View Full Version : A new form of currency: the wave of the future?
March 11th, 2010, 11:27 AM
I visited my local supermarket the other day and found myself in a nasty predicament. My products costed $4.93USD, but I only had four one dollar bills, three quarters, three nickels, and two pennies, and there were not any conveniently placed "Take-a-penny" stations. Fortunately the cashier was considerate enough to spot me that cent, but the whole affair left me thinking that perhaps the United States should totally revamp its currency system.
My problem with the currency system is not that the increments are too small, even though it may appear that way because of the story I just cited. No, my problem with the currency system is that its increments are too large. You see, I am an amateur store owner, and my primary product is feathers. Often I get customers who come in and only want 3-7 feathers, but I really have no way of charging them for 3-7 feathers because it only costs me about one tenth of a cent to manufacture them. I am scrupulously honest, and would never dream of charging a customer an entire penny for something it only cost me 3/10-7/10 of a cent to produce. My initial thought was to stop conforming to the market economy principle of exchanging currency for goods and services and instead start asking my customers to offer me products of their own, like papercilps, in exchange for my feathers. But soon thereafter I noticed some serious problems with my plan and instead I began considering the possibility of expanding the United States currency to include denominations of 1/1000 of a cent.
I am not the only business owner who sells products that have individual values of fractions of a cent. Plus, gas station owners would actually be able to collect fairly on those 9/10 of a cent tags on the end of their gas prices. Here is my plan: the United States mint should construct a machine that cuts a penny into 1000 pieces. Then, after pennies are made, they will be run through the machine and then the 1/1000 of a cent piece (which will be henceforth be referred to as the "threepence", drawing from the Irish) will be distributed in bags of three.
I hope that the next time you walk into a supermarket in the United States, you are greeted by a friendly store owner who accepts your millions of threepence to pay for your goods.
You are probably angry at me by this point. I mean, what kind of lunatic would want to pay for his goods with millions of threepence? The answer is quite simple: my plan does not end with the addition of these pennies to the currency. To encourage people to start using these new, fantastic coins, their values will increase exponentially the more you use. Specifically, the amount of money your threepence are worth is equivalent to the factorial sum of the fibonnaci values of how many you use. That is, ten threepence is equivalent to
1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13 + 21 + 34 + 55 = 143
I know, it seems confusing at first. But just think of the possibilities when you walk into a store with a mere 10000 threepence and its value is over SEVEN dollars?
But now, it is time to ask you, the community, what you think about this plan for the betterment of mankind.
March 11th, 2010, 11:33 AM
I'm gonna need bigger pockets.
March 11th, 2010, 11:40 AM
no checkbox no vote also, get out
March 11th, 2010, 11:41 AM
monkey cheese random ROFLM
March 11th, 2010, 11:43 AM
If anything it would help raise the overall IQ level of America, what with all the math they would have to do. But to take this realistically, people are already avoiding using pennies because they think they are unnecessary when you can just pay with a folding green bill and have that nice person behind the counter do the math for you.
March 11th, 2010, 11:47 AM
So basically if you lose one of your 10 threepence valued at 143 when combined, you now have 55 threepence less.
I'm not really getting this. What if you just save up a bunch? Is the value suddenly greater than if you just did 2 at a time?
March 11th, 2010, 11:53 AM
gas this shit
March 11th, 2010, 12:22 PM
1.43X10^(-feather) = chicken.
[n1(chicken) - n2(chicken)]/(n-1)chicken = sex = payment*
*if THAC0 > 10, if < 10 you have not bought enough stuff ("fp legs +1" has broken: continue?)
we must then also adopt a 36-hour day to make up for the time it takes to buy things.
March 11th, 2010, 12:32 PM
hey man, gas stations always charge 9/10ths of a cent. i don't see anyone else complaining.
nipples yahoo.
boobies yay.
March 11th, 2010, 01:11 PM
So the effort you put in to get the feathers, sell them, maintain them gives them a market value of 7/10 of a cent? Can you work for me please?
March 11th, 2010, 01:54 PM
barter system supremacy
March 11th, 2010, 04:25 PM
gas this shit
something tells me you're trying too hard
March 11th, 2010, 05:31 PM
The production cost of pennies cost more than their value already. I don't think we need to divide it even further.
March 11th, 2010, 05:39 PM
Thats hella balls bro
March 11th, 2010, 05:52 PM
itt people try to comprehend insane troll logic
funny thread funny post
March 11th, 2010, 05:53 PM
God dammit not another one of these. I'm still recovering from the last one ffs.
March 11th, 2010, 05:54 PM
so let me get this straight, one piece can be worth a bunch of different values depending on how many other pieces you have? yeah no ill stick to my penny, and you can adopt those "UNIT NOT LABELED FOR INDIVIDUAL SALE" signs.
yall posting in a troll thread methinks.
March 11th, 2010, 06:25 PM
I like it.
March 12th, 2010, 01:02 PM
I notice that many of you are confused by the mathematics used to calculate the value of your threepence. Suppose you start with five threepence and want to find out how much money you have left if you get rid of two. You start with
1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12
You want to get rid of the last two values because you will only have three threepence left.
12 - ( 3 + 5 ) = 4
The threepence system is supposed to be a form of tax relief. But once it catches on, it can also be a hobby! Threepence collection will be vital in order to utilize them properly, because the more you have, the more valuable they all are. Someone stated that pennies already are worth less than their production value. But with the introduction of the threepence, pennies will in fact become more valuable.
Here is what happens if you collect 1000 threepence:
1.0 + 1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 +
5.0 + 8.0 + 13.0 + 21.0 +
34.0 + 55.0 + 89.0 + 144.0 +
233.0 + 377.0 + 610.0 + 987.0 +
1597.0 + 2584.0 + 4181.0 + 6765.0 +
10946.0 + 17711.0 + 28657.0 + 46368.0 +
75025.0 + 121393.0 + 196418.0 + 317811.0 +
514229.0 + 832040.0 + 1346269.0 + 2178309.0 +
3524578.0 + 5702887.0 + 9227465.0 + 1.4930352 x 10 ^ 7 +
2.4157817 x 10 ^ 7 + 3.9088169 x 10 ^ 7 + 6.3245986 x 10 ^ 7 + 1.02334155 x 10 ^ 8 +
1.65580141 x 10 ^ 8 + 2.67914296 x 10 ^ 8 + 4.33494437 x 10 ^ 8 + 7.01408733 x 10 ^ 8 +
1.13490317 x 10 ^ 9 + 1.836311903 x 10 ^ 9 + 2.971215073 x 10 ^ 9 + 4.807526976 x 10 ^ 9 +
7.778742049 x 10 ^ 9 + 1.2586269025 x 10 ^ 10 + 2.0365011074 x 10 ^ 10 + 3.2951280099 x 10 ^ 10 +
5.3316291173 x 10 ^ 10 + 8.6267571272 x 10 ^ 10 + 1.39583862445 x 10 ^ 11 + 2.25851433717 x 10 ^ 11 +
3.65435296162 x 10 ^ 11 + 5.91286729879 x 10 ^ 11 + 9.56722026041 x 10 ^ 11 + 1.54800875592 x 10 ^ 12 +
2.504730781961 x 10 ^ 12 + 4.052739537881 x 10 ^ 12 + 6.557470319842 x 10 ^ 12 + 1.0610209857723 x 10 ^ 13 +
1.7167680177565 x 10 ^ 13 + 2.7777890035288 x 10 ^ 13 + 4.4945570212853 x 10 ^ 13 + 7.2723460248141 x 10 ^ 13 +
1.17669030460994 x 10 ^ 14 + 1.90392490709135 x 10 ^ 14 + 3.08061521170129 x 10 ^ 14 + 4.98454011879264 x 10 ^ 14 +
8.06515533049393 x 10 ^ 14 + 1.304969544928657 x 10 ^ 15 + 2.11148507797805 x 10 ^ 15 + 3.416454622906707 x 10 ^ 15 +
5.527939700884757 x 10 ^ 15 + 8.944394323791464 x 10 ^ 15 + 1.447233402467622 x 10 ^ 16 + 2.3416728348467684 x 10 ^ 16 +
3.7889062373143904 x 10 ^ 16 + 6.1305790721611584 x 10 ^ 16 + 9.9194853094755488 x 10 ^ 16 + 1.60500643816367072 x 10 ^ 17 +
2.5969549691112256 x 10 ^ 17 + 4.2019614072748966 x 10 ^ 17 + 6.7989163763861222 x 10 ^ 17 + 1.10008777836610189 x 10 ^ 18 +
1.77997941600471398 x 10 ^ 18 + 2.880067194370816 x 10 ^ 18 + 4.6600466103755305 x 10 ^ 18 + 7.5401138047463465 x 10 ^ 18 +
1.2200160415121877 x 10 ^ 19 + 1.9740274219868226 x 10 ^ 19 + 3.19404346349901 x 10 ^ 19 + 5.168070885485833 x 10 ^ 19 +
8.362114348984843 x 10 ^ 19 + 1.3530185234470676 x 10 ^ 20 + 2.189229958345552 x 10 ^ 20 + 3.54224848179262 x 10 ^ 20 +
5.731478440138172 x 10 ^ 20 + 9.273726921930792 x 10 ^ 20 + 1.5005205362068963 x 10 ^ 21 + 2.4278932283999755 x 10 ^ 21 +
3.9284137646068717 x 10 ^ 21 + 6.356306993006848 x 10 ^ 21 + 1.028472075761372 x 10 ^ 22 + 1.6641027750620568 x 10 ^ 22 +
2.6925748508234288 x 10 ^ 22 + 4.356677625885486 x 10 ^ 22 + 7.049252476708914 x 10 ^ 22 + 1.14059301025944 x 10 ^ 23 +
1.8455182579303315 x 10 ^ 23 + 2.9861112681897715 x 10 ^ 23 + 4.831629526120103 x 10 ^ 23 + 7.817740794309875 x 10 ^ 23 +
1.2649370320429978 x 10 ^ 24 + 2.0467111114739851 x 10 ^ 24 + 3.3116481435169827 x 10 ^ 24 + 5.358359254990968 x 10 ^ 24 +
8.670007398507951 x 10 ^ 24 + 1.402836665349892 x 10 ^ 25 + 2.269837405200687 x 10 ^ 25 + 3.6726740705505786 x 10 ^ 25 +
5.942511475751265 x 10 ^ 25 + 9.615185546301844 x 10 ^ 25 + 1.555769702205311 x 10 ^ 26 + 2.5172882568354952 x 10 ^ 26 +
4.0730579590408064 x 10 ^ 26 + 6.590346215876301 x 10 ^ 26 + 1.0663404174917107 x 10 ^ 27 + 1.7253750390793408 x 10 ^ 27 +
2.791715456571052 x 10 ^ 27 + 4.5170904956503927 x 10 ^ 27 + 7.308805952221445 x 10 ^ 27 + 1.1825896447871837 x 10 ^ 28 +
1.9134702400093282 x 10 ^ 28 + 3.096059884796512 x 10 ^ 28 + 5.009530124805841 x 10 ^ 28 + 8.105590009602353 x 10 ^ 28 +
1.3115120134408193 x 10 ^ 29 + 2.1220710144010545 x 10 ^ 29 + 3.4335830278418734 x 10 ^ 29 + 5.5556540422429276 x 10 ^ 29 +
8.989237070084801 x 10 ^ 29 + 1.454489111232773 x 10 ^ 30 + 2.353412818241253 x 10 ^ 30 + 3.807901929474026 x 10 ^ 30 +
6.161314747715279 x 10 ^ 30 + 9.969216677189305 x 10 ^ 30 + 1.6130531424904583 x 10 ^ 31 + 2.6099748102093888 x 10 ^ 31 +
4.223027952699847 x 10 ^ 31 + 6.8330027629092365 x 10 ^ 31 + 1.1056030715609085 x 10 ^ 32 + 1.788903347851832 x 10 ^ 32 +
2.8945064194127406 x 10 ^ 32 + 4.683409767264573 x 10 ^ 32 + 7.577916186677313 x 10 ^ 32 + 1.2261325953941887 x 10 ^ 33 +
1.98392421406192 x 10 ^ 33 + 3.2100568094561087 x 10 ^ 33 + 5.193981023518028 x 10 ^ 33 + 8.404037832974137 x 10 ^ 33 +
1.3598018856492165 x 10 ^ 34 + 2.20020566894663 x 10 ^ 34 + 3.5600075545958467 x 10 ^ 34 + 5.760213223542477 x 10 ^ 34 +
9.320220778138323 x 10 ^ 34 + 1.50804340016808 x 10 ^ 35 + 2.4400654779819122 x 10 ^ 35 + 3.9481088781499925 x 10 ^ 35 +
6.388174356131905 x 10 ^ 35 + 1.0336283234281898 x 10 ^ 36 + 1.6724457590413803 x 10 ^ 36 + 2.70607408246957 x 10 ^ 36 +
4.37851984151095 x 10 ^ 36 + 7.08459392398052 x 10 ^ 36 + 1.146311376549147 x 10 ^ 37 + 1.854770768947199 x 10 ^ 37 +
3.001082145496346 x 10 ^ 37 + 4.855852914443544 x 10 ^ 37 + 7.85693505993989 x 10 ^ 37 + 1.2712787974383434 x 10 ^ 38 +
2.0569723034323324 x 10 ^ 38 + 3.328251100870676 x 10 ^ 38 + 5.385223404303009 x 10 ^ 38 + 8.713474505173684 x 10 ^ 38 +
1.409869790947669 x 10 ^ 39 + 2.2812172414650375 x 10 ^ 39 + 3.691087032412707 x 10 ^ 39 + 5.972304273877745 x 10 ^ 39 +
9.663391306290452 x 10 ^ 39 + 1.5635695580168196 x 10 ^ 40 + 2.529908688645865 x 10 ^ 40 + 4.0934782466626846 x 10 ^ 40 +
6.623386935308549 x 10 ^ 40 + 1.0716865181971233 x 10 ^ 41 + 1.7340252117279783 x 10 ^ 41 + 2.8057117299251016 x 10 ^ 41 +
4.53973694165308 x 10 ^ 41 + 7.34544867157818 x 10 ^ 41 + 1.188518561323126 x 10 ^ 42 + 1.923063428480944 x 10 ^ 42 +
3.11158198980407 x 10 ^ 42 + 5.034645418285014 x 10 ^ 42 + 8.146227408089083 x 10 ^ 42 + 1.3180872826374099 x 10 ^ 43 +
2.1327100234463182 x 10 ^ 43 + 3.450797306083728 x 10 ^ 43 + 5.583507329530046 x 10 ^ 43 + 9.034304635613775 x 10 ^ 43 +
1.4617811965143821 x 10 ^ 44 + 2.3652116600757594 x 10 ^ 44 + 3.826992856590142 x 10 ^ 44 + 6.192204516665901 x 10 ^ 44 +
1.0019197373256042 x 10 ^ 45 + 1.6211401889921942 x 10 ^ 45 + 2.6230599263177984 x 10 ^ 45 + 4.2442001153099927 x 10 ^ 45 +
6.86726004162779 x 10 ^ 45 + 1.1111460156937784 x 10 ^ 46 + 1.7978720198565574 x 10 ^ 46 + 2.9090180355503355 x 10 ^ 46 +
4.706890055406893 x 10 ^ 46 + 7.615908090957229 x 10 ^ 46 + 1.2322798146364122 x 10 ^ 47 + 1.993870623732135 x 10 ^ 47 +
3.2261504383685474 x 10 ^ 47 + 5.2200210621006825 x 10 ^ 47 + 8.44617150046923 x 10 ^ 47 + 1.3666192562569911 x 10 ^ 48 +
2.2112364063039142 x 10 ^ 48 + 3.577855662560905 x 10 ^ 48 + 5.7890920688648195 x 10 ^ 48 + 9.366947731425724 x 10 ^ 48 +
1.5156039800290544 x 10 ^ 49 + 2.452298753171627 x 10 ^ 49 + 3.967902733200681 x 10 ^ 49 + 6.420201486372308 x 10 ^ 49 +
1.0388104219572989 x 10 ^ 50 + 1.6808305705945297 x 10 ^ 50 + 2.7196409925518287 x 10 ^ 50 + 4.400471563146358 x 10 ^ 50 +
7.120112555698187 x 10 ^ 50 + 1.1520584118844544 x 10 ^ 51 + 1.864069667454273 x 10 ^ 51 + 3.016128079338727 x 10 ^ 51 +
4.880197746793 x 10 ^ 51 + 7.896325826131728 x 10 ^ 51 + 1.2776523572924728 x 10 ^ 52 + 2.0672849399056455 x 10 ^ 52 +
3.344937297198118 x 10 ^ 52 + 5.412222237103764 x 10 ^ 52 + 8.757159534301882 x 10 ^ 52 + 1.4169381771405647 x 10 ^ 53 +
2.2926541305707528 x 10 ^ 53 + 3.7095923077113174 x 10 ^ 53 + 6.002246438282071 x 10 ^ 53 + 9.711838745993388 x 10 ^ 53 +
1.571408518427546 x 10 ^ 54 + 2.5425923930268848 x 10 ^ 54 + 4.114000911454431 x 10 ^ 54 + 6.656593304481316 x 10 ^ 54 +
1.0770594215935747 x 10 ^ 55 + 1.7427187520417062 x 10 ^ 55 + 2.819778173635281 x 10 ^ 55 + 4.562496925676987 x 10 ^ 55 +
7.382275099312268 x 10 ^ 55 + 1.1944772024989255 x 10 ^ 56 + 1.9327047124301523 x 10 ^ 56 + 3.1271819149290778 x 10 ^ 56 +
5.05988662735923 x 10 ^ 56 + 8.187068542288308 x 10 ^ 56 + 1.3246955169647538 x 10 ^ 57 + 2.1434023711935847 x 10 ^ 57 +
3.4680978881583385 x 10 ^ 57 + 5.611500259351923 x 10 ^ 57 + 9.07959814751026 x 10 ^ 57 + 1.4691098406862182 x 10 ^ 58 +
2.3770696554372443 x 10 ^ 58 + 3.846179496123462 x 10 ^ 58 + 6.223249151560707 x 10 ^ 58 + 1.0069428647684168 x 10 ^ 59 +
1.6292677799244873 x 10 ^ 59 + 2.636210644692904 x 10 ^ 59 + 4.265478424617391 x 10 ^ 59 + 6.901689069310295 x 10 ^ 59 +
1.1167167493927686 x 10 ^ 60 + 1.806885656323798 x 10 ^ 60 + 2.923602405716567 x 10 ^ 60 + 4.7304880620403654 x 10 ^ 60 +
7.654090467756932 x 10 ^ 60 + 1.2384578529797298 x 10 ^ 61 + 2.003866899755423 x 10 ^ 61 + 3.242324752735153 x 10 ^ 61 +
5.246191652490576 x 10 ^ 61 + 8.488516405225729 x 10 ^ 61 + 1.3734708057716305 x 10 ^ 62 + 2.2223224462942035 x 10 ^ 62 +
3.5957932520658337 x 10 ^ 62 + 5.818115698360037 x 10 ^ 62 + 9.41390895042587 x 10 ^ 62 + 1.5232024648785907 x 10 ^ 63 +
2.4645933599211777 x 10 ^ 63 + 3.987795824799768 x 10 ^ 63 + 6.452389184720946 x 10 ^ 63 + 1.0440185009520713 x 10 ^ 64 +
1.6892574194241658 x 10 ^ 64 + 2.733275920376237 x 10 ^ 64 + 4.422533339800403 x 10 ^ 64 + 7.15580926017664 x 10 ^ 64 +
1.1578342599977044 x 10 ^ 65 + 1.8734151860153683 x 10 ^ 65 + 3.0312494460130726 x 10 ^ 65 + 4.90466463202844 x 10 ^ 65 +
7.9359140780415135 x 10 ^ 65 + 1.2840578710069954 x 10 ^ 66 + 2.0776492788111467 x 10 ^ 66 + 3.361707149818142 x 10 ^ 66 +
5.439356428629289 x 10 ^ 66 + 8.801063578447432 x 10 ^ 66 + 1.424042000707672 x 10 ^ 67 + 2.3041483585524152 x 10 ^ 67 +
3.728190359260087 x 10 ^ 67 + 6.032338717812503 x 10 ^ 67 + 9.760529077072589 x 10 ^ 67 + 1.579286779488509 x 10 ^ 68 +
2.555339687195768 x 10 ^ 68 + 4.134626466684277 x 10 ^ 68 + 6.689966153880045 x 10 ^ 68 + 1.0824592620564322 x 10 ^ 69 +
1.751455877444437 x 10 ^ 69 + 2.833915139500869 x 10 ^ 69 + 4.5853710169453055 x 10 ^ 69 + 7.419286156446174 x 10 ^ 69 +
1.200465717339148 x 10 ^ 70 + 1.9423943329837654 x 10 ^ 70 + 3.1428600503229136 x 10 ^ 70 + 5.085254383306679 x 10 ^ 70 +
8.228114433629592 x 10 ^ 70 + 1.331336881693627 x 10 ^ 71 + 2.1541483250565862 x 10 ^ 71 + 3.485485206750213 x 10 ^ 71 +
5.6396335318068 x 10 ^ 71 + 9.125118738557013 x 10 ^ 71 + 1.4764752270363813 x 10 ^ 72 + 2.3889871008920825 x 10 ^ 72 +
3.865462327928464 x 10 ^ 72 + 6.254449428820547 x 10 ^ 72 + 1.0119911756749011 x 10 ^ 73 + 1.637436118556956 x 10 ^ 73 +
2.649427294231857 x 10 ^ 73 + 4.2868634127888125 x 10 ^ 73 + 6.93629070702067 x 10 ^ 73 + 1.1223154119809483 x 10 ^ 74 +
1.8159444826830153 x 10 ^ 74 + 2.9382598946639633 x 10 ^ 74 + 4.754204377346978 x 10 ^ 74 + 7.692464272010942 x 10 ^ 74 +
1.244666864935792 x 10 ^ 75 + 2.013913292136886 x 10 ^ 75 + 3.258580157072678 x 10 ^ 75 + 5.272493449209564 x 10 ^ 75 +
8.531073606282242 x 10 ^ 75 + 1.3803567055491806 x 10 ^ 76 + 2.2334640661774048 x 10 ^ 76 + 3.613820771726585 x 10 ^ 76 +
5.84728483790399 x 10 ^ 76 + 9.461105609630574 x 10 ^ 76 + 1.5308390447534564 x 10 ^ 77 + 2.476949605716514 x 10 ^ 77 +
4.0077886504699705 x 10 ^ 77 + 6.484738256186484 x 10 ^ 77 + 1.0492526906656455 x 10 ^ 78 + 1.697726516284294 x 10 ^ 78 +
2.7469792069499394 x 10 ^ 78 + 4.444705723234234 x 10 ^ 78 + 7.191684930184173 x 10 ^ 78 + 1.1636390653418406 x 10 ^ 79 +
1.882807558360258 x 10 ^ 79 + 3.046446623702099 x 10 ^ 79 + 4.9292541820623566 x 10 ^ 79 + 7.975700805764455 x 10 ^ 79 +
1.290495498782681 x 10 ^ 80 + 2.0880655793591266 x 10 ^ 80 + 3.3785610781418077 x 10 ^ 80 + 5.466626657500934 x 10 ^ 80 +
8.845187735642742 x 10 ^ 80 + 1.4311814393143676 x 10 ^ 81 + 2.315700212878642 x 10 ^ 81 + 3.7468816521930098 x 10 ^ 81 +
6.062581865071651 x 10 ^ 81 + 9.809463517264662 x 10 ^ 81 + 1.5872045382336313 x 10 ^ 82 + 2.5681508899600975 x 10 ^ 82 +
4.155355428193729 x 10 ^ 82 + 6.723506318153826 x 10 ^ 82 + 1.0878861746347554 x 10 ^ 83 + 1.760236806450138 x 10 ^ 83 +
2.848122981084893 x 10 ^ 83 + 4.608359787535031 x 10 ^ 83 + 7.456482768619924 x 10 ^ 83 + 1.2064842556154955 x 10 ^ 84 +
1.952132532477488 x 10 ^ 84 + 3.1586167880929834 x 10 ^ 84 + 5.110749320570471 x 10 ^ 84 + 8.269366108663455 x 10 ^ 84 +
1.3380115429233926 x 10 ^ 85 + 2.164948153789738 x 10 ^ 85 + 3.5029596967131306 x 10 ^ 85 + 5.667907850502869 x 10 ^ 85 +
9.170867547216 x 10 ^ 85 + 1.483877539771887 x 10 ^ 86 + 2.400964294493487 x 10 ^ 86 + 3.884841834265374 x 10 ^ 86 +
6.285806128758862 x 10 ^ 86 + 1.0170647963024235 x 10 ^ 87 + 1.6456454091783097 x 10 ^ 87 + 2.662710205480733 x 10 ^ 87 +
4.308355614659043 x 10 ^ 87 + 6.971065820139776 x 10 ^ 87 + 1.127942143479882 x 10 ^ 88 + 1.8250487254938595 x 10 ^ 88 +
2.9529908689737415 x 10 ^ 88 + 4.7780395944676006 x 10 ^ 88 + 7.731030463441342 x 10 ^ 88 + 1.2509070057908943 x 10 ^ 89 +
2.0240100521350286 x 10 ^ 89 + 3.274917057925923 x 10 ^ 89 + 5.298927110060952 x 10 ^ 89 + 8.573844167986874 x 10 ^ 89 +
1.3872771278047826 x 10 ^ 90 + 2.24466154460347 x 10 ^ 90 + 3.631938672408253 x 10 ^ 90 + 5.876600217011723 x 10 ^ 90 +
9.508538889419975 x 10 ^ 90 + 1.5385139106431697 x 10 ^ 91 + 2.489367799585167 x 10 ^ 91 + 4.0278817102283365 x 10 ^ 91 +
6.5172495098135036 x 10 ^ 91 + 1.054513122004184 x 10 ^ 92 + 1.7062380729855341 x 10 ^ 92 + 2.760751194989718 x 10 ^ 92 +
4.466989267975252 x 10 ^ 92 + 7.22774046296497 x 10 ^ 92 + 1.1694729730940222 x 10 ^ 93 + 1.8922470193905192 x 10 ^ 93 +
3.0617199924845414 x 10 ^ 93 + 4.95396701187506 x 10 ^ 93 + 8.015687004359602 x 10 ^ 93 + 1.2969654016234662 x 10 ^ 94 +
2.0985341020594266 x 10 ^ 94 + 3.395499503682893 x 10 ^ 94 + 5.4940336057423194 x 10 ^ 94 + 8.889533109425212 x 10 ^ 94 +
1.438356671516753 x 10 ^ 95 + 2.327309982459274 x 10 ^ 95 + 3.765666653976027 x 10 ^ 95 + 6.092976636435301 x 10 ^ 95 +
9.858643290411328 x 10 ^ 95 + 1.5951619926846628 x 10 ^ 96 + 2.5810263217257956 x 10 ^ 96 + 4.1761883144104584 x 10 ^ 96 +
6.7572146361362535 x 10 ^ 96 + 1.0933402950546712 x 10 ^ 97 + 1.7690617586682965 x 10 ^ 97 + 2.8624020537229677 x 10 ^ 97 +
4.631463812391264 x 10 ^ 97 + 7.493865866114232 x 10 ^ 97 + 1.2125329678505497 x 10 ^ 98 + 1.961919554461973 x 10 ^ 98 +
3.1744525223125226 x 10 ^ 98 + 5.1363720767744955 x 10 ^ 98 + 8.310824599087018 x 10 ^ 98 + 1.3447196675861514 x 10 ^ 99 +
2.175802127494853 x 10 ^ 99 + 3.520521795081005 x 10 ^ 99 + 5.696323922575858 x 10 ^ 99 + 9.216845717656862 x 10 ^ 99 +
1.491316964023272 x 10 ^ 100 + 2.413001535788958 x 10 ^ 100 + 3.90431849981223 x 10 ^ 100 + 6.317320035601188 x 10 ^ 100 +
1.0221638535413418 x 10 ^ 101 + 1.6538958571014605 x 10 ^ 101 + 2.6760597106428023 x 10 ^ 101 + 4.329955567744263 x 10 ^ 101 +
7.006015278387065 x 10 ^ 101 + 1.1335970846131328 x 10 ^ 102 + 1.8341986124518392 x 10 ^ 102 + 2.967795697064972 x 10 ^ 102 +
4.801994309516812 x 10 ^ 102 + 7.769790006581784 x 10 ^ 102 + 1.2571784316098597 x 10 ^ 103 + 2.034157432268038 x 10 ^ 103 +
3.2913358638778977 x 10 ^ 103 + 5.325493296145936 x 10 ^ 103 + 8.616829160023833 x 10 ^ 103 + 1.394232245616977 x 10 ^ 104 +
2.2559151616193602 x 10 ^ 104 + 3.6501474072363375 x 10 ^ 104 + 5.906062568855698 x 10 ^ 104 + 9.556209976092036 x 10 ^ 104 +
1.5462272544947735 x 10 ^ 105 + 2.501848252103977 x 10 ^ 105 + 4.0480755065987505 x 10 ^ 105 + 6.549923758702727 x 10 ^ 105 +
1.0597999265301477 x 10 ^ 106 + 1.7147923024004204 x 10 ^ 106 + 2.774592228930568 x 10 ^ 106 + 4.4893845313309884 x 10 ^ 106 +
7.263976760261557 x 10 ^ 106 + 1.1753361291592545 x 10 ^ 107 + 1.9017338051854102 x 10 ^ 107 + 3.0770699343446646 x 10 ^ 107 +
4.978803739530075 x 10 ^ 107 + 8.055873673874739 x 10 ^ 107 + 1.3034677413404814 x 10 ^ 108 + 2.1090551087279553 x 10 ^ 108 +
3.412522850068437 x 10 ^ 108 + 5.521577958796393 x 10 ^ 108 + 8.93410080886483 x 10 ^ 108 + 1.4455678767661223 x 10 ^ 109 +
2.3389779576526055 x 10 ^ 109 + 3.784545834418728 x 10 ^ 109 + 6.123523792071334 x 10 ^ 109 + 9.908069626490062 x 10 ^ 109 +
1.6031593418561396 x 10 ^ 110 + 2.5939663045051458 x 10 ^ 110 + 4.197125646361285 x 10 ^ 110 + 6.791091950866431 x 10 ^ 110 +
1.0988217597227716 x 10 ^ 111 + 1.7779309548094147 x 10 ^ 111 + 2.8767527145321864 x 10 ^ 111 + 4.654683669341601 x 10 ^ 111 +
7.531436383873787 x 10 ^ 111 + 1.218612005321539 x 10 ^ 112 + 1.9717556437089175 x 10 ^ 112 + 3.1903676490304564 x 10 ^ 112 +
5.162123292739374 x 10 ^ 112 + 8.35249094176983 x 10 ^ 112 + 1.3514614234509204 x 10 ^ 113 + 2.1867105176279034 x 10 ^ 113 +
3.538171941078824 x 10 ^ 113 + 5.724882458706727 x 10 ^ 113 + 9.263054399785552 x 10 ^ 113 + 1.498793685849228 x 10 ^ 114 +
2.4250991258277832 x 10 ^ 114 + 3.923892811677011 x 10 ^ 114 + 6.348991937504794 x 10 ^ 114 + 1.0272884749181806 x 10 ^ 115 +
1.6621876686686599 x 10 ^ 115 + 2.6894761435868405 x 10 ^ 115 + 4.3516638122555 x 10 ^ 115 + 7.041139955842341 x 10 ^ 115 +
1.1392803768097841 x 10 ^ 116 + 1.8433943723940184 x 10 ^ 116 + 2.9826747492038025 x 10 ^ 116 + 4.826069121597821 x 10 ^ 116 +
7.808743870801623 x 10 ^ 116 + 1.2634812992399444 x 10 ^ 117 + 2.0443556863201068 x 10 ^ 117 + 3.307836985560051 x 10 ^ 117 +
5.352192671880158 x 10 ^ 117 + 8.660029657440209 x 10 ^ 117 + 1.4012222329320367 x 10 ^ 118 + 2.2672251986760575 x 10 ^ 118 +
3.668447431608094 x 10 ^ 118 + 5.935672630284151 x 10 ^ 118 + 9.604120061892246 x 10 ^ 118 + 1.5539792692176397 x 10 ^ 119 +
2.514391275406864 x 10 ^ 119 + 4.0683705446245036 x 10 ^ 119 + 6.582761820031368 x 10 ^ 119 + 1.065113236465587 x 10 ^ 120 +
1.7233894184687237 x 10 ^ 120 + 2.788502654934311 x 10 ^ 120 + 4.5118920734030345 x 10 ^ 120 + 7.300394728337345 x 10 ^ 120 +
1.181228680174038 x 10 ^ 121 + 1.9112681530077724 x 10 ^ 121 + 3.0924968331818106 x 10 ^ 121 + 5.003764986189583 x 10 ^ 121 +
8.096261819371394 x 10 ^ 121 + 1.3100026805560978 x 10 ^ 122 + 2.119628862493237 x 10 ^ 122 + 3.429631543049335 x 10 ^ 122 +
5.549260405542572 x 10 ^ 122 + 8.978891948591907 x 10 ^ 122 + 1.452815235413448 x 10 ^ 123 + 2.3507044302726385 x 10 ^ 123 +
3.803519665686087 x 10 ^ 123 + 6.154224095958725 x 10 ^ 123 + 9.957743761644812 x 10 ^ 123 + 1.6111967857603536 x 10 ^ 124 +
2.6069711619248347 x 10 ^ 124 + 4.2181679476851883 x 10 ^ 124 + 6.825139109610023 x 10 ^ 124 + 1.1043307057295211 x 10 ^ 125 +
1.7868446166905234 x 10 ^ 125 + 2.8911753224200445 x 10 ^ 125 + 4.678019939110568 x 10 ^ 125 + 7.569195261530612 x 10 ^ 125 +
1.224721520064118 x 10 ^ 126 + 1.981641046217179 x 10 ^ 126 + 3.206362566281297 x 10 ^ 126 + 5.188003612498476 x 10 ^ 126 +
8.394366178779773 x 10 ^ 126 + 1.358236979127825 x 10 ^ 127 + 2.1976735970058023 x 10 ^ 127 + 3.5559105761336274 x 10 ^ 127 +
5.75358417313943 x 10 ^ 127 + 9.309494749273056 x 10 ^ 127 + 1.5063078922412486 x 10 ^ 128 + 2.437257367168554 x 10 ^ 128 +
3.943565259409803 x 10 ^ 128 + 6.380822626578357 x 10 ^ 128 + 1.032438788598816 x 10 ^ 129 + 1.6705210512566517 x 10 ^ 129 +
2.7029598398554676 x 10 ^ 129 + 4.3734808911121193 x 10 ^ 129 + 7.076440730967588 x 10 ^ 129 + 1.1449921622079707 x 10 ^ 130 +
1.8526362353047294 x 10 ^ 130 + 2.9976283975127 x 10 ^ 130 + 4.85026463281743 x 10 ^ 130 + 7.84789303033013 x 10 ^ 130 +
1.269815766314756 x 10 ^ 131 + 2.054605069347769 x 10 ^ 131 + 3.324420835662525 x 10 ^ 131 + 5.379025905010295 x 10 ^ 131 +
8.70344674067282 x 10 ^ 131 + 1.4082472645683115 x 10 ^ 132 + 2.2785919386355933 x 10 ^ 132 + 3.6868392032039045 x 10 ^ 132 +
5.965431141839498 x 10 ^ 132 + 9.652270345043403 x 10 ^ 132 + 1.5617701486882901 x 10 ^ 133 + 2.52699718319263 x 10 ^ 133 +
4.08876733188092 x 10 ^ 133 + 6.61576451507355 x 10 ^ 133 + 1.070453184695447 x 10 ^ 134 + 1.732029636202802 x 10 ^ 134 +
2.802482820898249 x 10 ^ 134 + 4.534512457101051 x 10 ^ 134 + 7.3369952779993 x 10 ^ 134 + 1.1871507735100351 x 10 ^ 135 +
1.920850301309965 x 10 ^ 135 + 3.1080010748200005 x 10 ^ 135 + 5.0288513761299655 x 10 ^ 135 + 8.136852450949967 x 10 ^ 135 +
1.3165703827079932 x 10 ^ 136 + 2.1302556278029898 x 10 ^ 136 + 3.446826010510983 x 10 ^ 136 + 5.577081638313973 x 10 ^ 136 +
9.023907648824956 x 10 ^ 136 + 1.460098928713893 x 10 ^ 137 + 2.3624896935963886 x 10 ^ 137 + 3.822588622310282 x 10 ^ 137 +
6.1850783159066705 x 10 ^ 137 + 1.0007666938216952 x 10 ^ 138 + 1.6192745254123623 x 10 ^ 138 + 2.6200412192340575 x 10 ^ 138 +
4.2393157446464195 x 10 ^ 138 + 6.859356963880477 x 10 ^ 138 + 1.1098672708526896 x 10 ^ 139 + 1.7958029672407375 x 10 ^ 139 +
2.905670238093427 x 10 ^ 139 + 4.7014732053341643 x 10 ^ 139 + 7.607143443427591 x 10 ^ 139 + 1.2308616648761756 x 10 ^ 140 +
1.9915760092189344 x 10 ^ 140 + 3.22243767409511 x 10 ^ 140 + 5.2140136833140446 x 10 ^ 140 + 8.436451357409155 x 10 ^ 140 +
1.36504650407232 x 10 ^ 141 + 2.2086916398132357 x 10 ^ 141 + 3.573738143885556 x 10 ^ 141 + 5.782429783698791 x 10 ^ 141 +
9.356167927584346 x 10 ^ 141 + 1.513859771128314 x 10 ^ 142 + 2.4494765638867485 x 10 ^ 142 + 3.9633363350150624 x 10 ^ 142 +
6.412812898901811 x 10 ^ 142 + 1.0376149233916874 x 10 ^ 143 + 1.6788962132818685 x 10 ^ 143 + 2.716511136673556 x 10 ^ 143 +
4.395407349955425 x 10 ^ 143 + 7.111918486628981 x 10 ^ 143 + 1.1507325836584407 x 10 ^ 144 + 1.861924432321339 x 10 ^ 144 +
3.0126570159797796 x 10 ^ 144 + 4.8745814483011185 x 10 ^ 144 + 7.887238464280898 x 10 ^ 144 + 1.2761819912582017 x 10 ^ 145 +
2.0649058376862915 x 10 ^ 145 + 3.3410878289444935 x 10 ^ 145 + 5.405993666630785 x 10 ^ 145 + 8.747081495575278 x 10 ^ 145 +
1.4153075162206063 x 10 ^ 146 + 2.2900156657781344 x 10 ^ 146 + 3.7053231819987407 x 10 ^ 146 + 5.995338847776875 x 10 ^ 146 +
9.700662029775616 x 10 ^ 146 + 1.5696000877552492 x 10 ^ 147 + 2.5396662907328107 x 10 ^ 147 + 4.10926637848806 x 10 ^ 147 +
6.648932669220871 x 10 ^ 147 + 1.0758199047708932 x 10 ^ 148 + 1.7407131716929801 x 10 ^ 148 + 2.8165330764638734 x 10 ^ 148 +
4.5572462481568536 x 10 ^ 148 + 7.373779324620727 x 10 ^ 148 + 1.193102557277758 x 10 ^ 149 + 1.9304804897398307 x 10 ^ 149 +
3.1235830470175887 x 10 ^ 149 + 5.054063536757419 x 10 ^ 149 + 8.177646583775008 x 10 ^ 149 + 1.3231710120532428 x 10 ^ 150 +
2.1409356704307436 x 10 ^ 150 + 3.464106682483987 x 10 ^ 150 + 5.60504235291473 x 10 ^ 150 + 9.069149035398718 x 10 ^ 150 +
1.4674191388313447 x 10 ^ 151 + 2.3743340423712165 x 10 ^ 151 + 3.841753181202561 x 10 ^ 151 + 6.216087223573778 x 10 ^ 151 +
1.0057840404776338 x 10 ^ 152 + 1.6273927628350117 x 10 ^ 152 + 2.6331768033126457 x 10 ^ 152 + 4.260569566147657 x 10 ^ 152 +
6.893746369460303 x 10 ^ 152 + 1.115431593560796 x 10 ^ 153 + 1.8048062305068262 x 10 ^ 153 + 2.920237824067622 x 10 ^ 153 +
4.725044054574448 x 10 ^ 153 + 7.64528187864207 x 10 ^ 153 + 1.2370325933216519 x 10 ^ 154 + 2.001560781185859 x 10 ^ 154 +
3.238593374507511 x 10 ^ 154 + 5.24015415569337 x 10 ^ 154 + 8.478747530200881 x 10 ^ 154 + 1.3718901685894252 x 10 ^ 155 +
2.219764921609513 x 10 ^ 155 + 3.5916550901989383 x 10 ^ 155 + 5.811420011808452 x 10 ^ 155 + 9.403075102007391 x 10 ^ 155 +
1.5214495113815843 x 10 ^ 156 + 2.4617570215823236 x 10 ^ 156 + 3.983206532963908 x 10 ^ 156 + 6.444963554546232 x 10 ^ 156 +
1.042817008751014 x 10 ^ 157 + 1.6873133642056372 x 10 ^ 157 + 2.7301303729566514 x 10 ^ 157 + 4.4174437371622886 x 10 ^ 157 +
7.147574110118939 x 10 ^ 157 + 1.1565017847281227 x 10 ^ 158 + 1.8712591957400167 x 10 ^ 158 + 3.0277609804681397 x 10 ^ 158 +
4.899020176208156 x 10 ^ 158 + 7.926781156676296 x 10 ^ 158 + 1.2825801332884451 x 10 ^ 159 + 2.075258248956075 x 10 ^ 159 +
3.35783838224452 x 10 ^ 159 + 5.433096631200595 x 10 ^ 159 + 8.790935013445115 x 10 ^ 159 + 1.422403164464571 x 10 ^ 160 +
2.3014966658090826 x 10 ^ 160 + 3.723899830273653 x 10 ^ 160 + 6.025396496082736 x 10 ^ 160 + 9.749296326356389 x 10 ^ 160 +
1.5774692822439125 x 10 ^ 161 + 2.552398914879551 x 10 ^ 161 + 4.1298681971234637 x 10 ^ 161 + 6.682267112003014 x 10 ^ 161 +
1.0812135309126478 x 10 ^ 162 + 1.7494402421129492 x 10 ^ 162 + 2.8306537730255968 x 10 ^ 162 + 4.580094015138546 x 10 ^ 162 +
7.410747788164143 x 10 ^ 162 + 1.1990841803302688 x 10 ^ 163 + 1.940158959146683 x 10 ^ 163 + 3.1392431394769516 x 10 ^ 163 +
5.0794020986236347 x 10 ^ 163 + 8.218645238100586 x 10 ^ 163 + 1.329804733672422 x 10 ^ 164 + 2.1516692574824805 x 10 ^ 164 +
3.4814739911549024 x 10 ^ 164 + 5.633143248637383 x 10 ^ 164 + 9.114617239792286 x 10 ^ 164 + 1.474776048842967 x 10 ^ 165 +
2.3862377728221955 x 10 ^ 165 + 3.8610138216651624 x 10 ^ 165 + 6.2472515944873575 x 10 ^ 165 + 1.010826541615252 x 10 ^ 166 +
1.635551701063988 x 10 ^ 166 + 2.64637824267924 x 10 ^ 166 + 4.281929943743228 x 10 ^ 166 + 6.928308186422468 x 10 ^ 166 +
1.1210238130165696 x 10 ^ 167 + 1.8138546316588163 x 10 ^ 167 + 2.934878444675386 x 10 ^ 167 + 4.748733076334203 x 10 ^ 167 +
7.683611521009589 x 10 ^ 167 + 1.2432344597343791 x 10 ^ 168 + 2.011595611835338 x 10 ^ 168 + 3.2548300715697173 x 10 ^ 168 +
5.266425683405056 x 10 ^ 168 + 8.521255754974774 x 10 ^ 168 + 1.378768143837983 x 10 ^ 169 + 2.2308937193354602 x 10 ^ 169 +
3.6096618631734433 x 10 ^ 169 + 5.8405555825089035 x 10 ^ 169 + 9.450217445682346 x 10 ^ 169 + 1.529077302819125 x 10 ^ 170 +
2.47409904738736 x 10 ^ 170 + 4.0031763502064847 x 10 ^ 170 + 6.477275397593844 x 10 ^ 170 + 1.048045174780033 x 10 ^ 171 +
1.6957727145394175 x 10 ^ 171 + 2.7438178893194507 x 10 ^ 171 + 4.439590603858868 x 10 ^ 171 + 7.183408493178319 x 10 ^ 171 +
1.1622999097037188 x 10 ^ 172 + 1.8806407590215506 x 10 ^ 172 + 3.0429406687252694 x 10 ^ 172 + 4.92358142774682 x 10 ^ 172 +
7.96652209647209 x 10 ^ 172 + 1.289010352421891 x 10 ^ 173 + 2.0856625620690997 x 10 ^ 173 + 3.3746729144909907 x 10 ^ 173 +
5.46033547656009 x 10 ^ 173 + 8.83500839105108 x 10 ^ 173 + 1.429534386761117 x 10 ^ 174 + 2.313035225866225 x 10 ^ 174 +
3.742569612627342 x 10 ^ 174 + 6.055604838493567 x 10 ^ 174 + 9.79817445112091 x 10 ^ 174 + 1.5853779289614475 x 10 ^ 175 +
2.5651953740735385 x 10 ^ 175 + 4.150573303034986 x 10 ^ 175 + 6.715768677108524 x 10 ^ 175 + 1.0866341980143511 x 10 ^ 176 +
1.7582110657252035 x 10 ^ 176 + 2.8448452637395545 x 10 ^ 176 + 4.603056329464758 x 10 ^ 176 + 7.447901593204313 x 10 ^ 176 +
1.205095792266907 x 10 ^ 177 + 1.9498859515873383 x 10 ^ 177 + 3.1549817438542456 x 10 ^ 177 + 5.104867695441584 x 10 ^ 177 +
8.25984943929583 x 10 ^ 177 + 1.3364717134737413 x 10 ^ 178 + 2.1624566574033242 x 10 ^ 178 + 3.498928370877066 x 10 ^ 178 +
5.6613850282803905 x 10 ^ 178 + 9.160313399157456 x 10 ^ 178 + 1.4821698427437848 x 10 ^ 179 + 2.3982011826595303 x 10 ^ 179 +
3.880371025403315 x 10 ^ 179 + 6.278572208062845 x 10 ^ 179 + 1.0158943233466161 x 10 ^ 180 + 1.6437515441529006 x 10 ^ 180 +
2.6596458674995166 x 10 ^ 180 + 4.303397411652417 x 10 ^ 180 + 6.963043279151934 x 10 ^ 180 + 1.126644069080435 x 10 ^ 181 +
1.8229483969956285 x 10 ^ 181 + 2.9495924660760636 x 10 ^ 181 + 4.772540863071692 x 10 ^ 181 + 7.722133329147755 x 10 ^ 181 +
1.2494674192219447 x 10 ^ 182 + 2.0216807521367203 x 10 ^ 182 + 3.271148171358665 x 10 ^ 182 + 5.2928289234953855 x 10 ^ 182 +
8.56397709485405 x 10 ^ 182 + 1.3856806018349436 x 10 ^ 183 + 2.2420783113203486 x 10 ^ 183 + 3.627758913155292 x 10 ^ 183 +
5.869837224475641 x 10 ^ 183 + 9.497596137630933 x 10 ^ 183 + 1.5367433362106574 x 10 ^ 184 + 2.4865029499737505 x 10 ^ 184 +
4.023246286184408 x 10 ^ 184 + 6.509749236158159 x 10 ^ 184 + 1.0532995522342567 x 10 ^ 185 + 1.7042744758500726 x 10 ^ 185 +
2.757574028084329 x 10 ^ 185 + 4.461848503934402 x 10 ^ 185 + 7.219422532018732 x 10 ^ 185 + 1.1681271035953133 x 10 ^ 186 +
1.8900693567971865 x 10 ^ 186 + 3.0581964603925 x 10 ^ 186 + 4.948265817189686 x 10 ^ 186 + 8.006462277582186 x 10 ^ 186 +
1.2954728094771872 x 10 ^ 187 + 2.096119037235406 x 10 ^ 187 + 3.391591846712593 x 10 ^ 187 + 5.487710883947999 x 10 ^ 187 +
8.879302730660591 x 10 ^ 187 + 1.436701361460859 x 10 ^ 188 + 2.324631634526918 x 10 ^ 188 + 3.761332995987777 x 10 ^ 188 +
6.085964630514695 x 10 ^ 188 + 9.847297626502471 x 10 ^ 188 + 1.5933262257017168 x 10 ^ 189 + 2.578055988351964 x 10 ^ 189 +
4.1713822140536807 x 10 ^ 189 + 6.749438202405644 x 10 ^ 189 + 1.0920820416459324 x 10 ^ 190 + 1.7670258618864968 x 10 ^ 190 +
2.859107903532429 x 10 ^ 190 + 4.626133765418926 x 10 ^ 190 + 7.485241668951356 x 10 ^ 190 + 1.211137543437028 x 10 ^ 191 +
1.9596617103321636 x 10 ^ 191 + 3.170799253769192 x 10 ^ 191 + 5.130460964101355 x 10 ^ 191 + 8.301260217870547 x 10 ^ 191 +
1.34317211819719 x 10 ^ 192 + 2.1732981399842448 x 10 ^ 192 + 3.5164702581814347 x 10 ^ 192 + 5.689768398165679 x 10 ^ 192 +
9.206238656347114 x 10 ^ 192 + 1.4896007054512793 x 10 ^ 193 + 2.4102245710859905 x 10 ^ 193 + 3.89982527653727 x 10 ^ 193 +
6.310049847623261 x 10 ^ 193 + 1.020987512416053 x 10 ^ 194 + 1.651992497178379 x 10 ^ 194 + 2.6729800095944324 x 10 ^ 194 +
4.324972506772811 x 10 ^ 194 + 6.997952516367244 x 10 ^ 194 + 1.1322925023140055 x 10 ^ 195 + 1.8320877539507298 x 10 ^ 195 +
2.964380256264735 x 10 ^ 195 + 4.796468010215465 x 10 ^ 195 + 7.7608482664802 x 10 ^ 195 + 1.2557316276695666 x 10 ^ 196 +
2.0318164543175863 x 10 ^ 196 + 3.287548081987153 x 10 ^ 196 + 5.31936453630474 x 10 ^ 196 + 8.606912618291892 x 10 ^ 196 +
1.3926277154596632 x 10 ^ 197 + 2.2533189772888524 x 10 ^ 197 + 3.645946692748516 x 10 ^ 197 + 5.899265670037368 x 10 ^ 197 +
9.545212362785885 x 10 ^ 197 + 1.5444478032823252 x 10 ^ 198 + 2.4989690395609137 x 10 ^ 198 + 4.0434168428432386 x 10 ^ 198 +
6.542385882404152 x 10 ^ 198 + 1.058580272524739 x 10 ^ 199 + 1.7128188607651542 x 10 ^ 199 + 2.771399133289893 x 10 ^ 199 +
4.484217994055047 x 10 ^ 199 + 7.25561712734494 x 10 ^ 199 + 1.1739835121399988 x 10 ^ 200 + 1.8995452248744928 x 10 ^ 200 +
3.073528737014492 x 10 ^ 200 + 4.9730739618889846 x 10 ^ 200 + 8.046602698903476 x 10 ^ 200 + 1.301967666079246 x 10 ^ 201 +
2.1066279359695935 x 10 ^ 201 + 3.4085956020488395 x 10 ^ 201 + 5.515223538018433 x 10 ^ 201 + 8.923819140067273 x 10 ^ 201 +
1.4439042678085704 x 10 ^ 202 + 2.3362861818152977 x 10 ^ 202 + 3.780190449623868 x 10 ^ 202 + 6.116476631439166 x 10 ^ 202 +
9.896667081063034 x 10 ^ 202 + 1.6013143712502202 x 10 ^ 203 + 2.5909810793565236 x 10 ^ 203 + 4.192295450606744 x 10 ^ 203 +
6.783276529963268 x 10 ^ 203 + 1.0975571980570012 x 10 ^ 204 + 1.775884851053328 x 10 ^ 204 + 2.873442049110329 x 10 ^ 204 +
4.649326900163657 x 10 ^ 204 + 7.522768949273986 x 10 ^ 204 + 1.2172095849437642 x 10 ^ 205 + 1.9694864798711628 x 10 ^ 205 +
3.186696064814927 x 10 ^ 205 + 5.15618254468609 x 10 ^ 205 + 8.342878609501017 x 10 ^ 205 + 1.3499061154187107 x 10 ^ 206 +
2.1841939763688122 x 10 ^ 206 + 3.534100091787523 x 10 ^ 206 + 5.718294068156335 x 10 ^ 206 + 9.252394159943859 x 10 ^ 206 +
1.4970688228100194 x 10 ^ 207 + 2.4223082388044054 x 10 ^ 207 + 3.919377061614425 x 10 ^ 207 + 6.34168530041883 x 10 ^ 207 +
1.0261062362033255 x 10 ^ 208 + 1.6602747662452085 x 10 ^ 208 + 2.686381002448534 x 10 ^ 208 + 4.346655768693743 x 10 ^ 208 = 1.137969253983602 x 10 ^ 209
That's right. 1000 threepence are equivalent to 1.137969253983602E209 threepence! In USD, 1000 threepence are equivalent to
( 1.137969253983602 x 10 ^ 209 / ( 1000 threepence per penny ) ) / ( 100 pennies per dollar ) = $1.137969253983602 x 10 ^ 204
Soon enough I hope you can start your intensive threepence collection activities! It will be worth your while.
March 12th, 2010, 01:16 PM
You just proved yourself wrong.
March 12th, 2010, 01:22 PM
that's a really brute force way of calculating the sum of the first 1000 fibonacci numbers but he got the right answer soooo
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