View Full Version : ATTN: The Lonely Island Guys

May 11th, 2010, 09:53 AM

1:51, if you would kindly.


You are now apart of the Cool Kids Club for Cool Kids!

Sadly, Ernest Borgnine couldn't make it to give you your award, so instead, we'll pay tribute to the many cool kids you get to hang out with in the cool kids playpen!


Some pretty cool kid he is. Hey, I just noticed something. That handsignal looks like the same one that funny cool guy in that funny cool video did. They must be like, cool guy bruthas, man.

More cool kids from the cool club:


Ye Olde Madonna, start of her huge career. Long time cool kid.


Probably the coolest kid in the club atm. He's also a Knight, that makes him like king of the cool kids.

Tupac didn't like the cool kids club, too bad he died not long after making this album:


It's such a shame, maybe him rejecting his invitation to the club was a bad idea? Oh well.

"Dear dark lord satan. Hope everythings good with you, I'm doin fine myself. Just wanna say hi, and uh, ask you to grant tonight's nominees continued success in the music industry"

-Jack Black on the MTV Music Industry


^ What a cool kid shirt!

Also, his guitar inlay on the first fret is that same funky cool pyramid/eye, if you watch the film Pick of Destiny (part where he first gets the guitar). Also, fat bald guy wears a bandanna in the movie with the same symbol also on it. Rockin that cool kids garb straight up diggity dawg! Wish my guitar has awesome occult markings on it!

All mine does is play fucking music :saddowns:

Ok Ok that's enough, now, I know what your thinking:

"Got dam, I wanna be in the cool kids club for cool kids on account of me being moderately cool and a kid. That, and that ninny wart Nanette Manoir is in the club, on account of her being a cool kid, a cooler kid than I"


But don't distress, for you can be in the cool club for cool kids too!



So who runs the cool kids club for cool kids you may ask?





Great Job guys. Way to be fucking sellout douches after the awesomeness of "Like a Boss". Not enough that your the most watched shit on youtube was it?

So who wants to join :neckbeard:

May 11th, 2010, 10:21 AM
This place was better when you were banned. Wtf is this shit?

Choking Victim
May 11th, 2010, 10:25 AM
Aren't you a little old for this? Really now, grow the fuck up.

Llama Juice
May 11th, 2010, 10:37 AM
:ragehate: :bandwagon:

May 11th, 2010, 10:38 AM
Wow you guys are so rude to him.... Its not his fault he can't control it...

May 11th, 2010, 12:00 PM
besto conspiracy to date :3

May 11th, 2010, 12:10 PM
oh look, it's this (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20680) thread again!
