View Full Version : How do you organize your crap?
March 18th, 2010, 11:36 PM
Post how you organize your files throughout your PC. Things such as music, art, movies, and the such.
No porn stashes.
I have these three folders on my desktop. Icons for Media and Creations are made by kurdy. When I make something, I organize them in the creations folder according to its genre(2d,sounds,3d, etc). My stuff folder has some little useful things such as applications that make life easier, useful scripts, and other little things that make everything easier for me. My media folder has sound effects, generic music used in videos, trailers, and some other tools used during audio/video production.
I store all my music and movies on my other 40gb drive and I got another 40gb where I stuff a bunch of my other stuff.
Your turn.
t3h m00kz
March 18th, 2010, 11:47 PM
C: Vista install
K: XP install
J: Recovery
F: Program files/Applications
Z: Documents/music/pictures
March 18th, 2010, 11:47 PM
my shit is barly organized but i like to know where some stuff is. i store my crap on a 1tb external hdd (bite me) and took everything off my desktop and my documents and some crap from program files.
(picture resized to not be huge)
desk top looks ugly cause i share my comp with the people in my house and we share a profile so its all divided up. i make sure i got shortcuts to whatever i use daily and stuff.
March 19th, 2010, 04:02 AM
B: Backup
C: OS, Program Files
G: Tv shows
M: Movies
Q: Downloads, Installed Games, Pictures, Music, halo Files
Lol, 40gb for movies LOL
Llama Juice
March 19th, 2010, 04:04 AM
I don't organize.
Anything I need is in my "Stuff" folder, that way I always know where to look.
March 19th, 2010, 04:06 AM
March 19th, 2010, 05:07 AM
I don't organize.
Anything I need is in my "Stuff" folder, that way I always know where to look.
i run by a similar system.
i install all my programs i use alot in a certain folder on C: got all my music dumped in my music, and images in my images, and 3d stuff in scenes.
the rest is mostly on my desktop :3
March 19th, 2010, 05:20 AM
Welp, I've got C:\ and F:\, C:\ is my system and F:\ is my external hard drive.
Whenever I care enough to organize, I try to put stuff into the correct folders in the correct library (Windows 7 wooo), otherwise I throw it on my desktop where it sits until I realize, "hey, there's shit all over my desktop." Mainly for the occasion that I stream to my XBox.
I've got backups of downloaded apps, drivers, etc on my external, and I also use it for Ghost images of client machines.
March 19th, 2010, 05:51 AM
Pretty sure saving stuff to the desktop slows your machine down a fair bit.
C:/ - win 7 install - 12.4 free/30.8 GB
F:/ - Files - 44.4 free/59.9 GB
G:/ - Programs/games - 100 free/206 GB
H:/ - External HDD (may as well be internal since I've got it hooked up with eSATA and I never unplug it) - 189 free/465 GB
March 19th, 2010, 06:00 AM
I don't use drive names, I use NTFS mount ( points. And at most I will only give a drive two partitions.
March 19th, 2010, 08:06 AM
I don't organize.
Anything I need is in my "Stuff" folder, that way I always know where to look.
My Stuff should literally be a default windows folder
March 19th, 2010, 10:01 AM
I use shortcuts for everything i use often with catch-all folders that group things that are similar.... and then a 'misc' folder full of shit i have no idea what to do with or when i don't feel like putting effort into cleaning off the desktop.
just ordered a 320g seagate so that will change, which is funny because my old-ass pc has 1/10 the space the ED will have.
March 19th, 2010, 01:55 PM
March 19th, 2010, 02:12 PM
I organize mostly by the User folder's categories (pictures, music), but there are a few specific bits:
- Wallpapers is a subfolder in pictures.
- iTunes organizes my music the way it does (try it, you'll love it for Audiosurf alone).
- Shows with many seasons/episodes get their own subfolders. i.e. "Videos\WKUK\Season 3\Episode 3.avi"
- Downloads = torrents :downs:
- Documents is the fun one. Anything directly in Documents is simply not filed. Usually a series of pictures from PFR or /v/.
- Subfolders of Documents are, well, the documents. College stuff, Java projects, audio projects (such as Podacity), game saves, etc.
Desktop is always empty. I like seeing my wallpaper in its entirety.
March 19th, 2010, 03:25 PM
Plus a 1tb external drive full of backups, movies, torrents, etc.
March 19th, 2010, 03:44 PM
I create folders on the fly, but not that often. Usually most of my files are in a folder called "Downloads".
March 19th, 2010, 04:54 PM
Use the basic sub-folders for things, Rocketdock for my game shortcuts, left side of my desktop for app shortcuts, right side for folders and stuff i'm currently working on.
But I like to keep my music extra organized, so I have a folder for each band, and a folder inside of that for each album.
Rob Oplawar
March 19th, 2010, 06:01 PM
/[500 gb hdd]
/[500 gb hdd]
/[200 gb hdd]
/... etc
Each of those directories contains symbolic links to the actual photo/video/music files distributed across my many hard drives.
March 19th, 2010, 07:26 PM
F: Drive = Media downloads + Movies (275 :D) + Shows
G: Drive = Permanent storage with no writing (shows like star trek that I never want to lose)
C: Drive = Backups + ISO storage (game discs, windows discs etc.)
E: Drive = System disc
The rest is here.
Processing is for files that I downloaded and haven't had time to organize (pictures/videos/installer files etc)
Music Processing is for music that needs to have its file name format changed. All of my music is "Artist - Title." Oh, and every song has a full ID3 tag, and is in .mp3 format. Nothing below 128kbps.
My pictures is for HD pics and wallpapers.
Downloads is for all applications. Everything ever installed on my computers has been saved there. I got through every year and update them with new installer packages.
Funny stuff is just funny stuff. Pictures, videos, sound clips etc.
Documents folder is split into five groups. Freelance documents (stuff written for others etc). Unsorted. Tid Bits (basically a journal). Official (cover letters, resumes, taxes etc. School documents (newspaper articles, papers etc.)
Current projects is for my webwork.
PS and Pics is for my random photoshop shit.
The porn folder is a clever disguise for my, uh, porn.
March 19th, 2010, 08:42 PM
I think I've got a pretty good setup here.
I keep my desktop clean because I don't like having icons all over it. I use the fact that I hate icons on it to motivate me to deal with whatever temporary files I've left there. Then I empty my bin and hide it.
I used to keep all my shit in C:, but now I only install programs and games on C: as well as keep my documents/work there. My external drive is for media and backups. I can unhook my external and bring it with me places with my laptop or just to a friends place to trade movies, etc, so that's convenient. I also share all of the media so I can watch it on my laptop anywhere in the house or hook my laptop up to our TV.
Firefox downloads go to the desktop, but uTorrent and Ares save to the E:\downloads folder since it's meant to end up on my external anyway.
- I've only got about 12 games in the Games folder, organized within their own folder. These are .iso backups shared at LAN parties.
- 182 Movies are organized within their own folders by title. I can't decide between grouping sequels or not.
- 3946 songs grouped rather sloppily by genre, album, person who gave them to me, artist, or year I found them. I'm not happy with the organization in here, and its becoming more and more to organize.
- Pictures are organized pretty well.
- Programs are more .iso backups
- Reference contains nearly 1000 images used for CG inspiration. I've been working on tagging them all. Within that folder is a "tag" folder where I save new images to be tagged. Unfortunately, I add them faster than I tag them.
- TV contains 385 episodes grouped into seasons, then into series title.
edit: also, my pinned explorer icon has a bunch of handy pinned folders in its jump list. This really saves time.
March 19th, 2010, 09:21 PM
I do a recovery once every year. Anything that needs to be backed up just goes on a different partition then moved back once it's done. The rest is anywhere except for on my desktop. I like being able to see my wallpaper.
March 20th, 2010, 12:44 AM
C: Windows XP Installation/Games
D: Backed-up files, Steam, and Documents.
Unnamed Drive (it's usually unplugged): OSX install
Within "Program Files" I set up a folder for Utilities, a folder for Games, and a folder for Applications. I install programs to their respective folders, but I always seem to forget to make a corresponding entry in the Start Menu to keep it clean. :downs:
March 20th, 2010, 06:19 AM
C:\ is my windows drive,
D:\ contains all my photos, movies, music, steam backups, etc all in folders named the same.
E:\ contains a backup of my C:\ drive, and a backup of all my photos (including lightroom content so I don't lose all my adjustments).
March 20th, 2010, 07:18 AM
Local HDD: Windows install, program files
External HDD: movies, music, pictures, everything
March 20th, 2010, 12:23 PM
I have Ubuntu 9.04 on my external HDD, as well as a backup of my entire D:\ drive.
March 21st, 2010, 01:56 PM
Lol, 40gb for movies LOL
thats all?
Rob Oplawar
March 21st, 2010, 03:56 PM
I have 2 terabytes of movies. Do I win?
March 21st, 2010, 07:08 PM
I have 2 terabytes of movies. Do I win?
size does not matter; content does.
how many movies?
March 21st, 2010, 07:14 PM
size does not matter; content does.
What kind of movies?
March 21st, 2010, 07:20 PM
Ah you're right. Should have been quantity...
March 21st, 2010, 07:28 PM
Everything from mod kits to 3ds max to star craft is in there.
I have a D:\Backup <DD/MM/YY > where I back up every few months.
And last but not least a random media drive so I don't have to bog down my main drive with 70 episodes of pokemon.
March 21st, 2010, 08:00 PM
thats all?
Lol not me, him. Look at my post.
I have 2 terabytes of movies. Do I win?
Im sitting on about 3.5
size does not matter; content does.
how many movies?
130ish movies. 1200ish tv episodes.
Before foul words are used, an overwhelming majority are my own dvd's.
Rob Oplawar
March 22nd, 2010, 01:26 AM
A couple hundred DVD quality 2-hourish videos, and a handful of 2-hourish HD movies. Also enough music to be continuously played for several months without repitition, I think.
March 22nd, 2010, 09:35 PM
Everything has it's own folder. Stuff I dl usually end up on my desktop until it's more than 1/2 full then I move them into the correct folder. I install all the main programs that I want on auto start or convinient on the C:/ and the rest goes onto my H:/ drive. In there I have programs files, documents, backup. Backup is for setup exes, documents have many sub folder tailoring to type of files. My scenes go into the default save folder for that program unless it's on the C:/ to which I move all the folders into the program's main folder and redirect everything in there. For each program autosave folder, I have shortcuts to other folder with files saved to that's related to them. (ie. in max scene I have a shortcut to the HCE folder and vice versa). I usually have a quarantine folder on my desktop to save DL files that are exe or archieved and scan for viruses before moving it.
March 29th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Local Disk C: - Windows 7/Programs
MTV RAID D: - 0-M movies and television + raw GoPro HERO video clips
The RAID E: - N-Z movies and television + disk images + music + pictures + video copilot after effects content + web related stuff
Local Disk F: - Windows Vista/Programs
Once I decide to finally install my legit copy of Windows 7 Professional (still running a leak of build 7600 because I'm lazy) I'm going to nuke my Windows Vista partition since I haven't used it in over a year. Most likely I'll put Local Disk C and F into a RAID 1 and use if for Windows 7/Programs.
Some file size specs:
MTV RAID D:\0-M - 454 GB
MTV RAID D:\GoPro - 38.2 GB
The RAID E:\Disk Images - 153 GB
The RAID E:\Music - 19.2 GB
The RAID E:\Pictures - 22.3 GB
The RAID E:\My Videos - 9.34 GB
The RAID E:\My Videos\N-Z - 566 GB
1020 GB of movies and TV... :haw:
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