View Full Version : Splinter Cell: Conviction
March 20th, 2010, 07:15 PM
Just started playing the demo on the 360. While it is looking to be a pretty fun game (the projected environmental text is heh pretty cool) I'm seeing a very obvious move from the original SC games. Which is kinda depressing because I liked them :(
Anyone else here play Conviction yet?
March 20th, 2010, 07:37 PM
No PC demo, but I'm sure it would require a constant Internet connection anyway.
When you say it moves away from the original games, does that mean the stealth aspect is gone? I saw that disappear from the Double Agent demo too, so I'm wondering if they forgot what made the original games any fun in the first place.
The stuff I saw in trailers (interrogation scenes, namely) made everything else look good though.
March 20th, 2010, 07:55 PM
It's definitely not the same stealth action as before (skip to 1:35ish)
March 20th, 2010, 08:06 PM
in b4 drm.
Oh and that sucks, I liked the old stealth part of sc. That's what made it splinter cell.
March 20th, 2010, 08:22 PM
Yeah, I liked the old slow and steady stealth. But, I guess franchises are supposed to evlove, right? It looks fun, so I'll wait for more reviews before I decide to try it.
March 20th, 2010, 11:21 PM
If it's not a chaos theory remake, it's gonna suck.
March 20th, 2010, 11:36 PM
While the new direction that it's taking is looking good, it's disappointing that this isn't an Xbox 1 era Splinter Cell, and there are no other games picking up that slack. Hell, even DA didn't stray too far.
March 20th, 2010, 11:46 PM
Played the demo a few times, and I'm not sure what to make of it; its way too short. Here's what I've found, though:
-The controls are hard to get used to. X to crouch and LStick to reload? Who the hell
-Similarly, everything seems clunky; there's no transition and flow in the movements.
Female ass:
-Mark and Execute is awesome. Hang off a pipe and mark three dudes at opposite ends of the room; drop down, hit Y, and HEADSHOT-HEADSHOT-HEADSHOT.
-Projection tech is nicely subtle and a much better way of relaying objectives and tutorials than intrusive HUD and radio communications.
And that's about all I could gather. The demo consists of toilet interrogation, a quick tutorial, and 2.5 enemy encounters. Nothing else. It's definitely not as slow, deliberate, or complex as the first three games (Double Agent does not exist), and will probably turn off quite a few people for it. I'll need more than 10 minutes of gameplay to really give a definitive answer, but it looks like it could be great if you try to ignore the fact that it's part of the same line as Chaos Theory.
Which means if this doesn't take off I expect a return to form, because a new CT-style Splinter Cell on current-gen technology would blow minds
March 21st, 2010, 01:58 AM
I could have sworn X was to use equipment? I remember pressing it only to have one of my mini-EMPs go off >_<
but yes, a new CT-style game would blow loads on the current generation's tits
April 10th, 2010, 12:07 AM
Bump. This game is sex.
April 10th, 2010, 12:33 AM
I'll be honest, I stopped caring about this game when Ubisoft started dicking around with DRM.
A pity too; I love Splinter Cell :\
April 10th, 2010, 01:29 AM
Yeah, not going there.
I have enough aids on my machine from Borderlands, Batman, GTA4, and RE5. Ironically, all these games, I don't play.
I would, but, always having to put the disc in, after being so used to steam, just seems like fucking effort. Still haven't finished, Batman or GTA4 because of this. I don't play borderlands anymore because of this. Never bothered to finish zombie island.
Maybe if the game comes to steam and ONLY has steams DRM, I'll get it. I'm sick of cracked pirated games being able to be played, without no fucking drama, and the games bought, being a pain in the ass to play. Which is again why I'm not really buying retail anymore.
April 14th, 2010, 12:24 AM
Just beat the game. I can say that it IS, in fact, sex. The game takes the peanuts of its stealth roots and makes delicious peanut butter out of it. And the story isn't just some gobbldygook of unpronounceable names that you instantly forget the second you stop playing -- it actually has substance, along with plenty of style. The game is just great.
April 14th, 2010, 12:41 AM
Does it look as visually horrible as Assassin's Creed II? Because that really mauled my experience.
April 14th, 2010, 12:56 AM
Never played AC2, what was your problem with it? I'm not really much of a graphical whore. I tend to readily accept that a gun is a gun and a car is a car without too much consternation. But the game (I have the 360 version) looks good. They make extensive use of filters, so maybe that is what you mean with AC2 looking bad. But I like them. It gives the game a nice post-processed, professionally-rendered look.
April 14th, 2010, 12:57 AM
- No knife
- No knockouts
- No Lambert
- Fisher angsty
- "Looking for me, ass-hole."
- THIS IS SRS I SWEAR dialogue
- Grim generic "I'M YOUR BOSS NOW" bitch-in-the-earpiece character
- Firefights encouraged
- No extra interrogations
Sounds like Splinter Cell to me! Oh, and a spoiler complaint:
*Smash on object*
"Yeah he works here drives this and has guards. NOW LET ME GO I'VE SAID TOO MUCH"
*Smash again*
"Oh, and he likes long walks on the beach."
April 14th, 2010, 02:14 AM
FUCK, I forgot it came out yesterday. And I was right by the store yesterday. Could have picked it up ;_;. Now the next two days are pay day...they might sell out before I get there again :|
April 14th, 2010, 01:20 PM
- Fisher is a badass.
- Fisher is a badass.
- Fisher is a badass.
- Fisher is a badass.
- Fisher is a badass.
For the record, you're allowed to have angst over a dead daughter and/or killing your best friend. Sam is not a teenager or a vampire, he's a goddamn ninja.
April 14th, 2010, 02:28 PM
I hate to sound like every ignorant tourneyfag ever, but...
April 14th, 2010, 02:36 PM
Looks like I'll just be playing the Thief trilogy for the eleventy-billionth time.
April 14th, 2010, 03:08 PM
I'll probably go for the xbox 360 version because of the Ubisoft DRM in the PC version >.<
I'm a little disappointed that they removed the non-lethal kill option though.
April 14th, 2010, 03:09 PM
You guys are practically sitting on your porch in a wooden rocker, sucking on a Werther's Original, and shaking your liver-spotted fist at every interracial couple that walks by.
In genetics, as in games, cross-pollination is desirable. It's why muts are the best dogs and why everyone is going to look like Jessica Alba and The Rock in 200 years. The pure stealth genre had its place and time and I'm sure it'll have its place and time again someday. But in the mean time, you should be able to enjoy this game, assuming your blue blood hasn't rushed to your head -- due to it being way up your own ass -- and caused you to pass out.
Right now, people don't seem to want punitive stealth mechanics or to spend time dragging bodies around; they want 24, Bourne, and Taken in game form and that's what this game delivers in a way that no game has. If you want to be cynical and shit all over that achievement, then so be it. But I, for one, will be enjoying the crap out of it as I enjoyed the previous SC games.
I'll probably go for the xbox 360 version because of the Ubisoft DRM in the PC version >.<
I'm a little disappointed that they removed the non-lethal kill option though.If it means that much to you, just grab everyone and slam their head into a wall. They don't get up, either way, but whatever floats your boat. I just think Mark and Execute is so awesome, you won't care about lethal vs non-lethal. In fact, I think lethal vs non-lethal has been pretty much pointless in the series. If you've played a SC game, then you've undoubtedly killed unconscious bodies and WHO DOES THAT!?
April 14th, 2010, 04:31 PM
Well, to be fair, Chaos Theory gave you an incentive not to kill...:x
April 14th, 2010, 04:48 PM
Warsaw is correct.
And, to set my own rantings straight, I'm sure Conviction has its own shining qualities. Just not as a Splinter Cell game.
Think of it as Splinter Cell's "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". It has the name slapped on, but it's something we can all forget about and nothing of value shall be lost.
Edit: Here's another thing. Can we all at least agree that Max Beland is a cock that ruined everything good about Ubisoft? If it weren't for him I'd have some fucking games to play this year.
And another: He, along with dozens of others, are trying to make their games more accessible. Pardon me for asking, but isn't that what casual games were supposed to do? They were supposed to get newcomers to feel comfortable about games and make it easier to move to the hardcore games. There is absolutely NO reason for the harder games to be dumbed down for the casual gamers when they already have plenty of shit to play. If they, after systems as unbelievably simple as the Wii, still can't develop the necessary coordination, fuck them. They had their chance. There's plenty of shovelware for them, just stop fucking with perfectly good game design. Otherwise, you're going to lose both the casual gamer (once they get bored of the gaming fad) and the gamers you started with (because everything is SHIT).
April 14th, 2010, 07:08 PM
Yes, in CT they arbitrarily penalized your mission grade for killing. Key word: arbitrary. They could have just as easily REWARDED you for killing. There was no difference to the gameplay whatsoever between a dead enemy and an unconscious one. And there's not even thermal goggles, anymore, so you wouldn't even get that superficial feedback of body temp.
I'm of the belief that games are full of stuff that has no justifiable point to it. In previous SC games, you could drag dead bodies, but that was 99% needless caution. In the vast majority of cases, no one was ever coming by that spot again, but you didn't know, so you might have spent hours hauling around dead bodies and making neat little piles. Pointlessly.
It's only dumbing down when features are smart to begin with. Sadly, most aren't. People miss useless features because they have bored their way into and nested in the anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive, hunter-gatherer portions of our brains. The portions that prove that, no, humans do not have souls. Our wants and desires are rarely logical. We're still just moths attracted to bug zappers.
So, I'm generally in favor when a game series assassinates a few sacred cows. You need to get rid of the stuff that doesn't work, so you can experiment with new stuff that might. Conviction, to me, represents progress.
By the way, if you're looking for an old-school SC feel, deniable ops definitely has that vibe going for it. Lots of shadows, lots of enemies, and if you're seen, more show up. The one map I played was 5 parts and took me well over an hour to clear. In fact, this mode is probably more designed for co-op, because the enemy density is pretty high.
April 14th, 2010, 07:22 PM
There was no difference to the gameplay whatsoever between a dead enemy and an unconscious one.
Not when a guard discovers the body. If it's unconscious the guard can wake him up and that means yet another foe to deal with (and possibly an alarm).
Although I'd usually hit quick-load if I messed up that badly...
I'm not saying Conviction will suck because of how it deviates from the series, I'm just saying I really liked splinter cell in the form it was before conviction and I would've liked more of the same. It's sort of like how Rainbow Six Vegas was a huge breakaway from RB6 - it became more Gears of War than strategic tactical shooter. Yet Vegas came to be my favorite game in the RB6 series even though I loved the previous RB6 games as well.
Vegas also helped draw new fans into the RB6 series - I'm sure many people didn't find the previous RB6 formula appealing at all, but really enjoyed Vegas when it released. To me, Conviction is basically Splinter Cell's version of Vegas. Eliminate some features, add a few more - all that matters is that it works out well.
Gonna buy it when I get home, looking forward to the Mark-and-Execute feature for sure.
April 14th, 2010, 10:23 PM
Conviction is less of a departure than Vegas was, but they very similarly blend the signature notes of their respective series into a more 'fly by the seat of your pants' experience. You press forward knowing that whatever they throw at you, you can handle. You aren't worrying, "Oh crap, what if the next two guys I run into stand next to each other the whole time and never separate! I'm screwed!"
April 14th, 2010, 10:46 PM
You obviously didn't play Chaos Theory properly. ;)
It's easy to run in and shoot everyone. It's both more challenging and infinitely more rewarding when you limit yourself by applying the "no killing" rule, then manage to get through an entire mission without being noticed, ever. That is what Splinter Cell is/was all about. And you only get two or three sticky shockers, so you can't rely on those either. I hope they go back to those roots after Conviction. It makes sense to have him do the "seat of your pants" in Conviction because he's pretty much lost everything and he doesn't give a flying fuck anymore.
April 15th, 2010, 11:46 AM
I played SC, PT, and CT "correctly." I always tried to avoid kills and being seen. I still try to avoid being seen (there are rewards for not being seen or using a weapon in Conviction). And you forgot to mention the airfoil rounds. Those were a life saver.
I just think Mark and Execute is such a revelation, that it would be hard to remove it. And they'd need to remove it to make the old style work. So don't hold your breath.
April 15th, 2010, 11:50 AM
I'm getting this game tomorrow, will play it over the weekend :iamafag: - Looking forward to it.
April 15th, 2010, 08:36 PM
always having to put the disc in
If you already own the legit copy of the game, there's nothing illegal about downloading a fixed EXE that lets you run the game without having to insert any disc.
I did that with most of the older games on my laptop (i.e. Halo, Batman, COD4) so that I wouldn't have to go to the trouble of transporting all my CDs/DVDs between Abu Dhabi and Toronto.
It's also useful if say you lost the disc or damaged it but the game's still installed in your computer.
Back on topic: Damn, I can't find any PAL copies of the 360 version in Toronto, looks like I just have to wait.
April 15th, 2010, 09:59 PM
I played SC, PT, and CT "correctly." I always tried to avoid kills and being seen. I still try to avoid being seen (there are rewards for not being seen or using a weapon in Conviction). And you forgot to mention the airfoil rounds. Those were a life saver.
I just think Mark and Execute is such a revelation, that it would be hard to remove it. And they'd need to remove it to make the old style work. So don't hold your breath.
Didn't mention them because they only incapacitate when shot to the head and you still don't get that many. Also, the mark and execute pretty much takes all the timing work out of the equation. It's cool for awhile, and then you realise that it isn't as rewarding as getting the same number of perfect take downs manually. Well, I know I would anyways.
April 16th, 2010, 12:15 AM
Give it a chance. The situations that you find yourself saving the M&E for are situations that the older Splinter Cell games barely had. I'm talking clusters of 5-6 guys, which would have been damn near impossible to tackle the "manly" way. If you think about it, you really were at the mercy of the designers. They very kindly split up the enemy ranks to allow you to isolate and pick them off one by one. They still do that in Conviction, but they don't do it all the time. The Conviction Sam Fisher can handle any situation.
April 16th, 2010, 01:04 AM
If you already own the legit copy of the game, there's nothing illegal about downloading a fixed EXE that lets you run the game without having to insert any disc.
I did that with most of the older games on my laptop (i.e. Halo, Batman, COD4) so that I wouldn't have to go to the trouble of transporting all my CDs/DVDs between Abu Dhabi and Toronto.
It's also useful if say you lost the disc or damaged it but the game's still installed in your computer.
Back on topic: Damn, I can't find any PAL copies of the 360 version in Toronto, looks like I just have to wait.In Canada, no -- in the USA -- yes, very illegal...
You're stripping the copy protection off of a copy protected chunk of digital data. That's a felony.
That said, so is the shift key... and preventing your computer from being infected with a root kit. Those are both felonies as well.
April 16th, 2010, 01:14 AM
Phopo is correct. It helps to not buy the game instead of having to commit felonies just to play a game you paid for.
April 16th, 2010, 02:28 AM
It's easy to run in and shoot everyone. It's both more challenging and infinitely more rewarding when you limit yourself by applying the "no killing" rule, then manage to get through an entire mission without being noticed, ever. That is what Splinter Cell is/was all about. And you only get two or three sticky shockers, so you can't rely on those either. I hope they go back to those roots after Conviction. It makes sense to have him do the "seat of your pants" in Conviction because he's pretty much lost everything and he doesn't give a flying fuck anymore.
While the stealth in the previous games worked great, Sam's role in the world has been changing. He is no longer on a leash, he longer has a boss, he no longer has loads of equipment at his disposal. He's on his own (in terms of being backed by a gov't agency). He does what he can do survive and get what he, not someone else, wants done. It no longer really matters if he leaves bodies out in the open. He has nothing to hide as long as he is one step (mark) a head (and execute!)
This will work with Conviction, but yes, after this game I hope they revisit the original SC roots. But I'm sure that would mean a different star or, a prequel taking place in Sam's early days. Would be sad to see no more Sam, but sometimes you have to move on :tear:.
April 16th, 2010, 12:28 PM
Give it a chance. The situations that you find yourself saving the M&E for are situations that the older Splinter Cell games barely had. I'm talking clusters of 5-6 guys, which would have been damn near impossible to tackle the "manly" way. If you think about it, you really were at the mercy of the designers. They very kindly split up the enemy ranks to allow you to isolate and pick them off one by one. They still do that in Conviction, but they don't do it all the time. The Conviction Sam Fisher can handle any situation.
It's not about "manly", it's about working for the reward. I wholly intend to buy Conviction and play it, and I will probably enjoy it. I'll just miss the slowness of the older games, which was one of the reasons I got into them. Also You can split up groups in the older ones even if they were clustered like that. Pick up a can or bottle and toss it, whistle, etc. Worked for me.
April 17th, 2010, 02:15 PM
If the next SC game goes back to the SC roots, I'm interested to see it play out like one of the David Michaels Splinter Cell novels. Especially Checkmate with the infiltration into the Burj-Al-Arab hotel.
April 17th, 2010, 10:54 PM
I just beat the first Co-op mission on Realistic difficulty by myself (2 controllers). They REALLY don't want you doing that. I powered through, because I didn't want to lose my progress, but I won't be doing that again. Either I get a co-op partner or it's not happening.
April 19th, 2010, 12:01 AM
If the next SC game goes back to the SC roots, I'm interested to see it play out like one of the David Michaels Splinter Cell novels. Especially Checkmate with the infiltration into the Burj-Al-Arab hotel.
Have you read the latest book also called Conviction? Apparently it is totally unrelated to the game's story which I don't understand why they would then name it the same. They also have another book out which tells the 3E team's side of the story in the aforementioned book. Forget the title, but I have it at home :3
I just beat the first Co-op mission on Realistic difficulty by myself (2 controllers). They REALLY don't want you doing that. I powered through, because I didn't want to lose my progress, but I won't be doing that again. Either I get a co-op partner or it's not happening.
Going to try and get the game today. Is co-op XBL friendly?
April 19th, 2010, 02:43 PM
It works on Live, though I don't know how well. I've heard some people complain of lag and other people say they haven't had any problems. I imagine it depends on the quality of service and the distances involved.
I don't have Gold right now, but I've got a free month that I was saving for the Reach Beta. I figure if the beta lasts 3 weeks, I can redeem the free month this coming weekend and get some SC co-op going, if anyone is interested.
April 20th, 2010, 05:08 AM
If I had a connection at home I'd join you :\
Started playing this morning. Pretty fun, but is it just me or did they redo how Sam looks :raise:? I mean...he just doesn't look like the previous Fishers...even in his last next-gen title! Also Grim...doesn't look anything like I remember her back on the Xbox 1 (hell, which used pre-rendered cutscenes).
The flash forwards are looking interesting...almost don't want to finish the game, not liking where it is going (but not in a bad way) :x
April 20th, 2010, 12:34 PM
Pre-Purchase Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
Pre-Purchase Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe Edition
The Deluxe Edition includes Infiltration Mode, Shadow Armor and 3 bonus weapons. Plus, pre-purchase now and get a free copy of the original Splinter Cell.
Pre-Purchase Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Elite Echelon Edition
Includes 4 items: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent®, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition
April 20th, 2010, 01:21 PM
Fisher has had an inconsistent look throughout the series. I went back and watched some CT cut scenes and his facial structure was way too immature for someone in their early 50's. Since our facial bones and cartilage continue to grow as we age, I think the Conviction Fisher looks more correct. He also has more natural-looking body proportions.
I really like the way the story is told. It's light years beyond previous SC games. Although, it might be a little too light on exposition. I had trouble understanding some stuff which I won't spoil for you.
Anyway, just to reiterate: this game kicks ass. I was looking forward to Alpha Protocol, but now I'm just afraid to play it, because it's probably going to make me wish it played like Conviction. Also, I have decided to take a giant deuce on my copy of Metal Gear Solid 4, in honor of Conviction succeeding where that game failed miserably.
April 20th, 2010, 02:06 PM
speaking of the steam elite echelon edition, why doesn't it include Pandora Tomorrow? I found it pretty fun, though Chaos theory was better. Is it because it's the only SC title not made by the Montreal studio?
April 20th, 2010, 02:19 PM
DA was also done by Ubi Shanghai. But PT is the one where they had Dennis Haysbert play Lambert. It's got to be some weird licensing issue with either that or music, I imagine.
April 21st, 2010, 03:15 AM
Some other dude voiced Lambert's small parts in Conviction too. That's not All State's stand :sadface:!
Finished the game this morning. Pretty awesome. Waited 20+ mins for the credits to finally finish. Thought maybe there would be some teaser video or something. Nothing like that, but there was a small little converation about 10 mins into the credits. Nothing ground breaking, just...some icing I guess, to put on the ending.
So yeah. Don't waste 20+ minutes of your life watching the credits like I did.
Also, if you have the 360 version and once you beat the game and it goes back to the main menu, say "continue the story" or w/e so you can pick your different ending (both of which are achievements)
Really sweet game. I wonder what they'll do with the SC franchise now? I don't think they'll go anywhere else with Sam unless it's backwards.
April 21st, 2010, 09:16 AM
They could make a better version of Splinter Cell Essentials for the PSP. There were a couple of set-in-the-past missions in it, i.e. Fisher having to rescue Shetland from a Colombian camp in 1992.
April 21st, 2010, 01:56 PM
I could have sworn that was Don Jordan reprising his role as posthumous Lambert. Oh well. He dead. Unless it turn out he alive.
I assumed the credits were on a loop when the audio ran out and they were still going.
April 21st, 2010, 05:29 PM
Right now, people don't seem to want punitive stealth mechanics or to spend time dragging bodies around; they want 24, Bourne, and Taken in game form and that's what this game delivers in a way that no game has. If you want to be cynical and shit all over that achievement, then so be it. But I, for one, will be enjoying the crap out of it as I enjoyed the previous SC games.
That's what I thought about when I was playing, and it was fucking bad ass. And you don't always have to kill, well not with the gun anyway. What I liked about this one was you could use bodies and shit to attract attention to sneak by without alerting anyone or having to shoot anyone. So many different ways you can play this game and it was certainly fun.
April 21st, 2010, 07:02 PM
Speaking of different ways to play, I finished all the PEC challenges. I'm just happy to be able to play the game "normally" now. No more worrying about doing x, y, or z.
April 22nd, 2010, 02:28 AM
The only mission I didn't really like is the one flashback one. Other than that I'm really enjoying this game. Redoing it on realistic right now (also just started the deniable ops with the same diff)
Can you only unlock those other weapons (AK47, etc) from playing Co-op? That'd be gay.
April 22nd, 2010, 03:05 AM
I didn't mind the Iraq mission as much the second time through. I guess it helps to know what to expect. As far as undesirable changes of pace go, I don't find it nearly as objectionable as some of the stuff a game like Gears of War tries to throw at you to keep things "fresh" (and now... SWIMMING!).
The tutorial-y nature of the campaign is kind of frustrating the second time through. You don't get the sonar goggles until forever and there are some really irritating starting weapons and gadget selections. And I still can't figure out why they took away the EMP device in the last couple of missions. Overpowered?
By the way, if you're playing on Realistic, you'll be talking to that secretary a LOT. There are some unkind checkpoints.
And yeah, you have to beat the first two co-op missions to unlock 3 of the weapons. Which I did. By myself. ::sigh:: It's hair-pulling in spots, but do-able.
The co-op is very well done, by the way. Wish I could enjoy it without worrying about controller juggling.
April 22nd, 2010, 06:14 AM
And I still can't figure out why they took away the EMP device in the last couple of missions. Overpowered?
By the way, if you're playing on Realistic, you'll be talking to that secretary a LOT. There are some unkind checkpoints.
And yeah, you have to beat the first two co-op missions to unlock 3 of the weapons. Which I did. By myself. ::sigh:: It's hair-pulling in spots, but do-able.
Well he did toss your messenger bag after the crash (didn't he say that it was fried?) so I think that's the reason for the lack of the PEMP
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, I hated that secretary part. When shit started going down I (by instinct) fucking rushed the door only to get popped by the guy behind the glass (ohai, where you'd come from?). I don't understand that checkpoint. Seriously. How do such checkpoints get approved for shipping?
Did you try doing them on rookie by yourself? Or were you going for that achievement for co-op on hardest diff?
April 22nd, 2010, 07:18 AM
April 22nd, 2010, 09:22 AM
Wow, they can't even get marketing right without fucking their audience.
April 22nd, 2010, 09:26 AM
Eh, the people that they hired to market it, who then hired the actors or whatever, didn't know they were going to be using a gun
but yeah
April 22nd, 2010, 02:13 PM
I was wondering why the designers took it away. I caught the story explanation for the satchel being fried, but why did they decide to have it be fried? What's really annoying is that when trying to do PEC challenges, you'll think about a place in campaign that would be perfect to just keep reloading, but then you get there and realize they don't give you access to a gadget you need.
I did the first co-op mission on realistic and vowed never to attempt that again. The second mission I did on Rookie and just barely pulled it off. The third mission I tried on Rookie and deemed it impossible for one player. You have to hack a bunch of terminals in a certain time limit, while staying within ten meters of them as you're hacking and guards are sweeping the area. You have to stay on your toes at all times and there isn't enough time for one guy to hack everything.
April 22nd, 2010, 07:58 PM
"Splinter Cell Evolution"
Does the media even try these days?
April 22nd, 2010, 09:09 PM
I'm finally starting to "get" Last Stand. I don't like it, but I'm starting to understand how to do it. At first, I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, afraid to let the EMP get shot at all. I had no clue how I was supposed to keep them from shooting it, maintain stealth, survive, and kill every enemy. Now, I can manage, but I'm still not having fun. Hunter is where it's at. Damn these achievements.
April 23rd, 2010, 06:27 AM
Yeah, I finished Hunter on realistic this morning. Then I tried Last Stand and was like 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no thanks.'
ugh. Damn those achievements indeed.
April 23rd, 2010, 12:06 PM
The sad thing is, it's going to take forever to pop the achievements. You can take a shortcut by starting on wave 15, but still, that means you have to kill 125 enemies per map and there are 10 maps. Not to mention, you have to basically kill yourself after every wave to refill your gadgets, so it takes even longer. Once those achievements are done, I'm never touching this mode again and damn Ubisoft if they put it in the next game with a new set of achievements.
I'm also starting to get fed up with the pickiness of the marking. Trying to mark targets that are near each other is a bitch. Why can't I just"paint select" my marks? Or at least make it more pixel sensitive to who I'm pointing at.
April 23rd, 2010, 08:51 PM
I love Deniable Ops, its sooo much fun, just sneaking up on everyone
April 23rd, 2010, 09:01 PM
Playing now, anyone wanna spec ops with me?
GT: DEEhunter1
April 24th, 2010, 03:21 AM
I'm online right now. Don't know for how long. Need a co-op partner :ohdear:
e: nvm. can't get my xbox connected right now. beat one mission tho
April 24th, 2010, 11:09 AM
Beat the game.
Cool stuff.
April 25th, 2010, 09:13 AM
I've got a checkpoint halfway thru the EMP tagging level where I'm racking up remote mine and stunned kills. Sadly, this 3 man team isn't close enough to where a frag can take all 3 out. At least the game doesn't discount your PEC score after dying.
So do you have to buy that SCAR rifle from UPLAY store or something? How much does it cost? Is it worth it?
April 25th, 2010, 01:33 PM
The best place for Stunned/3 Frag/Remote mine/EMP grenade, and the snake cam/mirror marking challenge is toward the end of the last level. There's a big fire fight and it's really easy to just walk up, chuck, and retry last checkpoint. It will take a while, though, but it is the absolute most consistent place for getting three guys at once every time.
The Uplay store doesn't use money, it's Uplay points, which you can earn by playing the game. I earned all the points available and bought all the items available (although, it turned out I had a preorder code from Amazon to unlock Infiltration for free, d'oh). I still wound up with 10 points left over.
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