March 4th, 2010, 04:30 PM
And deserves its own thread.
Police say a crew of thieves staged a real-life version of a Hollywood-style burglary, ala "Mission Impossible,'' when they lowered themselves into a Best Buy store to steal $26,000 worth of laptop computers all without touching the floor, triggering the alarm or being captured by surveillance cameras.
Sgt. James Ryan said the elaborate break-in began some time after closing at 11 p.m., when more than one burglar climbed up a 3-inch gas pipe on the side of the Route 1 store.
"The boot marks suggest more than one suspect scaled the pipe to get to the rooftop,'' Ryan said.
The crew then used a hacksaw to cut through a roughly 5-inch layer of rubber and insulation, and then cut a 3-foot-by-3-foot hole in the roof, he said. They apparently used some type of suction to pull the roof upward, rather than let it fall into the store.
Next, the thieves lowered themselves some 16 feet to the metal racks inside the store, remaining about 10 feet off the ground throughout the break-in, Ryan said. From there they reached a caged area in which the laptops were stored.
Ryan said the burglars used banners in the store to block themselves from security cameras, and somehow got about two dozen Apple laptops and their tools up to the ceiling without triggering an alarm. While they managed to evade motion sensors, he said, police found no marks to suggest the crew even touched the floor, suggesting "a high degree of sophistication'' and some advance scouting by the burglars.
"It definitely appears that they had very good knowledge of the store,'' Ryan said.
Employees discovered the break-in around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday when they saw debris on the floor and looked up to see a piece missing from the roof, the sergeant said.
Police say a crew of thieves staged a real-life version of a Hollywood-style burglary, ala "Mission Impossible,'' when they lowered themselves into a Best Buy store to steal $26,000 worth of laptop computers all without touching the floor, triggering the alarm or being captured by surveillance cameras.
Sgt. James Ryan said the elaborate break-in began some time after closing at 11 p.m., when more than one burglar climbed up a 3-inch gas pipe on the side of the Route 1 store.
"The boot marks suggest more than one suspect scaled the pipe to get to the rooftop,'' Ryan said.
The crew then used a hacksaw to cut through a roughly 5-inch layer of rubber and insulation, and then cut a 3-foot-by-3-foot hole in the roof, he said. They apparently used some type of suction to pull the roof upward, rather than let it fall into the store.
Next, the thieves lowered themselves some 16 feet to the metal racks inside the store, remaining about 10 feet off the ground throughout the break-in, Ryan said. From there they reached a caged area in which the laptops were stored.
Ryan said the burglars used banners in the store to block themselves from security cameras, and somehow got about two dozen Apple laptops and their tools up to the ceiling without triggering an alarm. While they managed to evade motion sensors, he said, police found no marks to suggest the crew even touched the floor, suggesting "a high degree of sophistication'' and some advance scouting by the burglars.
"It definitely appears that they had very good knowledge of the store,'' Ryan said.
Employees discovered the break-in around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday when they saw debris on the floor and looked up to see a piece missing from the roof, the sergeant said.