View Full Version : Halo one maps to H2V
{MMT} Pope
April 28th, 2007, 01:57 PM
me and the team were going to make a conversion of halo one maps to h2vista with beter textures, and other stuff..I was wondering if anyone would like to see this conversion be released when H2V is released. Also i am wondering which halo 1 map you guys would like to see on H2V the most.
April 28th, 2007, 02:17 PM
halo 1 was not made for h2 game play....and the maps are low detail for a game that can support more. not really worth it. weapons maybe, maps no.
{MMT} Pope
April 28th, 2007, 02:37 PM
umm thats why i exract the bsps, which have no textures, i weild there vertices togeather i have no errors, and add a sky. Then i have textures provided by h2v and use them as detail bitmaps and so.. Its mostly the bsp being ripped into 3ds max which im going to thnx bungie for the bsps, and mostly being remodeled so it can be used in h2vista. Of course you don't know what im talking about, and the graphics will look beter on the map just watch.
April 28th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Your forgeting something, ripping Halo 1 material is just as illegal as ripping Halo 2 material for HaloCE.
If the people who download your map don't legally own HaloCE/PC then they jmust downloaded it illegally.
{MMT} Pope
April 28th, 2007, 03:10 PM
so if someone makes a bloodgulch map from scratch your saying people who don't own hpc but have H2v are downloading a blood gulch map made from scratch illegally?
Friedmetroid maybe you should work beter on your put downs, because your put downs are horrible.
April 28th, 2007, 03:16 PM
Trying to make an exact replica from scratch usually doesn't turn out too well.
April 28th, 2007, 03:42 PM
if you make a Blood Gulch for H2V, I'll hunt you down and kill you. but there are some Halo 1 stock maps that would do well in H2V, like Geo.
Mr Buckshot
April 28th, 2007, 03:48 PM
I nominate Death Island. With the Banshee's FRG aka green noob ball of death removed in multiplayer, battles get a lot more fun and balanced.
Plus, the human chaingun turrets (basically Warthog chainguns mounted to the ground) will be great replacements for Shade turrets. I hate Shades.
{MMT} Pope
April 28th, 2007, 05:35 PM
ok, and why would you hunt me down and kill me over blood it because theres coagulation?
April 28th, 2007, 06:09 PM
so if someone makes a bloodgulch map from scratch your saying people who don't own hpc but have H2v are downloading a blood gulch map made from scratch illegally?
Please learn to read posts more carefully. Freelancer stated that RIPPING from Halo CE/PC to Halo 2 is as illegal as RIPPING Halo 2 material to Halo CE/PC. You could, however, make Blood Gulch from scratch and it would NOT be considered illegal as you have not ripped anything.
April 28th, 2007, 06:54 PM
I think its a really good idea two maps i would really like to see are boarding action and sidewinder.
{MMT} Pope
April 28th, 2007, 06:56 PM
thank you very much saggy for telling me whos working on the halo pc to halo 2 conversion, because i dont want people to be very unhappy. I'll talk to freelancer or send him a pm.
{MMT} Pope
April 29th, 2007, 12:16 AM
O really well im sry i've been learning english for only 5 years, because i had to move from mexico to retarded Alaska..beter life up here my ass.
In case you dont believe me here is the sentence above in spanish:
O realmente mana im sry yo ha estado aprendiendo el inglés por solamente 5 años, porque tuve que levantar desde México a la vida retardada de Alaska. .beter aquí mi asno.
April 29th, 2007, 12:46 AM
O really well im sry i've been learning english for only 5 years, because i had to move from mexico to retarded Alaska..beter life up here my ass.
In case you dont believe me here is the sentence above in spanish:
O realmente mana im sry yo ha estado aprendiendo el inglés por solamente 5 años, porque tuve que levantar desde México a la vida retardada de Alaska. .beter aquí mi asno.
Gee, for someone who barely knows English someone seems to know where all the accent key combines are. My favorite part from your "authentic translation" was how you made the same mishap of putting the same two dots after Alaska. Oh, and did your "authentic translation" not translate the word "beter" or "sry?"
Reaper Man
April 29th, 2007, 01:09 AM
Please learn to read posts more carefully. Freelancer stated that RIPPING from Halo CE/PC to Halo 2 is as illegal as RIPPING Halo 2 material to Halo CE/PC. You could, however, make Blood Gulch from scratch and it would NOT be considered illegal as you have not ripped anything.
WRONG. Ever heard of intellectual property? The name and design of the map are trademarks of Bungie. Ever wondered why many custom-made mods for other games have received cease-and-desist orders?
April 29th, 2007, 01:49 AM
Who gives a flying fuck if it's illigal? Making H2 Coagulation wasn't illigle, Ripping is illigle, well guess what? I didn't see bungie's name on the stuff when we came in there and started using their stuff. I don't see any reason why we can't or shouldn't make Halo 1 maps for H2V, It would give us the same old Halo PC feelings and make us feel more at home as we have these past few years. Even though I'm going to H2V, I don't want to leave behind CE.............Do you? I say this is an awesome way to keep Halo 1 alive and running, aswell and some real cool Halo 3 stuff :D
from what we've heard about Halo 2 being a mistake. I odn't know why some of the creators would say that since it's become a huge hit, sure it's got it's faults but, that doesn't stop us from getting excited over it and playing it. We didn't have much to really get into the Halo story until Halo 2, We can leave Halo Default maps behind, but the Custom maps are classic entertainment, Stop debating on whether or not they should be put in. If someone wants them in. That's fine. Don't your ass out there and tell them they shouldn't because YOU don't want them to.
The new Halo PC maps such as inifnity? aren't considered classic Halo defaults because they were included later on into Halo 1. Maps like Infinity are what keep me playing, and others too, don't get me wrong. Just leave those who want to do this alone. Because, either way you're wasting your time giving your complaint of how it wouldn't fit or how they could do so much more. I'm sure they've givin' it some thought. If they want this and you don't. Stay out of it =/
April 29th, 2007, 12:29 PM
I think you should go ahead with the project, the thing is you might have to tweak the bsp, look get a h2 masterchief reference model and then use him to measure all the entrances and such, also see if the map size is adequate.
{MMT} Pope
April 29th, 2007, 12:45 PM
I think you should go ahead with the project, the thing is you might have to tweak the bsp, look get a h2 masterchief reference model and then use him to measure all the entrances and such, also see if the map size is adequate.
Ill be sure to get the size right..thnx for the support
{MMT} Pope
April 29th, 2007, 12:49 PM
Gee, for someone who barely knows English someone seems to know where all the accent key combines are. My favorite part from your "authentic translation" was how you made the same mishap of putting the same two dots after Alaska. Oh, and did your "authentic translation" not translate the word "beter" or "sry?"
Lol i was just pulling your guys tails, but seriously i do live in Alaska
April 29th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Who gives a flying fuck if it's illigal?
The community does.
Making H2 Coagulation wasn't illigle.
Yes, it was, and still is.
Ripping is illigle, well guess what? I didn't see bungie's name on the stuff when we came in there and started using their stuff.
What? First, learn how to spell "illegal", and then use some LOGIC. Who made it? Bungie. How about you look at the credits, or even the back of the box? It says right there the copyright of it. If you violate it, you're breaking the law.
I don't see any reason why we can't or shouldn't make Halo 1 maps for H2V, It would give us the same old Halo PC feelings and make us feel more at home as we have these past few years. Even though I'm going to H2V, I don't want to leave behind CE.............Do you? I say this is an awesome way to keep Halo 1 alive and running, aswell and some real cool Halo 3 stuff :D
If ANYTHING is going to be done about the Halo maps into Halo 2, then they have to be completely redone. Not just because it's illegal to rip the content, but it's BORING. If you want to play Halo maps, then don't play Halo 2, simple as that. There's a ton of people I know who are already working on these things, completely revamping the maps like Bungie is doing, so really, don't waste your time doing a crappy job on a map which something else is going to rival. It will just begin adding to the confusion of which maps to play.
from what we've heard about Halo 2 being a mistake. I odn't know why some of the creators would say that since it's become a huge hit, sure it's got it's faults but, that doesn't stop us from getting excited over it and playing it. We didn't have much to really get into the Halo story until Halo 2, We can leave Halo Default maps behind, but the Custom maps are classic entertainment, Stop debating on whether or not they should be put in. If someone wants them in. That's fine. Don't your ass out there and tell them they shouldn't because YOU don't want them to.There's good reason, as I have stated above. There will be even better reason once the maps which are being worked on are revealed.
Just leave those who want to do this alone. Because, either way you're wasting your time giving your complaint of how it wouldn't fit or how they could do so much more. I'm sure they've givin' it some thought. If they want this and you don't. Stay out of it =/Then don't ask.
{MMT} Pope
April 29th, 2007, 01:25 PM
well it's a little bit of a debate but maybe i wont release the halo 1 maps to h2vista once i know when to, but i'll still remake them, but kinda dont know about releasing them... argument is done, and also dont say me remaking them and not releasing them to the public is illegal. I mean isnt Cmt dissolution for halo ce a ripped hang em high thats been totally remade?
April 29th, 2007, 01:31 PM
I don't think so, because Hang em high is a Halo 1/PC/CE/Mac map, and I think they made a custom model, but I don't know if that's true or not, and I'm not going to ask, it's not my place to ask those guys any thing.
April 29th, 2007, 01:32 PM
The difference there is that it's content which is shipped with the game, it's just repackaged. You can say it's similar to how textures are shipped with the HEK. Technically, you can probably say yes, it is illegal in some way, but then that's just getting plain nitpicky.
April 29th, 2007, 02:33 PM
Well we cann port the weapons, as they are legal-ly released. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Bu the maps if you really wanted a conversion, you could ask bungie to release the copyright/whatever on the bsps. or you could ask for premission to publicly release a conversion.
Heck, what I would like would be an official expansion pack of all Tombstone, and Dessolousin.
{MMT} Pope
April 29th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Like bungie would do such a thing
April 29th, 2007, 04:02 PM
I'd rep you for that epic post, jfap, but you simply have too much rep.
Oh, and the fact that I can't rep you still.
May 2nd, 2007, 10:11 PM
if it was illegal in the first place, than why'd you guys even bother doing it?...
May 2nd, 2007, 10:24 PM
Who gives a flying fuck if it's illigal? Making H2 Coagulation wasn't illigle, Ripping is illigle, well guess what? I didn't see bungie's name on the stuff when we came in there and started using their stuff. I don't see any reason why we can't or shouldn't make Halo 1 maps for H2V, It would give us the same old Halo PC feelings and make us feel more at home as we have these past few years. Even though I'm going to H2V, I don't want to leave behind CE.............Do you? I say this is an awesome way to keep Halo 1 alive and running, aswell and some real cool Halo 3 stuff :D
from what we've heard about Halo 2 being a mistake. I odn't know why some of the creators would say that since it's become a huge hit, sure it's got it's faults but, that doesn't stop us from getting excited over it and playing it. We didn't have much to really get into the Halo story until Halo 2, We can leave Halo Default maps behind, but the Custom maps are classic entertainment, Stop debating on whether or not they should be put in. If someone wants them in. That's fine. Don't your ass out there and tell them they shouldn't because YOU don't want them to.
The new Halo PC maps such as inifnity? aren't considered classic Halo defaults because they were included later on into Halo 1. Maps like Infinity are what keep me playing, and others too, don't get me wrong. Just leave those who want to do this alone. Because, either way you're wasting your time giving your complaint of how it wouldn't fit or how they could do so much more. I'm sure they've givin' it some thought. If they want this and you don't. Stay out of it =/
Risk Level: High
Attempt to de-internetize. :v
May 2nd, 2007, 10:57 PM
I nominate Death Island. With the Banshee's FRG aka green noob ball of death removed in multiplayer, battles get a lot more fun and balanced.
Plus, the human chaingun turrets (basically Warthog chainguns mounted to the ground) will be great replacements for Shade turrets. I hate Shades.
Learn to use a shotgun. The banshees were what made death island a balanced map. And the Shades were great, if you knew how to use them. I used to sit in one and snipe people at their base and turn around and pwn them once they get out of the portal.
May 2nd, 2007, 11:46 PM
i :lol: LOVE camping in Shades! Also,yes, the banshees balanced Death Island. The 7rU7h!
May 3rd, 2007, 05:30 AM
why don't we just make modified halo 1 bsps (like what they are doing with zanzibar in halo 3). for instance, adding more more rooms, caves and underground tunnels from death island, also using crisper and more high resolution textures with matching multipurposes (oh wait... halo2 doesnt use multipurpose bitmaps anymore, it uses multipurpose alphas) but i think you get what i mean. make the bsps more halo 2 ish
May 3rd, 2007, 08:43 AM
so if someone makes a bloodgulch map from scratch your saying people who don't own hpc but have H2v are downloading a blood gulch map made from scratch illegally?
Friedmetroid maybe you should work beter on your put downs, because your put downs are horrible.
Some were along the lines a team member is going to get lazy, and rip the BSP. Then your going to notice that it's better then the BSP your working on. So you will end up using it.
Same goes with other content, weapons, power ups, textures, if you rip ANYTHING it will be illegal to download to anyone who doesn't legally own Halo.
Who gives a flying fuck if it's illigal? Making H2 Coagulation wasn't illigle, Ripping is illigle, well guess what? I didn't see bungie's name on the stuff when we came in there and started using their stuff. I don't see any reason why we can't or shouldn't make Halo 1 maps for H2V, It would give us the same old Halo PC feelings and make us feel more at home as we have these past few years. Even though I'm going to H2V, I don't want to leave behind CE.............Do you? I say this is an awesome way to keep Halo 1 alive and running, aswell and some real cool Halo 3 stuff :D
from what we've heard about Halo 2 being a mistake. I odn't know why some of the creators would say that since it's become a huge hit, sure it's got it's faults but, that doesn't stop us from getting excited over it and playing it. We didn't have much to really get into the Halo story until Halo 2, We can leave Halo Default maps behind, but the Custom maps are classic entertainment, Stop debating on whether or not they should be put in. If someone wants them in. That's fine. Don't your ass out there and tell them they shouldn't because YOU don't want them to.
The new Halo PC maps such as inifnity? aren't considered classic Halo defaults because they were included later on into Halo 1. Maps like Infinity are what keep me playing, and others too, don't get me wrong. Just leave those who want to do this alone. Because, either way you're wasting your time giving your complaint of how it wouldn't fit or how they could do so much more. I'm sure they've givin' it some thought. If they want this and you don't. Stay out of it =/
Learn to spell illegal, then learn what it means. Thanks, you just answered your own question.
And as for those other maps, most ripped ones were never released, only real ones I've seen are the ones from Zteam, and they have a disclaimer.
May 3rd, 2007, 07:05 PM
Okay, this topic has gone on long enough.
Learn to debate without flaming please? Thanks.
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