View Full Version : Magazine editor fired, Gerstmann style

April 7th, 2010, 01:40 PM

* Company "demands positive review"
* Editor brands it "cash for comment"
* "Demands don't occur that often"

A MAGAZINE editor who claims he was sacked for posting part of an internal email on Facebook says he was blowing the whistle on video game companies pressuring publications for favourable coverage.

Former Zoo Weekly deputy entertainment editor Toby McCasker last month posted on Facebook part of an email that seemed to show a game maker demanding a positive spin on its latest title.

The email was allegedly sent by a publicist for Rockstar Games to staff at the magazine, concerning coverage of the company's new title Red Dead Redemption.

"This is the biggest game we've done since GTA IV, and is already receiving Game of the Year 2010 nominations from specialists all around the world," it read.

"Can you please ensure Toby's article reflects this — he needs to respect the huge achievement he's writing about here."

Rockstar is one of the world's biggest gaming companies with franchises including Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne.welp

April 7th, 2010, 01:41 PM
7-11 scale now. IDK why Rockstar would be worried about RDR. It looks like a good game anyway :/

April 7th, 2010, 01:46 PM
I guess I'm surprised that there are people in that sort of business without a non-existant level of moral integrity.

Although the picture of him in the article makes me want to punch him.

April 7th, 2010, 01:57 PM
Wasn't there a similar hubbub about Kane & Lynch? I guess some developers can't accept that some people don't like their games.

April 7th, 2010, 02:02 PM
Wasn't there a similar hubbub about Kane & Lynch? I guess some developers can't accept that some people don't like their games.

Magazine editor fired, Gerstmann style

also games journalism lol

April 7th, 2010, 02:09 PM
RDR had a pretty bad development cycle IIRC the articles linked on gamedev.net. I could have sworn they also were close to dropping the whole thing all together

Isn't Rockstar the company who also has that group of Wives demanding better treatment of their spouses?

April 7th, 2010, 02:19 PM
I think that the requests of the publicist is more than reasonable. If awards and nominations are forthcoming, and they should be (that game looks like it'll be the TITS), I think he was only trying to ask that the author include those things in the article. I see no one saying "you'll get $5,000 if you write a good review". Looks like this guy is trying to make a situation out of something that is easily explainable, kind of like the "don't tase me bro". When we get the rest of the facts (his other two demerits), I think we'll be much more understanding of the situation.