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View Full Version : Dad just bought a PS3, completed console Triforce...

April 24th, 2010, 07:26 PM
We now have all three current gen consoles, Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3... I feel like such a consolefag. :saddowns:

Anyways, what are some cool things I can do with it? I installed PS3 Media Server on this computer as a service so we can always stream my video media from this computer to the PS3 without worrying about file types and such. I plan to get the Folding@Home application thing for PS3, any other neat stuff I should be aware of?

Pyong Kawaguchi
April 24th, 2010, 08:53 PM
Ut3 ps3 supports mods/maps/weapons/characters

April 24th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Good to know, but I doubt we'll actually be using it as a gaming console haha. Got is mostly for the BluRay player and media capabilities (didn't have a BluRay player before, and good ones are still similarly priced), the internet capabilities are always nice as well.

I hear the latest system update that adds 3D support doesn't support other operating systems? I assume there's still a way to install other operating systems while maintaining the PS3 OS and all it's features?

April 24th, 2010, 09:40 PM
What games you getting

April 24th, 2010, 09:41 PM
Hope you enjoy your blu ray player, because ps3 isn't a gaming console lol!

April 24th, 2010, 09:42 PM
What games you getting

Hope you enjoy your blu ray player, because ps3 isn't a gaming console lol!

I doubt we'll actually be using it as a gaming console haha. Got is mostly for the BluRay player and media capabilities (didn't have a BluRay player before, and good ones are still similarly priced), the internet capabilities are always nice as well.

April 24th, 2010, 11:18 PM
You might not be focusing too much on the games, but nevertheless I'd go for MGS4, uncharted, and resistance for sure if I were you. Also, I heard Batman Arkham Asylum has a Joker challenge mode that's exclusive to the PS3 version (and it's free as DLC!) - so get that even if you already own Batman for another system. Playing as the joker would be pretty cool.

If in the future there's a game that's on both 360 and PS3 but not on PC (there are already some right now), and has online multiplayer, go for the PS3 version as well - I stopped paying for xbox live after a few months because it wasn't worth it. The PSN may not be as refined as XBL, but it's pretty stable from what I've seen at friends' places, and it's free which is what matters most.

Btw, the one major flaw with the PS3's blu-ray is that there's no infrared port so it will not work with universal remotes. You can get a USB dongle to add IR capability but reviews have been sketchy and also they can't be used to power the console on and off. Still, the gamepad can be used to control the movies so it's not too bad.

Unfortunately Sony removed the ability to install Linux on the PS3 (even the older Fat models lost it in the latest update) so its applications as a multipurpose computer are quite limited right now.

I'm thinking of buying one for my brothers before I leave Toronto, due to the PS3's lack of region locking for its games. This store called Gameshack is selling used titles for $15 CAD and under, making them seem quite attractive. The one major problem is the lack of luggage space right now. I've already got two huge bags with no extra room for a PS3, so I'd need to buy another luggage and somehow find a way to carry all of that with only 2 hands.

April 24th, 2010, 11:30 PM
You can always install Linux on it.

Oh wait they removed that in a recent firmware update! :haw:

Yeah, media is what it's best for. Just burn your BD rips to a DVD-9 and you can play them on your PS3. Or you can use that PS3 media streaming app do convert on the fly with subs.

April 24th, 2010, 11:41 PM
Yeah, media is what it's best for. Just burn your BD rips to a DVD-9 and you can play them on your PS3. Or you can use that PS3 media streaming app do convert on the fly with subs.
Well one of the main factors that my dad got it for was the ability to stream media, converting HD media into a format to play on the Xbox 360 would of taken way to long and burning to disk is almost always an unnecessary step nowadays. PS3 Media Server uses my PC to "transcode" the video files that it can't stream natively into a format that the PS3 will play, and it does it live so there's no waiting on progress bars.

Now we just need a TV that can display HD content, haha!

April 24th, 2010, 11:54 PM
Well one of the main factors that my dad got it for was the ability to stream media, converting HD media into a format to play on the Xbox 360 would of taken way to long
Uh...you know you can use the PS3 Media Server app with your 360, right?

Also, The 360 is a Media Center Extender. That's better than ANYTHING else you could use (aside from the WD TV Live which is kickass). Using the DivX Labs MKV for Windows 7 preview (it might be called DivX Plus now), you can stream HD content to your Xbox through Media Center on the fly. It doesn't even fuck up playing video like the normal streaming through the dashboard does on the Xbox with some Xvid videos.

April 25th, 2010, 12:47 AM
mythtv > all

sorry if this is a shit post, i just figured i'd throw that out there. please massah suh jcap, don't beat me suh.

April 25th, 2010, 01:02 AM
Ps3 has no games. Etc etc.

April 25th, 2010, 01:03 AM
Uh...you know you can use the PS3 Media Server app with your 360, right?
Yes. With extra unnecessary effort!

Also, The 360 is a Media Center Extender. That's better than ANYTHING else you could use (aside from the WD TV Live which is kickass). Using the DivX Labs MKV for Windows 7 preview (it might be called DivX Plus now), you can stream HD content to your Xbox through Media Center on the fly. It doesn't even fuck up playing video like the normal streaming through the dashboard does on the Xbox with some Xvid videos.
Using the 360 as a Media Center Extender gave me nothign but trouble, couldn't play MKV files worth a damn and video was always glitchy and jumpy as hell. PS3 is a much better solution in my opinion since it's got a BluRay player as well. Dad asked me what the best BluRay player was, I said PS3.

April 25th, 2010, 01:05 AM

April 25th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Same thing a raven and a writing desk do.

Anyways... I'm going to have to agree with Freelancer on this one. Ps3 kicks ass as a media console, but as far as games go, the 360 gets it.

April 25th, 2010, 08:07 PM
Oh, come on guys. "The PS3 has no games" was a legit argument back in 2007. As for Linux support, it's true they removed it in the latest patch. However, everything I've heard suggests that running Linux off a small flash drive on the average joe's home computer yields far better results than the late "Install Other OS" feature since you're essentially trying to run an operating system on a computer with a disabled GPU and 256mb of system RAM (the other 256MB is of course on the GPU).

Now, in terms of games library, I would suggest you stick with the 360 for one big reason: because you're established with it. Only real reason to buy PS3 games at this point is if you want to give any of its exclusives a shot, but as you said, you won't be using it for gaming in all likelihood.

While it's true the PS3 has little to no compatibility for universal remote controls, I myself recently bought the official bluetooth blu-ray remote for it and I have no complaints.

EDIT: I just realized as I read "Dad just bought a PS3" I tried to imagine my Dad buying a video games console... ah lol. Man, that guy basically refuses to even acknowledge the existence of such things as "video games".

April 25th, 2010, 08:22 PM
We only got one game for our ps3, everything else is to watch blue-ray movies.

April 25th, 2010, 08:25 PM
Yea he bought the official Bluetooth BluRay Remote Control to go with this as well, he's working up upgrading our primary television system in the house and this was the first step as a BluRay/Media Streaming device. Next will probably be an LED HDTV, I'm pushing him to get one of the 3D capable Samsung TV's since they're basically the best for 2D content viewing as well.

Picked up Avatar and 2012 on BluRay but it's wasted on our old tube TV.

April 25th, 2010, 10:32 PM
wow those "ps3 has no games" comments are pretty annoying, geez. It's not 2006 anymore, guys.

Well, I just went out and bought a 120 GB slim model from EB Games and my brothers are both looking forward to it. I'll have to buy a step down transformer when I get home but it's a small cost. Gameshack stocked a few pre-owned Sixaxis gamepads so I got 3 of them (I can live without rumble and they're much cheaper than brand new Dualshock 3s). The lack of PS2 compatibility doesn't bother me because I already have a slim PS2. I'll go out again tomorrow to get some games.

One more thing to add - the PS3's hardware peripherals have more bang for the buck than 360 peripherals. Plus the PS3 is compatible with more "universal" kinds of devices, i.e. any old Bluetooth headsets while the 360 forces you to buy their proprietary wireless headset. One big example - the PS3 gamepad costs exactly the same as the 360's wireless gamepad, yet the PS3 gamepad includes a built in battery. While it doesn't have a charging cable, it more than makes up for that by having mini USB support - and I'm sure any gadget guy has at least 10 mini USB cables lying around (they tend to come with external hard drives, cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc). The 360 controller on the other hand requires you to spend more for a play-and-charge kit unless you want to keep replacing two AA batteries every few weeks. I bought the kit anyway because I always play with rumble and having to swap batteries often is inconvenient, but I'm still sore that the PS3 gamepad had that capability for no extra cost.

Btw Freelancer, you upgraded the 2.5" hard drive yet? You can make it as large as you want without voiding the warranty.

Btw for people living around Toronto who also own PS3s, http://secure.hostdeziners.com/www_gameshack_ca/store/index.php has used games and accessories at great prices.


Nice try, macs can run boot camp you know... precisely what I'm doing. And Valve is bringing all its Source titles to Mac though I probably won't bother due to a lack of HDD space.

April 25th, 2010, 10:50 PM
If I run into HDD size issues on the PS3 I'll upgrade the drive to a 1TB, but I doubt that'll ever happen since it'll mostly be streaming media and playing BluRay's. Maybe a PS3 exclusive every now and then.

April 25th, 2010, 10:58 PM
wow those "ps3 has no games" comments are pretty annoying, geez. It's not 2006 anymore, guys.

Well, I just went out and bought a 120 GB slim model from EB Games and my brothers are both looking forward to it. I'll have to buy a step down transformer when I get home but it's a small cost. Gameshack stocked a few pre-owned Sixaxis gamepads so I got 3 of them (I can live without rumble and they're much cheaper than brand new Dualshock 3s). The lack of PS2 compatibility doesn't bother me because I already have a slim PS2. I'll go out again tomorrow to get some games.

One more thing to add - the PS3's hardware peripherals have more bang for the buck than 360 peripherals. Plus the PS3 is compatible with more "universal" kinds of devices, i.e. any old Bluetooth headsets while the 360 forces you to buy their proprietary wireless headset. One big example - the PS3 gamepad costs exactly the same as the 360's wireless gamepad, yet the PS3 gamepad includes a built in battery. While it doesn't have a charging cable, it more than makes up for that by having mini USB support - and I'm sure any gadget guy has at least 10 mini USB cables lying around (they tend to come with external hard drives, cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc). The 360 controller on the other hand requires you to spend more for a play-and-charge kit unless you want to keep replacing two AA batteries every few weeks. I bought the kit anyway because I always play with rumble and having to swap batteries often is inconvenient, but I'm still sore that the PS3 gamepad had that capability for no extra cost.

Btw Freelancer, you upgraded the 2.5" hard drive yet? You can make it as large as you want without voiding the warranty.

Btw for people living around Toronto who also own PS3s, http://secure.hostdeziners.com/www_gameshack_ca/store/index.php has used games and accessories at great prices.

Nice try, macs can run boot camp you know... precisely what I'm doing. And Valve is bringing all its Source titles to Mac though I probably won't bother due to a lack of HDD space.

Driver support in Boot Camp is terrible. =| And if you are running a MacBook Pro, then it sucks even more because the trackpad doesn't play nice with Windows.

Anyways, PS3s are awesome. I'm going to be picking one up so I can finally watch this Star Trek blu-ray I've had sitting around, as well as the Avatar blu-ray I just bought.

As for games: Killzone 2 and the Uncharted series are must-haves. MGS4 if you like interactive movies.

Pyong Kawaguchi
April 25th, 2010, 11:19 PM
Killzone 2 is wonderful.

April 26th, 2010, 10:43 AM
Driver support in Boot Camp is terrible. =| And if you are running a MacBook Pro, then it sucks even more because the trackpad doesn't play nice with Windows.

Anyways, PS3s are awesome. I'm going to be picking one up so I can finally watch this Star Trek blu-ray I've had sitting around, as well as the Avatar blu-ray I just bought.

As for games: Killzone 2 and the Uncharted series are must-haves. MGS4 if you like interactive movies.

Haha, the touchpad drivers suck, yes, but who would game with a touch pad? LOL. Also, the bad driver support leads to horrible battery life in bootcamp, so if I'm gonna game on my MBP I have no choice but to sit at a desk plugged in, so I'd just use a mouse. Anyway, heading home in 3 days, so I'll finally be reunited with my desktop and I can also install my new Radeon 5770. As for performance, it's about as good as I can expect from an integrated 9400M.

back to PS3s:

I just bought MGS4, uncharted 1, killzone 2, resistance 1 and 2, and rainbow 6 vegas 2 (all under $20 used). Thanks to the PS3's lack of region encoding I can buy more games at home.

April 26th, 2010, 06:46 PM
I never did play MGS4, but Uncharted 1 and 2 and Resistance 1 and 2 are definitely great games. Of course, anyone with a gaming PC or a 360 will likely buy Vegas 2 for one of those systems, but it's also great on PS3.

Also worth noting the PS3's sound is fucking amazing whether you use the analog cable with an adapter, optical or HDMI audio. I'm currently using the analog cable with an adapter into my old 1980s receiver with loudspeakers and it is brilliant, even if only in stereo. Also worth noting, I've read somewhere that if you're using HDMI or Optical, your receiver doesn't need any special decoding hardware as the PS3 automatically decodes even 7.1 signals to PCM so anything can read it.

April 26th, 2010, 10:25 PM
Get little big planet. Bitches love it, seriously.