May 1st, 2010, 05:00 PM
I've only just heard about this because apparently the media doesn't find this worthy of reporting.
Quoted from wikipedia.
The Bill was debated at a brief committee stage during the "wash up" period after the general election was announced in April 2010, and a few controversial clauses were dropped. 38 Degrees, who are working with the Open Rights Group to mobilise opposition to the bill, state that over 22,000 people have emailed their MPs through their web site. 38 Degrees have also raised over £20,000 in donations to fund newspaper ads against the bill. More than 35,000 people signed a Number 10 petition[22], started by Andrew Heaney at ISP TalkTalk, objecting to being disconnected without fair trial.
Basicly from what I understand of this, you can be accused of copyright infringement and get your connection cut off without a fair warning.
What The Fuck...
Quoted from wikipedia.
The Bill was debated at a brief committee stage during the "wash up" period after the general election was announced in April 2010, and a few controversial clauses were dropped. 38 Degrees, who are working with the Open Rights Group to mobilise opposition to the bill, state that over 22,000 people have emailed their MPs through their web site. 38 Degrees have also raised over £20,000 in donations to fund newspaper ads against the bill. More than 35,000 people signed a Number 10 petition[22], started by Andrew Heaney at ISP TalkTalk, objecting to being disconnected without fair trial.
Basicly from what I understand of this, you can be accused of copyright infringement and get your connection cut off without a fair warning.
What The Fuck...