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View Full Version : Help with this script?

March 23rd, 2010, 10:52 PM
hi everyone. I am kind of a newbie when it comes to scripting so can anyone tell me whats wrong with this script?
Thanks in advance.

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch
(ai_place c1)
(object_create turret1)
(object_create turret2)
(ai_command_list c1 c1)
(ai_place h2)
(object_create warthog)
(ai_command_list h2 h3)
(ai_place h1)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set 1 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set 2 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 3 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 4 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 5 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 6 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 7 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 8 200)
(sleep 120)
(camera_set 9 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_2
(hud_set_objective_text obj1)
(sleep 15)
(ai_follow_target_players h1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_3
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 1 (players)) 15)
(ai_place c2)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_4
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 2 (players)) 15)
(ai_place h2)
(ai_place h3)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 3 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj2)
(ai_command_list h2 h2)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_5
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 4 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj3)
(sleep_until (= (ai_living_count c1) 0) 1)
(hud_set_objective_text obj4)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 5 (players)) 15)
(sleep 5)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set 10 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set 11 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set 12 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

March 24th, 2010, 05:45 AM
Begins are not necessary unless used in if statements. And no I can't unless you give me the error.

March 24th, 2010, 06:37 AM
Begins are not necessary unless used in if statements. And no I can't unless you give me the error.

When i try to compile the script, this error apears.

This is the last paragraph of my debug.txt.

09.02.09 18:08:54 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
09.02.09 18:08:54 reference function: _write_to_error_file
09.02.09 18:08:54 reference address: 401b13
09.02.09 18:08:54 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
09.02.09 18:08:55 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
09.02.09 18:08:55 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
09.02.09 18:08:58 recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
09.02.09 18:08:58 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?
09.02.09 18:08:59 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
09.02.09 18:09:08 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?
09.02.09 18:09:08 recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
09.02.09 18:09:08 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?

March 24th, 2010, 10:00 AM

theres the problem

March 24th, 2010, 05:18 PM
theres the problem

explain plz?

March 24th, 2010, 09:38 PM
(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch
(ai_place c1)
(object_create turret1)
(object_create turret2)
(ai_command_list c1 c1)
(ai_place h2)
(object_create warthog)
(ai_command_list h2 h3)
(ai_place h1)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set one 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set two 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set three 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set four 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set five 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set six 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set seven 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set eight 200)
(sleep 120)
(camera_set nine 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_2
(hud_set_objective_text obj1)
(sleep 15)
(ai_follow_target_players h1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_3
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 1 (players)) 15)
(ai_place c2)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_4
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 2 (players)) 15)
(ai_place h2)
(ai_place h3)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 3 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj2)
(ai_command_list h2 h2)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_5
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 4 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj3)
(sleep_until (= (ai_living_count c1) 0) 1)
(hud_set_objective_text obj4)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 5 (players)) 15)
(sleep 5)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set ten 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set eleven 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set twelve 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

Try this. I'm thinking sapien isn't liking that you named your camera points numbers. It may also be the names of the AI. If it doesn't work, post the debug again.

March 25th, 2010, 04:30 PM
explain plz?

While it was meant as an insult, most of the members of any Halo CE Community are quite tired of seeing bloodgulch being modded over and over again.


268 uploads of Bloodgulch modified by another user. And most of them are retarded tag placing without any consideration done.

March 25th, 2010, 05:21 PM
While it was meant as an insult, most of the members of any Halo CE Community are quite tired of seeing bloodgulch being modded over and over again.


268 uploads of Bloodgulch modified by another user. And most of them are retarded tag placing without any consideration done.

well i wasnt going to release it anyways. i just thought since im new to modding, i figure bloodgulch would be a good place to start on my first script since its big.

March 26th, 2010, 07:15 AM
well i wasnt going to release it anyways. i just thought since im new to modding, i figure bloodgulch would be a good place to start on my first script since its big.
to be honest BG is a good testing ground, but to test out patrol paths, try prisoner as a test map

March 27th, 2010, 08:44 AM
(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch
(ai_place c1)
(object_create turret1)
(object_create turret2)
(ai_command_list c1 c1)
(ai_place h2)
(object_create warthog)
(ai_command_list h2 h3)
(ai_place h1)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set one 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set two 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set three 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set four 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set five 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set six 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set seven 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set eight 200)
(sleep 120)
(camera_set nine 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_2
(hud_set_objective_text obj1)
(sleep 15)
(ai_follow_target_players h1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_3
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 1 (players)) 15)
(ai_place c2)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_4
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 2 (players)) 15)
(ai_place h2)
(ai_place h3)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 3 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj2)
(ai_command_list h2 h2)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)
(ai_command_list h3 c1)

(script startup Assault_On_Bloodgulch_5
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 4 (players))15)
(hud_set_objective_text obj3)
(sleep_until (= (ai_living_count c1) 0) 1)
(hud_set_objective_text obj4)
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects 5 (players)) 15)
(sleep 5)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(sleep 60)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(camera_set ten 200)
(sleep 200)
(camera_set eleven 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_set twelve 200)
(sleep 90)
(camera_control 0)

Try this. I'm thinking sapien isn't liking that you named your camera points numbers. It may also be the names of the AI. If it doesn't work, post the debug again.

it doesnt work... and heres the debug

03.27.10 21:40:04 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
03.27.10 21:40:04 reference function: _write_to_error_file
03.27.10 21:40:04 reference address: 401b13
03.27.10 21:40:04 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
03.27.10 21:40:05 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
03.27.10 21:40:06 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
03.27.10 21:40:53 recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
03.27.10 21:40:53 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?
03.27.10 21:40:54 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
03.27.10 21:41:03 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?
03.27.10 21:41:03 recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
03.27.10 21:41:03 i expected a script or variable definition.: ?

teh lag
March 27th, 2010, 08:51 AM
I'm pulling this out of my ass and I'm not very experience with this sort of thing, but what encoding are you saving the hsc file with? The weird character it's spitting out makes me thing maybe you need to save it as something other than what you're using now (ansi instead of unicode maybe?)

March 27th, 2010, 08:57 AM
I'm pulling this out of my ass and I'm not very experience with this sort of thing, but what encoding are you saving the hsc file with? The weird character it's spitting out makes me thing maybe you need to save it as something other than what you're using now (ansi instead of unicode maybe?)

damn didnt work. but good idea for something you pulled out of your ass :P