View Full Version : Next Gen Red Vs Blue Now with more Monty!

April 28th, 2010, 07:08 AM
you may be wondering what i'm talking about...

A couple of years ago there was a Halo Animation made that had Master Chief Chick Fight Samus Aran, and it was awesome.

At our PAX panel this last Saturday in Boston, we announced the newest member of the RoosterTeeth staff: Monty Oum. And while the term "newest" applies to Monty, he's actually been with us for about six months now, diligently working on new projects. In fact, if you've seen our recent Waypoint videos, you've already seen him (barely) in action. To see more of his previous work, check out Monty's Youtube channel.

Three years ago, as we were wrapping up the Blood Gulch Chronicles, we saw a link to a video called "Haloid" which featured the highly improbable scenario of Master Chief from Halo fighting Samus Aran from Metroid. We always loved the animation work and the incredibly creative choreography of the fight sequences -- which is pretty much the entire video. After Haloid, Monty went on to produce the crazy-insane Dead Fantasy series which has millions of views all across the internet.

The last few months working with Monty have been an absolute blast. We look forward to showing you his amazing work in the very near future. In the meantime, go say hi.

The new series of Red vs Blue started a while ago, and i only just got around to viewing it recently because i mean seriously... it's been going a long fucking time now. But a few episodes in and Monty's work with RT becomes immediately and awesomely obvious. New editing with specific animations so it's not just a guy nodding in a suit and shooting a rifle.
theres this one scene where Red team is trying to escape from the base and they're getting their fucking ass's kicked and simmons is stuck holding onto the tail gate of the warthog flying around as they crash and make explosions with pieces of the jeep falling apart all around them.

It's just awesome.

And it's going to allow a whole heap of new dialogue and creative opportunity's for the guys in a Show that was on it's last legs.
Now it's just started kicking again.

check it out.


April 28th, 2010, 07:11 AM
Sick, glaf Monty got picked up by a successful team.

April 28th, 2010, 07:16 AM
he seriously fucking owns.

first 2 episodes he's not really in it so much but wait till you see 3 and 4.

you'll just go Holly fucking shitttteee..

April 28th, 2010, 07:19 AM
I saw episode 4, one thats mostly on Valhalla, it does seem a bit weird RvB having full animations, I liked their "clunky" style before.

April 28th, 2010, 07:21 AM
but they''ve been through 6 and a half series and if you've watched them all like i have the room they've got for the show is just starting to get a bit small.

It's not entirely animated but it just allows for so much more creativity.
i'm lovin' it~

April 28th, 2010, 07:22 AM
Yeah I do agree, it was getting a bit stale in the visuals department, it also allows alot more freedom in storylines.

Won't it take like, even longer for episodes to be made though?

April 28th, 2010, 07:41 AM
RvB was on it's last legs before the BGC even ended. Once they started trying to portray it as a serious setting with a deep story and background (:lmao:) I lost all interest.

Can you give me a plot summary between the end of BGC and this season? I may get back into it.

btw Zilla, you still a sponsor?

April 28th, 2010, 10:33 AM
Jesus. I stopped watching red vs. blue after the third season. Gotta go download that shit. Oh sweet I forgot I have the first two seasons on DVD.

This new stuff looks like the tits.

April 28th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Loooks like a Michael Bay now...

April 28th, 2010, 01:23 PM
But better.

April 28th, 2010, 01:33 PM
Loooks like a Michael Bay now...

Not quite, they haven't got megan foxes saggy tits flying every which way.

April 28th, 2010, 09:49 PM
RvB was on it's last legs before the BGC even ended. Once they started trying to portray it as a serious setting with a deep story and background (:lmao:) I lost all interest.

Can you give me a plot summary between the end of BGC and this season? I may get back into it.

btw Zilla, you still a sponsor?
nah i aint a sponsor.

My memory's a little shaky it's been a long time since i've seen the other shit.

Then came RvB: Reconstruction
But basically there was the AI program with all the different AI's and that was governed by this director guy.

at the end of project freelancer when everything was getting out of control they shut down the program but remaining AI's with different abilitys still survived.
Then Came the meta.
Some weird machine thing thats hunting down the AI's and fusing them with itself to become more powerful. So the Director sent in Agent washington to clean up the mess and he picked up the guys from all around the place. Now the Meta is obsessed with a particular AI which is Called the Alpha.
the original AI.

The Labs couldnt make an actua artificial intelligence with that sophistication so they did the next best thing.
they got a real human and tore his consciousness apart but putting it under extreme stress and forming the multiple personalitys of the one brain.
For Each new personality that divided it was removed and became the new AI.
Now this was extremely illegal so when the situation got out of hand they shut it down and tried to cover it up.
Enter agent washington.

Washington was paired with an AI and it nearly destroyed him, he was basically insane so they removed it from him, His AI was called Omega and it was the AI that posessed all the information about the true nature of the project.

Now because AI's scared the shit out of Wash after he went insane he was judged as the only one that could be trusted to not take the AI's power for it's own.

It Turns out that church is actually the alpha, he just has no memory of it, hence why he has real emotions and memorys of life earlier with Tex and shit, as well as being able to protect himself.

To take the meta and the Director down church sacrifices himself and takes control of the ai's in the meta which creates a massive EMP that fries the AIs.
But Caboose has found the AI Omega (churches memorys) and takes it back with him when they flee to Valhalla.

RvB : Relocation
was basically just setting the scene of the Red and blue army in their new outposts in Valhalla.
same sorta show as the first series. it was only a mini series. after taking down the director they assigned them to valhalla.

RvB: Recreation

they sort of travel around a bit and they find tucker and donut and Caboose manages to find a new alien technology in sandtrap (Guilty spark) and he infuses Omega with it and brings church back to life.

April 29th, 2010, 12:26 AM
Wait, stop what?
Church was an AI?
The guy who died in like ep 3?

And wasn't Omega tex's AI - the one that possed doc for a few seasons? It's been a while :v:

April 29th, 2010, 05:53 AM
Oh dude that makes me not want to watch RvB all over again. BGC was awesome enough so I stopped at the last parts where they didn't take themselves seriously.

April 29th, 2010, 07:11 AM
Wait, stop what?
Church was an AI?
The guy who died in like ep 3?

And wasn't Omega tex's AI - the one that possed doc for a few seasons? It's been a while :v:
O'Mally was Tex's AI, what ability it had i'm not sure, but the reasoning behind Church beign an AI is that there is no such thing as ghosts.

He was merely taking possession of bodies through the Headset radio like O'Mally was.
When they explain it's incredibly well done, like it just ties so many things together that happened over the course of like 6 seasons.

Also in Recreation,
Washington was imprisoned after the whole director buisness because he took out the AI's as well as shitloads of gov property.
When the guys where assaulting the Gov building back in recreation Sarge got simmons to wipe clean from command anything at all that was connected to the blue team, so he cuold make them unexist or some random shit lol.

Command has no record of the team even existing and it cant find and account for Omega (churches memorys the ai that was implanted in Washington) and they're desperate to recover it. Wash bargains that he knows where it is and who's got it, and hes the only that knows about the blue team so they let him out to track it down in exchange for his freedom.
thats why Washington is hunting Church and he's got the META with him.

My guess is that Tex still hasn't been found or recovered since she left in the pelican at the end of the 5th series, but church still knows of her and wants to save her. and he's desperate (as far as i know he doesnt know much about tex)

you up to speed yet :S

Look it's alot to watch through but it's still better then most the shit that gets posted in the youtube thread lol...
Relocation was Pretty shit (the short mini series, mainly because it was shit we've already heard)
Reconstruction was really weird but towards the end when the puzzle was just falling together it seriously owned. Got goosebumps at the end of it
Recreation was same old really
Revelation the newest looks the best so far.

April 29th, 2010, 09:02 AM
O'Mally was Tex's AI, what ability it had i'm not sure, but the reasoning behind Church beign an AI is that there is no such thing as ghosts.
O'Mally = Omega

Epsilon is Washington's AI, and is the "New Church".

April 29th, 2010, 04:27 PM
I need to watch this shit over again, I've definitely been a bit lost in some of the new episodes. Love Monty's work though, can barely tell its not ingame.

April 29th, 2010, 04:45 PM
None of the AI had special abilities (sans Omega, who learned to jump from Radio to Radio), they are just different aspects of Church.

April 29th, 2010, 09:38 PM
except for that whole slow time thing AM I RIGHT?

April 30th, 2010, 11:01 AM
Look it's alot to watch through but it's still better then most the shit that gets posted in the youtube thread lol...
I never bother with that thread lol. But I spose I'll just get plot summary's from wikipedia like everyone else :p

April 30th, 2010, 11:38 AM
except for that whole slow time thing AM I RIGHT?

Those are abilities attributed to the armor itself. And while they likely require an AI for calculation and operation, it's not unlikely that any one of them could run it.

April 30th, 2010, 03:33 PM
Wyoming and Tex could run their armor's ability without the help of an AI.

May 1st, 2010, 11:29 AM
Wyoming and Tex could run their armor's ability without the help of an AI.

Once they captured Gamma, Wyoming couldn't mess with time, so no, he needed his. Tex on the other hand:

a) Didn't have an ability that would require such precise calculation, and

b) Is an AI herself.