View Full Version : Political corectness gone mad?
March 6th, 2010, 08:49 PM
I recently found out much to several peoples distaste why certain song's are never aired on the radio stations overe here due to "political correctness", while reading up on this i found several news articles explaining how/why certain "ethical groups" are excused from certain slurs and slang while others are near crusified for using the exact same words.
Im curious what people here have to say on this.
I was with a few friends friday watching the film Evolution and was told why the film and a few of the song's in it are never aired, one song in particular was by wild cherry called "play that funky music, white boy".
Since it's well known there are members here from several different nationalities im curious how the different cultures handle these things.
Political Correctness: Only saying what one is allowed to say - by whom? Didn't the Nazis practise something like it, or the Soviet Union especially under Stalin. Double talk, double think results in lies and deception. Sweep away PC once and for all.
March 6th, 2010, 08:51 PM
I maintain that political correctness is one of the worst inventions in the history of mankind and all it does is hold us back as a species. Additionally, "Play that Funky Music" is an awesome song and that station should be bitchslapped if they thought it was even the slightest bit offensive.
March 6th, 2010, 08:53 PM
PC can die
March 6th, 2010, 08:57 PM
I maintain that political correctness is one of the worst inventions in the history of mankind and all it does is hold us back as a species. Additionally, "Play that Funky Music" is an awesome song and that station should be bitchslapped if they thought it was even the slightest bit offensive.
Apparently it has something to do with calling a man/woman by the tone of the colour being "racialy discriminating", i would much rather listening to that song than have to listen to the latest rejects from the most recent pop contest tv show.
Hundreds of different genres and the country has been brain washed to accept only dance and R&B to be the main form of music, what happened to rock, metal, retro and all the others?
I hope this thread dosnt end up in the shitter like most other threads here, i think this one has quite alot to discuss about and it would be a shame to be ruined by some butthurt idiots.
March 6th, 2010, 09:05 PM
Apparently it has something to do with calling a man/woman by the tone of the colour being "racialy discriminating", i would much rather listening to that song than have to listen to the latest rejects from the most recent pop contest tv show.
Hundreds of different genres and the country has been brain washed to accept only dance and R&B to be the main form of music, what happened to rock, metal, retro and all the others?
I hope this thread dosnt end up in the shitter like most other threads here, i think this one has quite alot to discuss about and it would be a shame to be ruined by some butthurt idiots.
Censoring a song because it says "white boy" is beyond politically correct; it's complete paranoid idiocy. There is zero context in which that can be offensive, especially in this song (which is 34 fucking years old). It's like censoring Frank Sinatra's "South of the Border" for being offensive to the Mexican people (which it's not).
As for your second point, dance and R&B are most popular right now so stations play them the most. That's simply to get higher ratings and it's a sound business practice. Fortunately, there are some stations that provide classic rock and the like (99.1PLR for us Connecticut denizens).
March 6th, 2010, 09:12 PM
Censoring a song because it says "white boy" is beyond politically correct; it's complete paranoid idiocy. There is zero context in which that can be offensive, especially in this song (which is 34 fucking years old). It's like censoring Frank Sinatra's "South of the Border" for being racially discriminating to the Mexican people (which it's not).
Yeah i know, im still trying to figure out how a black guy can call a white guy a nigger and get away with it[how does that even work?] but if you even think about calling them a monkey and BAM! racialy discriminating.
As for your second point, dance and R&B are most popular right now so stations play them the most. That's simply to get higher ratings and it's a sound business practice. Fortunately, there are some stations that provide classic rock and the like (99.1PLR for us Connecticut denizens).
There's about 3 stations where i live and all 3 play the same music over and over all the time, i cannot remember how many times i heard the umbrella song by rhiana last year, through out the time it was top of the charts it rained like fuck, even mother nature couldn't stand the song.
I agree it's good business practice but it's when you even mention to liking other styles of music you get expressions as if you have just taken a shit in the holy water at church or something [completely athiest here but with that in mind this is the only way i can describe the reactions you get].
Even the "Chavs" have had enough with some of the shit going on, on the radios, the music is censored even though it is supposedly a form of ART and old long standing music get's forgotten entirely open to be plagurised by "popular artists" [Im looking at you cold play[viva la vida].
March 6th, 2010, 09:55 PM
I am actually clinically insane, and i take offense to the thread title. I will write a letter to someone to complain about it.
March 6th, 2010, 10:19 PM
any system that sets up a bias for a person of any race colour or backround breeds discrimination.
if everyone is treated exactly teh same there is nothing to complain about.
These idiots havnt figured that out yet so they try to legislate it, and fail miserably.
March 6th, 2010, 10:26 PM
any system that sets up a bias for a person of any race colour or backround breeds discrimination.
if everyone is treated exactly teh same there is nothing to complain about.
These idiots havnt figured that out yet so they try to legislate it, and fail miserably.
Exactly; as Yahtzee said, "A society where anyone can make jokes about anyone else and everyone laughs is a truly tolerant society. Politically-charged censorship only serves to engender resentment between social groups."
Honestly, why is this so hard for the general masses to figure out?
March 6th, 2010, 10:30 PM
Political correctness can go fuck itself.
And that's pretty much my entire view on the subject.
March 6th, 2010, 11:39 PM
PC is a piss poor attempt at mind control, a precursor to thought-crime.
Just like every other freedom that's being taken away it's sold by using fear/guilt.
The people that push it are invariably the biggest racists/bigots/hatemongers/powergrabbers/all around general fucksticks....
PC can go fuck itself.
March 6th, 2010, 11:42 PM
A confectionery company here got sued because they sell "Eskimos",
Apparently the word Eskimo is racist.
March 7th, 2010, 12:41 AM
Political correctness can go fuck itself.
And that's pretty much my entire view on the subject.
oh, and yeah, eskimo is the equivalent of "nigger" to the Inuit people.
I dont think PC should exist. It should just be a rule of thumb that being a racist dickhead is a bad thing. As for censoring television and stuff for it, I think the same reason you wouldn't let a newscaster talk about his dick, which would be because there may be children watching and its also plainly in bad taste, would be the same reason you wouldn't let a newscaster talk about other ethnicities in a negative way.
It should be common decency, not some kind of law.
March 7th, 2010, 12:45 AM
If anyone wants a humorous take on it, go find Carlin's "When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?" It's a bit more on euphemisms, but he hammers PC language pretty hard at the same time.
March 7th, 2010, 07:04 AM
Hundreds of different genres and the country has been brain washed to accept only dance and R&B to be the main form of music, what happened to rock, metal, retro and all the others?
You guys don't have mainstream rock any more?
How does that even work, even I love R&R Jesus Christ and i don't care about practically any music :v:
Also, it was about time we had another PC thread, it's been too long since we've all said the same thing we said the last few threads.
ps. play that funky music white boy owns, gona listen to it now \m/
March 7th, 2010, 07:18 AM
Was watching the news few minutes ago, usual stuff, some people die over seas, someone gets put back into prison for what ever reason but the bit that got me directly after describing various things in graphic detail and opinions so blatent it would make Dane look humble, they censored the name of a film thats up for oscars, apparently the word "Bastard" is also banned even if it is part of the name for a film.
How can simple words get so taken out of context, that they end up getting more attention than than the situation in Iraq/afghanistan or any other much more newsworthy articles.
March 7th, 2010, 09:45 AM
apparently the word "Bastard" is also banned even if it is part of the name for a film.
what i find funny about that is how ass-backwards rating systems are. PG-13 used to be family time but now they're shouting "fuck" every 10 seconds while a movie with 0.00005 seconds of boobie footage is rated R. so which is more offensive: a twelve year old talking about bukake or a tit?
March 7th, 2010, 01:21 PM
Strange you'd even get that type of reaction for liking something not currently in the top charts. What type of people were you getting these reactions from?
As for music I often stray (or try to) away from what's popular. Even though some of the stuff is catchy, without a doubt there's stuff that's better.
PC's kind of a double-edged sword.
Its purpose being a guide of presenting content based on the sensitivity of a target audience.
The broader that audience is the less lax you can be in saying what you want - without insulting anyone.
How PC is being used is what's giving it such a bad name, specifically the content and why.
like sleepy said, why omit a catchy song that might - depending on the listener - might have racial offense, versus slapping some tits on tv and saying its ok?
Clif: With the focus on mainstream media, I think PC has some potential but how its being used could use some work.
Sorry for getting academic on you guys there, did this type of discussion a lot in my highschool. The direction and depth I could go is pretty big.
March 7th, 2010, 01:43 PM
You are totally correct Penguin. It would be nice if people in general didnt need these rules/advice, but unfortunately we do.
But yes it can be, and often is taken too far.
March 7th, 2010, 03:42 PM
It would be nice if people in general didnt need these rules/advice, but unfortunately we do.
I disagree. I think it's PC itself that makes it seem that way. It's legitimized by using statements like that.
It assumes there is a problem and that it is the solution, when in fact, the problem does not exist or does not exist anymore in which case it pats itself on the back.
For example:
Person #1: "I'm wearing lion repellant"
Person #2: "But there aren't any lions around here"
Person #1: "The repellant is working"
PC works off the premise "everyone is offensive".
Then it makes a second false assumption that "people are less offensive than they used to be because of PC"
When, in fact, there are very specific causes (e.g., MLK, etc..)
This is a extremely common ploy, especially with our government.
Make a case for a false problem then present a 'top-down' solution.
PC is a 'top-down' solution.
March 7th, 2010, 04:24 PM
You have too much faith in the human race.
If i was black and my employer handed me a wage packet every week in an envelope that was addressed to "Big Nigger Joe" . How should a society deal with this situation?
March 7th, 2010, 04:31 PM
what makes you think people would go out of there way intentionally to do that to people.
The vast majority of intelligent people dont, because theres no benefit.
for instance.
i'm not going to start raping people if the law against it was removed, because it's disgusting and wrong.
March 7th, 2010, 04:35 PM
If nobody would do it then we wouldnt need to enforce/educate/whatever.
I have a very pessimistic view of what would become of us if we were all left up to our own devices.
March 7th, 2010, 04:38 PM
you..... hmm...
why dont you take a seat.
March 7th, 2010, 04:42 PM
Because i dont hold the same opinion as yourself?
March 7th, 2010, 04:59 PM
No because you think the government should control and have their hands in things they shouldnt.
March 7th, 2010, 05:02 PM
You obviously have a different opinion, that is still no reason why i shouldnt express mine.
If i am to get this correct, anyone who does not agree with either of you, should shut the fuck up?
I view that as a very weak argument.
March 7th, 2010, 10:22 PM
If nobody would do it then we wouldnt need to enforce/educate/whatever.
such a vastly circular argument
I have a very pessimistic view of what would become of us if we were all left up to our own devices.
I think at first it would be hard. Given complete and total anarchy there would be a lot of wrong-doing with any example.
Keep in mind though, Laws (the basic ones: murder, theft, etc...) aren't really active things. They are just reiterations of cultural norms.
But there are always more doves than hawks (Dawkins: The Selfish Gene).
Most people will behave according to whatever laws there are, even if they are just unwritten understandings.
Likewise, most people aren't racists, hatemongers, etc... and they don't need some mass-media-sponsored-by-race-baiting-poverty-pimps system to make them be nice. They already are.
E: i just realized the thread title is lulz..."corectness"
March 7th, 2010, 10:32 PM
It's not so much as having too much faith in humanity as it is understanding how humans and our society works.
When you consider why attitudes change and spreads through us humans, it becomes established through our basic morals, education and societal pressures. (in no order)
No one does certain things because:
- they consciously feel it to be wrong
- they learn and understand that it is wrong
- come to understand and accept changes with help of other people
So having PC as a standard isn't necessary, but more so a just-in-case thing for the individuals that are exceptions.
March 8th, 2010, 12:15 AM
Because i dont hold the same opinion as yourself?
went to reply to this in the morning but my net dropped out.
no because you have no concept of the biological leash and the reasons why we behave how we do.
if we all behaved in a away that was detrimental to the society we'd have never progressed into the species we are today.
There are exceptions of course, but the vast majority of people dont and wont simply because of the biological leash.
so i'll put it this way.
Would you do these things if the law wasnt there to prevent it.
Think carefully about you answer, then take a seat over there.
March 8th, 2010, 12:28 AM
I consider myself a person who has good morals, i presume you also have good morals, its common sense for people with a decent sense of morality to assume that everyone would act in a considerate and decent manor toward all other humans.
Not all people have decent morals.
Its the ability to make small compromises to appease a group of people.
Dont get me wrong, i think the whole PC thing is fucking ridiculous but there must be an education of what would be genuinely offensive to someone.
edit, Bod, is it still pc to call native Australians Aboriginal?
March 8th, 2010, 01:15 AM
Political correctness is an invention of the scumbags who feel the need to sue people just for the fuck of it. What better way to make a quick buck by claiming to take offense at a word?
March 8th, 2010, 01:20 AM
March 8th, 2010, 01:32 AM
PC is serious lolz.
It's the most stupid term and idea ever created
March 8th, 2010, 07:22 AM
no because you have no concept of the biological leash and the reasons why we behave how we do.
if we all behaved in a away that was detrimental to the society we'd have never progressed into the species we are today.
There are exceptions of course, but the vast majority of people dont and wont simply because of the biological leash.
so i'll put it this way.
Would you do these things if the law wasnt there to prevent it.
The way humans work is majorly determined by their up bringing, in this day and age we no longer need to dwell in caves to avoid the rain or fight in packs to beat our natural predators, the only major threat we face today is our selves and the diseases that beseige us.
Remember there was a time where women had no rights, slavery and prostitution were everyday events, even today both human trafficing and prostitution happen in ever courner of the earth, no where near as commercialized as it was but it still happens, only difference is it is no longer regulated by governments depending on where you are.
by your logic the only reason anyone doe's anything is for survival, if that were to be true then if these things happen now, while certain aspects of our civilizations are regulated what exactly do you think would happen if they were not regulated?
Nearly everyone know's right from wrong and yet everyone acts against this nearly everyday in one shape or form from minor manner issues all the way upto full blown legally enforceable moral issues.
For thousands of years we have had every right ever invented to do as we pleased and it is only now in the past 2000 years have we come out from the stone and mud buildings to build a concrete earth filled with techology so vast that even 100 years ago could not have even been dreamed of.
Political correctness is how ever as someone said, a double edged sword, where as it was designed with equality in mind it has been shaped into a hammer to beat other people down with.
A good example of this is how in some areas you will have black people calling each other "niggers" and even calling other coloured people that but if a white man uses the same word they will be harrassed for being racist.
I personaly think the problem we currently have and possibly always will have is that, for as long as you are trying to increase bias to one creed, one ethnic over others those who are getting favour will exploit it while the others will be brutalised for copying and to further increase that bias.
I think many people would agree with me in that the human race has been trying to irradicate itself since its first inception it's only now we have the technology and system set up to do so continualy.
March 8th, 2010, 04:28 PM
Political correctness is a nigger.
Also heavy metal is the only music.
March 9th, 2010, 03:57 AM
Political correctness is a nigger.
Also heavy metal is the only music.
Im suing your ass you racist, sexist homophobe!
March 9th, 2010, 06:34 AM
people would of got the sarcasm if you whern't an avid republican supporter...
March 9th, 2010, 07:43 AM
You're kidding, right zilla?
Im suing your ass you racist, sexist homophobe!
Pooky is bi :downs:
March 10th, 2010, 12:24 AM
people would of got the sarcasm if you whern't an avid republican supporter...
Pretty sure most of the people shouting PC are liberals groups, mainly the naacp, aclu, seiu, afl-cio, acorn, acan, and a list of about 100 others.
March 10th, 2010, 12:29 AM
obama is a terrorist and a muslim.
March 10th, 2010, 12:32 AM
obama is a terrorist and a muslim.
you're such a truther :eng101:
March 10th, 2010, 02:52 AM
I'm pretty sure Obama prefers the term "law-challenged," you insensitive fucks.
March 10th, 2010, 03:28 PM
idgi but k
March 11th, 2010, 08:14 PM
Politically correct? Fuck that.
That retarded hillary duff commercial is the worst, she denounces some chicks on calling something gay. Alright? I for one am not offended by that phrase and I hear it a lot. That phrase is more often used to denote something thats stupid and not actually referencing to gay people anymore.
Honestly if people are too butt-hurt that they need to use more sensitive language they need to grow up, last time I check we're not all under the age of 13...
March 11th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Its fucking sad that the collective opinion here seems to be just that.
"i am not insulted by me insulting you so shut up and fuck off"
Its like a white guy who has never left Texas giving a speech on Multicultural Africa.
March 11th, 2010, 08:47 PM
Unless it's something extremely derogatory why should you care? Please keep in mind when I'm actually out in public I express all forms of common courtesy. But if I here someone talking about me and they call me a gay why should I care? I don't know them and they ARE telling the truth.
ex. "You see that black guy over there?" The politically correct term would be African-American. This phrase doesn't really cross a line, I see people getting upset over this and I don't know why.
ex. "You see that nigger over there?" Now that phrase crosses the line in a very substantial way.
I have several black friends and know several black people as acquaintances. They're not bothered by me calling them black, although some people are. This was just an example of what I meant and observe on a daily basis. It's the minor stuff that confuses me. My first post probably came off a bit...ignorant and harsh, I'm not exactly myself at this point in time but I hope you understand.
March 11th, 2010, 08:58 PM
See i am not of the opinion that everything should be corrected to hell, those are all examples of "Political correctness gone mad".
I do agree with you in those situations.
But like Nigger-black-african american , one is insulting, one is pretty much right, and one is overkill on the correctness.
March 12th, 2010, 05:28 AM
Im just going to quote a national news paper on this as im sure it could explain some of what i've tried saying in a more clear light.
Quoted from here (
Employers will be given legal powers to discriminate in favour of women and black job candidates under a controversial equality shake-up.
Harriet Harman unveiled plans for firms to choose them ahead of equally-qualified white male applicants without risking being sued.
Miss Harman said: 'If you have got two equally qualified candidates, you might actually want to have the woman because she is a woman.
'Now at the moment, if you choose her because she is a woman, you could face a sex discrimination case.
Onto what Teekup said, i agree fully about people taking over reactions to small things, such as loosely using the word "gay", when ever some "tries" to use that as a insult i remind myself gay dosn't actualy mean homosexual, it reffers more to wierd or happy in its original sense.
Although with that, i do agree with maniac in some terms, some correctness is good such as the word nigger is always used in bad taste, i have yet to have seen it used in good humour and suiting the situation but with that we still need to lay off on the whole nanny state where you must ask before even saying something that could easily insult someone.
March 12th, 2010, 06:59 PM
I like how sexism, and a lot of other 'isms' are one way streets.
March 12th, 2010, 07:37 PM
I like how sexism, and a lot of other 'isms' are one way streets.
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