View Full Version : computer is borked

April 9th, 2010, 12:43 PM
So I was playing l4d2 and im spamming some Push It by salt n pepa, then just as i'm about to unleash my fury on a horde of zambees my game freezes and there is nothing but loud buzzing coming through my headphones. ctrl+alt+del didn't do shit so I just turned the motherfucker off and tried to reboot. When it turned on there was a bunch of black dots all over the goddamn screen where it shows the mobo brand and what buttons to push to get into BIOS etc... then the post screen comes up and most of the letters are scrambled or replaced with a "$". Normal boot didnt work, so I went into safemode and uninstalled the nvidia drivers. By the way at this point i already checked all the components besides the gpu. windows started normally without any drivers installed but i still had the black dots n shit. once I installed the new nvidia drivers it stopped working again and only safe mode worked. SOOOOOOOOOOOO I've come to the cumclusion that my computer can no longer handle the size of my cock and the GPU is partly fried because of this (im thinking something with the memory in the GPU is messed up). My question is, is my 8800 really KIA!?!

April 9th, 2010, 02:25 PM
oh no how we will own zambees, f*k you ganon

if serious post put in an old shitty card and see if it works attempt to play l4d

April 9th, 2010, 03:51 PM
with my new 5850 of course

April 9th, 2010, 03:55 PM
my brain can only see the capital letters in that mass of words, could you give a quick summary or space it out more?

April 9th, 2010, 05:29 PM
I've had the buzzing and freezing happen to me multiple times while playing source games, but never the rest of what happened. Guess it just pooped da whoop