View Full Version : Subway for Call of Duty 4

May 14th, 2010, 03:28 PM
Yeah I made a CoD4 map. It was the biggest pain in the ass I've ever dealt with but I managed to make it work (barely).

This is the mini map image i was going to use but guess what? Call of Duty 4 editor likes to crash instead of accept my gsc file so it's not in there!



This map is hardly finished. It's come quite apparent how horribly unstable the CoD4 radiant editor is so I gave up on trying to add minimaps and shit. The damn compiler is on a crashing streak of about 60 now.

Anyways. To install the maps place them in "Call of Duty 4/Zone/English". Then once you've done that open call of duty 4 and start a server on any random map and go into the console and type /map mp_subway. That will load the map. Make sure everyone in the server already has the map though!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy this map. It was a fucking chore to make it and I vow never to use CoD4 Radiant ever again.

So anyways. Here's the download link.

Download (http://codebrainshideout.net/inferno/public%20files/Call%20of%20Duty%204%20Subway%20Final.rar)


May 14th, 2010, 03:48 PM
Who do airstrikes and helicopters work in this map?

May 14th, 2010, 03:57 PM
It's underground. Why would they work?
UAV is the best kill streak anyways.

May 15th, 2010, 03:59 PM
It's underground. Why would they work?
UAV is the best kill streak anyways.

How do UAVs work when its underground?


Actually, how do UAVs work most of the time <_<

May 15th, 2010, 04:28 PM
How do UAVs work when its underground?


Actually, how do UAVs work most of the time <_<

They use a wall hack of course.