View Full Version : Bad Company 2 Freezing in Multiplayer

April 10th, 2010, 04:45 PM
My sister bought an iMac 21.5" last Friday and we got it on Wednesday. The CPU in the iMac is an Intel Core 2 Duo E7600; more than enough to play the game. It also has an ATi Radeon HD 4670 video card. I installed Windows XP on BootCamp and installed BC2 on that partition through Steam. (The only way i got most of the hardware working properly in windows was inserting the OSX 10.6 disc, which installs BootCamp software into windows and installs stock drivers so I could at least get audio and wireless out of it)

The Problem:

SP runs great, but as soon as I jump into any server (tried 12) the game freezes. It started out at around 7 mins into the round and progressively started freezing earlier and earlier into the match. Now, when I try to join a server, it loads the map and then it freezes a couple seconds after I spawn. I've looked this up for numerous hours and have not found any working solution. I've heard it could be an audio issue, but I'm not so sure. This freezing only happens in BC2, btw, and thousands more people are having the same issue. The iMac uses Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio, but I cannot find drivers for it that would work in Windows XP. The drivers are still carrying the date from Sep. 2009.

This is really pissing me off because I can run the game in multiplayer like a dream, but the game freezes after mere seconds!

As I have stated in my original post, I have already spent upwards of 4 hours looking for possible solutions on various search engines, including Google. I've found some on the Steam forums, a bunch on the EA forums, and even more on other random forums. None of those solutions seem to work at all.

Anybody have any ideas of what the problem could be and/or how to fix it?

April 10th, 2010, 08:11 PM
BC2 MP is a poorly meshed together pile of failure. That said, I have nothing useful to say.

April 10th, 2010, 09:21 PM
BC2 MP is a poorly meshed together pile of failure. That said, I have nothing useful to say.

Why go to the trouble of saying it?

April 11th, 2010, 01:48 PM
So really? Nobody has any suggestions? I've posted this on three forums and there doesn't seem to be much interest. I guess everyone just has their game working. :smith:

April 11th, 2010, 02:13 PM
If it progressively got worse, I'd wager that it's a hardware thing. Can the 4670 even handle it that well?

April 11th, 2010, 07:26 PM
If it progressively got worse, I'd wager that it's a hardware thing. Can the 4670 even handle it that well?

Yup. It runs all high settings at 1920x1080 with 45+ average FPS. I was quite surprised. Single Player works great. Just as soon as I try to join any server in multiplayer, I'm hit with the freezing issue.

April 11th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Fallout 3 had a tendency to freeze like that for me. It was a RAM issue.

This is probably unrelated though.

April 11th, 2010, 09:51 PM
Yeah. I just don't understand why it happens. MY main rig, which I'm using now works fine and dandy, but my brother also bought the game and wants to play online. We can't make head or tails of this situation.

April 12th, 2010, 11:07 AM
I have the same problem, using a 13" Macbook Pro in boot camp (windows 7 x86). Running at 800x600 on low.

SP runs fine (incredible for an integrated Geforce 9400M) but in MP I keep crashing to the desktop within minutes of joining a game.

The only component I have in common with Amit's iMac is the Cirrus audio logic HD thing, so I suspect that may be the problem, but google couldn't confirm.

However the cirrus audio logic has proven to be problematic before - the mic doesn't work in a single game and when using skype the audio volume is all messed up. So I wouldn't be surprised if the sound card is causing issues. From what I have unearthed on google searching, Apple shipped all its unibody Macs with terrible bootcamp drivers for the sound card and has refused to respond to people's complaints - and like amit said the newest drivers are still 2009.

Sigh, only 19 days before I can go home to my desktop computer...

(off topic) Amit you should've waited a month longer to buy that iMac, Apple always has the back-to-school summer sales where they throw in a free iPod. I got my MBP from my university's bookstore (an authorized Apple reseller) right before school started and the free 8 GB touch was definitely a pleasure.

April 12th, 2010, 03:09 PM
I have the same problem, using a 13" Macbook Pro in boot camp (windows 7 x86). Running at 800x600 on low.

SP runs fine (incredible for an integrated Geforce 9400M) but in MP I keep crashing to the desktop within minutes of joining a game.

The only component I have in common with Amit's iMac is the Cirrus audio logic HD thing, so I suspect that may be the problem, but google couldn't confirm.

However the cirrus audio logic has proven to be problematic before - the mic doesn't work in a single game and when using skype the audio volume is all messed up. So I wouldn't be surprised if the sound card is causing issues. From what I have unearthed on google searching, Apple shipped all its unibody Macs with terrible bootcamp drivers for the sound card and has refused to respond to people's complaints - and like amit said the newest drivers are still 2009.

Sigh, only 19 days before I can go home to my desktop computer...

(off topic) Amit you should've waited a month longer to buy that iMac, Apple always has the back-to-school summer sales where they throw in a free iPod. I got my MBP from my university's bookstore (an authorized Apple reseller) right before school started and the free 8 GB touch was definitely a pleasure.

Interesting words. Maybe I'll just have to see if the Mac version of steam fixes this issue...assuming DICE includes a Mac compatible version of BC2 with it, seeing as they are currently looking into it. All audio works great in both Snow Leopard and XP Home SP2, including the built-in mic (although I use a Samson G Track). Also, I don't know for sure that the drivers haven't been updated, it's just that I can't find any that Windows would utilize.

Also, we used my sister's post-secondary status to drop the price down $100 to $1499 CAD, but my sister wanted the computer now. I could have used the Ipod since my mom lost mine when she took all the stuff out of my room to paint it in october :|

April 12th, 2010, 08:14 PM
Aight, I tried playing for about 10 minutes and the game didn't freeze on me, but it was just a quick test. I've got some work to get done before I can properly test how long it can go before freezing.

April 21st, 2010, 12:06 PM
I've been getting a similar issue myself.
I would be playing anywhere between loading the map and being 30 minutes into a game and the game would just crash to desktop on me no errors nothing.
There was supposedly a patch out today to fix this but even with the patch I'm still getting the issue.