View Full Version : [SOURCE] let's play: resistance and liberation (again)

May 20th, 2010, 10:09 AM
The RnL team have finally released the mod's open beta. You can get it from their ModDB downloads page (http://www.moddb.com/mods/resistance-liberation/downloads/resistance-and-liberation-open-beta-10-installer).

Last time I played RnL in any sort of meaningful way was A0.4 about two years ago (yes, it's really been that long). The beta is a mixed bag. In some respects, it's an improvement - the American paras look a lot better than they used to, the ironsights are less clunky, and the process of getting into a server, onto a team and into a squad role has been streamlined by axing the loadout screen - but it still feels like you're controlling a brick and there are just as many bugs. That said, it is quite fun when you've got a team with more than a single neuron between them.

The proximity VOIP system is a nice feature, meaning you can hear nearby enemy chatter and they can hear you. This also means you can actually communicate with the enemy when you need to. Surrounded? Toss your weapons and surrender. They'll probably just take you out back and execute you anyway, but if you're feeling really cheap you can pretend to give up while really baiting them into a trap. Of course, since most people playing the mod speak English, you also have scenarios where some sneaky fuck will creep into a building you're trying to clear, announce that there's nothing there, and then roll up on you and cap you while you're least expecting it.

The weapons have also had some work done. The Germans now have a G43 (currently using the K98 model as a placeholder, which caused some confusion at first), as well as a K98 with a long eye relief ZF41 (although some genius put such a strong lens flare on the diffuse that it's nigh impossible to see through the cunt). They also have the MG42, although for some completely fucking retarded reason the look controls are inverted when it's deployed. Oh well, I guess it's an open beta for a reason. The Americans, too, have some new toys: the M1A1 paratrooper carbine, the BAR, and the M1919.

Currently the beta only has two maps: Ardennes (which is shitty as all fuck) and St. Come-du-Mont (which is okay). St. Come provides some decent opportunities for room clearing (somehow I really get a kick out of opening a door and busting through a house sweeping my Tommy or M1A1 Carbine around the place like I'm king shit) but the outdoors areas leave a lot to be desired; cover is fairly sparse and owing to bugs, weapons can be frustrating at times. This is still a Source mod and although it includes vaulting and climbing (oh, did I forget that? Well yeah, it does, and it's kinda cool) the engine still views you as a giant box with a gun poking out. As a result, movement is clunky and hitboxes are pretty bad, but hey, it's getting there. Unfortunately some bright spark saw fit to speed up the usual movement speed, so if you intend on fighting indoors, you'll want to just crouchwalk it. Also for some fucktarded reason, they removed the part where you actually need to take out, unfold, and then read from a proper map which is a 3D object. It's now just a gamey overlay with squadmates shown by arrows and capzones marked, like we're too dumb to navigate properly or something. You don't even lower your weapon. I can only hope they'll change this back. Oh, and grenades are fucked - if they don't kill you outright but you're still pretty close, they fucking force-push you several feet. Presumably this will be fixed.

As far as I can tell, bullet penetration is modelled to at least some degree, and ballistics aren't bad. Animations are glitchy but generally alright, and the art assets as a whole look fairly nice.

Currently there are only a handful of servers and seldom more than one with a decent population at any one time, but if you can get in there while there are a decent number of non-retarded players, it's not bad.

e/ 31 may hi here's a video i don't know if it's any good because my internet is fucked but whatever

this was a few patches ago

Now, I tantalise you with screenshots:

Wise to our sneaky plan to infiltrate Dead Man's Corner through the cellar, those dastardly Jerries get all Donkey Kong on our sorry arses and roll wine barrels down the stairs.

This man shot me through the door, shortly before Kolby returned the favour.

Ha, German NCO! My room clearing skills are clearly superior!

Aw, fuck. Someone's gonna have to clean this up. (This was the result of some cunt using ESP, note the neatly-stitched line of bulletholes in the adjacent wall - even when we crept up without a sound, he'd somehow know we were there and hose us down)


also notice the dust from some faggot shooting through the wall at me

Clearer shot of the Tommy, also a dead German

Being all ninja and shit with the squad RTO

I turned around for about two seconds to look out the attic window, and immediately heard a fuckfight right on my position. I found the same RTO standing over these two from the landing above with his Carbine still smoking :golfclap:

Covering the house across the street, or at least the entrance to it. (Who the fuck actually tilts their entire body, including weapon, when taking shots around corners?)

Grenade bait 1502

The bayonets on the M1 and K98 are permanently fixed for now, but sound file names hint that later on they'll be removeable

Room-to-room combat with a Garand, with the bayonet attached. Do not fucking do this shit at home, retards.

Dude came out of fucking nowhere :ohdear:

Some guy shooting shit

About the only piece of decent cover for at least a hundred yards. Fuck life.

Trust me, if you've been hit, you'll know about it.

The M1A1 is okay for closer-range shit and not entirely useless for room clearance, but it isn't too crash hot at reaching out and touching people - although that's why the M1 was retained in service anyway


Okay look guys this is why we have a fucking challenge and pass and not 'thunder/flash' because every fucker knows that :lolugh:

Don't be fooled, this is as much a game of reflexes as the twitchiest of twitch shooters (or at least, on the two currently available maps). You just never know when a German is going to come barrelling through the door while your oblivious teammate nearly runs headlong into him. No thanks for saving his pathetic life, as usual 1503

This would be pretty if people weren't getting shot left and right

Well it's no Tommy, but it still works

Betcha can't do that in yer silly fuckin' Call of Honor games 1504

bonus screen:

private kolobus and corporal rossmum hold dead man's corner against repeated german attacks only to be cheated of glory by the germans capping out and winning the round

e/ You may notice I have my irons up in most of the screenshots. It's because RnL has a fairly unique system - right mouse brings your sights up but allows freelook, holding right mouse steadies your sights and focuses slightly but at the cost of peripheral vision. You also hold your breath, so doing it for too long fucks your aim.

Pyong Kawaguchi
May 20th, 2010, 11:38 AM
Isn't there a game called Resistance: Liberation for the psp?

May 20th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Why the fuck would I know/care and how the fuck is that relevant to this thread

May 20th, 2010, 05:31 PM
Is this as fluid as Red Orchestra or is it all choppy and shit, like WWI: Source?

Also, still need Episode 2 to play this.

May 20th, 2010, 07:51 PM
Gotta free up some space for dis.

May 21st, 2010, 02:34 AM
Is this as fluid as Red Orchestra or is it all choppy and shit, like WWI: Source?

Also, still need Episode 2 to play this.
Not as fluid as RO but it's not quite as much of a chop-fest as WWI: Source.

Fuck, if someone implemented Mirror's Edge-like fluidity of movement with decent shooter elements (i.e. not ones from Mirror's Edge) I would turn gay for them

May 21st, 2010, 02:46 AM
looks interesting. The obviously most important factor has been left out, however.

How are the FP animations?

May 21st, 2010, 05:35 AM
Except for when they glitch out, a mixed bag. Most of them are good, but a few are pretty iffy.

e/ also I know this is something only a sperglord like myself would care about or even notice but holy shit the sound of empty casings bouncing and rolling across the floor after you've just fucked someone up with half a mag of .45 ACP gives me a gigantic boner

May 25th, 2010, 11:42 AM
http://sae.tweek.us/static/images/emoticons/emot-frogsiren.gif 1.1 PATCH NOW OUT http://sae.tweek.us/static/images/emoticons/emot-frogsiren.gif

they broke some stuff but also fixed some stuff and the patch is relatively small so download it

May 25th, 2010, 10:09 PM
some more screens so you faggots will get interested and play this and form a Modacity Platoon and we can own scrubs

i will not lie, room clearing in this mod gives me a gigantic boner

could it be... a smoothing error...

wonky smoothing aside, the bar pretty much owns at any range. near...


wherever you are...

get the fuck out of my thread celine dion, this is about KILLIN GERMANS

you need to pay attention to everything in more urban areas. this is an mg42 in a window, getting all set to fuck up any of my buddies unfortunate/dumb enough to run through the archway and try to cross the street. luckily for me, i went all flanky flanky on his arse and crossed lower down it (after shooting him in the face).

the mp40 is okay for close stuff but slightly less powerful than the tommy, plus it fires a lot slower. it's easy to tell which is which just by the rate of fire alone

that said, it will fuck someone's day right up when used properly

wrong password fuckface


wow fuck my gay miserable life on this gay earth

more room clearance funtimes

chillin' on the german flank

i just thought this looked kinda awesome

the garand reload anims are pretty fucking nice

what the carbine lacks in range, power and accuracy, it makes up for in rate of fire and manoeuvreability

it seems they're starting to implement different reload animations depending on your position now


nooooooooooo random guy i don't know

leaning does have its uses, but i find myself using it very little currently. probably something to do with me gravitating to the nearest building. rolling while prone, on the other hand...

the zf41 is now marginally less shit, but the lens is still abysmally dirty

get your fat arse out of my way thief

unfortunately the devs do not understand the concept of eye relief, i.e. when you're not directly lined up you can't see shit through the scope. not only that but it seems the scope's render target isn't always what the rifle is pointing at

what a pretty rifle and what a pretty farmyard

note the tiny sight picture through the zf41, since it's mounted so far forwards. this is actually a correct designated marksman setup; real snipers mounted their scopes more traditionally. this game focuses on squad-level combat, so no real snipers. cry about it.

how does it feel, motherfucker? how does it feel to be dead?

i just thought the reflections off the german's helmet were really pretty in this one

that's a teammate, so no i didn't shoot

the g43 now has a world model, still uses the k98 view model as a placeholder though

you can leave that house when i say you can motherfucker

simply tossing your weapon down for a teammate won't do. you need to toss your ammo too

this also means if a bro runs out, you can share and keep both of you in the fight. quite clever really

what really happens to prisoners of war...

this guy went to pick up an mp40 before realising it was empty, and is now frantically searching for his garand. the devs have yet to make dead enemies lootable for ammo, and i'm not sure if they even will.

~action shot~

safe in the knowledge that the immediate threat had been neutralised, pte bar gunner burst around the corner, ready to run the length of the road into the east village. *gets cut to pieces by mg42 fire*

May 25th, 2010, 11:16 PM
Why are half of these pictures of you camping in rooms?

May 26th, 2010, 12:08 AM
could it be that running down the street bunnyhopping with a k98 in a fairly realistic game is a dumb idea? and that i got caught in a house as the enemy were raiding it?

May 26th, 2010, 11:33 AM
True true. But it's a source game, Bhopping is a neccesity.

I'm just looking for more action shots instead of still cams of camping in corners. Take some video?

May 26th, 2010, 12:02 PM
I would, except my internet is horrible, so uploading would be an issue. That said, I'll hunt around and see if anyone else has got some good footage.

May 26th, 2010, 12:49 PM
Xfire is actually really good for that. It encodes the videos locally so uploading is usually only like 5mb for every 3 minutes of video.

May 26th, 2010, 12:56 PM
Good looking mod.

May 31st, 2010, 07:58 AM
edited first post with a video

May 31st, 2010, 11:35 AM
This is one of those games that's too slow moving for me. I like the use of strategy but there looks like a lack of skill based game play (aim games and evasion). It's sort of like the polar opposite of games like unreal.

Though I have to admit there modelers and textures are very talented. I love the look of that M1. :downs:

May 31st, 2010, 12:41 PM
if you get shot you pretty much die, you can't duck out of the way faster than something moving at 3,000 feet per second. this mod is for realism (in fact the devs take it a bit too far for a game in my opinion, but they also have a skewed perception of realism owing to the fact they've probably never had any sort of formal training or firsthand experience)

see i like making use of cover and being all sneaky and pro as fuck and watching my arc of responsibility when i'm in a group, i can't stand unreal

May 31st, 2010, 09:42 PM
Does getting knifed in the toe or shot in the hand kill you instantly in this game.

Sort of like... We all know what game does this...


Perfect Example

http://video.xfire.com/1ef001-4.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/video/1ef001/)

May 31st, 2010, 09:49 PM
I don't know. There's no knife, and I've never actually used the bayonet in it, but as far as I can tell it's not a one-hit kill to the toe or hand.

Actually, if it gets you in the hand it'll probably make you drop your weapon, same as if you get shot there. Getting shot in the legs really slows you down and makes movement laboured.

May 31st, 2010, 11:58 PM
Actually, if it gets you in the hand it'll probably make you drop your weapon, same as if you get shot there. Getting shot in the legs really slows you down and makes movement laboured.

Holy fuck, now I really gotta get in on this mod. I'll join the Modacity Platoon if you guys feel like making one. I've been waiting for a good WWII squad-based multiplayer shooter like this for a very long time, but for years the closest I could get was Day of Defeat: Source. The main gripe I have with what I've seen so far is that the iron sights are tiny as fuck unless you aim and then zoom in. That takes for ever in a twitch firefight. Gotta wait three more days until my Bandwidth over-limit is reset to download this, though :smith:

June 1st, 2010, 12:02 AM
If it's that you've been waiting for then fucked if I know why you never bought Red Orchestra, which is far and away superior to any competition

June 1st, 2010, 12:40 AM
If it's that you've been waiting for then fucked if I know why you never bought Red Orchestra, which is far and away superior to any competition

Multiple times my mind was locked in a struggle whether to buy RO or not, especially with all the deals on it 2 years ago. However, it looked like many people were moving away from it and I already had Day of Defeat: Source, so I stuck with that and I still play that regularly. Also, RO is an aged game. I'm more interested in what independent developers can do with the Source engine, which is pretty awesome. Also, I just realized that this mod will have a campaign. That will be the fucking bomb.

June 1st, 2010, 12:57 AM
It's going to have a campaign? I wouldn't hold your breath. They haven't even sorted out the many and varied issues in MP yet, much less anything useful in a campaign. I'd download it anyway because it's fun to play with friends, but Heroes of Stalingrad is going to be the WWII shooter to end all WWII shooters. It will definitely have campaigns (one for the Germans, one for the Russians if I recall correctly), and aside from that, they're working with modders to deliver a Pacific expansion with USMC and IJA campaigns.

RO is actually doing quite well for its age, the DH mod in particular.

June 1st, 2010, 03:59 AM
I'd be more inclined to read this thread ross if my internet didnt fucking die as soon as i open it, considering i'm on the fastest internet i can get.

June 1st, 2010, 11:32 AM
Cry me a fucking river you softcock, I'm shaped right now

June 1st, 2010, 04:38 PM
WTF is this shit? I've installed everything and patched it and now it wants to download the source SDK. Jesus, I'm running out of space on my hard drive.

June 1st, 2010, 06:51 PM
You sure it's not the SDK base? Pretty much every Source mod requires that as far as I know

June 1st, 2010, 07:23 PM
It probably is, although Insurgency doesn't require me to have it. The SDK base 2007 is 1126mb. I'll download it anyways.

June 2nd, 2010, 05:24 PM
Aight so I played it for an hour or two last night. I've never had a more horrible experience in the Source engine. The beta was riddled with so many bugs and stupid features. At least give us the scoreboard until the game is out of beta. Also, the class selection is absolutely retarded unless the three times I joined the game there was a bug that gave me a hard time choosing a class. There was so much TKing going on, it wasn't funny. I dunno, if something is gonna have that many bugs, at least address the more important ones (not being able to reload/fire/sprint/crouch, etc) before releasing a beta. This beta played more like an alpha build.

June 2nd, 2010, 08:28 PM
It has its bugs, but most of them are easily avoided or fixed. I get the odd problem where I'll spawn in someone else or get stuck in a wall, but you just kill yourself in console - it's not like anyone can see ratios, let alone give a fuck (I'll drop a massive hint to everyone: if you care about kill/death stats, don't even bother playing this, or any other realism game for that matter; we don't want you). It's annoying but it's not too bad. I've been playing on and off since they released the first alpha so I'm pretty familiar with its issues, but if you give it a little time you'll get used to it.

As for the TKing... yeah. I've run into that once or twice, but generally people don't do it deliberately. You might've picked a bad time to join.

June 13th, 2010, 05:00 AM

go to their moddb page to get it, it adds the viewmodel for the g43 (albeit with only the most basic of skins) and fixes various things