View Full Version : Man survives for 70 years without food or water.
April 29th, 2010, 11:09 AM
Indian doctors are studying a remarkable 83-year-old holy man who claims to have spent the last seven decades without food and water.
Sky news ( ws__Article_Teaser_Region__0&lid=ARTICLE_15622202_Holy_Man_Claims_To_Live_Witho ut_Food_And_Water_For_70_Years:_Prahlad_Jani_Put_T hrough_Tests_In_India)
Yahoo news (
This is one man who truely could not give a shit.
Choking Victim
April 29th, 2010, 11:32 AM
No. I seriously doubt this is true. I'll believe he has alzheimer's before I believe he hasn't eaten for 70 years.
Also, confusion is a symptom of starvation.
April 29th, 2010, 11:39 AM
Since the experiment began on April 22, Jani has neither eaten nor drunk and has not been to the toilet.Wat
this can't be serious...there HAS to be waste in his body somehow. "Energy" is such a broad term. The body needs so many things to survive, especially to 83. This can't be serious
April 29th, 2010, 11:54 AM
Going a week so far under strict surveillance, he hasn't had any food or water.
That's pretty good I suppose...normally it's 3 days without water (but that's a general saying) so perhaps there is something to this. Guess we'll just have to wait longer.
April 29th, 2010, 11:57 AM
lolwut, he's clearly not sucking the damn nutrients and water out of the air. Total BS.
Choking Victim
April 29th, 2010, 12:02 PM
Going a week so far under strict surveillance, he hasn't had any food or water.
That's pretty good I suppose...normally it's 3 days without water (but that's a general saying) so perhaps there is something to this. Guess we'll just have to wait longer.
Yogi's have been known to actually "control" their metabolism in some way, but even then, they only last for about 7 days. It appears this guy is on his last limb, i'll give him two or three more days before I check the headlines.
April 29th, 2010, 12:07 PM
Agreed, this is complete bs. There has to be a substance intake in order to survive. For example, without an intake of b12, his RBCs would have been at anemic levels (in this case it would be similar to pernicious anemia). Though, I can't help but wonder if he's had supplements 'injected.'
April 29th, 2010, 12:24 PM
Does injecting the nutrients count as eating?
April 29th, 2010, 12:26 PM
That's what I mean. Could explain some things if it doesn't.
Choking Victim
April 29th, 2010, 12:31 PM
Why the fuck would they be studying him if he's injecting nutrients into his body?
April 29th, 2010, 12:42 PM
Check his arms (well, not saying you can, but hey). IVs will leave a fucking mark, especially if that is his sole source of nourishment.
I hate IVs
April 29th, 2010, 12:58 PM
Why do you think I marked injects with quotes? By questioning whether or not he was injecting/taking supplements I was trying to find a logical explanation behind the man's story. Some people consider taking supplements as not 'eating'... Basically, I'm just questioning the situation. I'm not providing some definite reason.
Also, the body has crazy ways to remain homeostatic. It's possible that moisture and nutrients in the air provided the bare minimum of what he needed. He could have possibly absorbed nutrients through his skin too..
April 29th, 2010, 12:59 PM
you can only go (max) 7 days without water. a month without food if you have water (longer if you're a fatty like me).
i call shenanigans.
April 29th, 2010, 01:14 PM
a month without food if you have water (longer if you're a fatty like me).
And even then, if you don't have the right vitamin supplements then that fat won't do you any good.
April 29th, 2010, 01:27 PM
if this is true, how come he didn't tell anyone for 70 years? it would've been an amazing feat at 1 year.
April 29th, 2010, 01:31 PM
And even then, if you don't have the right vitamin supplements then that fat won't do you any good.
Correct. When fat breaks down on its own you get ketone bodies. This can cause acidosis, i can't remember the specific type of acidosis, in the body as a whole. This in turn causes fatigue, chemical imbalances, and many other problems. The symptoms would probably look most like diabetes mellitus.
Edit: ketoneacidosis was the word I was looking for.
April 29th, 2010, 02:35 PM
I'm not sure why people feel the need to apply science to everything.
I mean, I can't exactly fault that, but sometimes shit happens. I'm not sure we were ever meant to fully understand the universe, and I'm not sure whether it hates us or not.
Choking Victim
April 29th, 2010, 02:52 PM
I'm not sure why people feel the need to apply science to everything.
I mean, I can't exactly fault that, but sometimes shit happens. I'm not sure we were ever meant to fully understand the universe, and I'm not sure whether it hates us or not.
It's the only rational way of looking at things. If everyone was just to take eachother's word for it, where would we be right now?
religious war
April 29th, 2010, 03:00 PM
I'm not saying we should just accept everything, but I think that the universe fucks with us, maliciously or not, and I think we ought to try and recognize when it does.
(I'm probably talking out my ass, this whole Bungie/activision this has me angry, and I use a lot of stupid reasoning when I'm angry)
April 29th, 2010, 03:08 PM
if you know that you use stupid reasoning when you're angry, you should practice unplugging your router when you're upset.
April 29th, 2010, 03:25 PM
30 doctors! no wonder there's so many working in the US, they don't have shit to do in India.
April 29th, 2010, 05:29 PM
Hes' probably got some wierd fungi/worm larvae host in his lower intestine or something, probably gets his energy from some sort of phosphoros slime type wierd shit and hes just not aware of it.
If this were true.
April 29th, 2010, 09:47 PM
I'm not sure why people feel the need to apply science to everything.
I mean, I can't exactly fault that, but sometimes shit happens. I'm not sure we were ever meant to fully understand the universe, and I'm not sure whether it hates us or not.
how can more knowledge possibly be a bad thing??
April 29th, 2010, 11:57 PM
Some people just like to take the easy answer out of a tough question. It's easier to create an answer than to try and find one for some people.
April 29th, 2010, 11:59 PM
Knowledge is a curse. It is true: Ignorance is bliss....
April 30th, 2010, 12:31 AM
al jazeera's video. basically the same stuff, gives video of him walking around.
May 2nd, 2010, 03:14 AM
Ftfy: Man survives for a week without food and water, caught with pizza in week two.
I'm not sure why people feel the need to apply science to everything.
I mean, I can't exactly fault that, but sometimes shit happens. I'm not sure we were ever meant to fully understand the universe, and I'm not sure whether it hates us or not.
Because funny feelings and inane mental gymnastics are a piss-poor way of making progress.
Want to know why science works for damn near anything?
/rant (nothing personal, this kind of talk just drives me nuts)
May 2nd, 2010, 04:14 AM
Because funny feelings and inane mental gymnastics are a piss-poor way of making progress.
Want to know why science works for damn near anything?
/rant (nothing personal, this kind of talk just drives me nuts)
I think he's just mad because he found out father Christmas isn't real last year and it ruined his childhood memories heh.
May 3rd, 2010, 12:56 PM
Ftfy: Man survives for a week without food and water, caught with pizza in week two.
May 3rd, 2010, 01:42 PM
Making a semi-serious prediction.
May 3rd, 2010, 02:37 PM
I'd rather have the pizza. I'd totally eat it in front of this guy.
May 3rd, 2010, 03:31 PM
I'd rather have the pizza. I'd totally eat it in front of this guy.
He's obv. not hungry so he wouldn't care? And if he hasn't eaten in 70 years he wouldn't be jealous??
May 3rd, 2010, 04:01 PM
so is he dead yet.
May 3rd, 2010, 06:13 PM
He's obv. not hungry so he wouldn't care? And if he hasn't eaten in 70 years he wouldn't be jealous??
Have the finest examples of his homeland's cooking prepared, and slowly array it all before him. Sit and tenderly manipulate the food, slowly dismantling it and encouraging the scents and smells to waft freely through the room. And when you consume the last morsel, drop your fork with a dissonant clatter and lock eyes with him as he sheds a single, delicate tear.
May 4th, 2010, 01:33 AM
He's obv. not hungry so he wouldn't care? And if he hasn't eaten in 70 years he wouldn't be jealous??
Because pizza is better than popcorn. I'd need something to eat while I sit in front of this guy and watch him slowly die.
It'd also prove if he's human or not as no human can resist PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA
OT: You know what's sad? Even the phone numbers on that ad make me miss the states. Crazy european phone numbers.
May 4th, 2010, 02:01 AM
It'd also prove if he's human or not as no human can resist PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA.
My sister worked at a papa johns for 4 years. Due to this, I now know what goes on in those kitchens. I know that this is probably not a fair representation of all papa johns, and other pizza places are probably the same anyways, but I just can't bring myself to eat at those places.
one of her coworkers dropped pizza dough, and the manager stepped in it. He then picked it up, put it in the oven, cooked it and sold it to a customer.
And there are other horror stories
May 4th, 2010, 02:38 AM
so is he dead yet.
May 7th, 2010, 12:08 PM
Is he dead yet?
May 8th, 2010, 12:25 AM
Costco pizza supremacy. $9.95 for an 18 inch 4 topping pizza.
Also, what Heathen said.
kornman edit: This is the last pizza reference. Back to talking about old indian men who claim to only live off energy
May 8th, 2010, 10:24 AM
Animals can do it, i don't think it's that farfetched for him to figure it out. There are people who can hold their breath for around 6 minutes and longer. They havent got anything special, just they know somehow a way to tell their brain to use less sugars and distrubute energy in a different way.
There also has been no report of him dying yet (as if he did, there would be) so he's obviously broken a world record atm, and, could definatly go for longer (waaaaaaay longer) if the month long challenge holds up.
He also looks dam good for an 80 something year old.
Choking Victim
May 8th, 2010, 10:46 AM
Animals can do it, i don't think it's that farfetched for him to figure it out.
Animals that have evolved the ability to adapt to their environment over millions of years can do it, not humans. Until I hear about him in the news for not being dead, I'll believe it. If he broke a world record, wouldn't you think the first thing they would do is publish a story about it? If he died, wouldn't that be more of an embarrassment for everyone that wasted their time with it, making them hesitant to relay the information to the public?
May 8th, 2010, 12:16 PM
Well, if in five years they have a story about a man living 75 years without sustenance, then we'll know eh?
May 8th, 2010, 12:58 PM
My money's on him having been caught. Or perhaps he lapsed into unconsciousness and was fed nutrients through an IV. Either way, probably nothing that he'd want put into the newspapers.
Animals can do it, i don't think it's that farfetched for him to figure it out. There are people who can hold their breath for around 6 minutes and longer. They havent got anything special, just they know somehow a way to tell their brain to use less sugars and distrubute energy in a different way.
May 8th, 2010, 09:14 PM
I understand that being a bit sceptical is never a bad thing, but to brush anything that conflicts with modern science under the rug isn't going to get anyone anywhere. I've heard about this sort of thing before; that is, this isn't the first story to pop up about humans lasting extended periods of time without nourishment. I think people seriously underestimate the power of meditation - these people are far more in tune with their bodies than we are.
I remember watching some documentary a couple of years ago about some crazy old bastard that had developed the ability to photosynthesize, via an ancient technique that involved gazing at the sun. Cool shit, assuming it's true.
Choking Victim
May 8th, 2010, 10:46 PM
I understand that being a bit sceptical is never a bad thing, but to brush anything that conflicts with modern science under the rug isn't going to get anyone anywhere. I've heard about this sort of thing before; that is, this isn't the first story to pop up about humans lasting extended periods of time without nourishment. I think people seriously underestimate the power of meditation - these people are far more in tune with their bodies than we are.
I remember watching some documentary a couple of years ago about some crazy old bastard that had developed the ability to photosynthesize, via an ancient technique that involved gazing at the sun. Cool shit, assuming it's true.
The fact is, photosynthesis isn't a learned skill. It's an evolutionary trait developed over billions of years. Humans can't photosynthesize because we don't have chlorophyll, a key element in the photosynthetic process. Chlorophyll is the vital element that allows plants to obtain energy from light. The overwhelming amount of pseudoscience in this thread is absolutely astonishing.
May 8th, 2010, 11:45 PM
The fact is, photosynthesis isn't a learned skill. It's an evolutionary trait developed over billions of years. Humans can't photosynthesize because we don't have chlorophyll, a key element in the photosynthetic process. Chlorophyll is the vital element that allows plants to obtain energy from light. The overwhelming amount of pseudoscience in this thread is absolutely astonishing.
Couldn't agree more.
May 9th, 2010, 07:45 AM
The fact is, photosynthesis isn't a learned skill. It's an evolutionary trait developed over billions of years. Humans can't photosynthesize because we don't have chlorophyll, a key element in the photosynthetic process. Chlorophyll is the vital element that allows plants to obtain energy from light. The overwhelming amount of pseudoscience in this thread is absolutely astonishing.
I love the smell of ownage in the morning.
May 11th, 2010, 08:20 AM
The military has just released him from the hospital after 2 weeks. He is still fine, and apparently still hasn't eaten or drunk anything in that entire time and shows no signs of giving.
Everyone is still baffled :/
If his 2 weeks are true, this guy surviving that period without drinking water, nearly 90 years old that already disproves what we call modern science. Not to mention the not eating food part or taking a shit part.
This is either a conspiracy and was all faked for some sort of distraction from some other issue, either locally or globally, or the first signs of an evolutionary step?
Think, these guys have been sungrazing/starving themselves/meditating for thousands of years. Who's to say after all that ancestry and time, for the old guy here, the magic finally paid off?
Would also explain to me why the mason ordo templi fuckers love the shit out of their sun/eye symbolism, and their thirst to be uber 1337. This actually is making more sense to me now. Maybe there's a part of science we weren't let in on? I don't know, just wondering.
What I mean is, if people (our leaders, political figures) knew how to live much longer lives, and shared that information, wouldn't that essentially break society and fuck up our world? Overpopulation is already a boiling point issue for these fuckers. I don't see mass death prevention being something they'd bend over backwards for, especially if it's something so accepted and final as death before 100.
This is all just rambling btw.
One things for sure, my mum wasn't wrong when she told me to get some more sun :>
May 11th, 2010, 08:36 AM
They havent got anything special, just they know somehow a way to tell their brain to use less sugars and distrubute energy in a different way..I'm sorry but how the fuck isnt that special? Your saying they 'override' their brain which does these things without us consciously having to.
I have no idea how this guy is alive, but trust me dane, this is more of a freak of nature, we cant just "work out" how it happens and then replicate it.
It will be interesting to see if this guy needs to sleep.
May 11th, 2010, 09:05 AM
I don't think any intelligent lifeform, based from this Earth, can survive without sleeping. Part of the purpose of dreaming is for the brain to process the information it's taken in during time spent awake (plus, you know, for the body to grow and repair itself). Unless he also evolved with different brain chemistry which allows for such concentrated processing in real time to render that part of sleeping useless. I think it'd be obvious to brain scans if there was that such an evolution at work. It'd be like looking at a Pentium 3 vs a Quantum computer.
Choking Victim
May 11th, 2010, 09:15 AM
I don't think any intelligent lifeform, based from this Earth, can survive without sleeping. Part of the purpose of dreaming is for the brain to process the information it's taken in during time spent awake (plus, you know, for the body to grow and repair itself). Unless he also evolved with different brain chemistry which allows for such concentrated processing in real time to render that part of sleeping useless. I think it'd be obvious to brain scans if there was that such an evolution at work. It'd be like looking at a Pentium 3 vs a Quantum computer.
Killer whales and dolphin baby's don't sleep for an entire month after birth, and they're arguably one of the most intelligent animals on this planet.
As for this old man, I'm still extremely skeptical. I can't believe something if it defies logical reasoning. Shouldn't this story be alot bigger if it held a grain of truth to it?
Can we see a source Dane?
May 11th, 2010, 04:02 PM
no more dane no more.
Reaper Man
May 11th, 2010, 04:14 PM
no more dane no more.
^ Dane, way to try too hard. For fuck's sake. Do you ever take the time to listen to yourself? Talk about paranoia...
Science has been hiding things from us? Magic? What?
May 11th, 2010, 07:53 PM
As for this old man, I'm still extremely skeptical. I can't believe something if it defies logical reasoning. Shouldn't this story be alot bigger if it held a grain of truth to it?
Pretty much fucking this ^. I can't even take this seriously without more information on it, coming from more sources. More FACTS.
Can we see a source Dane?
Also this. You should know by now, if you're going to be crazy you better have a fucking source for us or you're going to get laughed off.
Rob Oplawar
May 11th, 2010, 08:18 PM
Well, here's the thing. This whole thing may be very convincing and confusing and awe-inspiring, but it's not reproducible. He's the only guy we know of who can do it. Either this guy needs to spend the next few years of his life under close scrutiny or we need to find a lot more people who can do this or it's simply not science. It's possible, but telepathy might also be possible. It's not worthwhile to take it seriously until we've got some a range of data on it rather than an extremely unusual single data point.
May 11th, 2010, 08:26 PM
What I mean is, if people (our leaders, political figures) knew how to live much longer lives, and shared that information, wouldn't that essentially break society and fuck up our world? Overpopulation is already a boiling point issue for these fuckers. I don't see mass death prevention being something they'd bend over backwards for, especially if it's something so accepted and final as death before 100.
Factor this into your equations:
If the entire population of Earth suddenly stopped eating food, discarding any kind of bodily waste, and started living longer, wouldn't that actually cut down on A LOT of non-renewable resource consumption? After-all we wouldn't need to grow food or consume fresh water like we do, and all costs and resources going towards transportation and production of such things would simply stop.
May 11th, 2010, 09:14 PM
How are you people taking Dano seriously?
He's either an incredibly obvious troll or mentally challenged. In either case, I wouldn't take him too seriously.
May 12th, 2010, 12:08 AM
Oh, so now you're saying they let him go. If true, this would be one of the most important discoveries in human history, and these military types are supposedly taking a laissez faire, "lol cya later man" attitude? Not only that, you claim this geriatric "disproves what we call modern science", and you don't even expend the energy to link a single source. Then you finish by tweaking your tinfoil hat a few times.
You, sir, are a cow.
May 12th, 2010, 04:30 AM
Confirmation that he has survived the 2 weeks - saw it in an article in my mX newspaper as well.
May 12th, 2010, 05:17 AM
Confirmation that he has survived the 2 weeks - saw it in an article in my mX newspaper as well.
Excerpt of the last half (emphasis mine):
Jani, dubbed "the starving yogi" by some, did have limited contact with water while gargling and periodically bathing, reported the news wire service AFP. While researchers said they measured what he spit out, Van Rooyen said he's clearly getting fluid somehow.
"You can hold a lot of water in those yogi beards. A sneaky yogi for certain," he said. "He MUST take in water. The human body cannot survive without it." The effects of food and water deprivation are profound, Van Rooyen explained. “Ultimately, instead of metabolizing sugar and glycogen [the body’s energy sources] you start to metabolize fat and then cause muscle breakdown. Without food, your body chemistry changes. Profoundly malnourished people autodigest, they consume their own body’s resources. You get liver failure, tachycardia, heart strain. You fall apart.”
The yogi, though, would already be dead from lack of hydration. If he really went without any liquids at all, his cardiovascular system would have collapsed. “You lose about a liter or two of water per day just by breathing,” Van Rooyen said. You don’t have to sweat, which the yogi claims he never does. That water loss results in thicker blood and a drop in blood pressure.
“You go from being a grape to a raisin,” Van Rooyen said and if you didn’t have a heart attack first, you’d die of kidney failure."Hay guys, got water in mah mouth, didn't swallow any I swear :iamafag:"
Bravo, researchers, your methods are truly impeccable :golfclap:
May 12th, 2010, 04:45 PM
"Hay guys, got water in mah mouth, didn't swallow any I swear :iamafag:"
They did measure what he spit out, and there were no reports that a substantial amount was lost. Some would be absorbed into saliva and the mouth however.
May 12th, 2010, 04:47 PM
A better indicator of whether or not he was eating food would be to check his teeth... given he doesn't brush.
May 12th, 2010, 06:20 PM
They did measure what he spit out, and there were no reports that a substantial amount was lost. Some would be absorbed into saliva and the mouth however.
Indeed. But what I'm saying is that this shouldn't have even happened. No gargling, no baths, keeping him longer than two weeks... you know, some bloody common sense applied by these researchers. Their methods leave a lot to be desired.
May 12th, 2010, 08:21 PM
Well he isn't claiming to be immune to disease, so no baths or gargling is harmful to his health, aside from what he claims he can survive. You cant live on amounts of water immeasurably small that you swallowed while gargling. That is arguing semantics. Not saying I believe it either.
May 12th, 2010, 09:35 PM
Then they ought to keep him in a hermetic bubble if that's a concern. This is supposed to be scientific, not some "wee awesome fun" adventure that panders to the dude claiming he has magical powers.
I know I'm being a humourless bastard about this, but dammit, this stuff is important. Junk science begets junk results :v:
May 17th, 2010, 03:28 AM
Bump for James Randi, because he is awesome.
May 17th, 2010, 08:44 AM
I couldnt agree more with the video
May 17th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Ok look, I think I need to do a serious post here and clear some shit up. I am not trolling.
The reason I never cited a source was because it was on primetime news. I assume that shit gets practically beamed into your retinas in Americaland. I saw it on the news, guy was released, I posted.
Also, I simply adore how people always demand articles and pages and sources to prove facts contrary to the ones they absorbed without question and blindly accepted from television and news/popular media.
That's what I call Faith, guys. Wheres your asking and questioning when mr TV or mr youtube blog fucktard says this and that? Your right, you don't ask.
If I was to cite every reference and every piece and every little snippet of collected info that brought me to a conclusion about something, I wouldn't stop typing and I'd surpass bodies postcount within a week.
I just couldn't give a fuck to elaborate because you obviously don't want to hear it, so I will not waste my time anymore. This post however, is just because I'm irritated. Don't think for a second I care about your praise or shuns. I wish you were that important to me, but your not. Why do I still come here? A personal little game. I'm in belief beyond a doubt that people will never change, and I'm giving people as best a chance to see what happens. All of this, for me.
I have to be the dipshit with the other point of view, because there doesn't seem to be one here. I figure If it's going to be me as "the guy" I may as well try my best. As misguided and overexplosive as I am at times.
"The truth is out there", find it. Believe, don't believe, that's your role, investigate rather than deviate, cool were happy campers.
It takes alot of serious sifting through complete shit to find wholesome information.
Back to the old guy:
Look, it's most likely some form of bullshit, there probably isn't some weird science shit eye sun magic stuff. I'm sure there's some explanation for it, but that sunray/eyeball/pyramid imagery just really gets me thinking sometimes.
This is what I mean:
The Pineal Gland in the brain. This is actually referred to as our 3rd eye. It is shaped like a pinecone, and like a pinecone, pineapple, ocean waves and much more, it's spiraling segments mathematically match up to exactly the Fibonacci spiral.
Anyway, the pineal gland is said to be effected by light in weird ways, and produces hormones that can alter sleep patterns and do weird shit to senses, bodily functions and things like that.
Interestingly, there is also a large statue of the pineal gland itself outside the Vatican if I recall correctly. They sprinkle ash on it (or a smaller one/s) at ceremonies? Hazy on that, but again, at the Vatican, the good ole triangle eye shit above doorways.
Can't help but wonder, that's all.
Choking Victim
May 17th, 2010, 11:13 AM
That's what I call Faith, guys. Wheres your asking and questioning when mr TV or mr youtube blog fucktard says this and that? Your right, you don't ask.
It requires almost as much faith as believing every conspiracy theory some clown on the internet pulls out of his dick hole.
I'm in no way defending mainstream media and I asked for a source because I wanted to see if it was credible.
As for the old man, James Randi said it all. Organisms live to eat, no exceptions, no miracles, no photosynthesizing people.
Reaper Man
May 17th, 2010, 11:38 AM
I am a conspiracy theorist so just listen to me, ok?
Pretty much what I read.
Though it may not apply to this situation, you need to seriously look at Occam's razor. You try too hard to find things wrong with the way the world works - and there's plenty, that's for sure - but claims like "they are hiding things in science" or whatever it was you said, is absurd. It's as if you're not satisfied with life, so you try to make it like you're living in some melodramatic movie/novel. Sure, you're more than welcome to look at alternative views, in fact it's good that you do, but it seems to me that you tote them simply because they are alternative, and therefore better because all of us drones in "Americaland" accept such things as modern science.
I hate to break this to you, but not all of life is interesting and controversial, so don't try to make it so just because you're dissatisfied with the norm.
May 17th, 2010, 03:34 PM
Wait, wut?
It's like you had a point, but while delivering it you dropped it and broke it into a thousand pieces, and then tried to wrap it up and still deliver it after gluing it back together.
You're crazy Dane
May 17th, 2010, 04:12 PM
sorry all i got was yeah "what ever..... MR SCIENTIST"
May 17th, 2010, 06:11 PM
I just couldn't give a fuck to elaborate because you obviously don't want to hear it, so I will not waste my time anymore.
Bullshit, sir. What a long-winded way of saying you're "taking your ball and going home" because we're not as easily convinced as you in such matters. Do you seriously believe we want these bizarre claims to turn out false? How the fuck does that work? "Oh hay, there's something fantastic, I'm not going to believe just because I don't want fantastic things :v:". Subsisting on sunlight, magic, effective and cheap homeopathic medicine, UFOs visiting Earth, life after death, etc... sure, I'd like all of these things to be true. But I have to separate what I want and what is, because the human race is full of magicians, illusionists, and hoaxers. If you go around taking people's claims at face value, you will be taken in so often it'll make your head spin. Hence the sceptical disposition! If it's true, rigorous testing and research will bear it out.
We don't want to hear alternatives to the norm? Bull. Shit.
Rob Oplawar
May 17th, 2010, 06:40 PM
Also, I simply adore how people always demand articles and pages and sources to prove facts contrary to the ones they absorbed without question and blindly accepted from television and news/popular media.
There is a concept called the Burden of Proof, and to support your argument by shifting it onto your opponent (ie, "I won't support my own claims; I'll challenge you to support yours") is a logical fallacy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that this goes both ways, and both sides are committing that fallacy here.
The difference is that the burden of proof rightly belongs on the person making the extraordinary claim that goes against pre-existing knowledge.
For example, it is commonly regarded as a fallacy to support one's argument by saying "You cannot disprove my conclusion".
Likewise, it is a fallacy to support one's own argument that relies on extremely unusual premises by challenging the opponent to prove their refutation of those premises. Like, say, "Hey, believe my absurd claims of supernatural powers and conspiracies or don't, but I won't cite direct evidence for my claims if you won't cite direct evidence for well-known facts."
"Contrariwise", continued Tweedledee, "If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."
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