View Full Version : 20th of May, Draw Muhammad Day, First annual.
May 10th, 2010, 04:51 AM
In Response to the recent South park cartoonist episode, where western free speech was censored for the peace, under threats from Extremists the people of youtube are striking back.
on the 20th of may there is going to be hopefully thousands of drawn images of muhammad to show support for the freedoms our great countrys have prospered on and used to build out way out of the dirt.
I for one will not trade my freedoms for someone else's Ideology.
Thats why i'm going to draw muhammad.
Will anyone else join me.
May 10th, 2010, 05:02 AM
Normally I can suppress my conspiracy theorist within me, but I can't for some reason right now:
Why do I get the feeling we're going to get nuked for this?
May 10th, 2010, 05:30 AM
Normally I can suppress my conspiracy theorist within me, but I can't for some reason right now:
Why do I get the feeling we're going to get nuked for this?
nothing conspiratoria in it at all tbqh.
When Cartoons of all things are being censored because they dont want riots in the streets from retards i think theres a problem with the freedom of speech and expression.
So why not use our supposed free speech to do the thing they're trying to stop.
It aint a ridicule campaign, it's an awareness campaign that the cornerstones of western developed society are being degraded by bigoted, homophobic retards.
It's not against islam.
May 10th, 2010, 06:56 AM
Not taking part.
I think this event, even if not intended, is definitely antagonizing towards Muslims. The purpose behind this seems confused: I don't approve of banned images, but the people involved here are going out of their way to make very dogmatic people uncomfortable. Freedom of expression or not, I still respect the idea of holy figures not being depicted. That said, I don't see any problem when they're depicted for a good reason: documentaries, feature-films, sometimes even advancing the plot of a cartoon show. Because it should be up to the true believers to adhere to their beliefs, and pay no heed to what everyone else thinks or does.
That said, making pictures of Muhammad "because we can" still seems like a very childish reason. And trying to immortalize it through an internet-holiday seems equally futile. I think we could do a lot better in addressing the issue of free-speech and tolerance.
It'll be great to see how this goes, and more power to the people involved. But for now, I won't be helping the cause.
May 10th, 2010, 07:13 AM
Fight for the right to draw the pictures of Muhammed, then choose not to.
May 10th, 2010, 07:31 AM
Not taking part.
I think this event, even if not intended, is definitely antagonizing towards Muslims. The purpose behind this seems confused: I don't approve of banned images, but the people involved here are going out of their way to make very dogmatic people uncomfortable. Freedom of expression or not, I still respect the idea of holy figures not being depicted. That said, I don't see any problem when they're depicted for a good reason: documentaries, feature-films, sometimes even advancing the plot of a cartoon show. Because it should be up to the true believers to adhere to their beliefs, and pay no heed to what everyone else thinks or does.
That said, making pictures of Muhammad "because we can" still seems like a very childish reason. And trying to immortalize it through an internet-holiday seems equally futile. I think we could do a lot better in addressing the issue of free-speech and tolerance.
It'll be great to see how this goes, and more power to the people involved. But for now, I won't be helping the cause.
Actually, Iawtp
Nobody would have gotten this idea had the cartoon not been censored.
May 10th, 2010, 07:37 AM
Fight for the right to draw the pictures of Muhammed, then choose not to.
This is about the ability to depict these things, should we choose too.
Ya know that whole freedom from religion thing, and having things censored over religious ideals that is being imposed upon us violently is what this is about.
It's not about all muslims, but If those extremists cant respect our views and rights, why should we bend over backwards for them? After they fucking threaten us.
Fuck them.
If your a normal or sane muslim you should see where this is comming from, where we are coming from and why this is important.
Dont get so wrapped up in the event itself, but the meanings and the circumstances behind it.
Think of it along the same lines as 4/20.
A protest of the prohibition of Pot, and to show support that there is a huge movement of people that want to de-criminalize it for many very very good reasons, alot of people smoke on it.
I personally dont smoke, but i still support the cause.
The ability for people to be free to smoke a relatively harmless drug, recreationally and responsibly without loss of income, persecution and Jail.
This is just the ability for people to exercise their free speech on this issue should they choose too without the threat of threats, violence and death
May 10th, 2010, 12:17 PM
cool beans, ill be joining this, if snaf's cool with it.
May 10th, 2010, 12:24 PM
i think this is just getting ridiculous and immature. no they have no right forcing their religious beliefs down our throats, but we shouldn't mock them for what they believe. yes we have a right not to be censored but that doesn't mean we should intentionally degrade an entire religion because some pissed off new york group decided to death threat south park.
May 10th, 2010, 12:46 PM
Fight for the right to draw the pictures of Muhammed, then choose not to.
Yeah this
If you actually draw muhammed then you're being a dick for no other reason than to offend muslims
It's a bit like fighting for your right to call black people niggers because FREE SPEECH GUYS
May 10th, 2010, 01:34 PM
May 10th, 2010, 02:35 PM
oh boy 4chan shit
May 10th, 2010, 09:33 PM
I would draw Mohammad not to offend Muslims but to express my freedom of speech. In fact, i would probably 'draw' him in a very kind manner unlike most of these people.
And these people do have a right to be outraged if you draw him and put him in a tub of pee. Just like Christians have a right to.
May 10th, 2010, 09:35 PM
yeah i wasnt exactly gunna draw him being boned in the ass.
i was just gunna draw a stick figure put a beard and a turbon on and say it's muhammad
May 10th, 2010, 09:36 PM
I'd rather express my freedom of speech someother way.
It seems as though it's just being done out of spite.
Besides, it's not like muslims are keeping you down.
May 10th, 2010, 09:45 PM
I would draw Mohammad not to offend Muslims but to express my freedom of speech. In fact, i would probably 'draw' him in a very kind manner unlike most of these people.
if I could draw, this is what I'd do. don't see the point in drawing him offensively due to hating Muslims or whatever. 's not like he's necessarily responsible for what his followers do centuries later. same with Jesus.
May 10th, 2010, 09:51 PM
draw comics that arnt necessarily obscene, but just poking fun at the religion, just like they do with christianity. its the same deal really
that being said, this seems like a spite thread for a spite idea. freedom to draw whatever without getting death threats is good, but abusing that freedom just to make fun of specific people just seems kind of wrong. i feel like we are just poking the bees nest with a stick at this point.
then again people relentlessly bash christianity all the time, so i dont see how this is much different. still a dick move, but not much different
May 10th, 2010, 11:52 PM
you're missing the point bod. yes you have rights and freedoms, but is it necessary to offend the entire religion just so you can show your rights? there are plenty of other Muslims out there who did nothing wrong but I'm sure they would appreciate it if you didn't disgrace their beliefs. Again, they shouldn't force their beliefs down our throats, but still doesn't give us the right to degrade them out of spite. The idea of being the bigger person comes to mind here.
Christianity also can not be compared to Islam. They are two very different religions from two very different cultures. Don't even try to compare them and say they bashing an American prevalent religion in America is the same as defying a Middle Eastern prevalent religion in America.
Just feel as though this whole idea is petty and everyone wants to be all HURRR DEFEND MAH RIGHTS!!! over stupid ass shit, when there has been FAR worse shit that has occurred and no one seems to give a fuck about.
May 11th, 2010, 12:13 AM
the only relation i was drawing between the 2 religions is that if people are going to make fun of christianity, they might as well make fun of islam too
i understand what youre saying though
May 11th, 2010, 12:39 AM
Well, I've had time to think over things from what I said talking to you, Bod, since last night, and I have this to say on the matter:
All this really is is a dick-waving contest disguised as something greater and noble. I don't agree with the extremists' actions, threatening westerners over a religious taboo. I don't agree with the governmental decisions to censor the cartoons because of those threats. However, all the Western world is doing with 5/20 is showing them just how much of smug, upright pricks we are. We're essentially antagonizing an entire culture and religion just because of some loudmouth minority of zealots that likes to make death threats. If anything, we should be protesting the decision made by the government, and not doing this.
May 11th, 2010, 02:00 AM
Why do you all associate this protest as a spite hate fuelled agenda?
i mean look at the amount of threats and Actual deaths that have been committed by the hands of those loony extremists and all we do for it is AGREE TO THEIR DEMANDS? at the expense of OUR RIGHTS?
This is a protest over the murder of these people.
it's not "hey muslimz i know wut makes u Mad. :muhammad picture: U Mad?
May 11th, 2010, 02:10 AM
We didn't give into shit. Our regulating authorities did.
And this isn't a "spite hate fueled agenda," this is an asinine "NO U" fight aimed at thick-headed dipshits that don't - no, WON'T get the hint. All this will accomplish is making Islam extremists hate us yet more. You asked me what we could do better than this last night? As I said, take it to the regulating authorities that did the censoring and tell them to HAHDIN THA FUCK UP.
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -Mark Twain
May 11th, 2010, 07:41 AM
Christianity also can not be compared to Islam. They are two very different religions from two very different cultures.
Actually, they're pretty much the exact same religion from the exact same region.
This whole plan to draw Muhammed is distasteful. I support the right to do it, I just wouldn't.
I think a better thing to do would be to steal the uncensored SP episode and spam it ad-nauseam. Of course they should have aired it the way it was supposed to be in the first place and no one should have let forced them to back down. Acting now is kind of like beating your dog 10 minutes late, dog won't get it.
May 11th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Actually, they're pretty much the exact same religion from the exact same region.
False. Christianity was essentially a sect of Judaism with its foundations and beliefs getting their origins from the Greco-Roman mystery religions. The ideas preached by Jesus Christ were basically idea which created "the poor mans religion". Using similar beliefs of the Greco-Roman religions, except was available to all who wished to follow it...and had believed in Jesus Christ. Islam began around 600 AD and began when Muhammad had his "revelations" then these revelations were written down into what became the Qur'an. Both religions have very different backgrounds and teach different ideals, beliefs, and practices. More importantly, in modern times, these religions have developed very differently. Islam has vastly stronger presence in the everyday life of its followers (more so in middle east but many still do so else where), even more importantly their ideas of government revolve strongly around religion. Christianity in America has become quite the opposite. We know it's there, but most people just kind of shrug it off until we decide to argue ideas between science and religion. (Correct me if I recalled anything about Islam incorrectly). /religioneducation
I know that's not what you're trying to do bod, but that's how others see it. Remember that.
May 11th, 2010, 12:25 PM
False religion education
Christianity is a derivation of Judaism. Both Judaism and Islam are derivations of various Babylonian-era (existing middle eastern) religions. Both Jesus and Muhammed took from what was already there. Both religions share stories e.g, the Great Flood, Abraham, etc... why? Because they share a common ancestor. Because they were both derived in the same region and from the same cultures.
The only real difference today is that modern christians are afaik and muslims are not so much. Christians are sort of done slaughtering millions while Muslims aren't there yet.
Also note that all similarities to polytheistic Rome in Christianity are purely liturgical and have no mention in the Bible.
May 11th, 2010, 12:58 PM
you're taking the most basic principles of both religions and saying they're the same. That's like saying pizza and a turkey and cheese sandwich are the exact same thing because they both use cheese. They are two different religions with two very different influences. They are NOT the same thing. And don't group all Muslims together saying they still slaughter everyone. That's a small group of radicals who give the rest of the world these misconceptions that MUSSIES R BAD! This world is far from religious perfection and everyone is to blame. I feel as though we've shifted our argument here, but it's still important to understand the Islamic faith when trying to fight its censorship...
May 11th, 2010, 01:54 PM
herpderp religion of peace blah blah precious snowflakes
They are the same.
I feel as though we've shifted our argument here, but it's still important to understand the Islamic faith when trying to fight its censorship...
only insofar as "know thine enemy" is concerned.
I disagree with the whole premise that just because they care more we should care more.
The law is indifferent. Basic rights are indifferent. Freedom of speech is indifferent. That's how it should be.
Respect is a different matter. It IS disrespectful and I think this plan to draw Muhammad is more spiteful than anything. However, I'm not going to agree with any agency, censorship board, religious council, or government branch that attempts to legislate, force, or maliciously coerce respect out if its own citizens no matter how offended someone is.
May 11th, 2010, 02:16 PM
:facepalm: this is pointless. either I'm not explaining it properly or you're just dense.
May 11th, 2010, 03:24 PM
:facepalm: this is pointless. either I'm not explaining it properly or you're just dense.
:eng101: (read the article)
tbqh there are some fundamental differences between the two although for the purposes of :ontopic: not so much.
The Bible clearly states that drawing pictures of God is blasphemy (also see: idols, sacrilege, Commandments 1 & 2) and the punishments for these, according to the Old Testament, have always been death. This philosophy was even extended to those of other religions, idolators, whole cities of which were burned, nations conquered, etc... Now, Obviously, the early Catholic Church perverted all of this by reintroducing polytheism (Saints, Mary, Pope worship) and Roman schedules (dropped Sabbath, picked up Sunday worship: common day of worship to Roman Gods) and various other pagan holidays and practices such as Christmas and Easter, so the literal adherence of the 10 Commandments has been lost since. Only more recent Christian sects have picked up the literal (Latter Day Saints, Seventh Day Adventists) meanings. Of course all this could be completely ignored depending on how you interpret the New Testament. Point is, for all those that claim to follow the Ten Commandments, they should all be just as indignant. They just aren't. Why? because the majority of Christians are secularized. Islam hasn't as much.
May 11th, 2010, 04:18 PM
Sillies, the 3 predominant religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) are all derived from essentially the same thing(s).
May 11th, 2010, 04:34 PM
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Go, draw your cartoons. Just don't be jerks about it.
Edit: Also, It's not the drawing of God, it's the worship of idols that's against the commandments, which includes the worshiping of God in front of a picture of him.
That's how I learned it anyways... Were it not so, half of Michaelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci's stuff would have been destroyed ages ago.
May 11th, 2010, 05:02 PM
Go, draw your cartoons. Just don't be jerks about it.
Edit: Also, It's not the drawing of God, it's the worship of idols that's against the commandments, which includes the worshiping of God in front of a picture of him.
That's how I learned it anyways... Were it not so, half of Michaelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci's stuff would have been destroyed ages ago.
A literal interpretation would forbid it entirely. But, like I already pointed out...the Sistine Chapel is a Catholic building. It's quite possible that Moses would have destroyed it. But that is clearly an Old Testament view. The debates between Peter and Paul are very revealing on the differences so I think it's probably safe to excuse New Testament believers from being outraged though the hypocracy of the Old+New Testament believers is so common.
May 11th, 2010, 06:13 PM
If you believe in the New Testament, you can believe in the Old one was well.... Jesus himself said to do away with the old law and live a higher one, one that has forgiveness.
May 11th, 2010, 06:25 PM
I just wasn't making my argument clear. Read the article but still wasn't what I was trying to say. Either way, irrelevant. (Also the first story of the bible wasn't written until at LEAST 50 years after Jesus's death)
Any who, I think there are better ways, and more relevant arguments to use if you're so adamant about your censorship rights, not one that directly insults a religion when most of its followers have nothing to do with it.
May 11th, 2010, 07:21 PM
The Torah (Old Testament, first 5 books of moses) has been around for thousands of years. Also, we have no idea when it was actually written without getting our hands on the actual manuscripts... Many sections of the Bible are literally letters from one apostle to another. (After Jesus' death anyway) And yeah, it's irrelevant.
Oh and drawing Mohammed in a dignified fashion wouldn't be insulting to those who aren't extremists because they (typically) don't take the Qu'ran as literally (that's how you spell it right?).
Rob Oplawar
May 11th, 2010, 10:13 PM
I was about to post a really long longpostabout this, but I think instead I'll boil it down to the main points (which is still rather long):
On 5/20, I intend to put up an image on my website, encased in a spoiler block. It will warn Muslims not to view the image if it offends them, but it will be there.
The reason is twofold. First, I want to loudly state to regulating bodies (not Muslims) that while they should be encouraged to give ratings and issue warnings about content, and while it is admissible to prohibit certain content on broadcast television and for broadcasters to chose their own limitations, outright censorship will not stand. It may or may not be necessary, but I will simply be asserting the fact that in my own means I have the right to express my opinions and views, even if that means being a total asshole.
Second, I want to loudly state to people of religion that while they have every right to prohibit themselves from performing actions and to be offended by actions I take, I will not stand for them pushing their beliefs on me or anyone else. In that vein I abhor (among other things) missionaries, people who hand out Bibles on campus, and Muslims who insist that their own ban on depicting the prophet of their religion should extend to me.
Now look, I will not consider this to be an annual event (unless the problem worsens to the point that I need to make another statement). I'm sensitive to the fact that I will be offending people who have done nothing to me and am being kind of an asshole about it. I know that a more noble person would simply try to ignore the offensive threats of Muslim radicals instead of trying to return the offense, and that returning the offense will probably have more negative than positive impact. For that reason I won't encourage anybody else to participate, I'll let them make up their own minds. But for me, I feel that when a bully pushes you or spits in your food or repeatedly threatens you or just insults you, it's better to give some response than to just sit there and take it. Saying that bullies will go away if you don't resist them is total bullshit- not only do they not get tired of it, but acknowledge it or not it slowly and surely crushes your soul.
So, as I said, I'll calmly put up my image of Mohammed without forcing anybody to view it, and unfortunately I'll be offending some folks (no more, I suspect, than the offense of shouting obscenities in a shopping mall- they'll get over it), but I'll be making my point that I won't stand for censorship and I do give a fuck what these extremists say and it pisses me off.
May 12th, 2010, 05:03 AM
you Just made my entire trip to america worthwhile rob.
There is going to be some baby making going on when i get there.
But my argument is basically rob's i'm just not as articulate about the way i say it.
May 12th, 2010, 06:18 AM
I fail to see how drawing a picture of Muhammad proves anything. Insulting a widely-held Islamic belief and spewing the ignorant mantra of "look guys, I'm defending my rights" is stupid. This censorship is the result of a handful of ridiculous extremists full of empty threats, and a government clinging desperately to political correctness - it has nothing to do with the vast majority of Muslims.
"But this isn't about offending anyone!"
I'm sure it isn't for most of the participants, but that's beside the point. This 'protest' is an absolute joke, which does nothing but perpetuate presumptuousness in an increasingly Islamophobic society.
I'm sorry, but this whole movement reeks of angst.
Rob Oplawar
May 12th, 2010, 09:15 AM
Did you even read my post?
May 12th, 2010, 11:27 AM
This is stupid, should've been draw a hoaers day instead.
May 12th, 2010, 03:29 PM
This isn't about an islamophobia. Those in the protest just want to tell the muslim people extremists freaks to calm down.
May 12th, 2010, 03:38 PM
Those in the protest just want to tell the muslim people extremists freaks to calm down. doing something that will make them freak out even harder.
May 12th, 2010, 03:39 PM
This isn't about an islamophobia. Those in the protest just want to tell the muslim people extremists freaks to calm down.
We just disrespected your religion.
Feel better?
May 12th, 2010, 03:40 PM doing something that will make them freak out even harder.
What are they going to do about it? They can't do anything without a global war so the only thing that makes sense for them to do is to calm down. The worst thing we can do is submit to them, letting them tell us how to live our lives.
May 12th, 2010, 03:54 PM
Did you even read my post?
Yes - I don't agree with it though.
I'm not trying to argue with your intentions, because I can understand where you're coming from. The censorship was ridiculous, and no government should back down to any religious body (a message at the beginning, warning religious viewers that that 'may be offended' would have sufficed, surely). However, I still believe that this 'protest' is being conducted out of spite, and has very little to do with rights.
May 12th, 2010, 06:45 PM
Drawing cartoons is going too far. Let's behead them. I mean, that's what they would do. That would be fair. :allears:
May 12th, 2010, 06:46 PM
What are they going to do about it? They can't do anything without a global war so the only thing that makes sense for them to do is to calm down. The worst thing we can do is submit to them, letting them tell us how to live our lives.
These are fundamentalists/extremists we're dealing with. Logic does not apply.
May 12th, 2010, 09:17 PM
These are fundamentalists/extremists we're dealing with. Logic does not apply.
If enough people do it, then the extremists could not respond to such blatant blasphemy.
May 13th, 2010, 07:38 AM
If enough people do it, then the extremists could not respond to such blatant blasphemy.
They could headbutt you though :
May 13th, 2010, 07:41 PM
They could headbutt you though :
May 14th, 2010, 02:23 PM
What are they going to do about it? They can't do anything without a global war so the only thing that makes sense for them to do is to calm down. The worst thing we can do is submit to them, letting them tell us how to live our lives.
Religious extremists throughout history have pushed for this because of the deeply rooted idea that their belief is above their life or their belief will help them inevitably win. A global agenda to chase extremists/foreign fighters/terrorists in every region possible would only serve to cause angst against the west (which is another agenda). They won't calm down. They preach that their religion/society/ideals are encroached upon by the west already.
As for the drawing of religious figures, i think that everyone needs to have a mindset where they accept differences of opinion on the matter, and all that jazz, but we're talking about humanity, who's brains are biologically wired to group people and the like. This is an issue that won't go away. The protest is aimed at the wrong group of people. Hell, they could even use the date to protest all kinds of taboos. BUT, they chose specifically to antagonize a group of people, of whom the majority are not extremists, rather than to target the politicians and laws that infringed upon freedoms. This tells me this was organized by either someone bigoted or did not dedicate any thought process to who or what should be protested, and was an immature emotional reaction (which it is). The title of the "holiday" or "protest" is clearly meant to illicit a negative response from a specific group of people.
This whole thing is just pathetic, and likely will comprise of internet 12 year olds doing very very poor drawings.
May 15th, 2010, 06:50 PM
Thunderf00ts response to alot of the messages he's received over the vid
and what i feel is a brilliant and intelligent way to show support for this
That is exactly what i had in mind.
He says he will remove it on the 21st so to not offend the genuine muslims and not the extremists trash.
May 15th, 2010, 07:07 PM
I didn't watch the first video but I watched the 2nd. Interesting.
May 17th, 2010, 10:44 AM
A new video by "Thunderf00t", the man who made the original video presented in this thread:
I'm glad I opted out of this idea at the beginning, because I am seeing more and more people completely miss the mark on how this could have been effectively handled. This "holiday", or event, or whatever you want to call it is now three days away, and it still looks like one of the worst ideas in the history of internet-spawned causes.
Edit: I guess I should have said, for an example of how this could be handled properly, go look at Rob's post. He makes it clear to those about to view his site that there is a picture of Muhammad. He respects the beliefs of Muslims, and helps to make sure they aren't offended.
But what's been created with this internet event is nothing short of a mob. There's no accountability, authority, or concrete organization. You're gonna have dicks, posting images all over the internet, attracting news outlets all over the world. It should have been thought through more beforehand.
May 17th, 2010, 02:17 PM
But what's been created with this internet event is nothing short of a mob. There's no accountability, authority, or concrete organization. You're gonna have dicks, posting images all over the internet, attracting news outlets all over the world. It should have been thought through more beforehand.
It's kind of interesting you said that. I just finished a little book, rather, a declaration of sorts, called The Coming Insurrection written by a bunch of French commies. They were arrested for a supposed terrorist plot involving shutting down utilities and a train i believe. Anyway, they claim that the minute any group with a cause becomes organized they become useless because an organization instantly becomes preoccupied with preserving itself rather than accomplishing the goal. They say that mobs are the best.
May 17th, 2010, 02:22 PM
That's an interesting idea. However, in this case, the mob dynamic leaves open room for bigots and anti-Islamics to hide behind the guise of what they think is a fight for rights. Some people don't know what they're doing as a part of this, and it only serves to hurt the cause they've joined.
May 17th, 2010, 04:03 PM
A new video by "Thunderf00t", the man who made the original video presented in this thread:
I'm glad I opted out of this idea at the beginning, because I am seeing more and more people completely miss the mark on how this could have been effectively handled. This "holiday", or event, or whatever you want to call it is now three days away, and it still looks like one of the worst ideas in the history of internet-spawned causes.
Edit: I guess I should have said, for an example of how this could be handled properly, go look at Rob's post. He makes it clear to those about to view his site that there is a picture of Muhammad. He respects the beliefs of Muslims, and helps to make sure they aren't offended.
But what's been created with this internet event is nothing short of a mob. There's no accountability, authority, or concrete organization. You're gonna have dicks, posting images all over the internet, attracting news outlets all over the world. It should have been thought through more beforehand.
i agree completely and said so on his video.
That is not the way to do it.
May 18th, 2010, 07:36 AM
That's an interesting idea. However, in this case, the mob dynamic leaves open room for bigots and anti-Islamics to hide behind the guise of what they think is a fight for rights. Some people don't know what they're doing as a part of this, and it only serves to hurt the cause they've joined.
It's possible I agree but it doesn't matter because the end result is a picture. It's going to be offensive to muslims no matter what, just some drawings will be offensive to non-muslims. I think that's one of the lines being drawn in this thread: what's offensive to both muslims and non-muslims and that a lot of the doubters wouldn't be if the drawings didn't invlove say, incest or cocks.
May 18th, 2010, 11:27 PM
This was a terrible idea from the start. Bod you had genuine ideas, I personally still don't agree but I completely understand what YOU are trying to accomplish. However, so much of the internet is made up of fuck heads who would look at this as "LETS MAK FUN OF MUSLUMS GUIEZ!! THEY ARE TEH WURLDS PROBLEM" and they're all just jumping on the band wagon and are arguing that followers of Islam are terrible people for censoring our rights. It's bad enough we have the problems and stereotypes in the world that we do now, why do we need to make it any worse? Especially for a religion that has had its innocent followers put through enough American ignorance and bigotry.
May 19th, 2010, 05:06 AM
because thunderf00t is supposed to fucking know and behave better. i mean he has for just about everything else, theres alot of little guys i watch on youtube as well and they're all calling this as a bullshit stunt.
May 19th, 2010, 05:43 AM
because thunderf00t is supposed to fucking know and behave better. i mean he has for just about everything else, theres alot of little guys i watch on youtube as well and they're all calling this as a bullshit stunt.
The moment he started littering his videos with "ftw" and various meme references, I stopped taking it seriously. While I wasn't too keen on it from the get-go (and you know that), his recent videos confirmed my initial thoughts on what was going on.
May 20th, 2010, 09:47 PM
Thank god that not all the people that joined in on this where retarded.
May 21st, 2010, 07:28 AM
Thank God indeed. Meanwhile, in the other camp:
I'll add that this video is another by the "Thunderf00t" user, who made the first video in this thread. At this point I would be hard-pressed to believe that there was ever a cause intended besides antagonizing Muslims. When this kind of behavior is exhibited by one of the most prominent members of a movement, you know your cause has failed.
May 22nd, 2010, 01:48 PM
That video could not be more offensive. Holy living fuck.
Llama Juice
May 22nd, 2010, 02:39 PM
Oh hey, this day happened.
I forgot about this.
Also, that video was rather silly.... and doesn't surprise me at all.
t3h m00kz
May 29th, 2010, 01:49 PM
Thank god that not all the people that joined in on this where retarded.
That's pretty much how I feel on the subject.
The extremists aren't earning anybody's respect with the way they're acting. They need to chill.
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