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View Full Version : Remove a weapon from a map

May 18th, 2010, 11:15 AM

So now that Sidewinders gameplay is fixed, here the next problem: Chill Out

Nades totally ruin Chill Out, the map is to small for nades. I want to start with a pistol, so generic starting equipment is enabled.
But this also gives everyone two nades. I've seen servers where you start with 6 nades, so it should be possible to start with only 1 or even zero nades.

But how?

OLD TOPIC: Remove a weapon from a map

I have absolutely no clue about modding but I would like to create a Halo PC dedicated server that has no over/invis and no rocket launchers on sidewinder.
I already googled and found Sparkedit.
But when I edit Sidewinder with Sparkedit and put it on the dedicated server, it locks up. The map loads and you can play but rcon and mapcycle gets disabled somehow.
Of course the clients do not have the modded map on their halo installation.

What I want to do is a classic CTF based gametype with no ghosts, just one hog per base. No over/invis and the rocketlaunchers on the cliffs are exchanged with sniperrifles.

The best way would be to mod the gametype in the savegames directory, but I couldn't find how to create truly custom gametypes where you can modify all weapon spawns. So I thought I mod sidewinder.map on the server.

Are there other tools beside Sparkedit that can remove weapons and items from a mapfile?
Couldn't I just hexedit the sidewinder.map file and exchange "Overshield spawns here" with "Nothing spawns here" or "Rocket spawns here" whith "Sniper spawns here"?

Thank you very much

May 18th, 2010, 12:41 PM
Kind of pointless since all your clients would require the modded map file to see the changes made in the map, we have enough issues getting people to download custom maps on CE let alone PC. That said, Sparkedit is the best tool for what you want to do, I have no idea why the server is locking up on you.

May 18th, 2010, 02:52 PM
It seems like it only locks up with a modded sidewinder.map. All other maps I tested work when edited with Sparkedit.
If you just exchange weapons, the clients don't need the modded map. There are lots of servers modded on PC this way.

When playing sidewinder it always ends in one or two heavys spawnkilling in the opposide base and some guys with flamers and over/invis coming from the cave ... I hate that :(

May 18th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Actually Freelancer, weapons do sync so the client does not have to have the modded map if you do it right.

Additionally. Try removing the weapons with HMTv3.5. The index of the netgame equipment should be in the scenario files.

May 18th, 2010, 03:48 PM
Use sparkedit find the netgame equipment, delete? I don't think it can get much easier...

May 19th, 2010, 02:51 AM
Actually Freelancer, weapons do sync so the client does not have to have the modded map if you do it right.

Additionally. Try removing the weapons with HMTv3.5. The index of the netgame equipment should be in the scenario files.

Pretty sure vehicles do too because I know I've joined more than 1 Halo PC server on Boarding Action that had Banshees enabled.

May 19th, 2010, 08:13 AM
Use sparkedit find the netgame equipment, delete? I don't think it can get much easier...


There is way to mod sidewinder and keep rcon but it's really convoluted and i only know one person who has done it but it involves converting to CE to PC and other shit...so...

May 19th, 2010, 12:17 PM
Ok, I found a solution, just hexedit the x-y-z coordinates from the powerups so that they spawn in an unreachable location. No need for sparkedit.

So now that Sidewinders gameplay is fixed, here the next problem: Chill Out

Nades totally ruin Chill Out, the map is to small for nades. I want to start with a pistol, so generic starting equipment is enabled.
But this also gives everyone two nades. I've seen servers where you start with 6 nades, so it should be possible to start with only 1 or even zero nades.

But how?

December 13th, 2010, 03:19 PM
Hello i run a server and i do mods on halo combat /halo pc i was hoping in my map cycle 2 have king of the hill without starting ' nades ' no setting's built in 2 stop them SO LAME LOL any way help me i have H.M.T 3.5 -SparkEdit - Do i have 2 have HEK ....? Please Help [ Reason ] Its way easyer as a Admin not to have to kick players for nade spamming the king halo isn't all NOOB'S PPL help me this guy sanni above me isnt crazy its true bungie loves nades and i hate it PS thanks Teambungie<3