View Full Version : Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread
April 9th, 2010, 07:13 PM
A couple of hours ago, the official website updated with the first details of the 5th generation Pokémon games due for release on the Nintendo DS this Autumn/Fall. These games are to be shown in CoroCoro and Pokémon Sunday and are known as Pokémon Black (ポケットモンスターブラック) and Pokémon White (ポケットモンスターホワイト ). Further details about these games are not yet known but we will have them as soonas they are out
So....with the announcement of the 5th generation, what do you think of this?
I personally enjoy any Pokemon game (as I am fan obviously) so I think it would be a great game.
The only thing some people might have issues with is, the names and pokemon themselves. As of right now, with 4 generations counted together (R/B/Y, G/S/C, R/S/E, and D/P/P) we have 493 Pokemon. Some people might think this is big enough as is, and Nintendo usually adds around 151-200 new ones, so....yeah.
The names are of course placeholder and "before launch" titles, but I believe some people might complain of these names. I personally think that its akin to the 1st generation names.
So, what are your guy's thoughts about this?
April 9th, 2010, 07:29 PM
if you don't buy black you are racist
April 9th, 2010, 07:38 PM
The names are better than anything so far so I have high expectasions.
I want a real 3D game this time, though.
April 9th, 2010, 08:31 PM
Why would they be place-holders if they're actually announcing them?
They're no worse than Pearl.
Llama Juice
April 9th, 2010, 08:39 PM
I'll be getting em... well.. one of em of course... but yar.
April 9th, 2010, 10:36 PM
This is stupid. They just keep milking this series out. How much more satisfying can Pokemon possibly get? It's the same sort of thing over and over again. And people keep buying it like all the Mario games. Jesus Christ. When are they gonna learn it's mostly the same thing?!
April 9th, 2010, 10:42 PM
Man, it's almost as if people enjoy playing the games, or something
April 9th, 2010, 10:43 PM
Well, hopefully they manage to pump out one or two decent new Pokemon this time. I wasn't a fan of any of the 4th gen. ones.
April 9th, 2010, 10:51 PM
This is stupid. They just keep milking this series out. How much more satisfying can Pokemon possibly get? It's the same sort of thing over and over again. And people keep buying it like all the Mario games. Jesus Christ. When are they gonna learn it's mostly the same thing?!
Except there's a lot of kids out there who are growing up with the new pokemon. And think it IS THE GREATEST EVAR!!!11 (Bitches don't know 'bout my Misty and Brock.)
And I agree; it's getting milked to death.
Heh, I remember when red and blue came out, I was tripping balls. (c wat i did thar)
Llama Juice
April 10th, 2010, 09:11 AM
This is stupid. They just keep milking this series out. How much more satisfying can Pokemon possibly get? It's the same sort of thing over and over again. And people keep buying it like all the Mario games. Jesus Christ. When are they gonna learn it's mostly the same thing?!
Mario and Pokemon are successful because they keep to their same working formula. When you deviate from it you get Sonic, or Mega Man. Why do you think they're both going back to their old formula? Because it works.
Hell, the new Pokemon games ARE the same as the old ones, just with a ton of awesome new stuff thrown in.
Then again, I'm a DDR player/fan.... they've really changed that game over the past decade haha. It's when they change big things that it throws people off. New little things add to the experience.
tl;dr? You're on a Halo forum, Halo's evolved just as much as pokemon over the years. You still love Halo. (I don't give a fuck if you <3 Halo or not, it's an example)
April 10th, 2010, 10:25 AM
I must admit I am looking forward to these, though the two new Pokemon they've shown look really stupid...
EDIT : there are now screenshots up on Serebii :
Llama Juice
April 10th, 2010, 11:08 AM
Haha neat, lower camera angle, gunna play with trying to make it feel more 3D are they? :P
April 10th, 2010, 02:28 PM
tbh That looks amazing.
April 10th, 2010, 03:25 PM
Looks cool.
However, I want them to change the godam battles. It needs to be like a super smash bros type scenario in battle. A big arena and you can move freely around, but you still only have the 4 moves (a,b,l,r), apart from jump and tackle, which every pokemon can do.
The turn based shit is getting old.
April 10th, 2010, 03:42 PM
Looks cool.
However, I want them to change the godam battles. It needs to be like a super smash bros type scenario in battle. A big arena and you can move freely around, but you still only have the 4 moves (a,b,l,r), apart from jump and tackle, which every pokemon can do.
The turn based shit is getting old.
Diglett can't jump. And while that might not seem important, it leads into the position there's too many problems and inconsistencies with doing it SSB-style. A lot of moves depend on the turn-based system, and in general, SSB is way too hectic for Pokemon battles. People can get the impression that it would work by doing mock-ups via playing with the Pokemon characters in SSB, but those characters were put in the game specifically because they fit the scenario. You may notice that the game doesn't include a Fearow in the roster that can hit you with Swift over and over and over again while hovering safely in the distance.
A new battle system that bases itself off of the statistical part of the turn-based system, and mixed with the ability to more actively evade and set up attacks, thus making the game more about Trainer skill and less about grinding, would be great. So I sort of agree with you Dane, as long as it's got its own style and working feel, and not just another fighting game, but with Pokemon characters.
Edit: Also, they should retool the transportation system in the game. Exploration via controlled flying would be swell. And screw bikes, I have an Arcanine. If it's big enough to ride, let the player do so. Walking is for chumps.
April 10th, 2010, 07:02 PM
Riding pokemon is an amazing idea, why has this not been done yet!?!?!
Also, the lower camera angle is weird in a pokemon game. I'm still getting my head around it having 3D at all.
I'd really love it if they updated the combat system too. This isn't the 90's any more, we can do so much better.
April 10th, 2010, 10:44 PM
Diglett can't jump. And while that might not seem important, it leads into the position there's too many problems and inconsistencies with doing it SSB-style. A lot of moves depend on the turn-based system, and in general, SSB is way too hectic for Pokemon battles. People can get the impression that it would work by doing mock-ups via playing with the Pokemon characters in SSB, but those characters were put in the game specifically because they fit the scenario. You may notice that the game doesn't include a Fearow in the roster that can hit you with Swift over and over and over again while hovering safely in the distance.
A new battle system that bases itself off of the statistical part of the turn-based system, and mixed with the ability to more actively evade and set up attacks, thus making the game more about Trainer skill and less about grinding, would be great. So I sort of agree with you Dane, as long as it's got its own style and working feel, and not just another fighting game, but with Pokemon characters.
Edit: Also, they should retool the transportation system in the game. Exploration via controlled flying would be swell. And screw bikes, I have an Arcanine. If it's big enough to ride, let the player do so. Walking is for chumps.
Well, I dont mean, PIECE FOR PIECE SSB, but what I mean is, be fair. Flying pokemon wouldn't actually fly, rather than sort of hover to the different levels, and the moves all cost a certain amount of PP that ensures they can only be used like once or twice a match (if they're good moves). As for diglet, well, he can instead of being able to jump, do the reverse, be able to dig any time he wants, instead of a pp using move like other ground pokemon would have to use.
Besides, it'd only really be a 1 on 1 thing, not like 12 marios fighting 15 bowsers or whatever the fuck.
Then, you could have the environment also effect the match.
I remember playing a digimon game on the PS1, a fighter arena type game that did it REALLY well.
Also, the pokemon should be able to individually grow differently depending how you train them. Say, youa pickachu that gets owned a fucktonne, all the time, he gets more angry, and starts becoming more agressive and does more damage, but he can't evade attacks or something. This should also happen in aesthetic sense. Say someones got a pikachu with ribbons in its hair and they taught it like grass attacks or something, at the cost of some of it's good original electricity ones for example.
April 10th, 2010, 11:00 PM
I've seen the pokemon. They're awesome, not retarded like most of the Platinum pokemon.
Stonix, Skarby, Skarush. All I have to say.
Also they better be named Stellar White and Cosmic Black.
April 10th, 2010, 11:11 PM
I've seen the pokemon. They're awesome, not retarded like most of the Platinum pokemon.
Stonix, Skarby, Skarush. All I have to say.
Also they better be named Stellar White and Cosmic Black.
Links. So far all I've seen are Zorua and Zoroark, and I hate them...
English Mobster
April 10th, 2010, 11:13 PM
I've seen the pokemon. They're awesome, not retarded like most of the Platinum pokemon.
Stonix, Skarby, Skarush. All I have to say.
Also they better be named Stellar White and Cosmic Black.
Wait, where did you get this info?
April 11th, 2010, 12:25 AM
Links. So far all I've seen are Zorua and Zoroark, and I hate them...
Wait, where did you get this info?
I agree. Post your sources.
English Mobster
April 11th, 2010, 02:02 AM
It can't be from Pokemon Sunday, that show was a cocktease.
"Put up with insane Japanese antics you don't understand for an hour and MAYBE YOU'LL GET TO SEE SOME NEW POKEMON!"
*1 hour of putting up with insane Japanese antics, including one segment where a guy dressed up as a a Slowpoke was yelling something in Japanese at a wall*
"Ladies and gentlemen... The time is here... The new Pokemon reveal... THE GAMES ARE TO BE CALLED POKEMON BLACK AND POKEMON WHITE! TUNE IN 2 WEEKS FROM NOW FOR MORE INFO"
I had my rageface on.
(I was at a friends house, she was getting the stream from Japan and tried to translate what she could; she didn't get why the guy was yelling at a wall, though.)
April 15th, 2010, 02:20 PM
Wait, where did you get this info?
A friend of mine has all of the leaked pokemon on his Ipod Touch.
April 15th, 2010, 02:37 PM
if pokemon black does not allow me to play as a black guy, I will be upset.
April 15th, 2010, 05:40 PM
A friend of mine has all of the leaked pokemon on his Ipod Touch.
How did he manage that?
April 15th, 2010, 08:13 PM
These may or may not be the final pokemon.
April 15th, 2010, 08:29 PM
Fan-made. (
Llama Juice
April 15th, 2010, 08:33 PM
bawww, was hoping for 11 eevee evolves.
April 15th, 2010, 08:43 PM
April 15th, 2010, 08:54 PM
Yeah, a lot of those pokemon are too...lame to be real. And the names are repeated a lot. All of the "baby" versions of birds end with "chic", which is something they would never do.
Or so I hope.
April 15th, 2010, 10:31 PM
tbh I like the sprite work, much better than I could ever do (
April 18th, 2010, 11:10 AM
Pokemon Sunday showing 3d walkthrough of a city in Pokemon Black and White
April 18th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Pokemon Sunday showing 3d walkthrough of a city in Pokemon Black and White
They should keep a 2d style, much more they could do to pretty up the artwork.
April 18th, 2010, 02:07 PM
i dont really like the 3d style at all.
also at the sprite list: Stickit. And to think I thought turtwig was the lowest
April 19th, 2010, 10:18 AM
Oh god Japanese TV never fails to make me giggle uncontrollably. :lmao:
Also, pokemon should never have gone past 2D imo or 2.5 D at most. It just looks weird and it's pointless for the gameplay (which the devs have even said it's supposed to be like playing on a map - never seen 3D maps before vOv)
April 19th, 2010, 10:37 AM
Looks terrible. Where is the Pokemon MMO?
April 20th, 2010, 06:03 AM
Looks terrible. Where is the Pokemon MMO?
Cancelled dawg.
April 20th, 2010, 07:13 AM
This is dope
Llama Juice
April 20th, 2010, 09:11 AM
I dunno, I'm sure they'll find some way to make this worth having.
April 20th, 2010, 07:38 PM
I hope so because right now it looks like shit. Circular paths wtf? Also, it looked like shit. I say maybe go a little more 3d than hg and ss and leave it at that.
April 21st, 2010, 05:35 AM
Yeah, as they upgraded the engine they made it visually less appealing.
May 8th, 2010, 09:49 PM
So today they showed the new starter pokemon outlines on Pokemon Sunday:
And apparently there are pics of new evolves for the most useless pokemon, Farfetch'd and Delibird:
so yeah, thoughts?
May 9th, 2010, 08:12 AM
so yeah, thoughts?
Always thought Farfetch'd was a "cool" pokemon but I hope it and its evolution won't be useless this time.
May 9th, 2010, 09:16 AM
Those outlines look ghey.
May 9th, 2010, 11:01 AM
They look very very ghey.
May 10th, 2010, 03:01 PM
Pokemon is gay.
May 10th, 2010, 09:40 PM
Pokemon is gay.
Only the t.v. show.
English Mobster
May 10th, 2010, 09:42 PM
They BETTER call Farfetch'd's evolution Absur'd.
May 11th, 2010, 12:22 AM
Only the t.v. show.
I don't know, the trading card game was also pretty lame.
I think I have like 500 original Pokemon cards :v:
May 11th, 2010, 08:33 AM
I don't know, the trading card game was also pretty lame.
I think I have like 500 original Pokemon cards :v:
That arn't worth shit with the power creep in that game.
E: also Pokemon would be so much better if they found a way to take the fucking GRIND out of the fucking game, Jesus Christ. This isn't the 90's any more.
May 11th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I knew people who spent hundreds of dollars on cards, and never bothered learning to play the game...
May 11th, 2010, 03:20 PM
I tried to play it.... The only card game based off a tv show that was easy to play was the Yu-Gi-oh card game... Pokemon was tough. I still played the card game on game boy color either way though.
May 11th, 2010, 03:58 PM
I tried to play it.... The only card game based off a tv show that was easy to play was the Yu-Gi-oh card game... Pokemon was tough. I still played the card game on game boy color either way though.
Then again, Yu-Gi-Oh! was a show about a trading card game. Which then turned into a trading card game based on a show about a trading card game. So... yeah.
May 11th, 2010, 08:59 PM
Actually Yugioh was a manga about a bunch of kids who occasionally played a trading card game. Then it turned into a show focusing on trading cards to help sell the cards themselves. :eng101:
May 12th, 2010, 07:18 AM
It was a manga about games, then about a card game, which made it suck.
Edit: who cares?
May 12th, 2010, 08:00 AM
Sorry about your game pokefans.
Atleast the new trainers look cool vOv
PS:look how smug that green guy is. :realsmug:
May 12th, 2010, 08:55 AM
Wow...I don't know what to say...Pokemon has officially become too fucked up...
May 12th, 2010, 09:06 AM
That blue thing is hideous. It looks unhappy to be alive. The trainers look nice though. The only trainer I never liked was the new female trainer in HG/SS.
May 12th, 2010, 10:25 AM
playing red version ATM on visual boy cause i lost my old red, also playing pokemon stadium on P64
i only acknowledge the 252 from Generation II
anyways who wants to try to guess the name of the next generation's game titles?
May 12th, 2010, 12:50 PM
What the hell is that green thing? This is not the pokemon I know and love. Hell I hated most things from generation 4 so whatever.
May 12th, 2010, 03:24 PM
I can only stand the pokemon in HG/SS. The rest are horribad.
May 12th, 2010, 03:36 PM
next gen starter pokemon will vaugely resemble dicks...that is all
May 12th, 2010, 03:41 PM
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - CoroCoro Details
The first details of CoroCoro have begin coming out and show the starters. We don't have further details but it will come. Keep checking back as we're waiting for more scans with confirmation on the names and more.
The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)
CoroCoro states that the protagonists are older than they have been so far
Before the scans came out, some new information was posted on 2ch including the region name which turned out true, classifications matching the Pokémon's appearance and the aforementioned possible Pokémon names. This information detailled some attacks, classifications, Zoroark's ability and the special event from the beasts. I have decided to post it with thanks to yaminokame for translation. Remember though that the following information is NOT confirmed yet.
The Grass Starter, Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is the Grass Snake Pokémon
The Fire Starter, Pokabu (ポカブ)is the Fire Pig Pokémon
The Water Starter, Mijumaru (ミジュマル) is the Sea Otter Pokémon
Zoroark has an ability called Illusion (イリュージョン) which will allow it to transform into various Pokémon. How it differs from the move Transform remains to be seen.
Two new attacks have been announced;
A move called Trickery (イカサマ) seems to allow the attack to be calculated using the opponent's stats
Another move called Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ) raises the user's Attack and Accuracy stats
The special event activated by the special Raikou, Entei & Suicune given with the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark has been detailled. In this event, when you bring the beasts (it is unclear if it's all three or just one)to the game, a special battle will occur. This battle is against a Level 25 Zoroark which will transform into the various Pokémon. At many points, it will break its transformation to allow you to capture it.
Remember, this information is NOT Confirmed as of yet and so it's quite possible that this information is indeed inaccurate. However, as the region name was accurate, it's also quite possibly real. We'll get confirmation as to whether it's real or fake when the rest of the scans come out.
May 16th, 2010, 05:53 AM
Alright ladies and gents, Pokemon Sunday aired yesterday (It was Sunday in Japan) showing new Pokemon Black and White footage.
Pokémon Sunday has just aired and has shown that the battle system is as adaptive as we predicted. In battle, in a variety of instances, the camera will move around and zoom in/out as the situation dictates. In addition to that, as seen in screenshots, the sprites are animated so the battles are not going to be as static as they have been the last fourteen years. These animations take place when attacking and while waiting for the moves to be selected and not just when the Pokémon is put into battle. Click the picture to go to our Black & White section which contains all the information we know.
Pokémon Sunday also showed footage of the market of Hiun City. In this area, lots of people are walking and moving around, some of them running. Several of them will speak while you walk through and others will walk around you as you're walking through the city. This shows further interactivity than before and shows the true scale of the Isshu region and Hiun City
May 16th, 2010, 08:35 AM
The overworld is so ugly and has absolutely no charm. It's nice to see animated battle sprites though.
May 16th, 2010, 09:27 AM
It's about time they change it up like that. Perhaps the game will be good after all.
May 16th, 2010, 10:40 AM
They must have put a lot of work into the new battle animations. The overworld still seems weird, though. Maybe it just takes getting used to.
May 16th, 2010, 02:17 PM
The rest of the pokemon have to be amazing to make up for how horribad the new ones are.
May 17th, 2010, 08:33 AM
starters are still bad looking
May 31st, 2010, 10:04 AM
Pokemon Black Title Legendary:
Pokemon White Title Legendary:
May 31st, 2010, 10:47 AM
Other way around. The white one is from Black Version, and vice-versa.
They look a lot more... engineered than other Pokemon, especially the black one. Like man-made Legendary Pokemon or something.
May 31st, 2010, 11:02 AM
I was wrong.
May 31st, 2010, 11:13 AM
I can't read that. I got my info here:
May 31st, 2010, 01:12 PM
I figured it would base based on the Text color, not the box art.
Oh well.
May 31st, 2010, 03:58 PM
I must admit, that black one does look pretty badass. Maybe there's still a bit of hope for these games.
May 31st, 2010, 04:12 PM
The white poketmonster needs work.. It's just awkward looking with no arms.
May 31st, 2010, 04:35 PM
I think those are fingers on the wings, but it looks really weird in that picture.
June 19th, 2010, 04:53 PM
Moar pics on IGN. (
June 19th, 2010, 04:56 PM
anyone hear about the fact it may not revolve around collecting badges this time?
June 19th, 2010, 04:59 PM
No. :o That would be something new, though. And Pokemon needs something new.
June 19th, 2010, 05:41 PM
Sorry guys for not updating often, here is some new pokemon:
Putting them in a spoiler since it's lolhueg
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Chiramii (チラーミィ) Type: Normal
Classification: Chinchilla Pokémon
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 5.8kg
Ability: Cute Charm (, Technician (
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Chiramii is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro. Professor Araragi of the Isshu region is said to have one.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Munna(ムンナ) Type: Psychic
Classification: Dream Eater Pokémon
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 23.3kg
Ability: Synchronize (, Forewarn (
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Munna is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Gear (ギアル)
Type: Steel
Classification: Gear Pokémon
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 23.3kg
Ability: Plus (, Minus (
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Gear is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Mamepato (マメパト)
Type: Normal/Flying
Classification: Baby Pigeon Pokémon
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 2.1kg
Ability: Super Luck (, Pigeon Heart
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Mamepato is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ) Type: Fire
Classification: Flaming Pokémon
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 92.9kg
Ability: Encourage
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Hihidaruma is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Shimama (シママ) Type: Electric
Classification: Charged Pokémon
Height: 0.8m
Weight: 29.8kg
Ability: Lightning Rod (, Motor Drive (
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Shimama is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
US Name: To Be Confirmed
Jp. Name: Meguroko (メグロコ)
Type: Ground/Dark
Classification: Desert Crocodile Pokémon
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 15.2kg
Ability: Intimidate (, Earthquake Spiral
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (
Meguroko is one of the first standard Pokémon revealed for Black & White. It was among several Pokémon revealed in CoroCoro.
This Pokémon was leaked originally in the issue of CoroCoro on June 11th 2010
And now, some available sprites for the above:
Also, Zekrom has a sprite available:
The rest are unavailable.
June 19th, 2010, 08:08 PM
Dude, I still play FireRed and Emerald on weekly basis. :P
I'll probably buy White (because the Legendary looks sick) and because I want to see how well the new generation works out. I hate the starters though.
June 19th, 2010, 08:39 PM
I am underwhelmed by the starter pokemon. None of them give me that, "Boy, I just picked a SERIOUSLY badass pokemon" feeling like 1st gen, or even Diamond/Pearl. Let's face it: Empoleon is an extremely intimidating-looking pokemon. Somehow a fire-pig or sea otter doesn't make me feel like a force to be reckoned with.
Since I chose Squirtle on Pokemon Blue, I'll probably take the sea otter pokemon on this game, depending on what the "gyms" are like. I think I only picked Squirtle because I knew I'd have to fight Brock and I would have a better chance if I chose a water type. Oh, I just don't know anymore.
Though, I am going to strategically consider which game I want to get based on the legendaries. That's so stupid, haha.
It's just that I use Jolteon as my electric type, and Rapidash as my fire type (and that will never change, since they are my favourite pokemon). Since the white legendary is Dragon/Fire, and the black is Dragon/Electric, I don't have a need for EITHER of them. But if I had to pick based on badassness alone, it would be the black legendary. But the white one is so much more graceful. I just don't think I can pick, haha. And new pokemon mean I get to re-think my pokemon party. OH, GOODIE. :P
Having over 500 pokemon is just going to make it frustrating for people like me who just can't make up their mind about anything. I guess I'll need a bunch of different parties.
I guess this means I need to get off my lazy butt and buy a DS... or will this be for the 3DS when it comes out? This also means a new Pokemon Stadium/Battle Revolution-type game will be out for Wii, which is exceedingly exciting. <3
June 19th, 2010, 11:27 PM
I am underwhelmed by the starter pokemon. None of them give me that, "Boy, I just picked a SERIOUSLY badass pokemon" feeling like 1st gen, or even Diamond/Pearl. Let's face it: Empoleon is an extremely intimidating-looking pokemon. Somehow a fire-pig or sea otter doesn't make me feel like a force to be reckoned with.
Yeah there's an electric unicorn with lightning bolt hair
aka the best starter ever
June 20th, 2010, 12:42 AM
Yeah there's an electric unicorn with lightning bolt hair
aka the best starter ever
sorry to disappoint he isnt a starter
its always water/fire/grass
June 20th, 2010, 01:50 AM
I enjoyed Steel pokemon. "Gear" looks retarded and an insult to all Steel types.
Fuck you Gear my Steelix would plow you into another world.
June 20th, 2010, 03:31 AM
Fuck you Gear my Steelix would plow you into another world.
This. I'm tired of them supplementing the pokedex with WORTHLESS pokemon. Who in their right mind is going to have a level 100 Chimecho in their party? Or a Purrugly? Or a Wormadam? They're completely worthless.
Unless that gear pokemon turns into something completely and totally boss, fuck it. Steel pokemon should be large and in charge.
I'd rather have 50 new, completely and totally AWESOME pokemon than 200 shitty ones with a few gems mixed in. I personally think they need to eliminate the "bug" type pokemon, they suck. They currently suck, they have always sucked, and they will always suck. Poison sting only ever does like 2 damage no matter what level the pokemon is at. The end.
June 20th, 2010, 05:15 AM
New pokemans look like toy plushies, unlike the first gen ones which mostly resembled real animals. What comes to the stupidness of them, I hope it's like Magicarp -> Gyarados.
June 20th, 2010, 02:13 PM
This. I'm tired of them supplementing the pokedex with WORTHLESS pokemon. Who in their right mind is going to have a level 100 Chimecho in their party? Or a Purrugly? Or a Wormadam? They're completely worthless.
Unless that gear pokemon turns into something completely and totally boss, fuck it. Steel pokemon should be large and in charge.
I'd rather have 50 new, completely and totally AWESOME pokemon than 200 shitty ones with a few gems mixed in. I personally think they need to eliminate the "bug" type pokemon, they suck. They currently suck, they have always sucked, and they will always suck. Poison sting only ever does like 2 damage no matter what level the pokemon is at. The end.
What's that? I couldn't hear you over the sounds of my 151 first-gen BADASSES.
First-gen is the only gen, kthx.
June 20th, 2010, 06:36 PM
What's that? I couldn't hear you over the sounds of my 151 first-gen BADASSES.
What's this? You think I don't play first-gen Pokemon? I'll have you know I bought my Gameboy Colour and Pokemon Blue at the same time, and I have all 151 as well. So you can suck on my e-penis. :P And then my Mewtwo's when you're done.
June 20th, 2010, 06:37 PM
What's this? You think I don't play first-gen Pokemon?
When did I ever say that o.O
June 20th, 2010, 07:24 PM
...And then my Mewtwo's when you're done.
mewtwo is genderless XD
I understand what you meant though <_>
June 20th, 2010, 08:07 PM
When did I ever say that o.O
I guess I interpreted what you said wrong. Sorry about that!!!
But you know, I can't even THINK of a 1st gen pokemon that was "worthless" (besides, you know, Magikarp, which turned into a completely AWESOME pokemon). I don't often see people who use level 100 Jynx or Mr. Mime, but even so, they are pretty good pokemon. Pokemon like Wormadam fucking suck. o__O
June 20th, 2010, 08:12 PM
as for bug types being worthless the lvl 100 beedrill i have on my old red cart would like to have a word with you
but yeah the new pokemon look god awful
oh and the starters apperantly have fan names:
the grass type is nicknamed "smugleaf" for obvious reasons
the water type is nicknamed "wotter"
theres a debate over the nickname for the firepig, seems to be a combination of bar-b-que and hog
anyways the game needs more ghost/dark types like sable eye since NOTHING was super effective against it
June 20th, 2010, 08:21 PM
anyways the game needs more ghost/dark types like sable eye since NOTHING was super effective against it
That means there's something WRONG. I always thought Psychic was strong to Ghost (at least in my experience it was), but then Ghost is somehow super effective against Psychic and so is Dark...
I hate when they apply contradictory pokemon types. Dark pokemon are only really weak to bug and fighting type pokemon, but fighting-type pokemon have no effect on ghost pokemon. :\ I have never entertained the notion of a dark or ghost pokemon in my party but I've been considering it lately. I pick pokemon based on appearance first >3<; sableye is just too ugly for my party lmao.
I might just invest in that though.... even if he is ugly, I might just take a pokemon with no known weakness, haha.
June 20th, 2010, 08:32 PM
BTW been doing somethin with my pokemon ROMs called "nuzlocking" basically pokemon hard mode, if they faint its treated as they die and you cant use that pokemon anymore, and you MUST catch the FIRST pokemon encountered in an area (duplicates don't count)
makes it interesting and makes you use pokemon you'd never though you'd use
June 20th, 2010, 10:35 PM
BTW been doing somethin with my pokemon ROMs called "nuzlocking" basically pokemon hard mode, if they faint its treated as they die and you cant use that pokemon anymore, and you MUST catch the FIRST pokemon encountered in an area (duplicates don't count)
makes it interesting and makes you use pokemon you'd never though you'd use
I'm half way through ruby in nuzlocke. I lost my gyrados and my dustox but that's all. I hate critcal hits. Hate. Hate. Hate.
June 21st, 2010, 12:25 PM
I'm half way through ruby in nuzlocke. I lost my gyrados and my dustox but that's all. I hate critcal hits. Hate. Hate. Hate.
dont we all hate crits, lost my leaf green team sans blastoise (named megaman) during the fight against my rival
English Mobster
June 21st, 2010, 12:57 PM
The look at the fire pig's face.
Then look at this: :iamafag:
You will never unsee what you have seen.
(Also, just beat my Pearl Nuzlocke. T'was awesome. Cynthia wiped all of my dudes out except for my starter and Palkia, and I had to have a massive funeral.)
June 21st, 2010, 02:06 PM
And new pokemon mean I get to re-think my pokemon party. OH, GOODIE. :P
The last PK game I played (well, playing, went back to it about a week ago out of boredom) is Sapphire. I don't get why they never worked on the ingame usability. Like, if someone is trying to give you a fucking goatdamn pokemon and you obviously have 6 fucking fruitcakes in your fruitcake basket, why can't the game magically send that shit to Someone's Box? FFS, it has magical pokemen from outer space, I'm sure they can have magical tricorders which transmit pokeballs via wifi or some shit. Same thing with items, if I can't receive or pick one up because my bag is already full, why the fuck not auto or ask to send that shit to my PC?
Then there's the pokemon party system. What. A. Joke. Maybe the Japanese should play some FPS or something, learn about load outs. Gee, I wonder how much better it would be if I could instead create parties (plural) which I can switch in and out instead of depositing all but one fruitcake into the e-fruit basket, then withdrawing the 5 I want, then going back and depositing that last one and withdrawing the 6th I wanted? The party system really could have been designed better, even as early as GEN2
Instead I get more fucking fruit (500 now? WTFC) to waste away in my (e-)baskets, and shit like pokeman competitions. Fuck newer versions of this franchise. Also, fuck the asshole who made it so I can only get Alakazam after a trade. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them. Talk about loss of direction
June 21st, 2010, 02:42 PM
The last PK game I played (well, playing, went back to it about a week ago out of boredom) is Sapphire. I don't get why they never worked on the ingame usability. Like, if someone is trying to give you a fucking goatdamn pokemon and you obviously have 6 fucking fruitcakes in your fruitcake basket, why can't the game magically send that shit to Someone's Box? FFS, it has magical pokemen from outer space, I'm sure they can have magical tricorders which transmit pokeballs via wifi or some shit. Same thing with items, if I can't receive or pick one up because my bag is already full, why the fuck not auto or ask to send that shit to my PC?
Then there's the pokemon party system. What. A. Joke. Maybe the Japanese should play some FPS or something, learn about load outs. Gee, I wonder how much better it would be if I could instead create parties (plural) which I can switch in and out instead of depositing all but one fruitcake into the e-fruit basket, then withdrawing the 5 I want, then going back and depositing that last one and withdrawing the 6th I wanted? The party system really could have been designed better, even as early as GEN2
Instead I get more fucking fruit (500 now? WTFC) to waste away in my (e-)baskets, and shit like pokeman competitions. Fuck newer versions of this franchise. Also, fuck the asshole who made it so I can only get Alakazam after a trade. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them. Talk about loss of direction
some ROM hacks out there have it some trade only pokemon can be obtained by lvl up or found in the wild
June 21st, 2010, 02:50 PM
Also, fuck the asshole who made it so I can only get Alakazam after a trade. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.
The games were intended to encourage human interaction and linking up via link-cables, back in the days of the Game Boys. Not to mention that back in those days, we didn't all have instant, uninterrupted internet access, so basically everything about the games was a mystery, and got passed around by mouth. People didn't fully understand the game mechanics, and if the television show or game guides (the physical kind back in those days) hadn't explained it to us, we would've all had heart attacks if we saw our Magikarps evolve. Machamp, Alakazam, Steelix, Golem, etc, those were all rewards for making friends.
I agree about the PC design, though. I'd like to see them implement the PC into the Pokedex, so people wouldn't have to travel all the way to a Pokemon centre just to switch out their team.
June 27th, 2010, 11:12 AM
Today, possible artwork from the development of the new season of the Pokemon anime was released onto the internet. Whether or not you care about the show, these rough drawings appear to show four unreleased Pokemon, including what appears to be evolved forms of two of the new starter Pokemon.
June 27th, 2010, 02:05 PM
As always, the girls have ridiculous amounts of hair.
June 27th, 2010, 02:47 PM
As always, the girls have ridiculous amounts of hair.
chances are this one will have some form of puberty be it dawn's birthing sized hips or may's gigantic tits...
also why does the girl seem familiar like form some obscure anime?
June 27th, 2010, 10:21 PM
New trailer showcases new Pokemon, as well as triple battles. I dunno about you, but I thought two was enough.
The new trailer can be viewed here (
It also appears to show a bit of the online-mode, though I can't tell exactly what's happening. To be honest, I feel like the addition of the PC-mode is a big deviation from the game's style. If it isn't on a hand-held, it doesn't seem right.
June 28th, 2010, 08:20 AM
Pocketto monstaa blacku and whitto would look betta on the tree dee es.
Llama Juice
June 28th, 2010, 12:11 PM
July 5th, 2010, 02:08 PM
Just to let you guy's know, (Where I get my imports from, heh) has announced that they are allowing people to preorder Pokemon Black and White!
Note: This preorder is for the Japanese version of the game. If you can't read Japanese, or don't like the challenge of beating a game in a different language, then wait until somewhere in March 2011 for it to come out in English.
Pokemon Black:
Pokemon White:
Both games cost $59.90 USD, with $5.90 USD shipping. (I believe they offer other shipping, it costs more however)
July 5th, 2010, 02:20 PM
I haven't played a pokemon game after Fire Red. Because I can't emulate a DS on a PSP. Game looks fun though. I wonder if they've fixed the god awfully slow text...
July 6th, 2010, 01:18 AM
I haven't played a pokemon game after Fire Red. Because I can't emulate a DS on a PSP. Game looks fun though. I wonder if they've fixed the god awfully slow text...
You do know you can speed that shit up by holding down the button, right?
July 6th, 2010, 02:44 AM
And go into options and put it faster.
July 6th, 2010, 06:34 AM
So the concept art I posted here...
... is now confirmed to be legitimate, after Nintendo has released a new screenshot, showcasing a Pokemon battle involving one of the featured characters:
In addition to this, a Chinese retailer has also released pictures of toys from Bandai's upcoming line of tie-in products, which feature two new Pokemon, one which can be seen in the concept art image, standing between the characters Jessie and the unnamed female protagonist.
In my opinion, the first one looks alright, but the green mouse/monkey/whatever isn't doing it for me.
July 6th, 2010, 03:02 PM
I thought we already had Larvitar.
July 6th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Am I the only one who thinks pokemon has turned into carebears?
July 6th, 2010, 06:40 PM
In my opinion, The Pokemon Company needs to make more changes in their continental divisions. So far, all the games have been developed under the strict design of the Pokemon Company of Japan. The games themselves reflect this, as we can see that all the regions in the games are based on areas of Japan.
The Nintendo Company of America should be given the duty of creating Pokemon games, and Pokemon species, targeted at American audiences. That means region-specific Pokemon based on the continents of North and South America, and possibly stretching into Europe. Some Pokemon species would of course be commonplace all over the world, but in effect you would see Pokemon that are more understandable and likable for your local audience.
Pokemon had its indisputable golden-age back in the late nineties, but with the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver, they're experiencing a resurgence in popularity. They've regained the attention of their original fan-base, as well as their current younger audience. At this point, they have the biggest group of fans they have ever held. And if they screw it up with Pokemon Black and White, there will be no hope for them to make any sort of lasting comeback in the western world.
July 6th, 2010, 08:36 PM
So anyone played the leaked rom?
July 6th, 2010, 08:48 PM
So anyone played the leaked rom?
There is none.
July 6th, 2010, 09:01 PM
You are correct.
I fail.
July 6th, 2010, 09:04 PM
Literally I just downloaded one, and it was a Soul Silver rom lmao
July 6th, 2010, 10:47 PM
Literally I just downloaded one, and it was a Soul Silver rom lmao
S'what I did too.
I was :[ when I put it into my acekard. Should have realized when it was called Pokess. Pokemon Soul Silver.
July 6th, 2010, 11:14 PM
I feel like the standard plot of pokemon games is getting really tired. "An unlikely hero rises above all odds to challenge every gym leader and become the champion". Sapphire/Ruby tossed daddy issues into the mix by making one of the gym leaders the character's father, but it wasn't enough to really make it unique. What happened to the trainer from Red/Blue? After you defeat him in silver/gold he disappeared forever. They need to bring him back for one last generation.
20 years later... Red awakens from sleep, another wasted day. After the rockstar-esque glory days of being the pokemon champion, his life had taken a downward turn. His wife took his pokemon and everything he owned in the divorce, he was left with nothing. The phone rings, its Blue. Professor Oak has died. After the funeral of his childhood hero, Red is left drowning in despair. The only man who ever believed in him has suddenly vanished from existence. In a drunken stupor, he wanders into the abandoned lab. In a box labeled "Junk", he finds one forgotten pokeball.... Suddenly sobered by nostalgia, a smile cracks across his lips... its time to make a come back.
Pokemon Orange/Purple: Going back to indigo plateau
July 6th, 2010, 11:30 PM
You may as well make a new game at that point. It would never happen in Nintendo.
July 7th, 2010, 05:31 PM
I always wanted there to be one called Pokemon something: Ash's Adventure.
Yellow version was the closest to that, except there was no brock and misty joining up.
It leaves a lot of space for scripted events.
July 7th, 2010, 05:53 PM
I always wanted there to be one called Pokemon something: Ash's Adventure.
Yellow version was the closest to that, except there was no brock and misty joining up.
It leaves a lot of space for scripted events.
I've never played through a Pokemon game under the impression that I was some character. Having your own adventure is part of the series' charm, and knowing that you're just acting out a predetermined experience, that seems like you may as well just watch the anime while pressing buttons.
Which is another thing I believe they should do with the series: less story, more events. I would be fine playing a Pokemon game where I don't have to save the region/world/universe. Instead, multitudes of individual side-stories within the game, where the player can shape their own journey, hopefully having enough options to always experience something new. The Nintendo WFC could even be used to update the games with new events.
The player could be free to explore the world in their own way, focusing on aspects beyond getting eight badges, stopping the local criminal organization, becoming the champion, and rolling credits. Other opportunities such as advanced breeding mechanics and Pokemon contests could become a player's focus if they wanted, or perhaps the player would choose to become a Pokemon hunter, stalking rare Pokemon and selling them to collectors and trainers. There are so many opportunities left unexplored by the Pokemon games, that to me it seems silly to want to play as some punk kid, doing things we've already seen.
July 7th, 2010, 06:29 PM
I want to see less stupid looking Pokemon and more innovative designs/ideas behind them. I'm also still waiting for a Farfetch'd, Heracross, Pinsir, Kecleon evolution/pre-evolution as well as animals that haven't been tackled yet. Fire ant that evolves into a bombardier beetle, a dolphin, a peacock, a raccoon, another horse, a pillbug (roly poly) with a millipede evolution, a stick bug, a bloodhound or husky, a wolf, a cheetah, an ACTUAL lion and not that stupid lightning crap pokemon from the last generation, any animals/bugs/things that haven't been done to death already. Enough birds and butterflies and moths. Though, I do like that they made another crocodile and zebra and I can accept the pigeon pokemon cause the location of this generation is supposedly based off the U.S.
I just miss the old simple designs that the 1st generation, and many of the 2nd generation, had. More detail/shit added onto them =/= more interesting pokemon.
And I fully support both ICEE's and thehoodedsmack's ideas.
July 9th, 2010, 09:53 AM
Pokemon games are for fun and sales. They're fun (generally speaking) and Nintendo was sticking with what they knew would work. It's a well orchestrated gaming franchise (try to say otherwise) and I've played every standard Pokemon game (not Rangers or Dungeon or Console). I've enjoyed most of them through the end of the game (the end being there is nothing interesting left to do). One thing that has bothered me though are the designers' ideas of a challenge in the new games. Adding Double Team to an already fast and dangerous pokemon *cough*Glailass*cough* with no attacks that are flawless in accuracy with super-effectiveness is the worst thing in the world because it's OBNOXIOUS. I've also noticed the Computer becomes unbearable in the Battle Frontie's Battle Tower. Here's the scenario:
-I open up the 7th battle with Garchomp. The computer throws out a Vigoroth. I'm like "I need to beat this thing before it uses Crush Claw." So I use Dragon Claw. Well the computer's like "OMG this guy is stupid so ima gonna mess with him" and he uses THE ONE ATTACK THAT CAN DEFEAT GARCHOMP IN ONE HIT: Counter.
-With Garchomp down, I'm like "Well crap, better make sure Empoleon kills this thing." So I send out Empoleon, use Brine, and finish the bastard Vigoroth. Now it sends out HITMONLEE (of all the pokemon right?) and basically it uses Rolling Kick and CRITICAL HITS Empoleon, the only way Empoleon would have gone down in one fucking turn.
-So with Empoleon down, I'm like "Crap, send out Jolteon to finish this" and Jolteon does. So now the damn computer thinks "I'm going to screw his day up" and sends out a fucking Lunatone (which Empoleon could have destroyed in one turn). To make matters worse, Jolteon's most powerful attack is Shockwave (because TM's take twice as many coins to get at the Casino) and Lunatone has pretty good defenses. So I use Shockwave and it takes 1/3 of Lunatone's health. But that's pointless next because Lunatone uses Cosmic Power, making the attack down to 2/5. Now to make me even more pissed, the computer uses Ancient Power and hits Jolteon, taking 1/4 of his Health. But the worst part is where it RAISES ALL OF IT'S STATS. Well now Shockwave only takes 1/4 of the health and Jolteon has a weak defense. Lunatone ALSO USED A SITRUS BERRY, so he recovered half of the damage I did the first time.
-Now here is where I think the designers made the computer too difficult against the player. Jolteon has 3/4 of his HP. Well the only thing that can defeat Jolteon in one turn is Ancient Power going Critical. Well guess what, it did. If the damn move wouldn't have, I probably could have won because Lunatone had about half of his HP and Jolteon could have survived another turn or so.
So basically, here is my dillemma: Why on earth is Nintendo making the computer so powerful in new Generations (the powerful as in what I just explained) at the Battle Frontier/Gyms, where it was fine in Emerald's? I know they're the most pivotal and supposed to be challenging parts of the game, but the scenario I just explained makes it to where the computer has too much access (that or I'm just too freaking damn unlucky) to things like Critical Hits and outright chance completely in their favor. I really hope in the future games that it's more balanced between the player and the computer. I really liked Gold/Silver in this way because it was completely strategy and types with the computer instead of the bullcrap that just ensued in the scenario I explained (or at least that's what I remember).
July 9th, 2010, 10:26 AM
Oh I completely agree on the computer being overpowered in the recent games. It seems no matter how many times I cause paralysis and attack the opponent, their pokemon never gets paralyzed. If my pokemon gets paralyzed it can't attack for the entire battle. Opponent attacks with an ice attack, my pokemon instantly freezes. 20% chance to poison my pokemon with poison sting? More like it always poisons no matter what. And don't get me started on those consecutive attacks. I only manage to hit the opponent twice with, let's say, fury swipes, and the opponent hits all five times with a couple of critical hits thrown in there. Sand attack? My pokemon is flailing about the entire battle and doesn't land a single hit. It's ridiculous.
However, the one thing they improved over past games is sing, hypnosis, and confuse ray. I remember in the original gold and silver, my pokemon would always be put to sleep or get confused by these attacks where as I would always miss when using them. Not so much in the recent games.
July 9th, 2010, 05:39 PM
My face when you guys are complaining about overpowered computers when people actually requested it because they thought the game was too easy
Nintendo SHOULD though make a difficulty selection when you first start, Casual or Hardcore. Casual meaning you have okay computer battles, while Hardcore basically makes you pull your hair out. Crits, Hax galore, with no way to beat the very first trainer without leveling up your pokemon to ridiculous levels and have incredible luck.
July 10th, 2010, 02:20 PM
And on the hardest difficulty, the computer would use items as often as a player.
And it would say shit like "Biker Jeff pressed BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
July 10th, 2010, 03:13 PM
Ramping up difficulty doesn't mean they should go against the percentages for effects of attacks.
I do agree that to make the opponents more difficult they should use items during the battle and not use stupid attacks (example: opponent's geodude keeps using defense curl even though I'm attacking with a special move) during the battle. The opponents should even switch pokemon out to get the upper hand during the battle and also have more pokemon in their party that don't go by the 'more pokemon you have the lower all their levels are' rule. I also think if there should be a difficult option, the player shouldn't be told what pokemon the opponent is sending out.
July 10th, 2010, 04:38 PM
final forms of starters?
July 10th, 2010, 04:51 PM
nice job linking from 4chan /b/tard
July 10th, 2010, 05:25 PM
1. Save image(s) from 4chan on computer
2. Upload them to an image hosting site
3. Post picture(s)
4. ???
5. PROFIT!!!
July 11th, 2010, 10:08 AM
And on the hardest difficulty, the computer would use items as often as a player.
And it would say shit like "Biker Jeff pressed BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
If that was the case then I would be spending an entire day during one
I'm playing Ruby under my own rules (I call it Ruby Medium Mode) and it's basically all of the rules except:
1.) You don't have to release a fainted Pokemon. You can use Revive's only in-battle, but you have to revive a fainted Pokemon at the Pokemon Center otherwise.
2.) If you catch the first Pokemon you run into in an area, then you can catch more in that area. IF you screw up, then you can't catch anymore in that area.
3.) You're not "disqualified" from the challenge if you fail to nickname a Pokemon. I found this to be an annoying thing since I get attached to my team anyways.
I found Hard mode to be obnoxious and depressing, so I modified it for moderate use.
July 11th, 2010, 01:26 PM
well fuck it 404'd besides i was lazy it was a scan of the srtarter's final form in gen 5
July 11th, 2010, 03:56 PM
So it's been said that the Isshu region is based upon the geography and wildlife of the United States of America. Personally I don't think the Pokemon Company of Japan should be the ones tasked with creating an accurate representation of America, but whether or not you agree with that sentiment, the latest reveal from Pokemon Sunday has pretty well confirmed, in my mind at least, that the Isshu region is most definitely a region of America in the Pokemon World. First, the silhouette released on Pokemon Sunday:
And the scan from CoroCoro magazine:
Wooguru (Japanese Name) The Valor Pokemon. A red, white, and blue eagle. Normal/Flying type based heavily on America's national animal.
Oh, also released in the magazine was Minezumi (Japanese Name), a chipmunk-looking thing.
July 11th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Finally ONE pokemon that doesn't look like a total Plush toy.
Badass Eagle.
July 11th, 2010, 11:35 PM
That chipmunk looks stoned... just like half of the other pokemon.
July 12th, 2010, 12:06 AM
Does Wooguru have an ultimate attack based on unfounded assumptions the the opponent has WMD's, therefore calling in the full force of the American military to pillage and destroy the entire enemies country?
No seriously, I'm not even going to consider this game. There are only 151 Pokemon in my universe and that shall never change!
July 12th, 2010, 12:16 AM
Does Wooguru have an ultimate attack based on unfounded assumptions the the opponent has WMD's, therefore calling in the full force of the American military to pillage and destroy the entire enemies country?
No seriously, I'm not even going to consider this game. There are only 151 Pokemon in my universe and that shall never change!252 in mine, only because G & S were good too
July 12th, 2010, 06:15 AM
Personally I still consider all Pokemon species canonical, as I find that every generation produces a few that I like. It needs stricter regulation, though, as there's been far too great of a stupid/awesome ratio in the latest generations.
Also, since this is the Pokemon world's America, I hope we get to see an appearance by Lt. Surge!
July 12th, 2010, 12:59 PM
252 in mine, only because G & S were good too
I'll accept them all as long as the next ones don't make me want to vomit from stereotyping. i like the Legendaries though; most of them look badass.
July 12th, 2010, 01:14 PM
Personally I still consider all Pokemon species canonical, as I find that every generation produces a few that I like. It needs stricter regulation, though, as there's been far too great of a stupid/awesome ratio in the latest generations.
Also, since this is the Pokemon world's America, I hope we get to see an appearance by Lt. Surge!
Stupidest pokemon. It is called spoink. It is a psychic type you find in ruby/sapphire. It is literally a pig with a spring in its butt.
Anyone got a stupider one?
July 12th, 2010, 04:10 PM
"Stupidest" and "Stupider" are not words, so no I don't because I don't know what you mean?
July 12th, 2010, 04:36 PM
Basically a mexican
But dont think the first gen didnt have stupid ones
July 12th, 2010, 04:44 PM
I find Exeggutor or whatever funny and stupid (I like it) but the others are just stupid (I don't like them).
July 12th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Well the problem with Gen3 is that there are so many useless Pokemon that the only point to have them is to have variety. I know people have different tastes, but some of these things are just there for variety, like Luvdisc (heart) and Ludicolo (Mexican). On the other hand, Pokemon like Absol and Sceptile bring out some ups in Gen3. Yet, at the same time, Gen3 also has a lot of Pokemon that are strong and useful, but annoying as hell to fight (Claydol and Milotic).
July 13th, 2010, 04:30 PM
The final details from CoroCoro have come out and have provided the details for all 7 Pokémon within the magazine. For other details, check the previous couple of updates. We'll update this as we do more translations. Please bear with us. Thanks to yaminokame for assistance on the translations.
Details for the Pokémon are out
First, we have Kibago (キバゴ), the Tusk Pokémon. It is 0.6m tall and weighs 18kg. It has the abilities of Rivalry & Mold Breaker and is a Dragon-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Double Chop (ダブルチョップ) which attacks twice
Next is Koromori (コロモリ). It is the Bat Pokémon. It is 0.4m tall and weighs 2.1kg. It has the abilities of Unaware & Klutz and is a Psychic/Flying-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Heart Stamp (ハートスタンプ) which makes the opponent Flinch.
Next is Minezumi (ミネズミ). It is the Lookout Pokémon. It is 0.5m tall and weighs 11.6kg. It has the abilities of Run Away & Keen Eye and is a Normal-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called You First (おさきにどうぞ) which allows the opponent to move first
Next is Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル). It is the Celestial Body Pokémon. It is 1.5m tall and weighs 44kg. It has the ability of Frisk and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. It has the new attack Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent for 5 turns..
Next is Rankurusu (ランクルス). It is the Amplification Pokémon. It is 1.0m tall and weighs 20.1kg. It has the abilities of Dust-Proof (ぼうじん), which makes the Pokémon not take damage from weather effects & Magic Guard and is a Psychic-type Pokémon.
Next is Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye and the other is Encourage, the ability Hihidaruma has which boosts the power of its moves but prevents the moves having a secondary effect. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokémon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground
Next is Musharna (ムシャーナ ), the evolution of the Pokémon Munna. It is the Trance Pokémon. It is 1.1m tall and weighs 60.5kg. It has the abilities of Forewarn & Synchronize and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. Both Munna & Musharna give off the Dream Smoke. As explained on Sunday, the Dream Smoke is part of the Global Link connectivity.
Triple Battles
First, we have details on the Triple battles, showing how you can target with the middle Pokémon being able to target all three Pokémon and the ones at the sides being able to target the opposite one and the middle one. You also have the ability to switch Pokémon positions in battle.
If a Pokémon in the middle uses an attack that hits all Pokémon, then it will be very powerful
There is a new ability called Telepathy (テレパシー) which allows the Pokémon to avoid receiving damage from its team-mates.
There is also a new attack, name currently not given, which will cause all your team mates to avoid damage from attacks that would hurt all team members such as Earthquake. Global Link
The Global Link has two modes. One, where your Pokémon play in a dream and another is an online battling system. It appears that you have the ability to capture Pokémon not in the Isshu Dex within the Global Link and have them transferred back to your game. This can be done in the dream mode. As we said on Sunday, you access the Global Link when you have Musharna, the evolution of Munna.
The Game Sync is accessible through the C Gear. Here, you can send a single Pokémon to the computer and the "dream world".
In the world of dreams Pokémon have their own rooms that they can play in. They can play minigames with other Pokémon. Pokémon that your Pokémon becomes friends with in the dream world can be taken back to the real world
If you are registed to the PGL, then you can play "Rating Mode" of "Random Match" at to the global terminal inside of the Pokémon center. It will send your battle results to a server gather them so you can see who is really strong.
Version Changes
Gochiruzeru and Rankurusu are Version exclusives and Black City & White forest are in the same part of Isshu.
There will also be other cities that vary in appearance based on your game Features
Using Infared, you have the ability of having speedy battles. This can be 2 or 4 Player. You can also trade this way on the spot from your box. You can automatically exchange friend codes over IR
You have the ability to draw on your friends faces over the Live Caster video chat. Characters in game will also call you on the Live Caster from time to time
There is also a gentleman in the game which will switch your game from the standard Hiragana/Katakana text to Kanji
There is a feature called Feeling Check that checks players compatibility. One of the things it shows is a game where two people have to keep the same rythmn
The High Link features mentioned yesterday have also been further confirmed and will involve meeting players over WiFi in the Isshu overworld and doing missions for them. This is as close to a MMORPG as we'll get
The C Gear as we knew has abilities in InfraRed, Wireless & WiFi Characters
Professor Araragi gives you the Pokémon and says for you to share with your friends, Cheren & Belle
It seems that you, Belle and Cheren all get the starters from Professor Araragi, leaving none left out as all of you are beginning your journey together.
Belle is a spontaneous person and is on her adventure against her father's wishes. She is rather unreliable.
Cheren is an intelligent guy and will give you helpful tips throughout your journey. He intends to be the champion in Isshu.
Indicating that Isshu is far away, the routes have once again reset and will begin with Route 1
N is one of the antagonists. N will keep coming to challenge you in order to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokémon "Friends", but one of the screen shots shows him saying that he wants to split humans and Pokémon and divide them so it's black and white. He has the unique idea to set Pokémon free from people. He's looking for the power to bring his idea to fruition
Makomo will give you the C Gear after you assist her with a task
July 14th, 2010, 02:05 AM
I swear to god unless "Gear" has a badass evolution I will entirely condemn this game. There was hope with the Eagle based pokemon but I'm still very skeptical.
I will not tolerate the ruination of the Steel types. I'm still irritated at Jirachi and Mawile. Just what in fucks sake gives ANY hint that either of them are fucking Steel...LOOK AT THEM.
These are fucking proper Steel pokemon. Ones that will fuck you up 10 ways from sunday if you so much as look at them wrong.
July 14th, 2010, 11:21 AM
Yeah, steel really needs to step it up next generation. I honestly think that 2nd gen had the best/coolest steel pokemon with Scizor, Steelix, and Skarmory (though Metagross is pretty bad ass). Heck even Forretress is pretty good (after the upgrades it got in the 4th gen).
I have to agree that there have been some pretty stupid looking/worthless pokemon in the latest generations, but I certainly don't consider Ludicolo that. He may look ridiculous and doesn't have the best stats but it is his dual type that really helps him stand out. His evolutionary line is the only grass/water line out there and this combination of types covers many weaknesses each type originally had; like water covers grass's weakness to fire and ice and grass covers water's weakness to grass and electric. This leaves him weak to only flying, poison, and bug, and let's face it, not many people use bug and poison in their main line ups.
There are many other interesting dual types that narrow a pokemon's weakness down to one or two types, like Lanturn, Quagsire, and Scizor. I really hope that, if the new 5th gen pokemon are going to look idiotic, that Nintendo at least throws some more interesting type combinations and stops with the stupid generic 'filler' pokemon (like all the new pure water and normal/flying pokemon they introduce every generation).
July 15th, 2010, 03:03 AM
My friend matt helped me breed a Skarmory in Platinum that knows Roost, Fly, Steel Wing and Sky attack. It fucking destroys. Skarmory has to be above all one of my favorites.
July 17th, 2010, 06:42 PM
Was never a fan of steel types.
July 17th, 2010, 09:01 PM
My friend matt helped me breed a Skarmory in Platinum that knows Roost, Fly, Steel Wing and Sky attack. It fucking destroys. Skarmory has to be above all one of my favorites.
Skarmory is my choice of flying type every time I play Silver. (haven't gotten to play soul silver yet)
A bird type with steel defense? Yes please.
July 19th, 2010, 08:48 PM
For me:
Flying - Tropius (the HM slave basically)
Fire- Typhlosion/Charmander
Grass- Leafeon/Sceptile
Dark- Umbreon/Absol
Water- Swampert/Gyarados (well duh)
Electric- Magneton/Jolteon/Luxray
Steel- Scizor(I never have it, but it's my favorite)/Bronzong
Bug- Scyther/Butterfree/Beedrill (can't get anymore classic than that)
Ice- Derp?
Ground- Sandslash/Gligar
Dragon- Flygon/Garchomp (this thing owns EVERYTHING)
Poison- Double derp? Crobat
Psychic- Espeon/Alakazam
Ghost- Haunter/Sableye
Normal- Eevee/Linoone
Rock- Onix/Kabutops/Omastar (this thing owns too)
July 20th, 2010, 09:05 PM
you guys need to learn about aggron. He is the best steel type.
July 20th, 2010, 10:22 PM
you guys need to learn about aggron. He is the best steel type.
July 21st, 2010, 09:10 AM
-It's a bitch to evolve (Lairon sucks).
-It has two 4x weaknesses (Fighting and Ground) and is weak against Water.
-There's no point in modifying it (I equipped Lairon and Aron before Aggron with Macho Brace and it's awful).
-There are WAY better solutions. Aggron may be able to use a ton of different moves, but a weaker Special Attack makes most of those moves pointless, not to mention it doesn't get a STAB bonus for the most important Attack techniques, like Earthquake and Brick Break.
-It has a bad Special Defense. I can defeat most Aggrons in one surf attack with Swampert. If I can't it's because of level difference.
-Once you finally get an Aggron, it's just not worth it since you're already close to the end of the game and you can only use it for the one of the many tedious* gym battles (you'll probably get it by the time you reach the Mossdeep* and Sootopolis gyms). Sure, you can use it in the Elite Four and Victory Road (or Battle Frontier), but by that time I could have developed a far more superior team.
-Aggron is a steel type, so it's also slower than most of its weaknesses.
Any questions? These are just my observations and experiences. I just never found Aggron to be that useful or important enough to stray from developing a better team and Pokemon that can have that STAB bonus for important moves like Brick Break and Earthquake.
July 21st, 2010, 08:30 PM
pidgey is the best /thread
July 21st, 2010, 08:40 PM
Magikarp with an everstone /thead
July 21st, 2010, 08:52 PM
Shuckle with an iron ball/thread
July 21st, 2010, 09:00 PM
Magikarp with an everstone /thead
oh damn you beat me
July 22nd, 2010, 02:06 AM
-It's a bitch to evolve (Lairon sucks).
-It has two 4x weaknesses (Fighting and Ground) and is weak against Water.
-There's no point in modifying it (I equipped Lairon and Aron before Aggron with Macho Brace and it's awful).
-There are WAY better solutions. Aggron may be able to use a ton of different moves, but a weaker Special Attack makes most of those moves pointless, not to mention it doesn't get a STAB bonus for the most important Attack techniques, like Earthquake and Brick Break.
-It has a bad Special Defense. I can defeat most Aggrons in one surf attack with Swampert. If I can't it's because of level difference.
-Once you finally get an Aggron, it's just not worth it since you're already close to the end of the game and you can only use it for the one of the many tedious* gym battles (you'll probably get it by the time you reach the Mossdeep* and Sootopolis gyms). Sure, you can use it in the Elite Four and Victory Road (or Battle Frontier), but by that time I could have developed a far more superior team.
-Aggron is a steel type, so it's also slower than most of its weaknesses.
Any questions? These are just my observations and experiences. I just never found Aggron to be that useful or important enough to stray from developing a better team and Pokemon that can have that STAB bonus for important moves like Brick Break and Earthquake.
You're a poor trainer? My Steel party decks anything in it's path, Aggron is no exception.
July 22nd, 2010, 02:27 AM
Aggron is the only steel I have in my party in sapphire, and he fucks everything up. I beat the water gym with him.
July 22nd, 2010, 08:14 AM
You're a poor trainer? My Steel party decks anything in it's path, Aggron is no exception.
and then flamethrower...flame thrower EVERYHERE
oh and fighting attacks and since most steel pokemon are really heavy a spam of low kick could beat them
July 22nd, 2010, 08:10 PM
and then flamethrower...flame thrower EVERYHERE
oh and fighting attacks and since most steel pokemon are really heavy a spam of low kick could beat them
Yeah, basically Flamethrower, Surf, and Earthquake. Steel pokemon don't last against their weaknesses. Also, calling me a poor trainer is a bad excuse: I used Aggron in Sapphire in the past and I thought it totally won (I still have that same game and haven't started a new one on that cartridge), but after expanding my options I have found a plethora of better ways than to use Steel types. The only Steel pokemon I'll acknowledge right now are Scizor and Bronzong (which is extremely effective in 4th Generation). Steel Pokemon (except Bronzong) usually have bad Sp.Def and their second type usually ruins any chance of fighting their weaknesses. Earthquake/Close Combat desimates Aggron because of the 4x effectiveness against the types. I'll only give Steel a thumbs up when it makes Pokemon resistant to usual attacks or weaknesses. In this case, Empoleon, Bronzong, and Scizor are definitely the best on my list.
English Mobster
July 22nd, 2010, 08:56 PM
No one mentioned Registeel?
I have one with 370 Defense an 402 Special Defense. He shrugs off Earthquakes and Flamethrowers like nobody's business, then fucks them up with Toxic and Seismic Toss (100 damage every turn, motherfuckers).
Plus he has Rest and Sleep Talk, so if someone does try to take that motherfucker down, he can just rebound and fuck your shit up even while he's asleep.
Here's the best fucking team ever:
Aerodactyl (Speed/Attack):
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge
Heatran (Special Attack):
Earth Power
Lava Plume
Sleep Talk
Swampert (Attack/Defense):
Sleep Talk
Metagross (Attack/Defense, and SHINY MOTHERFUCKER):
Meteor Mash
Sleep Talk
Registeel (Defense/Special Defense):
Seismic Toss
Sleep Talk
Zapdos (Special Attack):
Hidden Power (Grass)
Heat Wave
July 22nd, 2010, 09:01 PM
No one mentioned Registeel?
I have one with 370 Defense an 402 Special Defense. He shrugs off Earthquakes and Flamethrowers like nobody's business, then fucks them up with Toxic and Seismic Toss (100 damage every turn, motherfuckers).
Plus he has Rest and Sleep Talk, so if someone does try to take that motherfucker down, he can just rebound and fuck your shit up even while he's asleep.
I thought about Registeel as I was typing that last reply. That thing is a tank like Umbreon.
English Mobster
July 22nd, 2010, 09:03 PM
Umbreon fucks shit up, too.
I tried to incorporate him and Fortress into my team, but I didn't have the room. Test runs with the current team prove that it fucks things up royally so far.
July 22nd, 2010, 09:29 PM
That's an amazing party mobster, and an impressive Metagross.
Mine is as follows:
Giga Impact
Flash Cannon
Calm Mind
Also Umbreon is the fucking devil. My friend Derek bred one and it's absolutely terrifying.
English Mobster
July 22nd, 2010, 09:34 PM
Thanks. What moveset does your Umberon cart around, Teekie?
July 22nd, 2010, 09:45 PM
Not mine, Dereks. It's been a while since I fought his, I'll get you an update tonight since I'm heading to his house.
July 23rd, 2010, 08:16 AM
i dont nor have i played gen IV but from my experiences early on i used to love having a lvl 100 nidoking
horn drill
July 30th, 2010, 08:44 AM
Villainous Team Revealed!
Team Plasma
They look retarded. We seem to be fighting what are essentially Pokemon Templars.
Edit: Holy shit! A legitimate black person in the Pokemon world!
July 30th, 2010, 11:03 AM
a rumor has surfaced that nintendo intends to cull all but 12 pokemon from previous generations
this is just a RUMOR
English Mobster
July 30th, 2010, 02:41 PM
They did with Ruby/Sapphire, didn't they?
I mean, it's sad to see all the old Pokemon go, but Ruby and Sapphire didn't turn out to be TOO bad. They had some good ones in there.
July 30th, 2010, 02:50 PM
Mario and Pokemon are successful because they keep to their same working formula.
I think that's why I loved the reach Beta so much its a lot closer to CE.
August 4th, 2010, 06:29 AM
While they haven't been cut from the game, game director Junichi Masuda has recently confirmed that until acquiring the National Pokedex, only Gen. V Pokemon will be available to the player.
Full Story ( _pre-National_Dex)
This means they'd better have a lot of new Pokemon released with this generation. Which hopefully means they'll have a handful of good ones.
In other news, Yahoo has inadvertently released new images and information on their servers.
First is information on Victini, which is now known to be a Psychic/Fire type.
The rest is official artwork of three of the new Pokemon, including one never-before-seen bug-type, which is very reminiscent of Weedle/Wurmple.
Finally, official artwork of Aloe, the Pokemon franchise's first explicitly black character.
August 4th, 2010, 02:40 PM
August 4th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Lol. What the hell. Didn't even notice that.
August 4th, 2010, 03:06 PM
Wasn't there an E4 member, a black aloha girl in some past gen game?
August 4th, 2010, 03:41 PM
Yeah, there was: Phoebe.
From the Hoenn League. Gen. III.
But that's why I said explicitly black, and not ambiguously brown.
August 4th, 2010, 04:54 PM
Oh, alright, thanks for correction. If they're making more black people I expect lolhueg lips from Japanese character designers / Ken Sugimori(?)
August 7th, 2010, 06:15 AM
Another one!
Scans of Emonga, the flying squirrel Pokemon, have been released today. Electric/Flying type.
August 7th, 2010, 12:34 PM
Furthermore, the latest images from this month's CoroCoro magazine seem to demonstrate that the in-game clock has been enhanced to create seasonal changes in the Pokemon world, shown here to have effect on the appearance of certain Pokemon.
August 7th, 2010, 04:49 PM
The idea is neat. I like the expansion on multiple and exotic type combinations. The only thing that I hate is the fact that I don't think Bambi will be a good Pokemon to win the Pokemon League with. It's like someone walked into the series AGAIN and said "let's make them all fuzzy wuzzy and adorable" instead of "let's make these things look badass." I really think Nintendo America (or whatever they're called) should've done this project.
On from the awful critic to the stuff I hope is improved from HGSS:
-The Designers figure out that amping up Pokemon with 4x weaknesses and randomass attacks is not balance. A Weavile from the E4 KO'd my entire team pretty much (except Ampharos) because it had every type of attack that exploits 4x weaknesses (except ground). It was faster than Rayquaza (which was an entire 10 levels higher). Now I know it's supposed to be challenging, but that was just ridiculous. An Umbreon also used ???Curse twice and Payback once to nearly faint Rayquaza (yes Rayquaza hit it first but I didn't think Umbreons were that strong).
-I really hope the next game allows ways to have trade-evolution Pokemon accessable without trading.
-Make all Wi-Fi events accessible to English versions as well.
August 11th, 2010, 02:24 PM
August 11th, 2010, 02:49 PM
So... what is that about? 3DS support?
The game isn't that heavy on 3D images, so I wonder what they'd do with it.
August 11th, 2010, 02:54 PM
I honestly cannot wait to homebrew with the 3ds.
August 12th, 2010, 03:02 AM
That's just fan art. Though I wish the game was designed for 3DS... but it's not.
September 10th, 2010, 04:06 PM
Time to bring this thread back from the dead.
Content is spoilered for obvious reasons (its spoiling the game for you lol)
There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pokémon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation
In regards to a few numbers and details;
#633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain
#638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary
#639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary
#640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary
#641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary
#642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary
Reshiram is to be #643
Zekrom is to be #644
#645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary
#646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary
#647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary
#648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary
#649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary
In Hiun City, the boats will take you to various islands.
Smugleaf's evolve chain:
Pokebu's evolve chain:
Otter's Evolve chain:
Note that the above evolution pictures caused quite a stir, 4chan believes the pictures to be fake, while Serebii believes them to be real. I am not certain on whether or not they are legit, but I am just going to post it for the sake of posting it.
Now for my opinion...
About the new pokemon, I love these new types. That Dark/Dragon 3 chain evolve sounds like the new "Pseudo legendary" ( of this generation. I also love the types on the legendaries. There has not been a pure flying type, nor a dragon/ice type yet. There also hasn't been a ground/flying, rock/fighting (maybe), and a grass/fighting (again, maybe) pokemon yet, so this is exciting to me.
September 10th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Gligar and Gliscor are Ground/Flying, and Breloom is Grass/Fighting. But other than that, you're right about the new type combinations. To me, it seems weird having a pure Flying-type, just because it's never been done before. Even things you'd expect to be straight Flying-type, such as Pidgey or Spearow are dual Normal/Flying types.
Also, those evolutions are probably fake, save for the Grass and Water starters' first evolutions, which were leaked in the past. There was an interview released last night talking about the new starters and their evolutions, where the Water starter's final evolution is described as using its shell as a samurai sword. That interview can be found here (
In all honesty, don't trust a word that Serebii says, and just wait for the official reveal.
September 10th, 2010, 05:14 PM
I also received an email from Play-Asia, the company that I preordered the Japanese version of Pokemon Black/White from:
This is an important update regarding your Pokemon Black / White Japanese
Version pre-order.
According to the official website, Pokemon Black / White include DSi
enhanced features and we know from our experience that some other games
sporting DSi Enhance functions are region locked on DSi systems. However,
there is no firm rule on it.
Please understand that we are not able to accept returns due to region
lock issues. We are sending you this email to keep you informed and to ask
you to make a decision based on this information.
First off, if you have a Nintendo DS or DS Lite Console from any region
then there should be no problem
However, if you have a Non-Japanese DSi / DSi XL console then the title
might not work at all on your console or the DSi Enhanced features might
not work. Please keep in mind, in worst case, you will have a situation
where you cannot play the game you bought.
Please make sure that you either have a Nintendo DS / Nintendo DS Lite
- or -
a JAPANESE DSi / DSi LL to ensure that you can play the game.
More info on this matter has been compiled here
If you are currently in possession of a Non-Japanese Nintendo DSi or
Nintendo DSi XL and you want to play this title, we recommend to check our
selection of Nintendo DSi & DSi LL models here (only those marked Japanese
will play the game 100%)
We need to stress the fact that the game might work perfectly on
Non-Japanese DSi's, then this email would not be necessary, but it just is
a high risk to take. We simply don't know if the game will work or not. We
received conflicting statements from all our vendors.
The feature they speak of is probably the video ( chat (, and if thats the case then that doesn't really make sense. Think of it this way: Japanese gets the games first, then the US, followed by Europe and the rest of the world (supposedly) Japan makes D/P/Pl and HG/SS. They realize most of their features are Japanese only until the other countries receive the game. Before they release the games to the west, they add in our alphabet so the games can communicate between each other. Likewise, the European and American versions have japanese characters in them so they can communicate. This is why we can connect to the Japanese and have no issue. Black/White has the video chat, so it shouldn't be that different at all.
But, if someone who is Japanese wants to speak to an American, or European (or anyone really) that cannot actually communicate with them, then what is the point of speaking to them? That might be their reasoning to "region lock" the game so that doesn't actually happen.
Either way, I don't have an actual problem with it, considering I have two DSi's (one of them is a japanese dsi, got it when they first came out in japan, and then an American DSi XL) and if the American one cannot play it, then Ill just use my Japanese one instead.
September 10th, 2010, 06:43 PM
I am disappointed by all the "Legendary" pokemon. They lose their value as being rare when anyone can have one. Hell, I plan on buying a DS/Pokemon White/Action Replay anyway, so it won't be hard to catch all the LEGENDARY OMG Pokemon.
As for the starter evolutions.... I happen to think grass pokemon are a very risky move, since grass pokemon are weak to so much. As cool as Smugleaf's final form is, I don't think it's a good bet in the long run.
I normally choose Squirtle as my starter pokemon, so I was inclined at first to go with the sea otter evolution chain.... but I don't know, something about it just seems off to me. Chances are I am going to roll with the firepig, at least to start out (since Rapidash will ALWAYS be the fire pokemon for me). So excited for this.
September 11th, 2010, 10:36 AM
The following is an ass-load of new information.
Well, shit. The leaked evolutions appear to have been legitimate, judging by the latest CoroCoro release. The magazine includes a whole cast of new Pokemon.
As well as official art of the starters' first evolutions:
Awesome. Another Fire/Fighting type starter. :smith:
One thing I found interesting is the first Gym-Leaders, which can be seen in the first image. When you challenge the first gym, you'll face the leader who has a type-advantage over the starter you chose. Pretty cool.
September 11th, 2010, 11:35 AM
The following is an ass-load of new information.
Well, shit. The leaked evolutions appear to have been legitimate, judging by the latest CoroCoro release. The magazine includes a whole cast of new Pokemon.
As well as official art of the starters' first evolutions:
Awesome. Another Fire/Fighting type starter. :smith:
One thing I found interesting is the first Gym-Leaders, which can be seen in the first image. When you challenge the first gym, you'll face the leader who has a type-advantage over the starter you chose. Pretty cool.
Loving this extremely
September 11th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Right-hand side pokemon look cool. My only thing is.... a pokemon that is an Egyptian sarcophagus? Also, the steel badger thing at the bottom looks wicked.
YES, YES, YES. I am SO hoping that that thing evolves from Tauros. It would make my life complete, I've always thought Tauros was an under-appreciated pokemon. I assume it's a normal type?
September 11th, 2010, 03:12 PM
It is a Normal-type, but not a Tauros evolution. They've repeatedly stated that there will be no Gen. V Pokemon that evolve from, or into, any Pokemon from previous generations.
It's been revealed that the new region is based on a Pokemon-styled New York City, much like the previous generations have been based on Pokemon versions of various Japanese locations. So since it's technically around the world from where we're usually accustomed, you'll find similar, yet unrelated species of Pokemon.
Edit: Also, that Steel-Badger is a Ground/Steel type, which means that, like Steelix, it's going to be weak to Ground, ITS OWN TYPE, as well as BOTH FIRE AND WATER ATTACKS.
WHAT... THE... FUCK...
Seriously. Typing needs to be redesigned.
September 11th, 2010, 03:19 PM
Tauros evolves into afrobull... but only if you play on black version.
September 11th, 2010, 08:06 PM
The right side's Pokemon with the Golden Armor looks freaking sick. I hope it has a balanced stat base (normally fast, normal defense, normal specdefense) and a higher attack (kind of like Scyther's stats, but more specdef). I also hope it's another Ground type. Another Ground and Dark type would be nice.
September 11th, 2010, 09:09 PM
Those are the shittest starter evo's in the history of pokemon. Jesus Christ I was hoping they could redeem themselves but holey fuck they're noisy as hell :gonk:
September 11th, 2010, 09:54 PM
Also, we've had three fire and fighting type evolutions for the past three generations. The redundancy might keep me away aside from the ugliness of the fire starter.
September 11th, 2010, 11:41 PM
Some people are saying that the Fire-type starter may be a faked scan, as a lot of people are backing support for alleged evidence of Photoshopping that has surfaced. The Pokemon Company has neither denied nor validated the so-called "leaked evolutions".
Also, DarkHalo, that armored Dragon Pokemon is a pure Dragon-type.
September 12th, 2010, 02:54 PM
Some people are saying that the Fire-type starter may be a faked scan, as a lot of people are backing support for alleged evidence of Photoshopping that has surfaced. The Pokemon Company has neither denied nor validated the so-called "leaked evolutions".
Also, DarkHalo, that armored Dragon Pokemon is a pure Dragon-type.
I watched Pokemon Sunday on TVTokyo yesterday. It confirmed the pokemon on the RIGHT side of this page:
It did not address the starter evolutions, which means they're making you wait and buy it to find out.
I normally take a water type, but this time, I am pretty sure I am gonna roll with Firepig. And Buffafro.
September 12th, 2010, 03:16 PM
I watched Pokemon Sunday on TVTokyo yesterday. It confirmed the pokemon on the RIGHT side of this page:
I normally take a water type, but this time, I am pretty sure I am gonna roll with Firepig. And Buffafro.
dude, now is not the time to stray from the water types. The otter pokemon is the only starter that doesn't look silly. Besides, firepig looks just like grumppig
September 13th, 2010, 07:00 PM
Why has no one pointed out little puppy growlithe there!
September 13th, 2010, 08:02 PM
Why has no one pointed out little puppy growlithe there!
I think people are more preoccupied with the right side to care as of now. Also, I think the right side's Dragon is actually the evolved form of that Tusk Dragon pokemon that was one of the first to be released.
September 14th, 2010, 06:29 PM reports that Pokemon Black and White is now shipping. Expect a steady stream of new information as people get hold of their games.
September 14th, 2010, 10:19 PM reports that Pokemon Black and White is now shipping. Expect a steady stream of new information as people get hold of their games.
Quoting the truth, as seen here on my play-asia order:
September 15th, 2010, 01:38 AM
You got both? One hundred forty-one dollars fuckin dollars Code!
September 16th, 2010, 04:11 PM
New Pokemon!
Within the following spoiler is an image depicting all the new Pokemon of Gen. V. If you, for some reason, didn't want to see them, do not open the spoiler.
Typing and base stats can be found here (
My opinion on the new Pokemon! :iamafag:
In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead. :maddowns:
September 16th, 2010, 05:13 PM
In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead. :maddowns:
I think these Pokemon look alright, though.
September 16th, 2010, 05:14 PM
Typing and base stats can be found here (
My opinion on the new Pokemon! :iamafag:
In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead. :maddowns:
Agreeing with you on this post. There are a few that look worthwhile to have... but an ICE CREAM CONE? A PILE OF GARBAGE?! REALLY?!
When I saw the ice cream cone pokemon for the first time, I thought it was a joke. Now that I see it is real..... I am starting to worry about humanity. More than that, I am noticing a distinct lack of pure rock type pokemon. I guess I'll end up going with Rhydon again or something. It's just disappointing.
This is going to be my team, if I were to go off the new pokemon alone:
September 16th, 2010, 05:17 PM
The original poketmonsters had simplicity. These are over-detailed pieces of garbage. And I lol'ed at the ice cream cone. Where's the hamburger?
September 16th, 2010, 05:20 PM
I think these Pokemon look alright, though.
Hell yeah I'm mad. These are so disappointing. I'm not saying they're all terrible; there are a few good ones. But the majority are just awful.
September 19th, 2010, 02:22 PM
Unrelated to Pokemon Black/White, but I thought it was worth sharing.
I have not played a pokemon game since pokemon gold. I thought that with gold, the magic of blue version had been lost, and I was completely uninterested.
For some stupid reason, at the advent of the Nintendo Wii, I was so excited for pokemon battle revolution that I bought Pokemon Diamond for DS. The sad thing is, I didn't own a DS. I just used a friend's DS and Action Replay to get the pokemon I wanted.
Today I went to my local mom-and-pop game store and bought a DSi. And playing pokemon diamond for the first time makes me realize what I was missing out on all these years. FULL COLOUR, DECENT SPRITES AND SOUNDS. Holy crap. Where was I all that time?
PS: Uh.... I noticed on the Sinnoh pokedex that there's only 151 pokemon.... does that mean that I don't have to catch like 300+ pokemon per game (I genuinely thought you did)? Or does that mean that I can't get charmander, or squirtle, or lapras in these games? or can I get them through trading?
Help a sister out.
September 19th, 2010, 02:29 PM
They split the Pokedex into Regional and National modes. Initially you can only find ones found in the Regional Pokedex, but once you get the upgrade to the National Pokedex, you can find others. Most you'll have to trade in, or transfer in, which requires the Gameboy Advanced versions (Gen 3 and Gen 1 Remakes). But since you bought the DSi, you won't be able to do that, since the DSi has no Gameboy Advanced slot.
So you'll probably have to rely on people who can trade you the Pokemon you want, buy HeartGold or SoulSilver, or you could get a Gameshark, or whatever the Gameshark equivalent is these days.
September 19th, 2010, 05:15 PM
In response to the dilemma of Gen. V:
It's because you had Nintendo of Japan do an American image for an even popular RPG in Japan than in the U.S.A. There is so much flaw in having Nintendo Japan do what I think should be done by Nintendo America (if it really exists). But you know what they say, people bitch and people complain, so it's fluffy shit that people get instead of the awesome stuff people should see.
In response to Aerowyn:
I bought SoulSilver after my Gold wouldn't play anymore and I got horribly awful headaches when playing the originals due to their sounds (my hearing is very strange). I've played this game for about two months. The only thing that I hate about it is the lack of things to do after you've done everything (Except Global Link, which I don't care to do) and that you have to restart your game with all of your transfered Pokemon to have a new game instead of having another game slot (which is probably the only thing that these games have always annoyed me about).
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