View Full Version : In Australia, everything tries to kill you...

April 14th, 2010, 02:03 PM


The Australian authorities have said a Chinese bulk carrier which ran aground off Queensland has caused widespread damage to the famed Great Barrier Reef.
The cleanup is likely to be the biggest operation ever undertaken there.
The Shen Neng 1 was refloated on Monday night, in a salvage operation brought forward because of the threat of bad weather and heavy seas.
The Australian government has indicated that a prosecution will follow because the ship ran aground in a no-go zone.
Divers have now had the chance to deliver an early assessment of the harm done to the reef, and have found coral damage and paint scrapings that stretch for more than 1km (0.6 miles).
The head of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority said there was significant scarring, and that the cleanup was likely to be the biggest operation ever undertaken on the world heritage-listed reef.
The damage might not have been so extensive had the Shen Neng 1 simply run aground and stopped.

Queensland State transport minister Rachel Nolan: "They've identified coral damage"

But the winds and currents meant that the 230m (750ft) coal carrier kept on grinding against a coral shoal for more than a kilometre during the week it was stranded, turning coral into dust.
The authorities are particularly worried about toxic paint that has been scraped off the hull - because it has immediately started killing off corals in the vicinity.
The paint is designed to stop things growing on the hulls of ships, and it could be weeks before the full extent of the damage is known.
The Chinese vessel is now in safe anchorage, having been refloated in a salvage operation brought forward because of the threat of bad weather.
It is believed that the operation was completed without adding to the two tonne oil spill which seeped from the vessel immediately after it went aground.

April 14th, 2010, 02:28 PM
I'm interested to know how exactly the ship could have gotten into that mess in the first place, especially these days when ships all have sophisticated GPS, not to mention radio contact with ports and other ships that could help warn them where they're going in case the GPS doesn't work or something. Unless of course the ship wasn't equipped with the technology at all...

April 14th, 2010, 02:30 PM
Why can't they just hide behind their wall and not bother anyone. All they've been doing is making trouble.

April 14th, 2010, 02:55 PM
Haha, this isn't a human rights and freedom of speech discussion, as much as I despise the way the PRC restricts information and speech (aka the great firewall) I don't see why that needs to be brought up here.

All I see is, bunch of retards (probably bribed their way into this career knowing major Chinese corruption?) can't pilot a ship properly, and the great barrier reef suffers for their mistake, unfortunately. Hope the area can get cleaned up before too much damage occurs, because the reef is one of the greatest places I've ever been to, not to mention all the wildlife at stake here.

e: New update: It turns out the ship ventured 15 km off the proper shipping lane? WTF kind of crew members were on board?

April 14th, 2010, 03:23 PM
The Great Wall, not the firewall.

April 14th, 2010, 04:04 PM
They knew how to pilot the ship.

they just decided to wave Australian law AND TAKE A SHORT CUT!!!
Good job guys, ya fucking idiots.

April 14th, 2010, 04:21 PM
They knew how to pilot the ship.

they just decided to wave Australian law AND TAKE A SHORT CUT!!!
Good job guys, ya fucking idiots.

That explains it, should've realized sooner why exactly the ship could veer so far off the legal course. Ignoring warnings for the sake of saving time? Not surprising.

Reminds me of how recently, the Polish president's pilot decided "better to risk dying than to be late" and decided to try to land at an airport when it was completely unsafe (thanks to fog) and ended up killing himself along with many Polish government officials.

Better late than dead, or in this shipping case, better late than arrested. Serves the crew right, I hope they never ever get put in charge of another vessel once they get out of jail.

April 14th, 2010, 08:58 PM
and you thought only americans new how to mess shit up. Naw china pollutes like nobody gives a shit. Because they don't.

April 15th, 2010, 08:04 AM
How awesome would it be if China made a statement blaming Australia for wrecking their ship. The propaganda would be great!

April 15th, 2010, 10:13 PM
Do what every country is doing these days when a large object crashes into something precious...Declare war. :realsmug:

April 16th, 2010, 11:37 AM
You're not funny.


April 19th, 2010, 05:32 PM
douche bag.

April 19th, 2010, 05:42 PM
Tens of thousands of truly innocent civilians died from that. A bunch of coral that can regrow in 5 years (ironically sped up by sinking more ships), without feelings died. Unfunny.

April 19th, 2010, 05:45 PM
Hey lets re-float this thread and get it back on topic? Well, cya

April 19th, 2010, 08:01 PM
Tens of thousands of truly innocent civilians died from that. A bunch of coral that can regrow in 5 years (ironically sped up by sinking more ships), without feelings died. Unfunny.

You have no idea how long it takes coral to grow do you?
And all the fish? Endangered species many of which not yet known to science?
Wild birds?
hahaha, you're an idiot.

I'm not even laughing at you to be rude or anything, you literally made me laugh that hard IRL. DON'T INFRACT ME BRO!

April 20th, 2010, 07:45 AM
Coral Reef Overview (http://www.coral.org/resources/about_coral_reefs/coral_overview)

Corals grow at different rates depending on water temperature, salinity, turbulence, and the availability of food. The massive corals are the slowest growing species, adding between 5 and 25 millimeters (0.2–1 inch) per year to their length. Branching and Staghorn corals can grow much faster, adding as much as 20 centimeters (8 inches) to their branches each year.