View Full Version : Map Unprotector App

May 17th, 2010, 04:23 AM
Hey guys, so someone released an app that automatically unuprotects maps.
Hr3shy said it was on halomodding.com but I guess they deleted it.

So just warning you guys, maybe someone who's capable can make a new map protector that the unprotector wont work.

May 17th, 2010, 05:25 AM
At this point I dont think it matters anyway if anyone has one, most people who cared about CE in the past enough to protect their work are long gone, its not like modding CE is a big deal anymore , everyones moved onto stuff like Unreal Engine 3 , Source and Cry Engine mainly.

May 17th, 2010, 05:41 AM
At this point I dont think it matters anyway if anyone has one, most people who cared about CE in the past enough to protect their work are long gone, its not like modding CE is a big deal anymore , everyones moved onto stuff like Unreal Engine 3 , Source and Cry Engine mainly.

Thought it was a big deal a good while ago, but now I look back and think, "why?" It's so much ado about nothing. Get better, release shit, don't get wrapped up in puerile drama and nonsense. If someone ends up taking a BSP-converter to whatever I release in Source, I won't care all that much. Maybe they'll learn something from it!

And let's be fair, those deconverters are fabulous learning tools. It's hard to describe just how informative it is to tear into a Valve VMF and see how everything fits together.

May 17th, 2010, 06:42 AM
hr3shy got it from somewhere, and he sent it it me so I know its around.
I don't want my stuff used, I put my heart into some of my stuff and to have some noob from halomaps rip all my stuff, put it in a different BSP and have people playing that map instead of mine because they have my tags + a bunch of other ripped tags is a piss off.

I like my maps to be nice and original, and I want to keep my original stuff to my own maps. I still release some of my original stuff, but that's the only stuff I want people to use, other then my team after my stuff is released. Because I love my team (I love you guys too, but my team comes first) and I trust them to not put my content in noobish garbage, and to give me proper credit.

Have ever heard the power of suggestion/prayer. Everything you saw is actually a prayer. So if you keep saying to yourself that your happy, you will eventually become happy, but if you keep saying you're sad and depressed, you will stay sad and depressed.

So by continuing to say the "the community is dead," or "the community is dieing" will just make it for sure. Try saying "the community won't die, people are just taking a break." And it could just save the community. I said I quit for good, and I ended up coming back after a year. I started to miss the ol engine and came back. That could very well happen with a lot of the geezers.
But no, you don't need to believe my hippy beliefs.

My cousin also works in the game industry, he was working for EA, he quit, was working in Australia for a while and when he came back to Canada, I showed him my ALPHA release of overdose, he was amazed at my age I could do that stuff self taught (I know, once we get into this stuff it doesn't seem like much, but it is) and he told me that once I get my grade 12 I can hand this in for a resume and a game company would hire me just like that. And if everyone else is using my tags and trying to take credit for them, and the game company see's someone saying its their stuff so they go up to you and say "hey, wtf, this guy is saying he made the stuff your claiming is yours." That could cost you your job if they don't believe you, and since I have a skin head gangster appearance (which I'm totally not gangster or a nazi) people don't trust me, even though I never lie, steal from people, rip people off, make fun of people, or take advantage of people. Once you really get to know me I end up being the most trust worthy person you know.

You guys may not care, but some people still definitely do, they put a lot of time into their work. Now I've never seen what you guys have made, but maybe you don't care about the APP because the content you make doesn't have any love put into it, or that great of quality period. and you just were waiting for an APP to come out so you can do what everyone else will be doing and not get flamed to shit for using stuff from protected maps.

Please, I want others opinions on this matter.

And that was my 2 cents.

May 17th, 2010, 07:57 AM
Wait, wut?

It's like you had a point, but while delivering it you dropped it and broke it into a thousand pieces, and then tried to wrap it up and still deliver it after gluing it back together. With that being said, the map unprotector doesn't really hurt anyone. No one "owns" the content they create, Bungie/Microsoft does. That and it's not like people are creating much these days. I wouldn't sweat it.

Also, poll needs a IDGAF option.

May 17th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I am FOR map protection.

If it was not there then all the noobs will join and just make mod stupid mods... And the map creater should have a choice whether or not people can use THEIR work.

May 17th, 2010, 08:59 AM
People are still bickering over this?
Halo CE has been out for how many years now?
The Halo modding community has got to be one of the most antisocial groups I've known, in no other community that I know of, do people go through such effort to "protect" their maps, likewise with people trying to break those locks.
I hate to say it Malolo, but in this day and age is it Really worth the effort to make a huge fuss out of this.
Map protection has been able to be broken for a long time now, people are going to rip wherther there's a application out or not, even CMT Masters has realised this.
My advice, if you're really that upset about people using your work, go and put your works on another games engine which has much more respect for creators, like source or unreal.

May 17th, 2010, 09:24 AM
once that map passes through tool, its no longer your tag set amigo, all of it then belongs to Microsoft/Bungie

protection in CE maps in this day and age is a redundant thing

also I agree with the valve stuff, its fun to tear into that stuff to see how its done. peole who are pro-protection should never try to go into the OS fields of source and UDK

May 17th, 2010, 09:24 AM
Agreed. Get over it.

May 17th, 2010, 09:57 AM
Rip it, I don't care. The only thing I really made was BSP's, everything else was just Halo 1 stock stuff.

May 17th, 2010, 10:18 AM
Assuming that people protected using irreversible protection in HEK+, I don't see how this supposed app can "un"-protect said map (since it destroys the tag name table IIRC, not to mention obfuscates the tag groups). The tag groups may be fixable (since he didn't change the default location of the scenario and globals tags) but without the names...you don't have anything useful or much in the way of organizable.

May 17th, 2010, 10:19 AM
Rip it, I don't care. The only thing I really made was BSP's, everything else was just Halo 1 stock stuff.
I myself could care less about ripping, what bugs me is despite AGREEING to the EULA people still go and protect maps, you're basically denying MS and Bungie stuff that belongs TO them and in short their users when you protect a map that has been run through tool

May 17th, 2010, 11:46 AM
Like Korn said, for people to rip the tags it takes alot of effort, I doubt this app will just simply unlock all the tags ready for the picking, it might be able to extract sections and will still need work.

I'm still for map protection though, people protected their maps for a reason. I wonder who made the unprotector app, and I wonder if it really works.

May 17th, 2010, 12:59 PM
No one "owns" the content they create, Bungie/Microsoft does. That and it's not like people are creating much these days. I wouldn't sweat it.

I myself could care less about ripping, what bugs me is despite AGREEING to the EULA people still go and protect maps, you're basically denying MS and Bungie stuff that belongs TO them and in short their users when you protect a map that has been run through tool

Microsoft cannot tell you what is/isn't yours through a simple EULA. If you believe that, then if they say they own your first born child and all files on your computer upon compiling a map, it's entirely legal...right? What they can tell you is that you do not own the structure of the tag, thus preventing anyone from using it in any way Microsoft does not approve of.

They are protecting the tags so they cannot be misused. How could you misuse them? Well, if you created your own game engine, but you didn't want to put any effort into making your own Guerilla or Tool with the same tags we use in Halo CE, you would be in trouble. Even if you were to create your own tools, but the tags are identical in structure, you would be in trouble. It's just to make sure someone can't take the Halo engine and make a full retail game, without an actual tools engineer.

Now, although your original asset changes formats and is in a different type of format, consider this: If you buy a music CD from the store and rip it to your hard drive to an MP3 file, does the record company still own it, despite it being in a different format? Or how about if you compile bitmaps or sounds from different games into Halo? Does Microsoft now own their assets, even free GPL ones? If you start with a bitmap and compile it into a tag, then reverse it and it resembles your original file, it's yours. When it's in the tag, it's just in a different format. That is what makes their EULA worth jack shit, even if it literally says they own everything you make.

May 17th, 2010, 02:22 PM
Hey guys, so someone released an app that automatically unuprotects maps.
Hr3shy said it was on halomodding.com but I guess they deleted it.

So just warning you guys, maybe someone who's capable can make a new map protector that the unprotector wont work.

Sorry to be a dick, but, cool story bro.

How many times have we established that we have no legal rights over or entitlement to content we create for this engine, and that the CE community is about the only modding community that suffers from this problem despite that fact?

Locking this because I'm sick to death of the drama this topic generates.