View Full Version : Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Live Action Trailer

March 30th, 2010, 04:28 PM

The trailer is neat, except now I need to rebuild my airsoft kit on what they're rocking in there... lol

March 30th, 2010, 05:58 PM
Some of those guns aren't real...

The trailer looks like Command & Conquer has met up with Tom Clancy Games.

March 30th, 2010, 06:03 PM
Yea, it's supposed to be more like Battlefield 2142... The last Ghost Recon games (Advanced Warfighter) had a lot of fictional or non-widely used equipment as well.

March 30th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Some of those guns aren't real...

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Please tell me you're kidding/you mean "not real" as in not in GR:AW games (I haven't played any GR:AW games so I wouldn't know).

If the game looks as good as this does, I might just look past the DRM Ubisoft is gonna slap on it and get it.

March 30th, 2010, 06:14 PM
Yoko, go try Advanced Warfighter 2 and see if you even like the play style... I really didn't like the game very much, in fact I gave it to a friend for nothing.

March 30th, 2010, 07:40 PM
I never could get into anything other than the first game...GRAW was a bore to me.

"Ghost Recon begins in April 2008, with civil unrest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_disorder) in Russia borne out of an ultra-nationalist regime that came to power and placed its leader, Dmitri Arbatov, as president. The ultranationalists form the Russian Democratic Union (RDU) and conquer Ukraine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine), Belarus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarus), and Kazakhstan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakhstan), with eyes set on the former Soviet republics."

Man those Russians can't escape those ultra-nationalists for very long...

March 30th, 2010, 10:23 PM
Please tell me you're kidding/you mean "not real" as in not in GR:AW games (I haven't played any GR:AW games so I wouldn't know).

If the game looks as good as this does, I might just look past the DRM Ubisoft is gonna slap on it and get it.

He said he wanted to make an airsoft loadout based on it. I was mentioning the non-real guns because there are only a few non-real guns in airsoft, all of them based on anime weapons. I play sci-fi games, why the hell would I care about whether or not a gun is real in a videogame? I thought that was the point...

March 31st, 2010, 01:52 AM
Haha, I was just kidding about that. None of the equipment from the trailer even exists I don't think and I'm not going to custom build it for airsoft, I just made that comment because my current setup is based off of Advanced Warfighter:


I now have the shoulder pads for the armor, and I think my setup is actually better than the one they rocked in Advanced Warfighter, with the obvious exception of the helmet since there is no real "Artisent Ballistic Assault Helmet". I'm thinking of getting an Ops-Core FAST Bump Helmet (http://www.ops-core.com/product.cfm?Product_ID=8&Category_ID=6&) when someone creates a replica (I don't need a real one that costs more than the rest of my gear combined).

The only things I noticed from the trailer that actually exist are the gloves the sniper was wearing (http://leimg.lancersedge.com/images/55922859290743109949.jpg) (same pair as mine, except the real ones, and in black), the CRYE armor chassis (http://leimg.lancersedge.com/images/98299696755089951678.jpg), and the Barret sniper rifle... At least that's the only real stuff I saw on the Ghost-side of things, there were AK-47's (maybe 74's) and some MP4's on the Russian side.

Looking at the image above of the armor chassis, looks like I would need to fabricate new "hard" shoulder pads, a neck ring thingy, forearm gauntlets packed with tech, a backpack that seems to hold insane amounts of weapons and missiles, and start a new helmet setup with lots of gadgets bolted on if I wanted an airsoft setup like what they're showing. They've got some stupid leg brace things on as well, probably trying to replicate some type of cybernetic exoskeleton that's being researched for military use. Other than all that it looks like they just improved on the CRYE apparel system that they used in Advanced Warfighter 1/2, because it looks like they're still wearing the CRYE combat pants and shirt under all that tech somewhere.

March 31st, 2010, 02:24 AM
Are those joint pads effective? they look cheap

March 31st, 2010, 02:34 AM
They're actually really awesome, the neoprene padding actually extends up and down under the material so only the hard plastic bit is showing. The padding extends about 4" down the back of your forearm/front of shin and about 1" above the elbow/knee. Way better than external pads in my opinion since they're held in place and won't slide up/down your extremities when running around/crawling/jumping/all the stuff you do in airsoft/military engagements.

March 31st, 2010, 02:56 AM
Ugh don't remind me. I fucking HATE the issue we get for joint pads. Fucking strap ons just end up cutting off circulation.

March 31st, 2010, 03:04 AM
Yea, that as well... The CRYE pants have little adjustable Velcro straps on the inside of the pants to keep the pads snug, but it's just that, snug. There's absolutely no circulation issues.

Is your group going to get issued Multicam Kornman? If so you should just order yourself a CRYE Precision Combat Shirt (http://www.cryeprecision.com/P-APRCS402LGR/Combat-Shirt-Ac) and Pants (http://www.cryeprecision.com/P-APRCP40232R/Combat-Pants-Ac) for field ops (if whatever unit you're in does field ops, I forget what you do), they don't come with the pads (elbow (http://www.cryeprecision.com/P-PADEC201000/Combat-Elbow-Pads)/knee (http://www.cryeprecision.com/P-PADKC201000/Combat-Knee-Pads)) though... From what I've heard most officers are pretty tight with their non-coms using CRYE stuff, even if it's personal stuff. Active military get a decent discount on CRYE products as well from what I've read.

March 31st, 2010, 03:53 AM
Multicam won't start being issued until the summer and only to combat units on their way to Afghan. I'll be Echo-Tango-Suitcase before any of that happens. Shit, I'll be turning the gear I can't keep back to the gov't in about 30 days.

March 31st, 2010, 04:03 AM
Did you do any field ops anyways? I doubt they'd let you rock CRYE Combat Apparel in a uniformed administrative job haha...

March 31st, 2010, 04:12 AM
Haven't had to do one for a couple months now. I've worn SUDs to work before though (subdued urban digital)

April 2nd, 2010, 04:30 PM
Holy shit this looks so much like Battlefield 2142.
And no, I'm not interested in this game.

April 5th, 2010, 03:25 PM
yeah sorry i tried one of the older ghost recons on the xbox1. not into dying from 3 bullets with no health packs or regenerating health.
video games arnt supposed to piss me off on the easiest difficulty. that shit is so NES era.
also freelancer i believe theyre wearing the gear :allears:

April 5th, 2010, 04:44 PM
Yeah, I didn't get into Ghost Recon until GRAW. At least then it had pur-tee graphics and some nifty cross-comm to almost make me forget that it was tuned to be realistic with bullet damage. Almost.

Medic, get Mitchell!

Yeah, chop chop buddy. I'm dying ova here

April 5th, 2010, 10:18 PM
also freelancer i believe theyre wearing the gear :allears:
Not understanding.

April 6th, 2010, 07:41 PM
just me being a dick. you used the term "rock" like 5 times in reference to people wearing equipment. i found it amusing

April 6th, 2010, 10:47 PM
:words:not into dying from 3 bullets



Back on topic,

this game looks interesting, will probably rent it. But that's it

April 7th, 2010, 12:31 AM
I wish feature length films were made to this quality about games :allears:

April 7th, 2010, 02:58 PM
thats the halo 3 magnum. that thing took a minimum of 5, obviously

in all seriousness, you know exactly what im talking about. the 3sk pistol thing was a weird oversight in halo 1, or a terrible gameplay choice. not sure which. the ghost recon games are BUILT off of guns that kill you in 3 or 4 hits with no regenerating health at all. its not fun. halo is fun.
E: and before you mention call of duty, the main gripe here is NO REGENERATING HEALTH

April 7th, 2010, 04:33 PM
Regenerating health makes a game too easy, in my opinion. It removes that feel of desperation when you have to find a healthpack when you've got 10% health because you have a nice truckload of enemies inbound. I think the Life-2 system in Bad Company 1 was a good compromise between regenerating health and traditional health.

April 7th, 2010, 04:43 PM
BC2 also has a decent health system imo, games where you've got classes to deploy health are always neat when you've got competent players.

April 7th, 2010, 07:06 PM
Well, campaign has the typical regenerating health. That's more what I was getting at, since I have yet to play multiplayer.

April 7th, 2010, 07:15 PM
health packs are good as long as its not one shot and youre dead. case in point, halo 1 on legendary. i remember when i was playing the maw on that part with the cryo chamber room like the one you start the game in. where its full of flood. i had one bar of health, but i had a shield. that part got irritating as i died a few times, but i had checkpoints, it wasnt fucking impossible, and the shield allowed me to take a few bullets without dropping.

i played one of the ghost recons. i literally could not beat the first level because i kept getting shot by snipers, ambushed by enemies that changed positions, and there were no check points overall so as soon as i take 3 bullets im dead and have to start over. maybe it was just that one game, but fuck i did not enjoy it. its not my kind of game.

April 7th, 2010, 10:22 PM
Regenerating health makes a game too easy, in my opinion. It removes that feel of desperation when you have to find a healthpack when you've got 10% health because you have a nice truckload of enemies inbound. I think the Life-2 system in Bad Company 1 was a good compromise between regenerating health and traditional health.

On the other hand a standard health bar often results in those bullshit situations where you get damaged to within a point of death right before having to take on a difficult segment, with no health packs in sight. Though I've had some thrilling experiences in the past attempting to take on those sections with no health, that sort of thing would no doubt be extremely frustrating to most people. Personally I favor a compromise, where your health will regenerate up to a point (F.E.A.R., Halo 1) but you can only get back to full by using health items.