

The internet is a MMORPG.

Threads like these are it's dungeons :hist101:

March 5th, 2010, 03:36 AM
i think we are just about done here.